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eNews Week 10, Term 1 2024

Issue no. 21Enews-banner

From Our Director of the Early Learners’ Centre

Transitions, whether the movement between our daily rituals or larger shifts between learning environments, are pivotal moments in a child’s educational journey. Through these transitions, we are committed to fostering a deep sense of belonging, nurturing strong connections, and promoting engagement for both children and their families and supporting children’s holistic growth and development. Our vision of transition goes beyond merely looking ahead to future milestones; we celebrate and cherish each step and phase of a child’s journey with us. Supporting transitions requires the development of knowledge, skills and capabilities that are nurtured from the moment a child starts at St Peter’s Girls’ ELC.

As we look ahead to the transition of our Pathway to School children into Reception in the middle of the School year, we are reminded of the significance of this transition. The symbolism of the name Pathway is such a wonderful reminder of the way that children’s growing independence, resilience, persistence and their ability to embrace change has been supported throughout their journey in the ELC. These skills are developed in a rich learning environment that nurtures and promotes our Pillars of Assessment including ‘sense of belonging and identity, social skills, communication skills, cognitive thinking skills, academic learning and motor development’.

Our Pathway children are immersed in a rich language environment where they have their theories and ideas challenged and extended upon. The current investigations around geometric shapes, inspired by our recent extension and upgrade to our building and facilities, has fostered profound learning and engagement. Furthermore, the children have explored with technical language as they articulate the changes they’ve noticed, engaging in discussions with the lead architect to delve into the finer details of their new environment. Additionally, they’ve also put pen to paper to represent their thoughts and ideas regarding how this new space should be transformed.

During the extension and upgrade Pathway children have relished spending additional time in the Junior School and have been warmly embraced by the wider St Peter’s Girls’ School community. As they prepare to transition into Reception, supported by our intentional approach and enriched by their time in the mid-year Reception room, they are well-prepared to confidently embark on the next stage of their learning journey.

Here are some wonderful comments from our Pathway children about their time in the mid-year Reception room in the Junior School.

‘My favourite part of being in the Junior School is going up to the playground. We use buckets and shovels and get to go on the big swing. Sometimes we get to see the big girls, they are practicing in the swimming pool. With our buddies we read books together and do drawing. In the buddy classroom we looked down from a bird’s eye view at Ferguson Park.’ Clara 

‘My favourite thing is the playground and the vehicles in the sandpit.’

‘We get to see the big girls Frankie and Jiani and get to play with them outside.  At the big School I like going to the playground.’

Liz Schembri
Director of Early Learner’s Centre

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Important Dates

Shakespeare on the Lawn, A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Friday April 5
Summer Interhouse: Friday 12 April
Cross Country Interhouse: Friday 12 April
Last Day of Term: Friday 12 April
Start of Term 2: Monday 29 April

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Junior School Playground Update

During Week 11, our Junior School students will have the exciting opportunity to trial the brand-new playground they have been patiently observing take shape this term. This trial period will allow them to explore the playground and share their thoughts and feedback with us.

Looking ahead to Term 2, we’re planning a ceremony to open the playground, students will be able to enjoy the new space before the official opening.

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Market Day at Saints Girls

This week, the Year 7 students presented an Eco-Market as part of their Futures subject. With great enthusiasm, the girls exhibited a diverse range of upcycled products, reflecting their resourcefulness and creativity.

Throughout the project, the girls explored the process of planning, designing, creating, budgeting and marketing their products. They embraced the principles of environmental consciousness, repurposing discarded materials into unique and practical items.

By actively engaging in this hands-on process, the students developed important skills, such as project planning, critical thinking, problem-solving and teamwork. They learnt to manage challenges, adapt designs and optimise resources, all while fostering a genuine appreciation for the environment.

Congratulations to all Year 7 Futures students for their creativity, hard work and commitment to sustainability. Thank you to the students and staff who supported us at the Eco-Market Event.

