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eNews – Week 2, Term 2 2019

Issue no. 13Enews-banner

Generations in Jazz – WINNERS!

W2 - Generations in Jazz

Saints Girls are still on a high after a remarkable showing at Generations in Jazz in Mount Gambier last weekend! Enchante won the Division 2 Vocal Ensemble, In-Ta Jazz claimed the Open Small Vocal Ensemble and Stage Band came 2nd in their category against 28 other schools! Congratulations also to Esperanza for placing 5th in Division 1 and to trumpeter Ellen Zhang for being named in the coveted ‘Superband’. Saints Girls was the top SA girls’ school in each division we competed in.

Here’s a first-hand account from Stage Band and Enchante member Marley Banham:

“Generations in Jazz is an amazing opportunity to see current and upcoming artists who have a broad range of experience in performing Jazz. Each year, James Morrison invites different international artists, and we get to hear the abilities of inspirational musicians live. 2019 brought out some of the more exquisite and unique instruments in Jazz including witnessing extraordinary organist Joey DeFrancesco and, from the Herbie Hancock Institute of Jazz, Roni Eytan playing the harmonica.

After the five hour bus ride and the night of the opening concert, we woke up early so we could get to the first event of the day: Stage Band. They performed their three pieces extremely well and placed joint 2nd, only one point away from 1st place in Division 3.1. This is the first time in 12 years that Stage Band has placed in the top 3 at Generations in Jazz and is a huge testament to the hard work of the girls and their director Miss Rounsevell. A special shout-out goes to Ellen Zhang (Year 11) who made it to the Division 3 Superband on Trumpet for the second time.

The next event for our School was Enchante, and the girls performed beautifully with Hannah’s solo a highlight. Enchante received an almost perfect score of 98 for the set piece The Kitchen Sink, and 99 for the chosen piece Home Again. This resulted in Enchante coming 1st in Division 2 – our third top 3 result in as many years.

Next was In-Ta Jazz in the Open Small Division. These girls in Years 7 and 8 competed against groups with students up to Year 12. This was their first time and the girls went up on stage and won! Their songs Whatcha Got! and Travellin’ Light were both given scores in the 90s which is extremely high, particularly for the adjudicators they were given.

Our last event, with Esperanza, was a sprint to get to, closely following In-Ta Jazz. The girls gave it their all in Division 1 Small Group and came in 5th which is amazing!

I would like to thank everyone for their outstanding efforts and I hope the girls who came for their very first time enjoyed it! It was also amazing to see Old Scholars coming to support us and it was special to see Chelsea McGuinness (Kilburn ’16) performing on stage as a very deserving Vocal Finalist in the James Morrison Scholarships. We wish her the best of luck in all her endeavours and look forward to hearing her sing with Concert Band in our upcoming Cabaret on 24 May. I hope the future years at Generations bring everyone great joy.”


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From the Deputy Principal / Head of Senior School

“I am stressed, and that is okay.”

Kate Mortimer“I am stressed” is one of the most common expressions heard in schools. Most often, this is expressed by students (also, at times, teachers) and it does tend to increase in regularity when exams or tests are approaching, when assignments or assessments are due, when marks are returned or homework not completed.

It is also a common expression for students who tend to err on the side of disorganisation, and let tasks build up throughout the term, resulting in the inevitable experience of having multiple tasks due with a finite and unattainable amount of time left to complete them. This is not always a bad thing (running out of time), and the lessons learnt through such experiences can result in changed behaviours. Throughout school, stress can also be associated with fractures in friendship groups, starting conversations with teachers, asking for help, illness, disagreements with peers or parents, and the inevitability of, at times, taking ownership of a mistake that one has made.

But as a School, our priority is that the girls receive the message that stress is a normal part of life and feeling stressed is okay. It is not something to view in an entirely negative light, to be protected from during school years, or something we should attempt to avoid at all costs. Rather, it is a topic that we need to re-visit and examine on a regular basis. We need our girls to be okay with being stressed. We need our girls to be able to tolerate the feeling of discomfort that comes from stress, and ultimately, we need them to make use of a range of strategies to manage their stress levels. Stress does not disappear when school ends, and the potential of each of our girls will only increase if their ability to accept and manage stress is worked upon.

