Issue no. 13
From the Head of the Middle School
It was great to connect with parents at the Strategic Planning Forums at the end of last term, as well as at Parent-Teacher evenings in Week 1. One of the joys of working in a community such as ours is that parents are happy to offer constructive feedback and ask useful questions, as well as seeking help from our expert team of class, subject and Home Group teachers.
Having spoken to the Middle School Home Group teachers after Parent-Teacher interviews, and after they had also spoken to their students about the results of the Student Surveys taken last term, it was clear that a few common themes have developed. The most common ones were about clarity and advice with relation to homework expectations, tutoring and sleep.
In the Middle School we operate a homework timetable which all students have access to via Canvas, our online learning management system. Canvas also provides each student with a calendar, in which homework and assignment details are displayed as a result of having been set by the teaching staff. As students progress through Middle School, the length of homework gradually increases.
- Year 7 : 60 minutes (divided between 3 or 4 subjects)
- Year 8 : 80 minutes
- Year 9 : 100 minutes
Students are encouraged by their Home Group teacher to reflect upon the work they complete in their diary, so they are able to discuss with their teacher what they found easy, hard, or unable to complete in the allotted time. Parental support in making sure students are not spending excessive time on each task is extremely useful so that our students learn to work efficiently with regard to success criteria or rubrics, whilst also helping to prevent the onset of unhelpful perfectionistic tendencies.
This week all students were shown how to book a before or after school tutorial session with one of our excellent recent Old Scholar tutors, using an online booking facility. Parents, students and teachers are reporting that this service is helping to transform the learning habits and outcomes for students, and I encourage parents to discuss the potential benefits of accessing this service with their daughters. We all sometimes need some extra support, feedback from a different source, or the challenge of questioning from a different viewpoint.
Experts recommend that school age children regularly need between 8 and 12 hours sleep a night to remain healthy, develop well and function effectively and efficiently (depending on their age). Sleep is crucial to allow students to face the intellectual, physical and emotional challenges that being an adolescent at school provides. Much recent research has also shown the detrimental effect on the production of the sleep-inducing chemical, melatonin, that the so called ‘blue light’ emitted from screens has, especially those held close to the eyes, such as phones and tablets. Many parents enforce a ‘screen free’ period before bedtime, which has many positive consequences. Apart from allowing the body to produce melatonin more effectively, time away from screens also allows us to relax, become less stimulated, and ready ourselves for sleep. Having a rule that personal electronic devices should not be charged in bedrooms, but in a central visible place in the house, also ensures that our young people can ‘switch off’ not only from school work, but also from their connected world. Updates, notifications, iMessages and social media postings late at night can not only be distracting, but can sometimes cause anxiety, which then has an impact upon sleep.
We have a dedicated, compassionate and knowledgeable team of Middle School Home Group teachers who are happy to discuss these or any other concerns that you may have, however small you think they might be. Nicole Letch, our School Psychologist, also regularly consults with parents on a range of issues, including organisation difficulties, anxiety, friendship issues and teenage ‘boundary pushing’.
I look forward to seeing many of you in person this term either at formal school events, or on the side of a sporting venue, when I’d be keen to hear any feedback you may have about the issues raised here, or any other aspect of the Middle School.
Richard Lisle
Musical success at Generations in Jazz!
On Friday 6 May, 28 of our talented young music students travelled to Mount Gambier to participate in the annual Generations in Jazz Music Festival. This festival is the largest of its kind in Australia, bringing together schools from every State to celebrate jazz, and to experience the finest professional musicians in the genre from Australia and overseas. This year was bigger than ever with over 271 bands and vocal ensembles, and a total of 107 schools involved. All in all, over 3700 students participated in the competition section of the festival. Feature artists for concerts and workshops included James Morrison, The Idea of North, Australian music icon, Kate Ceberano, renowned New York vocalist and trombonist, Wycliffe Gordon, and the North Texas One O’clock Lab Band, who have received 6 Grammy nominations and made more than 60 albums.
