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Enews – Week 2, Term 3 2017

Issue no. 22
Enews-banner W2 FAME - The Musical

Opening night success for FAME – The Musical

Last night, audiences were treated to the opening night of FAME – The Musical. There was excitement in the air as students were finally able to show their family and friends what they had been working so hard towards.

Come see this spectacular live performance and enjoy a fun evening of 80s-inspired singing and dancing. Pre-show and interval stalls will be selling local artisan products including jewellery, candles, prints and fine art.

Fancy supporting the cast, band or crew? Buy one of the hand-made congratulatory cards from Confetti Co. and write a message to be hand delivered after the show!

It’s still not too late to book a seat to see FAME – The Musical.

Performances are on tonight and tomorrow night at 7pm.

Tickets are available at the door or through www.trybooking.com/QDGU.

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From the Deputy Principal/Head of Middle School

Richard Lisle inside 220They say ‘good things come to those who wait’…

Last week, in no small way, that old adage held true as the new Middle School was inhabited by wide-eyed, energetic students and excited, eager teachers.

In designing the building, we wanted to embrace the nature that we’re so lucky to be surrounded by, bring light and a sense of space to the learning areas we use (in stark contrast to the old Middle School corridor), whilst also trying to design a space that would complement contemporary early adolescent learning styles. Of course, it was up to the skill and creativity of our architects to translate those wishes into something real!

Alongside the design of the building, we have been working hard as a group of staff to examine exactly what it is that makes learning and teaching at St Peter’s Girls’ School unique, what skills we want to develop in our Middle Years students and what attributes we want them to display as they move through the School. I was pleased to be able to share this work with our students last week, and to show them how the architects had managed to incorporate that thinking into the fabric and architectural language of the new building.

Amongst the attributes, we want our students to be:

• Curious
• Versatile
• Motivated
• Engaged

Staff and students have already commented on how the features of the architecture are helping with that aim. They see glimpses of work that other classes are doing and instantly start to ask questions. They have adapted in versatile and interesting ways to the ‘blank canvas’ that each room provides, each group arranging their similar furniture in different and interesting ways, depending on the slight differences in room shape and size, and the tasks they are being asked to do. The students desire to be in, and use the spaces has been a pleasure to see, with breakout spaces filled by eager, motivated debating teams, SRC groups and other clubs at recess and lunch every day since the hub opened. Finally, there were those who felt that the abundance of glass would be a distraction for students – I’m pleased to report that the reverse is true, with nearly all visitors commenting upon how calm and calming the space is, and how clearly focused the students are, fully engaged in their learning.

Above all, however, the need for flexibility and space for collaboration was at the top of our wish list when we first started discussing possible plans with our architects.
W2 Yong Zhao

This week we were visited by Professor Yong Zhao, recognised worldwide expert on Entrepreneurial Education, along with staff from the Association of Independent Schools of South Australia, to see our Year 7 and 8 Futures students in action, and to mentor some of their individual companies. In his feedback to us, two things were clear. Firstly, how unusual (but powerful) it was to see regular curriculum time given over to developing entrepreneurial thinking and to allowing students to experiment, prototype, challenge and refine their thinking. Secondly, he was very positive in his feedback on the space and how naturally it lent itself to small group collaborative practice. Our Futures teachers have also noted a shift in collaboration, cross-fertilisation of ideas and as a result, productivity, since moving into our new home.

Seeing the way that the space was being used and the independent, creative, collaborative learning that was occurring is certainly one of the highlights of my time here at St Peter’s Girls – it’s what we envisaged when we first started the Futures Program six years ago and then refined it for the relaunch in 2017 – and certainly worth waiting for!

Richard Lisle
Deputy Principal/Head of Middle School

W2 Year 9 Outside

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New Middle School Donor Function

Enews donor 3

Last night, it was the Foundation’s absolute pleasure to showcase our new Middle School to those valued donors who have given to us over the past two years. Our guests had the opportunity to talk with and ask questions of our Middle School students, staff and Board members in an intimate setting while enjoying drinks and canapes. Everyone in attendance agreed that the transformation of the building is astounding and the excitement in the room was electric as guests had the opportunity to wander around and admire this new space for our girls.

At the function, our Principal Julia Shea was presented with an invaluable and unique gift brought all the way from China by the grandfather of four of our students, Pingde Han. In China, calligraphy occupies a distinguished position in the field of traditional art. It is not only a means of communication, but also a means of expressing a person’s inner-world in an aesthetic sense. This special piece of art was commissioned by the Han family for the School and was painted by a famous Chinese calligrapher. It says, “The Beautiful St Peter’s Girls’ School”. 

donor present final!
After the function, our guests were then given the opportunity to experience the amazing talents of our students by attending the opening night of FAME – The Musical in the Arts Centre.

