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Enews – Week 2, Term 1 2016

Issue no. 2Enews-banner

From the Director of Teaching and Learning

MeredithBeck_webThe new school year brings a fresh start, great opportunities, and excited anticipation of what is to come. Everyone is revitalised from a well-deserved break and time spent with family, friends and neglected pursuits. We see new faces, enjoy new facilities and refreshed classrooms. The energy is palpable. By the beginning of the year, the results from the graduates of 2015 have been published and we celebrate their achievements. However, we just received news that four of our students received the highest of awards. These are as follows:

  • Governor of South Australian Commendations (5 Merits at SACE Stage 2) – Thenu Herath and Theodora Galanis
  • IB Merit student for candidates achieving a score of 40 plus – Anna Mullin 44 of a possible 45 points.
  • Tennyson Medal for excellence in English – Theodora Galanis.
  • Hardwicke College Prize for excellence in Biology – Dana Spajic.

These commeIMG_5554ndations are affirmations of the academic acumen of the girls and quality of the programs that we offer.

The Tennyson Medal, for example, is awarded to the student who achieves the highest grade in English Studies across South Australia and the Northern Territory. With a century-old tradition it is a highly regarded award and the only specific subject prize that is presented at the SACE Merit Ceremony. It is remarkable that over the last four years consecutively, the medal has been awarded to a student from St Peter’s Girls’ School. This is indicative of the calibre of student, the tradition of success, and the exceptional work ethic that is embedded into the fabric of the school. The Tennyson Medallist must achieve an A+ for all school based components of the course, and achieve the highest score in the examination at the end of the year.

The new faces are not only those of the students, but of teachers too. It is my pleasure to introduce two new members of staff. They have quite different roles but their positive impact will be felt throughout the School.

Introducing Carolyn Farr: IB Diploma Coordinator

IMG_5806Carolyn has been a passionate IB educator for over 20 years and has lived and taught in Sydney, Istanbul, Beijing and now Adelaide. She is a Deputy Chief Examiner for Mathematics SL which supports an insight into the rigorous and world-respected curriculum and assessment that the Diploma provides. Her particular love of the Diploma lies in its breadth across multiple disciplines, including study in languages, humanities, sciences, mathematics and the arts – a truly liberal education. The Diploma asks students to participate in subjects which aren’t all necessarily their strength, building resilience and a sense of achievement beyond that which comes easily. At the core of the Diploma, the Theory of Knowledge, Extended Essay and Creativity Activity Service aid in developing a solid base for which students can springboard their future direction of lifelong learning, well-being and service. In preparing students for the Diploma, and indeed a holistic education, the philosophies and global vision of the International Baccalaureate influence our practice from ELC to Year 12.

Introducing Rebecca (Becca) Burton-Howard: Gifted and Talented Education Coordinator

IMG_5660Becca has taught for 16 years in England and worked with the full spectrum of students, both those who find learning engaging and stimulating and those for whom it is more challenging.

She credits that working with gifted and talented students has taught her so much as an educator. It has opened her mind, improved her teaching and challenged concepts of quality education. A gifted and talented program that has at its heart differentiation benefits all students. Although Becca is new to the School she sees the potential that lies within our students and looks forward to inspiring our girls to be the next generation of leaders, scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs and creators. Becca will launch our Gifted and Talented program, EDGE (Extended, Differentiated and Gifted Education) in Term 2.

Please save the date for an information evening for Reception to Year 10 parents, which will be held on Wednesday 17 March at 6.30pm in the Arts Centre.

We congratulate Carolyn, Becca and all the new teachers on their appointment and look forward to their contribution to this wonderful school.

Meredith Beck
Director of Teaching and Learning

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Global Academy – Japanese Exchange opportunity

In August 2015 two of our students successfully completed a three week stay in Tokyo at Senzoku Gakuen Girls’ School. This well respected Independent school provided an excellent experience for our girls, who were able to experience life in a Japanese School, studying in both Japanese and English, as well as taking part in an array of co-curricular activities. The girls had an excellent time, improving their language and deepening their understanding of Japanese culture.

