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Year 11 and 12 Formal

Swimming Carnival (Years 4-6)

Swimming Carnival (Years 7-12)

ELC Twilight Family Picnic

School Tour

Girls in Tech

Dad’s Night on the Green

Head of the River

Choral Night

Years 2 to 12 Music Day Camp

St Peter’s Cathedral Performance

ELC Coffee Van

Enews – Week 3, Term 1 2018

Issue no. 3Enews-banner

Introducing our new Director of Teaching and Learning

N Scoggins - webMy favourite teacher was a man called Roger Langley. He was Head of English at Bishop Vesey’s Grammar School in England. I experienced Mr Langley’s lessons for the first time in Year 9 and such was the impact of his teaching that choosing English Literature in my final two years of school was a no-brainer: it meant being in Mr Langley’s class again. And those final two years did not disappoint; my love for great writing can be traced back to those lessons in what were old and austere classrooms. The simple fact is that, without the influence of Roger Langley on my life, it would almost certainly have taken a different path and I would not be writing this eNews piece for you today.

So, what was it that set him apart from the other teachers? Firstly, it was the way he gently controlled his environment by being softly spoken rather than by raising his voice. Secondly, it was his style of marking, where three ticks in the margin meant that you had written something that genuinely impressed him. Thirdly, he seemed to know everything there was to know about the texts he taught, but always listened with interest to the ideas of his students. Most important of all, though, was the abiding sense that the love of books, and the desire to share that passion, was in his blood. I spoke in last week’s Academic Assembly about the oft-unheralded potential for happiness that exists in doing academic work; there is no doubt that I positively enjoyed writing Mr Langley’s essays and awaited his grades and comments (which often ran to several pages) with nervous excitement. In the course of completing my university degree, I encountered many charismatic, eccentric and memorable professors and tutors but the pinnacle of my education was English Literature lessons at school.

Teachers have that capacity to make a fundamental difference to people’s lives. My journey has brought me to St Peter’s Girls’ School, and there cannot be very many other schools around the world where so many ingredients are in place for students to be engaged and inspired, and to head home with stories to tell and questions to share. Even Mr Langley would have struggled to imagine classrooms and views as amazing as those we have here in the new Middle School. Teachers in 2018 help their students in ways that perhaps were just not on the radar in the 1980s – I don’t recall Mr Langley ever referring to assessment criteria, or helping me to re-draft a clunky paragraph, or ever getting us into pairs or groups to develop our independent learning skills. He didn’t have access to a learning management system, such as Canvas, where he could have shared his notes, provided recommendations for further reading and uploaded his feedback where parents could also have accessed it. The worlds of education and technology have changed enormously since my school days; we know more than ever before about how students learn and how we as teachers can lead, influence, encourage, facilitate and perhaps even transform.

I am excited to now be a part of the Saints Girls’ community and I look forward to working alongside you all in 2018 and beyond. I hope and trust that there will be a great many “Mr. Langley moments” for your daughters both inside and outside the classroom this year.

Nigel Scoggins
Director of Teaching and Learning

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Year 9s Buoyant on Aquatics Camp

W3 Year 9 Camp

The Year 9 Aquatics Camp was held at the Murraylands Aquatic Centre last Thursday and Friday. It is a kick-start to The Rite Journey wellbeing program that we run in Home Groups. Being in such a different setting offers an opportunity for girls to build relationships, challenge themselves in various aquatic activities and get to know each other. It was also a great escape from the hot weather in the city.

While this year it was not an overnight camp but two separate day trips, the girls still had a fabulous time away. On the first day, the girls tried knee boarding, paddle boarding and sailing. We then drove back to the Murraylands for day two on the water, which included water skiing, kayaking and learning how to drive small boats.

Well done to all the girls who had a go at these activities and pushed their comfort zones. You helped make this camp such a success!

Sonya Risbey, Clare Gaskell and Melissa Bray
Year 9 Home Group Teachers

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Year 3s Explore Urrbrae Wetlands

W3 Year 3 Excursion

On Friday 9 February, the Year 3s went to the Urrbrae Wetlands to discover the animals that live in this habitat. They collected samples of water and considered its turbidity then observed macro-invertebrates under microscope before classifying and naming them. They were amazed to see such detail and had many interesting questions to ask the Urrbrae Wetlands Educator, Anne Louise.

