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Enews – Week 2, Term 3 2018

Issue no. 22Enews-banner

From the Deputy Principal/Head of Senior School

Kate Mortimer
Ask any teacher in any school and they will likely agree that Term 3 is always ‘fast paced and actioned packed’. Each week, without fail, there is always something happening.

At the end of our second week, we have already experienced a wonderful Subject Expo for Years 9 – 11 families, held the Year 10 and 11 Parent Teacher Interviews, hosted the ELC Welcome Morning Tea and of course this evening is the much-anticipated Kennion House Dinner. I have no doubt that our new Head of House, Ms Emma Weber – herself a Kennion Old Scholar – is just as excited as the girls.

It could be argued that the most action will be seen in Week 9 when Year 9 and Year 10 attend their week-long camps. The School places great value on our Outdoor and Experiential Education Program which includes activities from Year 1 through to Year 12. Our revised program summary can be viewed here.

The Year 9 and 10 camps are the most challenging in our program, providing the girls with opportunities to push well beyond their comfort zones. Ms Shea challenged the girls this week to ‘walk towards their discomfort’, and the ability to tolerate discomfort should not be overlooked or underestimated as a vital life skill.

It is also important to mention that these experiences force the girls to end their reliance on technology and disconnect entirely from all forms of social media. Given the world in which we live, rarely does such an opportunity arise. It is necessary they have time to be present with their thoughts and that the only options for conversations are with those who are in the moment with them.


For the past two weeks, students in the Middle and Senior Schools have been covering the topic of sleep. This was identified as an area of concern in our survey completed by the girls last year. Only 31% of our students reported they get the required amount of sleep every night. Further to this, 24% said they have trouble falling asleep most nights and 45% noted having trouble a few nights each week. The highest reported cause for not being able to fall asleep was worrying about school or events.

We want to help the girls improve their understanding of the sleep-wake cycle, what impacts their ability to fall asleep and to provide them with a range of strategies. We have developed a parent resource on this topic which you may like to discuss with your daughter. As I have mentioned previously, wellbeing programs succeed when the school works in partnership with parents, and I encourage you to review our newest resource here.

Kate Mortimer
Deputy Principal/Head of Senior School

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Free Tutor Program

Tutor Program 1

The Tutor Program is a complimentary service offered by St Peter’s Girls’ School. It gives students in Years 7 to 12 the opportunity to seek assistance and support from some of our gifted Old Scholars.

The tutors are high-calibre graduates who completed their schooling with distinction, making this an exceptional free service for our girls. Their collective expertise covers a wide range of areas including Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, English, Humanities, Technology, Drama, Music, Research Project and IB subjects.

One of our outstanding tutors, Mikaela Georgiadis (Kennion ’17), received SACE awards and is currently studying a double degree in Biomedical Engineering (Honours) and Medical Science at Flinders University. Mikaela believes the program is an excellent initiative.

“The Tutor Program enables me to connect with students of a variety of ages, helping them to fill the gaps or improve their understandings,” she said. “I’m able to give advice about my experiences as a student, and sometimes having things explained in a different way can be a good help.”

Year 7 Zara is one of many students benefiting from the program.

“It helps me to enhance my skills outside of class. It gives me a great chance to work with different tutors and cement knowledge,” Zara said.

Sessions run in the new Library each morning and afternoon, apart from Monday mornings and Friday afternoons.

We encourage parents to discuss this valuable program with their daughters and for girls to consider signing up in an area of need via the booking platform on Canvas. Parents can access schedules and tutor details by setting themselves up as an observer for the Tutor Program via this link.

For more details or assistance, please contact Head of Library and Information Services Lisa Hollis via lhollis@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

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Careers Networking Breakfast

W2 Careers Networking Breakfast

The Old Scholars’ Association Careers Networking Breakfast is an annual event where Old Scholars volunteer their time to act as mentors to our senior students.

The aim is to help our girls make informed choices about their career paths so that they can select appropriate school subjects and tertiary courses. By partnering students with an Old Scholar who can speak to their areas of interest, we hope to give them access to real-world insights into vocational fields.

For this event, senior students will indicate their interest in the following areas:

Business Management
Communications/Media/Public Relations
Creative Arts
Health Sciences (Physiotherapy/Occupational, Therapy/Speech Pathology)
International Relations

The Careers Networking Breakfast will be held in the Arts Centre on Wednesday 15 August, 7.15am arrival for a 7.30am start. It will conclude at 8.45am.

