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Enews – Week 3, Term 4 2017

Issue no. 33
Enews-banner W3 ExpoYears 7 and 8 Futures students

From the Deputy Principal / Head of Middle School

Richard Lisle inside 220Year 12 have been given a fabulous send off and staff are recovering from dance-related aches, pains and embarrassments, but the year is far from over.

IB and SACE exams are upon us, and then Term 4 seems to be a steady procession from one calendar highlight to the next. Among the now traditional ceremonies, dinners and services, we have a new one this year for our Year 7 and 8 students. Their focus is on the Entrepreneurial Expo on Tuesday 21 November (Week 6).

This new event is the culmination of their work this year in the Futures Course. It is an opportunity to present their business ‘pitch’, and receive feedback and affirmation from industry experts and the wider community.

The event will begin in the Arts Centre at 6pm with a short awards ceremony, with companies being recognised in the following categories:

Most worthwhile problem being solved
For a company that most clearly communicated a problem, and presented how their product, service or action aims to solve it.

Most likely to attract investment
For a company that would most likely attract investment in the commercial world.

Most innovative and creative (not-for-profit)
For a company that shows innovation, creativity and originality as a not-for-profit organisation.

Most innovative and creative (commercial)
For a company that shows innovation, creativity and originality as a commercial business.

Most likely to have a real-world impact
A company that would most likely make a real-world impact, action or social change.

These awards will be decided by our expert panel:

Dr Eva Balan-Vnuk: State Director for Microsoft in South Australia
Anna Dimond: CEO/Designer at Palas Jewellery
Mary Hudson: Senior Education Consultant, AISSA
Professor Noel Lindsay: Director of the Entrepreneurship, Commercialisation and Innovation Centre, University of Adelaide
Professor Yong Zhao: International Expert on Entrepreneurial Thinking, University of Kansas

Our Futures staff will also be recognising our students in the following categories:

• Most impressive business plan
• Reaction to failure/resilience
• Prototyping and process

We will then move up to the new Middle School building where each company will showcase their work, and there will be a chance to look at, sample and order products, just in time for the holiday season!

Whilst aimed specifically at the parents of our Year 7 and 8 students, we welcome and encourage the wider community to attend this exciting evening, at which refreshments will be served on the Middle School deck from 6.30pm.


Monday of Week 6 sees our Orientation Day. All new students to the School have a chance to visit for the day and meet their new peers, whilst we also run ‘move up’ sessions, where all students get to meet staff who will play a key role in their learning for 2018. For many, this will mean a move of Sub-School, and whilst exciting, it can also be daunting for some.

Last week Kate Mortimer mentioned SchoolTV in her Enews article. This month’s resources are about Transition, and are an excellent starting point for any parent whose daughter is moving to a new Sub-School.


Despite some sadness at the departure of our Year 12 cohort (and the subsequent end of staff dance classes!), I am looking forward to the full program of events that the end of the year brings, and sharing them with our full School community.

For those interested in seeing brave and energetic members of staff entertaining the audience at the Celebration Day Assembly, check out the video here:

Richard Lisle
Deputy Principal / Head of Middle School

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Have You Explored Our New Website?

If you haven’t already had a look, be sure to check out our new website – simply click here. Featuring a host of fresh information on our achievements, staff and programs, the site proudly showcases St Peter’s Girls’ School to the wider community. Here’s a snippet from our new Middle School:

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ICAS English Competition Achievements

W3 ICAS English

In Term 3, the majority of students in Years 7 to 10 participated in the ICAS English Competition and, once again, Saints Girls have achieved outstanding results. Chi Chi Zhao was the State medallist for having achieved the highest score for all Year 7 students across South Australia and the Northern Territory, and both she and Holly Wallman-Craddock in Year 8 achieved High Distinctions (top 1% of all entrants in the competition).

The following students achieved a Distinction standard (top 10% of all entrants in the competition) –

Year 7
Georgia Barclay
Azaan Singh
Ruby Thorp

Year 8
Keely Flannagan
Victoria Thorp
Rose Young

Year 9
Ella Byrne
Emily Downie
Aleisha Elliott

Year 10
Asha Short

Michael Butler-Wills
Head of English / Drama Teacher

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Our Mathematical Success Story Continues…

W3 Maths Challenge 2

For more than a decade, Saints Girls has won multiple awards in the Primary Maths Challenge. The scope and variety of investigations during this time has been outstanding and 2017 is no exception!

