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eNews – Week 3, Term 2 2021

Issue no. 13Enews-banner Adelaide Schools

From Our Deputy Principal / Head of Senior School

Adelaide Schools

Unsurprisingly, the first three weeks of Term 2 have passed remarkably quickly, and the girls have been enthusiastic in their approach to academic work, co-curricular activities and school events. It was wonderful to attend the Senior Drama Production this week. The girls’ hard work and dedication was evident throughout their performances. Also of note is the Prefect-led Assembly for Years 7 – 12 that occurred in Week 2. Over the past three years, the Prefects have been required to broaden their leadership skills through the coordination of additional events. These events are important as the Prefects must have opportunities to engage and connect with younger students. Their collaboration with girls in many year groups to provide a very memorable ‘Saints Got Talent’ was appreciated by students and staff. The highlight was no doubt the inaugural performance by the newly-formed staff band. On reflection, the wide participation in the Assembly was another example of the wonderful sense of community that is so embedded within Saints.

Our bespoke ‘Career.Ready’ program continues to move forward. This term will see the delivery of our Careers curriculum to students in Years 10 – 12. Lessons for Year 11 will focus on a number of ‘career deep dives’, where the girls thoroughly explore a range of industries and professions they have identified as areas of interest. It is important that they gain a deep understanding of the work that occurs within a profession. This must go beyond a simple explanation and should involve an exploration of the dynamic nature of the profession across a number of years. Furthermore, it is vital that they are able to assess the transferrable skills that are required within each profession and determine if these are areas of personal strength or require improvement. Year 12 students will complete a ‘university deep dive’. Research indicates that many students are unprepared for university life. Specifically, regarding the independent nature of university work, assessment processes, HECS and administrative requirements. Our intent is that our girls should not be surprised by the tertiary environment and are able to engage in a smooth transition to university life.

This week also saw the launch of our ‘JobChat’ initiative where we hosted Simone Hogarth who talked with a number of girls about her career in the health sector. JobChat is an individualised and flexible program where the School facilitates discussions with industries and fields of interest identified by the girls.

Finally, I encourage you to talk with your daughter regarding her involvement in the many activities and units of work that we are covering this term through our #EMPOWHER and Service Learning programs. I spent this past week working with Year 10 Patteson, who will later this term be cooking a three-course meal for patrons of Moore Street Drop-In Centre. Their willingness to be involved, organisation and attention to detail are impressive and I am confident they will do a fantastic job. Year 11 will next week be completing an intensive ‘study skills workshop’ in preparation for their semester exams. A reminder that our #EMPOWHER content can be viewed via our CANVAS course, and parent resources are available on our myLink parent portal.

Kate Mortimer
Deputy Principal/Head of Senior School

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The Second Commandment – First Class!

Bravo to our Year 12 Drama and Theatre students for their magnificent production of The Second Commandment.

Written and directed by Michael Butler-Wills, the 70-minute show told the classical Greek tale of Narcissus and Echo. The production was an evocatively poetic exploration of self-love that immersed audiences in a feast of sights and sounds.

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Noteworthy Success for Music Ensembles

Adelaide Schools

Congratulations to our fabulous ensemble Enchante (pictured above) who achieved a Gold award and were crowned overall winners in Division 1 at the Vocal JAZZ Fest 2021. We are also incredibly proud of Stage Band (pictured below) who competed against 17 schools in Division 3 at the 2021 SA Schools Jazz Festival and came away with 2nd place.

This time of year, the Music Department is usually in full ‘swing’, preparing for our trip down to Mt Gambier for Generations in Jazz. Last year and this year, the event was cancelled due to COVID. Many SA music teachers felt it was important to find alternative events for our passionate music students. The Vocal JAZZ Fest and SA Schools Jazz Festival were created through the combined efforts of three wonderful South Australian volunteer associations: ANCA (Australian National Choral Association), ABODA (Australian Band and Orchestra Directors Association) and AHOMINGS (Association of the Heads of Music in Non-Government Schools).

