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Enews – Week 2, Term 3 2016

Issue no. 22

From the Director of Teaching and Learning

Preparing for 2017, preparing for the future.

Last Thursday afternoon, current Year 9, 10 and 11 students and parents spent some time discussing subjects and pathways with teachers and students at the 2017 Curriculum Expo. This second year of the Expo was a great success. The main event was held in the Arts Centre, and families were able to have an introduction to the Senior School, attend information sessions on SACE and the IB Diploma, as well as speak with local universities about entrance requirements.

At Year 10, students choose three elective subjects out of a possible 16. Year 11 SACE students choose six subjects from a suite of over 30 (including IB subjects). The choices are impressive.

During the Expo we gave students a plethora of advice regarding subjects and making the right choices for them. This included understanding oneself as a learner, following one’s passion and abilities, keeping options open, following recommendations and considering assessment styles. Furthermore, there is available for them an extensive SACE and IB comparison chart to facilitate decision-making between these pathways. Teachers, parents and friends are all able to support the girls in their choices, nevertheless the one area that maybe problematic is preparing for possible futures. How does one plan for a future when we hear reports that 60% of the best jobs in the next ten years haven’t been invented? What is it that we need to nurture in our students to prepare them for their possible futures?

Recently I read a report that the two most important subjects for students to study are Mathematics and Ethics. This statement is provocative for teachers who are zealous about their areas of expertise! We teachers love our subjects and understand the benefits of studying them. However Mathematics was nominated for the high-level analytical and computational thinking required for the future developments in technology. Meanwhile Ethics provides insight and ethical and moral guidance on the impact of emerging technologies on social and emotional wellbeing, responsibility and awareness, and environmental sustainability. Certainly the supporters of the recent phenomena Pokémon Go commend that the players are out and about and socially engaged rather than inactive. I wonder about this definition of social engagement and moreover if the ethics of social responsibility was factored into the development of the game. Ethics in politics, religion, distribution of wealth, human rights, sport – I couldn’t agree more as to the significance of Ethics in our progress as a compassionate, just and equitable society.

What is incontestable in preparing for possible futures is that technology is ubiquitous. Our girls have never known the world without it and one of the challenges is to find themselves within and without it. (Ask your daughter what would she be lost without? Is it a person or a device?)

Search the internet and there is interesting advice on careers of the future. Two that aroused my interest are:

  • Urban Shepherd: A combination of resilient micro-farmer and guide to the nature-filled side of the city. These plant care specialists focus on small-scale gardens and plots that exist in unusual urban areas.
  • Digital Detox Therapist: A counsellor who specialises in separating technology-stressed individuals from their devices.

However to return to the educational domain, the seven general capabilities of the Australian Curriculum affirm that education is much more than content. It is the skills, behaviours and dispositions that will assist students to live and work successfully in the 21st century. Three that I want to emphasise are:

  • Critical and creative thinking
  • Ethical understanding
  • Intercultural understanding

These are not subjects but dispositions and approaches to learning, approaches to life.

I understand the challenge that many girls face in achieving a high ATAR and selecting subjects that may realise this goal. However I also encourage students to go with their passion and to have a sense of courageous exploration. If our choices are not enjoyable and purposeful then a significant part of our schooling and possible futures may not be fulfilling. Furthermore, perhaps we should consider not just the content matter of subjects themselves (exceptions being university prerequisites and assumed knowledge!) but the deep thinking, problem solving, knowledge application, engagement and opportunities for growth that the subjects provide. We cannot predict future careers but we can be comfortably sure that the jobs of the future will be different, multiple and ever evolving.

Perhaps the final word on pathways and subjects should go to Anna Mullin, our 2015 Dux of the School. Having undertaken the IB Diploma, she spoke not about specific subjects but on learning itself:

“One of my favourite aspects of IB was that it’s mindful about learning…. it encourages you not only to learn, but to think about learning and knowledge and recognise its significance and the potential issues associated with it.”

