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Enews – Week 4, Term 4 2017

Issue no. 34Enews-banner

Saints Girls Shine on ABC

Two of our talented Music students blew audiences away on ABC Radio this week. Charlotte Bleby and Ellen Zhang combined their keyboard and trumpet skills, delivering a superb duet during Peter Goers’ popular Evenings show. The Year 9 girls also performed a solo piece each, delighting listeners who sent in messages of appreciation.

They presented themselves with confidence and class, showing maturity well beyond their years. It’s another shining example of the calibre of the Music program here at Saints Girls.

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From the Director of Early Learning

W4 Director of Early Learning Article

The Richness of our Backyard

Kate-Mount-ELC-picFerguson Park has become an integral part of our ELC learning in 2017. We are now visiting the park daily in small groups and exploring more deeply life in the park, developing our ecological awareness. It is amazing what you discover when you fine tune your observation skills. Our two year old room was the first group to spot our friend, the bearded dragon lizard, and took great delight sharing this with the rest of the ELC. We are now all onto its whereabouts and have witnessed a change of colour and great tree climbing skills by our new friend. The art of camouflage is clearly its forte.

When designing the Centre in 2014, we were definite in our intention to capture the essence of the park, create incredible outlooks for the children and staff, and also to provide easy access. We recognised how fortunate we were to already have this incredible resource whilst others have to try create it in their outdoor areas. Our question, though, was: how could we maximise the benefits of this special place? Apart from the obvious impact on our wellbeing by being surrounded by nature, we now have the benefit of deep engagement with the park on a daily basis. We have witnessed a shift in the way it is used and viewed by the children. They are respectful of nature, quick to alert their educators if they see someone not caring appropriately and more thoughtful in their interactions so as not to disturb living creatures. They have even made significant changes to their room’s Essential Agreements incorporating care for nature.

There is a delight in sharing stories from the park; the children have named many special places – we have the best friend tree, the rainbow tree, the pom pom tree and many others. These names signify how significant these places are to the children and are beginning to form a story that connects us with the park. It also provides a story from the past to the future, allowing us to acknowledge in a meaningful way the Kaurna people and say thank you for our beautiful backyard.

We are taking our stories, learning and thinking into 2018 as we hope to create a spectacular mosaic pathway which will be the unfolding of our rich learning. In a sequenced story, the path will become a place in our ELC gardens that will be an expression of our understandings and represent our special friends and places. Having Ferguson Park at our backdoor has surpassed our expectations of learning opportunities this year. The children and the adults have had a big shift in perspective and it is very exciting!

Kate Mount
Director of Early Learning

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SACE Arts Exhibition


The Stage 2 SACE Visual Arts Exhibition was held on Tuesday 7 November with students, parents and staff in attendance. Their final pieces were displayed in the Arts Centre foyer alongside their artist statements and folios.

The exhibition demonstrated the students’ dedication and efforts across a range of visual art forms and media including sculpture, painting, drawing, textiles and design.

Have a look at the short video below to see their creations.

Kirsten Mansfield
Art and Design Teacher

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Open A and B Tennis Claim IGSSA Shields!

W4 Tennis

The A grade tennis girls had a convincing win over Westminster on Monday night to secure the shield for the second year in a row. They went undefeated the whole season with Olivia Harby and Yasmin Glazbrook winning every singles match. Jade Leyden is to be commended for her desire to play every week despite being in Year 12 and having a busy schedule. The girls had outstanding results in both Term 1 and Term 4 and we wish them the best of luck with the upcoming season as they attempt to win the shield again next year.

The B grade tennis girls recorded amazing results all season as they were determined to win the shield. This is the first time in history that St Peter’s Girls has ever won the B shield, and it is a great honour. The girls’ toughest round all season was against Pulteney as there were a lot of close matches, but they secured the win by 3 games. Clair Kao was undefeated all season. Year 7s Sienna Glazbrook and Mia Dodd both played brilliantly and are ones to look out for. Good luck to the B team in 2018 as they aim for back-to-back victory.