The generous support of those who have given to the Foundation is absolutely invaluable. We’d like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank those who have given their time, passion, money and/or services to the School.

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller

Melissa Westgate
Foundation Manager

Enews donor

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Year 10 Kilburn House girls give their time to a worthy cause

W2 Kilburn House
During the holidays, some of the girls from 10 Kilburn completed the service learning element of the connection with their House charity. They took the opportunity to help others who are in need. It is important that we all learn that we can make a difference and that we have a responsibility to give back to those in need when we are in a position to do so. Given that Kilburn’s House charity is the Cancer Council, we contacted them and asked for ways we could help people who are having to stay at the Cancer Council Lodges while undergoing treatment. The manager arranged for the girls to perform cleaning and painting to improve the facilities. The girls showed up for two days of hard work with smiles on their faces, demonstrating excellent team work and a real desire to make a difference. Many of us are affected by cancer and therefore everyone felt they had a connection to the people in the lodges and have at least a small understanding of the struggles they are dealing with. 10 Kilburn are grateful for the opportunity to be involved with this organisation.

“The painting we did was really beneficial to us as students, because we felt as though we were doing something to contribute to the Cancer Council, and something that was going to help make the lives of people in need a bit more comfortable. We also enjoyed the time we spent working together to achieve something, which created a positive outlook on our service learning.”

“By giving up a minute part of my holidays, I was able to provide a family with a freshly painted room to stay in while completing a tough stage in their lives. The girls rolled up their sleeves and got to work. Over the course of two days, we were able to paint a series of objects such as railings, doors, cornices and a bedroom, as the least we could do for those going through the unimaginable.”

“It felt good to help make the stay of those who are going through such a tough time that little bit more comfortable. The rooms looked much better after they were painted and I am glad I was able to take part.”

“I organised the book and DVD shelf in the recreation room and cleaned the windowsills of each of the rooms. I think this will benefit the patients by making ordinary routines simple, such as finding and reading a book or finding a movie to watch. The clean windowsills will also make staying in the rooms more pleasant as the patients do not have to look at dirt and dust.”

Samantha O’Brien
Year 10 Kilburn Teacher

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Public Speaking at Saints Girls continues its successful run


Congratulations to Year 10 student, Aditi Tamhankar, who has achieved great success at the recent PESA (Plain English Speaking Awards). Here are a few words from Aditi about her experience:

“On 28 July, I took part in the Plain English Speaking Award State Finals at Legacy House. I am thrilled to share that I won this final and will, in two weeks’ time, represent SA in the Nationals in Melbourne. I was awarded a cash prize, a trophy, a Royal Commonwealth Society membership for two years, as well as the trip to Melbourne. This competition was incredibly tough, involving seven students aged from 15 to 18 who were all fantastic speakers. In the heats, we had one prepared eight minute speech, one short notice task where we were given four minutes to prepare a three minute speech and a short interview related to our speech and current affairs. Although very challenging, it was rewarding and I made many new friends. I can’t wait to go to Melbourne for the National Finals!”

Aditi was presented with her award by Old Scholar Libby Ellis OAM (Kennion ’65). Well done Aditi and all the best for the National Finals.

What is PESA?
PESA is a national competition conducted through Australian secondary schools and colleges. It aims to contribute to the personal development of students through the enhancement of their oral communication skills and the best use of spoken English. PESA aims to encourage and maintain the best use of clear and effective spoken English.

In South Australia the major sponsor is The Commonwealth Society (SA Branch) Inc. and the competition is organised by members of The Penguin Club of Australia, South Australia Inc.

The Plain English Speaking Award was first organised in Victoria in 1977. Since then it has become a national competition.

The national winner competes in an international final held in England by the English Speaking Union.

The national winner also receives the Plain English Speaking Award trophy, as well as financial assistance from BBM to compete in the English Speaking Union International Public Speaking Competition in May 2018.

Cat Davies
English Teacher

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Year 1 students challenge their thinking with Mind Lab

W2 Year 1

This year the Reception, Year 1, 2 and 3 students and their teachers have been learning to play Mind Lab games. We are enthusiastic and eager to play as often as we can. The games are centred on the Mind Lab method for training and developing thinking and life skills through strategy games.