The Year 2 girls asked four big questions that formed the focus of their inquiry:

What is coding?
What mathematics do we need to code?
Where can we find code and how can we use it?
Can we do our own coding?

Investigations began with mapping activities and transferring these mathematical concepts when planning and creating the Bee Bot City maps. The girls developed the idea of using Bee Bot City as the starting point for Blue Bot City; currently a work in progress. Through identifying the mathematics involved in coding Bee Bots the girls were able to find code in other applications. Look out for a follow-up article in the Enews next week which will include photos of the Statewide Presentation evening. Congratulations to the following students:

State Winners

Year 2
Aojin Chen

Year 3
Rose Downie
Amelia Kayser

Year 6
Mary Stavrou
Bronwyn Gautier, Lady Murphy, Mikaela Udall and Sowmya Biradar

Highly Commended

Year 2 Class
Mabelle Kayser
Angel Li
Catherine Kelly
Junior School Learning Strategies

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Saints Girls Continues Public Speaking Success

W3 UN Youth Voice

Recently, Year 8 student Holly Wallman-Craddock competed in a public speaking competition called ‘Voice’, run by UN Youth. It is an annual challenge where young people pitch solutions to problems facing our world.

We asked Holly to tell us about her experience:

“For the prepared speech, you deliver a speech that you’ve written in advance, with a suggestion to solve your chosen problem. In the impromptu question section, you are asked two questions about your solution, and are then given one minute to write down notes before finally speaking for two minutes to answer them.

For the first round of the competition, I spoke on the topic, “How can we increase access to education for girls around the world?” After the first round, I was told I had advanced to the State final, and had seven days to write, learn and practise my new speech on the topic, “How can we increase young people’s understanding of Australian history?”

Last Thursday, I competed in the State final, and I’m pleased to say that I won my age group, so I’ll be travelling to Brisbane to compete in the national final in April.”

Holly is a very dedicated public speaker who has had great success in 2017, including reaching the national finals of the Rostrum Voice of Youth. All the best for the national final, Holly!

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Year 3s Enjoy a Wellbeing Day

W3 Year 3 Wellbeing

As a culmination of our ‘Healthy Choices’ Unit of Inquiry, the Year 3s enjoyed a day of relaxation dressed in their favourite pyjamas. The girls reflected upon the healthy choices they had made while taking action for the Inquiry Cycle. For some, this included adding different types of fruit and vegetables to their diet or incorporating more exercise into their daily routine. The girls mindfully moved as the Confucius Institute taught them the art of Tai Chi, which is an ancient Chinese ‘meditation in motion’ to tell a story, promoting serenity and inner peace. I was also impressed at the enthusiasm shown as they applied Cosmic Yoga to a Harry Potter story and tried their hand at finger knitting. We invited Ms Letch, our School Counsellor, to talk about the brain and the importance of getting a good night’s sleep. She reminded us to try strategies such as not having any blue screens in the bedroom and making sure we recognise the right time to go to bed. We learnt that filling each others’ bucket through positive affirmations has a great impact in our lives and boosts our self–esteem.

I am sure these valuable experiences will serve the girls well as they draw upon them to balance their lives in the future.

Deb Cope and Mark Routley
Year 3 Teachers

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National Recognition for our Director of Rowing

W3 Rowing

Congratulations to Saints Girls’ Director of Rowing Ben Flannagan who has received the inaugural Participation Ambassador Award which recognises the significant impact, leadership and positive influence by an individual on rowing participation and development. Nominations for this award were sought from all states and territories then voted on by a panel comprising a Rowing Australia Board member, State Councillor, the National Coach Development Education Officer as well as Rob Scott, CEO Rowing Australia.

In addition to his role at St Peter’s Girls’ School, Ben is also passionate about promoting and broadening opportunities through Para-Rowing, which provides athletes with a physical or intellectual impairment the opportunity to be active on the water.

In Ben’s words: “I was truly honoured and humbled to win the award as I didn’t go into any of this to receive any sort of recognition. I was so certain I wasn’t going to win, I didn’t have a speech prepared, so I had to get up on stage and improvise in front of Gina Rinehart, Dawn Fraser and the who’s who of Australian Rowing sitting in the audience. I would like to thank my wife Tam who puts up with everything I do in rowing; she gives me great support. It was a wonderful night, one that I will never forget.”