Meredith Beck

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Saints Olympiad

Saints Olympiad 8–12 August

Every four years, people across the globe flock to their TV screens to watch the magic and excitement of the Olympic Games. In 2016 the Games of the XXXI Olympiad will take place in the city of Rio de Janeiro – the first time the Modern Olympics will be hosted by a South American nation. While the party in Rio on opening ceremony night is set to be spectacular, we will all be waiting and watching to see our home-grown heroes compete for a prestigious Olympic medal. This year’s Olympics sees St Peter’s Girls Old Scholar, Olympia Aldersey, rowing in the Women’s Eight.

To celebrate the Olympics, Saints is offering our very own Saints Olympiad with at least two activities available for the girls to try out each lunch-time during Olympic week (Week 3). The following is a timetable of these activities:

Monday 8 August:

  • Table Tennis– A chance to pick up a paddle and have a hit in the gym
  • Archery – Head up to the oval to try your hand at archery with two targets and plenty of bows and arrows.

Tuesday 9 August:

  • Soccer – Nominate your team of five friends and the country name you wish to play under before the end of Monday and take on all the other teams
  • Hockey – All are welcome to try out their skills in hockey on the synthetic pitch.

Wednesday 10 August:

  • Cycling and Rowing – Challenge yourself to see how far you can travel on a spin bike or rowing machine in three minutes inside the EFM gym
  • Volleyball – Enjoy Volleyball on the mini courts set up in the gym.

Thursday 11 August:

  • Badminton – Head down to the gym and enjoy badminton with your friends on the courts
  • Basketball – Have some fun with shooting challenges on the top court outside the gym.

Friday 12 August:

  • Handball – Middle School students are encouraged to sign up for their House handball team and play off to determine the winning house
  • Tennis – Find out how well you can hit with a chance to play against the ball machine on the bottom tennis courts outside the ELC.

On Friday 12 August, for a gold coin donation, students in the Middle and Senior Schools will be able to wear sportswear or national dress to school to celebrate the Olympics. The money raised from the casual day will be split equally between each of the four House charities. On the same day the ELC and Junior School will be working together to plant national flags along the pathway to Chapel to celebrate the achievements of all nations associated with the Olympic movement.

This fantastic week will culminate in the Middle and Senior School girls competing for House Shields in Badminton, Hockey, Netball and Soccer at the annual Winter Interhouse on the morning of Saturday 13 August.

Anna Cross

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Team athena Houston

Student Voice: Team ATHENA’s successful trip to Houston

At the end of Term 2, ATHENA embarked on what was unequivocally our most exciting journey to date: a 10-day trip to Texas, USA, to attend the 2016 MATE Remotely Operated Vehicle International Competition.

We spent the first few days of our time away in downtown Houston where we attempted to get over our jet lag, adjust to the local weather of 35+ degrees and locate our missing luggage. We had a great time visiting the Houston Museum of Natural Science, attending a night-time, fan-charged baseball game (go Astros!), shopping at Texas’ largest mall and eating the most amazing Tex Mex food. We even managed to fit some much needed exercise into our busy schedule as the lift was out in our hotel and the rooftop pool was on the 23rd floor!

On day three we piled into a minivan and headed down to Webster, home of NASA’s Johnson Space Centre, where we were showcasing the SUBS in Schools program at the MATE Competition. Held in NASA’s Neutral Buoyancy Lab (the largest swimming pool in the world which houses a full scale model of the International Space Station where astronauts train for future space ventures), there were over 1000 competitors from 16 countries, making for a few very busy and exciting days. However, not all our time was taken up with presenting and we had a great time being tourists and exploring the Johnson Space Centre.

We were also incredibly lucky to have the opportunity to sit down and talk with past and current astronauts, Andy Thomas and Shannon Walker, about their time in space and how they got to be where they are today. Organised by Nova Systems, this was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Overall, it was an incredible trip and this is evident both in the smiles on our faces and the inspiring new friends we made during our time in the States. ATHENA would like to thank Saints Girls and our sponsors, W&G/AZTEC, Saab Australia, ASC, DCNS, Nova Systems, Dedicated Systems, and, last but not least, Belinda Dawson and Meg Keough for supporting us on our adventure.

Emily Keough

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Silver Lining Enews Graphic

Senior Drama: The Silver Lining

Make sure you come and see the world premiere of The Silver Lining! The story of Midas reinvented, reimagined. Thought-provoking, lively and entertaining. Miss it and you will miss out on the innovative work our talented girls are capable of.

