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Enews – Week 4, Term 4 2016

Issue no. 33

From the Principal

Last night Chiverton Lawn was abuzz as parents and members of our wider community joined with staff and our girls to celebrate 2016. Whilst the evening was primarily designed for everyone to catch up and reflect on yet another year, it provided the perfect opportunity to launch the School’s new Strategic Plan, A New Vision – Towards 125. This plan maps out the next three years for the School, culminating in the celebration of our 125th anniversary in 2019.

In it, you will find a number of priorities across the seven integral elements of our School and listed under each of those priorities there are a number of goals. But a goal without a plan is nothing more than a wish. So, at School level, sitting behind each of those goals is a detailed list of activities and measurements that will see us not only reach those goals but justify their completion. At the start of each of the next three years I will communicate to you the areas of the strategic plan that will be our focus for that calendar year and then similarly in December, I will report back to you on our progress. And quite rightly my accountability therefore becomes much more transparent.

I would like to thank all of you who contributed to the plan’s development via completing the survey earlier this year or attending one of our many forums. I wanted dynamic strategic planning – placing emphasis on the people dimension of planning – because your commitment will be key to the successful implementation of future strategies. So your input was sincerely appreciated. I encourage you to download the plan.


As you would be aware, Dr Tom Nehmy conducted a review of well-being programs and structures earlier this year. Tom made a number of recommendations, two of which were as follows:

  • Specific allocated time slots should be provided for pastoral care, and these should be held as sacrosanct, unadulterated periods for both structured well-being initiatives and unstructured time to get to know and connect with students.
  • Pastoral care time should be distinguished from ‘home group’ administration time. And since a roll call at 8.30am in Home Group is superfluous given the roll is taken in each lesson, Lesson 1 should commence first and pastoral care time should be moved to Lesson 4, immediately prior to lunch.

In line with these recommendations the following will be trialled across the Middle and Senior Schools in 2017:

  • The day structure will continue to be made up of six 50 minute lessons and a 40 minute Home Group time
  • Home Group time will move from its current 8.30am start to the end of Lesson 4. Lesson 1 will commence at 8.30am. The day structure will be as follows:
      • Lesson 1: 8.30 – 9.20am
      • Lesson 2: 9.20 – 10.10am
      • Recess: 10.10 – 10.35am
      • Lesson 3: 10.35 – 11.25am
      • Lesson 4: 11.25am – 12.15pm
      • Home Group: 12.15 – 12.55pm
      • Lunch: 12.55 – 1.50pm
      • Lesson 5: 1.50 – 2.40pm
      • Lesson 6: 2.40 – 3.30pm
  • This allows Home-Group time to morph into lunch time, achieving greater flexibility around activities, including the opportunity to leave the school grounds.
  • Recess moves to earlier in the day which will prove beneficial for the increasing number of girls who have rehearsals and training prior to School.
  • The Well-being Program will be delivered during the sacrosanct Home Group lessons on Tuesdays and Thursdays. As you will see in our strategic plan, the development of a proactive, strategic, theoretically sound and evidence-based approach to school-based well-being and pastoral care is a key priority for 2017.
  • The 40 minute period on Mondays will continue to rotate through a cycle of full School assembly, sub-school assembly and House meetings. All of these will be student-led.
  • A full School Chapel service will be held on Wednesdays as per current practice.
  • The combined Middle School/Senior School Chapel that previously occurred on Thursdays will move to Fridays. When not attending Chapel, this time will be used to hear from relevant guest speakers and presenters. The girls will have significant input into the program of speakers.
  • The Chapel is now fully air conditioned so remains a comfortable environment no matter the time of day.
  • Choral Night is a Saints Girls tradition. Again, as per current practice, rehearsals for Choral Night will override this timetable for the two weeks prior to the event.

Junior school will continue to have assembly at the start of the day on Friday to allow parents to attend and then return to work.