Students develop the ability to plan and make decisions, solve problems, employ logic, improve their memory and develop their creative side. By applying what they’ve learned to situations in their own lives, this thinking culture also strengthens their emotional and social skills. The Year 1s’ current game, Submarines, integrates the four linchpins of the program: cognitive skills, social skills, dealing with emotions and moral outlooks.

“I was thinking about what Claris was going to do next. I learnt to ask reasonable questions.”

“You have to use cards, magnetic boards, five boats and little dots. The blue dot is a miss and the red dot is a hit or a hit and a sunk.” – Matilda

“The person with the magnetic board had to try and guess which ship the person with the non-magnetic had picked. If you had a wrong guess, the person who had picked the boat would say ‘miss’, if you had a correct guess the person would say ‘hit’!” – Stella

Liz Sandercock and Alana Lesiw
Year 1 Teachers

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Year 2s proudly share their latest work

W2 Year 2

To celebrate our unit of inquiry ‘People can make choices to support the sustainability of the Earth’s resources’, the Year 2 girls invited parents and special visitors to a Learning Journey morning. This provided a wonderful opportunity for the girls to share their knowledge and understandings about the Earth’s natural resources and renewable energy. They created mini landscapes to highlight different energy sources. Many learning experiences were captured using time-lapse and slow-motion and visitors enjoyed viewing these science and art experiences. This morning promoted much discussion about the choices families can make to respect our environment such as recycling, composting and saving energy.

Kathryn Clark and Sallyann Bruun
Year 2 Teachers

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Between These Lines – the 2017 Senior Drama Production

W2 Between These Lines
The Year 11 and 12 Drama students are working hard on their major group production which will be staged in Week 4 of this term. Another original play, Between These Lines explores the interconnections between people and the way in which our stories are interwoven and overlap. Following a range of characters through the course of one day, the play is funny, poignant and thought-provoking. For an entertaining night out – and the opportunity to see our senior drama students strut their impressive skills – plan on being in the audience on either Wednesday 16, Thursday 17 or Friday 18 August at 7pm. Bookings via www.trybooking.com/RFYX.

Michael Butler-Wills
Head of English/Drama Teacher

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Year 9 Dance students teach hip hop moves to our ELC friends

W2 Hip Hop
During the last week of Term 2, some of our ELC friends visited the Year 9 Dance students in the Arts Centre. This class had been given an assignment to create a short dance routine which would engage three and four year old children. They were required to create simple moves in the style of hip hop, accompanied by current pop music. It was just amazing to see how the younger children, who were initially very uncertain of their new environment, participated, listened, laughed and learnt new skills. The Year 9 students were so patient and encouraging in their approach, and it was so lovely to witness the connections being made by all students.

Kate Burnett
Dance Teacher

“Teaching the ELC children was a fun and rewarding experience, but it came with a few challenges. One was engaging all of the children by doing fun movements that fit their abilities. It was quite hard to get their attention sometimes, but it was quickly resolved by coming up with exciting, energetic dance moves that they enjoyed. It was rewarding seeing our work in creating choreography pay off and the smiles on their faces were worth the effort. After teaching the children, I learnt that I had to be fully involved and energetic because that made them more confident and have a great time while busting some moves!” – Matilda Braithwaite

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Book Week is almost here!

W2 Book Week

Dress Up Day will be held on Friday 18 August 2017

Come dressed as your favourite book character!
There will be class parades during a special Junior School Assembly at 8.40am in the Arts Centre

Parents are most welcome to attend!

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Year 10 Workplace Learning

W2 Workplace Learning
Workplace Learning is an integral part of the Year 10 Personal Learning Plan course and provides the girls with an opportunity to explore and investigate a field or career they may be interested in pursuing. This year the placement was 26 – 30 June and again proved to be an invaluable learning experience . Students ventured into many varied and interesting places such as vet clinics, law firms, kindergartens, hospitals and the University of Adelaide. The feedback from employers was overwhelmingly positive and all of the girls are to be congratulated for the way in which they represented their school, their family and themselves in the wider community.

Thanks goes to the employers who made these experiences possible and also to all of the staff who willingly gave their time to visit students in the workplace.

Karen Alderson
Careers Counsellor

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Careers Networking Breakfast

W2 Careers Networking Breakfast
The Careers Networking Breakfast is an annual event where Old Scholars volunteer their time to act as mentors to our senior students.

