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eNews – Week 3, Term 2 2019

Issue no. 14Enews-banner

The Power of an All-Girls’ Education

At our School, we firmly believe in the power of an all-girls’ education.

Throughout our 125-year history, we have witnessed generations of Saints Girls become women of character and influence; women who have made their mark upon this world.

In both formal and casual conversations about education, the question sometimes arises, “What’s so special about an all-girls’ school?” So, we thought we’d ask the people who are in the best position to answer: our girls.

Please enjoy this inspirational video which reminds us all why we are here together on this life-changing journey:

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From the Head of Junior School

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You may have read or heard in the media of late, the current phenomenon of parents ‘over-parenting’ their teenage and adult children. It made headlines when a couple of public figures, and others, were caught interfering with the university admissions process for their children. Since then, multiple reports have surfaced about the growing trend for parents to contact university lecturers in relation to their child’s progress, or phone their adult children’s employers to sort out an issue. The term ‘helicopter parents’ and the ‘bubble wrap generation’ became familiar to us a couple of decades ago, but new terms have been coined of late including ‘lawn-mower’, ‘snow-plough’, and ‘bulldozer’ parents, due to attempts to remove all obstacles from their children’s path. And while, previously, these terms tended to mostly apply to parents of younger children, the terms of reference have now broadened to include ‘adultescents’, the 18 – 28 year olds whose lack of developmentally-appropriate adult skills and dispositions, along with anxiety and poor self-esteem, can be attributed to being ‘over-parented’.

As over-parenting adult children stems from over-parenting them as young children, what does this mean for today’s parents? As Michael Grose, one of Australia’s leading parenting educators, puts it, good parenting is, “a mix of firmness and warmth; discipline and nurturance; high expectations and relationship building. It’s an approach that sits…surprise, surprise…somewhere between over-parenting and under-parenting.”

According to Michael Grose, what it is NOT, includes:

  • Taking on all, or nearly all, of a child’s problems
  • Regularly doing for a child the things he or she can reasonably do for themselves
  • Taking on too many of your child’s responsibilities
  • Needing to know every last detail about what’s going on in your child’s life

So, the challenge is to find the happy medium between under and over-parenting in relation to school involvement. We know that parental encouragement and support for learning activities at home combined with parental involvement in schooling is critical to children’s education. Sensible and ‘middle-road’ parental engagement has a positive impact on many indicators of student achievement and development.

With this in mind, I would like to thank and celebrate the vast majority of our parents at Saints for the ‘middle road’ support you provide your daughters and our teachers as we work together to weave a strong, holistic education that will set your daughters up for success in navigating each stage of her life.

I am reminded every day of the great partnerships in play between school and home.

They were obvious by the number in attendance at our Year 3 and 4 Parents and Daughters Mind Lab evening in Week 1, when mums and dads tried out their game-playing skills against their daughters. It was fabulous to see competitive spirits coming to the fore, and parents allowing their daughters to experience losing as well as winning.

They were clear as the Year 4 and 6 students went off to their respective camp and Canberra Tour last week, with a few parent nerves being held in check and children’s nerves being sensibly and positively supported by mums and dads.

They were out in force through the P&F’s Mother’s Day stall last week, where some of our fabulous parents and grandparents supported our youngest students with the very serious decisions of how best to spend their $5 on a gift for mum.

They were evident as I was watching the ways in which our Year 3 and 5 students managed themselves during NAPLAN assessments this week, with their calm, positive and confident approach, supported sensibly in equal measure by parents and teachers.

And they will be apparent once again next week when our Year 2 and 3 parents join their daughters and teachers for hands-on sessions demonstrating ways to support the development of the girls’ computational thinking at home.

I thank all Junior School parents for the ‘middle road’ support you provide your daughter every day – talking with her about her learning, expecting her to take responsibility for her own belongings, or not jumping to conclusions when listening to accounts of a playtime incident.

We know that learning to solve problems, take risks and overcome frustrations are crucial life skills and that they are learned through practice. They are the types of skills that we value highly at Saints, and they are promoted through our curricular, co-curricular, wellbeing, and camping programs. When they are also promoted at home, the benefits are increased exponentially.

Suzanne Haddy
Head of Junior School

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Inspiring the Next Generation of Scientists

W3 - Guest Speaker
As our new Science Centre starts to take shape, St Peter’s Girls’ School can’t wait to inspire the next generation of Scientists.

Remarkable Old Scholars such as Leukaemia Researcher Dr Laura Eadie (Selwyn ’01) are at the global forefront of their fields, working towards a brighter future:

To help more Saints Girls share Laura’s passion for Science, we invite you to support our Seat of Encouragement campaign.

