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Enews – Week 4, Term 1 2018

Issue no. 4Enews-banner W4 EMPOWHER

Anna Meares Launches our #EMPOWHER Wellbeing Program

St Peter’s Girls’ School has this week been celebrating the arrival of our new wellbeing program: #EMPOWHER

We were delighted to welcome cycling legend Anna Meares to Stonyfell on Monday to help launch the program.

We look forward to delivering this vital program and empowering our girls to be happy and healthy individuals.

Have a listen as Anna shares her words of wisdom with our students:

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New Library and Middle School Official Opening

This week marked another landmark moment in our School’s history as we officially opened our new Library and Middle School.

Joined by His Excellency the Honourable Hieu Van Le AC, Governor of South Australia, Anglican Archbishop Geoffrey Smith, fellow dignitaries, members of the Board, donors, Old Scholars, parents, staff and students, Wednesday afternoon’s event was a truly wonderful occasion.

The new facilities feature open and flexible learning spaces that harness natural light and transparency. Vibrant design elements, versatile furniture and stunning views across Ferguson Conservation Park allow our girls to be inspired.

The stunning projects are the latest stages to be completed in the School’s Master Plan, which is delivering cutting-edge spaces and places for the learners of today and tomorrow.

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Swimming Carnival 2018

W4 Swimming Carnival
Saints Girls made a splash in the pool during the Years 4 – 12 Swimming Carnival today.

Adelaide Aquatic Centre was transformed into a sea of blue, red, yellow and green as girls split into their Houses, diving head-first into serious and novelty events.

Cheers and chants filled the venue and, as always, the costumes had as much flair as some of the swimming strokes.

By the close of proceedings, Selwyn House was jubilant, claiming the coveted overall shield.

The McGill Shield for Swimming

Selwyn House – 1984 points
Patteson House – 1684 points
Kilburn House – 1639 points
Kennion House – 1497 points

Check out next week’s Enews for full results and more.

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From the Deputy Principal / Head of Senior School

W4 KM Article
Schools, on one hand, are very predictable places. They run to a strict timetable, each member of the school, whether it be a student or staff member, knows where they are meant to be each minute of every single day. We all know the expectations placed upon us, and our behaviours often reflect these. Even the times we eat and socialise are set out, without us having to make a conscious choice to do so. It is this routine and predictability that make schools safe and effective learning establishments.

But there is always that week which is unpredictable, where our routine is put to the side to allow important and exciting events to occur. The week we have just had, was an example of this.

Monday saw the official launch of our new #EMPOWHER wellbeing program. Cycling great Anna Meares spoke to students from Years 6 – 12, and impressed upon us all how hard work, determination and planning can set you apart from the pack. It is very rare that you are afforded the opportunity to listen to a person who, for some years, was the very best at what they do in the entire world.

Anna reminded the girls that it is not the big things that will ensure their success. Rather, it is little things they do each day that will determine if they do indeed meet the goals they have set. Given the breadth of her achievements, she started her talk with a strong message: “I have lost more world titles than I have won.”

Perhaps my favourite line was one she provided to me and then shared with the girls (at my request). Anna was due at school at 11.30am for set up to ensure a 12pm start. Many speakers will not arrive until 15 minutes prior, so 30 minutes is ample. Anna arrived at 11am and when I apologised for not being at the Front Office to meet her, she simply said, “Kate, if you are not early, you’re late.” You can’t fault that.

Feedback from staff and the girls has been extremely positive, and I hope that many of them discussed Anna’s talk with you. There was certainly much to take away and the Prefects will be following this up at Assembly next week.

On Wednesday, we had the official opening of our new Library and Middle School. It was wonderful to listen to His Excellency the Honourable Hieu Van Le AC, Governor of South Australia, speak of the Sisters who established Saints Girls and liken their journey to a new country, to his own experience of leaving Vietnam after the war. It is important to be mindful and reflect upon the fact that the buildings we now have, as well as future plans, would never have been possible if the Sisters had not met their original goal.