Joni Combe, Kyle Martelle, Ann Li, Thomas Bassett, and Randal Irvine
Year 7 Futures Teachers 

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Exploring Culture and Science

A Journey Through Dreamtime Stories and STEM

In a recent initiative, our Year 5 students participated in a fresh cultural learning experience that integrated a First Nations Dreamtime story with STEM principles. Cultural Liaison Officer, Kendall Fitzgerald, shared the mesmerising Dreamtime story of ‘How the Birds Got Their Colours’ with Ms Hampton, Ms Heath, and Mr Davidson’s classes. Using the Western Australian Bardi people’s Dreamtime story, ‘How the Birds Got Their Colours,’ we linked this with a STEM paper chromatography activity to find out ‘How the Texta Got Its Colour’.

The lesson’s goal was to connect the creative elements of the story with a tangible scientific process. The students discovered that a black texta, like the bird in the story, is composed of a spectrum of colours. This revelation was an awe-inspiring moment that led to independent thinking and creative direction, as the girls could test how paper chromatography works with different materials such as pencils, permanent markers, and colours.

The girls further explored components of other texta colours, permanent markers, and pencils, followed by group reflections. This enhanced their scientific understanding and appreciation for the cultural narrative intertwined with the activity.

This integrative learning experience encouraged the girls to view the world through a lens of curiosity, respect and wonder, complementing our School values of Courage, Creativity and Compassion.

Melissa O’Loughlin
STEM Innovation Leader

Kendall Fitzgerald
Cultural Liaison Officer

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House Spirit Shines with the Spectator’s Cup

At the beginning of the year the Prefect Team introduced the student initiative ‘202for… The Saints Sisterhood’. We know that building an encouraging community significantly boosts the confidence and happiness of the girls here at St Peter’s Girls’ School. A Sisterhood allows everyone to express themselves without feeling judged and creates a sense of family, as the girls know someone will always be there to support them. Through this initiative we aim to develop stronger inter year level connections between students which will generate a positive learning environment and comradery between the girls.

To put this concept into action we have introduced a new award called The Spectator’s Cup. The Spectator’s Cup is awarded to the House that has the most students come out to support their peers at School events. This term we have seen amazing results with a significant increase in students attending events, including Head of The River, The Lynne Spry Cup, and Summer Intercol. Currently, the House in the lead with the most points is Selwyn, however the other houses are not far behind! We would like to thank the girls who have come out to these events this term and we look forward to seeing this level of support continue to grow over the year!

Daisy Kennett and Sophie Ricciuto
Head and Deputy Head Prefects

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ELC – News from Learning Community 1


Loose Parts Play

Loose parts are materials that can be moved, arranged, stacked, overlayed, balanced, lined up, constructed and deconstructed. They can be natural resources like a collection of seedpods, rocks, sticks and stones. Loose parts can also comprise of discarded, repurposed or recycled materials such as plastic lids, egg cartons, curtain railings, fabric swatches, and corks. When incorporated into play, children respond to these materials and use their imagination and creativity to express ideas and make meaning.

This term, the children in Learning Community 1 enjoyed experimenting with all manner of loose parts to represent ideas, make connections and transfer knowledge from one setting to another. During our morning Banbanbalya, children were invited to use different loose parts to represent themselves around our Palti circle. When celebrating Lunar New Year, we incorporated brightly coloured milk lids of red, yellow, and orange to reflect this theme. Later, when our inquiry led us to explore Ferguson Park using the five senses, we incorporated native gum nuts and seed pods reflective of the fragrance and colour palate of the outdoors. In each instance, children practised patience and respect for one another, waiting for their turn to use a tactile material to record their presence while creating the circular shape. This was a beautiful ritual that encouraged the children’s sense of belonging at the ELC and served as a visual celebration of their participation and collaboration.

