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eNews – Week 11, Term 1 2019

Issue no. 11Enews-banner

Week 11 Banner 5

From the Principal

juliashea_web-200x300-200x300Over the past 11 weeks, we’ve witnessed amazing performances underpinned by that unique Saints Girls’ House camaraderie including at both the Swimming Carnival and Choral Night. We’ve been to Ardrossan for Music Camp, Year 5 visited Sovereign Hill, Year 7 had a week in and around Robe and Year 8 explored Kangaroo Island. Our swimmers achieved an outstanding result by winning the IGSSA Carnival for the third time in four years. The 10B crew were victorious at Head of the River and our 1st VIII finished 4th in their best ever result. Our Open Water Polo team defeated Seymour 5-0 in their final last week and the Open Softball team was crowned State Knockout champions.

The cast of The Addams Family has been rehearsing for their performances next term as have the girls who will head to Mount Gambier for Generations in Jazz in May. There have been numerous outstanding individual and team performances on the sporting field and across the creative Arts, too numerous to mention. And all of this happened in addition to the great work unfolding in our classrooms. It’s little wonder that we head into Easter with a collective sigh of relief!

The School has been on quite a journey in recent years. The Master Plan has come to life and the new facilities have been complemented by some contemporary changes to our curriculum. Wellbeing has been a focus with the introduction of #EMPOWHER. The nature of our communication has evolved with high quality videos filling our eNews and Facebook page. On the back of these many changes, it was with much interest that we sought feedback from our girls, staff and parents in relation to the many facets of our School. In the recent surveys, each area received a score from 1 to 5, with 5 with being the most favourable. Our results were then compared to similar schools (girls’ schools of a comparable size) and also with all schools that completed the same survey. In addition, we were able to compare the results with those obtained three years prior in February 2016.

All girls in Years 5 – 12 had the option to complete the online survey and approximately 96% chose to do so. The average score recorded was 4.11, which was 8% higher than comparable schools and 10% higher than all schools. The outstanding quality of our teaching staff was evident with a score 15% above comparable schools. Our co-curricular program received the excellent score of 4.51, 13% above the figure recorded across all schools. As is typical of most schools, our lowest results for classroom engagement came from Year 9 students. For girls of this age, the purpose of schooling can be less clear and hence the goal of engaging them can be challenging. It’s a timely reminder that the teacher still has a crucial and demanding role to play in the process of student learning, by creating a context in which the students’ desire and ability to learn can work most effectively.

Results from the staff survey were extremely positive with improvements evident across all areas in comparison to the 2016 survey. The average score of 4.35 was 10% above that achieved by similar schools.

The parent survey had a response rate of only 27.6% which was 13.2% lower than the figure recorded in 2016. The average score was 4.12 in comparison to 4.06 three years earlier. Academic excellence, school reputation and school size were the three main reasons for choosing the School, with ‘word of mouth’ remaining the strongest marketing tool. Many of the new programs were recognised via improved scores for pastoral care/wellbeing and learning and extension. Parents scored the learning environment at 4.39, teaching standards at 4.21 and values and culture at 4.19, all superior to the scores recorded by similar schools. From the custom statements, the highest score was with parents being comfortable approaching the class or Home Group teacher to talk about their child’s progress (4.36). This was particularly pleasing as it shows that the connection between parents and teachers has continued to strengthen, which can only positively affect our girls’ outcomes.

Whilst there were a number of references to the gymnasium, there was no real theme running through the responses to the question seeking initiatives for the next Strategic Plan. The overall results showed great satisfaction with the School’s current position and confidence in its future direction. The Board will analyse all of the results and any constructive criticism that has been provided as it develops the 2020 – 2022 Strategic Plan.

Our new Science Centre will continue to take shape over the coming weeks with the delivery and placement of the remaining pre-cast panels and structural steel. The position of the crane will result in a smaller turning circle adjacent to the work site. Please be aware that this will be a challenge for larger cars to negotiate. If age appropriate, I again encourage parents to collect their girls in the surrounding streets. Please also note that the School will be closed on Friday 26 April during the holidays due to site works.

Finally, I wish you all a relaxing break and look forward to welcoming the girls back on Monday 29 April.

Julia Shea

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House Rules at Summer Interhouse

W11 - Summer Interhouse

After an action-packed 11 weeks at school, this afternoon’s Summer Interhouse ended Term 1 on a high.

House spirit was in full flight and the girls were greeted by perfect conditions for the outdoor sporting clashes.

