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Reception to Year 2 Fathers and Treasured Friends’ Sausage Sizzle

Year 7 Parent Information Evening

Year 10 Vaccinations

Year 4 to 6 Co-curricular Dance

Year 7 Futures Travel Expo

R U OK Day

School Tour

SAPSASA State Athletics Carnival

ELC Parent Teacher Conversations

Year 2, 3 and 4 Music Concert

Year 5 Production

Last Day of Term 3

eNews – Week 10, Term 3 2020

Issue no. 30Enews-banner

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From Our Principal

juliashea_web-200x300-200x300The theory of left-brain or right-brain dominance states each side of the brain controls different types of thinking. People who identify as left-brain thinkers might feel that they have strong maths and logic skills. Right-brain thinkers feel that their talents are more on the creative side of things. A person who is ‘left-brained’ is often said to be more logical, analytical and objective. A person who is ‘right-brained’ is said to be more intuitive, thoughtful and subjective. I definitely fall into the left-brain category. Anyone who’s seen me in the Staff Dance on Celebration Day would know that my ‘creative side’ is buried deep within! Of course, we now understand that the brain is not nearly as dichotomous as once thought. Research has shown that ability in subjects such as Maths is strongest when both halves of the brain work together. Perhaps all those piano lessons that I persevered with in my youth helped garner the creative attributes needed to tackle the more challenging mathematical questions with which I was faced as I progressed through university.

In some schools, the Creative Arts have been relegated to the realm of co-curricular activities. Here though at Saints Girls, we believe the Creative Arts have a vital role to play in the education of our girls and hence they remain a cornerstone of our academic program. Whether it be through Music, Drama, Visual Art or Dance, the benefits of an Arts education are abundant. Confidence, creative thinking, improvisation, collaboration (through which you learn compromise), vision, imagination, open-mindedness – the list goes on. An education in The Arts is based on the belief that although we are teaching artistic conventions and theories, we are also teaching the freedom to create, experiment and eradicate the boundaries of possibility. The Arts are about looking beyond the self. Listening, feeling, sensing and moving, but most importantly, reacting (and this year in particular, responding to a world that has changed significantly).

That’s why this term at Saints Girls has been amazing. Unlike our peers in the eastern states, we’ve been privileged to welcome audiences back into our Arts Centre to see performances of the highest calibre. Charm, Kaleidoscope, the SACE Music Concert, the Year 9 Arts Night, the Year 2/3/4 Music Concert, and of course, the incredible Matilda The Musical JR. – all productions that have been given much classroom time. Because even beyond the transferable skills that it develops, our Creative Arts program ensures that every girl absorbs on a regular basis the aestheticism so key to the joy of being human, as well as the immeasurable qualities of playing or just appreciating that art form, in all its subtle beauty. That’s why The Arts matter and that’s why they must be part of our academic offerings all the way through to Year 12 and not only a co-curricular activity.

Have a wonderful holiday and I look forward to welcoming the girls back for Term 4 in full summer uniform on Monday 12 October.

Julia Shea

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Athletics Champions Five Years Running

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Saints Girls entered the IGSSA Athletics Carnival in high spirits on Wednesday with the aim of retaining the overall shield for a phenomenal fifth year in a row.

Many of the girls achieved personal bests with Malaika McLeod breaking the U13 800m record, taking 3 seconds off the previous best set by Old Scholar Sophie Linn, and Millie Wilkin enjoying a memorable final athletics carnival qualifying for the Di Burge 100m champion race and then finishing runner up by just 0.01 of a second.

In a carnival where every point counts, we trailed Immanuel throughout the day, and with events running out, Saints bound together at the relays, going on to claim the U13 and Open pennants as well as the overall shield by a single point.

Final Points (Top 5)
1st – Saints Girls (1919)
2nd – Immanuel (1918)
3rd – Pembroke (1767)
4th – Walford (1668)
5th – Wilderness (1630)

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Summer Interhouse 2020

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Term 3 ended on a high this afternoon with the annual Summer Interhouse.

Despite a threatening forecast, the weather held off, allowing our middle and senior girls to compete in Basketball, Tennis, Touch Football and Volleyball.

As always, House spirit was in full flight with friendly rivalry on show.