This is an excellent opportunity, so please encourage your daughter to book via www.trybooking.com/XEGG.

Please direct any enquiries to Karen Alderson via kalderson@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

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SACE Review – Have Your Say

Parents, staff and students are invited to participate in an online survey seeking feedback from school communities about SACE.

This is an important opportunity as the results will help shape vital aspects of SACE in the future.

To take part in the SACE Review, click here.

Consultation closes on Friday 17 August.

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ELC’s Warm Welcome to Term 3

Community is the bedrock of life at the ELC and this was abundantly clear yesterday morning when the Centre hosted its Welcome Morning Tea.

It was a terrific opportunity for current families to catch up and for new ones to mingle over a cuppa and a cupcake.

Take a look at this video to see the buzz as our special community grows:

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Anzac Spirit Honour

W2 Award
The Premier’s Anzac Spirit Award is a competition run by the Department for Education and Child Development (DECD). It offers students in Years 9 and 10 the opportunity to research any servicemen and women from World War One to uncover some of the untold stories of bravery and sacrifice. St Peter’s Girls has a strong tradition of involvement in this competition, with our students excelling in three of the past four years. In 2018, a year when the number of entries trebled, Year 9 student Holly Wallman-Craddock has been successful and will travel to Vietnam in late September with a group of other students from across the State to learn more about Australia’s involvement in that conflict. Holly received her award from Malcolm McInerney, Chairperson of the selection panel, at out Week 2 Assembly. We look forward to hearing Holly’s insights into this immersive experience when she returns.

Here is her reflection on her moving entry:

“I researched and wrote about Matron Ethel Sarah Davidson, who worked as a nurse in World War One. When Ethel was just five years old, she lost her mother, father, two younger brothers and her younger sister after her father’s Brigantine ship, the Emily Smith, sunk off Kangaroo Island. She was the only member of her immediate family who was not on the ship. However, Ethel went on to live a life of service, saving many people’s lives. She was one of the first three nurses to leave South Australia for Egypt in World War One, and served in various locations for the entirety of the war. She returned to South Australia where she continued to be actively involved in nursing and the support of the surviving soldiers and nurses. Ethel’s story is compelling and incredibly moving, and taught me an immensely important message about how every single individual can have an impact in our world.” – Holly Wallman-Craddock

Gregor Dingwall
Head of Humanities

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Butterfly Garden

W2 Butterfly Garden

The Environment Club teamed up with ‘Bring Back the Butterflies’ for National Tree Day and planted a native garden in the Early Learners’ Centre. Native butterflies are becoming rare due to the loss of habitat in suburban areas and they need our support. ‘Bring Back the Butterflies’ will help anyone in the School community who wishes to attract butterflies into their garden. For more information, email Steve at bbb.aaee.sa@gmail.com.

Siobhan Curran
English and Humanities Teacher and Environment Club Coordinator

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Year 2 Banking on Success

W2 Year 2

The Years 1 and 2 classes have enjoyed wonderfully informative and interactive Start Smart sessions about financial literacy with Trish from the Commonwealth Bank. The learning intention of this program is to consolidate the understanding of the appearance and value of the notes and coins in our currency. We worked to determine the difference between needs and wants to ensure better spending choices as we helped Captain Cash make purchases for her space adventure!

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Knockout Netballers Power On

W2 Netball

The Year 6/7 Knockout Netball Team is competing in the School Sport SA SAPSASA Large Schools’ Knockout Netball Competition. The girls are through to the fourth round and take on Concordia College in their next match which is due to be held on Wednesday 8 August at Saints Girls.

In the previous round, we defeated Linden Park Primary School 20-7, despite the score being 4-all at half-time!

“The team had an awesome win against Linden Park. We ran away in the third quarter with all players stepping up to the challenge. Good job, hopefully we can keep it up for the next game.” – Sophie Dansie

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Maths Support for Young Minds

Maths Info Sessions_Enews Banner

Setting solid foundations in Mathematics is critical for young thinkers. See how we can work together at school and home to ensure your daughter’s making a powerful start to her learning journey.

St Peter’s Girls is hosting parent information sessions presented by internationally-acclaimed curriculum leader Lisa-Jane O’Connor, who has been working with the School over the past 12 months.

This is a wonderful opportunity to discover more about what your daughter’s learning and how you can help at home with practical tips.

