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Enews – Week 10, Term 1 2016

Issue no. 10

From the Head of Middle School

RichardLisle_webOn Wednesday night something magical happened at Stonyfell. Over 150 people, students and parents, took time out from their busy lives to take part in the first ceremony of the Rite Journey, our Well-being Program in Year 9. Like many memorable and magical occasions, simplicity is at its heart. Students take the time to write a letter to their parents (not a text!), explaining how grateful they are for their upbringing so far, and what they’ve loved about being a child in their particular family. In return, parents share a story, an artefact, a letter, a collection of photos or perhaps a series of memories, that demonstrate to their daughters how much their relationship has meant to them over time, and how much being a parent has brought them joy, and how proud they are of their daughters’ journey in life so far, and how excited they are by what’s to come. As always, there was laughter, tears, and plenty of hugging. It’s one of our Year 9 Home Group teachers’ favourite nights of the year, and one of mine.

trj-launch1Although some may feel a Rite of Passage or ceremony such as this is somewhat contrived, it does allow both parents and students to ‘take stock’. It forces both parties to concentrate on a crucial relationship, free from the many distractions of our ever busier lives. As with many really worthwhile experiences, it doesn’t come without thought, effort, and a degree of challenge for some. However, we feel it’s an important milestone in the ever changing teenage/parent relationship dynamic.

It marks the start of the Rite Journey program, which, at its heart, aims to move our young adolescents into a ‘beginning adult’ with what Dr Arne Rubinstein has called a ‘Healthy Woman Psychology’.

From girl psychology to woman psychology – Dr Anne Rubinstein

Contemporary girl psychology Healthy woman psychology
Ruled by emotions, no responsibility for actions Full responsibility for actions
Body image drives identity Self-acceptance drives identity
Cares only for herself or only for others Balances care for self and others
Looks to peer group for acceptance Looks to self for acceptance
Relies heavily on male approval Seeks equal & respectful relationship with men
Sees other girls/women as competition Sees other women as support


The program involves four units of work:

  • Relationship with family
  • Relationship with self
  • Relationship with others
  • Relationship with the world

trj-launch2By leading our students through these units, our Rite Journey teachers/Home Group teachers build a close relationship with their students. Classes are designed to encourage collaboration, celebration, discussion and support. Students are encouraged to examine their values, and those of their family, to celebrate them and to live by them.

We know that the opportunities that this program offers our girls for personal growth, resilience-building and open and honest discussion will be invaluable as they make the journey from adolescence to being a ‘beginning adult’. We all need the time, and sometimes the prompting, to think deeply about our core values and the type of person we want to be.

trj-launch3The Rite Journey allows this, whilst helping our girls prepare for the many difficult decisions that they’ll have to make as they progress through their latter teen years and into adulthood.

If you would like further information on the Rite Journey, please don’t hesitate to contact me. We’d welcome feedback on any of our well-being/pastoral care programs at the parent forum on Tuesday 12 April at 7pm. This forum is part of our strategic planning process, and I’d love to see as many parents attend as possible. See below for further details.

Richard Lisle

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Reminder: Parent forums next week

As you know, we are currently in the consultation phase for the School’s next strategic plan, which will outline the way forward for St Peter’s Girls over the next three years.

This week, we held the first of our open parent forums to discuss in detail the area of Academics, which was well attended and generated some valuable feedback.

Next week, we will hold similar forums to look at our Well-being and Co-curricular programs, and I hope you can attend the session/s that interest you most:

> Tuesday 12 April – Well-being
> Thursday 14 April – Co-curricular

Each session will begin with a brief overview of what we have achieved in each area over the past two years, and our initial thoughts about where we would like to head in the future. We will then open the forum for broader discussion.

All sessions will be held in the Humzy Theatre from 7pm.

To assist with catering, please RSVP at www.trybooking.com/KTQB.

Once again, thank you to all parents who recently took part in our online survey to provide your opinion on a range of issues at the School. Your feedback is very important to us and will be used as we move forward.

As always, if you have an idea, issue or topic to raise with me, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly at jshea@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au or to make an appointment, please call 8334 2226 to arrange a convenient time.

I look forward to seeing you next week.

Julia Shea

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School photos

School and ELC photos will be taken on Monday 11 to Friday 15 April. This includes class photos as well as individual portraits for students in Reception to Year 12, as well as ELC groups.

Photo order envelopes have been distributed to students and these will need to be completed and returned on the day to the photographer. If you have not received a personalised envelope for your daughter, please notify the Development Office.

Students are also reminded to wear their full summer uniform.

Family photos will also be taken on Tuesday 12 April at lunchtime. Separate order envelopes for family photos are available from the Front Office.