The girls stayed with students from the school as a member of their family, and this provided a rich experience both for our girls and their Japanese hosts. Such was the impression that our girls made at Senzoku Gakuen, they have now had well over 50 applicants to spend a similar amount of time at St Peter’s Girls’ School, with a view to sending 5-10 students.

We are therefore looking for families who would like the opportunity of hosting a Japanese student for approximately three weeks. The proposed dates are March 13 – April 3, but these will depend upon flight availability.

Hosting a student does not mean your daughter will have to return to Japan on exchange. However, this is an excellent opportunity for those students studying Japanese to have a native speaker ‘at home’ for a short time. Although the visiting students will be of Year 9 age, we are opening this opportunity out to families with students from Year 7 upwards.

If you are interested in finding out further details, please contact me on rlisle@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au or 08 8334 2200.

Richard Lisle
Head of Middle School

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Meet the new School Counsellor: Nicole Letch

Nicole Letch headshotTell us a little bit about yourself?
As well as being new to Saints, I am also new to Adelaide. Although I grew up in Melbourne, I have been living and working in London for the past 15 years. Before becoming a psychologist, I was a psychology teacher. I have 3 daughters (Year 7, Year 6 and Year 4).

What are you looking forward to most in this new position?
I believe that school counsellors have a unique role in the school community. I am looking forward to making a meaningful difference to students who may be experiencing challenges at school or home and making a contribution to the successful learning environment at Saints.

What are your top tips to enhance and maintain psychological well-being in children and young people?
By building their social and emotional skills. Children and young people who possess sound social and emotional skills are generally better able to cope with the stressors of daily life. They also tend to have better relationships with parents, teachers and peers, and perform better academically. Very importantly, having these skills makes it less likely that a young person will experience mental health problems in the future.

The skills which help children and young people interact effectively with others and cope with life’s changes and challenges include: helpful thinking and self-talk; emotion recognition and regulation; good problem-solving skills; good planning and time management; and ‘keeping well’ (getting adequate sleep, eating healthily, use of relaxation and stress management techniques, and seeking help when needed).

What are your first impressions of the School/staff/students?
I know it sounds trite, but I have genuinely found both staff and students to be incredibly warm and welcoming. I have been impressed with the clear structures and systems in place in the school and how the strong House system gives everyone a sense of belonging.

What advice do you have for students starting at Saints Girls this year?

  • Smile: be open with people, friendly and say ‘hi’ if you see someone you know
  • Join in: a fast way to get to know others is to join a team or club and engage in as many activities as you can
  • Get oriented: study a map of the layout of the school, and don’t be shy to ask others for directions
  • Be yourself: never change who you are to fit in
  • Look out (for other girls who are new too): you already have one thing in common – you’re both in a new, unfamiliar environment.

Parents and students are welcome to contact Nicole on 8334 2259 or nletch@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

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Shrove Tuesday


To celebrate Shrove Tuesday, the last day before the season of Lent, the Junior Students enjoyed making and sharing pancakes as part of the traditional preparation for Lent. Lent is a season in the Church calendar that leads us towards Easter. It is traditionally a time for reflection, fasting and prayer. The pancake tradition came about because people would empty their cupboards of delicious preserves and prepare for a time of living more simply. In doing so, we recall the time Jesus spent fasting in the wilderness before he began his ministry of sharing God’s love.

In Chapel, the students were asked to reflect upon times of feasting and times of fasting. It’s in the times when we go without that we are able to fully appreciate the abundant lives that we have. In doing this, the students were encouraged to develop an ‘attitude of gratitude’.

Reverend Natasha Darke

Olivia Coulter
Year 5 Teacher

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Term 1 Calendar dates

In an effort to provide clearer information to parents about school events and activities, we will circulate a list of calendar events each term.

Our online calendar resource is available on our website and will provide the most up-to-date information available.