This year, stress management is again a focus in 7 – 12 #EMPOWHER sessions, and I encourage you to talk with your daughters about the tools they have covered recently. I spoke with the girls about stress last week and reminded them that the words that follow “I am” follow you. The first step to managing stress is recognising it is normal and our own self-talk is a sensible place to start. I am stressed, and that is okay.

#EMPOWHER outlines for Term 2 can be viewed here.


The Years 11 and 12 Formal is tomorrow night, and I thank the girls for the maturity they have demonstrated leading up to the event. It is indeed a fantastic evening and I am confident that this year will be thoroughly enjoyed by students and staff. I must thank the staff who are giving up their Saturday night to attend; without their supervision, the School would not be able to host this event.

A formal is not without concerns on behalf of the School, and the most common concern of all schools is the consumption of alcohol. A reminder that the School does not support the provision of alcohol to students, and we do appreciate the assistance of our parents pre and post event in this regard.

Kate Mortimer
Deputy Principal / Head of Senior School

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Recipe for Success – Year 11 Nutrition Outing

Ever dreamt of cooking in a MasterChef-style kitchen? That dream came true this week for the Year 11 Nutrition students, who had their very own MasterChef experience.

The day started with a tasting tour of the Adelaide Central Market, where students sampled the unique range of local produce on offer. It was then off to Sprout Cooking School, where MasterChef runner-up, Callum Hann, and his team of dieticians inspired the students with a cooking presentation. In MasterChef style, students paired up to recreate the meal, with each pair modifying elements of the recipe for specific dietary needs. Check out the video of the day and watch as our students chop, slice and dice their way through the kitchen!

Christopher Carey
Science Teacher

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Top Honours for our Terrific Teachers


Liz Sandercock, Year 1 Teacher:

“At a reception at Government House this week to acknowledge the work of professional associations within teaching, I was unexpectedly presented with a ‘Service Award for Excellence to the Educators SA’ by the Governor of South Australia. It was awarded ‘in recognition of all you have done and continue to contribute to the life of EdSA since its inception in 1995.’ (Chair EDSA Board)

I was asked to join the board of EdSA in 2010 as an adjunct to my work with EChO. I joined the Early Childhood Organisation in 1982 when I returned from teaching in the country as I was keen to keep abreast of trends and issues within my field, teaching 5 – 8 year olds. In 2019, I celebrate my 20th year at Saints Girls. Prior to this, I worked in a number of Education Department Junior Primary and Primary Schools in the city and country. During those 20 years, I was fortunate to experience a variety of roles both within schools and on secondment, such as the six months I spent on the Education Review Unit, 18 months coordinating a national project implementing the ‘new’ curriculum, and various leadership positions. In amongst all this, I found time to marry Tim, and have Michael and Alice. Their understanding and support has enabled me to pursue my professional opportunities for which I am truly grateful.

By accepting a three-term contract to teach Year 3 offered by Anne Mitchell at Saints Girls all those years ago, I had a chance to revisit the joy of exclusively focusing on teaching a class of girls and I realised this was what I truly wanted to do. So here I am 20 years later.

I continue to have a rich and varied professional life. My participation in professional learning continues to be an important part of my philosophy and practice which, combined with my accrued experience of working with young children, keeps me motivated to do my best for the students in my care.”

W2 - Award

Thomas Barclay, Science Teacher:

“This week’s reception at Government House recognised the work of the associations and award winners from last year’s Educators SA (CEASA) World Teachers’ Day ceremony. I received the award for the best student completing a teaching degree at the University of Adelaide in 2018.

So, obviously I am a new teacher and my teaching background includes mostly casual work and some filling in at university as a post-graduate student and researcher, my teaching placements, a small amount of relief teaching after I was registered at the end of last year, and this year at St Peter’s Girls’ School.

