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Enews – Week 11, Term 1 2018

Issue no. 11Enews-banner

W11 Banner

From the Principal

The Power of Perspective….

I use logic exhaustively on my children with little to no success. They could revere their weekend ‘curfew’ time as a reminder of their warm, safe home and all of its comforts. Yes, broccoli may look like a stunted tree but it’s actually a nutrition powerhouse that will enhance your complexion. Having to be at school by 7am isn’t a hardship – Malala Yousafzai risked her life to get an education. I’m sure they regard education as a privilege but they don’t articulate that sentiment.

juliashea_web-200x300-200x300So I persist in blabbing on about how lucky they are, particularly when it comes to school. Sluggish homework habits, poor preparation for tests, uniforms looking untidy – all grounds for my exasperating reminders. But the fact is that my constant plea for them to acknowledge just how fortunate they are serves as no motivation whatsoever.

At some point in their transition to adolescents, our girls move from an age of appreciation to an age of entitlement and, as a parent, that’s really frustrating. So, if my words can’t turn that attitude around, what do I do? We need to add perspective. We need to broadcast a view of the world that puts their present experience into a larger context. You won’t change their mind or suddenly have them attune to your way of thinking. But by continually adding information, you’ll allow them to challenge their own thinking. And that information is so much better seen than heard. For me to tell my girls that they live a privileged life is one thing. To take them to volunteer at the Mary Magdalene Centre and see how others, who live just five kilometres from their doorstep, exist is entirely another. So, over the holidays, have a think about what you can do to add perspective to your daughter’s thinking. I can’t promise that they’ll suddenly embrace their homework (or broccoli!), but it will have a more profound effect on them than asking exasperatingly, “Do you realise how lucky you are?”

Peggy Orenstein

For the past 25 years, renowned American author Peggy Orenstein has written extensively on a wide range of issues affecting girls and women. From princess culture, to the adolescent confidence gap, to sex, she reveals uncomfortable truths about the role of girls and women in our culture – and its consequences. She is the author of Girls And Sex, Schoolgirls, Cinderella Ate My Daughter, and most recently, Don’t Call Me Princess. She is also a contributing writer for The New York Times Magazine. I agree with Peggy; if parents don’t educate their children about sex, then the media will. ‘Girls and Sex’ is an uncomfortable topic but an essential one for all of our girls and parents to tackle. Given the importance of this discussion, we have combined with Walford and Wilderness to bring Peggy to Adelaide. She will be speaking to parents on Thursday 10 May. Tickets can be reserved at www.trybooking.com/360063. Regardless of the age of your daughter, I urge you to attend what will be a challenging but highly engaging evening.


Rebecca Greenhalgh returns from maternity leave at the start of Term 2. I’d like to thank Alana Lesiw for covering Rebecca’s Year 1 class this term. Luckily for us, Alana will be back later in the year to teach the Mid-Year Reception class.

It’s been a long term, and the girls and teaching staff are looking forward to a much-deserved break. Stay safe and I look forward to seeing you all return on Monday 30 April.

Julia Shea

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Keith Conlon On Song for ‘Saints Girls & All That Jazz’

Winter Cabaret Enews Banner

The Music Department is excited to announce yet another famous face for its spectacular line-up of talent at ‘Saints Girls and All That Jazz’! Media identity and jazz enthusiast Keith Conlon will join us to compère what is shaping up to be a fantastic show. Keith is a jazz drummer and his band, Conlon-Bailey Groove Diggers, just completed a successful season at the Adelaide Fringe. Apparently, he also plays a seriously mean washboard!

Emma Pask, our guest vocalist from ‘The Voice’, has finished rounding up a huge concert with Marcia Hines and David Campbell, while Ross Irwin, our guest trumpeter, having finished off a tour as guest support artist for Robbie Williams, is currently on the Gold Coast where his band Cat Empire is featuring at the Commonwealth Games.

And, of course, we mustn’t forget our own little starlets here at Saints Girls! The jazz choirs are primed and ready to go, and the Stage Band is in full swing, itching to hit the stage.

Don’t miss out on your opportunity to attend this wonderful show. Book your tickets now via www.trybooking.com/UUMN.

Check out this video to hear more about this exciting event!

