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eNews – Week 10, Term 1 2023

Issue no. 10Enews-banner

From Our PrincipalCherylyn Skewes

Ten weeks ago, I wrote my first eNews piece as incoming Principal of St Peter’s Girls’ School. I was incredibly excited at the prospect of leading a school that provides a world-class, progressive education in an all-girls’ context. During this term, one of my priorities has been the development of the meaningful relationships that I believe underpin a successful school community.

I have met one-to-one with a majority of our teaching staff members and many of our non-teaching staff; I have visited our students regularly in their learning environments including those in our ELC; I have been present at Junior and Middle/Senior School Assemblies and Chapel Services; I have spent time in our staffroom and have come to know members of our Property Services, Administrative and Bus Driver teams; I have visited students and staff at co-curricular activities, after school and on Saturday mornings; I have met scores of parents, attended various community events, and engaged with the Old Scholars’ Association, Board Chairs past and present and former Principals; I have seen multiple days where Saints Girls has hosted learning opportunities for students from other schools such as our Girls in Tech Expo and the Theory of Knowledge Day; and I have witnessed the joy experienced by our girls and community members coming together for our Swimming Carnival and Choral Night – what an extravaganza!

The hundreds of interactions I have had with members of our community have reinforced three most important elements of St Peter’s Girls’ School: the authenticity and camaraderie of our students, the talent, dedication and care of our staff and the power of an all-girls’ education.

A Saints Girl (…and which House are you in?)

Each time I interact with our girls, whether it is at school drop-off or pick-up time, in the yard during recess or lunch breaks, in a lesson, during a co-curricular activity or at a School event, they are down to earth, respectful and so proud to be a Saints Girl. They speak with honesty and thoughtfulness, celebrating the wonderful experiences they enjoy as students, and they are forthcoming when I speak with them about what we can do better. They certainly don’t display entitlement, self-interest or snobbery; labels that are often glibly used to describe students attending a high-performing, independent school. These characteristics simply aren’t true of a Saints Girl, for the authenticity and humility of our girls is in the very fabric of our School, having been passed from generation to generation, dating back to our founding Sisters almost 130 years ago.

I have witnessed the students’ camaraderie, which goes further than that so obviously displayed in their love for their Houses and the girls within those sisterhoods. At Choral Night, we saw the middle and senior girls competing fiercely for their House to be victorious, but we also saw each House applauding and cheering the performance of every other House. Indeed, I have seen the care in everyday happenings at the School. I have watched our Reception and Year 1 students climb from their cars in the morning, looking for the ‘big girls’ as they seek comfort and camaraderie to make their way to class. The joy of this small daily interaction is treasured by our ‘big girls’ too! At Assemblies, I have witnessed the heartfelt applause and celebration of student performances, achievements and participation in a broad range of events and learning experiences. Our girls care for one another.

A Saints Staff Member

The staff at St Peter’s Girls are hardworking and totally dedicated to supporting every one of our students to learn and to grow, and to be the best version of themselves. They continually collaborate with each other in knowing and understanding individual girls and to applying the best educational practices. They are lifelong learners with many of our teaching staff holding or currently studying further degrees and certifications beyond their initial teaching qualifications, and they are eager to learn about new technologies and teaching approaches, and to embrace those that will enhance our students’ learning.

During this term, I have seen staff arranging an endless number of before, after school and evening activities, camps, excursions and on-site adventures so that our students can enjoy learning and personal development opportunities beyond the classroom. I have regularly noticed staff working with individual and small groups of students during recess and lunch breaks, and an element that sets Saints Girls apart is the sheer number of times that staff members talk with students to find out how they are and/or what they did on the weekend. As students continually tell me, the staff here genuinely care about each girl, and as the staff continually tell me, they are proud to be part of a school that is genuinely committed to bringing the best out in our students.

A Saints All-Girls’ Education

I am privileged to see the benefits of an all-girls’ education daily. When I look out across Chiverton Lawns from my office window on any given school day, I see girls doing cartwheels and somersaults during recess and lunch, and participating in lessons requiring them to move beyond their comfort zone, being supported by their peers and teachers to do so. The personal development and learning experienced by our students are not constrained by the powerful social norms that can inhibit the growth of girls in a co-educational setting. When I engage in casual conversations with students and when visiting classrooms, I witness their thirst for learning, their confidence in asking questions and to inquire further, and their willingness to seek help from their peers and teachers in their desire to extend their knowledge and understanding. I see the girls holding each other up, celebrating each other’s achievements and being enormously proud of being the best they can be.

I wish every member of our community a safe and enjoyable Easter holiday and look forward to seeing you again next term.

Cherylyn Skewes

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Junior School Volleyball and Cricket Morning

Our Year 3 – 6 girls finished off the term on a competitive note, participating in their first Summer Interhouse Competition.

For what was anticipated to be an exciting day of cricket, the weather had other plans and a quick amendment was made for our Year 3 and 4 students to compete in a game of Volleyball. Teamwork, high energy and sportsmanship prevailed, and the girls enjoyed participating in healthy House competitions.

The sunshine arrived by the time our Year 5 and 6 students were up to play, and the girls participated in rounds of 4-way cricket; the Year 5 houses versing each other and the Year 6 girls playing games of dual cricket.