Using four distinct theatrical styles – Classical Greek Tragedy, Realism, Expressionism and Musical Theatre – The Silver Lining re-tells the story of King Midas from four different perspectives. Through this, the play explores the nature of human desire, human folly, regret and redemption. Rehearsals have involved complex ensemble work, careful blocking, choreography and character development… and learning a suite of new songs. The production will be a dynamic whirlwind of storytelling in various dramatic forms, from thought-provoking reality to expressionistic symbolism to toe-tapping showstoppers!

Performances are on Wednesday 10, Thursday 11 and Friday 12 August at 7.30pm.

Book at trybooking.com/ILVF

Original Cast Recording of The Silver Lining is available in the School Shop for $10.


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Senior School students: Invitation to attend the Inaugural Careers Networking Breakfast

young physiotherapistThis year St Peter’s Girls’ School is introducing an Annual Careers Networking Breakfast where Old Scholars have volunteered their time to act as mentors to our senior students.

The aim of the breakfast is to assist students to make informed choices about their career paths so that they can select appropriate school subjects and tertiary courses. By partnering students with an Old Scholar who can speak to their areas of interest, we hope to provide students with access to real world insights into vocational fields to inform these important decisions.

Mentors will be seated according to the vocational interests with a group of students.

For this event senior students will indicate their interest in the following vocational fields:

  • Economics/Accounting
  • Business Management
  • Law
  • Health Sciences (Medicine)
  • Engineering
  • Sciences
  • International Relations
  • Hospitality
  • Communications and Media
  • Property/Real Estate

The inaugural Annual Careers Networking Breakfast, held in the Arts Centre will be on Wednesday 17 August, 7.15am arrival for a 7.30am start. The breakfast will conclude at 9am.

This is a wonderful opportunity  so please encourage your daughter to book at www.trybooking.com/MKZO

Please direct any enquiries to Karen Alderson on email kalderson@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au


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Music Update

State Music Camp

Congratulations to Rachel Banham (violin 1) and Clair Kao (flute) who recently attended a week-long music camp along with many of the best young musicians in the state.

Both students performed in the Alexander Orchestra conducted by ASO musician, Michael Milton. As lead flautist, Clair did an outstanding job of leading the flutes through difficult and demanding passages.

Congratulations also to Cheri Wong who successfully auditioned for the top orchestra, the Bishop Orchestra, conducted by Mark Shiell. This orchestra performed extraordinarily difficult works including Dvorak’s ‘New World Symphony’, Verdi’s Prelude to ‘La Traviata’ and the demonically difficult ‘March Slav’ by Tchaikovsky. All pieces were testament to the long hours of practice, dedication and commitment of our instrumentalists to achieve and perform at this elite level.

Adelaide Music Eisteddfod

Year 7 student Cheri Wong recently competed in the highly contested strings section of the Adelaide Music Eisteddfod and achieved the following results;

  • 1st in the 12 years and under Violin Solo division
  • 1st in the 14 years and under Violin Solo division
  • 2nd in the 16 years and under Elder Conservatorium Junior String Concerto
  • 3rd in the Grade 7 and 8 division

Cheri also received honours for her 8th grade AMEB exam and is now working toward her A.Mus.A qualifications. We congratulate Cheri on these truly outstanding results.

Sari Noble
Music Teacher

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Vacation Care: July 2016

During the July school break, OSHC remained busy with a very full Vacation Care Program.

Vacation Care July 2016A large number of the girls brought along friends, brothers and cousins from other schools to join in their fun.

Paper Mache, Superheros, Dinosaurs & Dragons and Tie Dye were just a few of the themed days we had over the three-week break.

Our excursions were very popular, with two of them being completely booked well in advance.

The children enjoyed catching up with Manny and his friends in Ice Age 5 at the cinema, played until they were completely exhausted at Imagination Kids Play Café and came back to OSHC with a little added paint and glitter from the Plaster Fun House.

We introduced the children to the Christmas in July festivities, making our own stockings and bonbons filled with lollies and toys.

Food played a big part in the chilly break. On Dinosaurs and Dragons Day we cooked up a pre-historic feast, hot dog pirate ships on Pirates & Princesses Day and plenty of lunch box treats on Back to School Day.