Fiona McGregor
Development Officer – Fundraising and Events

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House Charity update


The House Charity scheme, introduced in 2015, allows students to gain leadership skills which will prove fundamental in later life. At the helm of this program are the Year 10 students, who are currently working to commence their projects which will consist of fundraising efforts, but also with a focus on serviced learning. We hope to foster a long-term relationship with each of the House charities, benefiting both the charity and the students.

Today, the School held a pyjama day and during lunch, each House held a stall to both raise awareness of their charity and fundraise.


For the Year 10 Selwyn stall, we have decided to think outside the box, or the circle, to be more accurate to our stall. Instead of a food stall, we decided to create a more interactive and unique stall. For our stall, there’s a prize but you have to be in it to win it. Taking inspiration from countless school fairs across Australia, our stall comes in the form of a twister mat and blocks of chocolate. On each colour will be a block of chocolate, and if you can throw a coin and make it land on the chocolate, you can take it home. Different price ranges will correlate with different chocolate types. The money raised for this is going to help us on our journey to aid the Smith Family, a South Australia based charity dedicated to providing education and opportunity for disadvantaged children.

Throughout the year, we are going to raise money for a goal, which is to buy bikes to present as prizes for children sponsored by the Smith Family. In Term 2, we are going to participate in a destination ride where our distance will increase with the number of sponsors we receive. In Term 3 we’re planning to work with the junior girls to raise money for our goal, and in Term 4, our service learning will come into action to end the year with bang as we build the bikes and gift them to the Smith Family. (Emma Bleby)


The Australian Refugee Association’s mission is to help refugees that come to Australia feel settled and comfortable with their surroundings. Throughout the year, Patteson girls are going to fundraise money for the association by hosting events and activities within the school, such as a water fight. These events will include students and staff in all year levels. We have had a problem with transporting refugees to the school for an event. However, we have been given the opportunity to go to them, so our relationship with the ARA can continue and strengthen. We are very excited to be working with the Australian Refugee Association and hope parents, staff and students get involved in our events and fundraisers. (Amira Shahin)


The Kilburn Year 10s have been putting a plan into action, focussing on both fundraising and raising awareness about the Cancer Council. In Week 1 of first term we organised a successful day during which all Kilburn girls wore a yellow ribbon in honour of the foundation. Today, we hosted a food stall, raising money for those in need. For the remainder of the year, a ‘Biggest Morning Tea’, and the Junior School getting involved planting daffodils on Daffodil day, are just some of our ideas. We also hope to broaden our campaign for awareness all around the community of Adelaide. Handing out sunscreen at Glenelg and the Christmas Pageant are some of our plans for this. As a whole, we have learnt so much about the Cancer Council and the disease it supports. Cancer Council is the leading independent funder of cancer research in Australia. This little fact has made us realise the importance of what we are doing, giving us a tangible view on what we are working towards. (Ava Loechel)


After much discussion, the Kennion Year 10s have come to a conclusion that the first fundraiser of the year will be a Pancake Day, held on 10 April. This has incorporated the idea of breakfast, on which the Kick Start for Kids charity is based. This should be a successful event and raise much needed funds for our charity. We have also organised for students to go to a Largs Bay Primary school to organise and prepare breakfast for the children and parents at the school. We aim for different Kennion girls to travel to the school each Thursday, beginning in Week 8.

Our home group has many other ideas that will go ahead next term. Our goal is to organise two events each term and continue the Thursday morning trips to Largs Bay. One of our ideas is to organise the jam and vegemite drive that was very successful last year. This way we can donate money, time and food to Kick Start. (Sophie Girdler)

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Reception students investigate communities


This term the Reception students have been investigating the central idea that ‘People play different roles in the communities to which they belong’. Our lines of inquiry have been:

  • Various communities we belong to
  • Roles of people who are part of our communities
  • The impact of community roles on people

Last week the girls visited Adelaide Fire Station. They heard about fire safety and the importance of having a fire plan at home. The girls also learnt about the role firefighters play in our local community. The highlight for Mrs Liddy’s girls was using the fire hose to put out a pretend fire. They all tried changing the settings on the hose and turning it on and off. Mrs Liddy didn’t even get wet! Mrs Davies’ girls said their favourite part of the excursion was seeing Mrs Davies dressed up as a firefighter. Replacing her heels with fire boots, jacket, helmet and gloves was certainly a different look. However, the girls thought that Mrs Davies could be trusted to save them in an emergency!

Last Friday we had a visit from the well-known children’s book author, Katrina Germein. It was a very interactive session during which she spoke about the importance of her role in the community as an author. The girls were delighted to meet her puppet friend, ‘Daisy’, and to listen to her share some of her books, including My mum says the Strangest Things, Thunderstorm Dancing and Big Rain Coming. The girls were interested to find out how Katrina got the ideas for writing these stories and how she developed the characters from people that she knows. It has encouraged the girls to become ‘authors’ and write their own stories.