Tiana Glazbrook
Tennis Captain

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Year 1 Sleepover

W4 Year 1 Sleepover

Last Friday, at 5.30pm, 45 excited and slightly nervous girls arrived at school for the much-anticipated sleepover.

Once the sleeping arrangements were sorted, a fun-filled evening ensued. A sausage sizzle dinner (thanks to the two dads, Simon and Anthony, who were coerced for the task!), an ice block for dessert, and some fun on the playground in Bell Yett Reserve were followed by a quick change into pyjamas. After teeth were cleaned, it was time to snuggle down into sleeping bags to view ‘The Little Rascals’ movie.

By 9.30pm most girls were asleep, so the teachers could settle in for a long night of fitful snoozing under the glare of lights which wouldn’t turn off! The majority of the girls didn’t wake until 6am, so once all was packed up, breakfast was served in the staff room. Pikelets and fruit were eaten with gusto!

Before we knew it, parents were arriving to collect their daughters which signalled that teachers had survived another sleepover!

Liz Sandercock and Alana Lesiw
Year 1 Teachers

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Dumplings, Dumplings, Dumplings – Year 10 Food and Hospitality

W4 Food and Hospitality

This week, the Year 10 Foodies have continued with their practical experience into running a successful small business. The students participated in a very constructive meeting to discuss possible ventures that would appeal to our target market and that were achievable in the time available to the class. The outcome was the trial of dumplings and the subsequent sale of these to staff and students on Tuesday.

The dumplings were very popular and a huge success with us selling out within 10 minutes of our stall opening. The students have been able to build their confidence with large scale production and small business management through this unit of work.

Combined profits from this event and the curry sales will be distributed evenly between the House Charities.

Jenni Manson and the Year 10 Food and Hospitality class

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Upcoming Events in Term 4

W4 Upcoming Events
Term 4 is a time where the School celebrates many significant events. We encourage you to mark these dates in your diary and keep an eye out for invitations via email.

Sports Awards 2017

The Sports Awards will be held from 4 – 6pm in the Arts Centre on Thursday 23 November.

As this is a school event, all students in Years 7 – 9 are expected to attend, and all students in Years 10 – 12 who have participated in sport throughout the year are encouraged to attend. Year 12s will receive a memento for their service to sport.

Food can be pre-ordered via www.trybooking.com/332036

Year 6 Graduation and PYP Exhibition

The Year 6 Graduation and PYP Exhibition will be held in the Arts Centre at 2pm on Wednesday 6 December 2017.

Year 9 Graduation

The Year 9 Graduation will be held in the Arts Centre at 2.15pm on Friday 1 December 2017.

Presentation Night

Presentation Night will be held at 7pm in the Adelaide Town Hall on Friday 8 December 2017. All students in Years 7 – 12 are expected to attend.

Carols in the Cathedral

Carols in the Cathedral will be held at 7pm in St Peter’s Cathedral, North Adelaide on Monday 11 December. All students in Years 3 – 12 are expected to attend.

We look forward to welcoming the School community to these events.

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Parents’ and Friends’ Association AGM

W3 P&F Logo_BlueParents’ and Friends’ Association AGM
Thursday 16 November
From 6.30pm
Food Tech Centre

The passion and commitment of our parents goes a long way to building a sense of community amongst our School families.

Under the very capable leadership of the P&F Executive and Community Relations’ staff, the Parents’ and Friends’ Association supports school events and initiatives, provides fantastic events and ‘fun’draising opportunities each year.

We’d love to see some new parents involved in the executive, however, you do not necessarily need to attend monthly meetings in order to be part of the wider P&F community and volunteer throughout the year.

The upcoming P&F AGM is an important meeting to review our activities in 2017 and determine the new Executive Committee for 2018. We encourage you all to come along and here some of our fantastic plans for next year. It will be a fun night, and drinks and nibbles will be provided.