For 10 years after finishing high school, I worked in hospitality, retail and logistics in Australia, Scotland, Canada and Japan. While the travel and work were fun, I wanted the opportunity to do something more meaningful, and so a started a Bachelor of Science in Nanotechnology, graduating with Honours in 2006. After that, I worked conducting scientific research, being awarded a PhD in 2012 for my investigations into self-assembled nanotubes. I also was employed on a range of other research projects including developing biodiesel additives, synthesising anti-fouling coatings for filtration membranes and investigating the structural properties of polysaccharide particles used in vaccine formulations. I also developed methods to exploit this vaccine adjuvant as a drug delivery vehicle. Despite my passion for science and success in research, I missed the student engagement from the tutoring and lab demonstrating I did as a post-graduate student, and so trained to become a teacher.”

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Music to the Ears for Young Composers

W2 - Songwriting

Last year, Monika Ceplitis, Stella Rasheed and Alicia Toh entered their pop song Take Me Away into the Young Composers Award competition and won Best Pop Song in the R – 7 category.

We are excited to announce that their song has now been selected to be included on the Young Composers Award 2018 CD!

The song was written during the girls’ Year 7 music classes and recorded on their iPads. This wonderfully catchy tune was chosen from many entries to be on the CD, and copies can be ordered from the Music Office.

Well done girls!

Robyn Habel
Music Teacher

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Want to Learn More About the IB?

W1 - Information Evening

A special information night is being held on Tuesday 21 May where IB Diploma Coordinator Carolyn Farr will introduce and explain the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme to interested members of the community.

During this hour-long session, Carolyn will outline the structure of the programme, subject options, how it is assessed and what types of students are well suited to IB. She will share some recent statistics and research, and perhaps even dispel a few myths. You will also have an opportunity to hear from graduates and current IB students.

The event starts at 6pm in our Middle School. Students are encouraged to attend, and members of the public are also welcome.

In the meantime, watch this video for a taste of IB at Saints Girls:

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Saints in Style – An Evening of Music

W1 - Saints in Style 2

Come celebrate ‘in Style’ the achievements of our current Music students and celebrated Old Scholar musicians on Friday 24 May.

Featuring violinist Sophie Rowell (Kilburn ’92), Concertmaster with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, and talented vocalists Emma Kavanagh (Kilburn ’14), Erin McKellar (Patteson ’13), Chelsea McGuinness (Kilburn ’16) and Meena De Silva (Kilburn ’13), plus many of our highly-acclaimed Jazz vocal ensembles fresh from their adventures in Mount Gambier at Generations in Jazz. Also making appearances, Concert Choir and Junior Choir, senior bands including Concert Band and Stage Band, as well as Extension and Senior Strings. The compère for the evening will be Leah McLeod (Kilburn ’88).

Purchase tickets via www.trybooking.com/BCGLG and don’t forget to add a cheese platter and bottle of wine to support the Friends of The Arts’ fundraising. Tables of 10 or single tickets in the tiered seating at the top of the Arts Centre auditorium.

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Seat of Encouragement – Style a Tile

W2 - Science

Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to make your mark on our new Science Centre.

Purchase and personalise a tile for our ‘Seat of Encouragement’ and leave a legacy for generations of Saints Girls. Many tiles also include inspiring quotes to further empower our girls.

Secure your tile via www.trybooking.com/BARQD.

If you require more information or have any constructive feedback to add value to achieving our collective goal, please don’t hesitate to contact Melissa Westgate on 8334 2244 or mwestgate@stpetergirls.sa.edu.au.

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Saints Girls Now on Instagram!

W1 Instagram Banner

The School is proud to launch our newest social media offering to celebrate our fantastic community.

We look forward to sharing exciting images and cutting-edge videos showcasing life at Saints Girls. Be a part of the action and follow us via @stpetersgirlsschool

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Gravity-Defying Workshop

W2 - Drama

‘Gravity and Other Myths’ is an Adelaide-based physical theatre and circus company that has achieved success in Australia and around the world. Last term, the Year 9 Drama classes saw their performance Out of Chaos as part of the Adelaide Festival. On Tuesday, two members of the company, Dylan and Triton, conducted a workshop for the Year 9 Drama and Dance students to inspire their devised work this term. The girls learned some heart-stopping acrobatic moves and were introduced to different ways of creating and choreographing movement. I can’t wait to see how the girls ‘challenge the myth of gravity’ in their upcoming pieces!