Congratulations to the winning Houses:

Tennis – 1st Kennion, 2nd Selwyn, 3rd Kilburn, 4th Patteson
Touch Football – 1st Kilburn, 2nd Patteson, 3rd Selwyn, 4th Kennion
Volleyball – 1st Kilburn, 2nd Patteson, 3rd Kennion, 4th Selwyn
Basketball – 1st Patteson, 2nd Selwyn, 3rd Kilburn, 4th Kennion

Check out some highlights below:

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Good Sports Down to a Tee

W11 - JS Teeball_eNews

As part of the Summer Interhouse, Years 3 – 6 participated in a fun House Tee-ball clash. The weather was perfect for all of the classes to come together and enjoy exercising their House spirit as well as their bodies!

All four Houses played against each other, with the students having a chance to bat and field both infield and outfield positions. The students, whether seasoned Tee-ball or Softball players or just having their first try at the game, participated enthusiastically and made the morning an enjoyable end to Term 1.

Thanks to the umpires and teachers who organised and oversaw the games. Congratulations to Selwyn for taking out the overall win, followed by Kilburn in second place.

Rebecca Riley
Year 4 Teacher

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Top 3 Finish for our Talented Athletes

W11 - Athletics

On Thursday 11 April, Saints Girls contested the State Secondary School Athletic Championships. Continuing in the top division (A1), Saints were keen to perform well despite missing some key athletes. What did happen was girls stood up and competed in events they may not have usually done and performed remarkably well.

While the full results are yet to be supplied, Saints were amazing through all individual events and relays to finish 3rd overall, just 3 points behind Glenunga in 2nd and 18 points behind winners Immanuel. With around 90 schools entering this competition over eight days, this ranks Saints the 3rd best Athletics school in the State. This is something to be very proud of. Well done to all those who competed.

Neil Fuller
Director of Sport

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Life Lessons from Cave Diving Hero

W11 - Year 6

On 4 April, seven Year 6 students went to St Peter’s College for a talk for Years 3 – 6 students called ‘Decision Making in The Dark’ by one of their old scholars, Dr Richard Harris. We all admired his humility and courage in risking his own life to save 12 Thai children and their soccer coach from a flooded cave last year.

Dr Harris talked about following your passion and doing what makes you happy. He told us that you have to know how to lose as well as how to win in life, because not everything can go your way. When Dr Harris won the Australian of the Year Award with a fellow cave diver involved in the rescue, he thought that he didn’t deserve it at first because many people have worked their whole lives on the thing for which they were recognised and he had only done one thing. Dr Harris also spoke about things he did at school that impacted on his later life. One was learning photography, which he still loves, and another was learning how to ‘turn the switch’ during a very wet and miserable camping trip to think about the good things and not just the bad things. He says we can all use that skill in our daily lives by finding the ‘switch’ when things aren’t going well.

It was a great opportunity to hear an incredible story and to think about some of the character strengths that Dr Harris showed during a very challenging task. We will take his words of wisdom with us.

Francine Stavrou and Year 6 students

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Environment Club Takes out the Trash

W11 - Year 4

“Last Friday, Ms Riley’s Year 4 class teamed up with some members of the Environment Club to take part in a ‘Clean Up Australia Day’ activity. In groups, we wandered the School grounds and picked up every piece of rubbish we could find, which the Year 4s really enjoyed.

In addition to educating the Junior School students and raising awareness of environmental issues, the activity was a perfect opportunity for students to actually get involved and make a difference within our School.” – Lucy White (Year 11)

“Collecting rubbish around the School allowed a greater understanding of the importance of keeping a community clean. Most of the girls found it very surprising how much rubbish was collected and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. I look forward to more opportunities to come up which allow rubbish to be collected because keeping an area clean not only looks great, but really helps the environment.” – Lucy Young (Year 11)

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Piano Eisteddfod at St Peter’s Girls

W9 - Piano Eisteddfod

The St Peter’s Girls’ Piano Eisteddfod is once again being held in Term 2 this year. This is a great opportunity for piano players of all ages and skill levels to perform a piece of music in front of an audience on our beautiful grand piano.

Between 12.15 and 3pm on Monday 27 May, entrants will be given a time to come to MB120 and perform their prepared piece. Parents and friends are welcome to watch this performance. Girls will be given written feedback on their performance as well as a participation certificate.

For girls who have an exam coming up or have never had a chance to play a piano piece in public, or just want to share one of their favourite pieces, this is the perfect opportunity.
This Eisteddfod is open to all students at Saints Girls, no matter how long or short a time they have been learning piano.

From the Eisteddfod, 10 girls will be selected, representing each year level, to perform at an evening recital on Thursday 6 June. At this performance, we are lucky enough to have secured David Goodwin to be our special guest performer. David is an outstanding Adelaide-based piano player who regularly performs both Jazz and Classical music at the highest level. He is a fine musician who is sure to inspire our developing piano players.