Well done Ben on your amazing achievement!

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Award for Rising Digital Technologies Educator

W3 Monique Award

Digital Technologies teacher Monique Green has been awarded the EdTech SA Leading Light Award. It recognises those within the education community who provide inspiration to others in supporting the subject of IT and the use of ICT.

Monique is passionate about engaging and inspiring girls in technology. Through a varied curriculum including programming, driverless cars, drone technology, business intelligence and 3D printing, she helps students understand how technology can change the world. As a member of ‘Her Tech Path’, a community of women working in IT who share this passion, she has partnered with Exposé to develop a unit of work for Senior School students that focuses on how data can be used to solve business problems. Once this program has been trialled at our School, we will be making it available to other schools to use.

Another project Monique has been working on follows on from our recent success in the 2017 Search for the Next Tech Girl Superhero challenge. On 8 March 2018, Year 6 and 7 students from Saints Girls and other local schools will be participating in a day of interactive tech experiences. The purpose of this event is to launch the 2018 Search for the Next Tech Girl Superhero challenge on International Women’s Day.

Congratulations Monique on your award!

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Reminder to Dog Owners

With the weather warming up and more of us enjoying the great outdoors, it is timely to remind families about our position on dogs visiting the School grounds. All dogs must be kept on a lead at all times and must not go inside School buildings or into the ELC grounds. It is also expected that owners pick up after their dogs. We thank you and your dog for your cooperation.

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Year 4s Visit Morialta Conservation Park

W3 Year 4 Excursion

To link in with our ‘How the world works’ Unit of Inquiry, the Year 4 classes visited Morialta Conservation Park on Thursday 26 October. As we walked along trails, the girls observed and discussed examples of weathering, erosion and deposition, as well as sedimentary rocks. We also recognised the significance of this area to the Kaurna people of the Adelaide Plains. Using photos taken on iPads during the walk, each girl is now putting together an iMovie that explains her science learning. These include images of places such as the Giants Cave and First Falls.

Before heading back to school, we visited the new Morialta Playspace where the girls had great fun inventing games to play on the different pieces of equipment.

Rebecca Riley Dillon and Louisa Mitchell
Year 4 Teachers

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Parents’ and Friends’ Association AGM

W3 P&F Logo_BlueParents’ and Friends’ Association AGM
Thursday 16 November
From 6.30pm
Food Tech Centre

The passion and commitment of our parents goes a long way to building a sense of community amongst our School families.

Under the very capable leadership of the P&F Executive and Community Relations’ staff, the Parents’ and Friends’ Association supports school events and initiatives, provides fantastic events and ‘fun’draising opportunities each year.

We’d love to see some new parents involved in the executive, however, you do not necessarily need to attend monthly meetings in order to be part of the wider P&F community and volunteer throughout the year.

The upcoming P&F AGM is an important meeting to review our activities in 2017 and determine the new Executive Committee for 2018. We encourage you all to come along and here some of our fantastic plans for 2018. It will be a fun night and drinks and nibbles will be provided.

Positions available include:

The President chairs the meeting and oversees all activities of the P&F and the other Office Bearers

Vice President
The Vice President chairs in the absence of the President and supports the President

The Secretary keeps minutes, sends and receives all correspondence

The Treasurer balances all income and expenditure approved by the Office Bearers and provides a monthly report to the committee

Each role requires a close working relationship with the School, and anyone wishing to stand for one of these positions is encouraged to speak with Melissa Westgate in the Community Relations Office or myself.

The P&F would like to thank all those who have contributed to its various fundraising activities or have volunteered to help at its events in 2017. I would also like to thank the P&F Executive for their hard work and support during the year.

I look forward to seeing you all at the AGM.

Our P&F Association is ready to hit the ground running once again in 2018, so please take note of our 2018 Community Events and pick up a fridge magnet at the ‘Drinks on the Deck’ this coming Thursday 9 November.

Richard Auricht

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Saints Girls Welcomes ‘Musica Viva’

W3 Musica Viva

On Wednesday 1 November, Years 3 – 6, the Developmental Band, and Years 9 – 11 Music students were treated to a performance by ‘Musica Viva’. The talented group of musicians specialise in jazz and improvisation. They demonstrated the different parts of a song and even got the girls up dancing.

