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Term 1 Concludes

eNews – Week 10, Term 2 2023

Issue no. 20Enews-banner

From Our Principal

Cherylyn SkewesA high priority in my first six months as Principal of St Peter’s Girls’ School was to meet face-to-face with every teaching and non-teaching staff member at the School. My aim in this process was to build relationships and to gain insights into the strengths of our School, the essential elements that set us apart in providing a world-class, cutting-edge education within the School’s philosophical and foundational frameworks, and to gather opinions on areas where we could further improve the holistic education of our students.

I have learnt a lot from this enjoyable and illuminating process of engaging with and listening to the people who make up our community. One of the key questions I asked was, ‘What are the core elements of St Peter’s Girls that make it so special; core elements that must be retained?’

The following five responses arose frequently from staff members and in conversations with our youngest learners in Reception through to our seasoned Old Scholars:

1. Honouring the history and traditions of the School, especially our four Houses.
2. Learning together on one ELC – Year 12 campus.
3. Delivering an excellent girls-only education which, while holistic, continues to focus on
high academic achievement.
4. Maintaining our strong sense of community, the core of which is the relationships
developed and maintained during a student’s time at school and lasting well beyond
5. Being authentic in our continued commitment to the values and service of our founding
Sisters of the Community of the Church.

In Deputy Principal/Head of Senior School Lauren Sutton’s recent eNews article, she referred to the Asia Pacific Summit on Girls’ Education, where she and I were fortunate enough to be immersed in two days of learning from expert researchers and practitioners in girls’ education. One of the strongest common threads that became evident in every session was the importance of relationships and community. In the keynote address, Improving Teaching and Learning in Uncertain Times, Professor Pasi Sahlberg posed that today, you can learn anything you need without going to school. However, the role of the school remains important even though this role has changed and might not reflect our personal school experiences. Sahlberg noted that recent surveys of young people revealed these expectations of school:

1. To feel their identities are understood and valued
2. To learn and work with meaning and purpose
3. To build positive relationships with peers and adults
4. To have positive impact in the community and the world

In the second keynote address, Unlocking your Future Anything with an Enterprising Mindset, Nicole Dyson stressed that students don’t learn from people they don’t like. Learning always needs to be safe and in today’s schools we need the engaged learner rather than the compliant learner as these are the people of the future. In the conference’s closing address, Bringing Precision to School Policies, Procedures and Practices that Improve Girls’ Wellbeing, Behaviour and Academic Achievement, Emeritus Professor Donna Cross emphasised that girls need a voice and autonomy more than boys, and that girls, more than boys, benefit from engaging with students in different age groups.

What is apparent while reflecting on the messages from the conference and the multitude of conversations I have had with staff, students, parents and members of our community, is that the prized core elements of St Peter’s Girls provide the foundations to support our School as it continues to adapt and change, to equip our young people with the skills, knowledge and agency to best negotiate the uncertainties of the future.

A warm thank you to the staff, families and members of our School community for the valued contributions you have made to the education of our students during Term 2. I wish you all a safe and enjoyable term break and look forward to seeing you again in Term 3.

Cherylyn Skewes

R-1 Dancers Show off Colour and Creativity

This morning, our Reception and Year 1 students wowed the crowd with their energetic dance moves and colourful costumes in our annual Reception and Year 1 Dance Concert. They showcased many of the skills they have been learning in dance lessons this semester including rhythm and coordination, free movement, balance, working with props and teamwork. It was such a joyous morning, both on the stage and in the crowd.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our extraordinary dance teacher Kirsty Battersby, who deserves an enormous thank you. The teachers and students of Reception and Year 1 are profoundly grateful and appreciative of the remarkable dedication and warmth you bring to nurturing our talented dancers. Your creative approach to teaching has truly made a lasting impact on our youngest performers.

Meg Jordan, Michelle Liddy, Kathryn Clark and Liz Sandercock
Reception and Year 1 Teachers

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Piano Recital a Noteworthy Performance

Last night, 19 talented musicians selected from our Piano Eisteddfod proudly performed at our annual Piano Recital.

The girls from Reception to Year 8 enjoyed their moment in the spotlight, playing with confidence and poise. They were also treated to some musical inspiration from our guest artist and Pianist Ciara Ferguson.

Terrific effort by all girls who performed!

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Saints Girls Set to Star in SEUSSICAL Jr.

We’re excited for the Saints Girls who will be appearing in SEUSSICAL JR by
Shane Davidson Presents. A compilation of Dr Seuss stories will be featured in one fantastic musical, taking place during Book Week in August in the Arts Centre.

The show features the wonderful Dr Seuss characters of Cat in the Hat, Horton, Jo Jo, Maysie and Gertrude. Ideal for all ages with a fantastic cast and colourful sets and costumes.

Venue: Arts Centre, St Peter’s Girls’ School
Dates: Saturday 26 August (1pm, 4pm and 7pm) and Sunday 27 August (1pm)
Tickets: $30 via TryBooking – click here to book

Shane Davidson
Year 5 Teacher

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Lemonade and Fruit Delights for Year 1s

Last Wednesday afternoon was abuzz with excitement as the Year 1 students planned and prepared a Fruit Stall and Lemonade Stand as part of their current inquiry ‘Food can go through stages of production to meet people’s needs’.

Mrs Sandercock’s class prepared a delightfully colourful fruit stand where customers could make their own fruit kebabs. Ms Clark’s class measured, poured and stirred the lemonade to perfection and created a joyful lemonade stand. The students practised being shop keepers and customers as they paid for their purchases, which connected to money investigations in mathematics.

Everyone agreed it was a delicious way to celebrate our learning!

Kathryn Clark and Liz Sandercock
Year 1 Teachers

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Strings Concert Wows the Crowd

On Monday night our string musicians from Years 2 – 12 took to the Arts Centre stage to celebrate all things ‘strings’.