St Peter’s Girls competed in both the band and choir competitions, with Enchante achieving 1st place in their division and awarded $1000 in prize money. Of very exciting note was the placement of our newly formed jazz vocal quartet who ranked 4th in a field of 35 choirs and received an Honourable Mention and special congratulations from very impressed adjudicators. Head Chorister, Chelsea McGuinness, won the most promising jazz vocalist award and was given $1500 to contribute to professional development activities to pursue her career in singing. The stage band performed particularly professionally and, as with every year, once again improved upon their ranking within their division.
Here is what our students had to say:
“Having never been to Generations In Jazz, I had no idea what to expect. When we arrived at the site for the first concert, I was incredibly excited to see who would be performing, and I was blown away by the overwhelming talent of professionals such as James Morrison, Wycliffe Gordon and The Idea Of North. Sunday’s workshop included the opportunity to work with Kaichiro Kitamura, a Japanese vocal percussionist, which was incredibly entertaining and gave us enormous insight into the extremely difficult art of vocal percussion. Over the course of the weekend, the music I heard was absolutely incredible, and I can safely say I discovered a new love of jazz music.” –
Laura Bleby
“Generations in Jazz was an incredible experience for all the girls involved. The sheer amount of talent evident across the weekend was inspiring. As Year 8 vocalist and trombonist, Isabelle Norman, said, “It was the best thing I’ve ever seen!” I am so lucky and privileged to have had the opportunity to attend this festival for eight years, and all the staff and students involved this year made for an incredible final year. I cannot thank Miss Rounsevell, Mrs Noble, Ms Nicole Bates and Old Scholar, Erin McKellar, enough for making this incredible experience a reality for the girls.” – Amelia French
“Being in my final year of competing in Generations in Jazz, I found myself reflecting upon this incredible and invaluable experience, through which I have learned so much about Jazz. I would strongly encourage future girls to seize this amazing opportunity when offered to them, as I can guarantee that this event will allow you to explore and improve your understanding and abilities, and instil within you an underlying respect for what is such an influential genre within Music.” – Chelsea McGuinness
Sari Noble
Book now! ELC Art Exhibition: The Rights of the Child
The St Peter’s Girls community is invited to attend the Early Learners’ Centre Art Exhibition for 2016: The Rights of the Child.
Our launch celebration will be held in the evening on Wednesday 25 May and we hope parents can join us for what will be an enjoyable event to celebrate the children’s artwork
Event details
From 5.30 – 7pm on Wednesday 25 May 2016
Arts Centre, St Peter’s Girls’ School
Tickets: $50 Family (up to two adults, includes drink on arrival and finger food)
Additional adults $10
Book via
Piano Recital: Wednesday 18 May
The School’s inaugural piano competition was held last week as a way of celebrating the purchase of our new baby grand piano. Following the competition, 12 wonderful student piano players were selected to perform at the upcoming piano recital on Wednesday 18 May at 7pm in MB120. They include:
- Ziyuan Qin 1RGR
- Lauren Pearce 3AK
- Aojin Chen 1RGR
- Alyssa Piantedosi 2SB
- Lara Maione 3AK
- Guo (Gloria) Zou 4SH
- Yishi (Helen) Zhang 5OC
- Georgia Evans 5SD
- Ebony Morelli 7RM
- Cheri Wong 7AMC
- Emily Loh 8SEN
- Mary Brownridge 9AST
The recital will also feature guest performer, Ashley Hribar. Ashley is a solo artist, improviser and composer. He has given live broadcasts for ABC Classic FM radio and is the winner of the 2005 International Gaudeamus Interpreters Competition in Amsterdam and the 2008 Michael Kieren-Harvey Scholarship. Ashley has since worked with numerous composers, including Felix Kubin, Helmut Lachenmann and Matthew Shlomowitz.
We encourage anyone with an interest in piano to come along and enjoy this wonderful free concert.