This special seat will feature wall tiles which can be personalised to leave your family’s mark on our new Science Centre. Many tiles also include motivational quotes to empower our girls.

To purchase a tile, click here.

All donations are tax deductible.

Melissa Westgate
Foundation Manager
08 8334 2244

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From our Deputy Head Prefect

W3 - Prefect

Did you know that the human brain is wired for negative thinking? And that our tendency to focus on the bad is in fact an instinct of survival? Yet whilst this critical mode of thinking may have helped our human ancestors to make good decisions when hunting or escaping danger, in today’s day and age, it’s an unhelpful habit that can sometimes imbalance our view of the world or reduce the tendency to show appreciation for what we have.

That is why the Prefect team decided to introduce our Term 2 initiative ‘Post-it-ivity’, an activity which promotes positive thinking and celebrates many different of aspects of life! Every week, when coming into school on Monday morning, a couple of girls from each year level find a sheet stuck to their locker, asking them “What [they] love about (the theme of the week)”. The chosen girls then write their response on a post-it note and ‘post it’ in one of the designated boxes (hence the name post-it-ivity!). The Prefect team is then lucky enough to read through all the wonderful responses written by the girls and choose some of their favourites to share at Assembly or Chapel! In this way, the initiative is not only challenging the chosen girls to ‘look for the good’ but it is also spreading this positivity for the rest of the School to share in and reflect on.

Week 1 of this term saw the first week of this initiative, with the theme fittingly being ‘cold weather’, as this coincided with the girls’ first week of wearing their winter uniform. Rain, wind and chilly temperatures can often bring on the cold weather blues. However, there are so many enjoyable aspects to cold weather and, at the end of the week, the Prefects were excited to find a variety of creative and thoughtful responses in the post-it-ivity boxes. Some girls told us about their love of wintery foods such as soup or hot chocolate, whilst others said they enjoy wearing cold weather apparel like hoodies and coats. We’re very excited to see more ‘post-it-tivity’ being shared throughout the rest of this term!

Hannah Brown
Deputy Head Prefect

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Pre-Election Excitement for Year 6 in Canberra

W3 - Canberra 2
Last week, the Year 6 cohort travelled to Canberra, with the support of the Australian Government’s Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program, to enhance our explorations of our current Unit of Inquiry, ‘How we organise ourselves’.

Our central idea of ‘Government systems and decisions impact the broader community’ came to life through experiential opportunities at locations such as the Museum of Australian Democracy, Government House and the Electoral Education Centre. At Parliament House, we were very fortunate to have Senator Simon Birmingham field questions from the students and are very appreciative of the time he spent with us.

STEM was another focus on our study tour as we visited the CSIRO Discovery Centre, Questacon and The Ian Potter Technology Learning Centre. Here, we participated in the hands-on activity of programming spheros to collect space junk! Another standout was the Australian War Memorial where we had the privilege of paying our respects to the fallen Australians who had so bravely fought in the name of our country.

Kim Butler-Nixon, Sarah Braithwaite and Louisa Mitchell
Year 6 Teachers

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Year 4 Campers Shore up their Skills

W3 - Year 4

On Wednesday 8 March (Week 2), both Year 4 classes were fortunate to travel to Aldinga for a camp linked with our inquiry into the central idea that ‘Living things depend on each other and the environment to survive’ under the transdisciplinary theme of ‘Sharing the planet’.

The program also incorporated team problem-solving and was facilitated by Active Ed outdoor education. The three days of activities were completed at the campsite, in the Aldinga Scrub Conservation Park and at Aldinga Beach.

Some of the goals were to:
• Strengthen social skills including the ability to compromise, negotiate, lead and build on each others’ strengths
• Develop independence, resilience and risk-taking
• Gain an understanding of traditional Aboriginal plant use
• Experience some of the ways Aboriginal people lived prior to European settlement
• Foster reconciliation

Some of the activities the students enjoyed included building ‘wodli’ shelters, orienteering, constructing beach collages and painting their ‘story of camp’ using Kaurna symbols.

Despite some wintry weather, the students had a fantastic experience and embraced every opportunity to learn, listen and grow.

Rebecca Riley and Shane Davidson
Year 4 Teachers

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The Addams Family – Coming Soon to Stonyfell!

W3 - The Addams Family

The Addams Family is getting excited to make their debut appearance at St Peter’s Girls on 12 June…less than four weeks away! Students have achieved so much in the time we have been rehearsing – learning lines, songs, music and choreography. Not to forget our awesome stage crew who have joined us this term in order to produce a smooth-running performance from behind the scenes.