Sari Noble
Music teacher

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Strings Week

W11 Strings Concert
This week, as part of our Strings Week celebrations, we held our annual Strings Twilight Concert. Girls from Reception to Year 12 worked together to present a variety of items with each string ensemble. Throughout the concert, our senior strings girls supported the younger members of our strings community, helping the junior ensemble walk on stage, encouraging nervous performers and playing various parts within each ensemble to help the girls feel more confident. The evening ended with a fabulous rendition of the theme from Game of Thrones by the combined intermediate and senior ensembles.

Last Friday, 10 girls in the Junior String Orchestra travelled to St David’s Anglican Church to participate in their annual Strings Day Camp. The girls not only worked on their concert piece, but also spent time learning new skills, developing string techniques and bonding as a group.

Check out the highlights from the Strings Concert this week:

Lessons are currently available in violin, viola, cello and double bass. Contact the Arts Office for more details.

Fiona Patten
Strings Coordinator

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From Stonyfell to Harvard

W11 - EM

Old Scholar Emily Murdock (Kilburn ’17) was recently accepted into Harvard, one of the world’s most prestigious universities. Harvard has had 48 Nobel Laureates, 32 heads of state and 48 Pulitzer Prize winners amongst its faculty and alumni. Here are some words from Emily about her exciting news and upcoming adventure.

“The possibility of studying overseas was not one I had considered until Year 10. As part of the Personal Learning Program, we needed to look through various university websites and, during this process, I noticed Australian undergraduate degrees were generally quite focused. This sounded less than ideal to me as a wildly indecisive 15 year old, who really just loved learning and couldn’t fathom being restricted to one field. US degrees tend to be significantly more flexible, so I decided that it wouldn’t hurt to apply.

The application process began with taking SATs, which felt similar to a Year 12 version of NAPLAN tests. I sat the first of these at the beginning of Year 11, and then took specialised Chemistry and Mathematics tests at the beginning of Year 12. After that, I filled out the application form which included all of my school reports since Year 9, the subjects I was taking in Year 12 and all of my extra-curricular activities. The essays were next; I was asked to write about my identity, my interests, problems I’d like to solve, people I’m inspired by and much more. I also needed three letters of recommendation from my teachers and, finally, I was interviewed via Skype.

I felt like I was dreaming when I logged onto the Harvard website and saw that I had been accepted, and the feeling hasn’t quite gone away yet. After staring blankly at the screen for a minute or two, all I could think about was how absurdly lucky I had been up to that point. I was lucky to have been given the chance attend a school like Saints Girls, lucky to have had tremendously talented and compassionate teachers, lucky to have been part of a cohort of brilliant young women, and even lucky to have had a really nice interviewer who found it very amusing that I play volleyball despite being barely 5ft tall (5’1” on a good day!).

That indecisive 15 year old has turned into a marginally better “adult”. For the moment, I’m interested in theoretical physics, but I can’t wait to explore what Harvard has to offer and could well change my mind in the coming months. I’m looking forward to adding some Chemistry, Computer Science and French to my degree. I am beyond excited to see where this opportunity will lead me and, above all, I am grateful to everyone who has supported me along the way.”

Emily Murdock
(Kilburn ’17)

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A Message From the Chapel Captain

W11 Chapel

Chapel at Saints Girls is a weekly event and, during Term 1, Chapel was action-packed. The School welcomed a new Chaplain, Thomas Bassett, to the community who has brought fresh ideas and enthusiasm to each service. We strive to get the balance right, blending new ideas to challenge the girls while keeping the familiar aspects that make us feel at home in Chapel. So, we have started to see Chapel transform to a new, modernistic style that strives to involve the student body and intertwine other innovation, never allowing two services to be alike. This has brought a new atmosphere to Chapel as musical items, re-enactments and dramatic readings continue to grasp the attention of the younger cohort.

Services have now also been moved back into the Chapel as the School has opened the new Library and Middle School area. Our Chapel building has retained its retro charm, but we are very happy to have the new air conditioners!

We enjoyed our Easter celebrations a few weeks ago and, at the Easter Eucharist, we welcomed back The Venerable David Bassett to lead the service.