I look forward to hearing all our wonderful piano players performing their favourite work at our Eisteddfod in May. Entry forms will be available in Week 1 of Term 2.
Happy practicing!

Sally Rounsevell
Director of Music

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Anzac Day Dawn Service

W11 - Anzac Day 3

For students and families interested in attending the Kensington RSL Anzac Day Dawn Service, formalities begin at 6.30am. Due to the large number of people attending, it would be advisable to be there by 6.15am. Seating is limited to veterans and dignitaries. Any student wishing to represent the School is asked to wear full winter uniform. If we can gather behind the seating adjacent to the memorial, it would be wonderful to observe the ceremony together.

St Peter’s Girls will be laying a wreath as part of the ceremony.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Gregor Dingwall
Head of Humanities

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Close Shave for a Worthy Cause

W11 - L

On 22 March, I participated in the World’s Greatest Shave. I had to sign up on the website and a few days later I received a starter pack which contained promotional posters and everything I needed to begin fundraising. I decided to do the shave because my granddad had lung cancer, and Leukaemia is a type of cancer.

I’d like to thank everyone for their words of encouragement and their donations. I raised over $2000 which will go towards research.

Letitia Page-Thomson
Year 9 student

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Magdalene Centre – A Hunger to Help Others

W11 - Volunteer

Last Saturday night, Senior School families donated money towards the purchase of food for patrons of the St Mary Magdalene Drop-in Centre in the city. Numbers have been on the increase in the past 12 months, reflected by the large crowd that attended on Saturday, estimated to be upwards of 120 people.

Thanks to your generous donations, the patrons enjoyed a delicious roast chicken dinner and apple turnovers and ice cream for dessert, and some were able to enjoy second and third helpings.

Our thanks to parent and student volunteers Anna and John Villani, Meg, Hannah and Andy Keough, Amelia and Mark Pudney and Luke Anderson for heating, serving and washing up on the evening with good grace and many laughs.

Our next two opportunities to assist the centre are Saturday 15 June and Saturday 3 August when the Middle and Junior Schools respectively will be asked to provide food and volunteers.

Susanna Anderson
Enrolments Manager

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The STEM of Global Humanity

W11 - STEM

On 5 April, the Year 10 Justice and Society class went to the UniSA Magill Campus. We attended a ‘STEM for Humanity’ course in which we attempted to solve real-world problems with STEM. We first learnt about GPS systems and how they can be used in developing countries to map out shanty towns. We then mapped out the campus with our own GPSs to learn how this can be applied. Our second task utilised 3D printing to connect pipes that may be broken during earthquakes. This was challenging yet ultimately fulfilling as we problem-solved the technicalities of the situation. Our last task was creating a water filter system for developing countries based on specific countries and their budgets. The day was extremely rewarding and we all benefitted a lot from this experience.

Year 10 Justice and Society class

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Year 2 Learning Showcase

W11 - Year 2 Parent Morning_eNews

To celebrate the amazing learning journey the Year 2 girls have undertaken this term, we invited parents and other guests to a special Sharing Morning. There was much excitement as the girls shared their Space Presentations, demonstrated Book Creator and PowerPoint, as well as showcasing the Recycled Rockets! The ‘Playdough Planets’ procedure sent by NASA provided a hands-on way to discover the immense size and scale of the planets in our solar system. This was a powerful Unit of Inquiry to launch a terrific year of learning.

Kathryn Clark and Rebecca Greenhalgh
Year 2 Teachers

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French Film Festival Excursion

W11 - French

On Monday 8 April, the Years 7 and 8 French students visited the Palace Nova East-end Cinemas as part of the 2019 French Film Festival. We had the opportunity to watch the animated film Dilili in Paris. The movie was in French but had English subtitles to help us understand what they were saying. The plot surrounded an African child trying to solve the mystery of the master-men, with the help of her best friend Orel. The experience was very educational as we were able to hear the words and then read what they meant. I am sure that I can speak for all of us when I say that our visit was very fun and interesting.

The French Film Festival is on now in Adelaide until 18 April with plenty of films for all ages and interests. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVRUX8tloNw

Stephanie Andrejewskis
Year 7 student

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Chess Club – ‘Check’ it Out!