It was fantastic to see the girls put into practice the skills they have been developing in their PE lessons such as bowling with precision, batting with energy, and running to carry their team to victory.

Michael Monda
Year 6 Teacher

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Year 10’s visit Tertiary Studies and Careers Expo

This week our Year 10 students attended the Tertiary Studies and Careers Expo, incorporating the SA Work and Skills Expo at the Adelaide Convention Centre.

The Expo provided the girls the opportunity to explore various tertiary study options and engage directly with experts who could advise them on their career path. The girls had access to a range of education providers from Adelaide, but also universities from around Australia including The University of Sydney, The University of Melbourne, Monash University and The University of Tasmania. Other providers such as Education USA-US Consulate, Defence Force Recruiting, Australian Submarine Corporation and Australian Property Institute, just to name a few, were also in attendance.

The girls had a great time and found it very valuable gaining an insight into a range of courses and future career pathways.

Carolyn Farr
Careers Coordinator

Karen Alderson
Careers Counsellor

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Laughs and Bowls at Dad’s Night on the Green

One event that continues to go from strength to strength on the Saints sporting calendar is our ‘Dad’s Night on the Green’ at Tranmere Bowling Club. This year, over 60 dads enjoyed a fun-filled night of bowling, refreshments, BBQ dinner and ‘Lucky Squares’.

Dad’s Night on the Green is a great opportunity for dads across the year levels to connect in a social, yet a little competitive, evening of bowling. Barefoot bowling made a comeback this year, with many dads kicking off their shoes to demonstrate their ability to multi-task socialising and bowling. It was fantastic to see so many dads contributing to our ‘Lucky Squares’ fundraiser buying 1 (or 10) lucky squares.

We will continue to offer Dad’s Night on the Green as part of the Friends of Sport calendar, and we look forward to seeing more year level teams out there next year.

For those who are interested in bowls, Tranmere Bowling Club offer a social ‘Night Owls’ competition played on Tuesday nights from the beginning of October until the end of March (daylight savings season). Season 2023 – 2024 will commence in October 2023.

The format of play:
• Play commences at 7pm
• Each team consists of 4 players. The team is able to have a group of more than 4 players (allowing to rotate the team with different players each week)
• Each team plays 2 games on the night
• Presentations to follow after the games

The club also has a sausage sizzle on the night for players available from 6pm.

For any enquiries about the Tranmere ‘Night Owls’ program please contact Dino DeCorso, President via email dnat@tpg.com.au

Katie Lucas
Friends of Sport

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OzCLO Saints Success

St Peter’s Girls has enjoyed considerable success in Linguistic Olympiads over the past few years. This year was no exception, with our two Year 11 teams successfully progressing from the State Round to the National Round of the 2023 Australian Computational and Linguistics Olympiad (OzCLO), held on Wednesday 29 March.

One of the Year 11 teams, consisting of Heidi Gong, Emily McCorley, Lynne Qi and Gloria Zou, placed 11th in the country and was the top-placed SA Senior (Year 11 – 12) team, earning them a Gold Certificate. Our other Year 11 team featuring Angelina Hii, Ruby Powell, Neya Titus and Alysa Trinh were not far behind, placing #22 in the country and earning a Bronze Certificate.

Participating in OzCLO has made me a better learner, as I acquired skills such as critical thinking and teamwork.’ – Gloria Zou, Year 11 student

OzCLO is a wonderful opportunity for the girls to practise code-breaking skills, critical thinking and collaboration. We look forward to entering more teams in next year’s competition and maybe even breaking into the top ten nationally!

Cindy Pitkin
Head of Languages

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Stories of the Cross and Easter Eucharist

During our Chapel services this week, we have been celebrating Holy Week – remembering the last week of Jesus’ life. We have seen Jesus entering Jerusalem as a King, to being put on trial, crucified, and then being raised back to life.

On Wednesday we remembered the death of Jesus by journeying through his last days in song at a Stories of The Cross Chapel Service. The beautiful orchestral arrangement by our music students took us from the trial of Jesus to him being placed in a tomb. The songs ended with the disciples leaving the tomb, wondering what will happen next?

On Thursday we came together to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus at our Easter Eucharist Service. Over this term we have been exploring the ‘I am’ statements of Jesus found in John’s Gospel. During this service, we focused on one of Jesus’ most famous statements:

I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’ John 14:16

This statement contains a rich truth about Jesus and the work that was completed through his death and resurrection. This three-in-one statement reveals that Jesus is the way we come to God, reveals the truth about God, and celebrates that by Jesus’ death and resurrection we can have eternal life in him.

I wish you and your families the most blessed Easter. May it be filled with the joy, love, and grace of God. May you have a safe and refreshing holiday and I look forward to seeing our students back next term.

Thomas Bassett
School Chaplain

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A Gardening Delight for Year 1 Sprouts

A haven of gardening delight was discovered by the Year 1 gardeners as they visited the ‘Little Sprouts’ program at the Botanic Gardens this week.

The girls used their senses to identify different plants as they gathered a basket of fresh produce. They worked in the worm farm to find out about the incredible role of decomposer invertebrates in the garden and planted their own seeds to bring home!