The aim is to assist students in making informed choices about their career paths so they can select appropriate school subjects and tertiary courses. By partnering students with an Old Scholar who can speak to their areas of interest, we hope to provide students with access to real-world insights into vocational fields to inform these important decisions.
Mentors will be seated with a group of students according to the vocational interests.
For this event you will need to indicate your interest in the following fields:

Business Management
Health Sciences (Physiotherapy, Speech Pathology)
International Relations
Communications/Media/Event Management

The breakfast will be held in the Arts Centre on Wednesday 16 August, 7.15am arrival for a 7.30am start. The event will conclude at 9am.

Please book via www.trybooking.com/RFTZ

For inquiries, contact Karen Alderson via kalderson@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

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Personal and Social Development – Family Evening Sessions

Kidz Biz Growth and Development Education Evening

You are warmly invited to the Kidz Biz Growth and Development Education Evening on Tuesday 29 August in the Arts Centre.

Kidz Biz Growth and Development Education is for both students and their parents. The sessions are designed to be fun, informative and easy to understand. They are highly interactive sessions, providing parents/guardians and students an introduction to basic personal growth and social development education. Traditionally known as the “Birds & the Bees”, these sessions will be presented in a manner which is not awkward or threatening, where students can learn about the human body and the amazing things it can do. The evening will be broken into two sessions for the following year groups:

Reception – Year 4 ‘Where Did We Come From?
6.40 – 7.30pm
It will cover topics including:
• myths about where babies come from
• conception
• fertilisation
• the 9 month foetal development
• the birth process

Years 5 and 6 ‘What’s Happening To Me?’
7.40 – 8.30pm
It will cover topics including:
• puberty (physical and emotional)
• body image and media influences
• dealing with parents

We look forward to seeing you and your children at the Kidz Biz Growth and Development Education Evening on Tuesday 29 August in the Arts Centre. Please contact Suzanne Haddy if you require more information.

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Exciting news from the Tuck Shop!

W1 Tuck Shop

Due to considerable demand, the School is introducing an online ordering system for our Tuck Shop.

The Flexischools cashless program is used by schools around the country. Please note, the Tuck Shop will continue to accept cash and lunch bag orders at this stage.

To access the new service, log in to the myLink Parent Portal and select the “Tuck Shop” tab on the top menu. This will take you to the Flexischools site where you can set up and manage an account via the following steps:

  1. Register your details with Flexischools. Search for the School’s name (remembering to add the apostrophe in St Peter’s), add the student name, year level and class/home group teacher.
  2. Top-Up your account using Visa, Mastercard, PayPal or direct deposit.
  3. Place an order and proceed to payment.
  4. Review Orders by logging back in to your Flexischools account. You can set recurring orders, view transaction history or cancel orders.

What does it cost?
Canteen Online Ordering Fees:
$0.29 per order
Account Top-Up Fees:   
Direct Deposit $0.00
Credit card (Visa/Mastercard) $0.15+1%
PayPal $0.15+1%

For a demonstration of how to use the system, please watch this instructional video:

You can register today and place orders for Monday onwards. Orders can be placed up until 9.30am on the day of the order. The same deadline applies for order cancellations.

If you experience any issues with the ordering system, please contact Flexischools: help@flexischools.com.au or 1300 361 769.
If you have any menu-related queries or are too late to cancel an order online, email the Tuck Shop: tuckshop@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

We hope you enjoy using this new service.

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The 2017 | 2018 Entertainment Book Membership – LAST CHANCE!

Enews Entertainment Book
This is your last chance to order your 2017/2018 Entertainment Book Membership.

1) Last chance to buy your book NOW online https://www.entertainmentbook.com.au/orderbooks/161p201
2) Order via the form at the Front Office
3) Call Natalie Elliott – 0410 582 865

As a St Peter’s Girls’ School Mothers’ Club fundraiser, part proceeds will go to the exciting redevelopment of the outdoor areas surrounding our new Middle School. Thank you in advance for your kind support and consideration.

Your Mothers’ Club Committee

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The Long Lunch – featuring MC George Kapiniaris!

W9 The Long Lunch

Join us on a Greek Odyssey at the St Peter’s Girls’ Foundation Long Lunch

W2 The Long Lunch George
Sunday 24 September 12 noon – 5pm
Held at a secret location on the St Peter’s Girls’ School grounds

Tickets $120
Book at trybooking.com/PMZS

Auction Items needed

The St Peter’s Girls’ Foundation is also seeking donations for our silent auction to be held at The Long Lunch. If you or a family member have any products or services you are able to donate, we are happy to promote your business. Every item counts and any donations will be greatly appreciated. Without the generosity of our community and our amazing volunteers, these events would not be possible. Thank you in advance for your kind and generous consideration.