Katherine Kitching
Drama Teacher

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Remembrance from a Different Front

W2 - Guest Speaker2Last week’s eNews included an article about our School’s participation in Kensington RSL’s Anzac Day dawn service and how students drew meaning from commemoration and the significance of remembrance.

At the assembly to begin Term 2, students and staff were privileged to hear an entirely different perspective on military service from our guest speaker, award-winning journalist, broadcaster and author, Dr Sharon Mascall-Dare. After working for the BBC, the ABC and The Age, Dr Mascall-Dare completed a PhD researching media coverage of the Anzac story and has subsequently dedicated her career to sharing veterans’ stories as a communications strategist and Public Affairs Officer in the Australian Army Reserve. Today, she is Chair of veterans’ employment support organisation StoryRight, helping hundreds of veterans share their stories as they make the difficult transition to civilian life.

It was Dr Mascall-Dare’s experience two years ago with the Australian Army in the Battle for Mosul which motivated her to create StoryRight. Her experiences have seen her view commemorative events like Anzac Day from a compelling and much-needed contemporary perspective. Here are some extracts from her speech:

It might surprise you to know that lots of soldiers have trouble getting jobs when they leave the Defence Force. A lot of employers assume they’ve got PTSD or they’re going to be very ‘shouty’ or bossy. But that’s just not true. They’re ordinary people who’ve seen and done extraordinary things. And they have skills – skills that matter and can make a big difference in the civilian world.

In Iraq, we’d told the stories of lots of soldiers to get the news out about what they were doing. So when I got home, I decided to set up StoryRight to keep that work going, and give young men and women some help in telling their story if they wanted to leave defence and work in the civilian world. I got some other veterans to help me and we launched StoryRight early last year. And we held our first workshop.

And so ladies, this Anzac Day, my message is that we need to remember and support our living veterans…Remembrance is important – I’m not questioning that – but, as we remember the dead, let’s not forget the living…

As you complete your schooling and go out in the world, I suggest to you that remembering means more than memory. It means giving veterans a fair go when you become employers and decision makers – supporting the living who’ve sacrificed so much to keep us safe and defend the values that our country stands for.

Special thanks to Old Scholar Rebecca Van Reesema (Patteson ’04) from Veterans SA for putting me into contact with Dr Mascall-Dare and for being our guest on the day.

More information on StoryRight can be found here: https://www.storyright.org/

Gregor Dingwall
Head of Humanities

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Class Act – Inspiring a Passion for Performance

W2 - SHTheatre and performing have always been a huge part of my life – from Drama productions at school to studying theatre in Adelaide with the John Edmund Theatre Company and at university, and modelling for different agencies in my younger years. TV commercials and ‘bit parts’ in movies and TV shows were a huge part of my life in the 1980s, and I have rekindled this part of my acting career in a recent SBS TV series and various commercials. My true love and passion, however, is still live theatre – both musicals and plays. I audition regularly for shows and, throughout my acting career, have performed in the Festival Theatre, Her Majesty’s Theatre, Arts Theatre and various other venues around Adelaide.

I share this love of theatre also in my teaching. Any girl in my class will tell you I’m a total ‘Drama Queen’, but, over the years, I have taught secondary Drama and have directed many musicals and plays in various schools. One of my absolute joys is directing the Year 5 Production here at Saints and being able to bring my own personal experience with me. Over the past nine years, I have directed many shows here. Two particular favourites would be The Pirates of Penzance and The Lion King JR.

This year, we will be performing Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. I am passionate about making these Year 5 Productions as professional as possible and, to this end, we run auditions and rehearsals just like they would be in a professional show. The girls respond well to this and I know there are many girls in older years who still talk fondly about their Year 5 experience.

Currently, I am a lead cast member in an upcoming comedy production for Galleon Theatre Company, and in October, will be performing for the University Theatre Guild in a serious play where the roles of 17 year olds will be played by 50-somethings. I am so excited about both productions.

If you would like to come and see me perform in Moving Mountains over the next fortnight, you can book here!