Rehearsals are stepping up a notch now, with all involved having to learn and remember so much content, especially our main cast who are almost ready to say goodbye to their scripts completely. Team work is the key to a brilliant show, and it has been impressive to see girls across different year levels supporting each other. There are always challenges to face when putting on a school musical (the set is too high, there is not enough time, we need to keep everyone engaged, where can we find a torture chair?!), but I am incredibly lucky to have the talents of Katherine Kitching, Kirsten Mansfield and Sally Rounsevell to bounce creative ideas around with and find the best possible outcomes. Tickets will go on sale at 9am on Monday 27 May, so be sure to look out for the Trybooking link. And, if you pass a member of the Addams Family in the school grounds over the next few weeks, be sure to welcome them to Saints!

Kate Burnett
Head of Arts

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Walk Safely to School Day

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Walk Safely to School Day is today, an event where all school students are encouraged to walk and commute safely to school. It seeks to promote road safety, health, public transport and, most of all, the environment. Encouraging less driving and more walking aims to decrease dangerous vehicle congestion around schools and reduce carbon emissions from idling cars.

The Environment Club will present a video in Assembly next week hoping to encourage girls from Saints to challenge their thinking and commute to school in the most environmentally-sustainable way, not only on Walk Safely to School Day but every day. We encourage all families to get on board and help the environment.

Hattie Maerschel
Environment Club

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Democracy Sausage at St Peter’s Girls

W3 - Democracy Sausage
Tomorrow, St Peter’s Girls is hosting a polling booth in the Gym for the Federal Election.

Students participating in the Service Learning trips to Fiji and Cambodia will be holding a Democracy Sausage Sizzle and Cake Stall from 8am – 4pm, so we invite you to vote here and buy a snag or two from our girls.

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Saints in Style – An Evening of Music

W3 - Saints in Style

Come celebrate ‘in Style’ the achievements of our current Music students and celebrated Old Scholar musicians on Friday 24 May.

Featuring violinist Sophie Rowell (Kilburn ’92), Concertmaster with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, and talented vocalists Emma Kavanagh (Kilburn ’14), Erin McKellar (Patteson ’13), Chelsea McGuinness (Kilburn ’16) and Meena De Silva (Kilburn ’13), plus many of our highly-acclaimed Jazz vocal ensembles fresh from their adventures in Mount Gambier at Generations in Jazz. Also making appearances, Concert Choir and Junior Choir, senior bands including Concert Band and Stage Band, as well as Extension and Senior Strings. The compère for the evening will be Leah McLeod (Kilburn ’88).

Purchase tickets via www.trybooking.com/BCGLG and don’t forget to add a cheese platter and bottle of wine to support the Friends of The Arts’ fundraising. Tables of 10 or single tickets in the tiered seating at the top of the Arts Centre auditorium.

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Touch Footy Girls Show Excellent Touch

W3 - Touch Football

Thirteen Senior School students represented St Peter’s Girls in the SSSSA Knockout Touch Football competition on Wednesday 14 May. The day was successful as Saints played five games and progressed to the State Finals on Friday 31 May. The girls were able to trial tactics and strategies learnt in the summer season which helped them gain ground across the field and score on the line. To get the ball to the line, Saints’ rucking improved throughout the day, often making lots of ground and having chances at scoring.

Across the matches, the Saints’ players and scorers were: Olivia Goldsmith, Ellie Anderson, Sarah Wishart, Siena Kulinski, Hannah Lunn, Hannah Freeman, Ehi Oyugbo, Ella Liddy, Tahlia Towers, Eve Habel, Chelsea Walls and Belle Black. Saints had a tight and effective defence line, often making it difficult for the opposition teams to score across all games. Every match challenged the girls to think and work together in order to prevent the opposition from scoring, which brought the girls closer together.

This exposure will be extremely beneficial for seasons to come and the girls should be congratulated on their efforts and enthusiasm. Good luck to the girls playing in the State Finals.

Dan Searle
Head of PE, Health and Outdoor Education

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Winning Words at Voice of Youth

W3 - Voice of Youth

Eleven Saints Girls recently travelled to Immanuel College for the Regional Final of the Voice of Youth Public Speaking competition.

The topics were:
A Modern Epidemic
A Passion for Fashion
Be Part of the Discussion
A Towering Achievement
Genuine Treasure

The girls touched on a range of areas including Islamophobia, animal exploitation, bowel cancer, Jacinda Ardern and the Christchurch massacre – and even Coles’ Stickeez Billy the Banana!