In the terms to come, Chapel will explore Jesus’ values and how they can guide us in everyday life. We will be partnering with the Mary Magdalene Centre to explore how we can help those in need. With a community service focus, we will incorporate collections of non-perishable food and goods into our Chapel services. These donations will be sent to the Mary Magdalene Centre, allowing our Chapel services to truly make a difference in people’s lives.

Cate Neale
Chapel Captain

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Year 8 Performing Arts Showcase

W11 Year 8

This term, the Year 8 classes have engaged in either Music, Dance or Drama lessons as part of the Arts Rotation. This experiential program provides students with an introduction to the subject or helps to refine skills. To celebrate the end of term, the three classes came together to rock the Arts Centre. Each subject performed a snapshot of what they had been learning over the past 11 weeks. As teachers, we arrived expecting a low-key sharing session, but what unfolded was a spectacular Arts extravaganza.

Ms Habel’s music class delivered a rhythmical, energetic rendition of ‘All About That Bass’, incorporating passionate percussion, vibrant vocals and even bopping back-up dancers. Next, Ms Kitching’s drama class performed two fairytale skits. However, although they may have achieved their happy ending, they were far from traditional. The students wrote, directed and performed their plays, working collaboratively to present hilarious plot lines full of exciting characterisation. It was fantastic to see some other students working the lighting and sound as well as helping out backstage with set changes.

To conclude, my dancers demonstrated some jazz technique skills they had learnt and refined throughout the term, including turns, kicks and jumps. The students then showcased their incredible vocal choreography routines in the upbeat style of Motown. Tunes from The Supremes, The Jackson 5 and The Four Tops filled the Arts Centre and had everyone clapping along.

The support, encouragement and celebration was contagious. What a way to end a fantastic term! Check out this video with highlights of the performances.

Kate Burnett
Head of Arts

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ELC Festival an Enchanting Success

The ELC Festival was held last Friday 6 April. From 4.30pm, the crowd started to gather and excitement was in the air! Children participated in crown making, canvas bag artwork and decorating their own plate.

Kaurna Elder Tamaru, a special friend of the ELC, performed a smoking ceremony, and there was music to enjoy by Lucy and Harry. The raffle was popular, with some amazing prizes won. It certainly was a sight to see with Chiverton House lit up with party lights, and the trees in the gardens festooned with purple and green lights. The atmosphere was special, and it certainly was an event to remember. Around 500 people supported the event, and it was lovely to see the ELC and School community come together to put on this wonderful event.

You can watch some of the magic here:

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Police Dog Steals the Show at Stonyfell

W11 Police Dog

On Thursday April 5, Marcus and his dog Zac from the Police Dog Section visited the Reception and Year 3 girls. Marcus outlined the important role police dogs play in our community and how Zac helps him with his job as a police officer. The girls learned about the training police dogs have and how they use their sense of smell to track people.

Marcus told us dogs were introduced to the Police Force in Adelaide in 1973, and the first dogs were from England. They have German Shepherds and Labradors in the Dog Squad, and start training them when they are 2 years old.

Aurelia asked, “Why do you need dogs?”… Marcus told us that dogs have a sense of smell around 10,000 times better than that of humans. He said that if a human and a dog walked into a kitchen that had a pizza cooking, humans can smell and identify that the smell is pizza, while dogs can smell and identify each individual ingredient that is on that pizza.

Marcus told us Zac uses his nose to find people by sniffing for their skin, and also noticing the footprints on the ground. When Zac has located a person, he barks to let the police officers know. Then, the police officers reward the dog by giving them a toy.

A big thank you to Simon Sparkes (Rebekah’s dad – Year 5) for organising this visit. At the end of the presentation, the Reception girls were able to try on different styles of police hats which Simon brought in to show, and all of the girls were very excited to be able to give Zac a pat at the end. He was very well behaved and loved all of the attention!

Reception and Year 3 Teachers

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Years 11 and 12 Academic Conferences

Given the number of parents likely to be making appointments to see Year 11 and Year 12 teachers early next term, we have decided to add an extra date.

Tuesday 8 May after school will be for Year 12 academic conferences. Thursday 17 May after school is the new date for Year 11 academic conferences. Hopefully this will increase flexibility and teacher availability. In due course, parents of Year 11 and Year 12 students will receive email alerts when the booking systems go live.