Shelley Hampton
Junior School Wellbeing Coordinator / Year 5 Teacher

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Women in STEM Breakfast – Student Invitation (Years 10 – 12)

W10 - Women in STEM Breakfast Invite

Thursday 23 May from 8 – 10.30am

Is breakfast your favourite meal of the day? Are you interested in Science, Technology, Engineering and/or Mathematics? If you are in Years 10 – 12 and would like to know more about what a career in STEM looks like whilst enjoying a tasty, nutritious breakfast, then the Women in STEM Breakfast is for you! Hear from passionate and successful women from a range of industries. Key speakers include:

Sarah Brown: Co-Founder of ‘Code Like a Girl’
Dr Kristin Alford: Director of the Museum of Discovery (MOD)
Dr Bronwyn Hajek: Senior Lecturer in Mathematics at UniSA

Enjoy a morning of food, breakfast beverages and chatting about where your interests could lead.

Thursday 23 May from 8 – 10.30am in the Arts Centre at St Peter’s Girls’ School.

Visit www.trybooking.com/BCALF to secure your place.

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Piano Eisteddfod at St Peter’s Girls

W9 - Piano Eisteddfod

The St Peter’s Girls’ Piano Eisteddfod is a great opportunity for piano players of all ages and skill levels to perform a piece of music in front of an audience on our beautiful grand piano.

Between 12.15 and 3pm on Monday 27 May, entrants will be given a time to come to MB120 and perform their prepared piece. Parents and friends are welcome to watch this performance. Girls will be given written feedback as well as a participation certificate.

From the Eisteddfod, 10 girls will be selected, representing each year level, to perform at an evening recital on Thursday 6 June. At this performance, we are lucky enough to have secured David Goodwin to be our special guest performer. He is a fine musician who is sure to inspire our developing piano players.

I look forward to hearing all our wonderful piano players performing their favourite work at our Eisteddfod.

Entry forms are available from the Arts Office, with entries closing at the end of Week 3.

Sally Rounsevell
Director of Music

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2019 School Immunisation Program

Second visit reminder RE Years 10 and 11 students

2nd visit for Year 10 students – Meningococcal B & Meningococcal ACWY
2nd visit for Year 11 students – Meningococcal B

Eastern Health Authority (EHA – www.eha.sa.gov.au) will be visiting the School on 24 May to administer the second dose of Meningococcal B vaccines for Years 10 and 11, and first (only) dose of Meningococcal ACWY for Year 10 students where consent has been provided.

If any information you gave on the original consent form has changed, please inform EHA’s immunisation staff before the date of vaccination on 8132 3600.

Please notify us if:

• your child has already had the second Men B vaccine with another provider
• you wish to withdraw your consent
• your child’s medical condition has changed

If, for some reason, you did not receive a consent form and wish for your child to be vaccinated, please ask for one at the School’s Front Office, or contact EHA on 8132 3600.

Remember: it is your responsibility to advise EHA of any change in the information on the consent form, in particular, your child’s medical condition. A signed and dated note presented on the day of immunisation from a parent or guardian in your child’s diary is acceptable.

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School Shop Online

A reminder to parents that the School Shop has an online facility available for your convenience. To access this service, go to the myLink parent portal or click here.

You can select the products you need and check out with either your PayPal account or credit card. Orders are then sent through to the School Shop for processing on the next available working day.

You will receive an email when your order is ready for collection.

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125 Gala Ball – Tickets Selling Fast!

W8 - 125 Gala Ball

Our 125th anniversary Gala Ball is shaping up to be a spectacular evening.

Highlights will include a delicious three course meal, premium beverages and fantastic live entertainment by leading party band The Cast, as well as our own talented student performers.

When: 6.30pm, Saturday 19 October 2019
Venue: William Magarey Room, Adelaide Oval
Dress: Black Tie

Tickets: $150 per person; tables of 10

Book now via www.trybooking.com/ZZGY or 8334 2225

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Entertainment Book

W7 - Entertainment Book

The St Peter’s Girls’ Parents’ and Friends’ Association is fundraising via Entertainment Book/Digital Membership.