Extension Strings presented two pieces from their winning performance at Generations in Jazz. Backed by the rhythm section, the group opened the concert with the wonderfully haunting ‘Ad Libitum’ featuring Samantha Li (Year 8) on first violin. They then changed direction and performed the up-tempo, exciting jazz piece ‘Brazilian Spice’ complete with drums, electric bass and keys.

Louisa Giacomini directed Intermediate Strings, Junior Strings and the Year 4 Extension Strings who held their own, presenting a fantastically diverse and interesting repertoire including music from the movie Frozen, Instinct, a song about aliens and the very exciting, ‘Wildfire’.

Our two soloists for the evening were Strings Captain Lauren Parker (Year 12), who performed a heartfelt rendition of John William’s ‘Schindler’s list’ and a beautifully crafted unaccompanied ‘Bach Sonata’ for her second SACE Stage 2 Solo Performance assessment. Jasmin Baker (Year 11) was assessed for her SACE Stage 1 Solo Performance subject performing ‘Elégie’ by Rachmaninoff (opus 3 no 1) on piano.

Senior Strings, directed by the newest member of our strings teaching team Thomas Marlin, performed ‘Allegro Spiritoso’ from Sonata No. 5, by Jean-Baptiste Senaille featuring leader Samantha Li, as violin soloist. This was followed by the first movement of ‘Leos Janacek’s Idylla’.

The finale for the evening was a combined performance of Senior Strings and Intermediate Strings playing the fun and high energy piece ‘Shut up and Dance’ originally by the band Walk the Moon.

Thanks go to our accompanists, Lauren Parker, Sue Mears (piano) and Josh Baldwin (drums) and to our amazing Ensemble Directors, Thomas Marlin, Louisa Giacomini, Cheri Wong (Kennion 2021) and Sari Noble for inspiring and motivating the girls to perform so brilliantly on the night.

Sally Rounsevell
Director of Music

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Shark Tank Businesses at the Top of their Game

We congratulate two Stage 1 Business Innovation businesses for outstanding results in the Shark Tank eSchool competition this term:

1st place – Linked. (Sophie Ricciuto, Sophie Ryan, Poppy Oswald, Zoe Graves)

2nd place – LunchIn (Mya Ng, Hope Sanders-Wills, Angel Xu)

In Stage 1 Business Innovation, students are asked to solve a problem and develop a solution. Then, they turn their solution into a desirable, feasible, and viable business. Afterward, they pitch it to ‘sharks’ (or judges). In their pitch, they ask for funding to start their business.

Shark Tank eSchool is a national program modelled from the TV show ‘Shark Tank’. Many schools from all over Australia compete. Two groups from each school are chosen to participate in semi-finals, and then only a select few qualify for finals. In the finals round, Linked. and LunchIn pitched their business and succeeded at convincing the ‘sharks’ that their idea was worth investing in.

Linked. was developed to solve the problem of women going out and feeling unsafe. They designed a bracelet that would be able to quickly and easily contact police in an emergency situation.

LunchIn was developed to solve the problem of packing lunches for students. Their design involved a biodegradable box, and the food would be delivered quickly, similar to UberEats.

Congratulations girls on your excellent achievement!

Kyle Martelle
Business Innovation Teacher

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Thanks and Farewell to Old Scholar Tutor

This week we farewelled one of our most dedicated, long-serving Old Scholar tutors, Mikaela Georgiadis (Kennion 2017) who has been providing her expertise and support in Mathematics and Science since she graduated.

Saints Girls’ Tutor Program has been operating for almost 10 years providing weekly support for students from Years 7 – 12. Mikaela has seen many students benefit from tutoring.

Mikaela shares, ‘The Tutor Program is a great opportunity for students to make the most of the academic support provided by people that have been in their shoes not too long ago. Not only that, but I think one of the most beneficial aspects of the program is the life experience and mentorship that the tutors can bring. As a student, it is difficult to navigate the vast number of opportunities and different paths that are available after school and I have thoroughly enjoyed being able to pass on my guidance and lessons learnt beyond the subject matter.

The Tutor Program offered me a unique chance to give back to the school that provided me with so many opportunities, as well as share my knowledge and make a meaningful impact on the girls. I also want to say a big thank you for all of your support over the last 5 years. I’ve loved taking part in the program and I hope its success continues for many years to come.’

Next month Mikaela will complete her Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours) with a Major in Renewable Energy. For the past year and half, she has been working at Neoen, a company that develops, owns and operates renewable energy assets. Starting in September, she will continue her work there, in a full time role as Junior Project Manager, developing wind farms, solar farms and batteries around Australia. We wish her every success with her future endeavours.

Lisa Hollis
Tutor Program Coordinator

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ELC Hat Ceremony

A very special tradition for our ELC children transitioning to Reception at St Peter’s Girls is the Hat Ceremony. This tradition was founded many years ago and is now one that is looked forward to by many. When communicating with parents and families of children involved in this tradition in the past, they have shared about the wonderful sense of community and belonging that this opportunity gives the children when entering a new environment.

On Monday, the children transitioning into our Mid-Year Reception class were formally welcomed at a School assembly, where they were presented with their new school bag and hat by our Senior Prefects and Head of Junior School Suzanne Haddy.

We wish the children a wonderful start to school next term and look forward to hearing more about their continued journey at St Peter’s Girls.

Kirsty Porplycia and Kathy McCabe
ELC Pathway Room

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Score Big with STEM: Science Alive and STEM AFL Service

Students get ready to merge your passion for science and sports in the most exciting way possible!

We’re inviting you to volunteer at Science Alive (Week 2, Term 3) where you’ll have the amazing chance to work with STEM AFL. Beyond experiencing the compelling link between these two fields, your contribution will earn you a free 2-game membership to selected Crows games. This is a golden opportunity that thousands of South Australian students have embraced as STEMfooty continues to demonstrate the fascinating overlap of science, maths, and sport.

