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Enews – Week 10, Term 1 2018

Issue no. 10Enews-banner

W10 Summer Interhouse

Hotly Contested Summer Interhouse

Following on from Choral Night, School spirit was again on show during the Summer Interhouse held on a perfect sunny afternoon last Thursday. The event saw Touch Football make its debut with fantastic participation, however it did come at the expense of Softball, which will hopefully regain numbers with many juniors actively involved.

Congratulations to each House for their effort and enthusiasm throughout the afternoon!

Final results were:

1st Patteson, 2nd Kennion, 3rd Selwyn, 4th Kilburn

Touch Football
1st Selwyn, equal 2nd Patteson and Kilburn, 4th Kennion

1st Kennion, 2nd Kilburn, 3rd Patteson, 4th Selwyn

1st Kennion, 2nd Kilburn, 3rd Patteson, 4th Selwyn

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House Spirit – A Message from Selwyn’s Captain

W10 - Prefect Article2

Wow, what a wonderful term we have had! Term 1 has been packed full of House events including the very colourful Swimming Carnival, Choral Night showcasing the amazing talent here at Saints and the Summer Interhouse sports competition. These past 10 weeks have been the perfect opportunity for the Houses to develop House spirit and to form inter-year level friendships amongst the groups. Every House should be proud of their achievements to date, as a great deal of hard work and organisation is required for these events to run smoothly and successfully.

The introduction of the #EMPOWHER program has been an excellent addition to our Home Group sessions in educating us about a variety of wellbeing topics. Special thanks must be extended to Ms Spry for her outstanding delivery of this program in our Home Groups. She has really encouraged our interest and learning throughout these sessions via her motivating delivery of the presentations. A particularly helpful session for many of us was one in which we considered various ways to effectively put our school results into perspective. I found the session regarding the planning of our goals to be very useful as these techniques can be utilised in all aspects of our lives – both at school and at home.

Over the past term, the Year 12 students have worked collaboratively to ensure events would be successful and beneficial to all participants. From a House Captain’s perspective, it has been incredibly gratifying to receive so much positive support from my peers throughout the organisation of events during this term. I was incredibly pleased with the manner in which the Houses welcomed the Year 7 students into Choral Night this year, and I certainly hope that they felt welcome and enjoyed the event. I’m sure that everyone would agree that some of the experiences of this term have been challenging, though extremely rewarding. The events have given the Year 12s the opportunity to become unified in terms of working together as a cohesive group. Moreover, the School events have provided a platform for the seniors to also be exemplary leaders by demonstrating respectful and dutiful behaviour. No matter how large or small her role, every girl has contributed in some way to the wonderful events of this term. I believe the Class of 2018 should be proud of the united collaboration, tenacity and encouragement demonstrated.

As the Selwyn House Captain, I would like to express the upmost pride I have felt over the past 10 weeks for the wonderful girls who make up our House. Our triumphant win at Swimming Carnival was the beginning of the spirit and determination that our House would demonstrate going forward. Choral Night exemplified the patience, teamwork and cohesiveness of our House. Every Selwyn girl, whether it be their first Choral Night or their last, should feel very proud of our performances at the Adelaide Convention Centre, and I was exceptionally pleased with the sportsmanship demonstrated by the Selwyn girls. A special mention must also go to the Selwyn Interhouse touch football players who won the inaugural shield – an outstanding achievement!

I hope that everyone enjoys a restful holiday after next week and is excited to return to school for another term filled with success, fun competition, challenges and, of course, House spirit!

Sophie Auricht
Selwyn House Captain

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From the Director of Early Learning

Tonight’s ELC Festival: Learning Through Community Participation

K MountTonight’s ELC Festival evolved out of a strong belief that children and adults should be actively involved in learning processes together. The collaboration in the sharing of the learning enables the children to articulate what they have done and demonstrate understandings and reasons for significance. We have achieved this through an interactive festival in contrast to a more static display. We believe this demonstrates authentic and rich partnerships.