Basketball – Patteson
Tennis – Kilburn
Touch Footy – Kennion
Volleyball – Patteson

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Steep Learning Curve at Year 9 Camp

W10 - Year 9 Camp

Year 9 Camp was an amazing journey that pushed me out of my comfort zone and allowed me to overcome challenges with my class. Climbing the high ropes at Woodhouse was a new experience for me which was so fun and gave me an excellent opportunity to take new risks. Hiking up a steep hill with a heavy backpack was very challenging, but after a great effort and enthusiasm from the girls around me, I made it to the top with my peers and we felt a proud sense of achievement which was a very rewarding experience.

Madison Liddy
Year 9 student

Year 9 Camp certainly epitomised the name ‘challenge camp’, yet we all maintained positive mindsets and embraced the many opportunities presented to us. We participated in fun activities over the course of the week. I know I am one of many who came away with a sense of accomplishment as I overcame my fears and achieved my goals. Whilst we all challenged ourselves physically with high ropes, rock climbing, abseiling and bushwalking, my Home Group members often challenged each other mentally with riddles during the bush walks. The most memorable moment would have to be our time spent at the stunning waterfall in Deep Creek, where we were blessed with perfect weather. From all of the beautiful scenery to strengthening friendships within my Home Group, I could not have asked for a better camp.

Amelie Zacharia Henley
Year 9 student

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Celebrating Our Grandparents and Extended Families

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Grandparents and extended families play a vital role in the lives of our children at the ELC. Every day, we welcome extended family members at drop-off and pick-up time. We recognise that your role in the children’s lives is pivotal. Many of you have been able to come in to ELC, or you may live interstate or overseas.

We have created this video for you to acknowledge how much we appreciate and value the relationships that we have and thank you for being such an important part of our lives.

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Budding Poets Blossom at Recital

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As part of our ongoing participation in the IPSHA (Independent Primary Schools Heads of Australia) Poetry Competition, three Junior School students from Years 4, 5 and 6 attended the annual recital last week. They each presented a set poem and a student-choice poem.

This competition is designed to encourage students to enjoy reading and appreciate poetry, develop memorisation skills and sound elocution, and gain confidence in performing before an audience.

Preliminary finals were conducted in individual schools and one student from each year level was chosen to represent their school in the competition which was held at Loreto College. All three St Peter’s Girls’ School competitors presented their poems in an outstanding manner with excellent vocalisation and expression. Isabella Blake was awarded 1st place in the Year 5 section for her recitation of ‘We Celebrate’ by Christopher Cheng and her chosen poem of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ by Roald Dahl. This event continues to foster a love of reading, writing and performing poetry, and all entrants were congratulated on their incredible efforts.

Pictured are Stella Fuidge (Year 4), Isabella Blake (Year 5) and Eliza Brill Reed (Year 6).

Rebecca Riley
Year 4 Teacher

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Adventures Galore at Year 10 Camp

W10 - Year 10 Camp

Over the five day Year 10 camp, girls were challenged through abseiling, rock climbing, mountain bike riding and bush walking. The bus ride to the Argadells property, just north of Quorn, took about five hours and contained a lot of singing and sleeping. Abseiling was thrilling for most of the girls, especially the initial lean over the 30m high rock ledge. Like abseiling, rock climbing was also a height challenge and although most girls succeeded, they found it hard to find the right crevasses to put both their hands and feet in. Mountain bike riding was a great chance for many girls to build speed down some hills. Mount Arden was a challenge for most girls as it was quite long and unbelievably steep! The talent show on the last night featured a rap song by Kilburn, a camp parody of Beyoncé’s ‘Halo’ by Patteson, an a cappella and dance performance by Selwyn, and a comedic re-enactment of camp by Kennion. The girls really bonded with their Home Groups and were able to overcome many challenges faced.

Charlie Fishlock, Adele Eaton and Sadie Vikor-Lam
Year 10 students

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Winning Words at Staff vs Student Debate

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Last Friday was the annual Staff vs Student Debate, a friendly competition between staff and the girls. This year’s topic was that ‘TikTok should be banned at St Peter’s Girls’, with the students debating the affirmative side and the staff arguing for the negative. The irony between the two sides made for a humorous debate, bringing forth arguments on how TikTok can be used as an education tool and is a platform teaching us popular dances allowing us to ‘go viral’. There were outstanding performances from every participant and following a crowd cheer vote, the students maintained their winning streak.