Please contact Melissa Westgate on 8334 2244 or mwestgate@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au if you have any queries. Items can be dropped off to Melissa in the Community Relations Office.

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Golden Ticket Lottery – would you like to win $15,000 off your School fees?

Golden Ticket Enews Image

Visit www.trybooking.com/PMZS to purchase your ticket in the Golden Ticket Lottery!

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Does your family have a connection to Woodlands Girls’ Grammar School?

Year 11 Scholarship information

The Elaine Balfour Ogilvy Scholarship is for girls who are planning to enter Year 12 next year, who attend an Anglican School and whose mother or grandmother attended Woodlands Girls’ Grammar School. It was created by the Woodlands Old Scholars in honour of a graduate, an Australian Army nurse who died in a massacre in World War Two after the fall of Singapore. The Scholarship is paid to the school to assist with the recipient’s Year 12 school fees.

Applications should include an introductory letter plus three copies of a CV, mailed to:

The President,
St Peter’s Woodlands Old Scholars’ Association
39 Partridge Street

Closing Date for applications is 30 August 2017.

Interviews will be conducted at St Peter’s Woodlands during October/November as an informal chat. The panel will be assessing attributes such as presentation, enthusiasm and personal initiatives, and we will take this opportunity to view certificates and awards which substantiate the applicant’s CV.

Louise Sorrell

For inquiries, please contact Louise Sorrell via sorrell.lou@gmail.com

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World-renowned choral arranger Kirby Shaw is coming to Saints Girls

Kirby Shaw Banner

The Concert Choir is currently refining their pieces for the upcoming Kirby Shaw Concert on Sunday August 13 to be held in our Arts Centre at 7pm. The American choral expert, a renowned arranger for over 50 years, flies into Australia at the beginning of Week 3 and is touring several SA schools including ours. He will be here on Friday afternoon 11 August to workshop our performance pieces. The girls are particularly looking forward to combining with other schools in the big finale numbers including the boys from Prince Alfred College on Sunday. The concert looks to be a really enjoyable and an eclectic mix of School and Community Choir performances from all over Adelaide. Tickets can be purchased via www.trybooking.com/QESP.

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2018 HASSE Space School International Study Program

W9 HASSE Space School

I am pleased to announce that St Peter’s Girls will be involved in the 2018 HASSE Space School International Study Program. Through our partnership with the Alliance of Girls Schools of Australasia (AGSA), our students have the unique opportunity to join other girls from participating Alliance schools on this once-in-a-lifetime, Science and Technology-based experience at NASA in the USA.

The program is tailored to expose the girls to women who are leaders in Science and Technology. It will give them access to NASA facilities and training programs, while learning foundation personal and leadership skills to apply through their school years and beyond.

For more information, visit www.ivicon.com.au/alliance.

Please keep 15 August free as there is a one-hour information session about this international study program to be held at Seymour College’s Centre of Performing Arts.

Brian Parsons
Acting Director of Teaching and Learning

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Winter Interhouse Meal Deal

Winter Interhouse Meal Deal

The Winter Interhouse will be held on Saturday 12 August, and to feed the hungry players and supporters, the Saints Sport Support Group is providing breakfast!

Parents, give yourselves the morning off from making breakfast and let us do it for you.

Orders can be collected from the BBQ area, just follow the delicious smells from 8 – 10.30am.

This year we’re offering sausages in bread, egg and bacon sandwiches, and a variety of beverages. Food options start at $2.

To purchase your Winter Interhouse Meal Deal please visit www.trybooking.com/QOQF.

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Support St Peter’s Girls’ School by moving your home loan to BankSA

W2 BankSABankSA has partnered with St Peter’s Girls’ School in offering our School community a great fundraising opportunity. If you’re keen to take your support to the next level while potentially saving yourself money, then this program is for you. We’ve made it really easy to further support the School, while also making sure you’re getting the best possible service and a great deal on your home loan.

If you’ve been thinking about a new place for your home loan – either to get a better rate or if it’s just time for a change – then using your home loan to support St Peter’s Girls’ School is a great option.

Not only will you get a great rate with BankSA, but you’ll also be supporting St Peter’s Girls’ School, as each BankSA home loan allows us to make a charitable donation in your name of between $1000 and $6000. As the SPGS Building Fund has DGR status, you may be entitled to claim a tax deduction as a result of this donation.