A huge congratulations to Music teacher Sari Noble and Old Scholar Chelsea McGuinness (Kilburn 2016) for their amazing work in helping Enchante deliver such an engaging and masterful performance.

We hope to have Generations in Jazz back in 2022 and look forward to heading down to Mt Gambier and competing in such a wonderful community event.

Sally Rounsevell
Director of Music

Adelaide Schools

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Matilda’s Taekwondoful Achievement!

Adelaide Schools

Year 4 student Matilda has achieved an amazing result, claiming 3 Bronze medals in her first interstate competition at the Mooto Gold Coast Taekwondo Open last weekend.

She competed in the female red belt U12 youth division across three events in which she was awarded for her sparring, jump kicking and form.

Matilda says:

“I think I did well on my jumping front kick because I kicked 1.82m which is good because I was the second smallest in my division. My sparring was a little bit tricky because the girl I was partnered against was much taller and a higher grade belt than me. When she punched me in the face it put me off a little bit, but I kept going until the very end.”

Well done Matilda, we are very proud of you!

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Touch Footballers’ Knockout Performances

Our Middle A Touch team participated in the SASSA Knockout Competition this week and enjoyed an incredible day of success, growth and development. The girls have provided a recap of the event:

On Thursday, the Year 8/9 Knockout tournament took place at the Greenhill Road touch fields. We sent a team of 10 girls to compete against four other teams. Our first game against Woorabinda went well with a solid 3 – 0 win. We made sure to spend our breaks powering down and doing some drills to warm ourselves up.

Our second game against Unley also resulted in a well-deserved win, with the score 4 – 0. Our rucks were top notch and our talk was up the loudest it has ever been. After having a bye and some much-needed time to cool down, our third game was against our strongest competitors, Wilderness. Once the match started, we made sure to play at full intensity; however, Wilderness came out on top with the final score of 1 – 4. We kept our heads up going into our final game against Botanic and claimed a 4 – 0 victory. After winning 3 games, we ended up placing 2nd, scoring us a spot in the finals.

Well done to everyone who played and thanks to Mr Searle for coaching us!

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Career Connections at First JobChat

Adelaide Schools

On Wednesday, Saints Girls welcomed our first ‘JobChat’ guest, Simone Hogarth. While eating lunch together with a group of students from Years 10 – 12, Simone shared her experience across several careers as a diagnostic pathologist, a medical scientist and a director of business development for a large healthcare organisation. The girls really enjoyed the chance to hear from someone working in a field of interest to them:

I found Simone’s expertise really insightful because I never knew that working in a hospital laboratory was so hands-on and that pathology leads to so many different areas of work. – Lara, Year 12

By attending the JobChat, I was able to challenge previous career stereotypes and be enlightened to the countless opportunities and pathways available in a medical science field. Annabel, Year 10

It was really good because I learnt about different pathways through a degree and how your career can change. Gemma, Year 12

I found the JobChat really eye-opening. Hearing Simone’s first-hand experiences helped me understand what being a medical scientist and pathologist is like and will definitely help me make career decisions in the future. Chi Chi, Year 11

A big thank you to Simone and those who have expressed interest in participating as we have many more JobChat sessions planned. If you would also like to join in our JobChat sessions to share your career experiences, please contact me via cfarr@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

Carolyn Farr
Careers Coordinator

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IB EXPO 2021

IB School

Next Tuesday 11 May 5.30 – 7pm

Would you like to learn about the IB Diploma Programme? In Years 11 and 12, students can undertake the excellent and world-renowned IB Diploma. Before they do, it is important to understand the structure of the programme, as well as its courses and assessments, so your daughter can choose the pathway/courses that best suit.

The IB EXPO will be held next Tuesday 11 May from 5.30 – 7pm in the Middle School. As well as our Year 9 and 10 parents and their daughters, all members of our community and the public are also welcome.

