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eNews – Week 2, Term 3 2022

Issue no. 22

From Our Deputy Principal / Head of Middle School

Adelaide SchoolsWhat a delight it was to be able to successfully stage Choral Night last Friday!

With more than 450 students taking part and an audience of over 800 friends and family, the reaction to the singing and dancing on stage was truly stirring.

As ever, there can only be one winner, and this year, after some carefully crafted and constructive feedback, renowned expert guest judges Sally Cameron and Luke Thompson awarded Kennion the shield, making it back-to-back wins for the blue crew.

That victory, however, is only one part of the evening. Choral Night is about far more than winning. It’s an opportunity to honour the past and to create new House traditions in the process. Every student participant will have enduring memories, especially those celebrating their final Choral Night. For others, it was their first taste and will shape their approach to the event in the future. For all, it was a chance to engage in genuine collaboration and commitment to a higher cause, creating a spectacle so much bigger than the sum of its parts. The mixture of joy, appreciation, surprise (occasionally shock!) and communal energy that permeate the room on Choral Night is wonderful to experience.

Choral Night also operates as an important opportunity for students in their engagement with the skills we teach through our ‘Leadership Matters’ program. One of the domains is ‘Fostering Positive Relationships’, where students look at the way that empathy, trust, inclusiveness, conflict resolution, collaboration, and the ability to motivate and empower others all combine to help build great teams. There were clearly many girls in each House who had managed just this, as they worked so hard to lead their House choirs, bands and dancers towards a performance of such quality, energy and cohesiveness on Friday night.

Key House, band and choir leaders also clearly engaged with the Leadership Matters domain of ‘Goal Achievement’, where students learn about and deploy specific communication, problem-solving, agile thinking, time management and project management skills to enable them to bring their ideas and projects to fruition. The level to which each House understood the need to show ‘followship’ by supporting those trying to bring the performances together was outstanding.

Some of my favourite moments of the week, however, were those where students with no assigned leadership role took it upon themselves to embrace moments of leadership, helping those who were struggling to understand a particular piece of phrasing, or encouraging those who were perhaps a little reticent to sing aloud amongst their peers. These, and many other moments like them, will not have gone unnoticed by those who benefitted from them, and demonstrate exactly the kind of culture of leadership and commitment to others that we strive to build at our School.

So, with Choral Night behind us, House attention now gets turned to Spirit Weeks, House Dinners, and Sports Day in Week 7, where I feel sure there will be the usual mixture of fun, fierce competition and further opportunities to embrace moments of leadership, and followship.

Richard Lisle
Deputy Principal/Head of Middle School


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Old Scholar’s Choral Night Return

We were thrilled to welcome back talented singer/songwriter Old Scholar Georgie Raft (Kilburn 2021) who took the stage at Choral Night to perform one of her brand new original songs.

Georgie was recently accepted to study a four year Bachelor of Music at the Berklee College of Music in Boston. Berklee is described as the largest independent college of contemporary music in the world, and Georgie not only made it through the highly competitive audition process, she was also awarded a significant scholarship for the duration of the course.

Georgie who released an EP in November 2020, continues to achieve awards in various songwriting competitions both locally and internationally, and is putting on a final ’Goodbye (for now!)’ performance to showcase her new collection of original songs for one last time before she adventures overseas.

Georgie credits much of her music and songwriting success to the Saints Girls’ Music Department, and warmly invites our School community to attend her show next Thursday 11 August, 6.30pm at the Norwood Hotel. To purchase tickets, click here 


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Runaway Success at Commonwealth Games

Congratulations to Old Scholar Sophie Linn (Patteson 2012) who has been described as a revelation after anchoring Australia to Bronze in the Mixed Team Relay and storming to 5th place in the Women’s Individual Triathlon at the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham.

We could not be more proud of Sophie whose courage, determination and endurance are an inspiration to our girls, and we can’t wait to see what she achieves next.

Photo credit: Triathlon Australia

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Selwyn Spirit Week

This week, we’ve been celebrating Selwyn Spirit Week! Our green team have demonstrated House pride, wearing ribbons and participating in the daily treasure hunt for our special friend Stuart the frog!

On Wednesday, we had our Spirit Week Chapel Service where House Captain Adele Eaton delivered a brilliant speech about the importance of community, featuring the stories of past Selwynites. We also had the pleasure of enjoying a beautiful singing performance from some of our Selwyn Choristers, truly showcasing the amazing talent of our green girls!

