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Enews – Week 2, Term 1 2019

Issue no. 2Enews-banner

W2 - JS #EMPOWHER Launch_eNews

#EMPOWHER Junior School Launch

This year, we are extremely pleased and proud to be launching the new Junior School #EMPOWHER wellbeing program. While we have always supported our students through the delivery of wellbeing programs, it was time to look closely at what we provided and ensure it indeed matched the needs of our current students. We undertook extensive research, surveying our students, analysing Australia-wide data and reviewing a number of evidence-based wellbeing programs and resources. After formulating the scope and sequence, teachers began writing lesson content in readiness to deliver from the beginning of this year.

Our new R – 6 #EMPOWHER program is strengths-based with a major focus on developing resilience and expanding students’ emotional vocabulary, and it embodies the best of the best that is available. It consists of a number of core components, carefully mapped to ensure a continuous program that flows seamlessly from one year to the next.

The ‘Bounce Back’ program, written by doctors Toni Noble and Helen McGrath, will underpin a large part of #EMPOWHER from Reception to Year 5.

Students will progressively learn skills and strategies around:

Core values and social values
People bouncing back
Looking on the bright side
Being safe

Year 6 students will use aspects of the ‘Personal Wellbeing Lessons for Secondary Schools’ by Ilona Bonniwell and Lucy Ryan. The themes they will study and practise include:

Positive self
Positive emotions
Positive mindsets
Positive direction
Positive relationships

Alongside this, our younger students will learn through Kimochis – which is Japanese for ‘feelings’. Kimochis are a playful way to help children learn how to identify and express feelings. They help to develop and expand the range of emotional vocabulary children understand and use. When children can communicate their feelings effectively by using more fine-grained language, they can more easily develop positive social skills that lead to lasting friendships and success in all aspects of life.

Along with these elements, for all students from Reception to Year 6, a really important part of our program is the inclusion of a neuroscience aspect through online video-based tutorials and accompanying classwork. We are using ‘Braingrow’ as our tool for this component. Devised by Australian clinical psychologist Dr David Collins, it uses the latest neuroscience research to provide students with a range of tools to improve social, emotional and educational learning.

All students will also be exposed to strengths-based language and attitudes, and ‘VIA Character Strengths’ will be incorporated through distinct lessons as well as being embedded across the curriculum.

This morning, the Reception to Year 6 girls participated in the launch of our #EMPOWHER program. They received an #EMPOWHER journal, a bespoke resource written by us here at the School, in which they will record their learning this year. They were also offered a celebratory #EMPOWHER cupcake.

We look forward to sharing our journey with you.

Suzanne Haddy
Head of Junior School

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Celebrating Academic Excellence

W2 - Academic Excellence Assembly

The St Peter’s Girls’ community was delighted to honour our newest Old Scholars this week during an Academic Excellence Assembly for 2018 SACE and IB Merit recipients. Details of their achievements can be found here.

Special thanks to Old Scholar and Dux of 2013 Erica Ang (Kennion ’13) who presented an engaging and inspiring speech, as well as certificates to our award winners.

Official IB and SACE recognition ceremonies were also held this week, attended by many of our girls including Dux of 2018 Bethany Cross who received her prestigious Governor of South Australia Commendation.

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Young Old Scholars Reflect on Time at Saints

W2 - Old Scholars

We recently welcomed three young Old Scholars back to the School to reminisce about their time here.

Olivia Compare (Kilburn ’18) is taking a gap year and plans to study a Bachelor of Business Management and Accounting at the University of Adelaide next year; Sophie-Louise Shearwood (Kilburn ’17) is current at the University of Queensland studying a Bachelor of Science (Biophysics) and Doctor of Medicine; and Ally Murray (Kennion ’16) is in her second year of a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery at the University of Adelaide.

It was great to have them sit down and chat in the new Library about their shared and individual experiences at Saints Girls. Check out the video to hear what they had to say!