Mathematics and Numeracy for Young Children
For parents of ELC Hallett children, Reception and Year 1 students
Tuesday 14 August
6 – 7.15pm
New Middle School

Developing Powerful Mathematical Thinkers
For parents of Years 2, 3 and 4 students
Wednesday 29 August
6 – 7.15pm
New Middle School

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Senior Drama Production – The Shape of Mind

The Shape of Mind_Enews Banner

The Years 11 and 12 Drama girls have been working avidly on their group production ‘The Shape of Mind’, written by Mr Butler-Wills.

They’ve have had the unique opportunity to workshop and develop the play and will be presenting the world premiere on 15 August. Structured in three acts, the play starts by exploring the first day back at the start of a new year for a Year 1 class, examining the way in which thoughts and words have a significant influence on the children, parents and time-weary teacher. The second act takes place 24 years later and, in a series of monologues and duologues, it explores the way in which a handful of the characters in the first act have grown and been shaped. In the final act, the play returns to a day near the end of Year 1, folding back on itself and immersing the audience – once again – in the pathos, humour and chaos of the world of a group of seven year olds with the added benefit of a retrospective understanding of what becomes of those characters.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to see this original work and experience the exceptional creative capacity of our students. Performances will be at 7pm on August 15, 16 and 17.

Book tickets via www.trybooking.com/WPBZ

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Year 5 Production Tickets on Sale!

Enews Banner

Book your tickets to see this wonderful show – St Peter’s Girls’ School’s Production of Disney and Cameron Mackintosh’s Mary Poppins JR.

Mind you, there’s nothing ‘junior’ in terms of the talent and staging!

Tickets will sell fast, so book early to snap up great seats.

There is a limit of 10 tickets per family. Should tickets still be available closer to opening night, families can purchase additional tickets.
Grandparents who would prefer to attend a matinee performance will be invited to buy tickets to the School session on Friday 28 September at 1.15pm, which our Junior School students will be attending.

27 – 28 September 2018 at 7pm
St Peter’s Girls’ School Arts Centre

Ticket prices:
Adult $15
Student/Concession $10
Family (2 Adults/2 Children) $35

Visit www.trybooking.com/WNBL to secure your seats for this great show!

The production team is also seeking the following items:

Old briefcase
2-3 feather dusters
Tea trolley
Doll’s pram (old fashioned)
Large old fashioned handbag/carrybag
White lace parasol
Walking frame
Police truncheon
Old-style dustpan and broom (not plastic)
Floral foam

We will return any items that need returning. If you can help, please contact Shelley Hampton or Sarah Mulraney via
shampton@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au or smulraney@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

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UN Women Fundraiser Concert

W2 Fundraiser Poster_Enews bannerJoin us for a night of song as we support UN Women in their work contributing to the safety, education and livelihood of women around the world.

The evening will showcase a dynamic array of performers of all ages, with a diverse sound of genres including music from St Peter’s Girls’ top ensembles (Enchantè, In-Ta Jazz and Extension Strings), Old Scholar Erin McKellar (Patteson ’13), Girl Nation, internationally-renowned jazz vocalist Anita Wardell and guest speaker Olivia Rogers.

The concert will encapsulate women working together to create beautiful music despite age, race and level of ability as we join together to create change.

Tickets available via www.trybooking.com/XCZA.

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Share the Dignity Campaign – Can You Help?

As part of our Health programs, St Peter’s Girls is once again participating in the Share the Dignity campaign. August is collection month for sanitary products to help the 85,000 homeless women and teenage girls who either can’t easily access or afford these necessary items. Collection boxes will be available in various classrooms and the Library for the girls to place their donations. I would love for our School community to be aware of what we are doing and to embrace this charity.

To learn more about the Share the Dignity initiative, click here.

Sonya Risbey
Physical Education/Health Teacher

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Countdown to Book Week!

Enews Book Week Banner

Dress-up Day will be held on Friday 17 August

Come dressed as your favourite book character!

There will be class parades during a special Junior School Assembly at 8.40am in the Arts Centre.

Parents are most welcome to attend!

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Upcoming House Dinners

Annual House Dinners

During Term 3, all Middle and Senior School girls have the opportunity to enjoy a night away from homework to get creative and colourful at the Annual House Dinners.

The Year 11s have been working hard organising decorations, food and games for each event. Visit the Trybooking links below to purchase your daughter(s) a ticket for the night as this is a compulsory event.