Earlier in the term Matilda Davidson’s dad, Andrew, visited the Reception classrooms to talk about his role of being a sports coach and how this is important to teach children about keeping active and healthy. He carried out a ‘Grasshopper Soccer’ workshop on the oval for all of the Reception girls. The girls especially enjoyed playing ‘Foxes and rabbits’ and ‘Traffic Lights’. They had a fantastic morning!

A visit to the School Museum helped the girls understand more about our school community and its history.  The girls had composed their own questions in class, which they asked Anne during our visit to the museum. They enjoyed being able to look at old photos, uniforms, desks and other artefacts from the school’s history. They noticed similarities and differences between ‘then’ and ‘now’ and were amazed at some of the findings!

One of the other highlights during this inquiry was when one of our gardeners came to help the Reception girls plant basil, mint and rosemary. Ned helped the girls pot the plants and talked to them about the importance of his role in caring for our environment and keeping our School beautiful.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the parents and staff who have contributed during our inquiry this term. We value your role in our Reception community!

Michelle Liddy and Louise Davies
Reception Teachers

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A theatrical journey

Yr8-drama-1On 31 March our Year 8 Drama class visited the Arts Theatre in the city. Currently, a full set was on the stage, which provided students with the opportunity to see the theatre ‘in action’. Therry Presents is using the theatre for their play, A Philadelphia Story. The students from 8DSE wrote the following reflection about the experience:

We stood on the stage with all of the set surrounding us and I think we can all agree that it felt like we were actually part of the show. One of the most interesting things we learnt about the scenery and props is that from a distance the stage creates a huge illusion for the audience. When we were sitting in the front row of the audience, the scenery looked very clean and it looked like the set had been painted very carefully and cautiously. When we saw the stage up close, we were all shocked to see that the set was dirty and the painting hadn’t been done as neatly as we had expected. We explored different components of the stage that we don’t have in the Arts Centre at Saints, such as a trap door and a camera from the lighting box which shows what is happening on stage on a little TV screen next to the stage manager’s desk.

Yr8-drama-2The height of the theatre really amazed the class; the ceiling was so high and there were so many platforms and ladders above the stage. Some plays require scenery pieces to drop down from above and the Arts Theatre makes that possible. Our class learnt so many little tips and tricks that actors and the backstage crew use to make a show run smoothly. At the theatre we met Jason, the Theatre Tech, who talked to us about his experiences in the theatre and his journey from an aspiring teenager to working in one of Adelaide’s most prestigious theatres. We were taken on a tour of the theatre by Jason and we saw all of the different set and scenery pulleys. All of us were bursting with questions about the theatre, backstage, dressing rooms and the lighting systems. Although we were not allowed to touch anything, we visited the dressing rooms which were full of costumes for A Philadelphia Story which was opening that night! For the whole term we had been hearing Ms Hampton describe how magical and intriguing real theatres are and actually touring a real, professional theatre answered all of our questions.

The Year 8 students certainly had an inspiring and enlightening time at the Arts Theatre.

Shelley Hampton
Year 8 Drama Teacher

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Author in ‘The Hands’ of judges

‘He didn’t look like he could jump a bull, but she knew he could. It was all in the hands, he’d often explain. The will. The bloody mindedness.’

Certainly not a typical day at Saints, but in the hands of English teacher, Stephen Orr, the Australian outback becomes a place of conflicts, trials, and people struggling to make a living. Stephen’s book, The Hands, has been long-listed for Australia’s top writing prize, The Miles Franklin Literary Award. Stephen’s observation that “It starts at school, clauses and prepositions” is evidenced in each of the book’s pages. “Creative writing,” he explains, “makes sense of the world.”

Congratulations, Stephen, on this achievement and we wish you every success in being short-listed for the prestigious Miles Franklin Literary Award.

Meredith Beck
Director of Teaching and Learning

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Meet the Author: Jackie French

J_French-1Senior Australian of the Year (2015) and popular Australian author, Jackie French, will speak to our R-7 students on Tuesday 3 May between 2.30 and 3.30pm in the Arts Centre.

Jackie’s books will be highlighted during Library sessions during the preceding weeks.

This will be an amazing opportunity to hear from such an accomplished and entertaining author.

Members of the school community are welcome to attend the session but seats will be limited.

J_French-2Please send an email to hsmith@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au to register your attendance.

Jackie’s books will be for sale before and after the session in the Arts Centre foyer (cash sales only). Any student who wishes to have previously purchased books signed may drop them off at the Junior Library on Monday 2 May before 10.00am.