Sally Rounsevell
‘Tex’, our NAO Humanoid Robot
As a result of its fundraising activities at the end of 2015, the Parents’ & Friends’ Association was pleased to present the School with its own NAO robot, and during Term 1 a competition was run to name it.
We received many entries and from these a shortlist was put forward to Ms Shea. Following a scientific process of student applause, the most enthusiastic response was reserved for the local hero, Tex.
Congratulations to Grace Stewart from Year 3MRO who suggested the winning name. She will carry the bragging rights as the student that named our new robot during her time at St Peter’s Girls. Well done, Grace!
Ed Parker
ELC Update: Tales from Reggio Emilia, Italy
From 17-22 April I was privileged to be one of 400 people from 41 countries who attended the Loris Malaguzzi International Centre in Reggio Emilia, Italy. The Early Learners’ Centre has been greatly influenced by the Reggio Emilia Project for a number of years and St Peter’s Girls has made an ongoing commitment to further our understanding and knowledge of this approach to education.
Reggio Emilia is an education city that promotes civilised co-existence of people around the world through its innovative educational programs. On the first day of the Study Tour, the Mayor of Reggio Emilia shared with us the history of the schools which were born through the courage of the women in the town who were looking to rebuild their community after the devastation of World War II. I felt a strong connection as I reflected on the beginning of our School, also founded by a group of courageous women.
The principles of the schools are based on their strong image of the child as being capable and competent and a possessor of rights. One of the many rights of children is a right to a quality school, not just any school. This image of the child is supported by their image of learning, which focusses on the learning processes rather than the content. It is underpinned by their innovative pedagogy and curriculum, thoughtful environments, documentation of learning and ongoing research. Throughout the week we attended lectures, visited the preschools, infant toddler centres and schools where we could see the teaching and learning in action, and had many opportunities to further ‘unpack’ these principles with like-minded educators from around the world.
The common thread throughout the week was the idea of the teacher as a learner. Carla Rinaldi, executive consultant for Reggio Children, eloquently explained this: The real task of the teacher is learning to teach. The child teaches us. The child teaches us the humility of learning and the beauty of learning.
I have returned to Adelaide with a deeper understanding of the role of teacher as researcher. My challenge is to create a context for learning that invites children and educators to feel curious, ask questions, research and retry, and construct hypotheses and theories and try to verify them through creative languages of expression.
Leanne Williams
ELC Key Educator
Weetbix Come and Try-athlon
At the end of Term 1, a number of girls participated in the ‘Weetbix Come and Try-athlon’. The girls had a wonderful morning and enjoyed the chance to attempt a new sport with hundreds of other participants. Some of the girls that participated were Anushka and Ankita Rajbhoj, Ruby and Matilda Bruun, Adele Eaton, Madeleine Andrejewskis and Claudia Pearce.
Dan Searle
Support St Peter’s Girls’ School by
moving your home loan to BankSA
BankSA has partnered with St Peter’s Girls’ School in offering our school community a great fundraising opportunity. If you’re keen to take your support to the next level while potentially saving yourself money, then this program is for you. We’ve made it really easy to further support the School, while also making sure you’re getting the best possible service and a great deal on your home loan.
To date, we’ve raised over $12,000!
If you’ve been thinking about a new place for your home loan – either to get a better rate or if it’s just time for a change – then using your home loan to support St Peter’s Girls’ School is a great option.
Not only will you get a great rate with BankSA, but you’ll also be supporting St Peter’s Girls’ School, as each BankSA home loan allows us to make a charitable donation in your name of between $1,000 and $6,000. As the SPG Building Fund has DGR status, you may be entitled to claim a tax deduction as a result of this donation.
It’s that simple
- The more home loan referrals… the more money BankSA will donate to the School
- Donation paid at settlement of the home loan
- Unlimited donation potential
Both St Peter’s Girls’ School and BankSA have a proud history in South Australia and a strong sense of community. Fostering partnerships like this enables us to support our school community and our School. By permitting BankSA to make a charitable donation in your name, you will be helping to ensure that we continue to foster girls who have a strong sense of self and who are independent, creative, critical thinkers, engaged and community-minded.
