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eNews – Week 3, Term 4 2022

Issue no. 33

From Our Deputy Principal /
Head of Senior School


As our Year 12 students finish their final assignments and prepare for their upcoming exams, conversation soon turns to what’s next. What are the plans for after school? Will you attend uni? What course or what profession would you like to enter? These can be overwhelming questions for those of us who have a bit more life experience, let alone for a young person still in the midst of their final assessments. They are, however, important conversations to be having, conversations that don’t need to wait until the final year of school.

Students in Years 7 – 9 are already thinking about life post-school as they take part in our ‘Career.Ready’ program during Home Group this term. They have begun by investigating and reflecting on their own abilities, interests and values. They are introduced to tools such as MyFuture and Career Deep Dive investigations to assist their research into the endless possibilities on offer to them.

Our girls are encouraged to investigate areas of interest or passion while still in Middle School to help increase their awareness of professions or fields of work outside of traditional roles. Career.Ready is not designed to pin a student down to a job or career from a young age; instead, the program provides students, teachers and families with opportunities to link passions and interests to possible future pathways. Career.Ready provides our girls and families with opportunities for discussion as students move through the Middle School into the Senior School. Conversations discussing jobs or fields where they don’t have interests are in fact just as useful as a conversation regarding what job they may like. It’s a process of elimination.

As students progress into the senior years, these conversations and learning experiences are deliberately repeated, with greater depth applied to the investigation. We naturally expect areas of interest to change. In addition to career investigation, students also attend 1:1 planning conversations, mock interviews and our ‘JobChats’ which give them the opportunity to hear from an expert in an area of interest. They can find out what a day in the life of their profession looks like and can ask any question that may come to them in a comfortable environment.

I encourage all students to share with their families what they have been investigating through Career.Ready this term. Conversations on values, interests and possible areas of future employment are always insightful discussions to be had, and it’s never too soon to start them.

Lauren Sutton
Deputy Principal/Head of Senior School

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From Our 2023 Prefects

Throughout the Prefect interview process, we were asked what we wanted the legacy of the 2023 Prefect group to become. As a leadership team, we are passionate about doing the small things right as they can make a large difference. We hope to build an inclusive environment where students feel comfortable coming to us to have a chat, confident that we will support them in any way we can. We are proud Saints Girls and look forward to encouraging girls to embrace the opportunities and community provided here.

To us, leadership involves encouraging others to accomplish their goals and providing the support for them to do so. We aim to help others to realise their ability and to have enough confidence and faith in themselves to pursue their passions. One focus for the next year is to encourage an environment where girls can work effectively as a team and feel good about the work they are doing. The environment of support we aim to encourage will stem from our Schools’ foundational values of courage, creativity and compassion.

The Prefect Team for 2023 has many plans for the School community, with an emphasis on encouraging the students to support each other. We have grown up at Saints Girls with a strong and supportive community surrounding us and we aim to continue that long into the future. We have already enjoyed taking on roles in which we are able to interact with both students and the wider School community. Please feel free to come up and have a chat as we are eager to answer any questions you may have. We look forward to introducing our initiatives in the coming weeks and embracing our responsibilities as the leaders of this wonderful School.

Ellie Humphrey
Head Prefect
Ruby Richards
Deputy Head Prefect

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Power of All-Girls’ Education

St Peter’s Girls is a firm believer in the power of an all-girls’ education.

Research from around the world continues to provide strong evidence that girls in single-sex schools are more confident in their studies, particularly in STEM subjects, and their wellbeing is far greater.

In collaboration with the Alliance of Girls’ Schools Australasia, Saints Girls has produced an inspiring video to celebrate the many benefits of girls’ education.

To view the latest research, visit the alliance’s website: click here

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Celebrating Our Terrific Teachers

Last Friday was World Teachers’ Day, an opportunity to reflect on how fortunate we are at Saints Girls to be surrounded by such passionate and dedicated educators who go above and beyond to support our students.

As part of the celebrations, Educators SA presents a range of awards to recognise outstanding educators. One of these honours was bestowed upon our Head of Languages Cindy Pitkin, who received the Hiroshi Haga Teacher Recognition Award from the Japanese Language Teachers’ Association of SA.