As the IB Diploma Coordinator, I will present the structure of the Diploma, including differences with SACE and how universities recognise IB Diploma achievement. Another amazing way to understand the benefits and experiences that the Diploma offers is to hear from our graduates who have completed it and our students who are currently undertaking their Diploma. IB teachers will also be available to share their perspectives from a subject specialist point of view.

5.30 – 6.15pm
Carolyn Farr, IB Diploma Coordinator: What is the IB Diploma?

6.15 – 7pm
Chat with current IB students, IB teachers, IB parents and IB graduates

Year 9 and 10 students will also have smaller information sessions during this term; however, the IB EXPO experience is a great way to hear from different people all in the one place.

Please contact me if you have any questions. I look forward to seeing you and sharing my passion for this programme.

Carolyn Farr
IB Diploma Coordinator

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Year 6 Leaders Grow STEMs

Adelaide Schools

Our Year 6 iChampion Leaders are participating in a Girls in STEM program at the University of Adelaide. It consists of six sessions based around Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, with this week focusing on Science.

This incredible opportunity has been facilitated by our Digital Technologies teacher and STEM Coordinator, Monique Green. The girls undertook an activity where they were challenged to create something to protect an egg from a drop using only the provided materials and within a set timeframe. They now have a greater appreciation of kinetic energy!

Kim Butler-Nixon
Year 6 Teacher

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Women in STEM Breakfast – Next Week

Adelaide Schools

Saints Girls is again hosting a Women in STEM Breakfast. The theme of this event is ‘Creativity; Cracking the STEM Code’. It will be held next Thursday 13 May with the aim of encouraging Senior School STEM enthusiasts to learn more about the people and roles in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Dozens of professionals from STEM fields will be attending, so it will be a fantastic opportunity for our students to network with other like-minded women. We also have four keynote speakers:

  • Barbara Vrettos – Director, The Legal Forecast
  • Dr Vanessa Pirotta – wildlife scientist and Science communicator
  • Alex Kaczmarek – Digital Evidence Specialist, South Australia Police
  • Nicole Russo – Director of Product, Myriota

Students from Years 10 to 12 can register to attend the long breakfast which will be held from 8 – 10.30am. The event is being catered for by the Year 10 Food and Hospitality class. The girls have been sent a link to register. If STEM is an area of interest for your daughter, please encourage her to attend.

Monique Green
Digital Technologies Teacher and STEM Coordinator

Carolyn Farr
Careers Coordinator/IB Diploma Coordinator/Mathematics Teacher

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Age No Barrier at Meeting of Minds

Adelaide Schools

This week, the Year 11 SACE Psychology class joined together with the ELC, Year 1 and Year 5 girls to investigate Piaget’s theory of cognitive development.

The students participated in a number of activities with the younger girls and recorded their thoughts and reasoning about the various tasks. It was great to have the younger students come up to the Science Centre to work with the older girls, and much fun was had by all.

Craig Byrne
Head of Science

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Deep Reflections on Holocaust History Excursion

Adelaide Schools

From Tuesday to Thursday in Week 2, all four Year 10 History classes visited the newly-opened Adelaide Holocaust Museum and Andrew Steiner Education Centre in Wakefield Street. Studying the Holocaust is a vital part of the History curriculum and the exhibits allowed students to view and listen to accounts of why the Holocaust occurred, the methods employed by Nazi Germany, the legacy of the Holocaust and survivor testimonies. One of the key aims of the Museum’s curators is to empower students to stand up against injustice and system persecution.

Here are some student insights:

After World War 1 ended and the Treaty of Versailles was signed, Germany had to pay reparations as it was believed that the war was solely Germany’s fault. Great disgrace was brought on the country and Germans were desperate for relief. Adolf Hitler was one of these people and he held the belief that Jews were to blame for the disgrace of Germany and so he sought to rid them from the country. The events that followed came to be known as the Holocaust. –Ruby

Visiting the Holocaust Museum gave me an in-depth understanding of what life was like during World War 2. Being able to see physical exhibits and read first-hand stories from Holocaust survivors showed me how difficult and horrible this time was. – Olivia