Tonight, we’re looking forward to our House Dinner. A massive congratulations goes out to our Year 11 girls who have worked tirelessly to organise the evening. We can’t wait for a great night of games and to see all the fabulous costumes.

It’s been a terrific year so far and we are eager to see what the rest of the term holds for Selwyn!

Milly Brett
Deputy House Captain

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Top Honours in Chinese Speaking and Performance

Well done to Year 6 student Emily Kim who placed 1st in Cultural Performance and 3rd overall at the Chinese Bridge Competition for Primary School Students Regional Final. She is only a tiny step (0.5 points) away from the Global Finals!

The Mandarin speaking and performance competition is an annual event offered to students around the world. This year, for the first time, the competition was extended to primary school students in Australia. Contestants submitted a short video comprising a speech in Mandarin and a cultural performance to showcase their Chinese Learning as a Second Language at school. Organised by University of Western Australia, the competition was judged by a panel of Chinese teachers from across the country and from China.

Emily shares:

‘The competition was recommended to me and I was interested because I knew it would be an amazing opportunity. I sang a song and presented a speech – both in Chinese. The song  was about the brightest star in the night sky and it was a surprisingly hard song to sing in Chinese. Although my Chinese teacher told me it was difficult, I told her that I wanted to stick with it. From this opportunity, I have gained more confidence and fluency in Chinese. Thank you to all the organisers. I really appreciate all their hard work.’

Ying Liu
Chinese Teacher

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Rising Star Matilda Dances into Top 5

Year 12 student Matilda Hambidge-Hay, who completed SACE Stage 2 Dance with excellent results last year, was recently nominated for South Australia’s Best Up and Coming Dancer, run by The Advertiser. From there, she made it onto a list of Top 25 Dancers before the public voting began. It is no surprise that Matilda, who is extremely committed to her dancing and strives to improve consistently, then made the final Top 5 Dancers.

Matilda shares:

‘I am so grateful to both Mrs Burnett and my dance teachers at Total Dance Image Studios as they are always looking for ways to help me improve while nurturing my passion. This recognition has shown me that all my hard work and dedication towards dancing has paid off. Although voting is now closed, finding out I made it into the Top 5 dancers of South Australia was a very proud moment for me as my dream is to become a professional dancer, hoping to eventually travel the world performing on cruise ships.’

I would also like to thank Matilda for all her dedication to the role of Performing Arts Captain this year, including choreographing for Fusion and teaching the Junior Dance Co-Curricular program. Our dance community wish her well for her future dance studies next year at Dynamite Studios Australia.

Kate Burnett
Head of The Arts

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Welcome to Term 3 in the ELC

To kickstart the new term, our Early Learners’ Centre hosted a wonderful Welcome Morning Tea yesterday where families and staff were able to come together and share their spaces. We thank everyone who joined us, as these shared moments are the foundation of our ELC community.

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Out of the Blue Arts Journal – Front Cover Design

The Arts Journal Student Committee is calling all talented artists to create a drawing to potentially feature on the front cover of our next Out of the Blue Arts Journal! Each year, Out of the Blue showcases artwork, music and poetry from across our School community.

Open to all year levels, entries for the cover are required to be line drawings, preferably an electronic drawing, but hard copies can also be scanned and sent in. Only one submission will be chosen, with entries closing on Friday 26 August (Week 5).

Please email your entry to the Out of the Blue email along with your name, year level and Class Teacher/Home Group.

Nathara Perera
Arts Journal Student Committee


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Book Week – Coming Soon!

Book Week Dress Up Day is on Friday 26 August (Week 5). This year’s theme is ‘Dreaming with eyes open…’

Junior School students may dress up as a book character or a character that fits the theme. They will parade in their costumes from 8.35am along the pathway to the Chapel, and families are welcome to come and watch. The students will be involved in an Assembly following the parade, which will have capacity for students only.

Helen Smith
Deputy Head of Junior School

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Kennion House Charity Day

On Friday of Week 5, the Kennion Year 10 Girls will be running a sausage sizzle to raise funds for our House Charity, KickStart for Kids. This South Australian organisation provides support for underprivileged children. Unfortunately, 1 in 10 kids does not eat food for a whole day per week. However, with your support, we can help change this!

We will be selling sausages for $2.50 with the option of onions (50c extra). Soft drinks will be $2. We will also have gluten-free and vegetarian options available at no additional cost.