The nomination read: ‘Cindy’s passion for Japanese and teaching is evident from the moment you meet her. She is positive, enthusiastic, wears a huge and constant smile and is full of energy. She is an excellent Japanese teacher and goes above and beyond in both the promotion of the language and culture. Cindy has given much to her role serving as president for many years.’

Two of her current students warmly endorsed the honour:

‘This year, I began Japanese B as part of the IB Diploma Programme with Pitkin Sensei as my teacher. Pitkin Sensei has adapted the lessons to the way we as a class have suggested we learn best, so that we can learn the different aspects of the language in an effective and engaging way. I have appreciated the continuous feedback and support she has provided throughout the year, and always enjoy the way in which she embeds aspects of Japanese culture into our classes.’ – Ellie Humphrey (Year 11 student)

‘Pitkin Sensei is a very hard-working teacher who always puts amazing amounts of effort into her lessons, tasks and feedback. Her classes are engaging and informative, and her support both inside and outside of the classroom means I am always able to learn.’
– Maddy Liddy (Year 11 student)

Congratulations on this most deserved acknowledgement Cindy.

Liz Sandercock
Educators SA Board Member/Year 1 Teacher

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Dumplings and Decorations on Chinese Adventure

On Monday, our Year 7 Chinese class ventured on an excursion, visiting Chef Dong to sample cuisine and the University of Adelaide to explore traditional paper-cutting. In our lessons leading up to the outing, we learnt how to order food in Chinese. This way, the excursion became both an enjoyable and educational experience. We really liked the Chinese cuisine, especially the chrysanthemum tea and the dumplings. While there, Li lao shi, our Chinese Teacher, also taught us about Chinese traditions including how the host and the guests sit in different positions around the table.

Next, we visited the University of Adelaide where we investigated traditional paper-cutting. We learnt about how many Chinese people use the character ‘xi-囍’ to decorate their homes with the paper-cuttings. Xi means double happiness and it is generally used as a symbol of a couple around the time of their wedding. There were two main techniques that we learnt to make the character out of paper. The first was drawing and folding. This was the easier one of the two, but the finished product had less detail. The second technique was cutting and folding. We finished our visit by creating our own design which was really fun.

The whole class had a terrific time at both destinations and learnt a lot of new things about Chinese language and culture.

Lauren Fuller
Year 7 student

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French Connection at Film Screening

Last Monday, the Year 7 French classes travelled to Palace Nova Cinema in Prospect to view the French film Le Trésor du Petit Nicolas. It is based on a series of classic French children’s books about a group of friends and their regular adventures and mischief. Prior to the excursion, we spoke about the value of hearing French in an everyday context, as spoken by native French speakers, and the insights we can gain into French culture through such works.

The focus on school life in France in this film aligned with our unit on school and school subjects, and there were many giggles as the girls followed the story of Nicolas trying to prevent his family from moving away from his group of friends, ‘Les Invincibles’.

Here is what some of our girls had to say about the experience:

‘Watching a film in French really expanded my French vocabulary.’ – Zoe White

‘It was interesting to see what France and French homes looked like in the 1960s. I liked the interior design of Nicolas’s house.’ – Hannah Beaumont

‘I enjoyed the movie. It felt timeless and was relatable.’ – Diya Bhinder

‘I was able to hear how fast French speakers really talk!’ – Skyla Hutchinson

Mairi Walker and Denise Reid
French Teachers

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Rhyme and Reason for Prize-Winning Poet

In Term 3, the Year 4 French students completed a unit on poetry to coincide with both the central idea that ‘People can use poetry to express ideas and feelings’, and the South Australian French Teachers’ Association (SAFTA) Poetry Competition. As part of our studies, we observed and discussed the use of rhythm, rhyme and meter in selected French poems, and also collaborated to write poetry in French.