W4 Chess Club 2

At Saints Girls, students are always achieving amazing things. Last year, the Chess Club had the opportunity to compete against other girls’ schools in South Australia to represent the State at the National Chess Championships. Two teams from South Australia were selected to compete, one being Saints, which we are so incredibly proud of. As Gary Kasparov says, “Chess helps you to concentrate, improve your logic. It teaches you to play by the rules and take responsibility for your actions, how to problem-solve in an uncertain environment.” The chess team has training every Friday lunchtime during Terms 2 and 3, and the senior girls have the opportunity to compete on Friday nights in the Chess Centre. If you would like to get involved or want to know more, come speak to either myself or Mrs O’Brien.

Rachel Banham
Chess Captain

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Surf’s Up for Saints Girls

W11 - Surfing

On Thursday 28 and Friday 29 March, the senior Year 11 and 12 PE girls ventured south to Middleton to spend two days tackling the challenge of learning and improving the skill of surfing. After arriving on Thursday around 10.30am, the girls suited up in their wetsuits and retrieved their surfboards. Following a short briefing on the instructions, guidelines and safety regulations, we all took our boards out into the surf and had a ‘gnarly’ time trying to balance on our boards and ride waves. After a long day, we headed to Chiton Rocks Surf Life Saving Club where we had a fun night of games and a delicious dinner of chicken and chips (which was a highlight for lots of the girls!). Due to predicted rough weather conditions, early Friday morning we packed up our bags and headed back to the beach for a second attempt at catching some waves. Although surfing proved more difficult on this day than we had anticipated, we had a great time and gave it our all and saw definite improvement.

Phoebe Gerard, Emily Dobson-May and Isabelle Norman
Year 11 students

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P&F Mother’s Day Stall


The Parents’ and Friends’ Association will be holding a Mother’s Day Stall where all of our Junior School girls will be able to purchase a gift for their mother, grandmother or another special person in their life.

We will have a variety of wonderful gifts available for $5 each. They will be wrapped and delivered to class teachers and given out at the end of the day.

The stall will be set up on the Arts Centre steps on Thursday 9 May and Friday 10 May at Recess and Lunch.

If you would like your child to purchase a gift from the stall, please send some money to school with them on these days.

Please note: Year 4s are on camp on 9 and 10 May, and Year 6s are away in Canberra on 9 May. If these students would like to purchase a gift, please contact the P&F via stpetersgirls.pandf@gmail.com

Bronwyn Bartter
President of the Parents’ and Friends’ Association

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Parent-Daughter Mind Lab Session

W11 - Mind Lab

Students in Years 3 and 4 and their parents are invited to join us for a Parent-Daughter Mind Lab Session on Thursday 2 May from 6 – 7.30pm in the Arts Centre.

Please book your place at www.trybooking.com/BCDVM

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Futures Program – Help Wanted!

Futures is an entrepreneurship program where students form companies in groups to sell a product or service. These companies can be for profit, not-for-profit or social enterprise.

We are seeking your assistance to provide ongoing mentorship with a number of these companies as they progress through the stages of running a company.

This would require you to attend our School for 1.5 hours on three occasions. We would also like you to attend our end of year expo. Please see dates below:

· 20 June 1.50 – 3.30pm
· 29 August 8.30 – 10.10am
· 21 November 8.30 – 10.10am
· 28 November Expo – time TBA

Monique Green
Digital Technologies Teacher and STEM Coordinator

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School Shop Reminder

W5 - Winter Uniform

A reminder to parents of new students to ensure they have their winter uniform requirements prior to the start of Term 2. If you have not already been in to see us or made an appointment, please do so as soon as possible as places are filling fast.

This is also a timely reminder to all other students to dust off your winter uniforms to ensure everything still fits!

In the holidays, the School Shop will be open on Tuesday 23 April from 9am – 4pm for fittings by appointment only, and on Wednesday 24 April from 9am -1pm. Please note that the School Shop will now be closed on Friday 26 April due to site works.

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Junior School Vacation Care

W9 - Vacation Care

Our next instalment of Vacation Care is almost here. We have some great activities guaranteed to keep the children entertained through the break. With an array of excursions and on-site adventures, there is plenty of fun to be had.

*Please note: If you have not yet booked, each individual booking made will incur an additional late booking fee of $5.00.

Places are limited, so please click here to secure your booking now!

Vacation Care Program – April 2019
Click here to book Vacation Care

Please note that Vacation Care will not be available on Friday 26 April.

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Introduction to Percussion

W11 - Percussion

New Course Commencing Term 2 2019

Discover the exhilarating rhythms and exotic sounds of the world of percussion! In Nick Parnell’s custom-designed course, students will be introduced to a wide variety of tuned and non-tuned percussion, marimba to drum kit, while being taught the fundamentals of music. Students will learn essential playing techniques and ensemble playing skills all while having a great time in a welcoming and fun atmosphere!