Pre-order the NEW 2019 | 2020 Entertainment Membership and receive bonus offers you can use right away.

Purchase your membership here!

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Sports News

W2 - Sports News 2


Grace Stevens (Year 6) has been selected to represent South Australia at the School Sport National Soccer Championships to be held in Canberra from 25 to 30 August. Well done Grace!


Best of luck to Lauren Pearce (Year 6) who will represent South Australia at the School Sport National Swimming Championships in Melbourne from 31 July to 2 August.


Congratulations to Nicolette Miller (Year 12) Saskia Jonats (Year 10), Stephanie Smalls (Year 10) and Emily Baldwinson (Year 9) who have been selected to represent SA in the Interstate Water Polo Championships. Emily will compete in the U14 team in Brisbane, with Saskia and Nicolette contesting the 18 and under. Steph will be travelling to Sydney in July as a member of the 16 and under team.


Open A – Saints 6 defeated Wilderness 0
Open B – Saints 4 defeated Wilderness 2
Open C1 – Saints 2 defeated by Wilderness 4
Open C2 – Saints 3 defeated by Wilderness 3
Open D – Saints 4 defeated Wilderness 2
Open E – Saints 2 defeated by Wilderness 7


Open A – Saints 1 defeated by Trinity 2
The Open As played our annual pre-season cup game against Trinity College. Our defence performed very well and was vital in holding off the opposition’s strong attacking players. Siena Kulinski played a great first game as goal keeper. We had many scoring opportunities and our strikers were very aggressive in the circle, allowing us to score a goal. Well done to all of our girls who played their first game in the As and congratulations to Charlotte Creek who won best player, which was awarded by Trinity. As the overall trophy is determined by the aggregate score and it was tied, the trophy will be carried over to the next time the two teams meet later in the year. – Olivia Goldsmith (Captain)

Open B – Saints 1 defeated Trinity 0
The team had a few girls who had never played before but you could not tell once the game started. The connections and defensive work were impressive. Great goalkeeping by Alice Reid, with the game at 0-0 at the end of the half. The second half stepped up, putting more pressure on Trinity, while our defence kept their attack to a minimum with a great performance by new players Siena Kulinski and Tilly McCormack. The girls formed a great play, resulting in Emily Whittaker scoring the winning goal. The season looks bright for Saints. – Will Stapleton (Coach)


Under 13 – Saints 14 defeated Wilderness 5
The girls were victorious in their opening round against Wilderness. In a highly successful collaborative game which demonstrated our great teamwork, each player was able to assist either through strong defence, speed through the midfield, or effective passing down the line. Special mention to goalkeeper Emily Bates who did an excellent job. Ashlyn May, Zoe Pool, Savannah Walls and Alannah Godfrey also played well in attack, scoring 14 goals, with many more close attempts! Next time, we will focus on stronger defence tactics and setting up our defensive play. Congratulations on a wonderful first game, looking forward to coaching in the coming weeks and building up this talented team’s skills. – Sophie Auricht (Captain)

Under 11 Blue – Saints 0 defeated by Wilderness 8
For the first match of the season, the girls began well and worked together as a team. Amelia Lively (Year 3) ran hard with the ball and passed long to girls in attack to help move the ball quickly. All of the girls’ ground balls, especially Matilda Birmingham’s (Year 3) were good and it was great to see them never giving up. It was Heidi Godfrey’s (Year 3) first game and she did well at keeping her defender occupied. At half time, the girls needed to work on running more with the ball and sticking to players in defence. Lilly Meo (Year 3) was good in attack as she looked for open players to pass too. Our goalies, Ruby Kelly (Year 3) and Chelsea Francis (Year 3), were fantastic at stopping goals. Despite the score, the girls showed some great skill and fought their hardest. Best players were Amelia Lively and Chelsea Francis. – Lucy Martin (Coach)