Helen Smith
Junior School Teacher Librarian

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Year 10 High Performance excursion to UniSA


On Monday the two High Performance classes took part in a sports science workshop at UniSA that allowed the girls to gain experience and knowledge in completing laboratory practicals, using some innovative sporting technology. The first session involved students using ‘94fifty’ smart basketballs to collect practical data. The girls analysed the number of dribbles they could complete in 20 seconds, along with their speed of release when shooting and the angle of shot. The basketballs have inbuilt sensors that translate the data to an app on the iPad.

The second practical session related to spirometers. The girls measured resting and post-exercise levels, performing some high intensity activity to draw conclusions on their lung capacity, volume, and the effects physical activity can have on these figures.

The girls enjoyed the experience and we will look to analyse their results and reasoning during classroom time over the next few weeks.

Dan Searle
Head of PE, Health & Outdoor Education

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Join our piano competition

In the first week of Term 2, the Arts Department will hold the School’s inaugural piano competition. This competition is open to all students who play piano and is our way of celebrating the purchase of our new baby grand piano. The competition will be held on Thursday 5 May during lessons 3 and 4.

Girls will have the opportunity to perform a piece to a panel of judges, who will critique their performance based on accuracy, technique and musicality for their specific music level.

Ten students from across the Junior, Middle and Senior School will then be chosen from the competition to perform on our new grand piano at our recital on Wednesday 18 May at 7pm in MB 120.

Girls are asked to play one piece that best displays their musicality and technical ability, at their own musical level. There will be no minimum or maximum time limit. While the competition aims to give our top piano players a chance to perform, the idea is that the recital gives performers of all levels the opportunity to be represented.

Any students interested in taking part in the competition can sign up at the Arts Department.

We look forward to the competition getting underway next term, and to the final performance on Wednesday 18 May. Please join us for what will be a lovely evening.

Sally Rounsevell
Director of Music

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Strings Week coming up

strings-allianceNext week we will celebrate Strings week! Keep an eye out for performances on the Arts Centre steps and Chiverton Lawns during lunch times. For many of our younger girls this will be their very first performance so it would be lovely to have lots of people out supporting our musicians.

As part of our celebrations we will be joined by musicians from the Mid North Coast Strings Alliance Inc (pictured). This group consists of students from the Mid North Coast of NSW and many of its participants live in remote locations. We hope that by making a connection with these students our girls can learn something about what it is like to live in the country, the opportunities and challenges of living so far away from the city and how, through music, we can join together, no matter what our upbringing or circumstances are. The Mid North Coast Strings Alliance will be performing as part of our Strings Concert on Monday 11 April at 5.30pm in the Arts Centre.

Each day next week, we will hold a lunchtime concert from 1 – 1.30pm, and we hope to see parents, grandparents and friends come along.

  • Monday: Junior String Ensemble on Arts Centre Steps
  • Tuesday: Buskers on Chiverton Lawns
  • Wednesday: Junior String Orchestra on Arts Centre Steps
  • Thursday: Strings concert at the ELC
  • Friday: Buskers on Chiverton Lawns

Fiona Patten
Strings Coordinator

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Oh, what a Dads Night Out!


Last Friday evening, the Mothers’ Club held the inaugural Dads Night Out, and what a hoot it was! The weather was perfect for the 80 dads who attended for a relaxed social night of bowls.

The evening was also a fundraising success thanks to the generosity of the following donors for the silent auction:

  • Anderson Family, Mosquito Hill Wines
  • Goldsmith Family, North Point Toyota
  • Mark and Anne-Marie Glazbrook, Migration Solution
  • Nigel Brophy
  • Baldwinson Family, Gomersal Wines
  • Callan Rogers, Doole Wines
  • Langley Family
  • Leah and Geoff Palmer
  • Andrew Rosser
  • Darren McCormack, Cornes Toyota
  • Eliza Richards

Thanks also to all of our other donors and supporters for making the event, as well as the raffle, such a wonderful success. We raised $5025, which will be directed towards the redevelopment of the Middle School.

Thanks to everyone who came along, and to the wonderful Mothers’ Club committee for their time and assistance, all contributing to an outstanding event.

Mums, stay tuned for details of our Mums Night Out, which will be held on Friday 13 May and is shaping up to be a special event yet again!

Emma Robinson
Mothers’ Club President

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Vacation Care: The more, the merrier!

JS Vacation Care Enews

The next instalment of our Vacation Care program is coming up during school holidays and we’d like to extend a warm welcome to primary school aged children from the wider community to attend. Students are welcome to invite friends or siblings to share in the range of enriching activities for both girls and boys.

Junior School program – for children in Reception to Year 6

Join us for a day at the movies, a trip to the Adelaide Zoo or at a Teddy Bears Picnic. Learn to make pizzas and pikelets, create digital animation and master magic tricks that enthrall! Whatever the choice, children can enjoy a range of planned play and leisure activities, practise social skills and solve problems in a safe and relaxed atmosphere.