Positions available include:

The President chairs the meeting and oversees all activities of the P&F and the other Office Bearers

Vice President
The Vice President chairs in the absence of the President and supports the President

The Secretary keeps minutes, sends and receives all correspondence

The Treasurer balances all income and expenditure approved by the Office Bearers and provides a monthly report to the committee

Each role requires a close working relationship with the School, and anyone wishing to stand for one of these positions is encouraged to speak with Melissa Westgate in the Community Relations Office or myself.

The P&F would like to thank all those who have contributed to its various fundraising activities or have volunteered to help at its events in 2017. I would also like to thank the P&F Executive for their hard work and support during the year.

I look forward to seeing you all at the AGM.

Our P&F Association is ready to hit the ground running once again next year, so please take note of our 2018 Community Events listed on fridge magnets supplied at Drinks on the Deck.

Richard Auricht

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Success at Inaugural SA Philosothon

W4 Philosothon

Ebony-Jade Nash-Smith, Natacha Zisos Troupakis, Holly Wallman-Craddock, Emily Loh,  and I recently attended the first ever South Australian Philosothon which was held at Prince Alfred College. In our team of five, we had one person representing each year level plus a sub. We arrived at PAC at 5pm and were informed of how the evening would present: four half-hour discussions with short breaks in between. Basically, a Philosothon is an inter-school philosophy competition in which teams engage in a series of discussions about complex ethical and philosophical issues. The aim of a discussion is for the participants to work together and build on each other’s ideas to collectively come up with a conclusion about the issue. The groups were sorted by age and consisted of 12 individuals. The four topics discussed were:

• Is it moral to create a donor baby?
• Is the mind a physical thing?
• Is privacy important?
• Will machines ever become human?

As a school, we placed second, and individually, Holly placed second for her age group, and I placed third for mine. The judges assessed and marked our team on the consistency of high quality answers. It was a greatly memorable night that we all thoroughly enjoyed and I know we are looking forward to nationals.

Ammi Yagnik
Year 10 student

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Primary Maths Challenge Awards Presentation

W4 Primary Maths Challenge

Last Friday evening at the Festival Function Centre in Findon, our amazing Junior School mathematicians were presented with trophies and medals from the Primary Maths Challenge by SA Education Minister Susan Close.

Angel Li from Year 6 was highly commended for her project, “Using infographics to tell a story”. She investigated the new Royal Adelaide Hospital and presented her findings with a fabulous assortment of infographics.

Bronwyn, Mikaela, Sowmya and Lady from Year 6 explored, “Living a Healthy Life”, and the judges were amazed at the depth and breadth of their mathematical thinking and chose them as the State winners for the small group category.

Mabelle Kayser from Year 5 was highly commended. She investigated the wonderful variety of shapes that are used in some iconic buildings around the world and created her own fabulous building.

Grace and Zara accepted the highly commended class award on behalf of all of Year 2 for ‘Bee Bot City’ – their fabulous work was described in last week’s article.

The inspiration for Aojin’s project came from reading the enrolment package her little sister received prior to starting in Mid-Year Reception this year. She was intrigued by the Year 12s’ results and the fun things they do on Celebration Day, and investigated Year 12 results over time and what the students have gone on to study at university.

Amelia Kayser explored shape and made lots of exciting discoveries about the various properties of shapes when deciding, “Which Shape does not belong?”

Rose Downie from Year 3 had a fabulous time baking and then sharing a cake with her classmates whilst learning lots about fractions along the way.

Mary Stavrou from Year 6 discovered a huge variety of reasons why STEM is enormously important in our lives.

All entrants should be enormously proud of their efforts. Several students are already planning their entries for 2018 and I encourage all budding mathematicians to take on the challenge next year!

Catherine Kelly
Junior School Learning Strategies

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Year 7 student Mia Humphrey (Miss Honey), Year 1 student Eloise Harrington (Sophie) and Year 5 student Marcella Tolley (Matilda) from ROALD DAHL RULES.
ROALD DAHL RULES ImageDozens of Junior and Middle School girls will be part of next week’s performance of ROALD DAHL RULES by Shane Davidson Presents. This show features many of the Roald Dahl stories but in an abbreviated form to capture young children’s attention. The stories are cleverly woven together with a narrative as two main Matilda characters, Miss Honey and Matilda, share their love of reading as they explore Dahl favourites such as The Enormous Crocodile, The Witches, The BFG, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and James and the Giant Peach, and even a few of his Revolting Rhymes including Jack and the Beanstalk and The Three Little Pigs.