Under 11 White – Saints 7 defeated North Adelaide 5
It was great to see how this team worked so well together, including our new players Eliza Burmester and Enya Ouyong (both Year 4), who jumped into the fray from the first whistle. With no subs, the team played with great heart, speed, and professionalism, which frustrated North Adelaide. Saints were more disciplined in their game play, which gave them the win they deserved. Goal scorers were Claris Stolcman (Year 3) with 5 goals, and Tilly Wilkin (Burnside Year 4) and Enya Ouyang with 1 goal each. Special mention goes to our goalkeeper this week, Neela (Year 3), in her first lacrosse game ever, for her steadfast defence for the whole game! Every girl out there contributed to this win. Congratulations. – Courtney Tasker (Coach)


Open A – Saints 70 defeated St Ignatius 40
The girls played a trial game which was a good first outing considering a new line up for the season with Maggie Bailey, Sarah Wishart, Alexia Politis and Ehi Oyugbo joining the team. All players used good defensive pressure, forcing errors and turning over the ball many times. They executed short, sharp and smart passing down the court, with Alexia and Maggie showing great patience throwing the ball to Sivi Sivasuthan and Nikki Miller in the ring. The shooters worked well together, rebounding all missed shots and playing with confidence. The defensive unit was outstanding across the court. Best players were Maggie and Ehi for their consistent efforts. This was a true example of a team game and an individual effort by every player. The girls should be extremely proud and excited to see what the season holds. – Sivi Sivasuthan (Captain)

Open B – Saints 35 defeated St Ignatius 14
An amazing first game of the season. The girls played smoothly and cohesively together despite previously never playing as a team. Ella Waltham and Tesse Parker worked the ball into the goal ring really well, hardly missing a shot. The centre court was strong in defence and attack. I was so impressed with the girls’ efforts and am looking forward to the rest of the season! – Eve Habel

Open C – Saints 23 defeated St Ignatius 28
The team had a great first match. The first half was goal-for-goal ending the second quarter 12-12. Then, the team had a fantastic third quarter, scoring 6-3. The girls worked hard, using the feedback given and finished the match winners by 5 goals. They put in great effort and teamwork throughout the whole match and we look forward to continuing to improve each week – Jess Keough (Coach)

Open D – Saints defeated by St Ignatius
The girls had a tough game but they fought hard until the end and never gave up. Only having one shooter, Paris stepped up for the team to play a position she wasn’t accustomed to, and was able to put a couple of goals on the board for us. I look forward to working with the girls this season and improving each week. – Elena Vaananen (Coach)

Open E1 (Year 12) – Saints 33 defeated St Ignatius 19
The Year 12 E teams had a cracking start to the season, pulling off two wins, both with only six players. The first game had a lot of rotation around the court, showing promising options for the season. Game 2 showed signs of real team spirit backing every player across the whole court. Defensive pressure from both teams was pleasing and was rewarded on the scoreboard. Looking forward to more success throughout the season. – Steph Lee (Coach)

Open E2 (Year 12) – Saints 24 defeated St Ignatius 18

Year 9A – Saints 23 defeated St Ignatius 16
The girls had a fantastic start to the season, winning the trial match against St Ignatius. After a number of trainings together to understand how each other plays, it shows this will be a brilliant team! Charlie Fishlock stood out through the mid-court and worked well in facilitating the approach the girls would take in getting the ball into attack. I look forward to the season and can’t wait to see the girls improve their skills further. Well done to the whole team! – Emily Wishart

Year 9B – Saints 24 defeated St Ignatius 21
It was a great start to the season with our first win. The girls looked strong as a team and worked well when put in different combinations. Dayna Petruzzella and Ella Dnistriansky had an outstanding game and were very successful with their goals. I look forward to seeing the girls improve and develop throughout the season. Well done to all! – Amy Wishart (Coach)

Year 9/10C – Saints
The Cs came out and played so well together as a team and we were rewarded with a win! This is amazing as they had only trained together once. They played strong and fair netball and their teamwork is to be commended. I look forward to seeing how they develop even further! – Merridy Nicholls (Coach)

Year 8A – Saints 52 defeated St Ignatius 0
Although this was the first game of the season, it was impressive how well all players worked together as a team. Saints Girls put in amazing effort throughout the whole game. All aspects were really strong, especially our defensive pressure. We turned over the ball consistently, maintaining possession, due to skillful intercepts and taps. Taking on feedback from the Coach, having a positive spirit and communicating well on court throughout the 12-minute quarters contributed to the team’s overall success. Definitely a well-deserved result. – Maddie Harrex