Finally, today was our annual Swimming Carnival. Much credit should go to Year 12, who have led the School enthusiastically to date. They have encouraged the girls to participate widely and it was evident today that their efforts have paid off. My thanks also to our Sports and PE staff. The administrative preparation that goes into events such as these is at times lost in the excitement that surrounds the day.

Kate Mortimer
Deputy Principal / Head of Senior School

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A Message from our Head Prefect

W4 Head Prefect2
The beginning of our school year always sees students step outside their comfort zones, overcome challenges and find new passions. This has already been evident in the new year as girls have taken on sports, ensembles and other opportunities the School has to offer. A great example is the lead up to the long-awaited Swimming Carnival. Our Year 12s have been working tirelessly in preparing costumes and chants for the big day, not to mention all the students from Years 4 – 12 completing time trials and sign-ups for the many races and novelty events.

As students arrived on the first day, there was an evident rush of excitement as people went to admire the new facilities and renovations completed throughout the holidays. Those in the Middle and Senior Schools have been enjoying the many state-of-the-art study and collaboration spaces in our new Library. On Wednesday, we celebrated the official opening of the Library and Middle School, where we had the honour of hosting His Excellency the Honourable Hieu Van Le AC, Governor of South Australia. It caused me to reflect on how lucky we are as students to have spaces that make us feel comfortable and focused at school, thus helping us to reach our full potential.

This week also saw the launch of our School’s new wellbeing program, #EMPOWHER. It aims to give girls strategies and tools to improve in a wide range of areas including stress management, social media, body image, and how to maintain balance between personal life and school. As a part of this, we welcomed world-renowned cyclist Anna Meares who even brought three of her six Olympic medals to show us. She spoke of her challenging and inspirational career, offering advice that deeply resonated with those in the audience. Year 9 student Portia Maerschel and I had the unique opportunity to interview Anna and hear her approaches to positive self-talk, maintaining perspective and regulating emotions in the lead up to high-pressure events. A valuable take-away was that, when approaching demanding goals, one mustn’t focus on the end-point but rather the process that takes us there as this is the only part truly within our control.

In other exciting news, the 2018 Prefect Team has been working hard in kicking off our theme for this year, ‘Dare to be.’ This vision aims to see Saints Girls come together, have fun and accept new challenges. We want girls to stop saying, “I wish” and start saying, “I will.” This begins with our first school-wide initiative, the Term 1 Bucket List, which encourages interaction between year levels and accomplishment of new goals. It is a list of tasks for each class to try complete by the end of the term, with an exciting prize for the class who finishes first. We cannot wait to embrace new experiences and check-in with other students as to what they have managed to achieve. Another part of this theme has been to strengthen our School community as Prefects by spending time outside during lunch and after-school to meet with younger students. This has proven very enjoyable for the Prefects and junior girls alike, and I must say my lunches have never been filled with so many smiling faces and piggy backs! We are excited to progress with more initiatives as the year progresses and look forward to making Saints Girls an even more daring and uplifting environment along the way.

Antonia Kirsten-Parsch
Head Prefect

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The Garden of Saintly Delights

W5 Garden of Saintly Delights

This Sunday 25 February 2018

We encourage our entire community to come along with your children, family and friends – EVERYONE IS WELCOME!!!!

FREE entertainment on Chiverton Lawns will include:

11am The Fairies
1pm Peter Combe & Theatre Bugs
1.30pm Force Elite Cheer & Dance Academy
2.30pm The Amazing Magic Mike

*Plus St Peter’s Girls’ Music students will be performing throughout the day!

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Year 6 Leadership Induction

W4 Year 6 Leaders

On Tuesday, our Year 6 students were inducted into their leadership roles for 2018 during a special Chapel Service in front of their families and friends. This was an important occasion and an opportunity for the girls to reflect on the skills and dispositions that they will develop and use during the coming year.

The girls have been thinking about what it is that makes a good leader, and they are committed to carrying out their roles to the best of their ability.

Each group of leaders prepared their own mission statement to read out during the service, using research from their current Unit of Inquiry around the central idea, ‘Everyone has the ability and opportunity to demonstrate leadership.’