Take advantage of this rewarding journey at the Wayville Showgrounds on 5 & 6 August. Sign up quickly and stand beside Lucy, Elodie, Laurie, Isabella, and many others to make this event a tremendous success. Join us and be part of something truly impactful!

For further information and to sign up – please email me via moloughlin@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Melissa O’Loughlin
STEM Innovation Leader

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Year 8 Co-Ed day at St Peter’s College

On Wednesday our Year 8 students took part in a healthy and respectful Co-Educational Day with St Peter’s College and Walford Anglican School for Girls.

It provided a wonderful opportunity for the girls and boys to work together and problem-solve scenarios throughout the day. They engaged in a range of fun activities and classes run by teachers and counsellors from across the three schools, including table tennis, quizzes, drama, code breaking, engineering challenges and much more.

Thank you to Saints Boys for hosting this fantastic day and well done to all involved!

Randal Irvine
Technology Teacher | Junior Curriculum Technologies Facilitator

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Ponytail Project – Raising Donations For a Good Cause

Saints Girls has brought the Ponytail Project back!

On Friday 28 July (Week 1, Term 3) almost 30 girls will be cutting 20cm off of their hair and donating it to the Cancer Council to make wigs and wefts for cancer patients. These girls will also be raising money to donate to the Cancer Council and will be fundraising until the 28 July, so stay tuned for updates along the way.

If you would like to support our students in this cause, donate to the Cancer Council by clicking here.

Lucy Schirripa
Community Service Prefect

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SLIC Reviews – New Edition Out Now!

The Student Libraries Initiatives Club’s Magazine: SLIC reViews Issue 7 is now available.

In this edition the girls have been reading First Nations books. During the term the girls celebrated National Reconciliation Week with a display in the library. With NAIDOC Week falling in the first week of the school holidays take some time to explore some of the great books written by Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal authors that explore life from the indigenous perspective or attend an event for NAIDOC Week.

Start reading SLIC reViews now – click here

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Winter Music Concert – Week 1 Next Term


Friday 28 July (Week 1, Term 3)
7 – 9pm
Arts Centre, St Peter’s Girls’ School

In Week 1 of next term, we are excited to present our Winter Music Concert, featuring many of our bands and small ensembles as well as Concert Choir, Bella Voce and In-Ta Jazz.

We will also be sharing the stage with special guests, Adelaide Wind Orchestra in a collaboration with Concert Band and Brass Ensemble. We look forward to seeing you there.

To secure your tickets – click here

*Please note there is no cost to attend the concert but if you would like to make a voluntary donation towards our fundraising efforts for the Japanese Language / Music Tour in 2024, it would be much appreciated. The tour is an opportunity for students in Chamber Choir, Senior Strings and IB Japanese to gain insight into cultural, language and historical elements of Japan. Music students will gain significant performance experience in front of a variety of audiences representing St Peter’s Girls’ School on an international stage.

Sally Rounsevell
Director of Music

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Ladies’ Night Out

Date: Wednesday 20 September
Venue: Regal Theatre, 275 Kensington Road, Kensington Park
Time: Foyer opens at 6.30pm (movie starts 7.30pm)
Movie: My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3
Cost: $25 per person
Raffle tickets: $5 for 1 ticket, $10 for 3 tickets

Grab your girlfriends, mothers and sisters and get ready for a fabulous night celebrating the power of family and laughter at our ‘Ladies’ Night Out’ with the highly anticipated My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3.

You’ll be welcomed onboard with a complimentary glass of bubbles and chocolate bar, ready to transport you to Greece with the hilarious Portokalos family as they embark on another antic-filled adventure.

Raffle tickets are available to purchase online with your tickets. Prizes include tickets to Choral Night 2024 and this year’s Carols in the Cathedral – waltz past the queues straight to your reserved seats with the VIP guests! We also have 4 x one month OSX Outdoor Group Fitness Training vouchers (each voucher is for one person and valued at $160 each) kindly donated by Susanna Parkinson (current Year 9 parent).

This wonderful community event is hosted by The Friends of The Arts group with all
proceeds going directly to support the many wonderful Arts programs Saints Girls enjoy.

Join us for an evening to remember.

To book tickets – click here

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Out of the Blue Arts Journal – It’s Back!

The Out of the Blue Journal is returning for its fourth year! This student lead initiative provides the students and community of St Peter’s Girls with a platform to display the best of our artistic endeavours. The Journal provides a space for students to express their thoughts, emotions, and experiences visually and verbally. We are inviting all students in our School community, from ELC to Old Scholars and staff, to participate and submit entries. The Out of the Blue journal accepts entries from a wide array of genres such as painting, music, poetry, photography to beautiful cakes. The very best submissions will be selected and put into the student-designed Journal.

For any media items, such as music or dance, a still graphic of the work with a relevant QR code will be used. Any music or media must be owned by the artist or should be royalty-free music. In order to represent our whole community, your submissions can be in any language (provided it is submitted alongside an English translation). Submissions must be original work and will not be considered for the journal if it is not.

Entries are due no later than Friday 1 September (Week 6, Term 3). We are thankful to all of the entries and effort the girls put in, however, due to the number of submissions we receive, only our successful participants will be notified. Your submissions can either be emailed to outoftheblue@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au, or can be placed in the Out of the Blue boxes in classrooms (for Junior School students) or in the Library (for Middle and Senior School students). Please download a Cover Sheet and submit one with each entry.

The Out of the Blue Committee look forward to seeing what the Saint’s community produces this year and can’t wait to see you all at the celebration launch on Wednesday 8 November (further details to come).

Front Cover Design

We are also looking for talented artists to create an artwork to potentially feature on the front cover of the Journal. Only one submission is accepted per person. Previously, we have asked for a line drawing for our front cover, but this year we are looking for something different – the cover is now in the creative freedom of the artists of the school!