The SAFTA Poetry Competition in the Year 4 Category required students to memorise, rehearse and perform a set poem called ‘Je voulais dans mon cartable’ (‘In my school bag, I wanted’). After spending some lesson time studying the meaning, rhythm, rhyme and meter of this poem, students were given three weeks to perfect their performances, culminating in a video audition in Week 4.

Three students’ videos were selected to enter the competition, as schools are limited to only three entries per category. Submissions were judged on the criteria of memorisation, pronunciation, fluency and performance. Congratulations to Rachel Gong whose entry was awarded 2nd Prize. Rachel worked exceptionally hard to perfect her performance and is very deserving of this result.

Alex McKay
French Teacher

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Buoyant Vibes at Rowing Picnic

Last Sunday, the Friends of Rowing hosted the 2022/23 Season Opening Picnic on the Arts Centre steps. We were graced with excellent weather (despite forecasts) and all present enjoyed a wonderful evening. It was a great opportunity to welcome new and returning families, and celebrate the christening of new boats.

This year, we were fortunate to be christening four Coxed Quads/Fours, which have been named after our School Houses: Kennion, Kilburn, Patteson and Selwyn. To be in a position to christen four boats was outstanding, and was only made possible through the support of the School, the tireless efforts of the Friends of Rowing, and the individual generosity of some of our families. The addition of these boats to our fleet has already made a substantial impact on the experience of our students.

Thank you to the Friends of Rowing for their organisation of the picnic and to all of the parents who volunteered to prepare for the event and assist on the evening. It was a fabulous night enjoyed by all.

Brynley Millward
Director of Rowing

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Farm Fun on Year 2 Camp

Excitement filled the air on the first day of Term 4 as the Year 2 girls embarked on their very first overnight camp, heading to Narnu Farm on Hindmarsh Island!

After a delicious recess and play time in Strathalbyn, we arrived at Narnu Farm ready for our adventure. Horse riding was a huge highlight and the weather was perfect for the trail ride. The girls delighted in feeding the baby animals and holding the guinea pigs and baby chicks. They prepared for the incoming ‘storm’ by building waterproof shelters at the Wilderness Survival. We ended the day with a special visit from Animals Anonymous. Butter making, hand ploughing and of course the truck ride on Elsie to feed the horses were favourite activities the next morning.

It was a wonderful way to celebrate the end of our ‘Where we are in Place and Time’ unit of inquiry and the girls learnt so much from this authentic farming experience. They are already looking forward to their camp next year!

Kathryn Clark and Rebecca Greenhalgh
Year 2 Teachers

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Year 1 Saints Enjoy Family Fusion

Last Friday, our Year 1 students hosted the Junior School Assembly where they shared their learning from our recent ‘Who we are’ unit of inquiry with their families and the rest of the Junior School students. They have been investigating the central idea that ‘Family relationships contribute to shape our identity.’

In the afternoon, grandparents and treasured friends were invited to the School for an afternoon of sharing. Together, they listened to a story in the classroom and completed a task, making comparisons between what school was like when their guests were young to what it is like now. The girls also enjoyed showing the visitors their classroom and sharing some of their school work.

This was followed by a delicious afternoon tea of scones, fruit, tea and coffee on the newly-renovated Middle School Deck. It marked a wonderful culmination of the girls’ learning about how families shape our identity, and by the comments received from the visitors, it was a most successful afternoon.

Michelle Liddy
Year 1 Teacher

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TOK Time for IB Learners

On Wednesday, the Year 11 IB students held their annual Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Exhibition. As a part of their core course, TOK students chose a prompt and used it to explore the role of knowledge through three different objects. Some prompts included ‘Who owns knowledge?’, and ‘Are some things unknowable?’ The exhibition was busy throughout the afternoon as teachers and students came to see the various ways that TOK manifests in the real world. The IB girls appreciated having many enriching conversations with both teachers and students, including girls from other year levels.

‘I really enjoyed getting to walk around at the TOK Exhibition. It was great seeing what the IB girls have been working on and listening to the concepts they have come up with about knowledge.’ – Alyssa Walpole (Year 9 student)

Maddie Harrex
Year 11 student

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Year 11 Drama Production – Next Week!