The Adelaide Holocaust Museum and Steiner Education Centre provided us with additional insights into the Holocaust and its lasting effect on society. In addition to watching Andrew Steiner’s testimony of his childhood during the Holocaust, we also saw pictures that were taken inside Auschwitz, allowing us to understand the true extent of suffering and fear felt by the Nazis’ victims. One of the most interesting displays at the museum was a chart of the different badges used to classify prisoners in the concentration camps. I had no idea that the Nazis had such an organised social system within their concentration camps. – Genevieve

The Holocaust itself is horrifying enough; however, when you look at the methods employed by the Nazis to implement their ‘Final Solution’, it defies comprehension. During our visit to the Holocaust Museum, we were given a first-hand glimpse into the barbaric methods employed to dehumanise anyone considered undesirable. Some of the methods used against Jews, Gypsies, the disabled and many other ‘undesirable’ minorities included stripping of belongings and identity and forced imprisonment into labour camps, many of which were extermination camps where modes of killing included starvation, gassing and shooting. Being able to view first-hand sources and hearing from Andrew Steiner, a Holocaust survivor, truly opened our eyes to the horrors which resulted in the death of over six million innocent people. – Georgina

Gregor Dingwall
Head of Humanities

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Money Matters for Year 5 Students

Adelaide Schools

On Tuesday, the Year 5 girls went on an excursion to the Adelaide Central Market as part of their inquiry unit on ‘Money Matters’.

The girls’ task was to prepare a budget for a family of four to buy food for meals and snacks for two days. The girls were divided into groups with our wonderful parent helpers. Groups decided on what meals and snacks they thought the family would like and then set about costing the meals. They made allowances for one-off elements, for example, if a whole amount such as a kilogram of food wasn’t needed.

For lunch, the girls were allowed to spend $12 of their own money on some of the delicious foods the market has to offer. Everyone returned to school with a full tummy and enjoyed the ambience of the market and the delicious fresh food it has to offer. Each group budgeted the $100 allocation carefully and now have to share their information in a brochure.

Shane Davidson
Year 5 Teacher

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Sweet Treat for Mother’s Day

Adelaide Schools

This week, our Year 9 girls were given the task of designing, preparing and decorating cupcakes for Mother’s Day to give to someone special in their lives!

It was extra ‘sweet’ for the girls as we don’t usually prepare treats, but it allowed them to get creative, using fondant, buttercream and various other ingredients to experiment with decorative techniques.

The girls had lots of fun garnishing their cupcakes!

Jenni Manson
Home Economics Teacher

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Bright Future for Young Poets

Adelaide Schools

This term, the Year 8 English students have been studying poetry. They were given an opportunity to select a piece by a famous poet to analyse, followed by a task to write their own poem based on the same theme. One of our girls, Bella, was inspired to write a poem about her mother’s love ahead of Mother’s Day.

I told the sunset about you,

I declared your endless tenderness,

I whispered your boundless greatness,

I spoke of the dazzling stars in your eyes,

And revealed that I couldn’t imagine,

How brightly they shone in the skies.

I danced at sunset because I loved you,

I waltzed in the sea because I understood you,

I ran into the ocean because I missed you,

I walked on the soft sand because I needed you,

And showed that I could not live without you,

You are the heroine of my life.

I smiled at the sunset and spoke of your devotion,

I grinned because you made my heart feel warm,

I beamed with joy because you loved me,

I trusted because I knew you would protect me,

I loved you, without reservation,

And without reservation, you loved me.

Your kiss told the sunset of your love,

Your kiss told the universe that I was important,

Your kiss told the world that I was safe,

You gave me a soft, warm hug,

A blanket wrapped tightly around me,

You are my nurturer and protector,

You are my mum.

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Endless Pastabilities for Year 1 Girls!

Adelaide Schools

Last Thursday, the Year 1 girls visited the L’Abruzzese pasta factory as part of our ‘How we organise ourselves’ inquiry. Our central idea this term is ‘Food can go through stages of production to meet people’s needs.’