To discuss further how BankSA can assist you and make a charitable donation in your name, simply contact Michael Chrisan.
BankSA Partnership contact:
Michael Chrisan
Mobile: 0414 350 225
School reminders
In the interests of student safety, we would like to encourage all visitors to report to the Front Office to sign in and out. Parents dropping into the School must sign in after 8.45am and before 3.15pm.
Car park and traffic management
The new extension to the Bell Yett car park was completed over the holiday break. Ongoing landscaping and fencing work will continue over the coming months. We hope the additional space alleviates some of the congestion around the school at peak time
The start of a new term provides an ideal opportunity to remind members of the School community about the importance of complying with the guidelines the School has developed for our car park. We want to ensure the safety of all members of our community.
The most important points to remember are:
- keep the car park entrance and exit zones clear
- use the set down and pick up zones appropriately during peak times
- obey speed limits when driving through the car park
- allow traffic flow, the car park entrance and exit zones must be kept clear at all times. Please do not queue across these areas.
In peak times, do not park in the set down and pick up zones for extended periods. When cars overstay in this area, the car park quickly becomes gridlocked, also bringing traffic on Stonyfell Road to a standstill.
Drivers must observe the 10 kilometre per hour speed limit at all times in the car park, whether entering, exiting or travelling through it. Speed limit signs are clearly displayed in prominent locations and, in order to ensure the speed limit is observed, speed humps were installed two years ago.
OSHC Update
St Peter’s Girls is pleased to offer an Out of School Hours Care Program, including Before School Care, After School Care and Vacation Care for Primary school age students. The program aims to enrich the children’s well-being and development as they engage in a range of planned play and leisure experiences. The variety of experiences will allow them to feel happy, safe and relaxed while they interact with friends, practise social skills, solve problems, engage in new activities and learn life skills.
The Child Care Benefit and the Child Care Rebate are available for those who are eligible.
Out of School Hours Care runs from Monday to Friday during term time in the Food Technology Centre.
> Before School Care 7.30am – 8.30am
> After School Care 3.30pm – 6pm
Registrations are warmly welcome from new students. Click here for more information.
For all enquiries, please contact OSHC Coordinator, Rebecca Kranz on:
> Phone 8334 2299
> Email
Attention all shoppers: Join our trip to Melbourne
Coming soon, a group of St Peter’s Girls parents will embark on our first ever group shopping trip to Melbourne.
Keep the dates free: Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 August.
More information will be distributed early in Term 2. Numbers are strictly limited.
Enquiries can be directed to Blaga on 0448 650 130.
Get involved in Junior School Banking
You can get involved in the School Banking program by opening a Commonwealth Bank Youthsaver account at any Commonwealth Bank branch, over the phone on 13 2221, or via NetBank if you are an existing customer with NetBank access.
Remember to take in identification for you and your child (driver’s license and birth certificate). You will receive a Dollarmites wallet and deposit book that your child will use to participate in the program.
Our school receives $5 when a student makes their first ever School Banking deposit and 5% on every deposit made through the school (to a maximum of $10 per individual deposit).
Thank you for supporting our school and helping to teach your child the benefits of saving regularly.
Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124. Call 13 2221 at any time. As this advice has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs, you should, before acting on this advice, consider its appropriateness to your circumstances. Full terms and conditions for transaction and savings accounts are available from any branch of the Commonwealth Bank and should be considered in any decision about the product. If you have a complaint in respect of this product, the Commonwealth Bank’s dispute resolution process can be accessed on 13 2221.
Sports News
The official start of the Winter Season gets under way this week. All students are once again reminded to check noticeboards for team selections and other relevant information pertaining to their sport.