Tickets can be purchased at the box office in the Arts Centre at St Peter’s Girls 30 minutes before the show. Performances are Friday 17 and Saturday 18 November at 7pm.



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Sports News

W4 Sport


On Wednesday night, Rose Pittman broke the State Under 18 – 800m record. She ran 2:07.05, edging out a student from Immanuel who ran 2:07.45 The national record currently stands at 2:01.46 (set in 2001). Well done Rose on this landmark achievement!


Monday 6 November
Open – Saints 86 defeated Wilderness 6
Unfortunately, Wilderness had a limited numbers of players, allowing Saints to capitalise and finally show some great teamwork in both defence and attack to set up a convincing win. While all of the girls are gaining confidence this term, Sarah Matheson showed her club experience with an outstanding game. – Ella Robinson (2018 Captain)

Middle C – Saints 20 defeated Wilderness 9
The girls played an amazing game against Wilderness. They had strong defence by putting pressure half way and when the other team went in for their shots. The girls worked together as a team with the use of free space and moving towards the ball to make the shots. Best players go to Alyssa Woolley and Vanessa Pols for their points to help win the game. Overall, the girls should be proud of how much they have improved since starting the basketball season. – Sophia West (Coach)

Wednesday 1 November

Middle A – Saints 15 defeated by Scotch 36
The team put in a much better performance. Their defence was excellent in the first half. Unfortunately, inaccurate shooting cost them in the end. Great job girls for showing improvement. – Peter Krantis (Coach)

Middle B – Saints 32 defeated Scotch 15
After a heavy loss the week before, the team responded with a solid performance on defence and offence to come away with their first win this term. Sophie Norman and Sivanthi Sivasuthan both had good games. Overall, a very strong team performance. – Peter Krantis (Coach)


Saturday 4 November
Year 10A: Crew – Hannah Keough, Isabella Bernardi, Charlotte Sellars and Ellie Anderson, Cox – Abbie Lisle
The crew rowed their first 1500m race together. For the first race of the season, the girls did exceptionally well, finishing in first place. The race went smoothly and without a hitch, and you could tell that the past few weeks of intense training had really paid off. The girls should be so proud and this should motivate them for the next race. – Abbie Lisle

Year 9/10 B: Crew – Sophie Johnson (stroke), Emma Carrodus (three seat), Michelle Rupert (two seat) and Imogen Parkinson (bow)
For our first 1500m race the girls did really well and placed fifth. – Charlotte Creek

Year 9C: Crew – Faye Ma, Ella Waltham, Emily Downie, Sophie Stewart, Cox – Jodi Papendorf,
This was the first time this crew had ever rowed and raced together. After a difficult start, the girls found their pace and put in a great effort. They were strong in the water and placed fifth. They were a pleasure to cox. – Jodi Papendorf 

Year 8A: Crew – Keely Flannagan, Sophie Barr, Rose Young, Olivia Kelly, Cox – Jodi Papendorf
The Pembroke School Regatta was held at West Lakes last Saturday. With very windy conditions and a tricky start, the crew was focussed and kept the lead throughout. We were rewarded with first place and a time of 4.16. A great way to start the season and we are looking forward to our next regatta. – Jodi Papendorf

Year 8 (3rd Grade Women’s Coxed Quad): Crew – Molly Bond, Sophie Barr, Ella Waltham, Olivia Kelly, Cox – Jodi Papendorf,
This was a very exciting race for the girls and they opened up with an enormous lead. Pembroke put the pressure on towards the end, but I am happy to say that we finished in first place with a 4 second lead. We are looking forward to Murray Bridge this weekend. – Jodi Papendorf