I look forward to seeing you at these academic conference evenings.

Nigel Scoggins
Director of Teaching and Learning

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Winter Uniform

11 Winter uniform

As we reach the end of term, it is time to think about arranging a winter uniform fitting for your daughter. Students will be required to wear their winter uniform from the first day next term.

For Year 4 students, there are a few different uniform requirements that you may need to purchase before Term 2.

The School Shop will be open the second week of the school holidays, Monday 23, Tuesday 24 and Friday 27 April from 9am to 4pm. Please contact the School Shop on 8334 2228 regarding availability, as appointment times are filling fast.

School Shop

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ANZAC Eve Youth Vigil Honour

W11 - HB3

The ANZAC Eve Youth Vigil at the State National War Memorial on North Terrace is a significant annual event, involving a vast number of dedicated young participants who stand vigil over the memorial on the eve and early hours of ANZAC Day. Involved in this event are a number of multicultural and youth groups including Scouts, Girl Guides, Surf Lifesavers, Army and Air Force cadets, SES cadets and many more.

I am honoured and excited to have been chosen as the youth guest speaker for 2018 and will explore the topic: “What the ANZAC spirit means to the youth of today.” My participation in the Premier’s Anzac Spirit Prize Tour to Vietnam last year has led me to this opportunity, and has also given me the chance to feature in a short TV segment on the ABC the following day at 11.30am.

I am looking forward to participating in such an important event and am pleased to be one of the many young members of the community contributing time to ensure the commemoration of our service men and women remains strong.

Hannah Brown
Year 11 Student

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State Softball Knockout Champs!

On Tuesday 27 March, the Open A Softball squad headed to West Beach to tackle teams from around SA. The girls entered the competition feeling confident and prepared to play against girls who have performed in top-level softball. With Aroha Munroe pitching to Tesse Parker, also known as the dynamic softball duo, we put up a great first game with a close win. With the adrenaline pumping, the team went out and smashed the second game with another great win! We had some terrific batting shown by Millie Wilkin and Kellie Bested.

To end the day on a high, the girls put their gloves down ready to beat the final opposition team for the day. Great teamwork and support was displayed and it’s so good to see the squad working so hard together to achieve their goal.

I am incredibly proud of these softball players and can’t thank our amazing coach Michelle Bonnar enough. We thank you for putting up with us, and helping us maintain and gain stronger skills in this sport. Also a big thank you to Carla Munroe (Addy’s mum) for scoring for us, and Merida Bested for coming out to support also. It was a great victory girls, the first squad to win the Open Knockout State Championships in seven years! You should all be very proud of yourself, you have developed stronger skills and great teamwork. Keep up the good work girls. Go Saints!

Lulu Tierney
Softball Captain

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Year 6 Peer Support Training

W11 Year 6

On Tuesday and Wednesday of Week 10, all of our Year 6 students participated in Peer Support Leaders’ training. It focused on preparing the students for their role in leading the Reception to Year 5 students in a weekly session next term. These sessions are an important part of developing a supportive environment where our girls further develop their skills and strategies to build positive relationships. Activities over the two days looked carefully at the skills of an effective leader, communication, teamwork, empathy, problem-solving and understanding the balance of highlights and challenges in their lives.

In our training, we learnt about how to use your tone of voice and body language when presenting to a group, which will really help us next term. The teamwork activities were enjoyable, especially ‘crossing the swamp’ and making newspaper costumes in groups.

Zara Chessell and Lydia Burrough
Year 6 students

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Street Smart High

W11 Street Smart

On Tuesday 10 April, all Year 10 students attended the RAA Street Smart High event at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre.

Street Smart is an annual road safety education forum, hosted in conjunction with the Motor Accident Commission, with the aim of reducing the State’s youth road toll. Road crashes are one of the leading causes of death for young people under the age of 25, and Street Smart demonstrates the devastating reality of road trauma to secondary students.

The girls witnessed the realities of inattention on our roads and learnt how simple mistakes such as reading a text message while driving can have long-lasting effects. Narrated by leading trauma surgeon Dr Bill Griggs, this life-changing event illustrated how easy it is for a car crash to occur, the response of the emergency services and the long-term shockwaves that can radiate for weeks, months and years afterwards. It featured a realistic crash scene re-enactment involving vehicles, emergency services and actors. Students also heard from people whose lives have been affected by road trauma.