We’re looking forward to seeing everyone’s creative costumes and enjoying a fun night with our Houses.

Kilburn House Dinner
Theme: Coachella
10 August (Week 3)
Book now: www.trybooking.com/WPPL

Selwyn House Dinner
Theme: Hollywood – A Night at the Oscars
24 August (Week 5)
Book now: www.trybooking.com/WPPN

Patteson House Dinner
Theme: What I wanted to be when I was three
31 August (Week 6)
Book now: www.trybooking.com/WPPR

Year 12 House Captains

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Tempt Your Senses at The Long Lunch

The Long Lunch

Sunday 23 September, 12 – 5pm

Tempt your senses as we embark on a Spanish Fiesta at The Long Lunch, indulging in Spanish food and wine in a marquee along the path to our Chapel at St Peter’s Girls’ School.

Seats are limited, so book now: https://www.trybooking.com/VGYJ  

St Peter’s Girls’ Foundation

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P&F Association Meeting

W2 P&F

Monday 13 August at 6.30pm in the Food Tech Centre

Welcome back to Term 3. Hopefully you all survived the school holidays unscathed, however I have seen some parents at pick up with leg braces and wrist casts from their snow trips and jaunts to the ice skating rink with their girls.

An extra warm welcome goes out to all of our new families joining us this semester; I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events. With that in mind, on behalf of the Parents’ and Friends’ Association, I would like to extend an invitation to all parents to join us for our meeting on Monday 13 August at 6.30pm in the Food Tech Centre.

This meeting is a very important one on our calendar as we will be discussing ideas for next year’s Garden of Saintly Delights school fair. So, if you have some amazing ideas or want to see what the P&F is all about, we would love for you to come along.

Bronwyn Bartter
Parents’ and Friends’ Association

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Order Your 2018 | 2019 Entertainment Membership

W5 Entertainment Book

If you haven’t already, please continue supporting our School by purchasing the 2018 | 2019 membership from us today. Hurry, they’re selling fast!

As a St Peter’s Girls’ School Parents’ and Friends’ Association fundraiser, part-proceeds from every book sold will go to a special element of our Master Plan which will be announced soon.

You can order via the form at the Front Office or pre-purchase online: Order your Entertainment Book here!

The Entertainment Book and new phone app offer our community members a great way to try out restaurants and activities around SA, save money and, at the same time, support our girls.

Thank you in advance for your kind support and consideration.

The Parents’ and Friends’ Association

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Calling All Parents of Saints Girls’ Rowers

W1 Rowing

The 2018-19 school Rowing season is almost upon us and your girls need our support.

The Friends of Rowing (FoR) raise much-needed funds to help reduce the extra costs associated with rowing. Over the past few years, we have contributed money towards compulsory rowing camps which has greatly eased the costs on-charged to parents. We have also purchased vital training equipment, sun vests and hats. Some of the ways we’ve raised money are via sponsorship, sausage sizzles and raffles. With the School’s help, we also run social events including the Season Welcome BBQ and Head of the River Dinner. Without an active committee and fundraising throughout the year, the cost of rowing to you the parent will inevitably rise. Like at the regattas, if everyone helps out a little bit, we can all benefit.

FoR meets on the first Monday evening of each month during the season for a short catch up. All rowing parents are welcome to attend and you don’t have to commit to volunteering for a position or attending every meeting. Feel free to just come along so you can hear about the work we do, offer up any ideas you may have and get to know the other rowing parents.

Our AGM and our first meeting for the season will take place in the Board Room on Monday 20 August. Please join us so that we can continue to grow the Saints Girls’ Rowing program.

Friends of Rowing

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Winter Interhouse Meal Deal

W9 Winter Interhouse Meal Deal

The Winter Interhouse will be held on Saturday 11 August, and to feed the hungry players and supporters, the Saints Sport Support Group is providing breakfast. Parents, give yourselves the morning off from cooking and let us do it for you! Meals can be purchased from the BBQ area; just follow the yummy smells from 8 – 10.30am.

This year, we’re offering delicious egg and bacon sandwiches, sausages in bread and a variety of beverages. Food options start at $2.

Cash and EFTPOS facilities can be used to purchase your Winter Interhouse Meal Deal.

A coffee van will also be here on the day.

We hope to see you there!