Year 7: Crew – Primrose Robinson, Ruby Bruun, Madeline Symon, Annie Bradshaw, Cox – Caitie Walker
This was the very first rowing regatta and the lead up to the race was very exciting for all of the girls. Although the weather was not very good, it did not dampen the girls’ spirit. We raced twice against Year 8/9s and one Year 10 crew. We came fourth in both races. – Caitie Walker


Wednesday 1 November
Year 5/6 – Saints 14 defeated Pembroke Green 2
The girls consolidated some team batting and base running skills to have a strong lead over Pembroke after the first innings. They continued their strong form through the fielding and, at the end, only conceded 2 runs to Pembroke. Unfortunately, Pembroke were down a few players, but our girls were happy to fill in the field, showing great sportsmanship. Well done to Grace Richards and Georgia Mallick for having a go at pitching this week. – Claire Hale (Coach)

Year 4/5 Blue – Saints 28 defeated Walford 9
The girls played a great game and showed some incredible batting in the first innings. Best player goes to Mathilda Thomas, who had one of her best fielding games this term. The girls have largely improved in their base running and are continuing to gain confidence in their skills. – Kate McKellar-Stewart (Student Coach)

Year 4/5 White – Saints 16 defeated Seymour 15
The team put up a fight against the Seymour tee-ball team. The score proved to be reasonably even throughout the course of the match, but the determination from the Saints girls pulled through to win the game with pride. Overwhelmed with joy, the girls knew that, for the coming games, they would have to work as hard as they did against the Seymour team. A fantastic game played by all the girls this week. Congratulations team! – Lulu Tierney (Student Coach)


Congratulations to Imogen Elliott who continues to excel at surfing. She made it through to the semi-finals at the National Rip Curl competition on the weekend. It was a tough contest, coming up against most of the VIC/NSW State Team. ‘Imi’ was the only SA competitor in her age category (14s), so this is another outstanding result.


Well done to Sienna Glazbrook and Mia Dodd who have been selected to represent East Adelaide at the State Primary School Tennis championships being played from 20-24 November.

Friday 3 November

Year 5/6 Division 1 – Saints 6-28 defeated Seymour 0-7
Singles: Maiya Jakupec 4-0, Willow Stewart-Rattray 4-0, Bridgette Leach 4-1, Sophie Dansie 4-2

Year 5/6 Division 2 – Saints 4-16 defeated Pulteney 2-7
Singles: Mathilda Thomas 0-4, Marcella Tolley 4-0, Molly Dwyer 4-1, Marcella Tolley 4-0 (extra match)

Monday 6 November
Congratulations to all players in the Open A and B teams who took out the double, winning the IGSSA shields. Saints have played consistently good tennis all year and this has been rewarded with the overall wins. The girls have performed well in both doubles and singles, and it was a great way to farewell Year 12 Jade Leyden.

Open A – Saints 6-36 defeated Westminster 0-6
Singles: Tiana Glazbrook 6-0, Yasmin Glazbrook 6-0, Jade Leyden 6-2, Olivia Harby 6-3

Open B – Saints 6-36 defeated Westminster 0-5
Singles: Sienna Glazbrook 6-0, Clair Kao 6-1, Annabel Baldwinson 6-1, Mia Dodd 6-1


Saturday 4 November
Open A – Saints 4 defeated St Dominic’s 1
Saints had a slow start in the first half, scoring 1 try but allowing St Dominic’s to also score. In the second half, Holly Cunningham was quick to score Saints’ second try within the first minute of the game restarting. She carefully watched for gaps and listened to the referee, and scored another try later in the game. Anna Pryor then scored by running half the field by watching for a gap on the wing. Best players were Olivia Harby, Sophie Auricht and Tahlia Towers. Olivia’s defensive skills were outstanding and she stopped St Dominic’s scoring after running through a gap. Sophie has shown great improvement in her skills and game play since beginning touch this term. Tahlia rucked with speed and great technique, gaining lots of ground each time. All girls have improved significantly with each game making the inaugural touch team great to be a part of. – Ebony-Jade Nash-Smith (Captain)

Thursday 2 November
Middle A – Saints 4 drew with Wilderness 4
It was another great team effort, with everyone contributing to a hard fought draw against a more experienced Wilderness side. After a tough first half that saw Wilderness lead 3-1 as a result of some cheeky tries, the team came out in the second half with greater intensity, tighter defence, constructive voice and increased confidence to pass to advantage.