Suitable for any Years 5 – 7 students who have a heartbeat. No musical experience necessary.

Learning Outcomes:
• Introduction to the basic building blocks of music including rhythm and melody
• Fundamental percussion playing techniques
• Develop team work and basic ensemble playing skills
• Provides the necessary basics to join our new Junior Percussion Ensemble

When and Where: Weeks 2 – 9, Term 2 in MB120
Sessions: Choose from Tuesday lunchtime (1.10 – 1.50pm) or after school (3.35pm – 4.15pm).
Course Cost: $190 (includes course book)
Equipment Required: Each student will require drum sticks and a practice pad. If you don’t have these, they can be purchased through the NP Percussion Academy at the checkout at time of booking at the special student price of $39.
Enrolment: nickparnell.com/course

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125 Gala Ball – Tickets Now on Sale

W8 - 125 Gala Ball

Our 125th anniversary Gala Ball is shaping up to be a spectacular evening.

We warmly invite you to join us in celebrating this significant milestone in the School’s history. We encourage all community members including current and past parents, past staff and Old Scholars to come along.

Highlights will include a delicious three course meal, premium beverages and fantastic live entertainment by leading party band The Cast, as well as our own talented student performers.

This is an event not to be missed and a fantastic opportunity to see familiar faces from your Saints Girls’ journey.

When: 6.30pm, Saturday 19 October 2019
Venue: William Magarey Room, Adelaide Oval
Dress: Black Tie

Tickets: $150 per person; tables of 10

Book now via www.trybooking.com/ZZGY or 8334 2225

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Seat of Encouragement – Style a Tile

W3 - Seat

The Next Challenge: Building for Tomorrow

Our ‘Seat of Encouragement’ will be a striking feature in our new Science Centre. Located on the second level between the four general laboratories, the seat will be accompanied by individual tiles, recognising donors who contribute to this unique St Peter’s Girls’ Foundation campaign.

We invite current/past parents and staff, Old Scholars, friends of the School and local businesses to purchase an expression of encouragement to embolden and inspire our girls.

The St Peter’s Girls’ Foundation raises funds to advance the School’s educational, scholarship and building programs. By purchasing a tile, you will be supporting the learners of today and tomorrow.

All tiles can be personalised and many offer the choice of a motivational quote. They can be purchased via www.trybooking.com/BARQD.

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Women in STEM Breakfast – Student Invitation (Years 10 – 12)

W10 - Women in STEM Breakfast Invite

Thursday 23 May from 8 – 10.30am

Is breakfast your favourite meal of the day? Are you interested in Science, Technology, Engineering and/or Mathematics? If you are in Years 10 – 12 and would like to know more about what a career in STEM looks like whilst enjoying a tasty, nutritious breakfast, then the Women in STEM Breakfast is for you! Hear from passionate and successful women from a range of industries. Key speakers include:

Sarah Brown: Co-Founder of Code Like a Girl
Dr Kristin Alford: Director of the Museum of Discovery (MOD)
Dr Bronwyn Hajek: Senior Lecturer in Mathematics at UniSA

Enjoy a morning of food, breakfast beverages and chatting about where your interests could lead.

Thursday 23 May from 8 – 10.30am in the Arts Centre at St Peter’s Girls’ School.

Visit www.trybooking.com/BCALF to secure your place.

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Community Golf Day

W1 - Community Golf Day
St Peter’s Girls’ Community Golf Day will be held on Thursday 14 November.

Do you play golf, have a golf membership or are you interested in golf? We need your expertise and advice!

Please contact Melissa Westgate in the Community Relations office via mwestgate@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au or 8334 2244.

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Wilderness Escape Outdoor Adventures – Holiday Activities

Register your child for an ADVENTURE these school holidays!

Return transport, qualified instructors and all equipment is provided for our awesome full-day adventure activities.

Click here to see what’s available – but get in quick, limited spaces available!

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Robogals’ Free Science and Engineering Day

W8 - Robogals

Robogals is holding a Science and Engineering Day at the University of Adelaide on 24 April for girls aged 5 – 15. The event includes a variety of fun STEM challenges.

This workshop is free, and all experience levels are welcome. Places are limited, so registration is essential.

Date: Wednesday 24 April
Time: 10am – 2.30pm
Location: University of Adelaide
Cost: FREE
Registration link: http://tinyurl.com/adelaide-sed
Information Flyer

Students are also invited to enter the Science Challenge 2019. More information can be found here.