Congratulations to all involved, and a special well done to Holly Wallman-Craddock, Anika Bruin, Misha Yagnik, Alysa Trinh, Jasmin Baker and Annie Bui who made it through to the Semi-Final, which is taking place on 25 May at Immanuel. Winners will then proceed to the State Final, which will be held at Parliament House.

Catriona Davies
English/Research Project Teacher

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Mother’s Day Stall – Thank You

W3 - Stall

A big Happy Mother’s Day to all the mums associated with St Peter’s Girls’ School!

The wild weather did not dampen the spirts of the girls visiting the Mother’s Day stall. With money tightly grasped in hand, the girls were so excited to choose that special gift to celebrate their mums and other special women in their lives.

A heartfelt thank you to all the volunteers from the Parents’ and Friends’ Association who gave their time to make this such a memorable event for the girls.

Bronwyn Bartter
Parents’ and Friends’ Association President

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Poetry in Action Causes a Reaction

W3 - Poetry in Action
On Friday 10 May, the touring group Poetry in Action presented two plays to our students: one to the Years 9 to 11 girls that captured a biographical overview of the poet Wilfred Owen and deconstructed a range of his poems, and a second to the Years 7 and 8 girls that explored the purpose and nature of poetry. Versatile, humorous, thought-provoking and – perhaps most importantly – entertaining, the three-person troupe captured the imagination of our students using a range of clever dramatic techniques. In doing so, they were able to appreciate the way in which poetry explores the human experience, expresses emotion and powerfully uses language to evoke understanding, empathy and even social change.

“I thoroughly enjoyed Poetry in Action and loved the way they used drama to recreate poems of all different genres from romance to fantasy! The cast performed so well, especially in the way they engaged the audience. It was a very entertaining play and relevant because we have just done a poetry unit, so it was a good recap on poetry and its techniques.” – Cartia Lanzoni (Year 8)

“The theme of war was examined through the work of the poet Wilfred Owen, a soldier in World War I. We learned about Owen’s life and his experiences in the war in addition to hearing some of his best-known poems such as Futility, The Parable of the Old Man and the Young, Mental Case and Dulce Et Decorum Est. We also experienced the effect of many techniques such as the pararhyme and how this frustrates and confuses the reader. Owen’s words helped us reflect on the tragedy of war in a way none of us had experienced before. It was amazing to see such talented performers demonstrate the power of poetry and recount the heart-breaking experiences of a young man at war.” – Sara Peak (Year 10)

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Year 9 Geography Study: We Need Your Input

The Year 9 Geography class is conducting fieldwork exploring the School’s connectivity to the community via different transport modes. They are identifying the movement of people to and from school and any issues that may arise from this movement. One group has designed a parent survey and are asking for your help to provide information they could use to analyse the School’s connectivity. All you have to do is click on the link below and respond to the questions; it is completely anonymous and we would appreciate your feedback.

Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZL2XHDQ

Year 9 Geography Class

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Reminder: UCAT Registration Closes Tonight

If any Year 12 students are considering applying for undergraduate Medicine or Dentistry in 2020, they will need to sit the UCAT this year in July. UCAT 2019 booking closes at 11.59pm AEST on Friday 17 May 2019. There are no exceptions to this deadline.

The registration for the test is available via the UCAT ANZ official website https://www.ucat.edu.au

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Code Camp Winter Holidays: Early Bird Discount

W3 - Code Camp 2
Code Camp is returning to St Peter’s Girls these winter holidays. Children have lots of fun with friends while learning important new skills including logic, creativity, problem-solving, app development and game building.

This camp is from Wednesday 10 July to Friday 12 July, and St Peter’s Girls will be hosting Spark, Web Hackers and Little Heroes.

Book now to take advantage of the $20 Early Bird Discount (automatically applied at check out when booking before 27 May 2019)!

Code Camp Flyer

Bookings can be made via www.codecamp.com.au/stpetersgirls

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Futures Program – Help Wanted!

Futures is an entrepreneurship program where students form companies in groups to sell a product or service. These companies can be for profit, not-for-profit or a social enterprise.

We are seeking your assistance to provide ongoing mentorship with a number of these companies as they progress through the stages of running a company.