As I mentioned, we will trial the new structure for 2017 and seek feedback in Term 4 next year.

As part of seeing this year through, rehearsals for Carols in the Cathedral and Presentation Night are well underway. The quality of music at both of these events will be stunning. We are fortunate to have two wonderful Music teachers leading the way and their passion and expertise has rightly been acknowledged by their peers. I would like to congratulate Sari Noble on being recognised for her ‘long and noteworthy service’ by the Association of Heads of Music in Non-Government Schools, and Sally Rounsevell, who has been nominated and shortlisted for ‘mentor teacher of the year’ by the University of Adelaide. High praise indeed for two exceptional classroom practitioners.

Julia Shea

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Year 5 Production: The Little Mermaid


Accolades are still pouring in about the amazing Year 5 production of The Little Mermaid performed on Thursday and Friday last week. The girls have worked enthusiastically for over a term to produce the musical as part of their inquiry unit, All the World’s A Stage. The students looked at the role and responsibilities connected with a production, different types of performances and even enjoyed learning about Shakespeare and how so much of that vernacular is still used in our spoken English today.

I think the absolute commitment to, and enjoyment of, this production was evident on every girl’s face. Many people commented on the ‘professionalism’ of the performances and, of course, the wonderful sets and colourful costumes superbly coordinated and sourced by Olivia Coulter. As a teacher, I think that one of the most gratifying things to come out of this unit of work, other than the learning, is the confidence and self-esteem that it engenders in each and every child. Whether a student is a fan of musical theatre or not, the development and growth in public speaking and performance skills are obvious. The Year 5 musical has always been a highlight of the school year and many older girls look back with fondness on their musical whilst they were in Year 5.

The highlights were many but included lavish production numbers such as Under the Sea, She’s in Love, Part of Your WorldLes Poissons and, of course, the never-ending finale and bows.

Big congratulations to this wonderful group of performers who put so many smiles on the faces of our school community and visitors such as the 100+ children from Burnside Primary who left the Arts Centre humming the tunes. Again, a huge thank you to all the generous parents, grandparents and friends who lent their support. It was greatly appreciated. As the bard, William Shakespeare, said, ”All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one person in their time plays many parts.”

I think the Year 5s can now cherish the wonderful memories of this whole experience – the learning and the performance – and know that they all played their many parts with passion and commitment.

Shane Davidson

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School Life in Japan – Reflections from our Student Exchange Program


On 26 September six of us Saints girls went on a three week exchange to Japan. Bright and early, Aditi, Brooke, Isabella, Isobel, Khandee and I met at the airport for a short flight to Brisbane. Then we had our 9 hour haul to Japan. We were excited, nervous and very tired when we landed, but were picked up and taken to our soon-to-be school, Senzoku Gakuen. We met up here with our host families and off we went!

The very next morning, we were up bright and early to be at school by 8am. However, most of us lived about an hour away, so when I say early, I mean early! Our first day was busy; getting our school uniforms, finding our way around the school and the constant language barrier and translation we faced were all too tiring… we all slept well that night!

The first week was good. We found our feet at Senzoku and figured our way around the school, how to use the vending machines and get to know the class times. Each class was one hour and 5 minutes, with a 10 minute break after each one as a replacement for recess. There were five lessons a day, followed by after-school activities that ran to 6pm each night.

During our second week we started going to after-school activities, such as tea ceremony club, kendo, judo, track and field, volleyball, or model UN; it was all in English and this is where we met most of our returnee friends. Returnees are students who have lived overseas and are fluent in English. Finally, a place to relax. Soon enough, we were all begging to trade in our Japanese history and Ancient Japanese Language class for returnee English! These classes were interesting; they were all taught in English and much like the classes we have here at Saints. All of the other classes were taught in Japanese, in the style of chalk and talk, although the only person who did the talking was the teacher. There was very little discussion or interaction between teacher and student throughout the lessons.