The Year 3s came back to school armed with more knowledge and understanding through first-hand experience about how “human actions can preserve or endanger animal life”.

Deb Cope
Year 3 Teacher

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Updated Information: School Photos – Week 4

W3 School Photos2

All individual, ID and class photos for R – 12 students will be taken on Wednesday 21 February. Catch up individual photos and sibling photos will be taken on Thursday 22 February. Your daughter’s Home Group teacher has been advised of their time. ELC photos will be taken in April.

Photo order envelopes have been distributed to students, and will need to be completed and returned to the photographer on the day. If you have not received a personalised envelope for your daughter, please notify the Community Relations Office via email: fmcgregor@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

Students are also reminded to wear their full summer uniform including the blazer.

Sibling photos will be taken on Thursday 22 February at lunch time. Separate order envelopes for sibling photos are available from the Front Office or the Community Relations Office (next to the School Shop). Due to the number of photos being taken on this day, we will be unable to take a photo if the students do not have a completed sibling photo form.

Fiona McGregor
Events Officer

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Online Tuck Shop Success

We continue to receive some excellent “feed”back about our new Online Tuck Shop. If you haven’t experienced it yet, consider giving it a try!

The Flexischools cashless program is used by schools around the country. To access it, log in to the myLink Parent Portal and select the “Tuck Shop” tab on the top menu. This will take you to the Flexischools site where you can set up and manage an account via the following steps:

  1. Register your details with Flexischools. Search for the School’s name (remembering to add the apostrophe in St Peter’s), add the student name, year level and class/home group teacher.
  2. Top-Up your account using Visa, Mastercard, PayPal or direct deposit.
  3. Place an order and proceed to payment.
  4. Review Orders by logging back in to your Flexischools account. You can set recurring orders, view transaction history or cancel orders.

What does it cost?
Canteen Online Ordering Fees:
$0.29 per order
Account Top-Up Fees:   
Direct Deposit $0.00
Credit card (Visa/Mastercard) $0.15+1%
PayPal $0.15+1%

For a demonstration of how to use the system, please watch this instructional video:

Orders can be placed up until 9am on the day of the order. The same deadline applies for order cancellations.

If you experience any issues with the ordering system, please contact Flexischools: help@flexischools.com.au or 1300 361 769.
If you have any menu-related queries or are too late to cancel an order online, email the Tuck Shop: tuckshop@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

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The Garden of Saintly Delights

W5 Garden of Saintly Delights

Sunday 25 February 2018

We encourage our entire community to come along with your children, family and friends – EVERYONE IS WELCOME!!!!

FREE entertainment on Chiverton Lawns will include:

11am The Fairies
1pm Peter Combe & Theatre Bugs
1.30pm Force Elite Cheer & Dance Academy
2.30pm The Amazing Magic Mike

*Plus St Peter’s Girls’ Music students will be performing throughout the day!

If you are interested in volunteering to either help set up or lend a hand on the day, please fill out the Volunteer Registration Form.

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Shrove Tuesday Feast on Chiverton Lawns

W3 Pancake

It was a perfect, sunny day when the Junior School girls gathered on Chiverton Lawns this week to celebrate Shrove Tuesday, which marks the final day before Lent. Traditionally, Christians would give up butter, milk or eggs during Lent to commemorate Jesus’ journey into the desert for 40 days. In order to minimise wastage, people would often use up these goods by making them into pancakes. This is why Shrove Tuesday is also commonly referred to as Pancake Tuesday.

During class time, students discussed the different ways in which Shrove Tuesday is celebrated around the world. They also learnt about how other cultures have different names for Shrove Tuesday, such as Sprengidagur or “Bursting Day” in Iceland. Finally, students read about some of the amazing world records held for pancake flipping, pancake making, and about the world’s largest pancake which was 15 metres in diameter!

“I thought it was a great idea to share pancakes on Shrove Tuesday because it has the religious background to it and they were yummy!” – Iszabella

“This is the day that people used to make pancakes to use up all of the fat in their fridge. After that, you have to give something up for 40 days and nights, just like Jesus did.” – Grace

“Shrove Tuesday is the day before Ash Wednesday. Christians would fast for Lent. Now we give up something for Lent.
 People used to make pancakes to use up the food before Lent.” – Annie and Rose

“Shrove Tuesday means Easter is coming up and Jesus died on Easter. We make pancakes to use up the eggs, flour and butter.” – Sophie

“I like the cream on the pancakes because it’s yummy!” –  Michelle

Rebecca Riley
Year 2 – 4 Coordinator

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Year 5s Enjoy Golden Trip

W3 Year 5 Excursion

On Monday of Week 3, Year 5 students ventured to the Adelaide Hills to visit the Jupiter Creek Goldfields in Echunga as part of our Unit of Inquiry, “Gold Fever”. This unit investigates the Central Ideas: The discovery of any resource has challenges, consequences and opportunities.