The Festival and Ferguson Park

The festival is a fundraiser to support our Artist in Residence, Christine Cholewa, as she guides the children in creating a special pathway in the ELC. The design includes memories and symbols from the children’s experiences in Ferguson Park. Christine has been working with the children throughout the term and will now begin her construction of the path with the support of our Property Services team and ELC Atelierista Caterina Pennestri.

What’s Happening at Tonight’s Festival?

Tonight’s festival runs from 4.30 – 7.30pm on Chiverton Lawns. It is a combination of installations of children’s learning along with engaging experiences including plate making, Aboriginal art painting and bag printing. All of these experiences connect our learning from Ferguson Park to the festival. It forms a magnificent exhibition for families to share the learning processes in Ferguson Park in the creation of the path memories. Christine and Caterina have a design of the path for everyone to share.

The Kaurna Connection

Kaurna Elder Tamaru has been working with the ELC community for the past six months. During this time, he has told us many significant stories about the use and meaning of the land, and has taught us about respect for the land we walk on. He is contributing to the festival by doing our Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony. He has organised for the children to have an interactive Aboriginal art experience representing significant symbols and a Yadaki (didgeridoo) player. We see the festival as an opportunity to give visibility to our learning with Tamaru.

Friends of the ELC

Events such as this do not happen without a brilliant group of volunteers working behind the scenes. Friends of the ELC have had a focus on this event since last year, arranging incredible raffle prizes and food stalls for families to enjoy. We are very appreciative of their dedication to our community.

Kate Mount
Director of Early Learning

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Saints Girl On a High in Vermont

W10 Sasha

Old Scholar Sasha Kockan (Kilburn ’15) recently shared with us some exciting news all the way from Vermont, USA. Sasha is spending the third year of her degree studying at the University of Vermont, and has kindly told us about her journey from Saints Girls, to Vermont, and then to an internship in New York City!

“I was a Kilburn Saints Girl from Years 6 to 12 and thoroughly enjoyed my time there with my friends, teachers, and the wider Saints community. I was part of the Enchanté and Chamber choirs, competed in SAPSASA and IGSSA athletics, and participated in softball and soccer in my middle years.

I was never the strongest student at Maths, and had to work really hard to understand concepts and complex problems. However, I loved the feeling of getting the correct answer to questions, and also enjoyed seeing where exactly I went wrong on a test so I could get it right the next time. During my final year of school, I chose to study both Specialist Mathematics and Mathematical Studies. This decision was made after hearing about the amazing opportunities I could be exposed to in my career as the demand for female mathematicians is so high in this day and age. I was definitely a bit overwhelmed and nervous at first to study the hardest subject SACE offers since I was the only student in my cohort to undertake Specialist Mathematics, but I always knew I could do well if I studied extra hard and put time into the subject.

I am currently in my penultimate year studying a double Bachelors Degree in Mathematical and Computer Science with Finance, with a major in Statistics at the University of Adelaide. This degree has pushed me beyond my limits, which has included many breakdowns during exam periods, and doubts and second guesses about whether I could actually pass these rigorous courses. However, coming this far has just been so rewarding and so worth it as, earlier this year, I was accepted to study abroad at the University of Vermont in the United States, where the competition to attain a position at this Public Ivy League school is tremendous. I am continuing the third year of my degree here for the whole of 2018 and am loving every second of the American college life. The University of Vermont is located in Burlington, Vermont and is the fifth oldest university in New England. It is a 90 minute drive across the border to Canada, and about a six hour drive to New York City. There are so many ski resorts on the outskirts of the campus, and I have been skiing down both the Canadian and Vermont slopes nearly every weekend this semester with my friends.