We sat through many of these classes and before we knew it we were in our final week of our time at Senzoku. This went quickly for all of us, and by Friday we were wanting to take the vending machines, the breaks between lessons and the uniforms home. We can all say that our Senzoku experience was fun, and definitely one we will never forget!

Grace Edwards

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Parents and Friends invite you to attend our AGM!

Everyone is welcome as we will be taking nominations and voting to fill the following 2017 positions for the Parents’ and Friends’ Association:

• President
• Vice President
• Treasurer
• Secretary

Date: Monday 21 November
Time: 6pm Drinks and Thank you function 7.30pm AGM
Venue: Resource Centre, Second Floor, Main Building,
St Peter’s Girls’ School.

RSVP by Monday 14 November to events@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au or 8334 2225.

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Year 10 Girls gain insights into job interviews

year-10-interviews-enewsAs part of their Personal Learning Plan all Year 10 students took part in a practice interview on Monday 31 October in the Senior Resource Centre. This task required students to prepare a letter of application and resume and to attend an interview with a potential employer. Although the girls were nervous and some approached their interview with a great deal of trepidation, the experience was certainly one that was very beneficial and is a life skill that has many other applications. The impressive way that the girls approached the experience was noted by all of the employers.

Thanks must go to our volunteer employers, all of whom give up their time willingly, some year after year, to provide the girls with this most valuable experience. This year I would like to thank the following people: Andrew Rosser, Tony Aykroyd, Megan McCormack, Stuart Manson, Caroline O’Keife, Teresa Dwyer, Courtney Morcombe, Elizabeth Tyson, Beba Brunt and Vaiju Joshi.

Karen Alderson
Careers Advisor

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A nationwide STEM outreach program for Years 9 & 10 students

The ConocoPhillips Science Experience – is a three day hands–on science activities program. Aimed to inform students of the importance of science and technology while stimulating and heightening their interests in a wide range of science disciplines and career opportunities, encourages further studies in the sciences, while at the same time giving them a ‘taste’ of university/tertiary life. Places are still available in the following programs;

University of Adelaide, Adelaide 13 – 15 December 2016 cost $120

Flinders University, Adelaide 7 – 9 December 2016 cost $120

There is no selection process and students can enroll online at scienceexperience.com.au.

Further information can be obtained by calling 03 9756 7534 or email admin@scienceexperience.com.au.

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Year 9 Graduation


The annual Year 9 Graduation will be held on Thursday 8 December. Year 9 parents have been sent a formal invitation, and other Middle School families are also welcome to attend.

2.15pm, Thursday 8 December
Arts Centre, St Peter’s Girls’ School

Please RSVP at trybooking.com/NOIF.

We hope to see as many parents as possible join us for this special celebration.

Richard Lisle
Head of Middle School

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Award Nominations for Saints Girls Teachers!

History teacher, Gregor Dingwall, and Music teacher, Sally Rounsevell, have been nominated for mentor teachers of the year through the School of Education at the University of Adelaide.

Sally was nominated for “her valuable contribution as a mentor teacher who modelled all the attributes, beliefs and qualities desired in an education professional”. Gregor was nominated for “his valuable contribution as a mentor teacher who modelled all the attributes, beliefs and qualities desired in an educational professional”.

Congratulations to both worthy teachers on their nominations.

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ELC Christmas Picnic


Join us in the ELC grounds to celebrate the end of a fantastic year as we wish all our families a wonderful Christmas.

5pm, Friday 25 November 2016

The Friends of ELC will have some food and drinks on sale, as well as a Christmas raffle. Bring your own picnic basket, rug, nibbles and drinks.

Lock this date into your diary so you don’t miss your children participating in this special concert. Extended families are very welcome!

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Uniform Update: Year 3 Students

As your daughter nears the end of Year 3, we thought it timely to remind you that she will need a few different uniform items for Year 4.

The junior blazer (cardigan) is no longer worn and is replaced by a navy blue jumper and a wool blazer. These items are compulsory and form part of the summer uniform.