Please email your design to outoftheblue@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au before the Friday 4 July (Week 2, Term 3).

Becca Burton-Howard
OOTB Coordinator

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Child Care Subsidy

We wish to inform you that the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) will be increasing from July 10. This means that most families using early childhood education and care will receive an increase to their CCS. In addition, families who were previously not eligible for CCS may now be eligible.

If you currently receive CCS and would like to know more about these changes, please refer to the following fact sheet Fact sheet – Do you already get Child Care Subsidy? – Department of Education, Australian Government

If you do not currently receive CCS and would like to know if you are eligible, please refer to the following fact sheet Fact sheet – Are you eligible for help with child care fees? – Department of Education, Australian Government

For any queries with regards to these changes, please do not hesitate to contact our ELC Enrolments and Finance Officer Sarah Elliott via selliott@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Sarah Elliott
ELC Enrolments and Finance Officer

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Kidz Biz Growth and Development Education Evening

You are warmly invited to the Kidz Biz Growth and Development Education Evening on Tuesday 8 August, held in the Arts Centre, St Peter’s Girls’ School.

Kidz Biz Growth and Development Education is for both students and their parents. The sessions are designed to be fun, informative and easy to understand. They are highly interactive sessions, providing parents/guardians and students an introduction to basic personal growth and social development education. Traditionally known as the ‘Birds & the Bees’, these sessions will be presented in a manner that is not awkward or threatening, where students can learn about the human body and the amazing things it can do. The evening will be broken into two sessions for the following year groups, and the cost will be covered by the School.

Years 2 – 4
‘Where Did We Come From?’ – 6 – 6.50pm

• Myths about where babies come from
• Conception
• Fertilisation
• The nine month foetal development
• The birth process.

Years 5 & 6
‘What’s Happening To Me?’ – 7 – 7.50pm

• Puberty (physical and emotional)
• Body image and media influences
• Dealing with parents.

Kidz Biz Growth and Development Education is for both students and their parents and there is no requirement to book tickets. We hope to see many parents and students attend these sessions.

Helen Smith
Deputy Head of Junior School

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Annual House Dinners

During Term 3 all Middle and Senior School girls have the opportunity to enjoy a night away from homework to get creative and colourful at our annual House Dinners.

The Year 11s have been working hard organising decorations, food and games for each event. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone’s creative costumes and enjoying a fun night with our Houses.

This is a compulsory event for all Year 7 – 12 students. Visit the TryBooking links below to book your daughter(s) a ticket for the night.

Kennion House Dinner – 4 August (Week 2)

Theme: TV Channels

This year for Kennion House Dinner each Year Level will be dressing up as characters from different TV channels. The Year Level channels can be found on the posters located around the school so keep an eye out. Can’t wait to see everyone there for a fun night!

Book now: trybooking.com/CJBAI

Patteson House Dinner – 11 August (Week 3)

Theme: Music Genres

The Patteson House Dinner theme for 2023 is Music Genres! Each Year Level is encouraged to dress up and students can find their allocated music genres on the posters located around the Middle and Senior School. Can’t wait to see everyone’s creative costumes!

Book now: trybooking.com/CJBAJ

Selwyn House Dinner – 18 August (Week 4)

Theme: Disco

Dress up in your glitziest disco outfit and get ready to hit the dance floor! It’s going to be a night of 70s music, great food, and lots of lights!

Book now: trybooking.com/CJBAK

Kilburn House Dinner – 1 September (Week 6)

Theme: Disney

Everyone is encouraged to dress up as their favourite Disney character for the night. It can be anything from princesses, to villains, to your favourite characters from Disney channel. We look forward to seeing everyone at our Kilburn Disneyland!

Book now: trybooking.com/CJBAL

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Junior School Vacation Care – Book Now

Our next exciting instalment of Junior School Vacation Care is almost here! We have some great activities guaranteed to keep the children entertained throughout the July break. With an array of excursions and on-site adventures, there is plenty of fun to be had.

July 2023 Vacation Care Program

Places are limited, so secure your booking now – click here

A late booking fee of $5 now applies for each new booking.

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COVID-19 Information

Please find the latest guidance from SA Health:

  • It is strongly recommended that students stay home if they have cold or flu-like
    symptoms, and test for COVID-19.
  • Whether they receive a positive or negative result, they should stay home until symptoms subside (usually five to seven days).
  • It is strongly recommended that parents/guardians inform the School if a student is a
    close contact. For further advice regarding close contacts, click here
  • While face masks are no longer mandated, they are an important physical barrier to help stop the spread of COVID, particularly when indoors.

If your child tests positive to COVID-19, please inform the School. Please also notify the School each day of absence, or provide the expected period of absence.

You can notify us via one of the following methods. Please include the name of the ELC Room, Class or Home Group. If emailing, feel free to ‘CC’ the teacher of the Room/Class/Home Group as well.

Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Text: 0428 601 957 (save to phone contacts as SPGS)

Phone: 8334 2200

For more SA Health information, click here

Please note that if your child is unwell, they should remain home until they have recovered, irrespective of the illness.

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School Medical Information Reminder

It is imperative that all medical information, including immunisations, is up to date on the School’s myLink parent portal.

Please follow this pathway to check and/or update details: myLink > Community Portal > My Details > select child name

If you have any questions, please email healthcentre@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

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School Shop Holiday Hours

School Holiday Opening Times

Friday 21 July, 9am – 3pm
Monday 24 July, 9am – 4pm

The School Shop will resume regular hours on Tuesday 25 July.

Regular School Shop Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 8am – 4pm (closed for lunch 12 – 12.30pm)

Parents can also order items via our Online School Shop. This is now accessible via the Flexischools platform which also administers our Online Tuck Shop. To sign in or sign up to Flexischools, click here

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Absences from School

If your child will not be attending school/ELC due to illness or otherwise, please notify the School via one of the methods below.