Helen Smith
Deputy Head of Junior School/PYP Coordinator

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Music Camp Raises Funds for Ardrossan

W4 Music Camp
Towards the end of Week 3, many of our Music students ventured to Ardrossan to participate in the 2018 Music Camp. On Saturday at 3pm, a concert was held to raise money for the Ardrossan Community Hospital. A grand total of $1470 was raised for this good cause, ending the camp on a high note once more. Some of the Year 12s provided a reflection on their final camp:

“My last Music Camp as a Saints Girl was an incredible experience, filled with challenges, snacks from the Ardrossan Foodland and, of course, music. Each day was full of rehearsals and workshops to hone techniques, build upon skills and develop stylistic understandings, leaving each camper pretty exhausted, but with a satisfying sense of progress. In the five years I have attended this camp, its highlight has remained the same: developing friendships with girls across the School who share a like passion and appreciation for music. The camp emphasises the importance music has in society, in that it provides a platform for self-expression, encourages bonding between year levels and, above all else, is a celebration of creativity in each of us.” – Charlene Lee (Music Captain)

“It was a pleasure being able to experience my final Music Camp surrounded by so many supportive and passionate girls. I loved being a part of the Year 12 team because it allowed me to organise activities for younger year levels and provide a sense of entertainment and, furthermore, a sense of community.” – Felicia Mi

“Music Camp is always a highlight of my year, offering intensive rehearsal and workshop time while always giving girls the opportunity to make new friendships and lasting memories. I always leave camp feeling so proud of what I and my music family have managed to accomplish, and thus so inspired to keep reaching new heights throughout the year. This year was no exception, as both Enchanté and Stage Band took on more repertoire than usual, adding even more rigour (and excitement) to camp. Being the last of my seven music camps, I found myself reflecting on so many cherished moments from previous years which have helped shape some of my closest friendships.” – Antonia Kirsten-Parsch

“It was such an incredible experience to be surrounded by girls of all ages, backgrounds and upbringings, each with their own unique identities and perspectives, and somehow still feel connected to each other in a mutual exchange of something which surpasses the music itself.” – Therese Kemp

“Having attended the very first year of Music Camp in 2011 as a Year 5, watching new girls come and experience it has been one of my highlights. I have also enjoyed the way that camp enables girls to form friendships and connections with different year levels, while learning new things from the amazing staff who mentor us each year.” – Tiff Babidge

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Year 12 Results Breakdown

W7 Year 12s
As we continue to celebrate the success of our Class of 2017, we’ve compiled an in-depth analysis of the cohort’s achievements.

Click here to have a read and discover what some of our talented former students will be up to this year, plus their advice for our Class of 2018.

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Warm Reception for Children’s Author

W4 Reception

This term, the Reception girls are exploring the central idea that, ‘People play many roles in the communities to which they belong.’

Best-selling children’s author Katrina Germein visited Mrs Liddy’s and Miss Karvonen’s classes on Thursday 22 February. This gave the girls the opportunity to find out about her role as an author.

They thoroughly enjoyed listening to Katrina read a few of her stories, including ‘Big rain coming’, ‘Thunderstorm dancing’ and ‘My Mum says the strangest things’.

As she read her books, Katrina engaged the girls through the use of singing, puppets, musical instruments and role play. They had fun making the sounds of rain and thunder, and meeting her friendly puppets. They were most interested in hearing Katrina talk about how she thought of the ideas for her stories and how her books were made.

The Reception girls and teachers would like to thank Katrina for visiting St Peter’s Girls, and sharing her stories and experiences. The girls are inspired to explore book-making and become authors themselves, and Mrs Liddy and Miss Karvonen can’t wait to read their stories!

Michelle Liddy and Meg Karvonen
Reception Teachers

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Saints Girls Enjoy Life on the Fringe

Following two sold-out Fringe seasons, Promise Adelaide is once again presenting ‘Musical Moments’, and this year a companion show, ‘Divas’. Several of our Saints’ Music girls will perform after participating in an audition process late last year against many up and coming young singers in Adelaide.