> Download the Term 1 calendar flyer

We hope this is a helpful resource for families.

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General reminders and housekeeping

The annual data update will soon be released to parents. This will involve each family checking that your contact details are up-to-date. Parents will also be able to update your daughter’s medical information later this term.

Of course, if there are any updates we need to be aware of throughout the year, please contact the School directly on 8334 2200.


Please notify the Front Office by 9.30am via either of the following methods if your daughter(s) will be absent due to illness, or arrive at School late. If your daughter will arrive after 8.30am (due to an appointment etc.) please advise an approximate time of arrival and ask that she reports to the Front Office upon arrival.

Phone: 8334 2200
Text: 0428 601 957
Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au 

Lost property

Unnamed lost property items are held at the Front Office. Please clearly label all items of clothing and personal effects.

Lost property from each term will be displayed outside Student Services during the last week of term. Please ask your daughter to check the table for any items she may have misplaced.

Car park and traffic management

The start of a new term provides an ideal opportunity to remind members of the School community about the importance of complying with the guidelines the School has developed for our car park. We want to ensure the safety of all members of our community.

The most important points to remember are:

  • keep the car park entrance and exit zones clear
  • use the set down and pick up zones appropriately during peak times
  • obey speed limits when driving through the car park
  • to allow traffic flow, the car park entrance and exit zones must be kept clear at all times. Please do not queue across these areas.

In peak times, do not park in the set down and pick up zones for extended periods. When cars overstay in this area, the car park quickly becomes gridlocked, also bringing traffic on Stonyfell Road to a standstill.

Drivers must observe the 10 kilometre per hour speed limit at all times in the car park, whether entering, exiting or travelling through it. Speed limit signs are clearly displayed in prominent locations and, in order to ensure the speed limit is observed, speed humps were installed two years ago.

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Tutor Program sign ups now open

This year St Peter’s Girls’ School is offering a new Tutor Program for Years 7-12 students.

The initiative aims to support our students as they navigate the complexities of their Middle and Senior School studies.

Our team of tutors are all recent Old Scholars, who know the demands of being a student.  These Old Scholars are some of our best and brightest minds, who excelled in their studies and have gone on to great academic success in their life after school.

Our tutors have been carefully selected to cover key subject areas such as Maths, Science, English and Humanities and will be employed directly by the School. The Tutoring sessions will occur before and after school.

The Tutors will have access to course outlines and assessment requirements and be able to provide clear feedback and reinforce understanding of subjects for students. They will also be communicating directly with subject teachers if required.

Sessions will commence on Tuesday afternoon in Week 3, and students can now sign up to the sessions they wish to attend.

Sessions will be held from 7.30-8.30am on Wednesdays and Fridays, as well as 3.40-4.40pm  from Mondays to Thursdays.

Tutor details and sign up sheets are available on the noticeboard near the Resource Centre.

For further information about how your daughter can benefit from this initiative, please contact me on 8334 2238 or email kskinner@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Kerry Skinner
Deputy Principal and Head of Senior School

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Drinks on the Lawn tonight

The St Peter’s Girls Parents’ and Friends’ Association is hoping you will attend the traditional Drinks on the Lawns from 6.30pm tonight, Friday 12 February. This annual event is a great way for new parents to meet and socialise with existing parents in an informal atmosphere.

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Last chance to advertise in the Buzz Book


Advertising bookings for this year’s Buzz Book have been extended to Friday 19 February.

But you must be quick! This is your last chance to be included in the Buzz for 2016.

The Buzz Book is an integral part of each St Peter’s Girls’ School family home. It’s the go-to resource for all our families – filled with helpful information and family contact details.

This is an annual fundraising initiative of the Parents’ and Friends’ Association where all funds raised go towards resources for the girls. The fundraising efforts of the P&F have been integral in such initiatives as the purchase of a NAO Humanoid Robot worth over $20,000. The P&F’s contributions to the School are all the more possible thanks to the support and generosity of local businesses and school families who contribute to the Buzz Book each year.