If you have any further news items or sporting success stories, please email them through to me on:
Sport fixtures
Winter sport draws for Term 2
> Badminton
> Hockey
> Junior Basketball
> Junior Hockey
> Junior Netball
> Netball
> Soccer
Congratulations to Imogen Elliott who took out the third round of the State Titles on Saturday to become the U14 girls State Champion. Conditions were super challenging with 3 – 4 foot waves but very clean, which made for a great comp at The Point, Middleton. Imogen has now been offered a place to represent SA at Nationals at the end of November at Philip Island in Melbourne.
Touch Football
As part of their studies, the Year 12 PE class participated in the State Knockout touch football tournament held at Touch Headquarters, Greenhill Road, on Tuesday.
The girls played a number of close matches, having a number of tight losses to Golden Grove, Unity and Wilderness, 1-0, 2-1, 3-1, as well as a draw against Adelaide High 2-2. The girls played with enthusiasm and energy early on and improved markedly in each round before tiring in the last match. It was a great learning experience for them, having only played one competitive game before Tuesday, and they will now play in a Wednesday night touch competition throughout the remainder of Term 2. This is in readiness for their moderation later in Term 3. All girls performed well in parts of games and understood the stamina required to play, as there are so many explosive efforts expected across a game.
Open A – Saints 0 defeated by Trinity 5
After losing nine Year 12s from last year’s team, this was our first game with a much younger team. Saints played much stronger in the second half, only letting one goal in. There are many positives from this match and players are feeling much more confident. Congratulations to Olivia Teh for winning the best-on-ground award as well as good performances from Carla Lawrence along with Kate McKellar-Stewart and Olivia Goldsmith in their first A grade game. Tash Hammond (Captain)
Open B – Saints 8 defeated Trinity 1
Saints played a fantastic game, with Katherine Woolley scoring three goals while other goal scorers were Charlotte Creek, Lucy Steele Scott, Annabelle Black, Olivia Goldsmith and Amelie Eaton. The girls were in control from the opening whistle and managed to string together a number of wonderful passing passages. Emma Carrodus used her speed to good effect, often beating her opponent to the ball, while Alice Girdler and Renee Lawrence were generals in defence, and Alyssa Woolley and Aroha Munroe performed well to complete a convincing performance. We hope to continue in this vein next weekend. Dan Searle (Supervisor)
Under 18 – Saints had a bye
Under 15 – Saints 2 defeated by Brighton 19
It was a tough and challenging first match of the season. Sophie Auricht (Year 10) showed great intensity when getting ground balls and running with the ball in midfield. Harriet Maerschel (Year 8) did a great job in centre by winning many centre draws. Millisent Wilkin (Year 8) also ran well in mid-field, which enabled her to get away from her defender. Olivia Compare (Year 10) played well in defence, as she stopped several opposition players scoring goals. A big well done must also go to the two girls who played goalie – Scarlett Hocking (Year 8) and Hannah Keough (Year 8). Chelsea Walls (Year 8) scored both goals. Despite losing, the girls played well considering they have been put into Division 1 with skilful opposition. Best players were Olivia Compare and Sophie Auricht. Lucy Martin (Coach)
Under 13 – Saints 11 defeated St Aloysius 10
The girls started the season off extremely well, given quite a few were playing their first ever game. Portia Maerschel (Year 7) began in centre and managed to win the ball consistently. Around the circle Stephanie Smalls (Year 7), Dani Cox (Year 4) and Mabel Cook (Year 3) all fought hard for the ball and quickly ran into attack. At half-time the girls were down by five goals and needed to work on having the confidence to shoot and place their shots around the goalie. Saskia Jonats (Year 7) and Jenna Maione (Year 4) did very well in defence and midfield by sticking to their players and being determined to get ground balls. Willow Stewart-Rattray (Year 5) went in goal in the second half and saved many shots that helped win the game. Goal scorers for the match were Portia, Stephanie, Dani, Saskia and Jenna. Well done to all! Lucy Martin (Coach)
Open A – Saints 50 defeated Walford 33
A great start to the season for the Open A team who displayed an outstanding performance against a competitive Walford side. It was a great full court effort from all players, with good defensive pressure down the court. The win shows a promising future for the season ahead. A special mention to Sophie Freeman for numerous intercepts and good defensive pressure that assisted with the large margin. We look forward to the successful season ahead. Josephine Dal Pra and Madison Bateman (Co-Captains)
Open B – Saints 20 defeated by Walford 60
The start of the 2016 Open B netball season was challenging, as it was the first game in which the girls had played a team. Given that many of us played in positions we were unfamiliar with in the last quarter, it was promising to see the improvement towards the end of the game. Jessie Rundle did an excellent job in defence, getting many rebounds, while Chelsea Marchetti maintained her fantastic movement in the ring.