The weather was not kind to us most days but we made the most of it. With no power one day when it got a bit cold we built a giant cubby house with tables, pillows and blankets that spread across half the room, squeezing everyone in to keep warm. A few of the children were so cosy they even fell asleep!

No matter which days the children attended, they all came along prepared for fun, food and a bit of relaxation too.

Staff, had a great time each day engaging with the wonderful girls and boys that make St Peter’s Girls OSHC the amazing place it is.

Rebecca Kranz

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Year 11 Camp

The Year 11 girls spent the last two days of Term 2 at Glenhaven Park campsite, Stockport.

The aim of the camp was to develop the girls’ leadership skills by participating in activities to identify and develop their strengths, face their fears by completing the high ropes course and giant swing, and bond with their House group.

The management of the campsite provided the girls with comfortable cabins and some amazing food, plus plenty of support during their activities.

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P&F banner image

Party Like It’s 1925

Please book your tickets for the premier Parents and Friends (P&F) Committee fundraiser of the year. On 3 September the P&F will be hosting a 1920s party to raise funds for our Middle School redevelopment. The party will fittingly be held at the Art Deco Burnside Ballroom and will feature a prize casino and live music from the Flaming Sambucas. Dressing the part is encouraged but not compulsory; feather boas and other 1920s styles will be available on the night to help you accessorise.

The feature fundraising initiative will be a giant silent auction for which the P&F will gratefully accept donations. A notice will shortly be going out to the Year Level Reps with more information as to how you can make donations to the silent auction.

Book your tickets today and enjoy a night to remember by visiting http://www.trybooking.com/mfbq.

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Sports News

If you have any news items or sporting success stories, please email them through to me on: nfuller@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.


During the first week of the July school holidays Charlotte Yandell (Year 10) represented South Australia at the National Calisthenics Federation competition. Charlotte had previously won the right to represent South Australia not only as part of the South Australian Intermediate Team (for girls 13 to 16), but also in the Intermediate Callisthenic Solo Competition.

Congratulations go to Charlotte who won the Solo competition, gaining 42 points out of a possible 42 points and becoming the National Intermediate Calisthenics Solo Champion for 2016.


Congratulations to Angela Mourtzios who competed at the PSGE Qualifying golf tournament at the North Adelaide Golf Course, shooting a score of 62 from 9 holes.


Recently a number of Saints Girls competed at the SA Short Course Swimming Championships.

Congratulations to Shania Morgan (Year 11) who came 1st in the 100m and 200m Breaststroke for the 16 yr age group, 4th in the 100m Open Breaststroke and 3rd in the 200m Open Breaststroke. Annabel Baldwinson (Year 8) won 2 individual medals and Emily Baldwinson (Year 6) won 5 individual medals. If you would like your results printed, please let me know.

Congratulations also go to Stephanie Smalls (Year 7) who has been picked for the State Swimming Team along with Annabel Baldwinson to compete in Darwin at the Secondary School Australian Swimming Championships.


The Term 3 badminton matches commenced on Saturday and it was great to see that the girls had maintained their high level of play from last term. The girls’ level of commitment at training and on Saturday mornings is commendable and we look forward to more positive improvements in their play in the second half of the badminton season. Kritika Mishra and Alice Powell (Captains)

Open A – Saints 5 defeated Seymour 1
Singles: Emily Murdock 15-5,15-9, Kritika Mishra 15-6,15-10, Alice Powell 15-8,15-3, Catherine Neale 15-10,15-11

Open B – Saints 5 defeated Walford 1
Singles: Laura Sivewright 15-11, 15-8, Charlene Lee 8-15, 11-15, Erica Reid 15-10, 15-10, Lola Dimond 15-6, 14-15, 15-6

Open C1 – Saints 2 defeated by Walford 4
Singles: Georgia Bowden 16-21, Nicola Jones 6-21, Amy Li 21-11, Jiale Hu 21-18

Open C2 – Saints 3-87 defeated by Westminster 3-109
Singles: Connie Wang 6-21, Sophia Casanova Clarke 10-21, Amelie Dunda 21-9, Anna Bi 21-19