This would require you to attend our School for 1.5 hours on three occasions. We would also like you to attend our end of year expo. Please see dates below:

· 20 June 1.50 – 3.30pm
· 29 August 8.30 – 10.10am
· 21 November 8.30 – 10.10am
· 28 November Expo – time TBA

If you would like to help, please contact me via mgreen@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Monique Green
Digital Technologies Teacher and STEM Coordinator

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Women in STEM Breakfast – Student Invitation (Years 10 – 12)

W10 - Women in STEM Breakfast Invite

Thursday 23 May from 8 – 10.30am

Is breakfast your favourite meal of the day? Are you interested in Science, Technology, Engineering and/or Mathematics? If you are in Years 10 – 12 and would like to know more about what a career in STEM looks like whilst enjoying a tasty, nutritious breakfast, then the Women in STEM Breakfast is for you! Hear from passionate and successful women from a range of industries. Key speakers include:

Sarah Brown: Co-Founder of Code Like a Girl
Dr Kristin Alford: Director of the Museum of Discovery (MOD)
Dr Bronwyn Hajek: Senior Lecturer in Mathematics at UniSA

Enjoy a morning of food, breakfast beverages and chatting about where your interests could lead.

Thursday 23 May from 8 – 10.30am in the Arts Centre at St Peter’s Girls’ School.

Visit www.trybooking.com/BCALF to secure your place.

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2019 School Immunisation Program

Second visit reminder RE Years 10 and 11 students

2nd visit for Year 10 students – Meningococcal B & Meningococcal ACWY
2nd visit for Year 11 students – Meningococcal B

Eastern Health Authority (EHA – www.eha.sa.gov.au) will be visiting the School on 24 May to administer the second dose of Meningococcal B vaccines for Years 10 and 11, and first (only) dose of Meningococcal ACWY for Year 10 students where consent has been provided.

If any information you gave on the original consent form has changed, please inform EHA’s immunisation staff before the date of vaccination on 8132 3600.

Please notify us if:

• Your child has already had the second Men B vaccine with another provider
• You wish to withdraw your consent
• Your child’s medical condition has changed

If, for some reason, you did not receive a consent form and wish for your child to be vaccinated, please ask for one at the School’s Front Office, or contact EHA on 8132 3600.

Remember: it is your responsibility to advise EHA of any change in the information on the consent form, in particular, your child’s medical condition. A signed and dated note presented on the day of immunisation from a parent or guardian in your child’s diary is acceptable.

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School Shop Online

A reminder to parents that the School Shop has an online facility available for your convenience. To access this service, go to the myLink parent portal or click here.

You can select the products you need and check out with either your PayPal account or credit card. Orders are then sent through to the School Shop for processing on the next available working day.

You will receive an email when your order is ready for collection.

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125 Gala Ball – Tickets Selling Fast!

W8 - 125 Gala Ball

Our 125th anniversary Gala Ball is shaping up to be a spectacular evening.

Highlights will include a delicious three course meal, premium beverages and fantastic live entertainment by leading party band The Cast, as well as our own talented student performers.

When: 6.30pm, Saturday 19 October 2019
Venue: William Magarey Room, Adelaide Oval
Dress: Black Tie

Tickets: $150 per person; tables of 10

Book now via www.trybooking.com/ZZGY or 8334 2225

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Entertainment Book

W7 - Entertainment Book

The St Peter’s Girls’ Parents’ and Friends’ Association is fundraising via Entertainment Book/Digital Membership.

Pre-order the NEW 2019 | 2020 Entertainment Membership and receive bonus offers you can use right away.

Purchase your membership here!

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Business Directory at Saints Girls

W1 - Business Directory

Book your very own personalised advertisement today. Three options available – $500, $250 or FREE

> Promote your special business offer and change your advertisement as often as you like for no extra cost
> Simply support businesses connected to our School
> Refer a business
> All proceeds go towards our Parents’ and Friends’ Association fundraising efforts

For more information on how to get involved, contact Melissa Westgate on 8334 2244 or mwestgate@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.


Melissa Westgate
Foundation Manager

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Want to Learn More About the IB?

W1 - Information Evening

A special information night is being held on Tuesday 21 May where IB Diploma Coordinator Carolyn Farr will introduce and explain the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme to interested members of the community.

During this hour-long session, Carolyn will outline the structure of the programme, subject options, how it is assessed and what types of students are well suited to IB. She will share some recent statistics and research, and perhaps even dispel a few myths. You will also have an opportunity to hear from graduates and current IB students.

The event starts at 6pm in our Middle School. Students are encouraged to attend, and members of the public are also welcome.

In the meantime, watch this video for a taste of IB at Saints Girls:

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Sports News

W3 - Sport


Lara Wakeham has been selected to the 2019 School Sport SA 13 – 19 years Swimming State Team. The competition will take place from Saturday 27 to Wednesday 31 July in Melbourne. This is the fifth time Lara has been selected for the School Sport SA State Swimming Team.


Matilda Braithwaite recently contested the National Schools’ Triathlon on the Gold Coast in the Intermediate (15 – 17) age group. It consisted of a 500m swim, 15km ride and 4km run. While Matilda was 1st out of swim, she lost ground in a very competitive cycle to place 18th overall but was ranked 1st from SA.