Ally Murray (B Captain)
Open C – Saints 18 defeated by Walford 41
The team played a good first match, which was not reflected in the score. Walford presented a tight, competitive team that we found difficult to match. Our girls stood united the whole game and took on feedback readily, which resulted in an improvement as play continued. Despite the result, Saints showed they could be a promising and cohesive team that I am excited to coach! Grace Russo (Coach)
Year 10 – Saints 10 defeated by Walford 45
The Year 10s played a spirited game against Walford, with a determination to finish the game as a strong side. The girls’ positive attitude proves that they have a promising season ahead. Grace Russo (Coach)
Year 9A – Saints 20 defeated Walford 11
Year 9B – Saints 18 defeated Walford 14
Year 9 C1 – Saints 12 defeated by Walford 20
This week the girls played a great first game against Walford. The girls were up against a tall side; however, they adapted their play well and some great passages of play were seen throughout the game. Congratulations to all the girls on their first game and I look forward to coaching this great group of girls this season. Ellana Welsby (Coach)
Year 9 C2 – Saints 17 defeated Walford 14
The girls have started their season with a win against Walford that was set up by a strong first quarter. The girls were able to get out and in front and keep this lead for the game. They were able to produce results and overcame Walford’s strong defensive pressure, resulting in a well-earned win. The girls played exceptionally well as a team and should be very proud of their first game. The rest of the season looks very promising after this week’s efforts. Chelsea Stamato (Coach)
Year 8A – Saints 27 defeated by Walford 29
Well done to all players for a very competitive first match. We led for the first three quarters, only going down to Walford in the final quarter. As this was a trial game, I moved the players around at each break, trying different combinations and players in a variety of positions. Considering this, the girls did well to adapt and maintain a high level of play for the entire match. I was impressed by the girls’ willingness and ability to be flexible with positions and I am excited for the upcoming season. Vanessa Brooks (Coach).
Year 8B – Saints 25 defeated Walford 16
The girls started strongly in their first game playing as a team, but as the opposition got warmed up, the girls had to pull together to keep their lead. All played well, and considering we only had seven players, all had to play positions that were not their preference. Regardless, they all proved themselves, and some even found new positions where they shone most! Best players to Clair Kao and Imogen Parkinson for their determination throughout the game no matter their position, but all girls should be extremely proud of their efforts and starting the season on a high! Emily Wishart (Coach)
Year 8C – Saints 23 defeated by Walford 26
The girls played very well for the first three quarters and were in the lead. However, in last quarter Walford came back strongly and the girls could not secure the win. The girls played well together as a team and we were impressed by the positive attitude, even when we came down in the last quarter. We are looking forward to the upcoming season. Sophia West and Amy Wishart (Coaches)
Year 7A – Saints 20 defeated Walford 8
The team made a solid start to the season by defeating Walford 20-8. Teamwork and a determination to not turn the ball over at every opportunity was our main strength and resulted in very few goal opportunities for Walford. A great start to the season! Michelle Blackburn (Coach)
Year 7B – Saints 14 defeated Walford 7
The girls played a great first game, with the first half being a closely fought battle. With Saints up by one goal at the end of the first half, the girls pulled away in the third, dominating the quarter, and then maintained the pressure through the final quarter to come out on top. Defensively, the girls were excellent, but most impressive was the way that some girls stood up and shone in unfamiliar positions. Roger Mills (Coach)