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Concrete Progress on New Science Centre

There’ve been some concrete developments with our Science Centre build – literally! A concrete pour took place yesterday, much to the delight of some of our Junior School girls who were fascinated by the process.

This fantastic project is on track to be completed by the start of Term 4, coinciding with our 125th anniversary. The pool upgrade including new change rooms is also coming along swimmingly and should be ready within weeks.

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From the Head Prefect

W2 - Head Prefect

As Week 2 comes to end, we are now settling in to the school year. The days spent relaxing on the beach are now swapped with countless learning opportunities within the classroom; opportunities which enable growth and development within us as students of St Peter’s Girls.

The 2019 Prefect Team is also embarking on a new chapter. In order for all students to flourish in this unique environment, each term, an exciting initiative led by a theme will be introduced to the School. This term, in line with one of our core values of compassion, we have launched ‘Keep it Kind’ – a focus on kindness. Term 1 is notorious for being busy and sometimes even overwhelming. Hence, we as a Prefect Team designed a strategy for each individual girl to remember important factors such as supporting one another, being empathetic and, most significantly, showing kindness – factors that are occasionally forgotten around competitive spirit. Constantly being surrounded by others is a perfect time to recall a simple message of ‘keeping it kind’ so Saints Girls can continue to work together in a harmonious and cohesive environment.

This initiative will be extremely helpful during Term 1 as we embark on two major House events: Choral Night and Swimming Carnival. Easily the two most talked about events amongst the students, both activities are a great opportunity for individuals to step out of their comfort zone. Choral Night is a fabulous evening where teamwork, persistence and creativity are showcased, while Swimming Carnival also encourages House spirit, togetherness and courage.

This exciting year is filled with so many new opportunities, beginning with a fabulous, energising term.

Isabella Villani
Head Prefect

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Happy Chinese New Year!

W2 - Chinese New Year2

Members of our Chinese community welcomed in the Golden Pig Year with dumpling-making in the ELC and the School this week.

A dozen parents came with dough and fillings to show staff and students how to make dumplings right from the beginning. They fed over a hundred girls and staff with four different flavours and various sauces.

Spring Festival is the most important holiday for Chinese families to have a family reunion. This is a special time for families to meet, reflect on the past year and plan the new year. It is also the time that most of our international students will miss their families back in China. A few weeks ago, local parents here decided to celebrate with them by making dumplings to help ease the homesickness. Some girls from Hong Kong mentioned that this was the first time they had experienced dumpling-making and that it was wonderful to experience different aspects of Chinese culture.

Ann Li
International Student Coordinator

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Chorus of Support at Music Camp

W2 - Music Camp

Once again, the Music Department will make its pilgrimage to Ardrossan for Music Camp. This year, more than 130 girls from Years 5 to 12 have been invited, and we look forward to sharing all that we learn over the three days in our eighth Music Camp Concert which will be held at 2pm on Saturday 16 February at Ardrossan Town Hall. Family and friends are welcome to drive up for the afternoon. Tickets are $10 and funds raised will go directly to the local hospital to purchase extra resources and lifestyle facilities such as BBQs, plants and even chickens. Over the past eight years, we have raised almost $7000 for the residents of the aged care facility in the hospital, and each year, we take a small group of girls to perform for the residents as part of our Service Learning component at camp.

Ardrossan has won the award for the best small town in South Australia, and the National judging for that category happens to be on 15 February. The judges will be in the Town Square at 11am. We will be doing our part by performing on Friday morning just as the judges walk down the main street. We hope our Concert Band will add that little bit of sparkle to help the town get across the line and win this prestigious award.

We love travelling to Ardrossan every year and feel very welcomed by the residents of this wonderful community.

Sally Rounsevell
Director of Music

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Welcome Drinks on the Lawns – TONIGHT

W1 - Welcome Drinks on the Lawns

The Parents’ and Friends’ Association invites all parents to welcome in the new school year at the traditional Welcome Drinks on the Lawns – TONIGHT!