It’s that simple.

· the more home loan referrals… the more money BankSA will donate to the School
· donation paid at settlement of the home loan
· unlimited donation potential
Both St Peter’s Girls’ School and BankSA have a proud history in South Australia and a strong sense of community. Fostering partnerships like this enables us to support our School community and our School.

To discuss how BankSA can assist you and make a charitable donation in your name, get in touch with our Bank SA Partnership contact:
Jasper Ooi
0401 717 894

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Sports News

W2 Sport
All students are once again reminded to check notice boards for team selections and other sports information. If you have any news items or sporting success stories, please email them through to Neil Fuller via nfuller@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.


Saturday 29 July
Fantastic effort this week by all teams, with six out of eight winning their matches. The Open C team fought hard and were tied on sets, but unfortunately lost by just one point. The winning streak of the Open B team continues, which stands them in good stead to qualify for the finals later this term. – Emily Murdock (Captain)

Open A – Saints 5 defeated Seymour 1
Best player: Cate Neale

Open B – Saints 6 defeated Wilderness 0
Best player: Amy Li

Open C – Saints 3 defeated by Wilderness 3
Best player: Gloria Gao

Open D1 – Saints 5 defeated Wilderness 1
Best player: Amelie Dunda

Open D2 – Saints 5 defeated Immanuel 1
Best player: Ashley Rogers

Open E1 – Saints 6 defeated Wilderness 3
Best player: Yujia Sun

Open E2 – Saints 6 defeated Seymour 3
Best player: Sabrina Passelli

Open E3 – Saints 3 defeated by Pembroke 6
Best player: Anushka Rajbhoj


Saturday 17 May
Open A – Saints 4 defeated St Dominics 2
The start of Term 3 also brought the first win of the season for Saints and was one of the best team games so far. From the very first minute, the game started with intensity and the girls proved they wanted a win. All played very well, but a special mention should go to Poppie Goldsmith and Carla Lawrence who played particularly well. Our goal scorers of the match were Poppie Goldsmith (2), Grace Packer (1) and Lara Khoury (1). It was a fantastic match by the whole team and we’re looking forward to another fantastic match next weekend. – Lara Khoury (Captain)

Open B – Saints 2 drew with St Dominic’s 2
The girls began with a strong start, making effective passes up the field and creating space which resulted in two brilliant field team goals. With limited rotations, in the second half the girls displayed great determination, but unfortunately St Dominic’s were able to narrow the margin and then draw level late in the game as Saints defended gallantly. It was great to see strong team work and determination the first game back. – Sophie Fry (Coach)


Saturday 29 July
Under 15 – Saints 15 defeated Burnside 2
Saints had another strong performance keeping the pressure on the top team Brighton. Chelsea Walls led the attack with 7 goals and was supported by Steph Smalls (4) and singles to Saskia Jonats, Hattie Maerschel, Portia Maerschel and Millie Wilkin, demonstrating that it was a great team performance.

Under 11 – Saints Blue 7 defeated St Aloysius 6
It was a very windy morning but nevertheless all of the girls were excited to play. Lara Maione (Year 4) and Madison Dornbusch (Year 3) did well at running into space in attack, which helped them get away from their defender. Once again, all girls fought hard for ground balls, particularly Sophie Lively (Year 3) and Hayley Webb (Year 3). At half time, the girls were down by two goals but they played very well with Jenna Maione (Year 5) doing a fantastic job at consistently catching the ball and passing it quickly in attack. In defence, Mabel Cook (Year 4) did some great intercepts to help turn the ball over and Elysia Scarr (Year 4) in goal impressed everyone with her long clears into space. Goal scorers were Jenna, Lara, Madison and Mabel. All of the girls should be very proud of how they played and enjoy the win. – Lucy Martin (Coach)

Under 11 – Saints White 5 defeated by Wilderness White 9
This week’s game represented an amazing comeback and despite some last-minute absentees, Savannah Walls (Year 3) kindly played to help out. Elizabeth McKernan (Year 4) did an amazing job in goal by keeping Wilderness to just two goals during the entire second half. We also saw our players dominate play and fight hard for the ground balls. The team made excellent pass connections down the field; looking just like a chain reaction. Everyone played to the best of their ability, and the goal shooting was confident and accurate. With a little more work on the defensive marking of our opponents, this team will be hard to defeat. Special mention goes to Coco Dimond (Year 4) and Emily Bates (Year 3) for scoring our goals, and to Alannah Godfrey (Year 4) for setting up the play at the attacking end, and her selfless assists. – Courtney Tasker (Coach)