Inspired by our explorations of the storybook ‘Window’ by Jeanie Baker and our observations of ‘change’, the children took the opportunity to use recycled yoghurt lids, curtain railings, old fabrics, and reused picture frames to create different scenes and changing landscapes. Guided by images to inspect, such as sunny open fields, gardens, backyards with trees and birds, suburban landscapes, houses and the night sky, the children used their imagination to arrange and transform different loose parts into these very scenes. In their careful arrangements that are packed, aligned, and balanced, yellow lids became ‘more birdies’, while red lids were conceptualised as ‘flowers’. Metal curtain railings lined at the top of a frame became ‘smoke’ and layered fabrics functioned as ‘clouds’.

As our inquiry progresses to explore seasonal changes, we are offering new loose parts, diverse in colour, shape and texture for the children to experiment with and make meaning. We look forward to sharing in the creative and carefully considered discoveries the children make using these dynamic materials.

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An Old Scholar Q&A

Applying to Universities in the USA

On Wednesday this week, Old Scholar, Emily Murdock (Kilburn 2017) spent lunch time with Senior School students interested in applying to the USA for university.

She shared her experience of the application process, reassuring the girls there is no magic formula; instead, encouraging the girls to follow carefully the instructions provided by each university and be genuine in their responses. The students were able to ask lots of questions not only about the application process but also about living on campus, living in the States, etc.

Emily has completed her degree at Harvard University in Physics, Environmental Science and Public Policy. She is currently travelling on a Harvard Research Fellowship, after which she will begin her Doctorate in Environmental Science and Policy at UC Berkeley.

Karen Alderson and Carolyn Farr

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Ladies Night at the Movies



Bring your girlfriends, mothers and sisters and join us for an unforgettable night of action and comedy as Emily Blunt and Ryan Gosling entertain us with an ‘epic story of cosmic proportions’.

You’ll be greeted on arrival with a complimentary glass of bubbles and chocolate, ready to sit back and enjoy the show.

Date: Wednesday 19 June 2024 (Week 8)
Time: 6.30 pm for 7 pm Movie
Movie: The Fall Guy
Cost: $25 per person (includes bubbles and chocolate on arrival)

Raffle tickets: $5 for 1 ticket, $10 for 3 tickets

Our coveted raffle prizes are returning, including tickets to Carols in the Cathedral 2024 and Choral Night 2025. Waltz past the queues straight to your reserved seats with the VIP guests!

Raffle tickets can be purchased online with your movie ticket and will also be available on the night. Get your movie tickets before 19 May to be in the running for our fabulous EXTRA prize just for early-bird purchasers – a bundle of 2 VIP tickets for Carols 2024 and 2 VIP tickets for Choral Night 2025.  Even better, you’ll still be in the draw for all other prizes on the night, including more VIP event tickets.

This wonderful event is hosted by The Friends of The Arts community group. All proceeds go directly to support the many wonderful Arts programmes at Saint’s Girls.

Please join us for an evening to remember.

To book tickets – click here.

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Vacation Care Bookings are Open!

Our next awesome instalment of Junior School Vacation Care is almost here. We have some great activities guaranteed to keep the children entertained through the break. With an array of excursions and on-site adventures, there is plenty of fun to be had.

April 2024 Vacation Care Program

Places are limited, so secure your booking now – click here

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Bookings Now Open for ELC Vacation Care!

School holidays are around the corner, so if you would like your child to attend ELC during this time, please click here to access our online booking form.

ELC Vacation Care will run from Monday 15 April – Friday 26 April. 

Vacation Care runs similar to a normal day within the ELC, led by Valentina Fernandes in Learning Community 1 and Liz Ewers in Learning Community 2. Our days are filled with a range of creative, inquiry-based and hands-on experiences, using our indoor and outdoor spaces as well as our ELC Community Garden and the School lawns. Children will frequently participate in music, dance, picnics on the lawns, gross motor and cooking experiences.

Children will need to bring their own packed lunch, hat, water bottle and a change of clothes each day. ELC children can attend Vacation Care in casual clothing; however, it is important for the children to wear appropriate footwear. Due to allergies, we kindly ask that you do not pack nuts or nut products in your child’s lunch box. A healthy morning and afternoon tea and late snack will continue to be provided to children.

As ELC Vacation Care is staffed based on bookings and catering, please make your bookings by Thursday 11 April 2024 (Week 11). Due to limited spaces during ELC Vacation Care, please book early!