Open – Saints 1.0-6 defeated by Pembroke 4.4-28
Although the score was not in our favour, the Open As performed very well for their first game against Pembroke. The girls, from a wide range of football experience, all came together despite having never played a game as a team before. They all gave 100% and constantly tried to improve their play. Special mention must go to our defence line, as they worked exceptionally well together to stop as many goals as possible. Ellie Anderson was one of the star players, being able to read the play outstandingly and laying some hard tackles. And well done to Saskia Jonats for scoring Saints’ only goal. Despite the result, it is only the beginning of a very strong season for St Peter’s Girls’ footy. – Isabella Bernardi (Captain)

Middle – Saints 1.0-6 defeated by Pembroke 14.12-96
The team had their first hit out of the season last Friday against Pembroke at Kensington Oval. Despite courageous defensive pressure from Chloe Porter, Georgia Hoskins and Adele Eaton, Pembroke was able to create an early lead that would prove unbeatable. Ella Dnistriansky was tireless in her attempts to transition the ball to the forwards. Unfortunately, Pembroke’s defence was just too strong and only Imogen Nienaber was able to score. The girls showed some promising skills and passages of play that will improve as the season progresses. – Charlie Fishlock (Captain)


Saints won three of five matches on Saturday – a huge well done to all the girls who competed, it was an excellent overall result. While some of our opponents forfeited due to lack of numbers, the girls still played to the best and demonstrated great skills on court including communications in doubles and some very good movements in singles. Though there were some defeats, it was great to see the girls listening to advice and trying to improve throughout the matches. I wish to extend a special congratulations to the new players who had their first-ever match; they have shown great enthusiasm and engagement, well done! – Amy Li (Captain)

Open A – No game

Open B – Saints 6 defeated Woodcroft 0

Open C1 – Saints 1 defeated by Wilderness 5

Open C2 – Saints 6 defeated Walford 0

Open D – Saints 4 defeated Woodcroft 2

Open E – Saints 0 defeated by Walford 8


Open A – Saints 0 defeated by Pembroke 5
The As played well against one of the premiership contenders in Pembroke who had a very strong team and a lot of attacking play that resulted in 2 early goals. Saints defended well with special mention to Renee Lawrence and Charlotte Creek who were solid in defence, helping us hold Pembroke from a larger score difference. A highlight of the game was Siena Kulinski making an aerial save in goals and Emma Carrodus having multiple opportunities in attack! – Olivia Goldsmith (Captain)

Open B – Saints 1 defeated by Immanuel 5
The girls had a tough match but did play some great hockey and demonstrated the connections are slowly coming together. The team will continue to improve each week and I am confident of more strong performances through the season. – Will Stapleton (Coach)


Under 13 – Saints 11 defeated Glenelg 9
The girls started strongly with 2 quick goals and are improving their skills, with movement of the ball through the midfield improving a lot since last week. Lara Maione and Ashlyn May (5 goals) were great at getting possession and Zoe Pool had some top shots, scoring 4 goals. Savannah Walls (1) and Lara Maione (1) also got on the scoreboard. Glenelg stayed a few goals behind the whole game, catching up a bit in the last quarter when players tried some new positions in the midfield. – Caitlyn Grayson (Coach)

Under 11 Blue – Saints 1 defeated by North Adelaide 9
Although it was a very cold morning, the girls were ready to play hard. Amelia Lively (Year 3) did an excellent job at running down the field and throwing the ball far for the attackers to run onto. Ruby Kelly (Year 3) and Neela (Year 3) used their speed to run down the field and picked up some great ground balls. At half-time, the girls needed to work on running past the half-way line when having the ball in their stick and transitioning it into attack. Chelsea Francis (Year 3) kept moving in attack and scored a fantastic goal. Our goalies, Matilda Birmingham (Year 3) and Lilly Meo (Year 3) did very well in goals as they both stopped the ball by using their body and catching the ball. Despite the score, the girls really improved on the previous performance. Best players were Matilda Birmingham and Lilly Meo. – Lucy Martin (Coach)

Under 11 White – Saints 8 defeated East Torrens/Payneham 2
The team played a strong game. Despite the opposition’s attempt to score goals, the defence worked hard to ‘buddy up’ with their players and collect any stray ground balls. Our brave first-time goalie Anvika did an excellent job, stopping goals and clearing balls from the circle. Well done to our goals scorers this week: Mathilda Wilkin, Claris Stolcman and Enya Ouyang. The team should be very proud of their speed on the field and their positive energy. It was wonderful to coach this group of players who have a lot of potential as they continue to play more games and become more experienced! The girls will need to work on defending closely to one player each, collecting ground balls smoothly and passing purposefully into teammates’ sticks. Courtney will return next week as Coach, however, I will be watching closely in the coming weeks to see how they go! – Sophie Auricht (Coach)