How it works

Your child can attend as few or as many days as needed, for full or half days, to suit your schedule and commitments. Simply pre-book the days you would like your child to attend and enjoy Vacation Care at St Peter’s Girls.


>  Week 1: Monday 18 April to Friday 22 April
>  Week 2: Tuesday 26 April to Friday 29 April

Download the April 2016 Vacation Care Program for details.

To book, visit www.stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au/vacationcare

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Camp Gallipoli

Camp-GallipoliCamp Gallipoli will be held on the night of 24-25 April this year (Wednesday night, Week 2 of the Term 1 holidays).

Through the Year 6 trip to Canberra and the Australian War Memorial and the Year 9 History curriculum’s focus on World War One, there is a very strong incentive for involvement in this event, but this is also a great opportunity for wider involvement of students and families from the whole school community.

What is Camp Gallipoli?

The Camp Gallipoli Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation established to help preserve, foster and perpetuate the unique Spirit of ANZAC commemorations. The aim is to educate students about the service and sacrifice made by Australian and New Zealand soldiers throughout World War One and conflicts since.

Camp-Gallipoli-Event-AdelaideFollowing the inaugural event at Morphettville Racecourse in 2015, Camp Gallipoli has moved to the Wayville Showgrounds this year and is inviting St Peter’s Girls students and families to participate in this unique commemorative event. Each venue nationwide has an historic link to Gallipoli, World War One and other theatres of war.

As part of the promotion for this year’s event, Camp Gallipoli is offering each student two tickets as part of a package which can be activated upon online payment. This promotion will be sent home through each Home Group this week. There has been a significant reduction in ticket prices for this year ($54.95) for students, parents, teachers and community members. It promises to be a great night of community spirit, live entertainment and reflection, closing with the Dawn Service on 25 April.

If you have any queries about the event and the material distributed to each student, please contact Ms Fox at ruby@campgallipoli.com.au or 1300 951 951. Furthermore, if you have questions about how Camp Gallipoli complements the School’s curriculum, please contact me via email at: gdingwall@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

Gregor Dingwall
Head of Humanities

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School Shop update

From next term, students will need to change their uniform from Summer to Winter.

Students will be required to wear their winter uniform from the first day next term.

If you require a winter uniform fitting, please contact the School Shop on 8334 2228 to arrange an appointment.

The School Shop will only be open during the second week of the school holidays:

10am – 4pm daily
Tuesday 26 April to Friday 29 April

Sue Burnett
School Shop Manager

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Promoting sport and physical activity at Saints – a short benchmarking survey

The Saints Sport Support Group is seeking to understand the part sport and physical activity plays in the life of students and parents alike. Please take the time to complete our short (less than 5 minute) survey to provide your input.

> Take the survey now

The SSSG comprises parents and School sports captains and its purpose is to assist the PE and Sports departments to promote sport participation throughout the School. We believe that:

  • there are lifetime benefits for individuals from being involved in sport or some form of regular physical activity, and we seek to encourage participation long after sport becomes non-compulsory;
  • retention rate is all about finding ways in which students can participate or contribute from an early age, or by helping students to find a sport or physical activity that they enjoy – this includes coaching, umpiring or refereeing;
  • a greater understanding of the benefits of physical activity among parents, and their greater involvement in their daughter’s sport or physical activity, is a key component to developing lasting understanding of the value of staying physically active.

The SSSG currently fundraises to help the School by:

  • purchasing certain sports equipment needs.
  • subsidising coaching and refereeing courses for students – we seek to assist with developing the quality and depth of the coaching provided to your daughters and to support leadership development opportunities for senior girls.
  • subsidising coaching and refereeing courses for parents – we believe that there are opportunities to utilise the expertise of parents to improve skills whether this be as part of a regular coaching commitment, or through individual coaching sessions.

The survey we are asking you to complete aims to:

  • understand the extent to which school and non-school sport and physical activity is already part of family life for students and parents of the school.
  • provide a benchmark from which to gauge program success over a period of time measured in years.
  • gain feedback from the school community about whether our focus aligns with perceived needs, and if not to give parents and students a chance to comment.

Parent participation in the SSSG is open to anyone and should you wish to help, please ask the Development Office for further information.

> Please take the survey to let us know your thoughts

Sue Neale
Saints Sport Support Group Chair

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Entertainment Books are coming!

entertainment-booksOnce again, the Mothers’ Club is offering community members the chance to purchase an Entertainment™ Book or Digital Membership and help raise money for the School.

We’re pleased to partner with Entertainment™ again this year, where 20% of the proceeds contributes towards the refurbishment of the Middle School!