This event is quite confronting at times and I was in awe of the mature way in which our girls coped with the material presented to them. Parents and caregivers can also play an important role in reducing the road toll. You are key to influencing the development of safe driver attitudes and actions. More information about the event can be accessed via raa.com.au/streetsmarthigh.

Karen Alderson
Careers Counsellor

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Old Scholar Announced as Scholarship Finalist

Congratulations to Chelsea McGuinness (Kilburn ’16) who has been announced as a scholarship finalist in the Generations in Jazz Music Festival. This scholarship is aimed at tertiary students and attracts some of Australia’s most outstanding young jazz musicians while serving as a launch pad for some of the country’s greatest jazz artists. Chelsea W11 CMfirst began learning about vocal jazz at Saints when she became a member of Enchanté at the age of 13. She showed great potential early on, but had worked mainly in the field of Music Theatre. Through her involvement in Enchanté she began to pursue jazz more seriously and then went on to win the Most Promising Jazz Vocalist in the GIJ Div 2 school competition in 2016. Chelsea follows in the footsteps of another Old Scholar and Enchanté singer, Erin McKellar (Patteson ’13) who was also nominated for this prestigious scholarship in 2017.

Now studying a Bachelor of Music at the University of Adelaide, Chelsea says she is thrilled to have the opportunity to perform again at this year’s event: “Being selected as a finalist was definitely a goal for me ever since I first heard about it, so I am so super excited to be coming down this year and competing again,” she says.

Sari Noble
Music Teacher

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Year 11 Business and Enterprise

W11 Business and Enterprise

On Tuesday, Year 11 Business and Enterprise students presented their term-long project to their mentors/customers and subject matter experts at Exposé. Team Smarta Data and Team Invision shared their solutions to business problems identified by their fictitious companies ‘The Trip Centre’ and ‘Cotton Off Clothing’. Students used Power BI to analyse data including customer demographics and sales. Their visualisations allowed their mentors/customers to better understand customer habits and trends. This unit of work has given students a high appreciation of the role data plays in informing business decisions, as well as exposing them to industry mentors and authentic business scenarios. Students have worked hard all term and I am immensely proud of them for their achievements. We look forward to working with Exposé for future projects to continue to provide industry connections for our girls.

Monique Green
Year 11 Business and Enterprise Teacher

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Movie Fundraiser to Support Fiji Mission

W11 Fiji

This year, for the first time, St Peter’s Girls’ School is sending 21 students to Fiji in the hopes that they will assist with the education of the younger generation and sustainability of the island. The girls we be spending two weeks there and, in order to achieve these goals, we aim to raise $1,500 through a special Movie Fundraiser. We will be screening the highly-anticipated ‘Avengers: Infinity War’, part one of the conclusion of this popular series. Tickets are on sale via www.trybooking.com/VGRJ and the movie will be held at the Capri Theatre on Goodwood Road at 3pm on Saturday 5 May.

Individual ticket: $20
Soft Drink + Golden Gay time or small popcorn + ticket: $22.50
Alcoholic Beverage + Small Popcorn or Golden Gay Time + ticket: $24

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Friends of Rowing BBQ

W11 Rowing BBQ

Last Sunday, Friends Of Rowing held their first sausage sizzle at Glynde Mitre 10. We certainly picked a rather warm day, but at least it wasn’t raining!

The sausages were generously donated by John Mallick, who also participated in the first shift with his daughter Georgia; thank you to both. A big thanks also to our other volunteers for the day: Jackie Symon, coaches Thomas and Hannah, Paul and Narelle Kameniar, Richard, Abbie and Maddie Lisle, Madison Liddy, Meg and Hannah Keough, as well as David and Primrose Robinson.

Funds raised are essential to purchasing rowing equipment, and also to helping offset fees and camp costs. We are chalking this one up as a test run, and will certainly aim to do another in the future.

The leftover sausages and bread were donated to the Mary Magdalene Centre, where they were gratefully received.

Friends of Rowing

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Saints Girls Head to….Madagascar!