Advertising starts from just $120.

Last-minute spots are still available. Bookings and artwork must be submitted by Friday 19 February. Visit www.trybooking.com/JGEN today!

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Twilight Cinema


The annual Twilight Cinema Carnival will take place on Saturday 20 February from 5pm. We will be screening the movie, Oddball, and there will be plenty going on to keep everyone happy – including some sporting challenges, a waterslide, bouncy castle, live music and much more. There will be a licensed bar and a range of food options from pizza and paella to ice cream and popcorn. Tickets are available in advance through Trybooking or at the gate on the day. Parking will be available on the school oval.

Tickets $40 per family or $15 per adult and $10 per child/student

Tickets are available from www.trybooking.com/GVFE.

Can you lend a hand for an hour?

As always, we would love to have a few parents to help set up and pack down this event. Helpers are required throughout the day and event on Saturday, as well as Sunday morning. You only need to assist for a an hour or two. If you are interested in lending a hand, please complete the registration form and return to the Development Office.

Ed Parker
P&F President

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Gift boxes are back

Last call for Mothers’ Club Twilight Cinema gift boxes to be returned!

By now, you should have received a box, ready to be filled with a special gift and wrapped in the cellophane provided. You can decide what to put in the box – we recommend something you would want to receive yourself.

Popular items are stationery (especially Smiggle), lollies, accessories, nibbles and chocolates. Price points can be anywhere from $5 to $20. Remember, no homemade food products can be included.

Alternatively, send in a cash donation with the empty box for re-use, and return to class by Wednesday 17 February 2016.

Thank you so much for your support last year – we raised $3000! This money goes straight back into projects at the School to benefit our girls. It really makes a difference!

Emma Robinson
Mothers’ Club President

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Music Camp

For any students in Years 5 – 12 involved in a school musical ensemble, our annual Music Camp will be held in Week 3 this term, from Wednesday 17 to Saturday 20 February.

Music Camp is a wonderful opportunity to make friends with girls from across year levels in a relaxed environment, receive fantastic tuition from our instrumental tutors and enjoy playing fun music in large ensembles. Different ensembles will depart for Ardrossan on different days.

The camp will culminate in a special concert at the Ardrossan Town Hall to help fundraise for their local hospital. We encourage parents and family members to join us in Ardrossan for the concert. Tickets are available for $10 at the door. The concert should finish at 5.30pm. The town hall is located on the corner of First and Fourth Street.

If you have any questions regarding Music Camp or the ensembles offered at School, please contact Jeanne Phillips or me in the Arts Office.

A draft rehearsal schedule for our different music groups is also now available:

> Download the ensemble rehearsal schedule

Sally Rounsevell
Director of Music

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Support Abseil for Anglicare SA


Former Chairman of the Board and past parent, Bruce Linn, has been appointed Chairman of the Anglicare SA Board. With a little trepidation, he has also signed up for what may be his most exciting challenge yet: Abseil for Anglicare SA. Anglicare SA serves 55,000 South Australians in need every year.

Bruce will step off the top of the Intercontinental Hotel in Adelaide, with the aim of showing leadership in fundraising for Anglicare’s important mission.

If you would like to show your support for Bruce, please sponsor him here: https://abseilforanglicaresa2016.everydayhero.com/au/bruce

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Focus Photography package deal

Focus-PhotosFocus School Photography is offering St Peter’s Girls families a chance to purchase unlimited event photos throughout the year for one low price.

Select as many images of your child or family as you like, from many events that will be photographed this year. Focus will attend events such as Swimming Carnival, Choral Night, House Dinners, Sports Day, Celebration Day, Carols in the Cathedral and our end of year graduations. (Please note that this package deal excludes the Years 11-12 Formal, Valedictory Dinner and Year 5 production, which will be sold separately.)

All at the special price of $95. To order your photographs, visit the Focus website and login with the password SaintsGirls

For further details, please contact Focus School Portraits on 8389 9002 or orders@focussp.com.au.