Open D1 – Saints 5 defeated Wilderness 1
Singles: Michelle Yeoh 21-11, Maddison Tilley-Brooks 21-14, Helen Han 21-10, Jiayi Wang 21-18

Open D2 – Saints 2 defeated by Immanuel 4
Singles: Lucy Cox 18-21, Ashleigh Rogers 10-21, Mahala Truscott 21-7, Candy Feng 16-21

Open E – Saints 5 defeated Seymour G 4
Singles: Meredith Li 10-21, Millie Han 21-13, Helen Xiong 21-13, Natacha Zisos Troupakis 21-17, Christina Song 14-21, Angela Feng 21-9


Open A – Saints 0 defeated by Scotch 8

Without our captain, Natasha Hammond, and playing against Scotch with a high-class striker, the team faced a tough challenge. The girls performed well across the pitch, with Grace Packer, Rachael Disney and Lara Khoury running onto a number of balls from the midfield but we could not get through the last line. After a slow start with not enough voice on the pitch, the girls rallied and looked to move the ball to space, with Olivia Goldsmith and Carla Lawrence working exceptionally hard. Olivia Teh rebounded well on the left also. It will be important to see some learning from last weekend carry into this week’s game. Dan Searle (Coordinator)

Open C – Saints 13 defeated Loreto 0

The team went out strongly right from the start, linking together many strong passes through the midfield to the strikers. Well done to the goal scorers, Aroha Munroe, Romilly Dennis (UK exchange student), Kate McKellar-Stewart, Poppie Goldsmith and Holly Cardone. It’s been great to see such improvement from the girls over the season, evident in the great team results! Sophie Fry (Coach)


Under 18 – Saints 4 defeated by Sturt 19

Once again the girls faced a much more experienced opposition and struggled to match them in the first quarter. To their credit, though, they displayed a great deal of intent and fight to be much more competitive across the next three quarters. Portia Reppucci (Year 11), who started the game in goals, scored twice in the second half and was prevalent through midfield, having a great all-round game. Other goal scorers were Millisent Wilkin (Year 8) and Harriet Maerschel (Year 8) who were also valuable with their efforts through the midfield. This week our defence adapted their playing style admirably and showed great improvement in this area, with Antonia Kirsten-Parsch (Year 11), Scarlett Hocking (Year 8), and Abigail Lisle (Year 8) leading the way. Adelle Craig (Coach)

Under 15 – Saints 11 defeated Wilderness 6

It took the girls until 2nd quarter to warm up into the game. Once the girls had scored a number of goals, our confidence receiving an instant lift. Chelsea Walls scored 4 goals, along with Harriet Maerschel shooting a solid 6 goals, and Fiona Lethbridge setting up the first goal of the game in the first half. Isabelle Norman saving low tricky shots helped us out in defence. The girls didn’t lose enthusiasm throughout the game and were first in at centre draws. Well-deserved win by all players!

Portia Reppucci (Lacrosse Captain)

Under 13 – Saints 13 defeated Pembroke 5

Stephanie Smalls (Year 7) did a terrific job in centre as she managed to get the ball and pass swiftly to an attacker. In attack, Mabel Cook (Year 3) scored some fantastic goals as she continued to run around the goal to improve her angle to get a shot off. Dani Cox (Year 4) also played well in attack as she used her speed to run to the goal and score three powerful goals before she used up her four second time limit. At half-time the girls were up by one goal and needed to focus on getting in front of their players to get the ball. Saskia Jonats (Year 7) and Portia Maerschel (Year 7) continuously ran hard through the mid-field and caught the ball cleanly, which helped transition it quickly into attack. Isabelle Norman (Year 8) showed great confidence in goals and once again saved a number of goals, and that helped us win the match. Goal scorers for the match were Mabel Cook, Dani Cox, Portia Maerschel and Stephanie Smalls. Best players were Portia Maerschel and Saskia Jonats. Lucy Martin (Coach)


Netball images

Open A – Saints 53 defeated Pembroke 41

In the first game of the term, Saints put up a great fight against the Pembroke team. After having lost to Pembroke in a trial match last term, the team was prepared and aware of the physicality of the Pembroke team and therefore started the game very strongly. Our initial effort and consistent pressure on the court enabled us to secure the win. A great effort from all girls, and special mention to Fiona Dawson for her consistent efforts and accurate shooting in the ring. We are training hard and looking forward to a home game this weekend, and the knockout round in the coming weeks. Josephine Dal Pra and Madison Bateman (Co-Captains)