Year 8B – Saints 35 defeated St Ignatius 12
The girls had a strong start to the season with a win. They worked well as a team, moving the ball into the goal ring with both Georgie Owler and Charlotte Staples finishing it off with outstanding goals. – Nikola Carr

Year 8C – Saints 31 defeated St Ignatius 30
The girls held on to defeat St Ignatius and played an outstanding game! I set the girls in positions to challenge them and place them outside of their comfort zone, and I was very impressed at their approach and how positive they were about trying new positions. I will continue to change up the positions throughout the season, as a challenge can always help with exploring new options. The girls played a fantastic game and I can’t wait to see how they grow over the term. Best players were Lucy Schirripa who tried out and succeeded in WD, and Lydia Tolley who played an awesome game in the circle shooting goals. Congratulations girls! – Lulu Tierney (Coach)

Year 7A – Saints 18 defeated by St Ignatius 20
It was a slow start but the girls showed significant improvement throughout the game. They displayed outstanding resilience, making it difficult for their opponents. The girls went down by 2 goals which shows the quality of the competition. Claudia Pearce demonstrated great leadership as Captain and Charlie Piper showed incredible versatility being thrown into both shooting and circle defence. I am extremely excited for the season ahead and believe the girls are going to be a force to be reckoned with. – Gemma Rowe (Coach)

Year 7B – Saints 6 defeated by St Ignatius 14
The team played a great game  for the first match of the 2019 season. Ayla Blaskett, Marcella Tolley and Ruby Powell all scored, and Stephanie Andrejewskis and Olivia Oakes worked hard in ring defence. Our mids used their speed and accuracy to move the ball down the court smoothly. Special mention must go to Charlie Edwards who played her first game in Centre, doing a fantastic job! The girls played with integrity and determination but, eventually, it was Ignatius who took home the win. A fabulous first game back, and I look forward to the coming season! – Charlotte Parker

Year 7C – Saints 3 defeated by St Ignatius 34
The first game was challenging as some of the girls had never played before but everyone put in 100% effort and gave it a go. I am excited to see the improvement and progress of the girls over the season! Best players were Zoe Graves and Hope Sanders-Wills. – Zoe Duncan (Coach)

Year 6 Blue – Saints on camp

Year 6 White – Saints on camp

Year 5 Blue – Saints 7 defeated by Seymour Green 21
The girls should be so proud of their efforts this week. Despite playing a very strong and experienced team, the girls played with enthusiasm and encouragement for one another. This was the first game they had played together and I am confident that we will all learn more about how we will work together as a team as the season goes on. Congratulations to Adjoa Yawson who played tirelessly in defence with what seemed like an unending supply of energy! – Rebecca Scott-Toms (Coach)


Open A – Saints 0 defeated by Wilderness 4, Saints 1 drew with Seymour 1
This week, the Open A squad played both Wilderness and Seymour in a pre-season carnival. It was great to see all the girls playing together for the first time as a team. Unfortunately, we got off to a rough start, losing to Wilderness 0-4. Emily Downie played in goals for the first time and did a great job!

After a pep talk from our Coach, the girls were ready and fired up for the second game against Seymour. We stepped up and played with strength, confidence and composure, resulting in a 1-all draw. The first goal came from a free kick outside of the 18-yard. After the ball was kicked through the wall of Seymour players, Isabella Villani followed it in, dodging the goalie and finishing beautifully. We had another great fill-in goalie, Millie Wilkin, who saved countless goals. The back four defended strongly, especially Adele Russell, who was playing her first ever soccer game! Lucy Benn was very composed in the midfield, tackling the opposition and weaving through skillfully when in possession of the ball. We had some great runs in the forward line from Isabella Villani, Chloe Deieso and Ashley Piper. We definitely improved in our second game and put into practice the skills that we’ve been focusing on in our past two trainings. Looking forward to a great season ahead! – Ellie Anderson (Captain)

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