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Junior School banking remindebankingr

Don’t forget that Wednesday is School Banking day and students should bring in their weekly deposit.

For every deposit made at school, no matter how big or small, students will receive a cool Dollarmites token. Once students have individually collected 10 tokens they can redeem them for an exclusive School Banking reward item in recognition of their continued savings behaviour.

Thank you for supporting the School Banking program at St Peter’s Girls’ School.

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Friends of Rowing partnerships

Throughout the season, Friends of Rowing have continued to focus on increasing revenue, with the single aim of supporting the Saints Rowing program. So far this season we have injected almost $20,000 into the program through our sponsorship offering.

FOR_MizoneRecent discussions with potential sponsors have allowed us to incorporate some new supporters into Saints Rowing. We are very pleased to
announce that Chobani Yoghurt and Mizone Sports Water have come on board to supply us with healthy products for sale at our upcoming regattas and events.
FOR_Chobani cup image

These supporters are in addition to our season partner, Southern Cross Cleaning, and our boat sponsors, Brown Falconer and Rightway Automotive. Partners, sponsors and supporters of the Saints Rowing program receive differing levels of recognition as part of the value proposition we provide for their brands.

We thank our new supporters, along with our ongoing season partner and sponsors, for their commitment to Saints Rowing and look forward to growing these relationships into the future. To have your brand involved in Saints Rowing please contact Barney Habel on 0419 690 259.

Andrew Hannon
Friends of Rowing President

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Join the Girl Guides

Local guide units have vacancies for girls.

Knightsbridge Dolphin Guides have vacancies for girls aged 5-7. The group meets on Mondays from 5.45-6.45pm at Knightsbridge Guide Hall, corner of Rochester Street and Glynburn Road, Leabrook.

There are a number of benefits to being part of the Guides.  These include:

  • Making new friends
  • Camping
  • Have fun and adventures outdoors
  • Making ‘crafty’ things
  • Trying new activities – abseiling, caving, surfing and more!

For more information, contact Ruth on 0405 742 944 or email dolphinguides@hotmail.com.

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Come and Try sessions at Payneham Swimming Club

Finishing swim centre lessons? Love to swim? Join Payneham Swimming Club for an easy transition into club swimming. New members are welcome for the summer season, commencing mid-October 2015 to April 2016.

Swim for fun, fitness and competition in a family friendly environment.

For more information, phone 0427 525 148 or visit www.payneham.swimming.org.au.

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Swimming Carnival: Years 4–12

On Friday 26 February, St Peter’s Girls’ School will be holding the annual Swimming Carnival for Years 4-12 at the Adelaide Aquatic Centre, North Adelaide. Students are expected to be at the Aquatic Centre no later than 8.30am, with presentations concluding by 4pm. The day is to be treated like a normal school day; therefore, attendance is compulsory for the whole day.

Girls who travel to school on school buses will automatically be taken to the Adelaide Aquatic Centre in the morning and will be taken home in the afternoon. As the girls will be dismissed directly from the venue, all other students will need to be dropped off at the Adelaide Aquatic Centre in the morning and picked up in the afternoon.

There will be no specific lunch break but girls can eat during breaks between their races. Students have the option of bringing money for the pool canteen for their recess and lunch on the day; otherwise they will need to bring their own food. Water bottles should be brought for the day.

Students are reminded to wear their complete PE uniform with bathers underneath as well as their House swimming cap that can be purchased from the School Shop. Extra House-coloured ribbons are encouraged, but coloured zinc and body paint is not permitted in the pool. House tattoos will be sold on the day of the carnival. We ask that the tattoos are not visible outside the girls’ school uniforms when returning to school (tea tree oil works well to remove them).

We encourage all girls to compete in a number of events, with their preferences being discussed in PE lessons and House meetings. A program for the day will soon be given to the girls and placed in the School Enews, outlining all event times and records. We will be using both 25m pools in the morning session and only the deep-end pool in the afternoon session. We look forward to lots of parent support on this exciting day in the calendar.