Please include the name of the ELC Room, Class or Home Group, along with the reason for the absence as the School requires this for government reporting purposes.

If emailing, feel free to ‘CC’ the teacher of the Room/Class/Home Group as well.

Text: 0428 601 957

Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Phone: 8334 2200

It would be appreciated if notifications could be made prior to 9am.

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Sports News

Sport Results


Open A: Game cancelled
Year 7-10: Game cancelled


Open A: Saints (4) v Pembroke (2)
Open B Blue: Saints (6) v Walford B (0)
Open B White: Saints (1) v Seymour B (5)
Open C Blue: BYE
Open C White: Saints (1) v Pembroke C (5)
Open D Blue: Saints (0) v Wilderness D2 (6)
Open D White: Saints (0) v Pembroke D (6)


SAAS Cross Country Results

To finish off what has been a very successful Cross Country season for our Middle and Senior School girls, we had two teams of four compete in the Stand-alone Relay Race hosted by Mercedes College on Wednesday 28 June.

Alice Braithwaite, Daisy Braithwaite, Marcella Tolley and Ava Field made up our Senior School team, while Elodie de Wit, India Goodall, Chloe Sturt and Isla Fahey competed in the Middle School division. The girls ran 3kms each in relay format, passing a sash to the next runner once they completed their laps. Both teams lead from start to finish and were awarded gold medals for their efforts.

Well done to all the girls who competed and to Milla Everitt, who despite note being able to run, came out and supported the girls in the rain!


Open: Saints (0) v Scotch (4)
Best Player: Olivia Park

Junior School
Year 4-6: Game cancelled


U13 Blue: Bye
U13 White: Saints White (7) v North Adelaide (7)


Senior School
Premier League: Round Robin Format
Saints (6) v Pembroke (9)
Saints (3) v Seymour (5)
Saints (6) v Immanuel (10)
Saints (6) v Westminster (8)

Premier League Reserves: Round Robin Format
Saints (10) v Pembroke (5)
Saints (6) v Seymour (10)
Saints (8) v Immanuel (11)
Saints (3) v Westminster (10)

Open A: Saints (26) v Concordia A (82)
Best Player: Asha Eaton
Super Woman: Izzy McCabe
Open B: Saints (15) v Concordia B (29)
Open E: Saints (21) v Westminster Y10C (45)
Best Player: Emily Ketteridge
Super Woman: Kate Thomas

Middle School
Year 9A: Saints (25) v Concordia Y9 A (33)
Year 9B: Saints (34) v Concordia Y9 B (43)
Best Players: Beverly Hii and Lucy Tulloch
Year 8A: Saints (58) v Concordia Y8 A (12)
Best Player: Wei Ning Khoo
Super Woman: Phoebe Lucas
Year 8B: Saints (13) v Concordia Y8 B (39)
Best Player: Zoe White
Super Women: Grace Mayen and Grace Davies
Year 8C: Saints (11) v Pembroke Y8 C (32)
Year 7A: Saints (29) v Concordia Y7 A (49)
Year 7B: Saints (12) v Concordia Y7 B (44)
Best Player: Milly Wright
Year 7C and 7D: Saints 7C (22) v Saints 7D (6)
Best Player: Emily Boase – for working so well in goals
Super Women: the whole team – for helping out the 7Ds who only had six players – Sue Wright (Coach)


Junior School
Year 5/6 Blue: Game cancelled
Year 5/6 White: Saints (1) v Loreto Y5/6 (4)
Best Player: Hannah Ibrahim
Super Woman: Indy Stankiewicz
Year 3/4: Saints (4) v Walford Y3/4 (1)
Best Player: Samaira Soodan
Super Woman: Hara Phan


Another term of sport has almost come to an end! Thank you to all the girls who participated with such enthusiasm, passion and Saints spirit, to the parents and guardians who braved the cold and wet conditions to get girls where they needed to be and stood on the sidelines and cheered, and to our wonderful coaches, staff supervisors and umpires – our programs are so much richer and enjoyable due to your involvement.

A quick snapshot of the last term of sport shows:
• Girls attended a training session or fixture 8348 times this term
• 50 teams competed across eleven different sports or activities
• We had 319 individual fixtures this term
• 349 girls participated in our non-competition sports from Reception to Year 12
• 10 teams competed in the School Sport SA Statewide Carnivals, representing the school across six different sports

It has been a whirlwind to say the least!

On top of this, Saints was involved in the IGSSA Reconciliation Round and PINK Round. It was fantastic to see our School community embrace both rounds. We will continue to grow our involvement in these spaces in the years to come.

Finally, best of luck to our five aerobics teams who are competing at the SA State Championships this Saturday! You have prepared well and we know you will perform beautifully.

I’m sure everyone is looking forward to a well-earned rest over the holidays before heading into the second half of the Winter Sports program in Week 1 next term.

Alice Johnswood
Sports Administrator

Nikki Brennan
Junior School Sports Coordinator

From our Sports Captains


The badminton season began with countless exciting changes. We welcomed new coaches as well as many young and passionate players to the courts since the last season.

Our new coaches introduced a physical yet rewarding training program. The training sessions consistently challenged the girls in all aspects of badminton. The program allowed our girls to develop new racket skills as well as refining previous techniques and physicality. Despite the intensity, the training sessions sufficiently prepared the girls for their competition matches. All teams achieved both close and convincing wins against their respective opponents throughout the season. Although the results may have disappointed some girls on certain weeks, everyone should be very proud of their overall achievements throughout the term.

Due to the sport’s increasing popularity, a new program of Social Badminton was introduced for girls who preferred casual games. It is delightful to see many enthusiastic girls who attend an early morning session for enjoyment and amusement. We have over 50 girls participating in this program each week – you can usually hear the music pumping early on Monday and Friday mornings and the girls having a hit.