W11 Musical

Saints Girls has a strong tradition of supporting The Arts and many of our students embark on performance opportunities outside of the School. Two such girls, Alyssa Tacono (Year 10) and Zara Blight (Year 7), are performing in an Adelaide Youth Theatre production of the SA premiere of ‘Madagascar – A Musical Adventure’. It’s a show for the whole family with all of your favourite characters from the animated Dreamworks movie coming to life before your eyes. It features high-energy songs, colourful costumes and the funniest characters you’ll have seen in a long time!

“I am playing ‘Private’, the adorable, cuddly penguin, a crowd favourite. It’s been a great opportunity working alongside some old and new friends, and I have developed a lot of skills including humorous dive rolls. Don’t miss out on experiencing this colourful and fun show!” – Zara Blight

“I have been fortunate enough to be cast to play the role of ‘Skipper’ the penguin. This fantastic and upbeat show is a must-see event. If you are interested, book your tickets now by clicking on the link below.” – Alyssa Tacono

Saturday 21 April – 2pm and 6pm
Arts Theatre, Angas Street, Adelaide
Tickets via www.adelaideyouththeatre.com.au

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Saints Girls in ‘Hairspray JR.’

W10 Musical2

Good morning Baltimore!

It’s 1962, and spunky plus-size teen Tracy Turnblad has one big dream: to dance on the popular Corny Collins Show. When she finally gets her shot, she’s transformed from social outcast to sudden star. In balancing her new-found power with her desire for justice, Tracy fights to dethrone the reigning Miss Teen Hairspray, Amber von Tussle, and integrate a TV network in the process. With the help of her outsized mother Edna and guest DJ Motormouth Maybelle, the rhythm of Tracy’s new beat just might prove unstoppable. ‘Hairspray JR.’ is based on the film and hit stage musical of the same name.

Shane Davidson Presents will deliver this fabulous musical on Friday 13 and Saturday 14 April at 7pm and Sunday 15 April at 4pm in the Arts Centre at Saints Girls.

The show stars some amazing talent including Sophie Norman (Penny Pingleton), Tia Bailey (Amber Von Tussle) and Isabelle Norman (Motormouth Maybelle), along with many girls from the Junior and Middle Schools.


ADULTS – $25
CONCESSION (pensioners and children) – $20

Click here to book

Visit the Shane Davidson Presents Facebook page HERE to check out a video they’ve put together promoting ‘Hairspray JR.’

Also, two new shows and a new TV web series are coming up! For more information, please email Shane Davidson: shanedavidson@internode.on.net

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Vacation Care

W8 Vacation Care
Our next installment of Vacation Care is almost here. We have two weeks of activities guaranteed to keep the children entertained through the break. With a total of four excursions, there is plenty of fun to be had.

Some of our home-based days will include a teddy bears’ picnic and alien day!

Read the full April Vacation Care program here!

Places are limited, so please click here to secure your booking now!

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Code Camp at St Peter’s Girls’ School

W5 Code Camp

St Peter’s Girls’ School will be hosting Code Camp Spark and Code Camp Ignite for students in Years 2 – 6 on 23, 24 and 26 April 2018, 9am – 3.30pm. The cost is $349 for three days.

Visit the Code Camp website for more information
Visit the St Peter’s Girls’ School booking page

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Regal Theatre Holiday Ticket Special

Burnside Council is offering school holiday movie deals of reduced ticket prices and candy bar combos for all sessions at the Regal Theatre from 14 to 29 April.

For more information, please click here: Regal Theatre School Holiday Flyer

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Ladies’ Night Out

Ladies' Night Out Trybooking Banner

If you’re up for a great night out, why not book a ticket to the Ladies’ Night Out? To be held on Friday 18 May from 7 – 10.30pm in the Arts Centre at St Peter’s Girls’ School, tickets are $50 each and include bubbles on arrival, finger food and a gift bag.

Join other like-minded community members for a night of fun, whilst playing a key role in supporting our Master Plan!

A fundraising raffle will be drawn on the night and bar facilities will be available.

Tickets via www.trybooking.com/UFUW

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Order Your 2018 | 19 Entertainment Book

W5 Entertainment Book

The 2017 | 18 Entertainment Membership is expiring on 1 June 2018. Pre-order your NEW 2018 | 2019 Entertainment Membership NOW!