“I thoroughly enjoyed the performance by ‘Musica Viva’. It was really entertaining and I learnt a lot about jazz music.” – Angel Li

“The performance was really interesting and I really enjoyed it. They had great songs to play and interacted with the audience.” – Georgia Evans

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Year 11 Business and Enterprise visit ThincLab

W3 ThincLab

The Year 11 Business and Enterprise class visited the University of Adelaide’s ThincLab Centre on 25 October to investigate its environment where unconventional thinkers incubate their ideas to give them an unfair advantage in the marketplace. Renee Louise Hakendorf, the innovation hub manager, facilitated the excursion.

Our first activity was a session conducted by Wendy Lindsay, the online program coordinator. As a lecturer, Wendy was able to effectively counsel us through possible academic pathways whilst also exploring opportunities in business and entrepreneurship courses. Our next activity was visiting the 3D printers. Currently, ThincLab has eight 3D printers of different sizes. Directed by Morgan Hunter, the 3D printer expert allowed us to view the process of creating a 3D object. We were amazed by the opportunity to engage and form a 3D object – a working catapult which we each printed and took home. We were then among the first to trial the new enhanced reality app created by one of ThincLab’s own entrepreneurial technology gurus, Chris George. This allowed us to collaborate with an app installed on the iPad which mirrors images of the 3D object through the camera lens. My group also spoke to Dr Tullio Rossi who is a science communicator and the Founder of ‘Animate Your Science’ which helps scientists get their work noticed and facilitates a positive impact on society. This is achieved through Tullio’s interactive videos and graphical abstracts which are shared on social media.

Visiting ThincLab was very worthwhile as it provided an insight into the career paths in business and entrepreneurship; a place where anyone with a business vision can go and build their dream.

Chanel Stefani
Year 11 student

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Japan Exchange Recap

W3 Japan Exchange 1

It was early morning on 24 September when we (Amelie, Charlotte, Michelle and Emily) met at Adelaide Airport with our heavy bags packed for three weeks abroad. Later that night we arrived in Narita Airport, Japan. After visiting the airport’s Starbucks, we made our way to the first tourist destination – the bathrooms. Here we obsessed over the automatic flush and heated toilets seats.

W3 Japan Exchange 2The next day was our first day at Senzoku Gakuen High School. It is a massive school with 250 students in each year level. Every classroom had a blackboard and 45 desks. No interactive whiteboards or computers, just pen and paper. Everyone at the school was really nice to us. They were all eager to talk to us and practise their English. It was sad to say goodbye to everyone after getting so close to them. After school each day, there were club activities that ran for around two hours. We participated in Kendo, soccer, ping pong and soft tennis. At Senzoku, as with much of Japan, there were vending machines – we all loved them and if we were not at class, we would be down in the cafeteria eating ice cream. Overall, Senzoku was a lovely school and the people were so kind.

Our favourite class was definitely the returnee classes, they were pretty much the only classes we could understand. Returnee English classes are for all girls who have lived in an overseas country. These girls all had amazing English and were always willing to help us out.

W3 Japan Exchange 3We also went to fun tourist attractions including Disneyland where our favourite rides were Splash Mountain and Space Mountain. Tokyo Disneyland is very different to other Disneylands because visitors dress up in Disney costumes.

During another outing, Uchikawa Sensei took us to Kawasaki and Yokahoma. In Kawasaki, we went to the Daishi temple which was extremely beautiful and it was the first we visited in Japan so we were very excited. Before entering, we had to wash our hands and be covered in smoke to cleanse ourselves. We then caught a train to Yokahoma and went to the amusement park Yokohama Cosmo World where we took purikura pictures. Purikura is a photo booth where you take digital photos and decorate and edit them. It was so fun being able to explore both the traditional and modern sides of Japan.

The exchange was one of the most incredible experiences of our lives and we are all very grateful to have had such an opportunity. If we had the chance, we would all love to go again – we miss Japan already!

Emily Downie, Charlotte Creek, Amelie Eaton and Michelle Rupert
Year 9 students

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JOBEX – Jobs in Emerging Industries

On 10 and 11 November, the Adelaide Convention Centre will be hosting JOBEX which will feature over 120 businesses from areas such as Defence and Shipbuilding, Health and Research, Energy and Mining, IT and Hi-tech and Tourism, Food and Wine.