The girls also move to a one piece swimming costume and a sports cap replaces the ‘bucket’ hat.

Please contact the School Shop on 8334 2228 to arrange an appointment or email sburnett@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

Susan Burnett
School Shop Manager

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Middle School Exams

Middle School Exams for Years 8 and 9 are calendared to run between Friday 2 December and Wednesday 7 December. Students have been discussing study techniques during Home Group time, whilst subject teachers will also be giving detailed advice about each exam, and how to prepare for them. A full timetable and outline revision guides are available below. Students have access to these through the Middle School Notifications Canvas page.

Exam timetables

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Sports News

Please note that all of the Term 4 Sports draws can now be found on the School website at stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au/community/parents.

Any changes and cancellations will be conveyed in advance, via email and where possible directly to students.


Open A – Saints 25 defeated by Seymour 36

The final match was competitive game for the Saints Open A side. It is fantastic to see the improvement over the past term displayed in order to finish a successful season. Leading at half-time, the team were able to utilise every possession and turnover in order to score. I would like to thank the girls for making my last season of basketball memorable. I wish Chelsea Marchetti and the rest of the basketball program good luck for next year. Josephine Dal Pra (Captain)

Junior Teeball

Saints had a bye

Water Polo

Open A – Saints 7 drew with Wilderness 7

This week the Open A team played a very close match and persisted with a strong defence line putting pressure on their players. We were given opportunities to score which led to success from our set plays. Saints worked hard until the last second, with the intensity-building leading to a draw. Saints continued to show their good sportsmanship throughout the whole game. The girls are continuously improving and learning from week to week. Good luck for next week’s game. Sarah Richards (Captain)

Open B – Saints 12 defeated Walford 1
The team showed very strong defensive pressure throughout the game and the girls were determined from the start to play a successful game. Saints constantly maintained a fair play and good sportsmanship approach despite being tested by the other team. The girls continually dominated throughout the game, taking advantage of every scoring opportunity and finishing with a final score of 12-1. With continued focus on defensive pressure the team will undoubtedly improve and be successful. Best player: Thandi Murada. Sarah Richards (Captain)

Year 7/8 – Saints 10 defeated Wilderness 7
The Year 7-8 team added another fantastic and well-earned win to their winning streak, which has lasted the entire year. Our goal scorers were Fiona Lethbridge (3 goals), Matilda Braithwaite and Hattie Maerschel (2 goals), Olivia Goldsmith, Poppie Goldsmith and Alyssa Woolley (1 goal each). Mention must go to one of our goalies of the night, Saskia Jonats, as she was stopping most shots and balls that came to her and was fending off the attacks that came with it. Overall, it was a good game and let’s hope this winning streak continues! Fiona Lethbridge (Year 8)


Junior Tennis

Division 1 Blue – Saints had a bye

Division 1 White – Saints 6-28 defeated Pulteney 0-3
Singles: Sienna Glazbrook 4-0, Mia Dodd 4-0, Emily Baldwinson 4-0, Tahlia Louca 4-0

Division 2 Blue – Saints 3-21 defeated Pembroke 3-15

Division 2 White – Saints had a bye

Division 3 – Saints had a bye

Junior Volleyball

Year 6: Saints 0 defeated by Seymour Green 3
This week the girls were confronted with tough defensive volleyball from the opposing Seymour. However, the girls had greatly improved their ball skills, such as accuracy of serves and setting the ball well. Once again, the girls have shown a great deal of improvement, with the potential of a win in future games. Best player this week was Izzy Gilroy who showed a real effort in offensively setting the ball and winning a number of points. Well done to all girls. Abbey Goodwin