As a St Peter’s Girls’ School Parents’ and Friends’ Association fundraiser, part-proceeds from every book sold will go to a special element of our Master Plan which will be announced soon.

You can order via the form at the Front Office or pre-purchase online: Order your Entertainment Book here!

The Entertainment Book and new phone app offer our community members a great way to try out restaurants and activities around SA, save money and, at the same time, support our girls.

Thank you in advance for your kind support and consideration.

The Parents’ and Friends’ Association

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Saints Girls Teams Up with BankSA

W2 BankSA

BankSA has partnered with St Peter’s Girls’ School in offering our community a great fundraising opportunity. If you’re keen to take your support to the next level while potentially saving yourself money, then this program is for you. We’ve made it really easy to further support the School, while also making sure you’re getting the best possible service and a great deal on your home loan.

If you’ve been thinking about a new place for your home loan – either to get a better rate or if it’s just time for a change – then using your home loan to support St Peter’s Girls’ School is a great option.

Not only will you get a great rate with BankSA, but you’ll also be supporting St Peter’s Girls’ School, as each BankSA home loan allows us to make a charitable donation in your name of between $1,000 and $6,000. As the SPGS Building Fund has DGR status, you may be entitled to claim a tax deduction.

It’s that simple

        • The more home loan referrals, the more money BankSA will donate to the School
        • Donation paid at settlement of the home loan
        • Unlimited donation potential

Both St Peter’s Girls’ School and BankSA have a proud history in South Australia and a strong sense of community. Fostering partnerships like this enables us to support our School community and our School.

To discuss further how BankSA can assist you and make a charitable donation in your name, simply call our BankSA Partnership contact:

Jasper Ooi
0401 717 894

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State Team Nominations

For those interested, State teams that have nominations due shortly are:

· 15 years and under Volleyball – due Wednesday 2 May
· 16 years and under Hockey – due Wednesday 9 May
· 15 years and under Touch Football – due Wednesday 9 May
· 17 years and under Golf – due Friday 11 May

There are also confirmed details for a 15 years and under girls’ Australian Football State team. Trials are starting shortly, so any interested students should speak with Mr Fuller or visit the website below for more information. Nominations are due on Wednesday 2 May, with the first trial on Sunday 6 May.

To be eligible for these nominations, girls must be representing St Peter’s Girls in their chosen sport (except for golf). All details are available via http://www.decd.sa.gov.au/sport.

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Sports News

W11 Sport


As Term 1 draws to an end, Winter Sport has commenced across Years 7 to 12. Students should be aware of the training days and times, and are required to notify the staff coordinator in advance if they will be absent.

AFL (Open): Roger Mills email – rmills@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au
AFL (Middle): Brian Parsons email – bparsons@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au
Athletics: Neil Fuller email – nfuller@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au
Badminton: Sonya Risbey email – srisbey@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au
Hockey: Dan Searle email – dsearle@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au
Lacrosse: Neil Fuller email – nfuller@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au
Netball: Alice Johnswood email – alice@taughtandbowled.com.au
Soccer/Football: Peter Krantis email – peterkrantis@yahoo.com


Division 1 Blue – Saints 5-35 defeated Seymour 1-20
Singles: Chelsea Staples 6-4, Lily-Rose Spartalis 6-2, Mahala Truscott 5-6, Charlotte Staples 6-1

Division 1 White – Saints 4-29 defeated Pulteney 2-16
Singles: Ella Dnistriansky 6-1, Taj Shahin 6-1, Bridgette Leach 2-6, Willow Stewart-Rattray 3-6

Division 2 Blue – Saints 3-23 defeated Seymour 1-8
Singles: Tiffany Zhou 6-2, Cheri Wong 6-0, Adele Eaton (won – forfeit), Ariel Spartalis (won – forfeit)

Division 2 White – Saints 2-22 defeated by Pulteney 4-27
Singles: Issy Harker 5-6, Amelie Eaton 4-6, Lilly Alexander 6-0, Orla Clayton 0-6

Division 3 Blue – Saints 5-30 defeated Seymour 1-12
Singles: Stella Clark 0-6, Anneliese Thomas (won-forfeit), Hattie Xu (won-forfeit), Hilary Clark 6-2