There will also be an Education Hub, Recruitment Zone, Seminars and Workshops.

Visit www.jobex.sa.gov.au for more information.

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Community Golf Day – Bookings Close Soon!

W9 OSA Golf Day 2017

Hosted by the St Peter’s Girls’ Old Scholars’ Association

Mount Osmond Golf Club | 60 Mount Osmond Road | Mount Osmond
Stableford Competition | 18-hole round | Multi-tee start 9am

Golf and Lunch: $75
Golf and Lunch (Mount Osmond Golf Club Members): $60
Lunch only: $20

Lunch at 1pm includes baguettes, wraps, dessert, tea and coffee. Other beverages may be purchased from the bar.

Great fun with prizes to be won!

Book via www.trybooking.com/SAVM or contact Megan McCormack on 8334 2239.

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Christmas Drinks on the Deck

W1 Christmas Drinks on the Deck

We would like to thank all members of the St Peter’s Girls’ community for your support by inviting you to celebrate the successes of 2017.

Thursday 9 November 2017
5.30 – 7.30pm
Middle School Deck

Drinks and nibbles will be provided, and children can use the playground.

RSVP via www.trybooking.com/SOYP

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Sports News

W3 Sport


Monday 30 October
Open – Saints 55 defeated Walford 15
The girls put in another solid performance in a convincing win. Every player performed well. Sarah Matheson had a good game, scoring 18 points and leading the team. Ella Robinson also contributed 14 points. Good team performance. Keep up the good work. – Ella Robinson (2018 Captain)

Middle C – Saints 8 defeated by Walford 20
The girls played a great game against Walford with their man-on-man pressure and defence to help keep the ball down our end. The use of space improved by the second half and here the girls had the chance to shoot by leading into free space. Overall, the girls are improving which is giving them great determination to not give up. Best players go to Asha Krywanio for her great shooting and bringing the ball down the court. – Sophia West (Coach)

Friday 27 October – Harry Long Carnival
Last Friday, eight very keen Year 6s travelled to St Peter’s College for the Harry Long Basketball Carnival. The girls played against Wilderness, Seymour, Pembroke and Westminster. Willow Stewart-Rattray and Chloe Porter worked hard for rebounds against much taller opposition players and did well to anticipate and intercept. Bridgette Leach and Helen Zhang worked solidly, dribbling around players and heading for the basket to score. Ellie Humphrey and Sophie Dansie worked hard at the top of the key to keep the other teams out and applied good pressure. Grace and Pearl Richards worked very well together, with Grace finding Pearl in space near the basket which resulted in a number of scores.

The girls lost a tough first game against a Seymour team of all Year 7s, but rebounded with a solid win against Wilderness. Saints then lost to Pembroke in a close contest and narrowly went down by a point to Westminster. In the playoffs, we beat Wilderness to then play Westminster for 3rd. In a close and low scoring match we lost 3-6. All girls improved the more we played. Their confidence grew, so that they were taking on players and winning more balls. The girls played with great sportsmanship and enjoyed themselves thoroughly. Seymour defeated Pembroke in the playoff for first. – Sharon Tocher-Leach (Coach)

Wednesday 25 October

Middle A – Saints 1 defeated by Westminster 52
The team played against a very talented side that contained a number of club level players. Saints never gave up and kept playing to the end. Special mention to Emmanuel Russell who played really well. – Peter Krantis (Coach)

Middle B – Saints 4 defeated by Westminster 52
The girls played against a strong opponent and the score was not reflective of how the team played. The girls had some good shots but could not convert their chances. – Peter Krantis (Coach)


Thursday 26 October
Congratulations to Charlie Fishlock (Year 7) and Lucy Steele Scott (Year 8) who competed in the combined SAPSASA/SSSSA mountain biking competition. Held in Blackwood on a challenging course, Charlie placed first in her age group of Under 13s and Lucy scored second in her age group of Under 15s. We both enjoyed the event and would like to encourage other girls to come out and try next year. – Charlie Fishlock, Lucy Steele Scott (students)


