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Swimming Carnival (Years 4-6)

Swimming Carnival (Years 7-12)

ELC Twilight Family Picnic

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Girls in Tech

Dad’s Night on the Green

Head of the River

Choral Night

Years 2 to 12 Music Day Camp

St Peter’s Cathedral Performance

ELC Coffee Van

Term 1 Concludes

eNews – Week 2, Term 2 2023

Issue no. 12Enews-banner

From Our Deputy Principal / Head of Middle School

Adelaide SchoolsParticipation in co-curricular activities is crucial to the holistic development of our students.

Co-curricular activities provide a platform for our students to explore their interests beyond the traditional academic setting. By engaging in activities such as sports, music, or debating, our students are given the opportunity to delve into their passions and cultivate their abilities in a supportive environment. These activities foster the growth of self-confidence, individual strengths and a sense of belonging within our school community.

Furthermore, research has demonstrated that co-curricular involvement can translate to academic success. By taking on extracurricular activities, students learn to manage their time more effectively, which can translate into better academic results. Additionally, co-curricular activities teach valuable skills such as collaboration, communication and problem-solving, which can be applied within the classroom setting and beyond.

Moreover, participation in co-curricular activities allows students to build their leadership capabilities and a sense of social responsibility. Through taking on leadership roles within these activities, students learn to delegate tasks, make decisions, and motivate others. Service-based activities can also cultivate empathy, compassion and a desire to make a positive impact within the wider community.

Finally, co-curricular activities offer a space for our students to engage in leisure activities and create fond memories with their peers. Such activities offer a sense of enjoyment and relaxation, which can be crucial for student wellbeing and stress relief.

I am delighted to see so many students have taken on the challenge (and fun) of being involved in this year’s School Musical, Matilda, and we are excited to see the fruits of their labour during ‘show week’ in early June. We also wish our many musicians and singers the best of luck as they head to Mt Gambier this week for the renowned Generations in Jazz festival – I know they will have an amazing time, and benefit from the joint commitment to excellence and each other that such performances demand.

These activities, along with our various winter sports and the start of the debating and public speaking season, provide numerous opportunities for personal growth, academic success, leadership development, service to the community and, importantly, a lot of fun!

Richard Lisle
Deputy Principal/Head of Middle School

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From Our Principal

After eight years of outstanding service, Head of Junior School Suzanne Haddy will bid farewell to Saints Girls at the end of the year. Suzanne has led with courage, creativity and compassion, placing our youngest learners at the heart of everything she does. Her wealth of knowledge and experience in primary years’ education, particularly in single-sex settings, has been of enormous benefit to our School.

Suzanne has overseen various Junior School initiatives, focusing on the provision of consistent, engaging and high-impact approaches to teaching and learning. This has resulted in enhanced literacy learning with the introduction of the Big Write and VCOP (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation), and an expert focus on THRASS (Teaching Handwriting, Reading And Spelling Skills). Other highlights include elevating and expanding our Mathematics offerings, cementing the ‘Mind Lab’ program where strategy board games support cognitive, social and emotional learning, and our School-funded 1:1 iPad program for Reception to Year 6 students, taking digital learning to the next level.

In addition, Suzanne has guided the development of our bespoke Junior School wellbeing platform, which this year has been complemented by the new URSTRONG friendship program. At the start of 2022, Suzanne also took stewardship of our Early Learners’ Centre with her passion for setting solid educational foundations and supporting children and families with the best transition from ELC to school.

Her dedication to staying at the forefront of junior years’ education has been evidenced by her commitment to quality staff professional development and access to world-leading research and resources, which has been amplified through her additional role as President of the Independent Primary School Heads of Australia (SA Branch).

Suzanne says, “I am extremely grateful for my time at Saints Girls. I work with highly dedicated and talented teachers who care deeply for the students in their care, and wonderful non-teaching and education support staff who are integral to the success and growth of the students and the School. Our students are a constant source of delight and joy, with their contagious enthusiasm, desire to learn and support for one another. Watching them develop and mature as they progress through the School is an absolute privilege. I am appreciative of our supportive, engaged and welcoming parent community and of the trust placed in the School to educate their children. Saints Girls is a truly special school that is rightly treasured greatly by its community.”

Suzanne will be pursuing new directions in her career and spending time following personal aspirations, and we wish her all the very best for the future. In the meantime, we look forward to her support with the recruitment of our next Head of Junior School and her continued leadership for the remainder of 2023.