By now, all families from ELC to Year 12 should have received a letter outlining the order process. A book will be sent home to each family next term – at which point you can decide whether to return it or provide payment.

If you would prefer not to receive a book, please complete the form at the bottom of the letter sent home.

You can also submit a pre-order before 16 April 2016 and you will receive over $170 worth of additional offers that you can use right away!

Entertainment™ Memberships are packed with thousands of up to 50% OFF and 2-for-1 offers for the best local restaurants, cafés, attractions, hotel accommodation, travel and much more.

Available as a traditional Entertainment Book – or – Digital Membership on your smartphone, your Membership gives you over $20,000 worth of valuable offers valid through to 1 June 2017.

You can pre-order today at www.entertainmentbook.com.au/orderbooks/161p201

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Get involved in Junior School Banking

You can get involved in the School Banking program by opening a Commonwealth Bank Youthsaver account at any Commonwealth Bank branch, over the phone on 13 2221, or via NetBank if you are an existing customer with NetBank access.

bankingRemember to take in identification for you and your child (driver’s license and birth certificate). You will receive a Dollarmites wallet and deposit book that your child will use to participate in the program.

Our school receives $5 when a student makes their first ever School Banking deposit and 5% on every deposit made through the school (to a maximum of $10 per individual deposit).

Thank you for supporting our school and helping to teach your child the benefits of saving regularly.

Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124. Call 13 2221 at any time. As this advice has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs, you should, before acting on this advice, consider its appropriateness to your circumstances. Full terms and conditions for transaction and savings accounts are available from any branch of the Commonwealth Bank and should be considered in any decision about the product. If you have a complaint in respect of this product, the Commonwealth Bank’s dispute resolution process can be accessed on 13 2221.

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Summer interhouse: Friday 15 April

Summer Interhouse Enews

The Summer Interhouse competition will be held on Friday 15 April 2016, the last day of term.

On this day, Junior School students in Years 3-6 will compete in a Teeball competition, while students from Years 7 – 12 will be representing their houses in Basketball, Tennis, Softball and Volleyball.

Years 3–4 matches commence from 9.10am
Years 5–6 matches commence from 11.15am
Years 7-12 matches commence from 1pm

We’d love to see as many parents as possible come along and support the girls.

Enjoy a sausage sizzle
The Saints Sports Support Group (SSSG) will be holding a sausage sizzle from 12.30pm for all Years 3-12 students.

Come along and have a sausage for lunch! There will also be plenty of cold drinks available, including water, Powerade, fruit juice and soft drinks. Sausages and drinks available at $2 each.

Neil Fuller
Director of Sport

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Sport News

Upcoming events

Monday 11 April – Cross Country team selection trials
Thursday 14 April – Secondary Schools Athletics A Grade carnival (Years 8 to 12)
Friday 15 April – Junior Interhouse Teeball and Middle/Senior Interhouse Basketball, Tennis, Softball and Volleyball


sprt-skateCharlotte Farley achieved second place in her technical program in Freeskate 2 division and third place in her artistic program in the same division at the interstate competition held in Melbourne.

Winter tennis

The lunchtime Hot Shots tennis coaching was a great success in Term 1 for students in Reception to Year 4. The program continues to grow, with the girls having lots of fun and improving all the time.

Lunchtime tennis coaching will continue in Terms 2 and 3. If you would like your daughter to continue, or if you are enrolling for the first time, please contact me directly to ensure your daughter’s place for Term 2.

Tennis coaching is also available in the school holidays. Please contact Matt Ford on mattford@iprimus.com.au or 0412 855 073 if you are interested in arranging some tennis lessons.

Netball Coaching Clinics

Taught and Bowled are offering netball clinics for girls aged 9-14 years during the April school holidays. The clinics will be offered in the second week of the school holidays and be run at the Campbelltown Netball Courts (Crowle Rd, Campbelltown).

For further information or to register for the program please go to www.taughtandbowled.com.au or contact Alice at alice@taughtandbowled.com.au or 0412 454 784.

Basketball – Wednesday 30 March

Open A – Saints did not play due to Choral Night

Teeball – Wednesday 30 March

Year 4/5 – Saints 14 defeated Pembroke Yellow 11
The girls consolidated the important batting practice they did on Monday at training to win, with the biggest highlight being the number of double plays. There were 4 double plays made in total, many coming from catch plays (which is something the girls have improved on!). It’s great to see such promising talent in our youngest players at Saints. Claire Hale (Coach)

Knockout Softball – Thursday 31 March

sprt-softballThe Open Knockout team contested the State Knockout finals on Thursday. The team faced a tough opponent in Mount Gambier (the eventual winners) in the first round, losing 0-8. Saints then faced Unley High School and struggled to bat consistently to get runners home. In the final game, Saints faced fellow IGSSA School Immanuel, and showed some true potential. Immanuel finished 6-4, but Saints showed every sign that they are capable of winning against them later in the year. Neil Fuller (Supervisor)