It was wonderful to see so many girls on the courts since last season as well as applying new skills from training into competitive games. Congratulations on a successful term and keep up the positivity and enthusiasm for the remaining season.

Yang Yang Gu
Badminton Captain


During Term 2, the Year 3 and 4 basketballers have been working hard and learning the basics of basketball. With the help of coaches Maddy Hinton, Katherine Perkas and Junior mentors Wei Ning Khoo and Ashlyn May, the girls have learnt to throw, catch, dribble, shoot and defend.

Basketball was new to many of the girls, so it was a steep learning curve coming up against more experienced teams. Our girls battled hard and the coaches were impressed with the improvement the girls showed throughout the term as well as their determination, despite some tough losses.

Some highlights for the girls were our Blue vs White match, which ended with the Blue team getting up by two points in an absolute nail bitter, a draw with Pembroke 16-16 and many girls scoring their first ever points for the school.

Maddy, Wei Ning and Ashlyn have been running trainings on a Monday afternoon, with the emphasis on skill development, teamwork and having fun. The girls have learnt so many new skills and built their knowledge of the game all while having run and making new friends.

Ashlyn May
Basketball Captain

Cross Country

This term we have had a very strong team of runners, in both Middle and Senior School. Every Wednesday the girls have been competing at different locations across Adelaide, completing 4km, each run. The courses have been different for each race, with some very twisty corners and slippery turns. The girls have run past horses, jumped fences and ran through creeks throughout the Term. All girls have done an amazing job at completing each race and not letting the rainy weather slow them down.

Throughout the season we have had consistent runs from both the Middle and Senior school athletes, with Ava Field and Malaika McLeod placing in the top five each race and Elodie de Wit and Isla Fahey placing 1st and 2nd each week. We still have several races next term with both teams currently sitting comfortably in front or second place, with Senior girls on 255 points and Middle girls on 143 points. We can’t wait to see some new girls sign up for cross country next year.

Alice Braithwaite
Cross Country Captain


Our Open Hockey team has had a very eventful first term! We were entered into the A-grade competition after great success in the B-grade competition last year. This move, whilst being a different experience, has meant that all our players have stepped up to the challenge. The team has a mix of new players and experienced players which has allowed leadership opportunities for our more experienced players – especially the group of state representatives in our team. After each School game, a ‘player of the day’ award is presented to the girl who represented great skill and gameplay or for demonstrating the values of our team, such as stepping up in a new position.

Our Year 4 – 6 team have consistently showed up to games and worked together each week. The girls were most excited after achieving a win recently. Two of the girls in our Junior team had the opportunity to play for the East Adelaide SAPSASA side this term – the team achieved third place!

This year, the Open team had the opportunity to represent Saints at the state-wide knockout tournament. After five rounds of modified matches, lots of running and a full day of watching hockey, the girls achieved third place! Thank you to our coaches Liv and Poppie Goldsmith for all of your insight and support. Overall, we have had a very busy term of hockey and are looking forward to all that next term brings!

Bridgette Leach
Hockey Captain

Start Moving

Throughout this term, a group of Middle and Senior girls have been embarking on weekly walking trips. Through the Start Moving program, the girls have explored a variety of different hiking spots such as the local Second Creek walking trail, Morialta Conservation Park and Chambers Gully. This program is great way for our girls to continue to have an active lifestyle without necessarily participating in our competitive sport programs.

Studies show that walking for even just 30 minutes a day can increase cardiovascular fitness, increase energy levels, and boost muscle power and endurance. Our Start Moving program aims to inspire our girls to understand the different ways they can live active lifestyles, whilst also providing a space for girls to make new friends and relax away from the pressures of school work. If any girls are looking to try out a new social sport, I would strongly recommend coming out and giving our Start Moving program a go.

Ellie Humphrey
Start Moving Captain


Saints Lacrosse was very excited to welcome staff member Sonya Risbey as head coach of our Lacrosse Program this year. Sonya brings with her a lifetime of knowledge and experience in Lacrosse having represented South Australia and being part of an incredible 11 National Titles in a row with South Australia.

This term was a great start for the U13 Lacrosse season. For the first time in many years, we were able to enter two teams into the Lacrosse competition. Our first team (Saints Blue) consists of the more Senior players who have played U13s before. Our second team (Saints White) is the new team for this competition, all these girls have never played U13s before and some are even new to the sport.

These girls have already improved so much by playing at a more challenging level which helps them to further develop their skills. The Blue team are sitting at a very strong level currently being equal 2nd. They have become a very strong and skilful team and they are a pleasure to work with. Both teams are very excited to continue playing next term and they are all going to improve so much more!

Dani Cox
Lacrosse Captain


With 21 teams across Years 3 – 12, plus very healthy numbers in our Reception – Year 2 program, the netball program has flourished in the past years with a surge in numbers that can only be accredited to our coaches and management. We have welcomed back many coaches this year. Thank you to Old Scholars Efua Yawson (Selwyn 2022) and Adele Eaton (Selwyn 2022) for coaching this season, as well as many volunteer student coaches and umpires, who I know the Junior School girls admire and look up to.

The netball program begins for our girls with the Beginners Netball Program for Reception -Year 2 girls. The focus of these sessions is on the fundamentals, while teaching teamwork and love for the game.

The girls then carry these skills into our Junior School program. Here, our teams play against other schools in weekly matches. We have seen some fantastic results for these teams throughout the season so far. With some huge wins, narrow losses and matches against far more experienced teams. Regardless of the results, our girls have learnt and developed their skills throughout the term. The girls attend trainings with enthusiasm and energy which is unmatched.

Outside of the school competition, Saints has had a great representation in Knockout, SAPSASA and state level. Ruby Pahuja and Anisha Pahuja participated in the East Adelaide SAPSASA carnival last week. Ella King and Clara Polasek were also selected in this team but were unable to participate.