Lucy White, Poppie Goldsmith and Holly Cardone made significant ground down the wings while Olivia Goldsmith, Siena Kulinski and Chelsea Walls controlled the middle, and Annabelle Black, Amelie Eaton and Ella Liddy were impenetrable in defence. The result in the second half was 3-1 up, and a great sign of things to come in our future games if the girls continue to implement what we are practising. – Ben Goldsmith


Saturday 4 November
Saints’ Middle A competed in the Immanuel Invitational Carnival. In the first match, it was a steep learning curve allowing players to get comfortable with the new 6-2 system, but Saints prevailed, defeating Norwood Bears 2 sets to 1. Georgina Keough and Ruby Bouhamdan settled into the setting combination to drive the attacks.

In Game 2, Saints defeated Willunga B 3 sets to 0, with some amazing serves from Jess Wishart and Clair Kao, Anna White stepping into the ‘setter’ role and Sarah Wishart playing middle blocker against some tall opponents.

Saints played rival Immanuel in Game 3, and having previously lost to them a couple times, the girls were primed for a battle. Losing the first set, the girls lifted their energy and voices to win the second with some strong serving from both sides, making the third set a tense affair. With time running out in the third, set tactics took over and we slowed the game right down. The girls rose to the occasion and won the final set (21-25, 25-22,16-10).

In the semi-final, Saints faced Willunga A who had just come off a match prior while our girls had a two hour break and were slow to start. Using all of our time outs, we came back from a 3-10 deficit to finish the first set at 18-25. With Anna White serving missiles and Ruby Bouhamdan setting bombs, the girls fought tooth and nail to get into the match. Siena Kulinski and Tilly McCormack used their enthusiasm to lift the energy and the team from the bench, and we pushed the second set to 27-29. The opposition coach congratulated the team on our skills.

All girls played fantastically throughout the carnival and thanks goes to Immanuel for running an excellent tournament. – Alistair Keough (coach)

Friday 3 November
Year 5-6 – Saints 2 defeated Seymour Green 1
The girls played exceptionally well, winning great rallies and really focusing on their digging and setting techniques. A special mention goes to Ruby Richards and Emily Bryce who served many points with their bullet serves, getting many aces. – Tahlia Towers and Charlotte White (Student Coaches)


Thursday 2 November
Open A – Saints 11 defeated Pembroke 1
The A team went into their game apprehensive as Pembroke had also been undefeated. The girls played with incredible team work and effort that Pembroke could not match, allowing the girls to maintain our undefeated streak into Week 4. Saskia Jones was an amazing goalie, and Fiona Lethbridge and Nicolette Miller scored 6 of our 11 goals. – Erin Barrera (2018 Captain)

Open B – Saints 12 defeated Walford 5
The Year 12s took a break from their hard study to play one last game with their friends and teammates. Honourable mention to all of them; we appreciate your efforts in the middle of your exam revision. – Erin Barrera (2018 Captain)

Open C – Saints 14 defeated Mercedes 4
The team adapted fantastically to the additions from the junior side, and all the girls played really well together. Poppie Goldsmith was a fantastic player on the field and in goals, and Lucy Young was awesome in defence. The whole team established their strength early in the game and worked together for the win. – Erin Barrera (2018 Captain)

Year 7/8 – Saints 17 defeated St Aloysius 6
The team played very well again in their third game of the term, with Lara Wakeham being our top scorer, netting eight goals. Gemma Schaedel also played a great game, with 4 goals to her name. The whole team played extraordinarily well, using tight defence against the opposition and demonstrating good team work. – Mia Humphrey (Year 7)

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