Water polo – Thursday 31 March

Open A – Saints had a bye

Open B – Saints 12 defeated Sacred Heart 4
This was an outstanding team effort where the girls successfully put into the game many of our training set plays. Best: Antonia Kirsten-Parsch, Katherine Woolley and Nicolette Miller. Lynne Spry (Supervisor)

Year 7/8 – Saints 11 defeated St Ignatius 5
Saints played a brilliant game, recording a great win. Harriet Maerschel and Olivia Kelly played a superb game, with Olivia playing well in defence and Hattie out in open space, resulting in quite a few goals. Everyone played their best and applied the shooting technique that we learnt in training. We also took fouls well. Matilda Braithwaite

Junior tennis – Friday 1 April

Yr 5/6 Advanced Blue – Saints 6-28 defeated Wilderness Green 0-5
Singles: Sienna Glazbrook 4-0, Mia Dodd 4-0, Sophie Dansie 4-2, Olivia Slivak 4-0

Yr 5/6 Advanced Silver – Saints 3-16 drew with Wilderness 3-16
Singles: Fleur Maris 4-1, Emily Baldwinson 4-0, Marina Viese Vivaldi 2-4, Primrose Robinson 0-4

Yr 5/6 Advanced White – Saints 6-28 defeated Wilderness White 0-9
Singles: Maiya Jakupec 4-0, Tahlia Louca 4-0, Georgia Langley 4-2, Chloe Venning 4-2

Year 6 Blue – Saints 0-4 defeated by St Ignatius Blue 6-28
Singles: Chase Hocking 1-4, Anushka Rajbhoj 1-4, Sivanthi Sivasuthan 0-4, Emily Elston 0-4

Year 6 White – Saints 0-2 defeated by Pembroke Green 6-28
Singles: Charlotte Adams 0-4, Efua Yawson 0-4, Charlotte Parker 0-4, Adele Eaton 2-4

Year 5 Blue – Saints 6-28 defeated Wilderness Red 0-11
Singles: Eleanor Humphrey 4-1, Bridgette Leach 4-2, Madison Harrex 4-3, Georgie Owler 4-0

Year 5 White – Saints 2-13 defeated by Concordia 4-23
Singles: Alicia Toh 0-4, Monika Ceplitis 0-4, Lucy Schirripa 4-3, Adelaide Murphy 1-3

Softball – Saturday 2 April

sprt-softball2Open A – Saints 15 defeated Gleeson 7

Open B – Saints 17 defeated Seymour 8

Open C2 – Saints 6 defeated by Loreto 19
Unfortunately, C2 once again came up against a strong team in the competition. Louisa Reid was our pitcher for the majority of the game and pitched quite strongly. While the team has had limited game win success this term, the improvement of each player has been astonishing to see. It is a credit to each of the girls that they have improved each week, even though they have come up against tough competition! Special thanks to Nerida Bested for helping the team out in scoring and base running during the term. Claire Hale (Coach)

Tennis – Saturday 2 April

sprt-tennisDivision 1- Saints 5-33 defeated Seymour 1-16
Singles: Neve McCormack 6-3, Chelsea Staples 6-0, Annabel Baldwinson 6-0, Violette Maris 3-6

Division 2 Blue – Saints 3-20 defeated by Pembroke 3-26
Singles: Taj Shahin 0-6, Lily-Rose Spartalis 6-4, Mahala Truscott 6-1, Lola Dimond 1-6

Division 2 White – Saints 2-20 defeated by Pembroke 4-26
Singles: Olivia Wilkinson 6-2, Sivani Sivasuthan 1-6, Sophie-Louise Shearwood 4-6

Division 3 Blue – Saints 3-25 defeated Pembroke 3-20
Singles: Stella Clark 6-0, Orla Clayton 2-6, Mia-Rose Taliangis 5-6

Division 3 White – Saints 5-32 defeated
Singles: Amelie Eaton 6-0, Lilly Alexander 6-2, Emily Downie 6-1, Aleisha Elliott 2-6. Saints won 5-1, 32 games to 15

Division 4 Blue – Saints did not play

Division 4 White – Saints 1-10 defeated by Wilderness 5-30
Singles: Lucy Steele Scott 6-0, Angela Feng 0-6, Yunfei Ma 3-6, Charlotte Stewart 0-6. Saints lost 1-5, 10 games to 30