This experience is the perfect progression between our current ‘Sharing the Planet’ unit of inquiry and our Term 2 central idea ‘Food can go through stages of production to meet people’s needs’.

Kathryn Clark and Liz Sandercock
Year 1 Teachers

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Artificial Intelligence the Future for Year 7s

This week our Year 7 students were thrilled to showcase their Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) designed products and services at the A.I. Expo.

Held in the Middle School, the Expo was a culmination of project-based learning and business innovation that aimed to introduce students to the world of A.I. and its potential applications. The students worked tirelessly over several weeks, learning about A.I. technology and developing their own products and services that use Application Program Interface (APIs), the intelligence that makes A.I. work.

The Expo was a huge success, with students presenting a range of innovative products and services. All Year 7 Futures students displayed their A.I. models and explained how they worked, demonstrating a deep understanding of the technology behind their designs. Some of the highlights of the event included an A.I. bot designed to help injured people in war zones or during natural disasters, an A.I. powered detective that solves crimes through DNA analysis, and an A.I. that helps people pick their outfits for the day.

The event was a testament to the Year 7 students’ creativity, as well as their ability to learn and apply new technologies. It was an excellent opportunity for the students to showcase their skills and share their knowledge with their peers and teachers. By studying this topic, students learned about the growing importance of A.I. technology in our society and its potential to create businesses and solve problems. We look forward to seeing more A.I. powered innovations from our girls in the future.

This article was originally generated by A.I. (ChatGPT) and then edited and improved by a human.

Kyle Martelle
Futures Coordinator

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Celebrating Cultural Diversity with Language Week

Languages Week is a week in the school year when we celebrate language learning at Saints Girls and recognise the importance of honouring cultural diversity by providing different activities for our language learners.

We kicked off Languages Week 2023 on Monday of Week 9 in Assembly where the Middle and Senior School students watched a short video showcasing celebrities who speak four or more languages each and Genevieve Leong, our International Prefect introduced the activities on offer for the week.

Unfortunately, inclement weather meant that lunchtime on Monday saw the first of our Languages Week activities, some Spanish dancing on the steps of the Arts Centre, being postponed. However, a week later, the Year 11 and 12 IB Spanish classes did a performance of some Spanish dances, including the Macarena, Asereje, the Payaso de rodeo and Limbo. It was a great experience for the senior girls to share their dancing skills and a highlight was definitely when everyone joined in to do the Limbo.

On Tuesday at lunch, the Junior School girls enjoyed doing origami, the ancient Japanese art of paper folding. Origami is used in Japanese primary schools today to hone the students’ fine motor skills, as it requires exact folding and strong fingers to make firm creases. Our girls loved creating a variety of animals including dogs, cats and rabbits.

On Wednesday, the French department organised ‘Pétanque on the Lawns’ for students. Pétanque is French lawn bowls and is popular in France with young and old alike. The weather was a little unpredictable on the day, but this did not deter the many students who came ready to enjoy this well-known French sport. Four teams played a mini-tournament and enjoyed using some French language along the way. It was wonderful to see so many students enjoy this outdoor activity with friends and teachers. Bravo les filles!

On Thursday, the Junior Primary girls participated in Chinese songs and dances at lunchtime. Some of the girls are not actually studying Chinese, but they enjoyed trying to follow the dances and sing the songs. This activity was a wonderful example of how cultural traditions can be shared and appreciated by a wider audience, and how language is an important tool for cross-cultural communication.

Staff Morning Tea
The Languages Faculty staff held a delightful ‘Thank you/Arigatou/Merci/Xie xie/Gracias’ morning tea for all staff on Wednesday at Recess, bringing in yummy treats from different cultures as a way of thanking everyone for their support of Languages at Saints Girls. Staff were treated to a delicious feast of spring rolls, croissants, Chinese desserts, Scottish wafers, Greek biscuits, Japanese sweets, rice crackers and much more.

Combining Languages
On Friday of Languages Week, some Junior School girls came to watch and listen to some songs from their favourite Disney movies in different languages. The girls loved hearing all the familiar songs being sung in languages other than English and there was much excitement and discussion about the different songs and how the sound changed a lot when it was sung in another language.

It was a lovely way to wrap up a week of celebration of Languages at Saints Girls.

Cindy Pitkin
Head of Languages

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SLIC Reviews – New Edition Out Now!

The Student Libraries Initiatives Club’s Magazine: SLIC reViews Issue 5 is now available.

In this edition, the SLIC girls have been reading classic books. To be considered a classic a book needs to meet four criteria: quality, longevity, appeal and influence. The girls reviewed books by Earnest Hemmingway, Oscar Wilde, Charlotte Bronte, Mary Shelley and many other notable authors.

These books and many more are available in the Library and on Wheelers for Schools.

Start reading SLIC reViews now – click here.

Kate McBride
Library and Information Services

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Performing Arts Dinner – Save the Date

Support your daughter’s passion at the inaugural Performing Arts Dinner.
We welcome parents of Years 9 – 12 Performing Arts students (involved in Music, Dance and Drama subjects), and the cast from the School’s Musical; Matilda to accompany their daughters to this celebratory event.