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SHANE DAVIDSON PRESENTS is holding auditions this weekend for its October musical, Disney and Cameron Mackintosh’s Mary Poppins. This is the full-length version of the musical with an orchestra and many huge song and dance numbers. The production is open to ages 8 – 20. Everyone is welcome but only those who wish to have a main role need to audition. For further information or to register your interest, email shanedavidson@internode.on.net

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Tennis Coaching at St Peter’s Girls

W9 - Tennis Coaching

The lunchtime ANZ Tennis Hot Shots program in Term 1 has been a great success! It has been wonderful to see so many girls out on court learning the basic skills of tennis in a fun environment.

Tennis lessons will continue during Terms 2 and 3 for those interested in continuing in the program, however these lessons (or private/small group coaching) will be conducted by Matt Ford, separate from our school program as we turn our focus to winter sports.

Tennis coaching in Terms 2 and 3 is open to all girls from Reception to Year 4. In Term 2, Matt will be handing out a special Hot Shots certificate to each girl, which gives them guidance as to what level they are currently at and shows them some of the different skills needed before moving up to the next level.

For those who participated in Term 1, the coaching will occur on the same day in Term 2 and Matt will notify you if there are any changes to the days. The fees for Term 2 will be $125 and will need to be paid directly to Matt.

Please direct all enquiries and bookings to Matt Ford: ford.matt@bigpond.com or 0412 855 073.

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Sports News

W11 - Sport

Term 1 Sport Review

Yet another busy term has come to an end. With the Swimming Carnival in Week 4 being defended by Selwyn, together with the full schedule of Summer sports, battling some extremely hot weather, thunderstorms and a variety of illnesses, Saints Girls have prevailed through it all.

In our annual Intercol against Walford, the current standing is 2-all with Saints winning Tennis and Volleyball and Walford claiming Basketball and Rowing. Unfortunately, we were not matched up in Softball and Water Polo and we hope we can play for these in Term 4.

At Head of the River, there were mixed results for our rowers with the Year 10B crew winning the Alison Smith Cup and the 1st VIII finishing their highest place in fourth.

Saints had a successful IGSSA Swimming Carnival, claiming age group wins in the U13, U14 and U16 divisions as well as reclaiming the IGSSA Swimming Shield.

To end an amazing term, both the Open A Water Polo and the Open C2 Touch teams took out their respective play-off matches to finish top in their grades.

Despite not fielding a team in the IGSSA Softball competition, Saints successfully won the State Secondary Schools’ Knockout competition.

Finally, we must not ignore the many outstanding achievements of individuals across so many sports for which we enjoy sharing their success.

Current Summer Sport Standings

Open B – 2nd
Middle A – 8th

Open A – 3rd
Open B – 6th

Open A – 5th
Open B – 5th
Middle A – 1st

Final Term 1 Placings

Touch Football
Open A – 5th
Open B – 4th
Open C1 – 3rd
Open C2 – 1st
Middle A – 3rd
Middle B – 3rd
Middle C – 3rd

Water Polo
Open A – 1st
Open B – 3rd
Open C – 3rd
Year 7/8 – 3rd

We now look forward to an exciting Winter season and hope that girls continue to play with pride, determination, commitment, desire and enjoyment.

Neil Fuller
Director of Sport


W11 - Softball

Congratulations to Nellie Ion (Year 6) who represented East Adelaide at the State Primary School Softball competition.

In the week-long event, East Adelaide finished in equal second place.

Well done Nellie!


Congratulations to the following students who will be competing at the 2019 Hancock Prospecting Australian Age Swimming Championships from 15 – 20 April: Poppy Marshall, Grace Sampson, Lara Wakeham and Tara Young. They will all be contesting individual events during the championships. Good luck and well done for qualifying which is an amazing achievement!


Division 1 – Saints 3-25 defeated Seymour 3-22
Singles: Ella Dnistriansky 6-2, Bridgette Leach 6-1, Adele Eaton 6-1, Grace Beaumont 3-6

Division 2 – Saints won by forfeit

Division 3 – Saints 2-21 defeated by Seymour 4-26
Singles: Chase Hocking 1-6, Astrid Teague 6-2, Azaan Singh 1-6, Anika Bruin 6-0

Division 4 Blue – Saints 3-18 defeated by Seymour 3-25
Singles: Zihan Huang 6-1, Jasmin Si 6-4

Division 4 White – Saints 2-26 defeated by Seymour 4-31
Singles: Ayanna Roy 5-6, Lilli Bennett 3-6, Gloria Zou 4-6, Nathara Perera 6-5