Parents of girls from Reception to Year 2 can pre-order via the TryBooking link. Students from Years 3 to 12 will be able to buy items directly from the stall on Chiverton Lawns. Please bring cash only.

Thank you for your support. We hope to see you at our House Charity stall in Week 5 – enjoy the sizzle!

Misha Yagnik
Year 10 student

A reminder that House Charity Day also doubles as a Casual Clothes Day for a gold coin donation to further support our fundraising.

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Patteson House Charity Day

On Friday of Week 5, the Patteson Year 10 girls will be holding a bake sale to raise money for our House Charity, the Moore Street Drop-In Centre, which helps people experiencing homelessness. The centre provides food, clothing, pharmacy vouchers for vital medication, shoe vouchers, blankets and linen for those living in poverty.

We will be selling baked goods such as cupcakes, brownies and cookies. Prices range from 50c to $3.

Parents of girls from Reception to Year 2 can pre-order vanilla cupcakes (only bake option online) via the TryBooking link. Students from Years 3 to 12 will be able to buy items directly from the stall next to the Arts Centre. Please bring cash only.

We appreciate all your support and hope to see you there!

Year 10 Patteson

A reminder that House Charity Day also doubles as a Casual Clothes Day for a gold coin donation to further support our fundraising.

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Annual House Dinners

During Term 3, all Middle and Senior School girls have the opportunity to enjoy a night away from homework to get creative and colourful at the House Dinners.

The Year 11s have been working hard organising decorations, food and games for each event. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone’s creative costumes and enjoying a fun night with our Houses.

Visit the TryBooking links below to purchase your daughter(s) a ticket for the night as this is a compulsory event for all Year 7 – 12 students.

Patteson House Dinner
Theme: Colours
Students are encouraged to dress up in their year level’s selected colour to fit the theme. We look forward to seeing a kaleidoscope of creations and enjoying a colourful and fun night! – Georgina Wakeham
19 August (Week 4)
Book now: trybooking.com/CAAPF

Kilburn House Dinner
Theme: Time Travellers
Each year level is asked to dress up as a specific era of time. You can see these eras on the posters around the School, so make sure you keep an eye out! – Ruby Richards
26 August (Week 5)
Book now: trybooking.com/CAAOU

Kennion House Dinner
Theme: 2000s
2 September (Week 6)
Book now: trybooking.com/CAAPO

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Studying Medicine Information Session

Wednesday 17 August 4.30 – 5.30pm
The Arts Centre

Many students express an interest in studying Medicine. In this information session, we will have a Student Recruitment Officer from the University of Adelaide speaking about admission into Medicine-related courses, covering the following topics:

  • UCAT
  • Interview
  • ATAR
  • Alternative pathways

This will include a 30-minute presentation with an opportunity for questions and answers at the end.

Carolyn Farr and Karen Alderson
Careers Coordinators

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STEM Careers JobChat – Speaker Spotlight

The School is providing a special opportunity to meet and hear from women in STEM careers. In conjunction with the University of Adelaide, parents and students will be able to learn from women in STEM industries and studies.

Tuesday 16 August
5.30 – 7.30pm
Arts Centre
To book your spot – click here

This week, we feature one of our fabulous speakers, Ashleigh Geiger:

Ashleigh completed her Bachelor of Science (Advanced) (Biochemistry and Genetics) at the University of Adelaide in 2019. She is now undertaking a PhD in the SAHMRI Gene Editing program, the University of Adelaide, developing CRISPR/Cas9 therapeutic strategies for genetic eye disease. Ashleigh is interested in medical molecular genetics, especially the application of genome editing to disease therapeutics. She is excited about CRISPR optimisation, and aspires to contribute to the development of safer, more efficient technologies.

Ashleigh is passionate about science communication and engagement. A proponent of Women in STEM, she was the inaugural secretary of the University of Adelaide’s Women in STEM Alumni Network, and has recently stepped into the role of President. Since 2021, she has served as Chair of the Australasian Neuroscience Society Student Body Committee.

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Car Park Protocols

As we commence a new semester, it is important to remind families about our car park protocols, particularly during drop off and pick up.

If the car park is full and you are unable to enter, circle the block until it is clear to enter, find a park elsewhere or, where age-appropriate, meet your daughter in a surrounding street.

Please note that, unless special circumstances apply, parents of girls in Years 2 to 12 should not enter the car park to collect their daughters prior to 3.30pm. Parents of girls in Reception and Year 1 have exclusive use of the pick-up zone prior to this time for safety and traffic reasons.