Friday 26 May
6:30pm – 9:30pm
Arts Centre, St Peter’s Girls School

Cocktail dress

Ticket information will be provided next Term.

Kate Burnett
Head Of the Arts

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School Holiday Programs at Public Libraries

The holidays are a great time to reset and focus on improving mental health before another busy school term. Burnside library in conjunction with Headspace is holding a free session on Mental Health for teens aged 12 – 18 (April 17). Learn more about what Headspace do, tips for maintaining a healthy headspace, mental health information including myth busting, common misconceptions and how to support a friend.

Learning a new skill or making something is a great way to improve mental wellbeing. Students can Learn to Knit at Burnside Library (April 18), Learn to draw with author and illustrator Matt Shanks at Burnside Library (April 19), Cross Stitch at Goodwood Library (April 20), practice Yoga and Mindfulness at St Peters Library (April 19) or Make a Fairy Garden at Payneham Library (April 21). Please see the relevant council websites for bookings.

Kate McBride
Library Technician

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Friends of the Founders’ Chapel Service and Light Lunch

Our annual Friends of the Founders’ Chapel Service and Light Lunch event was held last week with a theme celebrating ‘Women in Sport’.

Special guest Old Scholar Jessica Edwards (Patteson 2007) presented an engaging talk to our audience sharing her inspiring journey in Sport from school days. These included playing for Australia in U23 softball, playing in the London Cup for Gaelic Football, Captaining North Adelaide SANFLW and Collingwood VFL teams as well as playing for Carlton in the AFLW. Jessica, who is still playing SANFLW, continues to support the pathways of younger players by recently being appointed as the development coach for the U16 State Team.

Megan McCormack
Community Relations Manager

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Matilda School Musical – Book your Tickets!

In our biggest-ever School Musical, more than 100 Saints Girls are working hard on stage and behind the scenes as we countdown to Roald Dahl’s Matilda next term.

Inspired by the twisted genius of Roald Dahl, with book by Dennis Kelly and original songs by Tim Minchin, Matilda the Musical explores the anarchy of childhood and the power of imagination through the inspiring story of a little girl who dreams of a better life. With high-energy dance numbers, catchy songs and unforgettable characters, Matilda will be a girl-power showcase of our fabulous singers, dancers, actors and musicians.

Wednesday 7, Thursday 8 & Friday 9 June
Arts Centre

To secure your tickets – click here

Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical
Book by Dennis Kelly
Music and Lyrics by Tim Minchin
Licensed exclusively by Music Theatre International (Australasia).
All performance materials supplied by Hal Leonard Australia.
Orchestrations and Additional Music – Chris Nightingale.

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Senior Drama Production – Book Now!

The Year 11 and 12 SACE Drama and IB Theatre students have been busily working on this year’s Senior Drama Production: Amelia Bradshaw Turns Eight.

Suitable for all ages, the play is a poignant comedy that explores the nature of human politics, growing up and the effect of the choices we make on who we become.

17 – 18 May

Arts Centre

To secure your tickets – click here

Michael Butler-Wills
Head of English/Drama Teacher

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Mobile Phone Policy Review

At St Peter’s Girls, we maintain a register of the School’s policies with a formal review cycle. Our policy for student use of mobile phones at school is due for review this year. We thank several parents who have approached us, wishing to discuss the pros and cons of the School’s current policy.

We know that schools in the government sector are now mandated to introduce policies prohibiting student use of mobile phones during the school day by the end of this school year. One of the many advantages of being an independent school is being able to respond to the needs of our students, staff and parents pertinent to our unique context. Our aim is to educate our students whilst considering the range of perspectives amongst members in our School community. Please be aware that our current policy only applies to students in Years 7 – 12. Students in our ELC and Junior School are not permitted to use mobile phones during the school day and we do not foresee this changing.

During the remainder of this term and early next term, we will commence the review of our Mobile Phone Policy by discussing it with our SRC representatives from Years 5 – 12, and we will be meeting with staff focus groups to seek their views. In the first part of Term 2, we will also be sending out a survey for parents. We hope that as many parents as possible will find the time to complete this short but important survey, and we look forward to reviewing the results.

Cherylyn Skewes

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Winter Uniform Appointments

A reminder that it’s time to check Winter Uniforms ready for the start of Term 2.

To avoid long wait times on the first day back at school, click here to book a School Shop appointment to purchase any Winter Uniform items required.

Middle and Senior School students are welcome to visit during their recess or lunch breaks and can pay via their Flexischools card, EFTPOS or cash.

Alternatively, School Shop items can be purchased online via the Flexischools platform.

School Holiday Opening Times

9 – 4pm
Wednesday 12 April
Friday 14 April
Friday 21 April
Monday 24 April

The School Shop will resume regular hours on Wednesday 26 April.

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Junior School Vacation Care – Book Now

Our next awesome instalment of Junior School Vacation Care is almost here. We have some great activities guaranteed to keep the children entertained through the break. With an array of excursions and on-site adventures, there is plenty of fun to be had.

April 2023 Vacation Care Program

Places are limited, so secure your booking now – click here

A late booking fee of $5 now applies for each new booking.