This annual, parents-only event is a great opportunity for new parents to meet and connect with other parents, teachers and school staff in a relaxed atmosphere.

Food and drinks will be provided courtesy of the Parents’ and Friends’ Association, as well as a DJ spinning some groovy tunes throughout the evening.

Please feel free to seek out our P&F Committee Members on the night to learn about the volunteering opportunities here at Saints Girls.

Friday 8 February
7 – 9.30pm (new parents welcome from 6.30pm)
Chiverton Lawns, St Peter’s Girls’ School

Bronwyn Bartter
Parents’ and Friends’ Association President

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School Photos – Week 3

W2 - School Photos

All individual, ID and class photos for R – 12 students will be taken on Monday 11 February and Tuesday 12 February. Your daughter’s Home Group teacher has been advised of their time. ELC photos will be taken in March along with catch up individual photos for students who are absent.

Photo order envelopes have been distributed to students, and will need to be completed and returned to the photographer on the day. If you have not received a personalised envelope for your daughter, please notify the Community Relations Office via fmcgregor@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

Students are also reminded to wear their full summer uniform including the blazer.

Sibling photos will be taken on Monday 11 February at lunch time. Separate order envelopes for sibling photos are available from the Front Office or the Community Relations Office (next to the School Shop). Due to the number of photos being taken on this day, we will be unable to take a photo if the students do not have a completed sibling photo form.

Fiona McGregor
Events Officer

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UK Trip of a Lifetime

W2 - UK Exchange

For around four weeks of the summer holidays, 8 January – 3 February, I was on an exchange at Sherborne Girls in England. I stayed at the school boarding house named ‘Dun holme’, which was located near the main building and other blocks. Each floor was designated for different year levels and contained individual rooms called cubis. Being around the girls from my boarding house, especially those in my year 24/7, gave me the chance to interact and get to know them better.

The everyday school life in many ways is similar yet also different to here; classes run from 8.30am to 4.30pm, fitting in six lessons a day (with the exception of Saturdays where there are three lessons). There are socials with the boys’ school on Saturday evenings and abbey services on Sundays.

During my stay, the Sherborne girls had an exeat weekend, however ours was extended to four days since I was on exchange. Through Eliza, my exchange,  I visited London, Salisbury and Oxford. In London, we enjoyed many tourist attractions including a boat tour on the Thames, going on a cable car, visiting Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, Parliament House, the National Gallery, London Eye, Tower Bridge, Madame Tussauds and Big Ben. We also shopped at Covent Gardens and Oxford Circus. Along with five Tasmanian and three South African exchanges, I was also taken on day trips to a nearby town, Bath, where we visited the Fashion Museum and Roman baths and went to Stonehenge.

It was rainy and cold for the majority of the exchange and, on my last two days, it even snowed, which was very fun as I had snowball fights and built a snowman with the other girls. Though I may not miss the weather, I wish I could have stayed for longer as it was a very enjoyable and educational experience. I would strongly recommend this for future Year 9 students as it is a trip of a lifetime where you are able to obtain many important skills and develop lasting friendships.

Cheri Wong
Year 10 student

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The Addams Family Auditions Impress

W2 - Auditions
What a fun way to start the year, choreographing and teaching some kooky, spooky, jazzy, moves for The Addams Family auditions this week. Miss Rounsevell, Mrs Burnett and Mrs Kitching were blown away by the talented students who turned up. Each girl learned and performed choreography and sung the opening of When You’re an Addams, giving us all an exciting introduction to what lies ahead. The performing arts are very familiar to some, and they come with a wealth of experiences and training. However, I was so impressed by every girl’s eagerness to step out of her comfort zone and try new things. The stage was filled with students helping one another, practising in the wings and even accepting the challenge of dancing while singing – the ultimate challenge in such a short time! The energy in the Arts Centre was supportive and positive and I’m so very excited to see what these talented students are capable of over the next two terms. If the auditions are any indication of the quality of this production, our audience has a lot to look forward to!