Please also refrain from turning right into or out of the car park at peak times, and please do not queue in the car park’s lanes as this often prevents drivers who are legally parked from exiting.

We have also previously received complaints about cars being parked too close to or in front of driveways, or across from other vehicles in surrounding streets, making it extremely difficult for residents and other road users to navigate.

We ask all community members to please show consideration for others. Thank you for your cooperation.

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Free Book Offer – Scholastic Book Club

Scholastic Book Club is giving away free books to help celebrate and spread the love of reading!

Scholastic Book Club helps raise independent readers by providing access to a wide variety of reading material, allowing children to choose books that interest them and that they are excited to read, and giving families great quality and value at affordable prices.

Place your Issue 5 order online via the Scholastic Australia LOOP website to select up to 3 free books.

  • Spend over $30 to select 1 free book*
  • Spend over $50 to select 2 free books*
  • Spend over $70 to select 3 free books*

*Free books are from a selected list which is displayed at the checkout after an order is created.

For more information – click here

Kate McBride
Library and Information Services

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School Shop Notices

School Shop Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 8am – 4pm (closed for lunch 12 – 12.30pm)

Parents can also order items via our Online School Shop.

Warm Up with Saints’ Scarves and Beanies

With the cooler weather, the School Shop has some branded winter warmers:

Saints Girls’ Supporter Scarf – perfect for staff, coaches and parents

Saints Girls’ Beanies
– can be worn by students during their sport training sessions and warm ups, and also available for staff coaches and parents

To get your hands on these fabulous new items, please visit the School Shop.

Junior Rain Jackets

Keep dry for the rest of winter, with the School Shop’s End-of-Season Sale (while stocks last):

Dry & Cosy Polar Fleece-Lined Rain Jackets $25
Waterproof Rain Jackets $15

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Kathmandu Offer for Saints Girls’ Community

From Friday 5 August to Sunday 14 August, Kathmandu’s Rundle Mall and Rundle Street stores will offer exclusive discounts (up to 70% off) for St Peter’s Girls’ students and staff.

This brochure must be displayed at the store for you to take advantage of the offer.

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COVID-19 Information

Under SA Health protocols, asymptomatic children who are close contacts can attend school or ELC, provided they undertake 5 Rapid Antigen Tests over 7 days and receive negative results.

Please also be reminded of these general requirements:

Should your child develop any symptoms, even mild ones, they must not attend school or ELC and should be tested for COVID-19. Those with symptoms who test negative using a RAT must undertake a PCR test to confirm that result.  Students who have previously tested positive and have completed isolation in the past 28 days do not need to undertake testing.

If your child tests positive to COVID-19, notify us immediately. Please also advise the type of test (RAT/PCR), the date your child’s test was taken and the date symptoms started (if no symptoms, note ‘asymptomatic’).

Please notify us via email or text:

Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au
Text: 0428 601 957 (save to phone contacts as SPGS)

If you need to notify us over the phone, call the Front Office on 8334 2200.

If your child is too sick to attend school, they are therefore also too sick to be working remotely from home.

Please also note that SA Health strongly recommends face masks in schools when indoors for students across Years 3 to 12. The same advice applies for all adults, including visitors, except if it impedes the ability to teach or interact with children.

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General Absences from School

If your child is going to be absent, late to school or leave early, please use one of the following methods to notify the School, providing the student name and Class/Home Group.

Please also provide a reason for the absence as the School requires this for government reporting purposes.

Text: 0428 601 957

Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Phone: 8334 2200

Feel free to include the Class/Home Group Teacher when emailing. It would be appreciated if notifications could be made prior to 9am.

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Important Reminders

Email Notifications

It is timely for all parents to check their email account settings to ensure email notifications from the School will not be diverted to junk/spam folders or blocked entirely.

For many platforms, you can check whether stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au has been blocked by accessing Blocked Senders via your account Options. You may also be able to add stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au to your Safe Senders list. If you require assistance, please contact our IT Department (details below).

Personal and Medical Information

It is vital that personal, medical and other important information on the myLink portal is up to date and complete. This also covers photo/video permission where imagery is used in print and online communications to celebrate student success, share exciting news with our community and promote the School more widely. In the digital era, this may also extend to some events being live-streamed on public platforms. If permission is not granted, the School will work diligently to implement specific measures, which may include temporarily withdrawing the student from certain activities. Please note, the permission does not apply to the School Yearbook where all students are included, or to the internal usage of photos/videos for the purposes of teaching and learning, such as content on Canvas.