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Sports News

AFL – (Aussie Rules)

Open – Saints 2.3 = 15 defeated by Scotch 4.4 = 28
The Open As were gallant in defeat to Scotch in the first game back for Term 3. Holly Cunningham and Millie Wilkin were the goal scorers. The team played strong defence throughout the whole game, putting pressure on Scotch’s midfield and attack. Belen Swart was impressive in the ruck, always following the ball and backing up her taps. Molly Lucas showed great improvement in attack, constantly being on the ball down in our zone. The game was competitive and it was unfortunate that Scotch got up in the last quarter. – Holly Cunningham (Captain)

Middle – Saints 5.1 = 31 defeated Scotch 4.6 = 30


All girls should be commended for their excellent display of skill and sportsmanship on the court. Saints won 3 of 7 matches while also welcoming a few new players who all showed great enthusiasm and eagerness. Special congratulations to the B1 team who had a convincing win, only losing one game to their opposition. – Cate Neale and Erica Reid (Captains)

A1 – Saints 3 (103) defeated by Immanuel 3 (108)
Best players: Laura Sivewright and Amelie Dunda

A2 – Saints 1 defeated by Westminster 5
Best player: Tiffany Zhou

B1 – Saints 5 defeated Seymour 1
Best players: Cheri Wong and Amanda Fang

B2 – Saints 3 (6 sets) defeated Pembroke 3 (5 sets)
Best players: Michelle Yeoh and Ruby Richards

C – Saints 4 defeated Seymour 2
Best players: Angela Feng, Charlotte Stewart and Isabelle Reynolds

D – Saints 3 (104) defeated by Seymour 3 (116)
Best players: Vanessa Pols and Holly Wallman-Craddock

E – Saints 0 defeated by Pembroke 6
Best player: Tara Nedumaram


Year 5 – Saints 26 defeated Wilderness 12
All girls played well with Sophie Blight showing a strong skill base. The Coach was particularly pleased with the way the team passed ahead. – Sarah Turnbull.

Year 6 – Saints Blue won on forfeit by Seymour Green

Year 6 – Saints White 28 defeated Pembroke Blue 12
A good first up game with the girls showing a lot of promise. They improved their passing and teamwork as the game went on and their passing to involve teammates was pleasing to see. All players contributed and we are looking forward to the next game. Scorers: Jasmine Segredos 12, Mathilda Thomas 10, Scarlett Dillon 4, Charlie Piper 2. – Brenton Davies


Open A – Saints 0 defeated by Scotch 7
The Open As had a challenging match up against an undefeated Scotch College. The girls struggled to contain Scotch’s best players on the counter-attack in the first half but played much better in the second half, conceding fewer goals and they did have a couple of opportunities themselves to score. Charlotte Creek played an outstanding game in defence with the absence of our Captain, and prevented numerous shots on goal whilst Alice Tyson and Olivia Goldsmith also contributed positively. The girls will need to work on producing more linking plays through the middle of the pitch when they take on Trinity next week. – Dan Searle (Supervisor)

Open B – Saints 1 defeated by Immanuel 2
Immanuel scored their first goal early in the game, however Saints came back with an own-goal scored by Immanuel to equalise. In the second half, Saints had 90% of the play in the attacking half with many opportunities, just unable to convert. All lines of defence, midfield and forwards worked extremely hard with lots of running. – Tash Hammond (Coach)


Under 18 – Saints 18 defeated Burnside 6
This was a very successful game despite a slow start and limited numbers. The team battled through without any substitute players and still managed to win against our close rival ‘big sister’ team. Millie Wilkin played an excellent game, winning almost every centre draw and scoring multiple goals. Saskia Jonats, Chelsea Walls, Portia Maerschel and Hattie Maerschel also assisted greatly in attack. Abbie Lisle and Lucy Young worked hard in defence, alongside our amazing goalie Izzy Norman. The team should be very happy with our efforts. We will look towards winning the next few games in order to make it through to the finals. Well done girls. – Sophie Auricht (Captain)

Under 13 – Saints 12 defeated by Glenelg 13
It was another very close and tough game against Glenelg. In centre, Ashlyn May (Year 6) and Jenna Maione (Year 6) flicked the ball to themselves to get much needed possession. Throughout the midfield, Alannah Godfrey (Year 5) ran hard and showed great determination whilst winning many ground balls. Dani Cox (Year 6) did a great job in attack and used her powerful shot to score several goals. Our defenders, Phoebe Black (Year 7), Maddy Lisle (Year 7), Elysia Scarr (Year 5) and Lucy Schirripa (Year 7) worked well together and made sure to always have their sticks up. Mathilda Thomas (Year 6) and Lara Maione (Year 5) led for the ball in attack well. Lara also dodged well and shot a great goal. Our scorers were Dani (7), Lara (1), Ashlyn (2) and Mathilda (2). Best players were Alannah, Lara, Dani and Mathilda. – Lucy Martin (Coach)