School teams for SAPSASA (Years 4 to 7), SSSSA (Years 8 to 12) and IGSSA (Year 7s to 12) will be selected from the Swimming Carnival results.

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Sports News

Sport commenced in Week 1 with most teams training and having trials to establish early teams ahead of Round 1. With many new faces to the School it is fantastic that the number of teams continues to be very healthy.

We envisage having the Term 1 Sports draws available next week and all students should receive a copy from the coordinator or coach. These draws will also placed on the sports notice boards for Junior, Middle and Senior students and will be uploaded onto the School website. It is very important that students check the boards, and especially the teams and venues as these can change.

Parents should receive an email each Friday for Middle and Senior sport teams on the Saturday, so if you know in advance that your daughter is unavailable could you please phone or email the PE office to let us know, in case teams need changing. – Neil Fuller (Director of Sports)

Contact Numbers:

Open – Mr Peter Krantis – 0414 609 795
Middle – Ms Vanessa Brooks – 0437 840 419

Open, Middle and Junior
Mr Neil Fuller – 0433 518 461
Mrs Chris Flynn – 0409 696 856

Open, Middle and Junior
Mr Neil Fuller – 0433 518 461

Open and Middle
Mr Dan Searle – 0402 460 052


 Congratulations to Jemimah Simpson (10 KIL) who recently competed in Canberra, narrowly missing a Paralympic B qualifying standard by just 1 second in the 400m. Jemimah ran 64.07 and needs to run 63.10.

Jemimah also set a personal best in the 200m, and has another chance to qualify at the SA State Championships, as well as having a number of other opportunities to try and achieve the standard and book a place for Rio later in the year.

Water polo

Congratulations to Fiona Lethbridge (Year 8) who has been selected to represent South Australia as part of the 14&U Girls Adelaide Jets Water Polo team at the National Championships in Albury/Wodonga in March.

Rowing – Saturday 6 February

 The 9/10 B crew had their first races of the year. We kicked off the year with a great start, coming 3rd in both races, although we were very close to 2nd in each.

Our first race was early in the day and in great conditions, and we were coming second in the first 200m. We were neck and neck for about 200m before Scotch edged ahead. As we entered the middle of the race Walford was inching their way up and the crews pushed against each other through to the last 400m, where Walford started overtaking us just before the sprint. We all held our places through the final sprint to finish third. Our next race was much the same; we started out second, but dropped back to third after pushing against Walford through the middle. Despite finishing third, again, we felt we had improved as a crew after working hard through the holidays and on rowing camp. Good effort, girls!

Grace Edwards (cox)

On Saturday my crew of Kate Reade, Emma Carrodus, Hannah Freeman and Scarlett Hocking raced really well. We had two races, with one in the Year 7/8 division in which we came 1st and then a more challenging race in the Year 8/9 where we managed 3rd. The girls raced really well but need to focus on their catches and not talking in the boat. Charlotte Creek (Cox)

This week the girls were given the opportunity to show off all their training during the holidays and demonstrate their skills at the first regatta of this year. With the lack of regattas the races did not go as well as we had hoped. In the first race the girls struggled to continuously row smoothly and lacked pressure, resulting in placing 5th. Although they did a great job rowing, without a consistent crew it is quite difficult. In the second race the girls were very determined to prove their abilities and pushed for third place. They improved immensely as they always do in the second race. It was a close one but with a consistent crew and some more training sessions I believe that we will keep improving. Shunem Josiah (Coax)

 On Saturday Imogen Parkinson (bow), Paris Robinson (two), Zara Stephani (three), Sophie Johnson (stroke) and Abbie Lisle (cox) rowed in 2 races. In the first race they started well but the race stopped because of a crash and had to start again. The race was good, with a second place. In the second race we started really well and were so close to finishing first; we finished second by 0.94 seconds. Overall, the girls did very well and I am really proud. Abbie Lisle (Cox)