A couple of weeks ago, I was offered a position to intern at a major software company ‘Softheon’ during my summer break (June – August) in New York. Softheon is an industry leader in developing, implementing and operating cutting-edge solutions for many health insurance companies across the US. I will be working as a Product Management intern in the equity team, which will allow me to gain experience in both of the degrees I am currently studying. Hopefully by interning with Softheon, I can make a more definitive decision about what path I want to take after my degree: a more finance-based career like investment banking, stockbroking or hedge funding, or a more mathematical-based career like data/statistical analysis or software design and coding. More than 1100 people applied for this position including students from Harvard and Yale, and somehow I managed to be one of 10 people accepted after a rigorous interview process. I am so excited to be given this incredible opportunity as not only will I be working for a leading US company, I will also be living in a New York apartment that Softheon has organised for me, which has always been this golden dream of mine!

The opportunity to intern for Softheon would not have presented itself if I had not been mentored by my Year 12 teachers: Ms Lines and Mr Leydon. STEM-based subjects and degrees are so important, and I believe that everyone can be great at maths if they are persistent and patient with the subject. I definitely encourage all Saints Girls to have an open mind with a can-do attitude; confidence is key, and if you believe you can do it, you are already half way there!”

Sasha Kockan (Kilburn ’15)

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Ace Results in Tennis Knockout

W10 - Tennis Knockout

Saints recently contested the State Tennis Knockout finals at West Lakes, finishing as runners up. The team of Tiana Glazbrook, Yasmin Glazbrook, Sienna Glazbrook, Olivia Harby and Annabel Baldwinson first faced Grant High School from Mount Gambier and recorded an easy win.

In the second round, they faced IGSSA opponent Immanuel. This was a much tougher match, with both doubles being won in tie-breaks giving Saints the edge. Tiana (6-2) and Yasmin (6-3) had strong wins in the singles with Sienna Glazbrook going down in a tie-break, and despite Annie Baldwinson losing her set, Saints won 4-2 to set up a grand-final with tennis specialist school Marryatville.

Marryatville were outstanding and claimed the title with a 6 sets to 0 victory over Saints, but the players should all be very proud of their involvement, not only this year, but for Tiana, Yasmin and Olivia over a number of years.

Neil Fuller
Director of Sport

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Winter Uniform

11 Winter uniform

As we are approaching the end of term, it is time to think about arranging a winter uniform fitting for your daughter. Students will be required to wear their winter uniform from the first day next term.

For Year 4 students, there are a few different uniform requirements that you may need to purchase before Term 2.

The School Shop will be open the second week of the School holidays, Monday 23, Tuesday 24 and Friday 27 April 9am – 4pm. Please contact the School Shop on 8334 2228 regarding availability, as appointment times are filling fast.

School Shop

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From New Jersey to SA…

W10 Exchange 2

The Global Academy at Saints Girls creates various opportunities for our students to experience education overseas. Earlier this year, five students travelled to Kent Place School in Summit, New Jersey, USA. You may remember the recap the girls provided for eNews upon their return, where they talked of snow, visiting New York City and Philadelphia, and making wonderful friends during their stay. The girls from Kent Place School have almost finished their four week exchange here at Saints Girls, and they were fortunate to attend at not only a busy time at school, but also in Adelaide! As we say farewell to Sofia, Lane, Lizzie, Clare and Sophie, we asked them to reflect on their time here:

“I have had the best experience here at school. The girls welcomed us right away and they all were so nice. My favourite class was Japanese because I had challenged myself and taken a course I had never taken before. I am going to miss all of the friends I made here because they made my experience worthwhile. I will never forget the impact that these girls had on my life and I will never forget the iconic truly Australian moments that I had here. Thank you all for this wonderful experience.” – Sofia

“My time at Saints has been amazing. Participating in Choral Night and Interhouse volleyball for Kennion was an especially unforgettable and fun experience. In the States, we don’t have Houses, so this sense of community and family that I was immediately welcomed into was so cool to see. Go Kennion!” – Lane

“I have had the best time at Saints, and have enjoyed playing softball and winning the SA Knockout championship! Singing and watching Choral Night was also so much fun, especially since Kennion won! I also enjoyed Head of the River, Kangaroo Island and Sydney which I luckily got to experience in my time here. I am sad to be leaving Saints and all the nicest students and teachers but have had such a great experience!” – Lizzie