Under 11 – Saints had a bye


Open A – Saints 30 defeated by Scotch 55
Saints played an undeniably challenging game and were defeated by Scotch. We worked tirelessly all over the court, but Scotch always found their premier league goal shooter in their attack. Defensively, Saints intercepted and tipped many balls occasionally forcing errors in Scotch’s plays. It took time for Saints to settle and find where to feed into the shooters. However, in the second quarter, Saints settled and made the game goal-for-goal. Girls easily and effectively worked through Scotch’s zones intercepting at any opportunity. During the third quarter, girls placed defensive pressure on Scotch and continuously worked through zones excellently until Hannah Freeman went down with an ankle injury. Many changes across the court meant Saints had to re-settle which took until the end of the quarter. In the final quarter, Saints yet again went goal-for-goal working smartly on the court with a 9 goal 11 quarter. We worked together and were not pushed to the sidelines like during knockout and fought for every ball. The final score does not reflect Saints’ outstanding effort and how hard the girls worked. Best players were Brooke Elliott, Anna White and Hannah Freeman for their consistent efforts and pressure they placed on Scotch’s attack. The girls should be extremely proud of their efforts and development. – Ebony-Jade Nash-Smith (Captain)

Open B – Saints 18 defeated by Scotch 65

Open C – Saints 19 defeated by Scotch 49
The Open Cs played a strong game against Scotch; the first quarter was not our best and we struggled to get the ball down the court and into goals. However, in the second quarter, we improved and were able to move the ball down. We managed to get in front of our players and our defense was strong. In the last two quarters, we continued to improve. Overall, it was a good effort and we have things to improve for the next game. – Georgie Bafile

Open D – Saints 20 defeated by Scotch 61
The Open Ds showed great spirit and determination with everyone not giving up and trying our best with constant effort being demonstrated by each player. This is evident with the score sheet being fairly consistent and improving from 3 goals in the first quarter to 6 in the last. Better passes and tactics could have been used but everyone backed each other up by catching missed throws and making many leads and we all hope to only improve from here onwards. – Zara Sadri

Open E (Year 12) – Saints 20 defeated by Walford 52
The Year 12 social netball team played a fun and exciting game against the very competitive Walford team. Despite losing, the girls demonstrated constant improvement, teamwork and sportsmanship. A special mention goes to Charlotte Sellars and Zara Stefani who filled in from Year 10. Charlotte did an amazing job in goals whilst Zara excelled in centre. Collectively, this was a challenging game which demonstrated the resilience of the team and the flexibility of the players who all adapted quickly to new positions. – Lucy Cox

Year 10C – Saints 16 defeated by Scotch 26
After a three-week break, the 10C team started off a little rusty. We weren’t focused and didn’t have our head in the game. The second quarter was the same as the first but Ellen Zhang in WD stepped up her game, intercepting most of the balls coming at her opponent. The third quarter was by far the best as everyone regained their confidence and worked well as a team. Paris Greene in GK won most of the rebounds, while the defenders brought the ball down to the shooters in the fastest and most effective way. A solid effort from everyone even though coming back after a long break was tough. – Clair Kao

Year 9A – Saints 26 defeated by Scotch 39
The girls played a very tough and competitive match against Scotch. In the first quarter, we fought hard but Scotch took every opportunity to score. As the game progressed we started to recover and improve, finishing the game strongly. The defenders did an incredible job at trying to keeping the ball out of the circle with many intercepts. The attackers did an amazing job getting free and sending the ball into the goal circle. Overall, a solid effort and hopefully we come out strong in the next match. – Ella Waltham

Year 9B – Saints 5 defeated by Scotch 54
Despite working with unusually warm weather and only 7 players, our team was able to demonstrate persistence and determination throughout the game. Although we were initially unprepared, our game play remained consistent with great effort shown by defence in the goal circle, and generally much improvement in passing and interceptions as a team. The stamina shown by every team member was very impressive and we were able to adapt to different positions while still playing to our standards. Even though we lost, I am extremely proud of the way we all performed and, as this was an experience that shaped our team, I can see us playing stronger for the rest of the season. – Emeshe Robson