A big congratulations to those girls, as well Mia Bennett and Ella Warrick on their selection in the 15 and Under State team. The girls will compete in the National Championships in Perth at the end of July. It’s great honour and we wish Mia and Ella best of luck!

With the introduction of Premier League and Reserves, Steph Hutson and Old Scholar Liv Kelly (Selwyn 2021) took over as coaches this year and their extensive knowledge and positivity has been greatly appreciated. We bonded and developed as a team, and despite having a rough start, both the league and reserves team finally saw reward in a win against Pembroke, with league winning by 1 goal and the reserves comfortably winning by 20 goals. Special mention must go to Shea Forster for seamlessly stepping into the team after Nellie Ion’s injury, who has now become an essential team player from the side-lines!

Willow Stewart-Rattray
Netball Captain


Yoga is one of the newest sports that has been introduced to the Saints Sports program over the past couple of years. Yoga is a non-competitive sport where girls can enjoy moderate exercise in a calm environment. Each week there are two yoga sessions on Monday and Thursday nights, led by Claire Winther. During these sessions, the girls have the chance to take part in exercises which aim to build core strength, flexibility and overall body strength. The exercises are repetitive in order to create a constant flow of movement which is graceful. During every session the class is silent and all phones and devices are left outside of the practice space. This allows the girls to remove distractions and leave their busy days behind to focus on their mind and body connection. 10 minutes at the end of each practice is dedicated to resting in order to create a sense of mindfulness and relaxation. This allows the girls to feel refreshed and calm once completing every session.

Yoga has been proven to help manage stress, enhance mental well-being and improve sleep and is a great way to add moderate exercise into your weekly routine. Overall, the feedback from the yoga program this semester has been nothing but positive and it is great to see a wide variety of people across year levels attending the sessions.

Jenna Maione
Yoga Captain


Over Term 2, Saints had a number of teams compete in the School Sport SA Knockout competitions. These competitions are great for the development of our players and coaches, as well as being an opportunity for our girls to work across year levels and show their high level of skill.

Open Hockey

Played on Friday 16 June at Hockey SA Stadium, our Open A Hockey team competed against Grant High School, Henley High School, Scotch College and Walford. With the Hockey program, the teams play in a round robin-style tournament over one full day. The winner of the day is awarded the State Schools Championship.

The girls had a great start to the tournament with a hard fought 2-0 win over Walford, followed by a loss to eventual winners Henley High School. After the lunch break, we took on Grant High School and secured our second win of the tournament. Henley High School were dominant all day, winning all their matches. This meant that our final match against Scotch College would determine who came second and who finished third.

Despite our girls best efforts, we went down to Scotch in the final game of the day to finish third. It was a great tournament and wonderful to see the girls listen and learn across the four matches. Old Scholars, Olivia (Kennion, 2020) and Poppie Goldsmith (Kennion, 2021) coached incredibly well through difficult circumstances with injures the evening before and during the tournament making rotations difficult.

A great effort girls, and with such a young side things are looking bright for Saints hockey in the future.

Year 5/6 Netball

On Friday 2 June, our Year 5/6 netballers headed off to Stradbroke Primary School for Round 1 of their competition. Drawn to play Stradbroke Primary School, Marryatville Primary School and St Columba College, we knew it would be a tough round.

The girls started with a close first half against hosts Stradbroke, before dominating the second half to win easily. Our second match was against Marryatville Primary School. This was a close one all the way! There was only one or two goals in it then entire match, with the lead changing multiple times throughout the match. In the final quarter, Saints came from a few goals down at three quarter time to drawing but we just couldn’t snatch the lead, with Marryatville narrowly defeating us in the dying seconds of the match.

Our final game was against St Columba College. After the narrow loss to Marryatville, the girls regrouped for another dominant performance to finish off the day.

Congratulations to all the girls who competed on the day and for playing out of position at times due to injury and illness in the team.

Year 7/8 Netball

On Friday 9 June, Saints Girls hosted Adelaide Botanic High School and St Mary’s College for Round 1 of the Year 7/8 Netball. The girls had not been able to train together, so this would be their first time out as a team.

Coaches Steph Hutson and Elliot Siggurs kept the game plain simple and the girls responded with a dominant performance over Adelaide Botanic High School in the first game of the day. The players listened and were able to execute the game plan well. They increased their lead every quarter and displayed a high level of skill throughout the game.

St Mary’s College run a netball academy at their school, so we knew they would be a tough opponent. They too defeated Adelaide Botanic comfortably in the second game of the day meaning that our final match against St Mary’s would decide who went through to Round 2 of the tournament.

Saints came out firing! The girls could not have played better and were dominant all over the court. Considering they had never played as a team before, they combined seamlessly on court and took instruction from the coaches to run out easy winners.

The girls will now progress to Round 2 of the tournament and will take on St Michael’s College early in Term 3 to decide who goes through to finals day.

Year 11/12 Netball

Saints Girls headed to Westminster in Round 1 to take on their team and St Michael’s College. A very tough Round 1 draw, with both teams having a number of players who play in the South Australian Premier League and Reserves competition as well as Junior State representatives.

Our girls were determined to take it up to both teams, especially after coming off a heaving loss to Westminster in the regular IGSSA season in the first match of the season when we were undermanned.

We took on St Michael’s in our first game, with a close score until the third quarter when their lead blew out to ten goals. To their credit, they rallied in the last quarter to win it by six so we went down by four goals in the end.

St Michael’s, having defeated Westminster earlier in the day, would progress to the second round. Our final match of the day against Westminster would be for pride and to show Westminster what our team was capable of when we had all our players available.

And that’s exactly what we did… for three quarters! We went down by ten goals in three quarters of netball, showing that our best netball can match one of the strongest netball schools in the state. However, we faulted in one quarter and eventually went down by 26 goals. Consistency and belief in our ability is key for this group as they move through the remainder of the season.