Cherylyn Skewes

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Sports Day 2023 – Full Results



Page Shield
1st Kilburn (4287), 2nd Kennion (4164), 3rd Selwyn (3982), 4th Patteson (3586)
Junior Shield
1st Selwyn, 2nd Kilburn, 3rd Kennion, 4th Patteson
Middle Shield
1st Kilburn, 2nd Selwyn, 3rd Patteson, 4th Kennion
Senior Shield
1st Kennion, 2nd Kilburn, 3rd Selwyn, 4th Patteson

Spirit Cup


Aggregate Cups

Year 4: Gold – Poppy Davidson, Silver – Alyssia Moro/ Silver – Amber Guo
Year 5: Gold – Milli Richardson, Silver – Violet Tulloch, Bronze – Olivia Ianniello
Year 6: Gold – Emily Robinson, Silver – Matilda Purvis, Bronze – Charlotte Di Blasio/ Bronze – Ella King/ Bronze – Bonnie Qu
Year 7: Gold – Lucille Trengove, Silver – Lauren Disney/ Silver – Jess Woods
Year 8: Gold – India Goodall, Silver – Isla Fahey/ Silver – Phoebe Lucas
Year 9: Gold – Elodie de Wit/ Gold – Chloe Richardson, Bronze – Cleo Hart
Year 10: Gold – Malaika McLeod, Silver – Ava Field, Bronze – Tia Bowering
Year 11: Gold – Amelia Lucas, Silver – Alice Braithwaite, Bronze – Daisy Braithwaite
Year 12: Gold – Willow Stewart-Rattray, Silver – Chloe Porter, Bronze – Ruby Richards


Year 7 200m – Lucille Trengove (SEL) 27s 9ms
Year 10 1500m – Malaika McLeod (KEN) 5m 0s 38ms
Year 10 800m – Malaika McLeod (KEN) 2m 16s 85ms

Champion Athlete

Junior School: Milli Richardson
Middle School: Lucille Trengove
Senior School: Malaika McLeod

Field Champion

Junior Field Athlete: Poppy Davidson
Middle Field Athlete: Victoria Zou
Senior Field Athlete: Chloe Porter

Track Champion

Junior Track Athlete: Milli Richardson
Middle Track Athlete: Elodie de Wit
Senior Track Athlete: Malaika McLeod

St Peter’s Gift Winner:

Lucille Trengove

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Year 3 Museum

Our Year 3 girls are investigating ‘The ways in which history can be uncovered through different sources.’ As part of this inquiry, this week the girls visited the School Museum, under the helpful guidance of our School Archivist, Anne Daniell.

They marvelled at the old school uniforms, the beautiful copperplate handwritten school-books and the changes to the School over time. They enjoyed feeling a connection to the faces in photos from many years ago and the first-hand accounts of experiences of the Saints girls who walked before them.

It was a wonderful experience which sparked their curiosity and helped them place themselves in the bigger picture of our Saints history.

Monique McLeay and Sarah Mulraney
Year 3 Teachers

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Scholastic Book Club

Scholastic Book Club is back for Term 3 with a brand new issue and kid friendly format. This issue features new books from celebrated authors including Anh Do, Philip Bunting, Dav Pilkey, Aaron Blabey, Reece Carter and Skye McKenna. With over 450 books in this issue you are sure to find something! Scholastic are committing to lowering prices on new releases and including more heavily discounted titles.

Place your order via the Scholastic Australia LOOP website. If your child is in Year 7 and above please select class Year 7-12-McBride and enter the first name and full surname of your child.

To browse Issue 3 – click here

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Performing Arts Dinner – Book Now!

Performing Arts Captains, Amelie and Zara, and The Arts Faculty are thrilled to present the inaugural Performing Arts Dinner for 2023!

We invite you to this cocktail-style evening to celebrate our vibrant Performing Arts community, enjoy great food catered by ‘Little Adelaide Catering Company’ and fun music whilst hearing from a range of industry professional guest speakers.

If your daughter is involved in Dance, Drama or Music from Years 9 – 12 or is a part of the cast or crew of this year’s School Musical, Matilda, we would love to see you there.

Friday 26 May
6:30pm – 9:30pm
Arts Centre, St Peter’s Girls’ School
Cocktail Dress

Adult: $55 per ticket, includes food and complimentary drink on arrival
Student: $40 per ticket, includes food and unlimited soft drink
Book your tickets via TryBooking by Sunday 21 May, 9pm.

To secure your tickets – click here

Zacharia Henley and Zara Blight 
Performing Arts Captains

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Senior Drama Production – Book Now!