Open A – Saints 4 defeated Seymour 0
The Open As played Seymour, winning 4-0 in the play-offs. This was an amazing effort from each girl. Ehi Oyugbo managed to score all 4 tries as she made space on the wing and the link, and middles players developed good rucking and set plays to get the ball out to her – well done Ehi. Hannah Freeman has been a stand-out all season, always playing with intent and utilising her speed. Thank you to all the players who filled in for our team this season. It has been a fantastic start to the season for the Open A girls as the competition has been difficult and every girl is stepping up to that level. Look forward to seeing everyone out again in Term 4! – Eve Habel (Captain)

Open B – Saints 3 defeated by Marryatville 8
The girls came up against a challenging opponent in Marryatville and, after the first half, were down 4-1. Through some good play down the field finished off by Hannah Freeman, we were able to score another 2 tries in the second half. Defence was quite strong despite the tries against, pulling the corners when required. We have had a good season to reach the 3v4 play-off match and look forward to Term 4. – Holly Cardone

Open C1 – Saints 7 defeated Pembroke 0
The C1s had a fantastic game in the play-offs with a convincing win over Pembroke. The girls came out firing, wanting a win. Our defence was strong throughout the whole match which showed on the scoreboard. In attack, we rucked quickly up the field and tried to incorporate all the plays and skills we had been practising in training. Our team pressure resulted in the other team making mistakes which we used to our advantage. Throughout the season we have improved so much, and we would like to thank Ben for being a great coach. It was an excellent game with every girl playing their role and all the girls should be proud of an amazing season. With this win, the C1s came 3rd in the comp. – Stephanie Smalls

Open C2 – Saints 1 defeated Gleeson 0
The C2s had not lost this season but knew it would be a challenge against Gleeson’s top team. The girls started slowly and looked to be struggling to find their rhythm, rucking the ball poorly to constantly put themselves under pressure in defence. Fortunately, our defence was resolute and the energy we gained from defending well eventually gave us the impetus to attack the opponent with speed. At half-time with the score on 0-0, we felt the game was ours for the taking and, as it turned out, we managed to score with a super run on the wing from Imogen Parkinson. There were many other opportunities to score, though we could not quite get to a 2-0 buffer, but in the end, this was enough to claim victory and a pennant as the best team in this Open division. Congratulations to all the girls for a great season; Kendra Ware with her runs through the middle, Sophie Johnson with her excellent half passing, Alice Girdler for building momentum during the ruck, Olivia Kelly for giving 100% and always looking for an opportunity to score on the wing, Adele Russell for superb defensive efforts on the wing, Matilda Braithwaite for her endurance to keep running in the middle, and our overseas imports (exchange students) Hope Malloy and Caroline Johnson, for their ability to learn a new sport, attend training, listen to feedback and become integral parts of the team. Well done girls! – Dan Searle

Middle A – Saints 5 defeated Marryatville 0
The girls were put on the spot after an early game start against Marryatville but it didn’t take them long to compose themselves. After 10 minutes of game time, the girls had shot out to a 3-0 lead on the back of some excellent speed in attack. By half-time the score was still 3-0. The second half was similar to the first, the game ending in a 5-0 victory with scores from Grace, Pearl, Maddie, Ellie and Willow. Ruby and Georgia were also very busy in attack, setting up some try attempts. The girls rucked the ball well with some excellent wraps towards the end of the game. A great way to finish. – Tracey Hunt

Middle B – Saints 3 defeated by St Ignatius 5
The girls in Middle B worked solidly in defence but two break-away tries led to early points on the board for the opposing team. However, the girls showed superb grit and determination and fought back, defending fiercely against further attacks. The score at half-time saw the girls down 3 points, so with the pressure mounting, the girls used a scoop and run for the second week in a row and broke through the defence to score. It was a bitter battle with Saints scoring a further try due to the opposition being off-side and a final try through their superb rucking, but it wasn’t enough and the final score was 3-5. The girls have displayed great passion and commitment to the game and their skill level has shown huge development over the term. Well done girls. – Becca Burton-Howard

Middle C – Saints 3 drew with Loreto 3
The girls played a superb game, putting into place a strong defence which they had been practising over the past few weeks. The girls improved on their communication led by Scarlett Dillon and Jasmine Segredos. By half-time, the team were down against the opposition with a possible loss looming, however, the girls were not prepared to go down without a fight and came back in the second half with a vengeance. They instigated a stunning scoop and run try and followed it with some quick effective rucking that broke down the defence and led to a further two break-away tries. Over this term, it has been a privilege to watch the effort and development of skills in these players as they have become more familiar with the game of touch. Well done girls and we look forward to seeing you again in Term 4. – Becca Burton-Howard