‘Musical Moments’ is an exploration of musical theatre and film through solo, duet and group performances. There are three shows featuring different performers singing numbers from across the genre. ‘Divas’ is a similar format, but instead focuses on divas from the 40s to current day, with songs from Shirley Bassey, Aretha Franklin, Madonna, Whitney Houston, Lady Gaga and more.

The girls’ performances are:

Musical Moments show 1 (28 Feb) – Zoe Pool
Musical Moments show 2 (2 March) – Zoe O’Callaghan
Musical Moments show 3 (5 March) – Daisy Kennett, Emma Pool and Zara Blight
Divas show 2 (7 March) – Isabelle Norman

We congratulate the girls and wish them luck!

If you would like to go along to any of the performances you can book tickets here:

Musical Moments

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Business Directory Spotlight

W4 Business Directory2
View the St Peter’s Girls’ School Business Directory

Drakes Community Dollars Program

Drakes_Primary_Horizontal_Logo_Mono with yellowAs a St Peter’s Girls’ community member, we encourage you to join the Drakes Community Dollars Program. For every $2 you spend at a participating Drakes store in SA, 1c will be credited to our School’s fund.

The Drake family is very proud to be part of our Saints Girls’ community. To date, the program has generously paid in excess of $160,000 to local community groups across South Australia and Queensland. To participate, simply visit our Front Office or Community Relations Office and ask for a special key tag, or contact me via 08 8334 2244 or mwestgate@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

Melissa Westgate
Foundation Manager

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Order Your 2018 | 19 Entertainment Book

The 2017 | 18 Entertainment Membership is expiring on 1 June 2018. Pre-order your NEW 2018 | 2019 Entertainment Membership NOW!

As a St Peter’s Girls’ School Parents’ and Friends’ Association Fundraiser, part-proceeds from every book sold will go to a special element of our Master Plan which will be announced soon.

You can order via the form at the Front Office or pre-purchase online: Order your Entertainment Book here!

The Entertainment Book and new phone app offer our community members a great way to try out new restaurants and activities around SA, save money and, at the same time, support our girls.

Thank you in advance for your kind support and consideration.

The Parents’ and Friends’ Association

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Morning Tea for Old Scholar Mums

W4 Morning Tea

The School is looking forward to hosting the Old Scholar Mums at Morning Tea on Friday 2 March at 8.30am. This is a great opportunity for a new Middle School and Library tour.

Megan McCormack
Old Scholar Officer

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Coles Sports for Schools

W3 Sports for Schools

Until 15 June, those who shop at Coles will receive one Sports for Schools voucher for every $10 they spend (terms and conditions apply). We invite the Saints Girls’ community to bring the vouchers to the School and place them in one of two collection points: one by the gym and one at Student Services. Vouchers can then be redeemed for a variety of different sporting equipment.

The School is planning to donate the majority of sporting goods received from St Peter’s Girls’ vouchers to New Hope for Cambodian Children, where the Cambodia Trip students intend to visit at the end of the year.

Further details are available here.

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Head of the River Dinner

W2 Rowing

Friends of Rowing invite you to join us for a fabulous evening to celebrate St Peter’s Girls’ rowing at the Head of the River Dinner 2018.

Family, friends and rowers are all welcome at this wonderful event, which will be held in the School’s Arts Centre at 6pm on Saturday 17 March.

You will be served a delicious two course meal and we will offer you water and soft drinks. We will also provide buckets of ice for you to use for your BYO wine/beer/drinks.

$55 per person (parents and rowers)
$20 per child 11 years and under


This is a fun night and not to be missed for all of the rowing community. We will hear from the coaches, the girls, and awards will be presented.

Note – the event is mandatory for all rowers and we strongly encourage parents to attend if they can.

We look forward to seeing you there – book early to secure your place!

Dr Jane Webb-Williams
President – Friends of Rowing

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Sports News

W4 Sports

If you have any sporting news or results that you wish to share, please email nfuller@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.