Have you ever been to a party or event that gets more and more out of hand by the hour? The Stage 1 Drama class has, and we have a treat for you!

Bradley Hayward’s one-act comedy The Wedding Downpour tells the story of a husband and wife attempting to successfully run a wedding shower with many absurd guests who don’t make it easy. The evening involves twists and turns including trips to the emergency room, silly party games, and lots and lots of dancing.

We have thoroughly enjoyed preparing this play and learning all about comedic timing and farce. The Wedding Downpour will have you laughing all night and all day, maybe reminding you of some people you know! Please come along and support our Drama class, we would love to see you there.

Tuesday 8 November (Week 4)
Arts Centre, St Peter’s Girls’ School
Free Admission
Running time approx. 45 minutes

Zara Blight
Year 11 student

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Exhibition at South Australian Museum

As part of our commitment to Reconciliation, some Middle School classes have used the 50 Words Project to learn 50 words in Kaurna language and explore indigenous languages during their studies in Humanities.

The recent Year 7 History excursion to Warriparinga/The Living Kaurna Cultural Centre also included workshops on traditional weaving and learning about bush tucker in Kaurna language.

The Arabana Yanhi! Tanganekald Yan! exhibition is a wonderful opportunity for students to continue exploring indigenous languages. This is the first in a series of exhibitions at the South Australian Museum showcasing the efforts of two communities to combat the decline of their languages – Arabana of the western Lake Eyre region and Tanganekald of the Coorong region.

Explore original artwork by Aboriginal artists Lakota Milera-Weetra and the late Jacob Stengle (Karumapuli) made for the language flashcards that have been created in order to share, revive and promote Arabana and Tanganekald languages in their respective communities and across the State.

Free entry. Open daily until 26 March 2023.

Check out this exhibition and other amazing programs run by the South Australian Museum – click here

Kate McBride
Library and Information Services

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Friends of Rowing – Wine Fundraiser

Support the development of the Rowing Program at St Peter’s Girls’ School by purchasing from a fantastic selection of wines:

  • Lambert Estate – Barossa Valley
  • The Lane – Adelaide Hills
  • Bird in Hand – Adelaide Hills
  • d’Arenberg – McLaren Vale

Vintages are subject to change. In the event of wines being in short supply, we will contact you. Prices are only available for this fundraiser. Each wine can only be ordered by minimum purchase. Prices are inclusive of GST.

Purchases can be made via TryBooking – click here

The campaign runs until 11 December 2022 (no orders after this date can be accepted). Orders to be collected on Sunday 18 December from 11am – 3pm at St Peter’s Girls’ School. Wine can be collected after Sunday 18 December by prior arrangement; please contact Fiona McGregor, Community Relations – Events Officer via 8334 2225 or fmcgregor@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Liquor Licence: #203237

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COVID-19 Information

As you may be aware, a number of COVID-19 requirements have been lifted including mandatory isolation for those who test positive. Notwithstanding this, SA Health encourages anyone who is ill to stay home until the symptoms have cleared (usually five to seven days).

As there is no longer a set COVID isolation period, you must notify the School each day your child will be absent, or provide the expected period of absence.

Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

0428 601 957 (save to phone contacts as SPGS)

Phone: 8334 2200

The School is no longer required to record details of COVID-19 cases for SA Health; however, there is still a requirement for South Australians who test positive using a RAT to report their result to SA Health online.

Close contacts with symptoms should get tested and stay home until well.

For more information, click here

As always, we will keep you informed of any updated advice.

Please note that if your child is unwell, they should remain home until they have recovered, irrespective of the illness.

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School Medical Information Reminder

It is imperative that all medical information, including immunisations, is up to date on the School’s myLink parent portal.

Please follow this pathway to check and/or update details: myLink > Community Portal > My Details > select child name

If you have any questions, please email healthcentre@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

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Road Safety Alert

The School has received reports of concerning driver behaviour on Hallett Road. This includes holding up traffic while waiting for cars to leave in order to park near the ELC, performing risky u-turns and parking in bus zones.

As our staff have no jurisdiction over public roads, the School will be asking the police to conduct regular patrols at peak times.