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Sports Day – Week 1 Next Term

Our Years 4 – 12 Sports Day is being held at the SA Athletics Stadium, Mile End on Friday 28 April (Friday of Week 1, Term 2).

The day will begin at 8.30am and will conclude by approximately 3.15pm.

Travel Arrangements

Students who usually travel on School buses will be transported directly to and from the venue, departing from and returning to their regular stops. School Bus Drivers will inform families of any expected changes to pick-up and drop-off times.

To assist other families, we are offering a special bus service to transport students from school to the SA Athletics Stadium and back. Buses will depart school at 7.45am and return by approximately 4.15pm.

To book your daughter’s place on this bus service, click here

Bus bookings will close at 5pm on Wednesday 26 April.

Please ensure your daughter is at school well before departure time for roll-marking purposes. Each bus will have teacher supervision.

All other students will need to be dropped off at the SA Athletics Stadium in the morning and picked up from there in the afternoon.

Upon arrival, all students must sign in at the entrance to the stadium before taking a seat in their House area. They will also need to sign out at the end of the day.

Event Details

Students are reminded to wear their complete PE uniform with a hat and House top. We encourage the girls to display their House spirit, however body paint is not permitted at the venue.

There will be no specific meal breaks, but students can eat during breaks between their events. They are to either bring their recess and lunch or make use of the on-site canteen. They are also advised to bring water bottles and be prepared according to the weather forecast, applying sunscreen early. Additional sunscreen will be available at the First Aid station.

We encourage all girls to compete in a number of events, with their preferences being discussed in PE lessons and House meetings. The carnival is to be treated like a normal school day; therefore, attendance is compulsory for the whole day. If a student is unable to participate in their events, a note must be emailed to Katherine Perkas via kperkas@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

To view a map of the venue, click here

To view the program of events with approximate times, click here

Years 4 – 6 High Jump and Years 4 – 12 1500m events will occur during lunch times prior to Sports Day.

Thank you for your support as we count down to another epic Sports Day!

Katherine Perkas
Head of PE, Health and Outdoor Education

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Sports Day Merchandise and Raffle

The Friends of Sport are selling House merchandise and raffle tickets ahead of Sports Day in Week 1 next term!

The raffle prize includes a $200 voucher from The Athlete’s Foot, sports equipment from Hughes and Loveday including a Sherrin football, Nike soccer ball, Gilbert netball and Shi hockey stick, plus much more!

You can pre-order merchandise and buy raffle tickets via TryBooking – click here

Raffle tickets will also be sold on the day.

Years 4 – 6: all ordered items will be delivered to classrooms
Years 7 – 12: all orders can be collected from the Front Office on Thursday 27 April

Raffle Tickets: 1 for $5 or 3 for $10
House Bundle: $30 (includes House Cap, Drink Bottle, Wristband and ‘Run like a Saints Girl’ Keyring)
Supporter Cap (blue or white): $25
House Cap: $25
House Water Bottle: $5
House Wristband: $2

Thank you for your support.

Friends of Sport

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COVID-19 Information

Please find the latest guidance from SA Health:

  • It is strongly recommended that students stay home if they have cold or flu-like
    symptoms, and test for COVID-19.
  • Whether they receive a positive or negative result, they should stay home until symptoms subside (usually five to seven days).
  • It is strongly recommended that parents/guardians inform the School if a student is a
    close contact. For further advice regarding close contacts, click here
  • While face masks are no longer mandated, they are an important physical barrier to help stop the spread of COVID, particularly when indoors.

If your child tests positive to COVID-19, please inform the School. Please also notify the School each day of absence, or provide the expected period of absence.

You can notify us via one of the following methods. Please include the name of the ELC Room, Class or Home Group. If emailing, feel free to ‘CC’ the teacher of the Room/Class/Home Group as well.

Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Text: 0428 601 957 (save to phone contacts as SPGS)

Phone: 8334 2200

For more SA Health information, click here

Please note that if your child is unwell, they should remain home until they have recovered, irrespective of the illness.

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Health Notification – Head Lice

The School has been advised of cases of head lice. Head lice is spread by direct head-to-head contact with a person who has head lice or, more rarely, by contact with items which have been recently used by someone with head lice, such as:

  • combs
  • brushes
  • hats
  • scarves
  • pillow cases

Many lice infestations cause no symptoms and it’s estimated less than half cause itching; therefore, you generally need to look at the hair and scalp to see if lice are present. The back of the neck and behind the ears are other common areas for lice.

For more information and advice on treatment, click here.

It is advised that children with head lice stay home until treatment has commenced.

If you find any evidence of head lice, please inform your child’s teacher, or contact the Health Centre via 8155 5762 or healthcentre@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

Health Centre

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School Medical Information Reminder

It is imperative that all medical information, including immunisations, is up to date on the School’s myLink parent portal.

Please follow this pathway to check and/or update details: myLink > Community Portal > My Details > select child name

If you have any questions, please email healthcentre@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

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Absences from School

If your child will not be attending school/ELC due to illness or otherwise, please notify the School via one of the methods below.

Please include the name of the ELC Room, Class or Home Group, along with the reason for the absence as the School requires this for government reporting purposes.