Morticia and Gomez, along with the rest of their kooky family and friends, will be dancing up a storm in the Arts Centre every Tuesday from 3.45 – 5.30pm beginning next week! They will be perfecting their pitch and defining their diction during lunch every Friday.

Kate Burnett – Director of Arts
Katherine Kitching – Director of The Addams Family

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Swimming Carnival 2019

W1 - Swimming Carnival

The Years 4 – 12 Swimming Carnival will be held on Friday 22 February (Week 4) at the Adelaide Aquatic Centre. School buses will be available to take students to/from school and the centre. Click here to book the bus. House colours are encouraged, however coloured zinc and body paint are not permitted in the pool.

School teams for SAPSASA (Years 4 – 7), SSSSA (Years 8 – 12) and IGSSA (Years 7 – 12) will be selected from the Swimming Carnival results.

Neil Fuller
Director of Sport

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The Garden of Saintly Delights

W1 - Garden of Saintly Delights

Sunday 24 February 2019

What an amazing event to kick off celebrations for the School’s 125th anniversary. The Garden of Saintly Delights, our annual school fair, is going to be bigger and better than ever.

Bring the whole family along for a fun-filled day of carnival rides, free entertainment on our Chiverton Lawns’ stage, food trucks, market stalls, local sporting personalities and much, much more.

Head to our Facebook page for a full list of the day’s activities and vendors. Please like and share as this event is also open to the public.

If you are interested in volunteering on the day or being a part of the fair, please contact the P&F Association via stpetersgirls.pandf@gmail.com

Bronwyn Bartter
Parents’ and Friends’ Association President

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Inspired Performance by Old Scholar Sarah Brownridge


Over the past six or so months, I have been putting my heart and soul into my very first Adelaide Fringe show. At first, I struggled to find something to focus on, and then it hit me…music! So with that in mind, I began writing, drafting, and organising. Now, finally it’s done, ready to go, and I couldn’t be more nervous, proud or excited. Fresh, vibrant, yet sensitive, my show Inspired honours women in the music industry who have used their art to ‘inspire’. Accompanied by the amazing Mike Bevan, together we transform some of the most popular hits including Madonna’s Get Into the Groove, Whitney’s I Wanna Dance With Somebody, and Joni Mitchell’s Big Yellow Taxi – just to name a few, to suit the intimate bar setting. I would love to see you there!

Tickets via: https://adelaidefringe.com.au/fringetix/inspired-af2019

Sarah Brownridge (Selwyn ’17)

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Audition Notice – Peter Pan

W2 - Casting

Here’s an opportunity to be involved in an upcoming theatre production. This is a full-length play (not musical) of the J.M.Barrie classic novel Peter Pan. Children aged 8 – 13 years are welcome to participate and do not have to audition unless they would like one of the main roles and they are a suitable age for that role.

Rehearsals are in the Norwood area; the performances will be held in June in the upstairs studio at the Odeon Theatre, Queen Street, Norwood.

For further information, please contact Shane Davidson via shanedavidson@internode.on.net

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Sports News


Seniors: The Senior girls performed very well on the weekend, coming away with a win and many placings. We had some fun rowing in combinations of fours with one combo of Neve McCormack, Hannah Keough, Rachel Kameniar and Sarah Carrodus going hard out and recording a very convincing win! The 1st VIII proved to be in a good place, finishing 2nd in the U19+ division. It was good to see where all crews are at and we are looking forward to the next regatta. – Amy Carrodus (Captain)

Year 9A: The Year 9 crew consisting of Molly Bond, Portia Maerschel, Keely Flannagan, Sophie Barr and Jodi Papendorf worked extremely hard throughout a very tough 1500m race, placing 2nd in the heat and qualifying for the A Final where we placed 3rd. We will be working very hard on technique and strength leading up to Head of the River in March. – Jodi Papendorf (Cox)

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