Volleyball – Saturday 2 April

Open A – Saints 1 defeated by Westminster 2
Despite a nerve-racking loss, the Open As played very well against Westminster, who were also undefeated. From the beginning, the energy levels were high and everyone lifted to the standard of the opponent. Our back court setters once again played terrifically, setting up many balls to be hit. Player of the week definitely goes to Uthpala De Silva for her incredible serving, intimidating the other team and building up the team’s confidence. The Open As have had a great term, winning all games but one. Congratulations to all of the girls and we look forward to Term 4. Georgia Howe and Mila Loechel (Captains)

Open B – Saints 1 defeated by Westminster 2

Open C – Saints 2 defeated Wilderness 1 (25-22, 23-25, 27-25)
What an intense game for the Open Cs! The opposition evenly matched the girls, with extremely close scores in each set. The first set saw fantastic serving by Taylor and Kate, as well as the supporting of team-mates by everyone on court, in particular at the net when the ball just missed the setter’s hands. Our aim for the 2nd set was to see more of the 3 hit set-up. The momentum started after a shaky start, but was sadly not enough to close the two point gap. The end of the third set was the most exciting, with all players 100% in the game and showing great enthusiasm in the point-to-point rallies. Our consistent serving proved to be enough to win, finishing on a score of 27-25 our way. Well done to everyone; congratulations on an awesome game to finish on for the term! Ellana Welsby and Eliza Falconer (Coaches)

Middle A – Saints 3 defeated Westminster 0 (25-18, 25-17,25-18)
The Middle As continued their unbeaten year, defeating Westminster. Charlotte White often dug the ball up in the air for 3 touches, while Isabella Villani was able to spike some balls by staying on net. Ruby Bouhamdan served well and the whole team are gelling well as a group, which is immediately putting the opposition under pressure. Dan Searle (Supervisor)

Middle B – Saints 1 defeated by Westminster 2 (23-25, 18-25, 25-20)
The Bs looked competitive for much of their match against Westminster, leading each set at some stage but they could not sustain it. Mary Brownridge passed well and Jiayi Wang served and moved well with her hands up on net. Dan Searle (Supervisor)

Middle C – Saints 2 defeated Concordia 1 (25-8, 25-12, 17-25)
Congratulations to the girls on a great win for the last game of the term! Playing with 5 players was an added challenge for the girls but they persisted and played well. Each of the girls served consistently throughout the game, with Katelin Calandro serving deepest into the court and winning a few extra points. Ruoyu Han and Gemma Schaedel provided great pressure at the net and assisted with some great passes. Paris Greene and Zhangyu Han provided some great back-up to their team-mates. Overall, it was a great game and we are proud of how far the girls have all come over the term. Congratulations on the win and a great season! Ellana Welsby and Eliza Falconer (Coaches)

Basketball – Monday 4 April

Middle C1 Saints 54 defeated Pulteney 22
A good win for the last match of the season this week. The girls showed the consistent ability to get defensive rebounds and intercepts and quickly move the ball down into attack, which is something we have been working on. Well done to Isabelle Norman for her great defensive pressure on a much taller opponent. Siena Kulinski and Ebony Lohe worked well moving the ball down in attack, always providing a breakaway option. Scorers this week were Isabelle Norman, Ebony Lohe, Siena Kulinski and Thuhansa Hattotuwa. Well done on a good end to the term, girls! Vanessa Brooks (Coach).

Middle C2 Saints 0 defeated by Westminster 71
A very tough match-up for the girls this week. We were simply outplayed by a taller, stronger and more experienced team; however, there were some positives that can be taken away. Maddison Tilley-Brooks demonstrated just how far she has come since beginning basketball, with constant defensive pressure and a developed understanding of tactics on the court. Best player of the match has to go to Mahala Truscott who called for the ball, moved into space, and was often able to bring the ball down into our attacking half. Looking forward to the girls further developing their skills in Term 4! Vanessa Brooks (Coach).

Tennis Open Knockout – Monday 4 April

The Open team of Yasmin and Tiana Glazbrook, Jade Leyden and Olivia Teh travelled to West Lakes for the Open Knockout. Saints faced specialist school, Henley High, in the opening round, narrowly losing by just 2 games. Saints then faced another specialist school, Marryatville, with Marryatville winning comfortably. Saints bounced back in the final round, easily accounting for Mount Gambier to finish third overall. This is once again a terrific effort, given the programs other schools provide. Neil Fuller (Supervisor)

Tennis – Monday 4 April

Premier League – Saints 6-36 defeated Westminster 0-5
Singles: Yasmin Glazbrook 6-2, Tiana Glazbrook 6-0, Jade Leyden 6-0, Olivia Teh 6-0,

Premier League Reserves – Saints 5-33 defeated Westminster 1-12
Singles: Olivia Harby 6-1, Emily Loh 6-2, Clair Kao 6-1, Sarah Richards 6-2