If emailing, feel free to ‘CC’ the teacher of the Room/Class/Home Group as well.

Text: 0428 601 957

Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Phone: 8334 2200

It would be appreciated if notifications could be made prior to 9am.

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Sports News



Open A: Saints (6/93) v Walford (5/98)
Open B1: Saints v Kensington DCC – Match abandoned


Open A: Saints (5) v Walford (7)
Senior Div 1.1: Saints (4) v Walford (5)
Senior Div 2: Saints (2) v Walford (7)
Senior Div 4.1: Saints (2) v Walford (7)
Senior Div 4.2: Internal matches
Senior Div 4.3: Internal matches
Experienced: Saints (14) v St Ignatius (12)
Beginner Blue: Bye
Beginner White: Saints (3) v Seymour (3)


Open A: Saints (4) v Pembroke (0)
Open B: Saints (2) v Pembroke (1)
Open C: Saints (0) v Pembroke (5)
Middle A: Saints (2) v Marryatville (4)
Best Players: Cleo Hart and Imogen Wallace
Super Women:
Chloe Richardson – for always being encouraging and supportive of her team mates
Lucille Trengove – for playing a great game and improving skills during the season
Middle B: Saints (1) v Sacred Heart (9)
Middle C: Saints (0) v Mercedes (8)


Open A: Saints (2) v Walford (0)
Best Players: Annabel Keough and Chloe Porter
Super Women: Bridgette Leach and Samantha Keough
Open B: Saints (2) v Walford (0)
Best Players: Ashlyn May and Lauren Pearce
Super Women: Shea Forster and Asha Eaton
Open C: Saints (2) v Walford (1)
Open D: Bye
Middle A: Saints (3) v Walford (0)
Super Woman: Keira See – painted the teams faces to show team love and unity
‘The energy was electric for Intercol. Open A and Middle A coming together before the start of play to amp up the energy got play underway. Nishka Soodan, Angelina Tran and Keira See all had good serving runs with plenty of great rallies to win the first set. All the girls were focussed and putting in fantastic effort around the court. Olivia Ng had a great serving run and attempted an overhead serve. Winning the second set strongly the girls pushed hard into the 3rd. Coming away with a convincing win a great end to a fantastic season. Well done girls! Go Saints!’ – Alistair Keough (Coach)
Middle B: Saints (2) v Walford (1)
Middle C: Saints (0) v Saints Middle D (2)
Middle D: Saints (2) v Saints Middle C (0)
‘The girls won their first match which makes them all Super Women!’ – Jason Mitchell (Coach)
Year 6 Blue: Saints (1) v Seymour (2)
Year 6 White: Saints (2) v Wilderness (1)
Year 6 Sliver: Saints (2) v Seymour (1)
Year 5 Blue: Saints (2) v Saints Y4/5 Blue (0)
Year 5 White: Saints (2) v Saints Y4/5 White (0)
Year 4/5 Blue: Saints (0) v Saints Year 5 Blue (2)
Year 4/5 White: Saints (0) v Saints Year 5 White (2)


Open A: Saints (12) v Seymour (3)
Best Player: Sophie Dansie
Super Woman: Claudia Pearce
‘Our Open A team defeated Pembroke in the Open A SACSSGSA grand final, well done girls!’ – Alice Johnswood (Sports Administrator)
Open B: Saints (4) v Pembroke (3)
Best Player: Zara Trim
Super Woman: Sophie Ryan
‘Bs also won! So, we finished 1st and 3rd in the A Grade!’ – Nikki Miller (Coach)
Open C: Saints (4) v Wilderness (6)
Best Player: Lily Cramp
Super Woman: Alyssa Tran
Middle A: Saints (9) v Pembroke (4)
Middle B: Saints (11) v Pembroke (4)



This weekend I competed at the U20 and Open Track and Field Nationals in Brisbane. It was a great experience and was really fun to participate in. I ran in the U20 400m and won with a personal best time. I was very happy with my results and enjoyed competing against the older girls as it challenged me. It was also great to be competing at the same time as the Open athletes as it was great to be able to watch the best athletes in the country compete. I am looking forward to competing again in Junior Nationals in a couple weeks.

Charlotte McAuliffe (Year 10 student)


On Friday 31 March a group of Year 4 – 6 girls competed in the SA School Lacrosse Carnival and they were able to take home the trophy being undefeated all day. The girls played five exceptional games throughout the course of the day. The girls did an amazing job at putting up a continuous fight against the other teams. They were exceptional on their ground balls, defence and shots.

For some games they were even challenged with having a goalkeeper against them and they still managed to score some great goals. During the day the girls improved so much on their skills with even scoring on their opposite hands. They had a very tough grand final match, but they put in all their effort even though they had been playing all day. With a final score of 6 – 1 and I couldn’t be prouder of them. Thank you so much to Lara Maione and Mabel Cook for assisting with coaching the team and to Mr Millward and Ms Noblett for supervising. Great job to everyone who participated!

Dani Cox (Lacrosse Captain)


Last week a group of Year 4 – 6 girls represented Saints at the SAPSASA Swimming Carnival held at the Norwood Swimming Centre. The carnival hosted six different schools from the eastern districts of Adelaide and was a showcase of talent and sportsmanship.