Saturday 29 July
Open A – Saints 56 defeated Pulteney 43
The Open A girls fought hard in a close match against Pulteney last weekend. The girls worked very well as a team, generating excellent full court pressure that provided opportunity for many defensive turnovers. Special mention should be made of Sivi Sivasuthan’s accuracy in the goal ring. Charlotte White’s defensive turnovers and Holly Cunningham’s ball movement should also be commended. The girls worked hard, executing a very positive performance ahead of the next round of Knockout Netball. The girls continue to improve each week and we look forward to future challenges. – Sophie Freeman and Abbey Goodwin

Open B – Saints 47 drew with Pulteney 47

Open E (Year 11) – Saints 15 defeated by Immanuel 33
Last weekend we had a tough loss against Immanuel. The first quarter proved to be a struggle, however the girls quickly found their feet and played fantastic ending quarters. The girls all worked very well together and are looking forward to improving their teamwork for the next game. – Willo Fowler (Year 11)

Year 10A – Saints 46 defeated Pulteney Open C 30
A fantastic first win of the season for the 10As against Pulteney’s Open C team. Each and every player put in their best effort and listened actively to constructive criticism and encouraged each other to continue pushing through a competitive game. Milly Wood and Georgie Bafile played as a tight team in our goal third with Sarah Carrodus (10Bs) and Rachel Kameniar putting in great defensive effort which resulted in many turnovers. Our mid-court girls, Izzy Villani, Rose Pittman, Anna Pryor and Hannah Lunn, used their voices and worked hard to move the ball down the court into our goal third. I am very excited to have a focussed team and hope to finish this season with great momentum from Saturday’s game. – Grace Russo (Coach)

Year 10B – Saints 9 defeated by Trinity College 64
Unfortunately, the 10Bs went down to a strong Trinity College team. The girls started the game relatively slow in the first quarter which made it very difficult to come back. However, they rekindled as a team for the remainder of the game and used their passing and movement to their advantage. Trinity was a very talented team and proved a challenge for the girls, yet I am proud of how they held their heads high and encouraged one another. Best players to Olivia Law and Teegan Lindsay for their defensive pressure and effort this week. – Emily Wishart (Coach)

Year 9A – Saints 84 defeated Pulteney 16
The team got off to a flying start led by the midfield attack Ruby Bouhamdan and Tesse Parker who were relentless in delivering the ball quickly to shooters Ella Liddy and Jessica Wishart. In defence, Hannah Freeman and Tilly McCormack stood strong to contain Pulteney’s scoring chances. The second quarter continued just as strong with Saints passes hitting targets all over the court that resulted in multiple goals and a lead of 46 to 7 at half-time. Positional changes brought Isabella Bernardi into centre where she continued to apply fantastic pressure ,and again the team moved the ball quickly mid-court to the forward line who scored. As the wind kicked up, the team kept building on their lead with multiple scoring shots and a fantastic team win. – Tilly McCormack (Year 9)

Year 8A – Saints 45 defeated Pulteney 15
The girls had a great first week recording a solid win. As a team, the defensive pressure was outstanding, allowing many shooting opportunities. It was great to see the score reflect the effort the team put in as well as emphasising how well they worked together. Stephanie Smalls had a great game this week in defence, managing to get many intercepts and Kellie Bested also had a great game in attack with accurate and consistent passing. Well done to all the girls, it was a fantastic game and their enthusiasm was great to see. – Amy Wishart (coach)

Year 8B – Saints 11 defeated by Pulteney 34
The girls had a breakthrough game this week and, despite a loss, it was their best game of the season so far. As a team, the girls set out to achieve a specific goal each quarter and it was fantastic to see their determination following this on-court. Best player goes to Thuhansa Hattotuwa who played extremely well in both centre and goal attack! Well done to the team on a great effort. – Sophia West (coach) 

Year 7A – Saints 26 defeated Pulteney 12
The team made it back onto the winners list with a solid effort against Pulteney. They pulled together and gave 100% for three out of the four quarters. Tiredness saw us struggle to convert in the last quarter, but at no point did we give up. Thanks to Adele Eaton for playing a full game in GA and shooting at an impressive 81%! Also to our heavily strapped players Mia Humphrey & Sivanthi Sivasuthan who never gave up. Well done girls. – Michelle Blackburn (Coach)