Open A – Saints 3 defeated Pulteney 0 (26-24, 25-11, 25-16)
For our last game of term, we were matched against Pulteney. As soon as the first set started, we found ourselves 0-7 down and realising this would be a tough match up. We managed to build the energy on court and find a rhythm that eventually lead us to win the set by 2 points, 26-24. In the second set, we had to start strong to ensure we weren’t playing catch up. Clair Kao had a bullet of a serve that Pulteney struggled to return, winning consecutive points on end. We managed to secure the second set comfortably 25-11. For the last set, we decided to have some fun and try some different positions compared to our usual rotation. Chloe Deieso was a brick wall on the net as middle blocker, blocking and shutting down Pulteney’s offensive plays. Pulteney couldn’t find a way to counteract our system, as we took the third set 25-19. I’m so incredibly proud of everyone’s efforts this term; all the early morning trainings and Saturday mornings aren’t easy but it’s evident they’re paying off. We have played some amazing volleyball in the past games and its looking very promising for the future. – Charlotte White (Captain)

Open B – Saints 1 defeated by Pulteney 2 (25-20, 16-25, 19-25)
A shortened team due to illness, we thank Amy Li and Georgina Keough for filling-in. Molly Lucas captained the side and set well with Toni Christiansen and Tilly McCormack dominating when the ball came near them at the net.

Amy Li served the first ace for the match and continued to serve well throughout. The teams were evenly matched and it came down to the deciding set where either team could have won. Unfortunately, Pulteney were able to string their serves together right at the end and take out the last set. It was still a good match to end the term, with all girls playing well. – Alistair Keough (Coach)

Open C – Saints 0 defeated by Pulteney 3
Unfortunately, the girls had a very tough match. Our serving, which is normally one of our stronger skills, was our downfall. We couldn’t get a run of serves to put the pressure on the opposition and, instead, the pressure was on us a majority of the game. Despite this, the girls kept their heads high and were determined to enjoy the game no matter what the result. Obviously, it would have been nice if we could have finished the term with a win, but looking back, the girls have improved so much since the first game. They finally play as a team and there is so much more voice and encouragement during games. I am very proud of how far they have come and can’t wait to continue this progress in Term 4. – Victoria Neale (Coach)

Middle A – Saints 3 defeated Wilderness 0
The team was very dominant in set 1. In set 2, Wilderness stepped up and the game became more competitive. The girls did very well with a high percentage of three-passing, ending with a spiking action each time the ball crossed the net. All of the team are beginning to grow in confidence at setting the ball when possible and showing a good level of control. Well done to Charlotte for stepping into the A team this match. – Vicki Dent (Coach)

Middle B – Saints did not play

Middle C – Saints 1 defeated by Wilderness 3
The game showed that our team needs to work on more consistent serves when volleyball kicks off again in Term 4. However, the girls are still improving and beginning to pass the ball amongst each other rather than putting it straight back over the net, which is very encouraging. MVP was Aveeshkha Iyer who is starting to move her feet more to keep the ball alive, and for improved digs and finding her serve again. – Vicki Dent (Coach)


Open A – Saints 5 defeated Seymour 0
W11 - Water Polo 2A fantastic end to the season as we maintained our undefeated position to claim the win over Seymour in the final. We started off very strongly in defence with a drop on centre forward and then transferred our steals quickly into attack. This allowed us to snatch the lead early in the game, scoring 2 goals in the first quarter to Seymour’s nil. We kept up the pressure throughout the rest of the game, scoring 1 goal in each quarter and keeping Seymour scoreless. I congratulate every girl on their strong defensive work. The best player was Lara Wakeham who played extremely well in both defence and attack. Great work team! – Nicolette Miller (Captain)

Open B – Saints 12 defeated Mercedes 1
The girls finished off the term with a great clash, playing well as a team and showing excellent game awareness. They dominated from the beginning, playing a particularly strong first half, with the score being 8-0 at half-time. Emily Baldwinson was the best player, winning many steals, playing a great attack and shooting 5 goals. Fantastic work girls!

Open C – Saints 14 defeated Sacred Heart 3
The girls started strongly, achieving a 4-0 lead by the end of the first quarter. Every player continued to work hard and the team dominated the play throughout the game. Best players this week were Sophie Dansie and Willow Stewart-Rattray who both showed great teamwork, releasing and driving in attack providing themselves as an option to pass to. Great last game! – Nicolette Miller (Captain)

Year 7/8 – Saints 7 defeated St Aloysius 4
The girls had an awesome season, only losing one game. They were very unlucky to not be in the play-offs, however, did not let this get them down, playing a sensational game. It was a very tough match-up, in which the girls showed tremendous resilience and sportsmanship. I am extremely proud of how far the girls have come and look forward to coaching them again in Term 4. – Gemma Rowe (Coach)

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