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eNews – Week 1, Term 3 2020

Issue no. 21Enews-banner

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From Our Principal

Identity is a funny thing. Both a modern concept and deeply rooted in history, it can be complex to unfold – and never more so than for young people and their parents looking at schools, trying to understand what each of them represent, or with which community they most identify. History can hold the key to unlocking these issues. Our values of courage, creativity and compassion are very much based on the beliefs and actions of our founding Sisters, but sometimes it’s a building that can tell a story. Buildings are more than just design and assembly. They’re a snapshot of life.

juliashea_web-200x300-200x300Built in 1881, our campus is dominated by the beautiful Chiverton building. It came onto the market in 1949 and was advertised as a two-storey house together with stables, a two-room cottage and nine acres of land. The owner had already bequeathed to the Crown that part of the property which is now Ferguson Conservation Park. The auction was held on Tuesday 30 August 1949. Sister Frideswide, the Provincial, and Sister Scholastica attended the auction. One of the School’s historical publications, ‘Not Saints, but Girls’, states:

“When the auction started on the verandah, they stood inside by the drawing room window with the brother of the auctioneer, Mr Theodore Bruce. Whenever Sister Frideswide wanted to bid, Theodore’s brother gave a signal to his nephew outside who nudged his father on the leg. The bidding started at £7 500 and went up by amounts of £500 until the Sisters’ bid of £10 500 remained unchallenged.”

As women, yet alone ordained women, did not attend auctions in that era, the signalling was necessary – another example of creativity in action! Of course, buildings for classrooms and the like needed to be constructed, but no job was too big for the Sisters. School began at the Stonyfell campus eight years later on 30 May 1957. Whilst the School itself has changed significantly over the years, the original Chiverton has remained relatively untouched. It would have many stories to tell, having accommodated the Sisters, Miss Pike and Mr Stott and his family over the years. Some claim to have seen a ghost upstairs but I’ve had no such encounter! As an iconic piece of the School’s history, Chiverton must be retained for the generations to come. Sadly, it had fallen into some disrepair and we recently needed to demolish and replace the balcony. All of this happened under the watchful eye of a heritage architect who also took the opportunity over the holidays to return the building to its original colour scheme. Once again, it looks amazing and stands as a reminder of the proud history of the School.

The ‘Main Building’, housing Junior School classrooms on the ground floor, was completed in 1957. The classrooms were typical of that era, with high cement walls allowing little transparency between rooms. During the holidays, renovation of that area progressed. Much like the Middle School, the focus has been on incorporating flexible spaces for learning and collaboration, and an abundance of natural light. The cement walls have been replaced by floor-to-ceiling glass, highlighting our beautiful surroundings, and the hallway ceiling has been raised to give a sense of openness and space. As mentioned previously, this work is being staged and the refurbishment of the remaining classrooms will commence in the next school holiday period. By the start of 2021, all will be complete and the Junior School will have a wonderful new look.

Staffing News

We welcome several teachers to the team this semester:

• Monique McLeay joins the Junior School staff whilst Louisa Mitchell is on long service leave
• Alex McKay has commenced maternity leave, and Dagmar Schmidt-Duncan is our new French teacher
• Our Mid-Year Reception girls have had an amazing first week at school and we welcome their teacher Zoe West to our staff

I look forward to seeing you back at the many School events this term, commencing with the Senior Drama Production Charm in Week 3.

Julia Shea

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Innovators Circle Shark Tank Success

W1 - Shark Tank eSchool

Congratulations to the Year 11 Business Innovation team who were runners up in their Environmental category of the University of Adelaide’s Shark Tank eSchool challenge.

Anna White, Poppie Goldsmith, Siena Zito and Jenna Bowden shared the $750 prize. 240 teams across the State entered the hotly-contested competition conducted over Zoom in the holiday period.

The team’s concept was a ‘bin collar’ that surrounds outdoor council bins to encourage recycling of 10 cent deposit containers. The project aimed to prevent those containers from going to landfill but also to provide safety for and preserve the dignity of ‘bin rummagers’ who normally delve into the bins to retrieve bottles and cans.

Gabriele Trobbiani
Business Innovation Teacher

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Podcasters Channel STEM Inspiration

W1 - Year 6 Podcast

During Term 2, the Year 6 EDGE girls were part of a unit centred around STEM. We were required to create two podcasts: one on a famous woman in STEM and another on an Old Scholar in STEM. Ms Burton-Howard encouraged and guided us in this interesting field of research and pointed us in the right directions for our questions.

To collect our information for the first podcast, we read articles about STEM leaders online or actually contacted them in person. We then had to create a script based on the research and recorded the podcast on GarageBand. We were given a few weeks to do this task.

When using GarageBand, we initially experienced a few difficulties (some of which were quite frustrating), but in the end, we knew the ropes quite well. We can now record and edit with ease and have used this to format our podcast with intro music, sound effects and atmospheric music.