“I have had an excellent time at Saints. I loved Choral Night – it was such an exciting moment when Kennion won, and all of the performances were incredible. Another one of my favorite parts was participating in the softball tournament. Practising was really fun and we really bonded with the team. I loved visiting the amazing beaches and I was so excited to go to Sydney with my host family. Lastly, all of the girls have been so nice and welcoming at Saints.” – Clare

“I have really enjoyed my time here, from spending the weekends with my host family to going to rowing events. Not only that, but Choral Night was an experience that I won’t ever forget. The excitement through the weeks leading up to the event and then finally on the night was incredible to be a part of. This experience has been super fun and I am so thankful to the School for being so welcoming.” – Sophie

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Vacation Care and Term 2 OSHC

W8 Vacation Care

Term 2 OSHC

If you are requiring OSHC in Term 2, please complete the booking forms by the end of Term 1. The form can be found on the myLink parent portal.

Vacation Care

Our next installment of Vacation Care is almost here. We have two weeks of activities guaranteed to keep the children entertained through the break. With a total of four excursions, there is plenty of fun to be had.

Some of our home-based days will include a teddy bears’ picnic and alien day!

Read the full April Vacation Care program here!

Places are limited, so please click here to secure your booking now!

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Jazz Choirs Tune Up with ARIA Award Winner

W10 Sally Visit

Last Tuesday, our jazz choirs were provided with another amazing, once in a lifetime experience. In-ta-Jazz, Enchanté and the Vocal Quintet had the opportunity to work alongside ARIA award-winning artist Sally Cameron.

Sally’s voice has taken her from the Sydney Opera House to venues in Finland, Germany, Sweden, New York, Copenhagen, Seoul, Vancouver, Doha and Tokyo to name a few.

She has performed alongside Barry Humphries (AKA Dame Edna Everage), Katie Noonan, Tina Arena, Guy Sebastian, Kate Ceberano, James Morrison, Marina Prior, Gordon Goodwin, Emma Pask, Teddy Tahu-Rhodes, The Manhattan Transfer, David Campbell, and with the Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Tasmanian Symphony Orchestras.

For 10 years, Sally was a member of Australia’s premier professional a cappella group, The Idea of North. It was in this capacity and through Generations in Jazz that Enchanté, in particular, first began to make connections with Sally.

Sharing her wealth of experience, Sally workshopped the choirs in vocal technique, tonal variety, vocal percussion, microphone technique, warming up and general performance. The girls were challenged to make meaning of the lyric and to deliver with conviction, a skill which is often quite difficult and sometimes a little confronting for individuals within secondary school choirs. She shared her knowledge of the music industry and what it takes to make it as an artist, as well as reciting stories of her more memorable moments working with famous artists and vocal jazz groups.

This is but one of the many exciting opportunities to be afforded our choirs this year. Next term will see the introduction of our Artists in Residence program in which all choirs (Junior Choir, Concert Choir, Chamber Choir, Junior Jazz, In-ta-Jazz, Enchanté and the Vocal Quintet) will experience the superb talents of Emma Pask, James Morrison’s jazz singer of choice and finalist from ‘The Voice. The program will culminate in all choirs singing in Saints and All That Jazz, a fantastic showcase featuring Emma as well as Ross Irwin from the internationally-renowned group Cat Empire. This show will book out fast, so be sure to buy your tickets via www.trybooking.com/UUMN

Sari Noble
Music Teacher

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Saints Girls and All That Jazz

Winter Cabaret Enews Banner

On Friday 11 May, the Music Department will present a stunning cabaret-style concert with internationally-renowned jazz singer Emma Pask and award-winning trumpeter Ross Irwin. The concert will feature a broad range of styles from traditional jazz to beautiful ballads, funk to acid-jazz, some Cuban Latin, a bit of Beyoncé pop, and for fun, we’re even going to throw in some rap!