Hattie Maerschel
Debating and Public Speaking Prefect

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Foundation Long Lunch Success

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Our 2020 Foundation Long Lunch on Sunday was a stunning community success. We were very fortunate to offer such wonderful weather, food, refreshments and entertainment for our 200 guests, sponsors, volunteers and staff.

We wish to express our sincere thanks to those who donated their time, services, money and products for the benefit of our girls. The ongoing support we receive from our parents, Old Scholars, suppliers, Board members, local businesses, staff and volunteers is invaluable.

We have received so much positive feedback and appreciation from those who attended. This year, we raised more than $90,000, with the proceeds to support our Building Fund. As we move into a new phase of our Master Plan in 2021, it is timely to reflect on the incredible evolution of our learning spaces over the past few years, and the prospect of further transformation in the years ahead.

Thank you again to everyone involved in making this event such a huge success; it was my absolute pleasure to work with all of you. If you require further information about future community events, our community groups, our Building Fund or the Foundation, please contact me via 8334 2244 or mwestgate@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Melissa Westgate
Foundation Manager

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Ambassadors Lead Path to Reconciliation

W10 - RAP Ambassador

At Saints Girls, we support reconciliation initiatives that raise our students’ awareness of Aboriginal histories and cultures whilst educating all about the power of equality. To support this goal, a group of passionate students put up their hands at the beginning of the year, electing to become RAP (Reconciliation Action Plan) Ambassadors. They have been engaged from the ELC through to Senior School, presenting information and activities that promote this cause.

Last term, I was approached by a student impacted by the Black Lives Matter movement who wanted to get involved in making a difference. Her enthusiasm meant she joined the RAP team, and she has been driving activities throughout the School. With commitment by our students, this generation will lead the way with reconciliation.

Lisa Hollis
RAP Coordinator

I joined RAP because I want to make a change in our community. With the ongoing Black Lives Matter movement and various other racism concerns in the world, I decided to try to make a difference. I feel that it’s such an important issue and not many people really know or understand what is going on. I have learned so much about Aboriginal people’s lives and look forward to making a change around our School and trying to get more people to join and make a change with me.

Charlotte McAuliffe
RAP Ambassador

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Thursday Club High Note

W10 - Thursday Club

Our EDGE Music program, Thursday Club, performed at Basecamp Cafe this week.

Accompanied by jazz guitarist Mike Bevan, our talented jazz singers from Years 7 to 12 each performed a short set to parents and friends.

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Friends of Rowing Season Opening Picnic

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The Friends of Rowing invite you to attend the Season Opening Picnic, to be held on Sunday 25 October, from 5 – 7pm on the Chiverton Lawns. This event is an opportunity to welcome our new and returning Rowing families for the 2020/21 season, and will also be a landmark event as we celebrate christening the School’s first-ever boat!

All rowers are expected to attend, and rowing families are strongly encouraged. The event is open to the School community; Old Scholars and friends of the Rowing program are very welcome.

Tickets can be purchased via www.trybooking.com/BLPUJ

$25 per adult
$20 per student/child

Ticket price includes nibbles, yiros and soft drinks. Refreshments will also be available for purchase.

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Junior School Vacation Care

W8 - Vacation Care

Our next awesome instalment of Junior School Vacation Care is almost here. We have some great activities guaranteed to keep the children entertained through the break. With an array of onsite adventures and excursions, there is plenty of fun to be had.

September / October 2020 Vacation Care Program

Places are limited, so click here to secure your booking now!

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Third Party Photography Notification

We have been informed by the Association of Independent Schools of South Australia (AISSA) that a third party school photography provider may have inadvertently caused a data breach involving several schools, including ours.

We understand that approximately 10 photographs of our students and staff, including names, taken during 2015 and 2016 are publicly accessible on the internet.

Schools are working with AISSA to rectify this situation, and we have been advised that the company has taken immediate steps to ensure this material is removed from public access.

The School has also notified the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner of this matter in line with reporting standards (case number OAIC-NDB-44976).

I sincerely apologise and wish to reassure you that the School takes the privacy of all staff, students and members of our community extremely seriously. As such, we are looking at ways in which we can continue to engage with third parties to ensure they are fully compliant with their privacy obligations.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you wish to discuss this matter further.

You are also welcome to contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner on 1300 363 992.