The Year 11 and 12 SACE Drama and IB Theatre students have been busily working on this year’s Senior Drama Production: Amelia Bradshaw Turns Eight.

Suitable for all ages, the play is a poignant comedy that explores the nature of human politics, growing up and the effect of the choices we make on who we become.

17 – 18 May

Arts Centre, St Peter’s Girls’ School 

To secure your tickets – click here

Michael Butler-Wills
Head of English/Drama Teacher

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Matilda School Musical – Book your Tickets Now!

In our biggest-ever School Musical, more than 100 Saints Girls are working hard on stage and behind the scenes as we countdown to Roald Dahl’s Matilda in Week 7.

Inspired by the twisted genius of Roald Dahl, with book by Dennis Kelly and original songs by Tim Minchin, Matilda the Musical explores the anarchy of childhood and the power of imagination through the inspiring story of a little girl who dreams of a better life. With high-energy dance numbers, catchy songs and unforgettable characters, Matilda will be a girl-power showcase of our fabulous singers, dancers, actors and musicians.

Matinee Performance: 8 June, 1pm
Evening Performances: 7, 8 & 9 June, 7pm
Arts Centre, St Peter’s Girls’ School 

To secure your tickets – click here

Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical
Book by Dennis Kelly
Music and Lyrics by Tim Minchin
Licensed exclusively by Music Theatre International (Australasia).
All performance materials supplied by Hal Leonard Australia.
Orchestrations and Additional Music – Chris Nightingale.

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Mobile Phone Policy Survey Reminder

Earlier this week our Mobile Phone Policy survey was sent to parents and teaching staff, as our policy for student use of mobile phones at school is now under review. We have already received a significant response rate and thank those of you who have taken the time to share your feedback.

The short survey will remain open until next Wednesday 10 May, and we encourage those of you who have not yet had the chance, to complete the survey via the direct link emailed to you. We look forward to reviewing the results.

Cherylyn Skewes

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COVID-19 Information

Please find the latest guidance from SA Health:

  • It is strongly recommended that students stay home if they have cold or flu-like
    symptoms, and test for COVID-19.
  • Whether they receive a positive or negative result, they should stay home until symptoms subside (usually five to seven days).
  • It is strongly recommended that parents/guardians inform the School if a student is a
    close contact. For further advice regarding close contacts, click here
  • While face masks are no longer mandated, they are an important physical barrier to help stop the spread of COVID, particularly when indoors.

If your child tests positive to COVID-19, please inform the School. Please also notify the School each day of absence, or provide the expected period of absence.

You can notify us via one of the following methods. Please include the name of the ELC Room, Class or Home Group. If emailing, feel free to ‘CC’ the teacher of the Room/Class/Home Group as well.

Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Text: 0428 601 957 (save to phone contacts as SPGS)

Phone: 8334 2200

For more SA Health information, click here

Please note that if your child is unwell, they should remain home until they have recovered, irrespective of the illness.

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School Medical Information Reminder

It is imperative that all medical information, including immunisations, is up to date on the School’s myLink parent portal.

Please follow this pathway to check and/or update details: myLink > Community Portal > My Details > select child name

If you have any questions, please email healthcentre@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

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School Shop Notice

School Shop Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 8am – 4pm (closed for lunch 12 – 12.30pm)

Parents can also order items via our Online School Shop. This is now accessible via the Flexischools platform which also administers our Online Tuck Shop. To sign in or sign up to Flexischools, click here

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Absences from School

If your child will not be attending school/ELC due to illness or otherwise, please notify the School via one of the methods below.

Please include the name of the ELC Room, Class or Home Group, along with the reason for the absence as the School requires this for government reporting purposes.

If emailing, feel free to ‘CC’ the teacher of the Room/Class/Home Group as well.

Text: 0428 601 957

Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Phone: 8334 2200

It would be appreciated if notifications could be made prior to 9am.

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Sports News

Junior School Basketball

Year 3/4 Blue: Saints (6) v Seymour (29)
Year 3/4 White: Saints (18) v Wilderness (46)

Junior School Netball

Year 4 Blue: Bye
Year 4 White: Bye
Year 5 Blue: Saints (6) v Wilderness (10)
Year 5 White: Saints (4) v Wilderness (10)
Year 5/6 Silver: Saints (26) v Pembroke (0)
Year 6 Blue: Saints (19) v Wilderness (6)
Year 6 White: Saints (2) v Wilderness (41)