We implore all of our community members to support road safety and show courtesy to others.

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Car Park Protocols

It is important to remind families about our car park protocols, particularly during drop off and pick up.

If the car park is full and you are unable to enter, circle the block until it is clear to enter, find a park elsewhere or, where age-appropriate, meet your daughter in a surrounding street.

Please note that, unless special circumstances apply, parents of girls in Years 2 to 12 should not enter the car park to collect their daughters prior to 3.30pm. Parents of girls in Reception and Year 1 have exclusive use of the pick-up zone prior to this time for safety and traffic reasons.

Please also refrain from turning right into or out of the car park at peak times, and please do not queue in the car park’s lanes as this often prevents drivers who are legally parked from exiting.

We have also previously received complaints about cars being parked too close to or in front of driveways, or across from other vehicles in surrounding streets, making it extremely difficult for residents and other road users to navigate.

We ask all community members to show consideration for others. Thank you for your cooperation.

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School Shop Notices

School Shop Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 8am – 4pm (closed for lunch 12 – 12.30pm)

Parents can also order items via our Online School Shop

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Absences from School

If your child will not be attending school/ELC due to illness or otherwise, please notify the School via one of the following methods and include the name of the ELC Room, Class or Home Group.

If emailing, feel free to ‘CC’ the teacher of the Room/Class/Home Group as well.

Please also provide a reason for the absence as the School requires this for government reporting purposes.

Text: 0428 601 957

Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Phone: 8334 2200

It would be appreciated if notifications could be made prior to 9am.

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Sports News


The All Schools Athletics Championships saw some fantastic results from Saints Girls with Charlotte McAuliffe, Daisy Braithwaite, Isla Fahey, Malaika McLeod and Elodie de Wit qualifying for the Nationals All School Competition to be held in Adelaide from 9 – 11 December. Charlotte also achieved meet records in the 100m and 400m events.

Charlotte McAuliffe:
200m (U16) – 1st
100m (U16) – 1st
400m (U16) – 1st

Daisy Braithwaite:
5000m Race Walk (U17) – 1st

Carys Kinsella-White
Shot Put (U16)- 6th
200m (U16) – 6th
400m (U16) – 4th

Isla Fahey
3000m (U15) – 2nd
1500m (U14) – 1st

Lucille Trengove
200m (U14) – 12th

Malaika McLeod
800m (U16) – 1st
1500m (U16) – 1st
400m (U16) – 2nd

Elodie de Wit
1500m (U15) – 2nd


Open A: Saints (22) v Scotch (58)
Open B: Saints (13) v Scotch (31)
Middle A: Saints (44) v Scotch (57)
Middle B: Saints (48) v Scotch (13)


Open A: Bye
Open B: Saints (36) v Concordia (103)


Open A: Saints v Scotch (game cancelled due to rain)
Div 1: Saints (1(22)) v Wilderness (8(50))
Div 2: Saints (3(25)) v Wilderness (6(40))
Div 3: Saints (0) v Seymour (7)

In Division 1, Bella Willson was the standout performer with a 6 – 2 singles win. In Division 2, Nathara Perera and Sophie Curyer had a great doubles game before both winning their singles.


Open A: Saints (8) v Wilderness (1)
Open B: Saints (7) v OLSH (3)
Middle A: Saints (8) v Marryatville (3)
Middle B: Saints (1) v Loreto (7)


Open A: Saints (1(53)) v Concordia (2(71))
Open B: Saints (0(33)) v Concordia (3(75))
Open C: Saints (0(38)) v Concordia (3(75))
Middle A: Saints (0(54)) v Concordia (3(75))
Middle B: Saints (1) v Concordia (2)
Middle C1: Saints (0) v Concordia (3)
Middle C2: Saints (0(41)) v Concordia (3(75))


Open A: Saints (11) v Seymour (4)
Open B: Bye
Open C: Saints (11) v Sacred Heart (3)
Middle A: Bye



Congratulations to Sophie Wiggins and Chelsea Francis who have been selected to represent East Adelaide in SAPSASA Tennis.