Yours sincerely

Julia Shea

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P&F Family Day

W4 - P&F Family Day

Sunday 18 October from 12 – 4pm

Join the Saints Girls’ community on Chiverton Lawns for our P&F Family Day!

Tickets include pasta, pizza and a glass of wine or soft drink. Additional drinks and gelato will be available for purchase. There will be kids’ activities and roving entertainment to enjoy.

BYO chairs, tables and/or picnic rug.

Ticket Prices
Adult $20
Child $15
Family of Four $50

Book at: www.trybooking.com/BKUAL

We look forward to seeing you there!

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School Shop Holiday Times

With Term 4 fast approaching, it’s time to dust off those summer uniforms and see if they still fit.

The School Shop will be open during the second week of the school holidays on Thursday 8 and Friday 9 October from 9am – 4pm.

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Car Park Courtesy

The School has again received complaints about traffic blocking Stonyfell Road for lengthy periods during drop-off and pick-up. If the car park is full and you are unable to enter, circle the block until it is clear to enter, find a park elsewhere or, where age-appropriate, meet your daughter in a surrounding street. Unless special circumstances apply, parents of girls in Years 2 to 12 should not enter the car park to collect their daughters prior to 3.30pm. Parents of girls in Reception and Year 1 have exclusive use of the pick-up zone prior to this time for safety and traffic reasons.

Please also refrain from turning right into or out of the car park, and please do not queue in the car park’s lanes as this often prevents drivers who are legally parked from exiting.

We have also received complaints about cars being parked too close to driveways or across from other vehicles in surrounding streets, making it extremely difficult for residents and other road users to navigate.

We ask all community members to please show consideration for others; thank you for your cooperation.

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Entertainment Membership

W1 - Entertainment Book
Purchase your Entertainment Membership today and support us to reach our fundraising goal for 2020. Simply order online via our School’s page: www.entertainmentbook.com.au/orderbooks/161p201

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Bronwyn Bartter on 0402 392 609.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Parents’ and Friends’ Association

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Sports News

IGGSA – Final Standings

The final standings of teams that play for shields/pennants in the IGSSA Year 7 – 12 competitions are:

Football (Aussie Rules)
Open – 11th
Middle – 8th

Open A – 1st
Open B – 3rd

B Grade Premiers

Open A – 6th
Open B – 5th
Year 10A – 6th
Year 9A – 3rd
Year 8A – 4th
Year 7A – 6th

Open A – 8th
Open B – 10th
Middle A – 4th


Year 6 – Saints 2 defeated Pulteney 0
The team played a very exciting game against Pulteney Grammar, that resulted in a 2 – 0 win! Issy Tucker, Stella Spalvins and Alison Francis all did a great job in the midfield, attacking the goal and helping out in defence when needed. Lucy Lowry rotated through striker and played a brilliant game, scoring both goals with powerful shots from a distance. We were very impressed with the effort from Eliza Brill Reed and Grace Brockhouse who did not get pushed off the ball and always went back for a second attempt. We would like to give a huge thanks to Meghana Chettimada and Jiahui Zhang for playing in goals, they both stepped up to the position and didn’t let anything in! In our backline, Ruby Clark, Lucy Shigeno, Georgia Libri and Lyra Cox all did a great job of tackling the Pulteney players and getting the ball quickly out of defence, passing it to our midfielders. It was very exciting for the girls to finish the season with a win and they should all be very proud of themselves! – Ellie Anderson and Mary Stavrou (Coaches)

Year 5 – Saints 1 defeated by Seymour 2
The girls played a well-fought game for their last effort of the season. Defence was yet again strong, with Nishka Soodan playing a particularly solid game, keeping the ball away from our defensive end. Izzy Huf and Grace Mayen showed fantastic work rates, leading the midfield and forward line, who produced many opportunities upfront. Although it didn’t show in the score, Saints dominated the game, demonstrating the hard work and determination the girls have put into improving over this term. They have had a great season, and the results of their perseverance and commitment to improving at soccer have been evident in their gameplay in the past few games. Great effort by goalscorer Aleesha Gray, and thank you to our goalkeepers Romana Walsh and Grace Marsh-Smith. – Beth Cross (Coach)