Follow this pathway to check and/or update your details, and your child’s details: myLink > Community Portal > My Details > select the appropriate tab (child or parent name).


It is also imperative that families are familiar with the School’s current policies, as new ones may be introduced and existing ones are periodically reviewed and updated. You can view our policies on myLink via the ‘School Documents’ page.


For tips on how to navigate myLink, take a look at our instructional videos by clicking the ‘Help’ tab on the Welcome page.

If you have any issues accessing myLink or are not receiving our email notifications, please contact our IT Helpdesk via helpdesk@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au or 8334 2227.

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Sports News


Open A: Saints (6) v Seymour (0)
Open B1: Saints (1) v Seymour (5)
Open B2: Saints (0) v Seymour (6)
Open C1: Saints (6) v Immanuel (0)
Open C2: Saints (2) v Seymour (4)
Open D1: Saints (6) v Immanuel (0)
Open D2: Saints (3) v Seymour (3)
Middle E: Saints (6) v Pembroke (0)


Open: Saints (7) v Immanuel (0)
For the first game this term, we had a win against Immanuel College. We welcomed Jess to the team who played in both our attacking and defensive halves. Zara and Leah worked the ball from the midfield into the circle, whilst Kiera showed amazing gameplay as she managed to get the ball towards our attacking goal. Well done to Yashika and Claris for scoring 2 goals each. Congratulations to our goalie Ayla for a great touch – well saved! The team played an excellent attacking game with our hunger for the ball increasing in the second half.


U11: Saints (6) v Burnside Primary School (4)
The team had their first game for the term on Saturday, and yet again came out with a win. Matilda Purvis and Mimi Birmingham both did an amazing job in goals with some awesome saves. Our scorers were Grace Marshall (2), Christie Psaromatis (1), Matilda Purvis (1) and Maddie Romeo (2). Great win girls! – Dani Cox (Captain)


Open A: Saints (43) v Westminster (57)
Open B: Saints (20) v Westminster (67)
Open C: Saints (39) v Westminster (56)
Open D: Saints (19) v Westminster (68)
Open E: Saints (15) v Immanuel (38)
Year 9A: Saints (20) v Westminster (60)
Year 8A: Saints (20) v Westminster (46)
Year 8B: Saints (10) v Westminster (42)
Year 7A: Saints (32) v Westminster (14)
Year 7B: Saints (13) v Westminster (10)

Year 5/6 Knockout
Our Knockout Netball team ventured to Hectorville Netball Club last Friday to compete in Round 2 of the School Sport SA Knockout Netball Competition. We were up against Trinity Gardens Primary School, Concordia College and St Aloysius College.

The girls were nervous and excited on the morning, and also welcomed Rose into the team as a substitute player. We had a fantastic day, with all players contributing throughout the matches. We had really strong wins against Concordia and St Aloysius, and three great quarters against Trinity Gardens. Unfortunately, one poor quarter saw them pip us at the post and we went down fighting all the way! This ends our Knockout journey, with Trinity Gardens finishing undefeated on the day and progressing to the finals.

I was very proud of this group of players across both Rounds 1 and 2 of the competition. They fought hard, played as a team, learnt new skills and supported each other. They represented Saints Girls with pride and I’m excited to see their netball develop over the coming years. – Alice Johnswood (Coach)


Premier League: Saints A (0) v Wilderness (3)
Division 1: Saints B (1) v St Michael’s (3)
Division 3: Saints C (0) v Seymour (5)

Year 5/6 Knockout
Our Knockout Soccer team competed in Round 2 of the School Sport SA Knockout Competition at Jubilee Park, West Lakes. I was most impressed with their attitude and sportsmanship; in each game, they had to fight back after conceding the first goal and showed courage throughout in a challenging competition.

In the first game, our girls started slowly, conceding 2 early goals, and despite scoring towards the end of the first half to make the score 2 – 1, we were outclassed by Nazareth Catholic College who scored 3 second half goals to win 5 – 1.

The girls stayed positive, and with a slight change in formation where we added a defensive midfielder to reduce the space between the defence and the midfield, the girls started to take control of the games. In the final two matches, they began to click through balls played by Lauren Disney and Audrey Fox.

In the end, both the second and third games finished 5 – 3 in Saints’ favour, and whilst we didn’t progress to the final round, our girls can be proud of their growth and learning, and finishing 2nd overall on the day. – Tommy Peak (Coach)

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