The following ensembles from Saints Girls will be performing on the night:

Vocal Quintet
Chamber Choir
Junior Jazz
In-ta Jazz
Junior Choir
Concert Choir
Stage Band
Extension Strings

W7 MusicOur students will have the privilege of working hand-in-hand with our guests as they present workshops in music craft, arranging, performance and presentation as part of a week-long Artists in Residence program.

Here’s some background on our accomplished guests:

Emma Pask in “The Voice”

Ross Irwin from “Cat Empire”

Having guest artists of this calibre is an all-time first for Saints Girls, so make sure you get behind the Music Department and save the date! That’s Week 2, Term 2 on Friday 11 May!

Tickets can be purchased via www.trybooking.com/UUMN.

Sari Noble
Music Teacher

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Sydney International Rowing Regatta

The week following Head of the River sees many crews and rowers across SA travel interstate for the Sydney International Rowing Regatta. Saints Girls had three rowers compete: Amy Carrodus, Emily Webb and Rachel Kameniar; we asked them to tell us about their time away:

“I competed in two categories at Nationals: the U21M4+ and the PR3Mix4+. In the men’s four we managed to make the A final, and in the PR3Mix4+ we placed second in the final, coming away with a silver medal. It was a fun experience and I look forward to hopefully competing again next year!” – Amy Carrodus

“I completed in an 8 race and a double. It was quite a daunting experience as I have not rowed in a double for some time, but it was a great opportunity to push me out of my comfort zone and get me back into rowing after being out for two months due to illness. I wasn’t expecting to place as I went for the experience, and I gained a lot from the trip.” – Emily Webb

“I placed fourth in the U19 4, second in the U19 8 and third in the South Australian Youth (U21) 8. Selection for the Youth 8 involved trying out with a score on the ergo, racing in a single scull (one person) and then seat racing (trialling different combinations to find fastest).” – Rachel Kameniar

Well done girls on some great results.

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Friends of Rowing Sausage Sizzle

W9 Friends of Rowing2Come along and support our Friends of Rowing fundraising sausage sizzle.

This Sunday 8 April
9.30am until early afternoon
Glynde Mitre 10 – 8 Glynburn Rd, Hectorville

If anyone would like to volunteer on the day please contact Emma Robinson: emmarob@bigpond.net.au

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Saints Girls in ‘Hairspray JR.’

W10 Musical2

Good morning Baltimore!

It’s 1962, and spunky plus-size teen Tracy Turnblad has one big dream: to dance on the popular Corny Collins Show. When she finally gets her shot, she’s transformed from social outcast to sudden star. In balancing her new-found power with her desire for justice, Tracy fights to dethrone the reigning Miss Teen Hairspray, Amber von Tussle, and integrate a TV network in the process. With the help of her outsized mother Edna and guest DJ Motormouth Maybelle, the rhythm of Tracy’s new beat just might prove unstoppable. ‘Hairspray JR.’ is based on the film and hit stage musical of the same name.

Shane Davidson Presents will deliver this fabulous musical on Friday 13 and Saturday 14 April at 7pm and Sunday 15 April at 4pm in the Arts Centre at Saints Girls.

The show stars some amazing talent including Sophie Norman (Penny Pingleton), Tia Bailey (Amber Von Tussle) and Isabelle Norman (Motormouth Maybelle), along with many girls from the Junior and Middle Schools.


ADULTS – $25
CONCESSION (pensioners and children) – $20

Click here to book

Also, two new shows and a new TV web series are coming up! For more information, please email Shane Davidson: shanedavidson@internode.on.net

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Ladies’ Night Out

Ladies' Night Out Trybooking Banner

If you’re up for a great night out, why not book a ticket to the Ladies’ Night Out? To be held on Friday 18 May from 7 – 10.30pm in the Arts Centre at St Peter’s Girls’ School, tickets are $50 each and include bubbles on arrival, finger food and a gift bag.

Join other like-minded community members for a night of fun, whilst playing a key role in supporting our Master Plan!

A fundraising raffle will be drawn on the night and bar facilities will be available.