Year 7/8 Soccer

After 40mm of rain the day before our scheduled matches, there was concern that the soccer games would not go ahead. But the Top Oval held out and our girls were able to take on Scared Heart College and Heathfield High School in Round 1 of the Year 7/8 Soccer.

Our girls had a day out against both schools, defeating Scared Heart 8-2 in the first match and Heathfield High School 9-2 in our second match. Coaches Kristian Quirke and Alastair Eglinton were very proud of the girls efforts and how well they played together as a team.

The girls executed the game plan to perfection and showed real team spirit, sharing the ball around as well as the scoring well. Shout out to Lauren Disney who set up Scarlet Penley beautifully for her to score her first goal for Saints!

The girls now progress to Round 2, which will take place in early Term 3.

Year 9/10 Soccer

On a very wet and soggy day, our girls ventured to Underdale High School for Round 1. Unfortunately, the second school we were supposed to be playing, Cornerstone College, had to withdraw leaving us with just one match against Underdale High School.

With illness the morning of the competition, Aleesha Gray (Year 8) got a late call up to attend and slotted in with the other girls seamlessly. The girls battled hard against Underdale, who are a soccer school and run academies for both boys and girls. We were ultimately defeated by a very slick Underdale team.

Year 9/10 Touch Football

In Week 2 of Term 2, we participated in the Year 9/10 Knockout Touch Football competition. On this day, we competed in four games and won three of these games. This was enough to get us through to the finals, which were played four weeks later.

At finals, we were all so excited but slightly nervous. Four games were going to be played on that day, against competitors Wilderness, Pembroke, Grant High School, and Sacred Heart. Even though we had some injuries and did not play as well as we had hoped, we left with a lot more knowledge and confidence in our abilities. We won one game, drew one, and lost two, meaning we placed in the top 4 teams out of many different schools across the state.

Overall, it was a really good experience and we enjoyed bonding together as a team. We were able to apply all the skills which we had been learning and practising for months into the games. Playing together after a great season of Touch Football in Term 1 was fun so we are looking forward to playing again in Term 4.

Lucy Mitchell (Year 10) and Lucy Lowry (Year 9)

Year 9/10 Volleyball

On Monday 29 May, our girls travelled to The Lights Community and Sports Centre in Lightsview to participate in Round 1 of Knockout Volleyball. The competition was round robin format, with Saints competing against Playford College, Roma Mitchell Secondary School and Murray Bridge High School in the minor rounds.

The girls went through undefeated and took on Marryatville High School in the final. The final had some controversy, as originally the match had been scheduled for the best-of-five sets. Marryatville took an early lead of 2-0 before Saints claimed the third set to trail 2-1. At this stage organisers informed both teams that the game was over, as our booking time at the venue had concluded! This was very disappointing for all involved as we would have loved a chance to come back in the final two sets.

However, this was not to be, and Marryatville were declared the winners and will now move onto Round 2.

Thanks to Georgia Keough for coaching the girls and Claudia Pearce (Year 11) for being our umpire for the day.

More Knockout Sports to come in Term 3…

More girls will get the opportunity to represent the School in Term 3, with teams entered in Y7-9 Badminton, Year 9/10 Basketball and Year 9/10 Netball.

We will also have Round 2 matches for both our Year 7/8 Netball and Year 7/8 Soccer teams.

Alice Johnswood
Sports Administrator

Annie’s Surfing Success

Congratulations to Annie Goldsmith (Year 8) on being a part of the Hawai’i Adaptive Surfing Championships in May. Below, Annie shares her experiences from her time in Hawaii.

Video credit: Mary Stavrou (Year 12 student)

SAPSASA Sport in Term 2


Adelaide SchoolsCongratulations to Mika Valmorbida and Emily Robinson for representing the East Adelaide district at the SAPSASA Hockey Tournament this year. The girls played numerous games against the other Division 1 teams on Thursday and Friday of last week at the Adelaide University Hockey Club grounds. There was the opportunity for teams to compete on both the grass field and the full-size, artificial water-based pitch at the hockey club. The girls said they really enjoyed the hockey community, scoring goals and they made friends throughout the tournament. East Adelaide placed 3rd overall in the competition – a great achievement Mika and Emily!

Bridgette Leach
Hockey Captain


Adelaide SchoolsLast week, Ruby Pahuja and Anisha Pahuja competed in the SAPSASA Netball Metro State Carnival for East Adelaide. For both girls, it was their first time playing in the carnival and they loved the experience, particularly getting to know girls from their team and other districts. They also enjoyed learning new skills from their coaches and applying new tactics into game play. Ruby was an attacker for the Division 1 team, and came an amazing 3rd overall in the tournament. While Anisha also had a great carnival playing in the Division 3 team and came 5th. Congratulation to Ruby and Anisha!

Willow Stewart-Rattray
Netball Captain

SAPSASA Golf and Scholarship

Adelaide SchoolsIshana Roy, has been participating in golf coaching at Mount Osmond Golf Club for over two years. For her commitment to the sport and her skills, she received the Golf Australia and The Australian Golf Foundation Initiative (AGF) Program Scholarship for this year. The AGF program’s aim is to enhance and maintain female participation in golf as well as teach the principles of commitment to sport. Ishana is very excited and grateful to have received this scholarship that will help enhance her passion for the sport.

Further to this, on the 16th of June, Ishana played in the SAPSASA 12-and-under School Golf qualifiers amongst several other students from different schools. On the day, the students undertook putting practice and multiple other drills until the final 8-hole game where Ishana scored 49 and placed second within her group. Amazingly, she was one of only two girls who were selected for the SAPSASA State Finals. She will represent St Peter’s Girls in the State Finals that will be held later this year in September. I wish her all the best in the competition and other endeavours of golf that she will take on in the future.

Ayanna Roy
Tennis Captain and proud sister

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