Being able to see the workings inside a factory first-hand was an exciting and valuable learning experience. The students gained an understanding of how pasta begins with ingredients that come from plants, and the processes that occur for pasta to end up on the supermarket shelf.

Seeing each stage of the production of pasta sparked the girls’ thinking and further discussions allowed them to make deeper connections with how other foods they eat are processed. The insightful questions they asked demonstrated their curiosity and inquiry skills as they gained knowledge about how one of the most popular foods they love to eat is produced.

We were even spoilt with a delicious bowl of pasta to eat! An enormous thank you must go to Pooi (Charlotte’s mum – Year 3) and the other staff at L’Abruzzese for making our visit such a valuable and enjoyable learning experience.

Liz Sandercock and Michelle Liddy
Year 1 Teachers

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Piano Eisteddfod 2021

Adelaide Schools

On Tuesday 8 June in Week 8 of Term 2, the Arts Department will hold St Peter’s Girls’ Piano Eisteddfod. It is open to all Junior and Middle School students who play piano. Parents are welcome to attend, and times of each student’s performance will be communicated to families.

Girls will have the opportunity to perform a piece to a panel of judges, who will critique their performance based on accuracy, technique and musicality for their specific music level. This is a great opportunity for girls to perform in a supportive environment and receive some valuable feedback.

Girls are asked to play one piece that best displays their musicality and technical ability at their own musical level. There will be no minimum or maximum time limit. While the Eisteddfod provides our top piano players with a platform to perform, the aim is to give performers of all levels the opportunity to participate.

A recital will be held on the evening of Tuesday 15 June in MB120. These students will be chosen from the Eisteddfod performers who show confidence and a high level of musicianship. The selected recital students will be notified by the end of Week 8.

If your daughter would like to be involved, please fill out and return the Piano Eisteddfod consent form by Monday 31 May. Girls can collect the form from the Arts Office. They will later receive a time slot to perform in the Eisteddfod. Students will be notified by email if they have been chosen to have their piece recorded following the Eisteddfod.

Sally Rounsevell
Director of Music

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Bingo Night – Saturday 19 June

The Saints Girls’ community proudly presents:

Bingo Night!
Saturday 19 June
St Peter’s Girls’ School Gym

5 rounds of Bingo + fun and games / bar available for drink purchases/adults only event.

Tickets are limited, so organise your table now by visiting: TryBooking

Supported by Friends of Rowing

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Join ‘Our Saints’ Community

Beyond parents and guardians, our girls also treasure connections with grandparents, aunts, uncles or friends of the family. We name these special people ‘Our Saints’.

In the first week of Term 2, students from Reception to Year 6 were given two forms each to take home to their grandparents. If you did not receive these forms from your daughter, please contact me via mwestgate@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au or 8334 2244.

Alternatively, there is a link to the form here.

Our Saints provides opportunities for those who have a connection with our girls to be more involved with the School community through various means, ranging from volunteering their time, to subscribing to our publications such as eNews and Saints Alive.

We encourage all interested grandparents, aunts, uncles or friends of the family to join this special group.

Melissa Westgate
Foundation Manager

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Media Hub Tour – Lights, Camera, Action!

We invite our Arts’ parents to come along and experience our new Media Hub!

It features industry-standard technology including advanced cameras, microphones, lighting and a production green screen. As well as structured learning opportunities, students who are particularly passionate about media production can book the facility and equipment to record, edit and deliver quality content with minimal set up time and a streamlined workflow.

Enjoy an information session and tour of our Media Hub with students Olivia and Jodi. Special thanks to Garth Coulter for organising this event.

Media Hub Tour for Arts’ Parents
Wednesday 26 May at 6pm or 6.30pm

For more information and to RSVP, please email Melissa Westgate via mwestgate@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au by Monday 24 May.