Tickets via www.trybooking.com/UFUW

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Code Camp at St Peter’s Girls’ School

W5 Code Camp

St Peter’s Girls’ School will be hosting Code Camp Spark and Code Camp Ignite for students in Years 2 – 6 on 23, 24 and 26 April 2018, 9am – 3.30pm. The cost is $349 for three days.

Visit the Code Camp website for more information
Visit the St Peter’s Girls’ School booking page

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Order Your 2018 | 19 Entertainment Book

W5 Entertainment Book

The 2017 | 18 Entertainment Membership is expiring on 1 June 2018. Pre-order your NEW 2018 | 2019 Entertainment Membership NOW!

As a St Peter’s Girls’ School Parents’ and Friends’ Association fundraiser, part-proceeds from every book sold will go to a special element of our Master Plan which will be announced soon.

You can order via the form at the Front Office or pre-purchase online: Order your Entertainment Book here!

The Entertainment Book and new phone app offer our community members a great way to try out restaurants and activities around SA, save money and, at the same time, support our girls.

Thank you in advance for your kind support and consideration.

The Parents’ and Friends’ Association

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Saints Girls Teams Up with BankSA

W2 BankSA

BankSA has partnered with St Peter’s Girls’ School in offering our community a great fundraising opportunity. If you’re keen to take your support to the next level while potentially saving yourself money, then this program is for you. We’ve made it really easy to further support the School, while also making sure you’re getting the best possible service and a great deal on your home loan.

If you’ve been thinking about a new place for your home loan – either to get a better rate or if it’s just time for a change – then using your home loan to support St Peter’s Girls’ School is a great option.

Not only will you get a great rate with BankSA, but you’ll also be supporting St Peter’s Girls’ School, as each BankSA home loan allows us to make a charitable donation in your name of between $1,000 and $6,000. As the SPGS Building Fund has DGR status, you may be entitled to claim a tax deduction.

It’s that simple

        • The more home loan referrals, the more money BankSA will donate to the School
        • Donation paid at settlement of the home loan
        • Unlimited donation potential

Both St Peter’s Girls’ School and BankSA have a proud history in South Australia and a strong sense of community. Fostering partnerships like this enables us to support our School community and our School.

To discuss further how BankSA can assist you and make a charitable donation in your name, simply call our BankSA Partnership contact:

Jasper Ooi
0401 717 894

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Update – Coles Sports for Schools

W3 Sports for Schools

Update – Please deliver vouchers by Tuesday 10 April 2018

The School has already packaged up the enormous amount of vouchers that have been delivered to the School and dropped off in the collection boxes. We have one more satchel remaining to be sent, so please bring in any last vouchers by Tuesday 10 April.

The School is planning to donate the majority of sporting goods received from St Peter’s Girls’ vouchers to New Hope for Cambodian Children, where the Cambodia Trip students intend to visit at the end of the year.

Further details are available here.

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Sports News


As Term 1 comes to an end, Winter Sport has commenced for all sports in Years 7 to 12. Students should be aware of the training days and times, and are required to notify the staff coordinator in advance if they will be absent.

AFL (Open)
Roger Mills – rmills@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

AFL (Middle)
Brian Parsons – bparsons@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Neil Fuller – nfuller@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Sonya Risbey – srisbey@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Dan Searle – dsearle@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Neil Fuller – nfuller@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Alice Johnswood – alice@taughtandbowled.com.au

Peter Krantis – peterkrantis@yahoo.com


Best wishes to Emily Bryce, Grace Richards (Year 7) and Ruby Adams (Year 6) who have been selected in the East Adelaide SAPSASA Softball team to contest the State Carnival in Week 11.

Tesse Parker has been selected for School Sport Australia Softball and will be travelling to Cairns in May.


Matilda Braithwaite has been selected to represent South Australia at the School Sport Australia Triathlon Championships in NSW during the holidays.


Good Luck to Charlotte White, Anna White and Georgina Keough who have been named in State Volleyball teams to contest National championships in the holidays.

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