Year 5: Saints had a bye

Year 5: Saints had a bye


The Inter A crew, consisting of Rachel Kameniar (stroke), Olivia Law, Brooke Weymouth and Sarah Carrodus, raced extremely well in their first 1500m race. With the poor conditions and inexperience of the distance, the girls pulled off an outstanding time and rowed extremely well. Although the 3rd place result wasn’t what we were after, the girls are now even more determined to get that 1st place. If the girls can nail their technique, it looks to be a very successful season ahead. Amy Carrodus

The Inter B crew of Eve Habel, Zoe Vine Hall, Emily Brophy and Amy Rice had their first regatta for the season. Considering the poor conditions, they did extremely well. The heat was very tough but the girls managed to pull through, winning the heat. Given it was their first time doing a 1500m race, they did exceptionally well. The second race which was the A final had very strong crews with both of the top inter crews from Saints. We did not have a very solid start as the oars got caught in between the buoys as the boat was not straight at the start because the wind blew all of the crews out of their lane. Despite this, we raced strongly to finish 5th and managed to keep pushing for the 500m sprint. The regatta on a whole was very successful and a good start to a great season. Annabelle Langley

On Saturday Scarlett Hocking (Stroke), Hannah Keough (3 Seat), Paris Robinson (2 Seat) and Ellie Anderson (Bow), with Charlotte Creek (Cox), rowed really well for their fast 1km race for this season. The conditions were not good but this didn’t stop the girls from achieving their best. They came first in their heat, meaning that they would go into the A Crew Final where they finished a commendable 3rd. The girls tried their hardest and it was tough competition. They need to work on keeping the boat balanced, even when it is windy. Charlotte Creek

On Saturday Sophie Johnson, Michelle Rupert, Hannah Freeman and Bella Bernardi raced a heat and a final. Even though we got an oar stuck under the boat and came last in the heat, we still won the final. I am so proud of the girls for coming back from a terrible first race to a great second one. Abigail Lisle


No games this week


No games this week


No games this week


Middle C1 – Saints had a bye

Middle C2 – Saints 14 defeated by Woodcroft 31
A fantastic start by Saints this week, applying pressure from the beginning and leading on the scoreboard for the first ten minutes. Our run down the court was effective and our defensive pressure caused many turnovers. Just before half-time, Woodcroft started gaining momentum. Unfortunately, this momentum continued into the second half and we were unable to convert our multiple scoring opportunities, despite a number of good plays. It was great to see six individual point scorers for us this week, with our highest scorer being Ebony Lohe. Vanessa Brooks (Coach).



The Premier League and Premier League Reserves concluded on Monday evening with wins again to both teams. Saints were finally able to celebrate claiming the A Grade shield for the first time since 2001 and breaking Walford’s 9-year reign. The B Grade have also had an outstanding year, finishing equal second with Immanuel. Congratulations and thanks to Olivia Teh (Year 12) who has been a wonderful member of the team and a great captain in 2016. Of the 8 players in these 2 teams, 6 have been undefeated in singles throughout the year and Yasmin Glazbrook (number 1 in A Grade) has claimed the IGSSA singles trophy as the most outstanding player. As Olivia Teh is the only player leaving and with some stronger young players seeking selection, Saints will hopefully be able to continue their success next year and beyond. Neil Fuller (Director of Sport)

Open A – Saints 5-33 defeated Concordia 1-13
Yasmin Glazbrook 6-2, Tiana Glazbrook 6-0, Jade Leyden 6-3, Olivia Teh 6-1

Open B – Saints 5-34 defeated Concordia 1-11
Singles: Olivia Harby 6-1, Emily Loh 6-2, Sarah Richards 4-6, Violette Maris 6-0

Tennis – Year 6/7 knockout

The Year 6-7 knockout team have progressed to the State semi-finals with another convincing win. Saints will now face the winner between Burnside Primary and Linden Park Primary for a place in the finals.

Saints 6- 36 defeated Trinity Gardens 0-6
Sienna Glazbrook 6-1, Violette Maris 6-0, Mia Dodd 6-1, Lily Rose Spartalis 6-1