Our girls performed exceptionally well, with two girls setting personal best times. Victoria Teo in the 10-year-old Breastroke and Lucy Dougherty in the 10-year-old Butterfly finished second overall in their age groups.

We are very proud of all the girls who competed, as they supported each other well on the day and displayed a positive attitude throughout. We would also like to thank our parents for their support on the day, cheering on our team supporting the girls on the day.

Congratulations to the following girls for their outstanding achievement; Lucy Dougherty
Amy Liau, Vanessa Barnes, Victoria Teo, Penny Coulter, Mimi Birmingham, Hannah Woo, Issy Wright, Emma Gu, Emily Robinson, Natalia Quinn, Crystelle Cox and Juilette Tang.

Isabelle Tran (Swimming Captain) and Mr Coulter (Coach)

Junior State Softball Championships

Over the March long weekend we went to Berri to participate in the 2023 Junior State Softball Championships in the U18 competition. In this event, Club teams nominate themselves to compete in the championship. The aim of the championship is for different locations in Adelaide to host and provide an experience for Juniors to compete against each other in a shorter modified competition. During the regular season, we play for Walkerville Cats, however due to low numbers, we were fortunate enough to join the Glenelg Rebels U18 team. We had so much fun playing with different teammates, whilst learning new skills and gameplay strategies. We especially enjoyed playing in different positions and enhancing our batting expertise. We were extremely grateful for this opportunity to play against some of our strongest opponents such as Port Adelaide, Adelaide Hills and Sturt. Over the weekend we played a total of 8 games, three on Saturday and Sunday, then two on Monday for finals.

The highlights of the weekend were:
Ashlyn: “When I scored a double play, which is getting two people out in the same play.” Daniela: “When I hit three times in a game and got on base each of those times, which I am proud of because I’ve been practicing my batting.”
We were also happy about our multiple catches in the outfield.

Overall, through wins and losses, our team placed second, an impressive achievement. We gained so much knowledge and experience from the competition, which will benefit us for future seasons. We are thankful for the opportunity and cannot wait for the next Softball Championship.

Ashlyn May and Daniela Vari
Year 11 students

Intercol, Finals and Season Wrap Ups from our Sports Captains

Our Term 1 summer sport has come to a close. We have had, on average, 1381 girls from Reception to Year 12 participate in sport each week! It is fantastic to see so many students being active across the diverse range of sports on offer.

Our Sports Captains have done a great job this term of leading and motivating our teams and they have provided a wrap up of their seasons below.

Alice Johnswood (Sports Administrator)


Congratulations to all teams who played hard at Intercol last weekend. It paid off as Saints took the overall win. Walford put up a good fight, but everyone’s hard work at trainings and their drive during the game was unmistakeable, and clearly unbeatable!

Volleyball has had a great season, showing gradual but sure improvement across the term. At trainings we have been improving our range of skills that we applied to games that gave us a great advantage.

I am so proud of the Middles’ and Seniors’ effort put into every training and game, as well as each collective team that exhibited awesome teamwork and good sportsmanship no matter what. I know this will continue into next season, as, with the help of all our awesome coaches, we have created an energetic environment that always makes volleyball so enjoyable.

We also had great success and progress made in the Junior School volleyball program with a massive influx of new players eager to play! A big thank you goes out to our Senior School volunteer coaches for supporting the younger girls this term!

Samantha Keough
Volleyball Captain


Last Wednesday the Open As, Bs and the Middle As travelled to Walford to play in the Annual Intercol Basketball against Walford.

The Open As won 59 to 15 which was a very exciting game. The Open A girls were given the task to try a new defensive play, which was a full-court press, the girls immediately gave it their all and worked together, turning their efforts into goals.

The Open Bs lost 17 to 27, these girls had a great game through their work in defence, they worked hard at their rebounds, making sure to attack the ball. The girls also allowed for the best possible shot, by passing the ball to the freest player. The score does not reflect how hard the girls played, and the amount of energy they put in.

The Middle As dominated the court and won scoring 66 to 12. The Middle A girls worked so hard and put in so much effort, they all played really well, with everyone contributing and having a great game together. The girls in each division played so well and should be very proud of their results.

Our Middle and Open C teams had a tough season, often coming up against much bigger and more experienced opposition. This did not deter them and they showed enthusiasm and improvement throughout the term.

In Term’s 2 and 3, the Year 3 and 4 students have the opportunity to give basketball a go.
They will learn the basic skills of the game, including dribbling, passing and shooting. This is very exciting for Saints to give the younger girls the chance to show their basketball skills. Basketball at Saints has been very successful so far this year, and I can’t wait for more success to come!

Ashlyn May
Basketball Captain


Throughout this Term’s touch football season, Saints has entered an incredible 6 teams across Middle and Senior school, with many girls continuing to gain experience and advance their skills, whilst others have learnt the foundations of the game during their first season. It has been incredible to watch the culture within the group also develop, as I have noticed an increase in girls staying after their game to support other teams.