Year 7B – Saints 16 drew with Pulteney 16
The girls had a great start back to netball this term and began the game strong, working well together to play a consistent game. Both attack and defence were very solid and each girl had a huge contribution through intercepts, making leads down the court and shooting. Well done to Izzy Gilroy for her outstanding shooting through the whole game and Adele Russell for her constant intercepts in defence, as she can easily read the play to cause a turnover. The team has improved greatly since the start of the season through all areas of the court and various skills.  – Georgia Naughton (Coach)

Year 7C – Saints 7 defeated by Immanuel 27
The first half was slow, with Immanuel quick to capitalise on Saints’ unforced errors. Despite the end result, the team improved throughout the game to play one of their best games this season. In the second half, every girl went in hard for the ball, demonstrating their perseverance and grit to get back into the game, with a true team effort from all. Special mentions to Gracie Ganzis in defence and Amelie Gray-Combe in the mid-court who both played their best game to date. – Sarah Miller (coach)


Wednesday 2 August
This term saw the Year 8/9 girls participate in an IGSSA AFL carnival consisting of eight of the ten schools. Just like the seniors, the players were excited and full of enthusiasm, and unlike the seniors who played a round-robin, this carnival was split into two pools.
Saints started strongly with a 19 point to 1 win against Seymour which was highlighted by strong tackling and pressure around the ground. The goals were scored by Ellie Anderson, Olivia Goldsmith and Siena Kulinski.

In game 2, Saints continued the determined play with some excellent defending by Lucy Young, Hannah Freeman, Jess Wishart and Paris Robinson which led to a 19 to 6 win. Goal scorers were: Millie Wilkin (2) and Olivia Goldsmith.

The final pool game saw Saints dominate Wilderness from the outset recording a 20 to 6 win with goals from Chelsea Walls (2) and Millie Wilkin.

Saints drew Concordia in the semi-final and this was an extremely close game on a larger field than the girls were used to, which proved harder to maintain possession and working the ball forward. Concordia put our defence under a lot of pressure, but Saints stood strong. On a number of occasions Saints had chances but were caught with the ball which created turnovers. In defence, Kellie Bested made an amazing smother and again there was strong tackling from Paris Robinson, Tesse Parker and Olivia Goldsmith. Concordia had a chance late in the game to win but kicked a point sending the game into extra-time. It was Concordia who managed to work into attack and, from a scramble in the goal square, scored a point that put them into the final against Immanuel.

Saints to their credit played a rematch against Wilderness in a 3rd v 4th play-off. Saints again dominated recording a resounding 20 to 0 win to finish the day in third position with goals to Millie Wilkin (2) and Chelsea Walls.

It was a fantastic day with all players putting in an amazing effort as well as enjoying the exposure to this new and exciting sport.

Neil Fuller
Director of Sport


Wednesday 2 August
Year 6 Blue – Saints 22 defeated by Seymour Green 25
The first game of the season was hard fought and fast. Welcome to Zoe Pool (Year 5) who played her first game of basketball with great determination. Matilda Thomas (also Year 5) showed us her feistiness and scored 6 points. Great running and passing by Sophie Dansie (4 pts) and Willow Stewart-Rattray (4 pts) kept us in the game. Emma Pool (4 pts) surprised herself with two fabulous long shots. Helen Zhang (2 pts) and Bridgette Leach (2 pts) had to do a lot of running and tight defending.  Welcome to Hannah Williams and Georgia Parsons who are also new to our team. They both worked hard to make position to receive the ball. Well done everyone. – Sharon Leach (Coach)

Year 6 White – Saints 28 defeated by Seymour Blue 38
The Year 6 White basketball team played very well, especially since it was their first game. Seymour however played extremely well bringing the half-time score up from 8-24. The girls played well in attack with almost everyone scoring a goal, and used their zone effectively, stopping shots and getting rebounds. – Sarah Matheson (student coach)

Year 5 – Saints 36 defeated Pembroke Green 14
An outstanding effort from the girls in their first game against Pembroke Green. They were all able to dribble with confidence and shoot with accuracy. A special mention to Jasmine Segredos and Sienna Huxtable for scoring the majority of the points. – Josephine Dal Pra (Coach)


Wednesday 2 August
Year 2/3 – Saints 0 defeated by Pembroke Yellow 5
On Wednesday afternoon, the Year 2/3 team played their first game together. While the team lost in wet conditions, they came close to scoring many times. They still managed to have lots of fun even though it was cold and wet, and all played well, especially as it was  the first-ever game of netball for many of the girls. – Emily Braggs (Coach)