Open A – Saints 50 defeated Pembroke 30
Saints Girls’ 2019 Netball season got off to a great start against Pembroke. It was a highly defensive game and one-on-one from the beginning. Saints started strongly by moving swiftly, transitioning the ball mid-court to the goal third, allowing goalies to score quickly. The girls played a magnificent game, performing all strategies learnt in training to work the centre corridor and they did their best to stick to structure. The goalies, Nicolette Miller and Sivi Sivasuthan, shot consistently with the assistance of Maggie Bailey, Anna White and Alexia Politis who applied strong pressure at every opportunity despite Pembroke’s aggressive defence. On the other end of the court, Ehi Oyugbo, Hannah Freeman and Sarah Wishart constantly applied pressure to the opposition’s attack, forcing errors and restricting goalies. Their hands were up over the ball at every opportunity, consistently fighting for rebounds and smoothly transitioning the ball from defence to attack. The best players were Hannah and Nicolette. An amazing effort by Hannah as her continuous efforts in defence helped keep Pembroke’s scoring to a minimum. Nicolette fulfilled the role of GS by shooting and defending incredibly. As Captain, I am very proud of the girls’ efforts, it was an amazing game to watch and play! – Sivi Sivasuthan (Captain)

Open B – Saints 35 defeated by Pembroke 37
The score was incredibly close throughout the whole game, with both schools fighting for the win. Each girl played fabulously, having moments where they shined. Olivia Kelly was always reliable in defence, making huge intercepts at crucial points. Gemma Schaedel also stood out because she fought for the ball and attempted every intercept she could. This game showed that the Bs have great determination and teamwork, which I love to see, and I’m looking forward to working on particular areas at training so we can smash the next round. – Eve Habel

Open C – Saints 17 defeated by Pembroke 47
Unfortunately, we were not able to capture the win, however, we all played a great game. Our first quarter was not the best, leaving us around 15 goals down, but we were able to pull together and have a very successful second and third quarter, gaining some ground. A shout out to Keeley Fahey for playing some of the game, trying a new position and stepping outside her comfort zone. – Ailani Cox

Open D – Saints 5 defeated by Pembroke 45
Aside from the loss, all the girls played really well and never gave up. The defence worked hard to get the ball back down to our end and communicated well with the attack to get as many shots as possible. We will work on our court positions and getting free to get the ball. – Caitlin Fidler

Open E1 (Year 12) – Saints 34 defeated Immanuel 22
The team started off behind in the first quarter but eventually found their groove and fought back to be neck-and-neck within the final two quarters. Even though it was raining, we didn’t let it defeat us and played really well. Sarah Matheson was terrific as goal shooter, scoring the majority of goals despite a sore ankle. The team showed great camaraderie throughout the game, cheering each other on. – Amy Rice

Open E2 (Year 12) – Saints 24 defeated Immanuel 9

Year 9A – Saints 21 defeated Pembroke 20
The team felt the pressure throughout the match as we were continually trailing in the first and second quarters. The defence was strong, with nearly everyone making intercepts. We fought our way back in the third quarter, going ahead by 2 goals. In the fourth quarter, the team dynamics were stronger and each player was determined to take home a win for the first game of the season. Goal-for-goal, we managed to win against Pembroke by 1. The team should be really proud of how they played. We are all eager to continue with many more great wins. – Toni Christiansen

Year 9B – Saints 26 defeated by Pembroke 31
Everyone played really well, especially the main shooters, Ella Dnistriansky and Dayna Petruzzella. The wet conditions were to our disadvantage. Pembroke had very solid ball skills. Our defenders did a god job at bringing the ball back to our attacking end. – Chase Hocking

Year 9C – Saints 15 defeated by Seymour 45
All girls played to a high standard against a strong opposition. The defence was impressive throughout, with some great play from Charlotte Adams and Ayshviina Nair, particularly in the second half. The game was fast moving and the girls never gave up. The mid-court worked well under the conditions, getting the ball down efficiently. The score doesn’t reflect our overall effort, but it’s safe to say that all the girls tried their hardest. Unfortunately, we lost, but the game demonstrated areas of improvement for our next match. – Anika Bruin