Open B – Saints 32 defeated by Pembroke 34

It was consistently a tight game where we were often one or two up but unfortunately in the last two minutes Pembroke got a couple of goals that we couldn’t match. However, everyone played excellently so it feels like we won anyway. Jessie Rundle and Chelsea Marchetti were outstanding in goals. Chelsea Jones played well, Ebony-Jade Nash-Smith fitted well in her first game and Georgia Bateman brought the ball swiftly down the midcourt. Lydia Smalls, Charlotte Parker and Sarah Richards were constantly turning the ball over in the defence end of the court. A commendable effort by all girls! Alexandra Murray (Open B Captain)  

Open C – Saints 21 defeated by Pembroke 36

A great first game back for the Open C team, the girls played really well as a team and were vocal on court. Pembroke presented a competitive team, with scores remaining very close until the last quarter when Pembroke pulled away. As coach, it was great to have the whole team respond positively to coaching points throughout the whole game. Well done, girls! Grace Russo (Coach)

Year 10 – Saints 20 defeated by Westminster 30

It was a slow start for the girls, allowing Westminster to lead in the first quarter. However, the girls took on board advice given at quarter time and outscored Westminster in the second quarter to be only 3 goals behind at half-time. Unfortunately, Westminster were too good in the end, but Saints put in an incredibly good effort by all. Alana Coppock (Coach)

Year 9A – Saints 48 defeated Pembroke 19

The holidays proved to be no excuse for a rusty game, with the 9As defeating Pembroke comfortably! Defensive pressure was applied all over the court and goalies shot accurately so Saints took a strong lead in the first quarter and never looked back. With an excellent game from both the attacking and defending side, the girls secured their second win over Pembroke this season. Charlotte White (Year 9)

Year 9B – Saints 26 defeated by Pembroke 43

Year 9C1 – Saints 29 defeated Scotch 16

Another fantastic win and great start to Term 3 by the girls this week. The girls began the game a bit shakily after the three-week break but ended the game with some very positive play and upheld the team’s undefeated streak. Congratulations to all the girls on a great win and we look forward to the games to come! Ellana Welsby (Coach)

Year 9C2 – Saints 10 defeated by Pembroke 53

The girls played well as a team and there were many positives that came out of the game. Over the next few weeks the girls have a range of things that we will need to work on. The girls still had high levels of energy and motivation during the game, no matter what the score was. The girls started with a strong first quarter, with defence working hard to maintain the ball. A special mention to all the defenders for their hard work across all four quarters. The girls should be proud of their efforts. Even though they did not play their best game, they still continued to fight until the end of the game. Chelsea Stamato (Coach)

Year 8A – Saints 27 defeated by Pembroke 29

An unfortunate loss this week after a very strong first half and a convincing lead at half-time. The girls played consistent netball in the first two quarters, displaying tight defence throughout the court and fantastic feeding into the goalies. Ruby Bouhamdan and Matilda McCormack both played equally well, getting the most intercepts in that first half. Pembroke came out strongly in the second half, both defensively and in their attack, and we did not adapt and respond the way we needed to, leaving us with a two goal loss. Thank you to Lucy White who came up and filled in for us once again. We will be working on playing four consistent quarters of netball in the remaining matches. Vanessa Brooks (Coach).

Year 8B – Saints 26 defeated Pembroke 7

The defenders held the opposition to only a handful of goals, and brought the ball down to our shooting end with ease. Attackers worked hard to make every centre pass end in a goal, due to great shooting by Olufunto Komolafe, Charlotte, Lucy White and Clair Kao. This week we will work on our ‘holding’ and finding the right position to set up on a defender, which will help with our efficiency. Best players to Zara Stefani for her persistence and great game on a tough defender, and Lauren Porter and Paris Robinson for their exceptional defensive work. Emily Wishart (coach).