Saturday 28 October
Saints started the new season last weekend with some fantastic results. The inter crew and both senior crews competed in the 7km race at West Lakes – Round the Island. It was a successful day with the 1st 8+ and the 10A quad both coming 2nd and the 1st 4+ coming 3rd. This was an outstanding result considering the crews have not trained for this distance of racing and have instead been focusing on technique and short distance work. This result has all crews looking forward to the first 2km race at West Lakes this week. – Olivia Compare (Captain of Boats)


Saturday 28 October
Open A – Saints 14 defeated Immanuel 13
After our great win in the first week, the Softball Open As were feeling confident and ready to take on the Open A Immanuel team. Despite having to change the pitcher around a few times, we still managed to end of the game with a great win. Well done to the girls who entered the pitching circle, a great game played by all. – Lulu Tierney (2018 Captain)

Open B – Saints 18 defeated Seymour 10
This week’s game against Seymour was another fantastic effort from the team. Facing a tougher opponent than last week, our fielding was challenged, and the team had to step up to some faster pitching in the last innings. Amelia Pudney and Steph Smalls led the field with some great pitching and reliable fielding. Fantastic batting from Hattie Maerschel and Tahlia Louca also led to lots of runs. Overall it was a successful game, and bodes well for some stronger opponents in weeks to come. – Beth Cross (Year 11)

Wednesday 25 October

Year 5/6 – Saints 7 defeated Walford 6
The first game of the season was a bit of a refresher course for our Year 6 players, but the first time in the big game for the Year 5s who have graduated from Tee-Ball. However, you would not have noticed it with how well the team played. Within the first innings, a triple out play by Saints was outstanding to watch, and not something you see often! However, Saints couldn’t get to the bat and the second innings started off with no runs each way. Walford scored 6 runs in the second innings, leaving Saints some work to do at bat. However, the team successfully batted their way to 7 runs and subsequently won the game in a nail-biting finish. A great all-team effort but particularly well done to Emily Bryce and Jenna Maione for stepping up and trying out pitching. – Claire Hale (Coach)

Year 4/5 Blue – Saints 20 defeated Seymour 17
The girls played a great game and, with an increase in energy towards the end, cheered their girls on to a 3 run win. Best player goes to Anna Venning and Kate Thomas who both played a great game with some incredible hits and great fielding from all. – Kate McKellar-Stewart (Student Coach)

Year 4-5 White – Saints 14 defeated by Walford 22
For our first week of tee-ball, the team showed great enthusiasm and played a solid game. Despite the loss, the girls demonstrated their knowledge of the game and showed some fantastic skills. – Lulu Tierney (Student Coach)


Saturday 28 October
Tennis has started up again in Term 4 and, with one round left for the Open A and B teams, both are in line to win the shields. Last week was a close match for the B team playing Pulteney, winning by three games. The week before the A team played Immanuel and had a comfortable win of 4-2. All the tennis girls have worked well together at training and recorded some outstanding results in Week 1 and 2 and we hope they continue to do their best. – Tiana Glazbrook (Captain)

Division 1 – Saints 3-24 defeated Wilderness 3-23
Singles: Imogen Nienaber 3-6, Chelsea Staples 6-0, Lily-Rose Spartalis 5-6, Mahala Truscott 6-2

Division 2 Blue – Saints 5-31 defeated Wilderness 1-19
Singles: Taj Shahin 6-4, Tiffany Zhou 6-3, Georgia Langley 1-6, Adele Eaton 6-1

Division 2 White – Saints 3-27 defeated by Wilderness 3-29
Singles: Renee Lawrence 2-6, Issy Harker 3-6, Amelie Eaton 6-5, Annabelle Langley 6-3

Division 3 Blue – Saints 0-13 defeated by Wilderness 6-36
Singles: Milly Wood 3-6, Olivia Zito 1-6, Anneliese Thomas 0-6, Louisa Reid 2-6

Division 3 White – Saints 3-24 defeated Wilderness 3-22
Singles: Mia-Rose Taliangis 0-6, Orla Clayton 6-4, Funto Komolafe 3-6, Lilly Alexander 6-0 (forfeit)

Division 4 Blue – Saints 1-13 defeated by Wilderness 5-34
Singles: Hattie Xu 6-4, Siena Zito 4-6, Shunem Josiah 0-6, Ammi Yagnik 0-6

Division 4 White – Saints 2-17 defeated by Wilderness 4-27
Singles: Sophie Abbott 1-6, Eva Young 6-3, Chase Hocking 3-6, Charlotte Adams 0-6