The purpose of this visit was two-fold. Firstly, we were exploring South Australia’s role in the gold rushes which changed Australia, and provoking the girls’ thinking towards how the area was impacted and what went on in our own State. The other purpose was to write an expository letter to the Adelaide Hills Council. This letter addresses the girls’ perceptions of the site and its historical significance, and includes suggestions to the Council for improvements to the area. Should we have any success with our proposals to improve this site as a tourism spot, we will certainly let the community know.

Shelley Hampton and Sarah Mulraney
Year 5 Teachers

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Business Intelligence in Action

W3 Business and Enterprise

On Friday of Week 2, students in Mrs Green’s Stage 1 Business and Enterprise class went on an excursion to meet their project mentors at Exposé. During Term 1, students will be working with Exposé to simulate how businesses use data to solve real problems. Students were split into two teams and were allocated a customer, ‘The Trip Centre’ and Cotton Off Clothing’. Each team was provided with a business problem and sets of data to help them understand the business requirements. Students will communicate with their subject matter expert and their customer on a regular basis where they will need to complete weekly project status reports and a business requirements document. Students will present their solution to their customer using Power BI later this term.

Monique Green
Business and Enterprise Teacher

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Years 7 and 8 Information Evening

W3 Years 7 and 8 Information Evening

Parents with girls in Years 7 and 8 are encouraged to attend this informative evening from 6.30 – 8pm on Thursday 22 February in the Arts Centre and then the Middle School. As well as hearing from Deputy Principal and Head of Middle School Richard Lisle about the new Middle School Academic Framework and other Middle School developments, there will also be short presentations about the EDGE program and the Futures entrepreneurial program. Parents will have a chance to meet fellow parents, as well as spend time with their daughter’s Home Group teacher.

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Important Music Dates in Term 1

Week 4 Library/Middle School Opening Wednesday 21 February Middle School Deck 2 – 3.30pm
Week 5 Garden of Saintly Delights Sunday 25 February Outdoor stage Music camp concert and Thursday club
Week 6 Celebration Performance Saturday 10 March Flute ensemble and String Quartet 5.30 – 8.30pm
Week 7 Friends of Arts Meeting Wednesday 14 March Arts Office 7.30pm
Head of the River Saturday 17 March West Lakes Brass Ensemble
Week 9 Easter Celebrations and Eucharist TBA Chapel TBA
Week 10 Sally Cameron Jazz Choir workshops Tuesday 3 April MB 117 Jazz Choirs 2 – 6.30pm
Junior Strings Day Camp Friday 6 April St David’s Church 9am – 3pm
Week 11 Rehearsal with PAC Sunday 8 April PAC Concert Band 6.30 – 7.30pm
Twilight Strings Concert Monday 9 April Arts Centre All String Groups
Concert with PAC Thursday 12 April PAC Concert Band

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Swimming Carnival

Swimming Carnival Enews Banner

Swimming Carnival Program

A reminder that the Years 4 – 12 Swimming Carnival will be held on Friday 23 February (Week 4) at the Adelaide Aquatic Centre. School buses will run as normal but instead of finishing their run at School, they will take bus girls to the Aquatic Centre. They will pick up from there as well.

Separate buses will be made available so that girls can meet at the School and be taken to and from the Aquatic Centre. These must be booked through www.trybooking.com/UDOM. Extra House-coloured ribbons are encouraged, but coloured zinc and body paint is not permitted in the pool.

School teams for SAPSASA (Years 4 – 7), SSSSA (Years 8 – 12) and IGSSA (Years 7 – 12) will be selected from the Swimming Carnival results.

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Welcome Drinks on the Lawns

W3 Drinks on the Lawns

Last Friday night saw a huge turnout for the annual Drinks on the Lawns, proudly put on by the Parents’ & Friends’ Association. Thank you to everyone who came along and braved the heat to make the night such a success. It was a great opportunity for parents to reconnect with old friends, meet new families and get to see the staff let their hair down a little. Julia had some inspiring words to say about the year ahead for our girls and conducted an impromptu tour of our amazing new Library and Middle School facilities. A heartfelt thank you to all the volunteers who helped with the night. Special thanks to the Year 12 girls for giving up a Friday night to serve food to the hungry masses.