Middle C – Saints 31 defeated Wilderness 15


Over the weekend at the Super School Series hosted by Walford, Saints had another day of successful racing. There were some great performances and a good opportunity for the girls to row with windy conditions along the course, which made for quick but rough water. The seniors performed well in their heat placing third, four seconds off Scotch and multiple seconds in front of Seymour. The conditions in the final were rocky and rough, and ultimately the girls placed fourth due to a crab of the oar. Completing the day with a 4km run rounded off a great day of fitness. – Olivia Compare (Captain of Boats)

This week, the Inter Bs consisting of Emily Downie, Imogen Parkinson, Keely Flannagan and Michelle Rupert raced twice. In the heat, the girls came second and were very happy in the way they rowed. They were then through to the A final and started strongly. As the race progressed, the girls’ rowing looked better than it ever has. Even though they came third, they were extremely satisfied. They worked really well together this week, especially with the seating and crew changes. They should be very proud of the effort they are putting in and the results they are getting. – Abbie Lisle (Cox)

Year 9A Rowing
The School Premiership Series #2 was held at West Lakes last Saturday. With only four weeks to go to Head of the River, our crew of Keely Flannagan, Ella Waltham, Olivia Kelly, Sophie Barr and Jodi Papendorf are starting to get excited and a bit nervous. We placed second both in the heat and in the final with a very tight finish. – Jodi Papendorf (Cox)

This week, I was able to cox the 9B crew of Anda Ceplite, Thuhansa Hattotuwa, Rose Young and Molly Bond. The girls rowed well together and really pushed through the race. In the heat, they came third advancing into the A final where they crabbed at the beginning but came back. They ended up coming sixth but the girls were still happy in the way they rowed. They are going to keep pushing hard for the next three weeks. – Abbie Lisle (Cox)

On Saturday, the Inter A crew featuring Charlotte Sellars (stroke), Bella Bernardi (three seat), Emma Carrodus (two seat), Hannah Keough (bow) rowed really well. We placed fourth in the heat, which meant we progressed into the A crew final where we placed seventh. Due to sickness and injury, many crew changes have occurred and the girls have started to work well together. – Charlotte Creek


Open A – Saints 3 defeated Scotch 2
This weekend’s game was a great success for the Open A softball team, with a narrow victory. Facing a pitcher with a throw in the 90s, the girls batted extremely well. Fielding during this game was also a very high standard, with a range of easy outs demonstrated by the girls. A fantastic effort this week for the softball squad. I am very proud of you all! Enjoy your weekend off. – Lulu Tierney (Captain)

Open C – Saints 16 defeated Scotch 3
This was a terrific performance for the girls’ second game, defeating Scotch. All of them are progressing with catching, throwing and batting. Emily Bryce did an excellent job in pitching, while Joss Forster played an outstanding game on third base, catching lots of fly balls. It was great to see all the girls come out positively and play an awesome game. – Millie Wilkin (Year 10)


Premier League
The Open As had a convincing 6 sets to 0 win over Scotch. Tiana Glazbrook had an impressive victory over Scotch’s number 1, followed by Yasmin Glazbrook, Sienna Glazbrook and Olivia Harby all rising to the level to secure wins in singles and doubles.

Premier League Reserves
Open Bs’ number 1 Annabel Baldwinson led her team to victory for a 6 sets to 0 win over Scotch. Annabel and Mia Dodd performed to a high standard, winning their doubles, while Imogen Nienaber maintained good concentration to take out her singles 6-5. – Yasmin Glazbrook (Captain)

Junior Division 3
Alexandra 4-0
Gloria 6-0
Lily 2-4

(played up to 4 due to time)

Alexandra and Lily 4-3


Open C – Saints 0 defeated by Pembroke 2
Despite the final result, our team’s play significantly improved from the previous game. Our focus was to initiate the touch, have players mark a particular person and ensure our players call who is shooting to touch an opponent. This game, our communication during play greatly improved, as well as the fast pace of our rucking which was achieved by our players making sure the dummy-half always had somebody to pass to. Our aim for the next game is for our players to drop back five metres while defending to ensure that we are not caught offside. In training this week, we have also been developing a plan to carry out after our first three touches in order to get a try. – Lucy White


Congratulations to Emily Baldwinson who has been selected to represent South Australia as part of the Adelaide Jets Team at the 14 & Under National Club Championships in Albury/Wodonga on 28 March through to 2 April.

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