*Please note that ELC Vacation care is strictly for ELC-enrolled children.

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Summer Interhouse Meal Deal

The Friends of Sport (FOS) will be cooking up a storm at Summer Interhouse on Friday 12 April. Offering delicious Cheeseburger Meal Deals (pre-order only), includes a burger and drink (vegetarian option available). A sausage sizzle will also be available on the day (no pre-order required) – $3, EFTPOS and cash accepted on the day.

Reception to Year 2 lunches will be delivered to classrooms, and Years 3 to 12 will collect theirs from the FOS barbecue area.

To get you into the Summer Interhouse spirit, House hats, water bottles and wristbands can also be pre-ordered. Supporter caps and branded keyrings are available for purchase at the School Shop.

Click here to pre-order your daughter’s Cheeseburger Meal Deal or House merchandise before 5pm, Monday 8 April.

All proceeds raised by the Friends of Sport directly benefit our Saints Girls and their sporting endeavours.

Thank you for your kind support.

Friends of Sport

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Winter Uniform Appointments

A reminder that it’s time to check Winter Uniforms ready for the start of Term 2.

To avoid long wait times on the first day back at School, click here to book a School Shop appointment to purchase any Winter Uniform items required.

Middle and Senior School students are welcome to visit during their recess or lunch breaks and can pay via their Flexischools card, EFTPOS or cash.

Alternatively, School Shop items can be purchased online via the Flexischools platform.

School Holiday Opening Times

Tuesday 23 April, 9am – 4pm
Wednesday 24 April, 9am – 4pm

The School Shop will resume regular hours on Monday 29 April.

Monday to Friday: 8am – 4pm (closed for lunch 12 – 12.30pm).

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Absences from School

If your child will be absent from School/ELC or is arriving late or leaving early, please notify the School via one of the following methods:

Text: 0428 601 957
Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au
Phone: 8334 2200

Please ensure to include your child’s name, the name of the ELC Room, Class or Home Group and the reason for the absence i.e. illness/appointment/family/sport etc.

If notifying via email, feel free to ‘cc’ the teacher of the Room/Class/Home Group as well.

It would be appreciated if notification is received prior to 9am.

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Sports News

SAPSASA Swimming State Championships

Well done to Emily Wang, Amy Liau, Mia O’Brien on their selection in the East Adelaide District (EAD) SAPSASA Swimming Team, set to compete in the State Championships!  After their strong performances representing the School in the East Adelaide District Swimming Carnival, the girls will now wear a different cap as they represent the whole district and swim against other Division 1 Metro schools.

Both Mia and Emily will be racing in the 10 year old 50m Freestyle, with Emily also racing in the Individual 50m Freestyle and Breaststroke. Amy will be competing in the 11 year old 50m Breaststroke and will be hoping for another strong swim after placing first overall in the same event at the EAD Swimming Carnival.

The State Championships take place next Tuesday 9 April at the SA Aquatic Centre.

All the best, girls!

Saints Girls Win for South Australia

Well done to Alannah Godfrey (11SEL), Dani Cox (12KEN) and Ashlyn May (12KIL), who represented South Australia in the National U18 Lacrosse Championships in Victoria over the Easter long weekend.

It was an extremely successful championship; South Australia won all their preliminary games and semi-final taking them into the Grand Final undefeated. South Australia took out the title defeating Western Australia 7 to 6 in a thriller match which came down to the last seconds! This was their first win since 2019.

Congratulations to our Saints Girls.

2024 Australian Athletics Championships

Congratulations to the following students who have been selected to represent South Australia in the upcoming Australian Athletics Championships!

Amelia Sheridan, Ava Field, Charlotte McAuliffe, Daisy Braithwaite, Elodie de Wit, Gisele Chernishev, Gracie Sheridan, India Goodall, Lucille Trengove and Malaika McLeod.

You can catch the girls in action at the SA Athletics Stadium from Thursday 11 – Friday 19 April.

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