We are truly grateful for how the community has come together to celebrate the start of the new school year. We look forward to seeing you all again on Sunday 25 February at The Garden of Saintly Delights. Click here for more information.

Parents’ & Friends’ Association Committee

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myLink on Your Mobile

With the school year now in full swing, it’s a great time to explore the latest news and information on our myLink parent portal. For handy access, you can add a shortcut to your mobile phone or tablet. Just follow the simple steps outlined in either of these videos:

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Coles Sports for Schools

W3 Sports for Schools

Until 15 June, those who shop at Coles will receive one Sports for Schools voucher for every $10 they spend (terms and conditions apply). We invite the Saints Girls’ community to bring the vouchers to the School and place them in one of two collection points: one by the gym and one at Student Services. Vouchers can then be redeemed for a variety of different sporting equipment.

The School is planning to donate the majority of sporting goods received from St Peter’s Girls’ vouchers to New Hope for Cambodian Children, where the Cambodia Trip students intend to visit at the end of the year.

Further details are available here.

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Head of the River Dinner

W2 Rowing

Friends of Rowing invite you to join us for a fabulous evening to celebrate St Peter’s Girls’ rowing at the Head of the River Dinner 2018.

Family, friends and rowers are all welcome at this wonderful event, which will be held in the School’s Arts Centre at 6pm on Saturday 17 March.

You will be served a delicious two course meal and we will offer you water and soft drinks. We will also provide buckets of ice for you to use for your BYO wine/beer/drinks.

$55 per person (parents and rowers)
$20 per child 11 years and under


This is a fun night and not to be missed for all of the rowing community. We will hear from the coaches, the girls, and awards will be presented.

Note – the event is mandatory for all rowers and we strongly encourage parents to attend if they can.

We look forward to seeing you there – book early to secure your place!

Dr Jane Webb-Williams
President – Friends of Rowing

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Absences from School – Appointments/Illness

If your daughter is going to be late or absent, please use one of the following methods to notify the School providing student name, class and reason:

SMS: 0428 601 957
Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au
Phone: 8334 2200

It would be appreciated if this could be done prior to 9am.

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2018 Community Events

W1 Community Events

Sunday 25 February Parents’ and Friends’ – Community ‘Garden of Saintly Delights’
Friday 2 March Old Scholar Mums – Morning Tea
Tuesday 6 March Old Scholars – AGM & Year Leaders’ Event
Saturday 17 March Friends of Rowing – Head of the River and Dinner
Wednesday 4 April Friends of the Founders – Chapel Service and Light Lunch
Friday 6 April ELC Festival of Art
Friday 4 May Old Scholars – ‘A Touch of Blue’ Reunion
Friday 18 May Community Fashion Show – Ladies’ Night Out
Saturday 16 June Parents’ and Friends’ – Community Event
Friday 29 June Old Scholars – Annual Reunion Dinner
Sunday 23 September Foundation Long Lunch
Sunday 21 October Friends of the ELC – Ladies’ Day Out
Wednesday 31 October Friends of the Founders – Morning Tea
Thursday 8 November Community Christmas Drinks on the Lawn
Friday 23 November Friends of the ELC – Christmas Picnic

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Music Camp Concert Supporting a Good Cause

W1 Music Camp Concert

Tomorrow afternoon at 3pm!

Our annual Music Camp pilgrimage to Ardrossan is upon us once again. This year, over 100 Music girls from Years 5 – 12 will participate in the four day event. If you feel like a Saturday afternoon drive, feel free to come along and see our Music Camp Concert in the Ardrossan Town Hall on Saturday 17 February at 3pm. Tickets are $10 each, with proceeds to go to purchasing a BBQ for the residents and staff of the Ardrossan Community Hospital.

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Women in Aviation Careers Day

The Women in Aviation Careers Day in conjunction with Qantas Airways Careers day is aimed at getting students from Years 7 – 12 who may (or may not yet) be interested in pursuing a career in the aviation industry. The focus is on girls with an interest in STEM subjects, however, this is not a pre-requisite to attend. The event will have representation from Qantas, the Air Force, engineering, air traffic control, aerodrome rescue fire fighting, general aviation, the Royal Flying Doctor Service, Women in Aviation/Aerospace and Boeing. Each student will get the opportunity to chat with women from all of these different areas, sit in the cockpit of a Qantas Boeing 737 and see other displays on the day.