This weekend, the Open A and Middle A girls both played in finals games, with the Open A team showing an improvement in team defence and taking risks in attack to take a confident win over Pembroke and overall 3rd place, our teams best result in this challenging division. Our Middle As went down to Marryatville High School in their final, 2-4.

The Middle A team had a highlight-filled match against Wilderness matches ago, where their hard work paid off, with many players scoring. Similarly, both the Middle B and C teams have improved drastically over the season as they have faced numerous challenging and experienced teams, they have learnt to incorporate moves such as rucking and scoops into their attacking play.

After moving up for their first season in the Open division, the Open B team have been strong all year, whilst the Open C team have seen positive development in their attacking and rucking moves.

We had hoped to enter a Year 5/6 team in the City Touch competition, however this competition folded but it did not deter our girls. Ms Brennan organised clinics and matches against Wilderness for our girls to take part in each week. The girls improved out of site throughout the term and had their first win of the season against the experienced Wilderness girls in the second to last week of Term. This team was coached by Ms Burton-Howard and supported by some dedicated student mentors – Scarlett Riley-Male, Naomi Singh, Jasmine Segredos, Lucy Mitchell and Nellie Ion.

It has been a privilege to watch all these players challenge themselves and improve their abilities throughout this season, whilst also showing incredible sportsmanship and teamwork. I hope to see many of you out again for the Term 4 season and encourage anyone looking to try a new summer sport to give touch a go!

Ellie Humphrey
Touch Football Captain


On Monday 27 March the Open A tennis team played against Walford for the annual Intercol. It was a very close match with all of the girls playing exceptionally well. Despite the loss, the girls tried their hardest to put out a fair and fun match which resulted in a great night.

Similarly, the Div 1 – 4 teams played their Intercol matches against Walford on Saturday 1 April, which also resulted in close matches throughout the teams. Unfortunately, we could not get a win this year, but I believe our team ethic and spirit will lead us to triumph next year!

The Junior girls also participated a great amount in tennis this season with multiple wins across all of the teams, and their enthusiasm and dedication to trainings and matches has not gone unnoticed between the coaches and supervisors.

The tennis term has been amazing as girls’ participation and contribution to the sport has increased significantly. I’m very proud of the students who have played not only for their team but for themselves, regardless of winning or losing, and I hope they are as eager as I am to come back in Term 4!

Ayanna Roy
Tennis Captain


This season we saw great success in cricket with the Open B and Open A teams coming 2nd and 6th respectively in their divisions. Last Friday was the last week of cricket for both teams. Although the Open Bs did not get a chance to play their game, it was great to have everyone out to support the Open A girls with Intercol against Walford.

It was a very close game however Walford pulled through with a win. After the game, we also went out for a team bonding dinner which was a great way to end the season. Each and every girl has improved immensely over the past 10 weeks I couldn’t be prouder of everyone.

Our bowling has become much more accurate and everyone has become more confident with their communication whilst batting. A huge shoutout to Linna Song who stepped up and batted for the Open As at Intercol!

Also, this term our Year 3s, 4s and 5s have been involved in their own cricket program. We have seen some great improvements throughout the term and want to congratulate the girls on their many wins. Thank you Ms West for overseeing the program and passing on her expert knowledge to the girls and to Mr and Ms Coulter for managing games. Lydia Burrough, Daniela Vari and Madeleine Penley, were amazing in their roles as Student Mentors this season. The future of cricket at Saints is bright and I can’t wait to see how far everyone can go in term 4!

Jenna Maione
Cricket Captain


This year our Water Polo team had great success with both of our A grade and B grade teams being successful in A grade. Our C grade and Middle teams have had a tough season due to tough opposition.

The Middle School teams had a very tough season down at the Pembroke pool. Our Middle School teams are made up of girls from Year 7 and 8 and often had to play against more experienced girls in Year 9. I am proud to say that the girls never gave up and always had a smile on their face. After watching one of their games, it is safe to say that I am excited for what the future of Water Polo looks like in our school.

The Open C team had a difficult season playing in B grade as they continuously played against more experienced opponents. The girls had so many close games due to their determination and fight, finishing the season with 2 wins and 1 draw. This team is the most supportive and energised team at Saints – whoever is on the sidelines is always cheering, giving advice, or jumping with nerves.

Our Open B team also had a very challenging but successful year in the A grade competition. These talented girls managed to stay undefeated with 4 wins and 1 draw leaving them to play for third position. Their final game was one of the closest and intense school games I have seen. Against the experienced Pembroke team, the scores stayed level for the whole game until the last quarter when we snuck through a goal to put the final scores at 4-3. Well done girls you should be so proud of your season.

Our Open A girls once again had a very successful season remaining undefeated. The girls cruised into the grand final due to our intense pressure and our ability to effectively use a fast break. Our final game against the also undefeated Seymour. It was an outstanding performance by the team with a win of 12-3. I am so proud of the girls’ efforts this year; we have been able to play as a team and improved our skills immensely.

A huge thanks to the ever-supportive Ms Spry and Mr Byrne and to our wonderful coaches, Saskia Jonats (Selwyn 2021), Nikki Miller (Patteson 2019), Poppie Goldsmith (Kennion 2021) and Alexia Politis (Patteson 2022).

Sophie Dansie
Water Polo