Year 3-4 – Saints 4 defeated Seymour 0
The final game of the season came around way too quickly this year. The girls were keen to continue their undefeated record and played another entertaining game against Seymour. Sophie Wiggins, Christina Balasis, Mika Valmorbida and Valentina Patino all played incredibly well in defence. Sophie Wiggins and Ruby Pahuja both enjoyed the responsibility of keeping clean sheets as goal keepers for a half each. Abbie Tulloch enjoyed another week up forward and teamed up nicely with Lauren Disney. Abbie scored 1 goal and Lauren scored 3 to set Saints up nicely with a 4-goal lead. St Peter’s Girls 4 defeating Seymour 0 to remain undefeated for season 2020! Well done girls, I look forward to seeing you back next year for another season. – Mark Routley (Coach)


Best Player – Bella Bernardi
Most Improved – Lucy White
Coaches’ Award – Adele Eaton

Best Player – Chloe Porter
Coaches’ Award – Lilly Maerschel
Most Improved – Sophie Edwardes

Open A – IGSSA Premiers
Yang Yang Gu, Gloria Gao, Amelie Dunda and Mahala Truscott

Undefeated Singles
Claudia Henschke, Kayla Park and Mabel Cook

A – Yang Yang Gu – Best Player
B – Cheri Wong – Best Player
C – Holly Wallman-Craddock – Best Player
D1 – Mabel Cook – Coaches’ Award
E1 – Hattie Xu – Best Player
E2 – Rebecca Holloway – Best Player
E3 – Kayla Park – Best Player

SAAS Middle School Champions
Daisy Braithwaite, Alice Braithwaite, Malaika McLeod, Lady Murphy, Eleanor Saies, Dani Cox and Carys Kinsella-White

SAAS Junior School Champions
Chloe Richardson, Elodie De Wit and Isla Fahey

IGSSA B Grade Premiers
Belle Black, Emma Carrodus, Charlotte Creek, Amelie Eaton, Olivia Goldsmith, Holly Cardone, Poppie Goldsmith, Georgina Keough, Bridgette Leach, Amelia Lucas, Emily McCorley, Chloe Cardone, Winnie Vartuli, Georgie Williams and Alice Reid

Best Player – Poppie Goldsmith
Best Team Player – Bridgette Leach

Open A
Best Player – Olivia Kelly
Most Consistent – Anna White
Most Improved – Amelia Pudney

Open B
Best Player – Ruby Deakin
Coaches’ Award – Milly Brett

Open E1
Best Player – Clair Kao
Coaches’ Award – Tilly McCormack

Open E2
Best Player – Lucy White
Coaches’ Award – Lara Wakeham

Year 10A
Best Player – Charlie Fishlock
Coaches’ Award – Dayna Petruzzella

Year 10B
Best Player – Letitia Page-Thomson
Coaches’ Award – Sophie Norman

Year 10C
Best Player – Ayshviina Nair
Coaches’ Award – Ruby Thorp

Year 9A
Best Player – Willow Stewart-Rattray
Most Improved – Pearl Richards

Year 9B
Best Player – Samantha Keough
Coaches’ Award – Ruby Richards

Year 9C
Best Player – Isobel Yelland
Coaches’ Award – Lucy Schirripa

Year 8A
Best Player – Sophie Ricciuto
Most Consistent – Mathilda Thomas

Year 8B
Best Player – Alice Braithwaite
Most Improved – Olivia Oakes

Year 8C
Best Player – Daniela Vari
Most Improved – Hope Sanders-Wills

Year 8D
Best Player – Angelina Hii
Coaches’ Award – Monica Isaac

Year 7A
Best Player – Carys Kinsella-White
Coaches’ Award – Anna Venning

Year 7B
Best Player – Emily Ketteridge
Most Improved – Charlotte Lorenzen

Best Player – Alannah Godfrey
Most Improved – Cleo Hart

Lacrosse SA – U13 Division 2 Minor Premiers
Zoe Pool, Alannah Godfrey, Lara Maione, Emily Bates, Madison Dornbusch, Cleo Hart, Grace Jones, Sophie Lively, Serae Stolcman, Lucy Tulloch, Savannah Walls, Matilda Wilkin, Eliza Burmester and Claris Stolcman

Open A
Best Player – Ellie Anderson
Most Improved – Annie Bradshaw

Open B
Best Player – Michelle Rupert
Coaches’ Award – Bridget Healey

Middle A
Best Player – Jasreet Mavi
Most Improved – Mary Stavrou

Middle B
Best Player – Lydia Burrough
Coaches’ Award – Alicia Toh

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