When: Saturday 24 February 2018
              3pm registration for 3.30pm start; concludes at 6.30pm
Where: Qantas Airways Engineering hangar, Adelaide Airport

Only a handful of places are available; RSVP by Wednesday 14 February to Karen Alderson.

Each school must also have one adult supervisor/parent accompanying the group.

The event will be held in the Qantas Engineering hangar. This is a safety-critical environment and a fully-operational aircraft maintenance facility. Everyone attending this event is required to wear closed-in footwear. No thongs, sandals etc. Unfortunately, people wearing non-compliant footwear have been denied entry at previous events. We strongly recommend flat-soled shoes.

Refreshments and afternoon tea will be provided.

As parking spaces are limited, we recommend car-pooling. I will send through a detailed map with the exact venue location and parking details once we receive your RSVP. The parking will be free.

Women in Aviation Careers Day in conjunction with Qantas Airways Information Flyer

Karen Alderson
Careers Counsellor

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Sports News

It is timely to remind everyone to check teams and venues to ensure they arrive at the correct venue at the correct time.

Term 1 sports draws can be accessed via the myLink parent portal. It is very important that students check the teams each week as these can change.

If you have any sporting news or results you wish to share, please email them to me: nfuller@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

Neil Fuller
Director of Sport


Little Athletics State Relay Championships
Congratulations to all girls who competed for various clubs at the State Little Athletics Relay Championships.

Eastern Districts Little Athletics Club won the overall title this year, with Molly Lucas captaining the team.

Carla Massicci (Year 5) won gold in the 4x200m and silver in the 4x100m
Lara Maione (Year 5) finished fifth in the under 11 medley relay
Amelia Lucas (Year 6) won gold in the 4x100m and 4x200m
Molly Dwyer (Year 6) won silver in the 4x200m
Portia Maerschel (Year 9) and Olivia Kelly (Year 9) won gold in the 4x100m and 4x200m
Molly Lucas (Year 11), Hannah Brown (Year 11) and Nicolette Miller (Year 11) finished fourth in the 4x100m and 4x200m

Campbelltown Little Athletics Centre
Charlotte Cohen (Year 9) won gold (for the fourth consecutive year) in the field relay.


Monday 12 February
Middle A – Saints 10 defeated by Pembroke 64
A tough start to the season playing a quality team that had a few District players and a lot of height. For us, it was pleasing that we improved as the game wore on, and whilst only scoring 10 points, we created a lot of good opportunities in the second half but let ourselves down with our shooting. All of the girls contributed and there were good signs of improvement to come! – Brenton Davies (coach)

Middle B – Saints 21 defeated Pembroke 15
A great start to the season, especially given we have had limited training due to the heat. We have a very young team and played against Year 9s who had a definite height advantage. The girls used their speed and ball-handling skills in the second half, outscoring Pembroke 12 to 6 to take the game. Special mentions to Willow for her outstanding hustle and Caitlin for her ball-handling and transition. Well done girls! – Brenton Davies (coach)

Middle C – Saints 20 defeated Walford 0
The team started the season with a solid performance to defeat Walford. Good defence enabled St Peter’s to create easy scoring opportunities. Special mention to Asha who showed good leadership and encouragement throughout the game. Keep up the good work girls. – Peter Krantis (coach)


Charlotte Farley (Year 6) recently passed two tests for the elementary level in figure skating. She has two more tests to pass for the next level, where she can compete at the State Championships for a chance to go to the Australian National Championships in November.