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Community at Saints Girls

Parents are a vibrant and pivotal part of the St Peter’s Girls’ community. Many opportunities are available to become involved with the School, connect with other community members, and build strong and lasting friendships. Please note the following Term 2 dates:

Friends of The Arts Community Group Meetings

Wednesday 26 May, 6pm or 6.30pm, Media Hub Tour for Arts’ parents
Wednesday 26 May, 7pm, Elizabeth Pike Art Centre
Contact: Danielle Parker – dslparker@gmail.com

Friends of Rowing

Fundraising Working Group Meetings TBD
Contact: Ed Parker – edontheroadagain@hotmail.com

For more information about our community groups, please contact me via 0407 394 183 or mwestgate@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

Melissa Westgate
Foundation Manager

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Entertainment Membership

To support Saints Girls and purchase your membership, click here.


Terms and conditions apply. Go to https://www.entertainment.com.au/promotions

All Member offers are subject to terms and conditions. Check individual offers on the Entertainment Membership App or www.entertainment.com.au for more information. For all dining offers, it is optional for participating businesses to accept your Entertainment Memberships on all official Australian and New Zealand public holidays, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Valentine’s Day. © 2021 Entertainment Group.

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Absences from School

If your daughter is going to be absent, late to school or leave early, please use one of the following methods to notify the School providing student name, class/Home Group and reason:

Text: 0428 601 957

Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Phone: 8334 2200

Feel free to include the class/Home Group teacher when emailing. It would be appreciated if notifications could be made prior to 9am.

Please note: it is absolutely imperative to keep unwell children at home until they have recovered, even if symptoms are mild. This is not only for their own health and safety, but for that of all students and staff.

We thank all of our families for their cooperation.

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COVID Measures

Please note the following information regarding our continued COVID response.

The School has a QR code tracing system to facilitate the safe return of parents on site, in line with wider government measures. Parents entering the campus to drop off or collect their children need to scan the QR code provided each time. This also applies to parents visiting the School for events such as parent information evenings or sports training/matches.

Parents and visitors with more formal appointments at the School, such as meeting a staff member, are still required to sign in/out at Front Office and also need to scan the QR code as well for SA Health tracing purposes.

Adults who do not have a device to scan the QR code need to write their details on the paper form provided in the Front Office.

Parents who remain in their vehicles in the main car park do not need to scan in, and students do not need to scan in as the School already tracks daily attendance.

Logistics around events will be shared in due course, dependent upon the latest advice. Attendance numbers, particularly for indoor events, will still need to be restricted to facilitate social distancing.

The following general requirements remain in place:

  • Ensure adults maintain a distance of 1.5m from each other.
  • Practise sound hand washing and other hygiene measures.
  • Students should remain at home if they are unwell; please notify the School of absences by texting 0428 601 957, emailing attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au, or calling 8334 2200.

We thank all of our families for your cooperation.

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Sports News


Open: Saints 6 v Seymour 31

Our girls’ first run out against Seymour was a difficult challenge with both Saints’ teams losing by several goals. Despite this first setback, the players are open to the challenges that lie ahead and are in great hands with the experienced coaching team of Mark Ricciuto, Emily Moxon, Dan Searle and Roger Mills. Training has been of a high standard and the intensity in which the girls are working suggests a season of swift development ahead.


Our Badminton girls have been working hard in training and trial matches as they approach their first official fixtures tomorrow. We wish them the best for the start of their season.


Eight Saints Girls participated in the first SAAS Cross Country event of the season at St Peter’s College. Despite the challenging course, week one saw our girls continue their form from 2020 with all finishing in the top 15, scoring vital points for the team.

Malaika McLeod: 1st
Daisy Braithwaite: 2nd
Isla Fahey: 4th
Alice Braithwaite: 6th
Zara Trim: 11th
Carys Kinsella-White: 12th
Charlotte McAuliffe: 14th
Dani Cox: 15th


Open: Saints 0 v Trinity College Gawler 0
Year 5/6: Saints 9 v Walford 0
Year 3/4: Bye

There are lots of new beginnings in Senior Hockey this year, with several new players joining our team and a new coach, Natasha Dinan, taking the reins. Training has been great to watch, with Friday mornings at PAC a highlight of the girls’ week. Their first official fixture comes this weekend; however, our girls have started well with the annual trial game against Trinity College Gawler. Whilst Saints dominated play and created the majority of chances, the game finished as a draw, with Saints retaining the trophy following the 2020 victory. It has been particularly pleasing to see how well our older Hockey players have integrated younger members into their team, which will make for a sustainable and growing program.