Monday 30 October
Open B – Saints 3-28 defeated Pulteney 3-26
Singles: Sienna Glazbrook 3-6, Clair Kao 6-3, Annabel Baldwinson 3-6, Mia Dodd 1-6

Friday 27 October
Year 5/6 Division 1 – Saints 3-18 drew with Scotch 3-18
Singles: Maiya Jakupec 4-1, Willow Stewart-Rattray 2-4, Bridgette Leach 4-1, Sophie Dansie 2-4

Year 5/6 Division 2 – Saints 6-24 defeated Wilderness Green 0-7
Singles: Matilda Thomas 4-1, Marcella Tolley 4-0, Molly Dwyer 4-2

Year 5/6 Division 3 – Saints 0-8 defeated by Pembroke 6-28
Singles: Tara Nedumaran 0-4, Summer Ward 3-4, Charlie Edwards 2-4, Gloria Zou 0-4


Saturday 28 October
Open A – Saints defeated St Michaels on forfeit

Middle A – Saints 3 defeated St Ignatius 1
The Middle As played their first game of the season against St Ignatius and finished the game with a great win. Scores to Holly Cardone, Hannah Freeman and Ella Liddy with a couple more that could have been claimed if we placed the ball down before the dead ball line. Great running at gaps from all girls and the link up play through the middle was superb in their very first game. All girls should be unbelievably proud. – Dan Searle (Supervisor)

Middle B – Saints 1 defeated by St Aloysius 3
Our focus for the game was to move the ball forward in attack and to hold our positions in defence. In the first half of the game, our defence play was quite strong with the team working to keep the opposition at bay and stopping a couple of breakthrough runs. Adele Russell was strong on the wing, keeping on the outside of her player, and stopped a try. In attack, the girls executed one of the rucking patterns which we had practised in training, the ‘B-Split’, and made really good ground getting the ball down to the 5 metre line. During the second half, Kate Reade weaved her way through the defence and scored a superb try with one of the defenders chasing close behind. As they get more used to the rules and understanding of the game, they will improve very quickly. Our best players for the week were Adele Russell, Kate Reade and Chelsea Walls. – Tracey Hunt (Coach)


Saturday 28 October
Open A – Saints 3 defeated Pulteney 0 (25-8, 25-14, 25-11).
The Year 12s showed no signs of Valedictorian after-effects and the team put on an awesome display of teamwork and power to open the match, dealing Pulteney a lesson in the strength of Saints girls. Brooke Elliott and Emily Murdock set up the plays off some good passing from Mikaela Georgiadis, Rachael Disney and Uthpala De Silva, allowing Abbey Goodwin, Charlotte White and Tahlia Towers to dominate at the net. The importance of hydration become apparent when a couple of players ran out of water in the second set, resulting in some service errors which allowed Pulteney to reach double figures. The team is peaking at the right time with a clash against league leader Westminster to determine the final placings for the year. – Alistair Keough (Coach)

Open B – Saints 2 defeated Pulteney 1 (22-25,25-15,25-15)
After a nervous start, with communication a little quiet, Isobel Tan and Ava Loechel lifted the team energy to narrowly miss winning the first set. Great serving runs from Ankita Rajbhoj and Carla Lawrence in the 2nd and 3rd sets consecutively allowed Nicolette Miller and Molly Lucas to dominate at the net with the team finishing strongly to easily win the match. – Alistair Keough (Coach)

Open C – Saints 2 defeated Pulteney 1 (18 – 25, 25 – 17, 25 – 20)
Despite a slow start, the girls progressively improved and showed the opponent their real talent. The covering throughout the game was excellent, which enabled the girls to set up many 3-hits to win points. The best players were Cate Neale who displayed great work at the net and covering on the court, and Amy Li who showed terrific team spirit and serving throughout the game. The girls should be incredibly happy with their efforts. – Georgia Howe (Coach)

Open D – Saints 3 defeated Concordia 0
This week, the Open Ds won in 3 straight sets against Concordia. The girls played well as a team and, in particular, Meredith Li was very enthusiastic and moved brilliantly around the court. Ally Reade also had a great game, serving exceptionally well in the third set, serving 16 winning points in a row. – Victoria Neale (Coach)