Year 8C – Saints had a bye

Year 7A – Saints 28 defeated Pembroke 16

The girls played a great game with relentless defence and a consistent steady attack, resulting in a fantastic team win! Thanks to Alice Johnswood for stepping in and coaching the team. Michelle Blackburn (Coach)

Year 7B – Saints 9 defeated Immanuel 8

A low scoring game where both team’s defences played exceptionally well. Fortunately, our first quarter set the girls up to hold on for a win. Best players: Harriett Gilroy, Keely Flannagan and Sara Peak. Roger Mills (Coach)

Junior Basketball

Year 6 Blue – Saints 18 defeated by Wilderness Green 46

Despite the score, the girls put in a lot of effort and worked hard to ensure their passing was strong and dribbling was accurate. With this being many of the girls’ first game, they did an amazing job and the score does not reflect their persistence and determination on court. Adele Russell played a great game, improving noticeably each quarter and managing to contest the opposition many times. Congratulations to all the girls on a good start to the season. It was great to see the huge amount of potential in the team, and I am looking forward to seeing the girls improve as the season continues. Amy Wishart (Coach)

Year 6 White – Saints 26 defeated by Seymour 41

In our first game Isabelle Gilroy, Sivanthi Sivasuthan and Sophie Norman all played solid games, with Sivanthi scoring three lay-ups in a row after some excellent rebounds in defence from Sophie Normas, Primrose Robinson and Isabelle Gilroy! Honourable mentions go to the Grade 5s on the team, Maddie Harrex and Olivia Downie, who played commendable offensive games! Abby Davey (coach)

Year 5 Blue – Saints 30 defeated Wilderness 24

A great win to start the season. Eleanor Humphrey (Captain), the best player of the match, shot the maximum number of points allowed by half-time and continued to be an excellent playmaker in the second half. Georgie Owler, in the best player list, also shot the maximum number of points. Helen Zhang, who was also one of the top players, continued to bring the ball down well and displayed great tactics. Charlotte McKee was good in defence and tenaciously shot a goal in the last minute of play. Annie Bui, Phoebe Black and Alicia Toh positioned well and demonstrated great teamwork. Samantha McKee (Coach).

Year 5 White – Saints 28 defeated Seymour 22

What a great start to the season by the White team. They played a fierce and fast-paced game, with Sophie Dansie (6 pts) and Emily Bryce (8 pts) working hard to make space to receive the ball and head for the basket. Willow Stewart-Rattray (6 pts) chased hard to prevent Seymour scoring on fast breaks and worked hard rebounding in attack. Grace Richards had great vision and, with long passing, allowed us to score. Monica Ceplitis (2 pts) played a strong game, taking the ball out of tight spots and driving hard into the key to shoot. Noa Goddard showed she is strong at defending and applying pressure to her opponents. Her hard work resulted in Seymour making errors and turning the ball over to Saints. Bridgette Leach (6 pts) provided great defence, making her opponents work hard for every possession, and was accurate in attack. Well done, girls – a good team game. Sharon Tocher-Leach (Coach)


Open A – Saints 1 defeated by Pembroke 4

The Open A soccer team had a disappointing loss to Pembroke on Wednesday afternoon. Despite a strong start, being 1-0 up in the first five minutes, Pembroke unfortunately managed to score some easy goals and the girls couldn’t manage to get the ball back up in attack. Special mention to the defence who played well and to Dominique Rigby for a great goal. Krystina Dianos (Soccer Captain)

Open B – Saints

Middle A – Saints 0 drew with Pembroke 0

Middle B – Saints 0 defeated by Wilderness 1

In a close contest Wilderness scored a lucky goal to decide the game. Saints impressed with their passing and support of each other, with many shots at goal created. It was good to see players moving into a position to receive the ball and the good sportsmanship shown was amazing. Although we lost, the girls came off with big smiles on their faces and I am proud of their effort. Taylor Garrett (Coach)

Year 7 – Saints 1 defeated by Seymour 5

The team got off to a slow start against a very aggressive Seymour team, and were down 3 nil at half-time. In the second half the girls showed more intensity, with Sophie Kameniar having a good game by working hard in the midfield and scoring the goal. Victoria Thorp and Amelia Provan were both excellent in goals. Hopefully, next game we can be more aggressive from the start. Peter Krantis (Coach)