This flows into the Junior School program, with Senior School players and Old Scholars doing an amazing job mentoring our younger students. The Year 5/6 team was excited to win their first game of the season, with a 9 – 0 victory over Walford. The girls showed fantastic team play throughout, rotating positions and learning the game. It was impressive to see them sing the School Song at the finish, building culture and passion for their participation in school sport.


U11 White: Saints 7 v St Aloysius 0
U11 Blue: Saints 10 v Eagles 6
U13: Saints 6 v Brighton 15

Following a successful skills program in Term 2, our three Lacrosse teams played their first game of the season last Saturday. It was a successful round for both U11 Saints Blue and White teams. For some junior players, this was their first-ever game and they did a fantastic job. It was a great opportunity for the girls to form strong relationships and develop their teamwork, something which was clearly established from the starting siren! The White team demonstrated excellent stick skills and speed on the ground, dominating the play for the entirety of the game. Similar highlights were noted in the Blue team’s game, with excellent goalie saves and the girls’ ability to share the ball around in attack whilst defending the opposition tightly. The goalies were Amelia Birmingham and Willow Chong. Both showed bravery, determination and did very well. It was wonderful to start the season on a high note and I am looking forward to what the future holds for both teams.

Our U13 group has stepped up into Division 1 this year after a successful season in 2020. Inevitably, this poses a different set of challenges for our girls; some younger players will need to quickly adapt to the higher standard. Whilst the girls were effective going forward, the challenge will be to tighten up in defence and ensure that the whole team works effectively together to reduce the oppositions’ chance creation.


Year 6 Blue: Saints 47 v Wilderness 10

Netball continues to grow at Saints Girls under the tutelage of Alice Johnswood, our Netball Coordinator. 250 girls have signed up to play this year, highlighting the success of our Netball pathway from ELC – Year 12. Whilst our Year 7 – 12 teams will start their first official games this weekend, they have been working hard playing both internal and external trials for the past two weeks. With 17 teams across Years 7 to 12, there are plenty of opportunities for participation, growth and development over the coming months.

Our Junior teams are now two weeks into their Term 2 season and have had some fantastic performances to date, assisted with wonderful support from student mentors and our coaches. Our highlight game this week is Year 6 Blue, who opened with a great contest against Wilderness.

Student mentor Charlie Piper provided this report:

The Year 6 Blue team played an amazing game against Wilderness, taking the win with the final score of 47 – 10. The girls played well at both ends of the court, making many intercepts. Phoebe Lucas did a great job in attack and defence as she made multiple turnovers in the centre position. All of the girls worked well as a team considering it was their first game of the season. Sophie and I look forward to seeing the girls improve and win more games.


Open: Saints 0 v Scotch 15
Middle: Saints 5 v Seymour 1

Our Open team had a difficult start to their season coming up against a strong Scotch opposition; however, the coach was proud of the hard work that the girls displayed and is confident that their attitudes indicate improvement will quickly follow.

Meantime, our Middles had a fantastic start to their season. With a big squad, it was great to see the girls rostered-off present and supporting their teammates as they raced to a 4 – 0 lead at half-time. The second half was much closer, yet the girls continued to be tight in defence and created plenty of opportunities in attack with the final score of 5 – 1.


Our girls continue to thrive both in and outside of school sport, and we really appreciate it when their stories are shared with the Sport Department.

As reported earlier in this eNews, Matilda Purvis came away with 3 Bronze medals after participating in her first interstate taekwondo competition.

Lucy White recently competed in the National Junior Beach Volleyball Competition in Coolangatta. In a very high standard of volleyball, Lucy’s team qualified for the Quarter Finals, eventually finishing in 6th place.

Wonderful achievements girls!

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