Division 3 White – Saints 3-24 defeated Pulteney 3-23
Singles: Eva Young 4-6, Chase Hocking 6-2, Victoria Thorp 6-3, Siena Zito 2-6

Junior Division 1 – Saints 4-24 defeated Scotch 2-16
Singles: Molly Dwyer 3-4, Marcella Tolley 1-4, Winnie Vartuli 4-3, Mathilda Thomas 4-1

Junior Division 3 – Saints 2-13 defeated by Scotch 4-17
Singles: Alexandra Nguyen 4-2, Gloria Zou 0-4, Lilly Michelon 1-4


Open A – Saints 3 defeated by Seymour 6
Saints had a slow start to the game working out Seymour’s strategies and planning their own tactics to go beyond the opposition. However, Seymour were quick to score 2 trys in the first 10 minutes by being creative on the line and making strategic moves to pass Saints’ defence. The girls rebounded quickly, picking up intensity across the field and putting pressure on Seymour’s attack by using strategies learnt in training. In the second half, Seymour’s defence weakened as they began getting stressed, which played to Saints’ advantage. The girls found gaps and rucked quickly, gaining ground and getting Seymour offside frequently. The score quickly became 3 – 4 until Saints became fatigued on the try line in attack due to Seymour’s widespread pressure. Although Seymour came away with the pennant, Saints demonstrated a high level of sportsmanship throughout the game, keeping their heads up high and staying focused. The girls should be congratulated on their efforts this term. They have participated with diligence and have been exceptionally committed throughout the season, which has been evident in their improvement across games and trainings. Congratulations girls on a great term. – Ebony-Jade Nash-Smith (Captain)

Open B – Saints 10 defeated Mary McKillop 0


Open A – Saints 1 defeated by Immanuel 2 (16-25, 25-20, 14-25)
A great spectacle to watch with both sides fighting hard and the match swinging wildly. Charlotte White played a Captain’s match with serving and net dominance, but we struggled at times with the tough serving by Immanuel. Nicolette Miller played a dominant net game with Isabella Villani in the back court chasing down balls off the blocks. – Alistair Keough (Coach)

Open B – Saints 1 defeated by Immanuel 2 (18 -25, 26-24, 10-15)
Immanuel started with a strong opening serving display, putting their stamp on the game early with some long serving runs. Nicolette Miller was again dominant at the net providing a wall against Immanuel’s hitters. Charlotte Carney was everywhere in the second set and driving the team to stay in the match. With the result in the balance, Isobel Tan served balls Immanuel were at a loss to return, but Immanuel were eventually able to come away with the win. – Alistair Keough (Coach)

Open C1 – Saints 2 defeated Immanuel 1 (26–24, 23–25, 15–13)
The Open C1s played an awesome game against Immanuel. It truly highlighted the skill development of this team over the season. The energy and enthusiasm of the girls could not be faulted. Additionally, their covering, blocking and serving showed how much they have improved from the beginning of the season and definitely gave them the advantage they needed, enabling them to win. I am incredibly proud of this team and how far they have come in such a short amount of time; they should be very proud of themselves. – Georgia Howe (Coach)

Open C2 – Saints 3 defeated Immanuel 0 (25–23, 26–24, 15–13)
The Open C2s played a terrific game, defeating Immanuel in three very close sets. The girls showed great determination and a high level of volleyball. Particularly, the use of three hits every point, serving, covering on the court and work at the net was excellent. Although difficult to pick best players for this game, Lola Dimond served very well and Jessica Wishart covered the court attentively throughout the entirety of the match. These girls have improved significantly over the season and should be extremely satisfied with their efforts. – Georgia Howe (Coach)

Open D – Saints 0 defeated by Immanuel 3 (23–25, 20–25,10–15)
Against a tough opponent, the girls put up an excellent fight and displayed how much their skills have improved over the season. Their ability to set up three hits every point, block at the net and cover the court was fantastic. Best players go to Mary Brownridge who blocked excellently at the net, Poppy Kirwan who covered the court very well and Sarah Matheson who played a terrific overall game. The girls should be very pleased with their efforts. – Georgia Howe (Coach)

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