Saturday 10 February
We had an excellent regatta on Saturday. All the girls are rowing really well and it is great to see all of their hard work, commitment and persistence paying off. The coaches have spent a lot time this season on technique, and a good technical crew will always beat a strong crew who don’t row very well. That leads me onto training and the importance of girls attending every training where humanly possible, as it not only builds their own skill, fitness and strength but also crew and squad unity. – Ben Flannagan (Director of Rowing)

Overall, another successful weekend down at West Lakes. The senior squad had a great day of racing and training, starting off positively with a win from the stroke 4 of the 8+ that competed in the First 4 race. Following this, the 8+ rowed in the first 8 race and placed a strong 3rd, creeping up on Scotch in second place. Following the regatta, the seniors did some circuit and running training to focus on building fitness in the lead up to Head of the River. A great day for Saints. – Olivia Compare (Captain of Boats)

Last weekend, the seniors rowed both a four and the eight. The four (Rachel Kameniar, Emily Webb, Olivia Law, Sarah Carrodus) raced a straight final. We started slow out the blocks, but rowing with consistency, the girls managed to row through all crews with 1500m to go. Just ticking it along, we stayed out in first and won by an impressive 16 seconds. The 1st VIII (Rachel Kameniar, Emily Webb, Olivia Law, Olivia Compare, Neve McCormack, Charlotte Parker, Zoe Vine Hall, and Sarah Carrodus) performed well on the weekend, placing third in the straight final. We gained two seconds closer to Scotch from the week before and if we continue to row in this way, we are in with a good chance for a podium finish at Head of the River. – Amy Carrodus

Inters A: The crew consisting of Charlotte Sellars, Bella Bernardi, Emma Carrodus and Hannah Keough participated in two races. In the first, a heat, they were up against Seymour and Walford, both rivals throughout the season. The girls raced well and came second, therefore qualifying for the A final. In the final, the girls were up against seven other schools and pressure was high for them. After a sluggish start, the girls came back and ended up finishing fourth, which they should be really proud of. Given it was the first time these girls had really rowed together in these changed positions, they did an amazing job and should continue working hard. – Abbie Lisle

Inter B: The crew rowed extremely well. Imogen Parkinson (stroke), Emily Downie (three seat), Keely Flannagan (two seat) and Michelle Rupert (bow) placed third in the heat and proceeded into the B final where we came first. Despite all the crew changes, the girls all rowed really well together and withstood lots of pressure. – Charlotte Creek

Year 9A: With great weather and a good start, our crew of Keely Flannagan, Ella Waltham, Olivia Kelly, Sophie Barr and Jodi Papendorf placed first in both the heat and the final. The girls were focused and pushed hard, making it great race. – Jodi Papendorf (Cox)

Year 8A crew and the Year 10C crew: The first race of the 8A crew was a heat, where we finished in fifth place. In the second race which was a final, we came first. The first race of the 10C crew was a heat, our bow rower Sophie Stewart had a fractured elbow. Unfortunately it got worse during the race and we were not able to race the final. – Caitie Walker


Open A – Saints 16 defeated St John’s Grammar 4
This was a convincing win against a new team in the competition. Unfortunately St John’s were outclassed, and some good competition was displayed at West Beach. With a great victory, the girls are now prepared to play Scotch next week. Good luck for Saturday girls! – Lulu Tierney (Captain)

Year 5/6 Blue – Saints 13 defeated Pembroke 5
St Peter’s Girls had a well-deserved win. Highlight of the game was Jenna Maione and Ruby Adams’ outstanding pitching. Everyone worked extremely well as a team. I look forward to guiding the girls and am excited to see them develop their skills. – Jasmine Ledgard (Coach)

Open C – Saints 15 defeated Seymour 5


Saturday 10 February
Division 1 Blue – Saints 2-20 defeated by Pembroke 4-29
Singles: Mahala Truscott 1-6, Lily-Rose Spartalis 6-4, Chelsea Staples 1-6, Charlotte Staples 3-6

Division 1 White – Saints 0-13 defeated by Pembroke 6-36
Singles: Imogen Nienaber 5-6, Bridgette Leach 2-6, Taj Shahin 4-6, Ella Dnistriansky 0-6

Division 2 Blue – Saints 2-19 defeated by Pembroke 4-26
Singles: Georgia Langley 3-6, Tiffany Zhou 6-1, Adele Eaton 6-1, Ariel Spartalis 0-6

Division 2 White – Saints 2-20 defeated by Pembroke 4-33
Singles: Issy Harker 2-6, Milly Wood 2-6, Annabelle Langley 6-4, Amelie Eaton 0-6

Division 3 Blue – Saints 3-30 defeated by Pembroke 3-31
Singles: Victoria Thorp 3-6, Louisa Reid 4-6, Cheri Wong 6-5, Sophie Abbott 5-6

Division 3 White – Saints 3-29 defeated Pembroke 3-25
Singles: Orla Clayton 3-6, Lilly Alexander 6-1, Anneliese Thomas 6-3, Sienna Zito 4-6