Middle A – Saints 3 defeated Pulteney 0 (25 – 16, 25 – 11, 25 – 11)
This week, the Middle As had an excellent win against Pulteney, displaying high levels of enthusiasm, team work and overall performance. Particularly, the covering throughout the game was outstanding as well as the number of 3-hits performed. Best players go to Clair Kao who served brilliantly throughout the game, Lucy White who chased all balls and covered excellently and Sarah Wishart who kept the enthusiasm high and displayed great work at the net. – Georgia Howe (Coach)

Middle B – Saints 2 drew with Pulteney 2 (11 – 25, 16 – 25, 25 – 18, 25 – 22)
Despite a slow start, the Middle Bs played an excellent game and drew with Pulteney 2 – 2. The girls showed great team spirit and, towards the end, demonstrated their true talent. The covering and blocking at the net progressively improved, ensuring no points were lost without a fight. The best players were Ellen Zhang who showed a high level of serving and overall play, Paris Greene who had a great game, and Charlie Fishlock who kept the team spirit high and showed much improvement in her passing and hitting. The girls should be incredibly happy with their efforts and I look forward to watching this team grow.
– Georgia Howe (Coach)

Middle C – Saints 2 defeated Concordia 1
The Middle Cs had a win over Concordia this week. Due to strong serving from Chloe Venning and Lara Slape, we were able put pressure on the other team and were able to finish numerous points due to a strong presence at the net and great movement around the court by Sivanthi Sivasuthan. – Victoria Neale (Coach)

Friday 27 October

Year 5/6 – Saints 3 defeated Wilderness 0
Congratulations to the Year 5/6 volleyball team who had their first game against Wilderness, winning all 3 sets. They all worked hard to get their serves over the net and moved their feet to every ball. Well done girls, good start to the season! – Tahlia Towers and Charlotte White (Student Coaches)


Thursday 26 October
Open A – Saints 10 defeated Wilderness 6
The A grade girls played another amazing game defeating Wilderness. All the girls played incredibly well; I am continuously impressed by the team cohesiveness and skill of each player. Fiona Lethbridge and Nicolette Miller were fantastic in defence, stealing the ball and fouling the opposing team mercilessly. Through the great teamwork I was able to score five goals, but this wouldn’t have been possible without the support and strength of my team. Next week will be a tough game against Pembroke, however I trust that every player will play their hardest. – Erin Barrera (2018 Captain)

Open B – Saints 13 defeated St Dominics 0
Saints played an extremely high-level game both in intensity and skill. The defence was strong and we were able to quickly take the ball from the opposition and turn things in our favour. All players passed and shot with accuracy and strength, resulting in a great win. Goals were scored by Lucy Young (5), Hattie Maerschel (4), Shania Morgan (2), Matilda Braithwaite (2) and Alyssa Woolley (1). All the girls used the techniques learnt at training such as aiming for the corners of the goals and staying goal side which ultimately won us the game. Best player went to highest scorer Lucy Young who successfully stole the ball several times and swam into the offensive area. Special mention to Saskia Jonats who played exceptionally well in goals, especially as it was her second game. – Matilda Braithwaite (Year 9)

Open C – Saints 18 defeated Mercedes 2
Saints took an outstanding win against Mercedes on Thursday night. Keeping their undefeated winning streak, the girls played a smart game, delivering the 18-2 goal win. Each girl fought hard for the ball and almost successfully kept the opposition out of our defence. Without our regular goalie, fill ins Olivia Goldsmith, Emily Loh, Hattie Maerschel and Matilda Braithwaite did well to defend the goal. Goal scorers for the game were Olivia Goldsmith, Shania Morgan, Hattie Maerschel, Lucy Young, Sophie LeMire, Matilda Braithwaite and Rose Pittman. Best player was Matilda Braithwaite for her fast-paced swimming and control over the ball. – Hattie Maerschel (Year 9)

Year 7/8 – Saints 16 defeated Wilderness 3
It was a great team effort from all girls with congratulations to Gemma Schaedel and Emily Baldwinson who both played their first game for the School. Goal scorers were Lara Wakeham (7) and 1 each to Lucy Benn, Adele Eaton, Mia Humphrey and Gemma Schaedel. All the girls have shown great application and improvement over the course of the year. This is the second win for the term, which holds us in good stead for the remainder of the year. – Hannah Andrews (Coach)


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