Year 8A – Saints 32 defeated Scotch 17
The 8As played an exceptional game. It was very tough and hard fought throughout the first half until the third quarter when we steamed ahead and started to stretch the margin. The girls all pulled through for each other, not stopping until the final whistle to come out with a fantastic win against one of the top sides. Winning this match will hopefully put us in contention for finals, we just have to keep up the hard work. As a team, I would say this has been one of the best wins so far. Keep up the good work girls. – Alexia Politis

Year 8B – Saints 25 defeated by Scotch 37
Even though the end result was not what we expected, we still played really well. Our shooters did an amazing job as well as our wings. In the first quarter, we rushed a bit when we had the ball but, by the fourth quarter, we showed great improvement. The next game, we’ll be even better. – Efua Yawson

Year 8C – Saints 37 defeated Scotch 4
The game started off really well, with defence almost always not allowing the ball to get into the opposition’s circle. Throughout the whole game, we all passed to each other and focused on moving into the space and not crowding. We also focused on slowing down and taking our time to look around before we passed the ball, instead of rushing and letting the other team get the ball. We all tried our hardest and were very happy with the result. – Annie Bradshaw

Year 8D – Saints 25 defeated by Scotch 28
The lead changed a number of times throughout the game. All the girls played really well and although we didn’t have the whole team and had only one sub, we still worked hard together. Our shooters were very good and really pushed themselves. Amelie Gray-Combe excelled in WD and was really helpful to the team. Letitia Page-Thomson was great in centre and helped the defence get from one side of the court to the other. – Charlotte Parker

Year 7A – Saints 15 defeated by Scotch 35

Year 7B – Saints 22 defeated by Scotch 35
The 7Bs played extremely well in the second quarter but then in the third quarter, we became overconfident and that slowed us down. Our defence was really good and everyone contributed and played their best. Great effort Year 7B! – Isabel Burmester

Year 4 – Saints 19 defeated Seymour Green 2
This was the girls’ first game for the season and they were all very excited, carrying that enthusiasm throughout the whole game. In the first half, Eve Dillion and Lucy Tulloch helped bring the ball down the court, and Grace Jones and Emily Bates worked well in attack with some excellent shooting. In the second half, the girls continued to work hard; there were multiple intercepts in defence resulting in the ball being down our end of the court for the majority of the game. The girls should be proud of their first game with everyone putting in 100% across all areas of the court. – Chelsea Walls

Year 3/4 Blue – Saints 6 defeated Seymour 5
The game against Pembroke was a good win for Saints Blue. The girls played well and never gave up. Throughout the goal ring, the shooters excelled and rarely missed. It was impressive to see how well each one of the girls knew the play of netball. A special mention to Isla Fahey who did some outstanding shooting and positioning within the goal circle. Well done girls! – Mia Humphrey

Year 3/4 White – Saints 5 defeated by Pembroke 9
The girls had an amazing first game. They managed to win their first quarter and draw in the second one. Even though the girls did not end up winning the match, they all tried their absolute best. We had some excellent efforts from all the girls, had great defence in all quarters and some awesome cheering from the side lines. Well done girls, you gave it your all. – Anda Ceplite


Open B – Saints 1 defeated by Seymour 3
The girls put in their best performance of the season in an unlucky loss. Matilda Braithwaite opened the scoring and then Seymour hit back before half-time. The game was very even until Seymour scored two late goals in the last minute. Overall, a fantastic effort. – Peter Krantis (Coach)

Middle B – Saints 6 defeated Seymour 2
The girls previously played this team, losing 8-nil. For us, it was important to put that score aside and make a mark this time around. With many weeks of training, the focus was to take the game on more, through dribbling with the ball. It was a matter of making decisions on when to drive into space with the ball and when to change direction if the space was crowded. For a majority of the first half, the ball stayed in Seymour’s defensive half, creating many opportunities forward as well as locking the team in with good pressure. With an opportunity being close for striker Catie Walker, it wasn’t long before we scored our first and the desire to score more took place. Goals were set at half-time and the girls came out wanting to achieve their best. In doing so, they enjoyed themselves and were encouraged to try multiple positions. With the hunger to get the ball in the back of the net, the girls came away with a 6-2 win. With plenty of time before our next game next term, the girls are eager to hit the training field and work towards specifics analysed from this match. – Grace Abbey (Coach)

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