Year 9/10D – Saints 1 defeated by Immanuel 54
We faced a tough match, playing against some much older Immanuel girls. We were also missing a few players, so thank you to Annie Bradshaw, Anika Bruin and Gracie Ganzis for helping out and filling in. Despite the match being challenging, we all tried our best and had fun at the same time. Primrose Robinson excelled in goal keeper and Lucy Moten in goal shooter. It was a challenging match and we didn’t get the best result, but we tried our hardest and it was an enjoyable match to play. – Amelie Gray-Combe

Year 8A – Saints 33 defeated by Pembroke 43
It was a very tough game against Pembroke, but we didn’t give up. Our defensive pressure stayed strong the whole game with lots of rebounds, intercepts and taps. Our attack moved well with each other, especially in the last quarter. We blocked out Pembroke’s defence and shot some amazing goals. Our mid-court’s defence and attack were outstanding the whole game. They led into space, had many intercepts in defence and maintained possession in attack. Even though we were down the first three quarters, we didn’t give up and won the last quarter by 7 goals. Good effort girls! – Annie Warrick

Year 8B – Saints 24 defeated Pembroke 22
The girls had a fantastic game. They all played consistently and spread out their energy. They were very strong in attack with Charlotte Staples in GA, and also did well in defence with Maddy Lisle in GD. Emily Bryce and Ruby Richards also played really well. – Bella Sanders-Wills

Year 8C – Saints 26 defeated Wilderness 10
The girls played a great game to record a win. Some girls were in positions they weren’t comfortable with, but by the end, everyone was working together and playing really well. Our coaches helped us with feedback and tips, and we took on that advice which helped us win the game. Hopefully we get a win next game too! – Bel Burmester

Year 7A  Saints 20 defeated Pembroke 15

Year 7B – Saints 8 defeated Pembroke 4
The team played a fantastic game against Pembroke, with everyone putting their best foot forward. Scarlett Dillon and other players in the goal ring helped us greatly by scoring many goals and defending balls. Our mid-court players worked hard to move the ball down and into our goal circle. A special mention must go to Ayla Blaskett for shooting a few great goals and being a strong attacker. We all played with confidence and courage, and won the game! We are looking forward to our next match. – Ayanna Roy

Year 7C – Saints 10 defeated Pembroke 5
Although it was an early start for the girls, they tried their hardest and played exceptionally well. It was cold and there was a sprinkle of rain, but it didn’t stop the team from winning. A special mention to Zoe Graves and Emilia Libri for their goal scoring. Another mention goes to Hope Sanders-Wills for always calling for the ball and sticking to her player. – Emilia Libri

Year 5 Blue – Saints 6 defeated by Pembroke 12
So proud of the effort the team put in. During training, we worked on making space for a lead; the girls really took this on board and the court looked a lot clearer. Special congratulations to Aurelia Pyne for the many intercepts she took in GD and to Lucy Tulloch for her very tight defence in GK, which put a lot of pressure on their attackers to get the ball into the goal circle! – Rebecca Scott-Toms (Coach)


Open A – Saints 1 defeated by Pulteney 2
The team played Pulteney for our first official game of the season. The girls had a great match, but, unfortunately, it resulted in a loss. Isabella Villani scored an exciting goal after dribbling around the goalie. She also did a great job as fill-in goalkeeper in the first half. Ashley Piper played keeper in the second half and saved countless goals! Our defence was very strong and worked well together. We tried to implement some new strategy into our gameplay and will definitely need to continue working on it in the coming weeks! – Ellie Anderson (Captain)

Open B – Saints 3 defeated Seymour 2
Saints opened the season with a come-from-behind win against Seymour. It took some time for the players to get into a routine and, due to some confusion in defence, we went 2 goals down. Louisa Reid, Kendra Ware and Molly Bond then started to win many tackles in midfield with Matilda Braithwaite and Sara Peak strong in defence. Emily Downie scored just before half-time from the penalty spot to give Saints some renewed confidence. In the second half, Emily, Tahlia Towers and Annabelle Langley linked well in the forward line and put Seymour under pressure. Emily added a second and Annabelle put Saints in front. It was desperate defence at the end, with Charlotte Cohen making some excellent saves to ensure Saints kept the lead. – Steven Benn (Coach)

Middle A – Saints 0 defeated by Scotch 7
The game didn’t go as expected, playing one of the stronger teams in the league. Although we had a bit of a rough start, the girls showed real improvement in the second half and never stopped trying throughout the whole game. – Taylah Simpson and Dom Rigby (Coaches)

Middle B – Saints 0 defeated by Seymour 7
For most of the girls, it was the first time they had played a game of soccer. They tried really hard and seemed to enjoy the process. In the second half, we tweaked a couple of things and they stepped up. They will get better every week, I have no doubt. Great group of girls. – Kerry Hudson (Coach)

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