Division 4 Blue – Saints 4-27 defeated Pembroke 2-20
Singles: Eva Young 2-6, Chase Hocking 6-2, Shunem Josiah 6-0, Yujia Sun 6-3

Division 4 White – Saints did not play

Monday 12 February
The first week in tennis saw the Open As achieve a victory 5 sets to 1 over Pembroke with Yasmin Glazbrook, Tiana Glazbrook and Sienna Glazbrook all having convincing wins. Number 4 Olivia Harby had a tough and close loss to Pembroke’s number 4. Open Bs started the season with a 2 sets to 4 loss against Pembroke taking them out of the running for the shield. Number 1 doubles had a convincing win over Pembroke, however the singles side struggled against Pembroke. – Yasmin Glazbrook (Captain)

Premier League – Saints 5-33 defeated Pembroke 1-14
Singles: Tiana Glazbrook 6-1, Yasmin Glazbrook 6-1, Sienna Glazbrook 6-2, Olivia Harby 3-6

Premier League Reserves – Saints 2-27 defeated by Pembroke 4-30
Singles: Maiya Jakupec 4-6, Annabel Baldwinson 4-6, Ruby Deakin 6-3, Mia Dodd 3-6


Saturday 10 February
Open A – Saints 4 defeated by Wilderness 10
The Open As were defeated by Wilderness in the trial game. Fitness for most girls was challenged as they had not played since last term, the weather was hot and humid, and the field was soft. Due to the conditions, the girls played nine minute quarters, and in the second, all players worked hard and spoke more which allowed them to build up confidence and score 3 of the 4 trys in the game. Anna Pryor, Holly Cunningham, Ebony-Jade Nash-Smith and Hannah Brown all scored trys by finding gaps in the opposition’s tough defence line. Towards the end of the game, the girls became tired and Wilderness were able to score and come out on top. The group put in a good effort and played well considering the Wilderness team has played together for a number of years. Charlotte Kelly debuted, playing well and she worked hard to keep the opposition from gaining ground on the wing. – Ebony-Jade Nash-Smith (Captain)

Open B – Saints 1 defeated by Wilderness 8
The Open Bs comprised a mixed group of Year 11/12s playing their first season, and some players from last year’s Middle School As. Saints faced a more experienced, skillful and fitter Wilderness team who got off to an early lead, which grew through the game. As expected, our first half was predominantly made up of the girls getting to know each other, and the way each other played. The second half was tighter, with some better team play and adherence to the team structures, and Jemimah Simpson breaking through the Wilderness defence for our only try. Some positive signs which can be built on during the season. – Ben Goldsmith (Coach)

Open C – Saints 1 defeated by Wilderness 3
The large number of girls choosing to play touch has led to the establishment of a third senior touch team. As a warm up for the league beginning this weekend, we travelled to play Wilderness. The weather was humid, but the team worked hard both in attack and defence. Wilderness has acquired a lot of experience in playing touch football but our team, with its strong defence, kept the score against us low. The team refused to go home without a try of their own, resulting in a final score of 1-3. The team demonstrated great sportsmanship with their positive attitudes and their refusal to give up trying to score whilst adamantly denying Wilderness the space to increase their score. – Becca Burton-Howard (Coach)

Middle A – Saints 0 defeated by Wilderness 9
The girls participated in their first trial match for the season against Wilderness. For the majority of the team, this was their first game and it presented a good opportunity to put their skills to the test. After a slow start, the girls began to gain more confidence with their rucking and passing the ball down the line, with a few attempts to score a try. Wilderness were a strong and experienced team, and as the game progressed, our defense improved and the girls started to understand some of the concepts we had practiced in training. All players put in a good effort and listened to feedback to help improve. During training, we will focus on rucking with intensity, ball passing skills and defensive play. – Tracey Hunt


Saturday 10 February
Open A – Saints 2 defeated Pembroke 1 (25-10, 25-18, 18-25)
The weather was hot, but Saints were hotter. New 2018 Volleyball Captain Charlotte White won the toss and elected to serve, which produced relentless pressure, forcing Pembroke on the back foot for most of the match. Great scramble in cover and some spectacular rallies made for some very entertaining volleyball. Young guns Anna White and Georgina Keough performed well under the senior pressure, taking it all in their stride. While we took the foot off the pedal in the last set and lost some focus, there were some great signs for the season to come. – Alistair Keough (Coach)

Open B – Saints 2 defeated Pembroke 1 (25-18, 16-25, 25-15)
Pembroke were loud at the start but were quickly silenced by the Saints’ tall timber. Molly Lucas was designated starting setter with Nicolette Miller and Chloe Deieso punishing at the net. Isabella Villani and Isobel Tan raised the team’s energy with great enthusiasm and cheering. New systems had the girls scrambling in the second set, but they regathered and closed out the third set, with Pembroke left searching for answers. – Alistair Keough (Coach)

Open C1 – Saints 3 defeated Pembroke 0 (25-11, 25-5, 25-19)
A great team effort by all, with enthusiasm and voice constant throughout the match. The result came down to who could maintain the pressure, and Pembroke had little in reply to Cate Neale’s serves and Kate McKellar-Stewart’s attack at the net. The girls had fun throughout the match and good sportsmanship was shown by all. – Alistair Keough (Coach)

Open C2 – Saints 3 defeated Pembroke 0 (25-20, 25-9, 25-14)
After a slow start, the girls picked up their energy and showed their true talent. Paris Greene and Clair Kao displayed great serving, enabling the team to get many run-ons. Tilly McCormack and Katelin Calandro displayed some excellent work at the net, whilst Sarah Wishart showed great scrambling around the court. The girls played a great game and I look forward to watching this team develop over the season. – Georgia Howe (Coach)

Open D – Saints 3 defeated Pembroke 1 (25-14, 20-25, 25-19, 26-24)
The girls showed great fight and energy throughout the game, learning from their mistakes and improving every point. Caitlin Fidler and Lola Dimond served brilliantly, and Mary Brownridge played an all-round terrific game. The girls should be proud of their efforts and I look forward to watching them all develop throughout the season. – Georgia Howe (Coach)

Middle B – Saints 0 defeated by Pembroke 3
The Middle B team had a very tight match against Pembroke. Although the girls lost the game, they never gave up and maintained the intensity the whole time. Lucy White served well and finished off numerous points with some amazing spikes. Toni Christiansen also had a great game; she moved well and managed to return difficult serves from Pembroke’s strong servers. – Victoria Neale (Coach)

Middle C – Saints 0 defeated by Pembroke 3
The Middle C team unfortunately lost to Pembroke this week. For a majority of the girls, it was their first game of volleyball which was very exciting. Despite competing against a hard team, the girls played well together and improved every set. Annabelle Bafile and Dayna Petruzzella were standout players for the match, with both serving and moving around the court well. – Victoria Neale (Coach)


Nicolette Miller (Year 11) has been selected in the 18 and Under State Water Polo team which will complete in the National Championships in Canberra from 28 March – 2 April 2018.

Open A – Saints 8 defeated Wilderness 5
We’re off to a fantastic start to 2018 with all three open teams winning their games. The Open A team played the Wilderness A team and despite missing a couple of players, the girls pushed themselves and their teammates out of their comfort zone. Fiona Lethbridge was player of the game. – Erin Barrera (Captain)

Open B – Saints 16 defeated Wilderness 0
The Open B team played the Wilderness B team and absolutely dominated the pool. Lara Wakeham and Holly Cardone both performed amazingly, and an honourable mention goes to Georgina Wakeham (Year 7) and Emily Baldwinson (Year 8) who played both the B and C game against girls almost four years older than them. – Erin Barrera (Captain)

Open C – Saints 15 defeated Sacred Heart 0
A very young Open C team played Sacred Heart and capped an amazing start for Saints’ Water Polo. With many strong swimmers, the team played incredibly to record their first win of the season and I look forward to watching the girls develop. – Erin Barrera (Captain)

Year 7/8A – Saints 0 defeated by Mercedes 12
Despite the score, there were plenty of positives for this team with some girls playing their first ever game. Both of our goalies made some amazing saves, so congratulations to both Emily Elston and Charlotte Parker. Saints did have many opportunities on goals which weren’t converted and this is something we can work on during training. – Gemma Rowe (Coach)

Year 7/8 B – Saints 8 defeated by St Ignatius 9
What an exciting game. The girls did a fantastic job considering it was their first ever game for some. They never gave up! They worked really well as a team and used many of the skills learnt in training. I really enjoyed watching them back themselves in and giving it a go. – Gemma Rowe (Coach)

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