For the second podcast, we interviewed an Old Scholar who works in the STEM field. We wanted to find out as much as we could about what they studied at our School and how it influenced their university choices and eventual career path. To do this, we wrote a questionnaire and sent it to them or interviewed them over the phone. It was nerve-wracking but rewarding to make contact with the Old Scholars, and we then used these answers to make our podcast.

Before completing this task, most of us under-appreciated the field of STEM. It has been a very effective way to make us see the intriguing side. The lack of gender equality has given us the idea that STEM occupations are traditionally male jobs, but we found that this is definitely not the case for our Old Scholars. Through researching famous women and their significant achievements (for example, Katherine Johnson was one of the first females to have an important role in space exploration), we now know that STEM will be an interesting career to pursue when we are older. The Old Scholars we interviewed have many interesting jobs including space medicine, neuroscience and mechanical/fire safety/electrical engineering. Talking with our Old Scholars has made us see that we too could have careers in STEM that are varied and different from more common areas such as medicine. If more women and girls hook onto this promising field, we can overpower the opinion that STEM is a male-dominated arena.

We thoroughly enjoyed this EDGE unit as it really opened up our eyes to the vast world of STEM and its numerous opportunities for women. We hope to soon share our podcasts with the School as an inspirational resource for all students at St Peter’s Girls.

Evelyn Gautier
Year 6 student

The students are pictured with Old Scholars Zarina Greenberg (Kennion 2007) and Vienna Tran (Patteson 2014).

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Our Newest Saints Girls

W1 - Mid-Year Reception Class Photo

Sounds of excitement filled the classroom this week as our new Mid-Year Receptions started their schooling journey.

The girls have settled in beautifully. They have formed new friendships and discussed how to be a kind friend at school. The students have shown pride in following the School routine and classroom expectations. They have worked on ‘all about me’ activities which they have shared with the group, as well as engaging in introductory sessions on THRASS, Inquiry and Mathematics. A highlight has been collecting nature materials to collage our names for our classroom display.

Zoe West
Mid-Year Reception Teacher

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Healthy Lesson for Year 8 Science

W1 - Year 8 Guest

In Year 8 Science, we are starting an inquiry into health and what it means to be healthy as a teenage girl. Science is working with Health, PE and Food Technology to explore different aspects of health including diet, exercise and sexual health.

To launch our new project, Eleni Vosnakis (Kilburn 2011) gave a presentation to the Year 8 cohort and introduced the key ideas in health and the importance of exercise. Eleni has an Honours degree in Exercise Science and Physiology from the University of Adelaide. She grew up playing soccer and is now fortunate to work in the industry as a Sports Scientist and Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Adelaide United Women’s team. It was excellent for her to share her passion and knowledge in health and spark interest in our new inquiry unit.

Clare Gaskell
Science Teacher

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Saints Girls on Social Media

W1 - Social Media Banner

Celebrate Saints Girls by staying connected with us on social media.

Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/stpetersgirls

Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/stpetersgirlsschool

Enjoy fun and uplifting news and content, like this snapshot of our girls in action:

*Facebook and Instagram require account holders to be at least 13 years of age.

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Senior Drama Ready to Charm

W1 - Costumes

The Year 12 Drama and Year 11 IB Theatre students are now in the final throes of rehearsing for their production of Charm. The set is ready, costumes have been prepared – thanks to the skilful seamstress work of former staff member and Old Scholar, Anne Ninnes (Kennion 1966) as shown above – music has been written and the actors are looking forward to wowing their audiences. Comic and yet thought-provoking, the play is a riotous deconstruction of fairytales with wild characters, plot twists, a (subtly serious) message and a few songs thrown in to boot! Come and witness the wonderful creative abilities of our students and staff.

For each of the evening performances on 5, 6 and 7 August at 7pm, we are able to release 200 general admission tickets – so get in fast if you want to secure seats. It will not be a happy ending for you if you miss out!

Go to www.trybooking.com/BJZQC
Adult $10
Student/Concession $5

Due to contact tracing requirements we ask that tickets be purchased online prior to the performance.

Michael Butler-Wills
Head of English / Drama Teacher

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The Long Lunch – Tickets on Sale!

W1 - The Long Lunch

Experience Sensational South Australia

The St Peter’s Girls’ Foundation’s major fundraising event for 2020, The Long Lunch, will take place on Sunday 20 September.

Tickets are on sale and will sell out fast! To secure your seats or organise a year level group/table, visit www.trybooking.com/BHMCX

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Cross Country Interhouse – Next Week!

W1 - Cross Country Interhouse
Due to various factors, we will be holding this year’s Cross Country Interhouse separately for each year level during Week 2 this term. Students from Reception to Year 9 will be running/walking the course at Bell Yett Reserve, adjacent to the School.

Whilst the main focus is on participation and being active, House points will be awarded towards the House Shield. Medals will be presented to the first three place-getters in each year level.

Spectators are able to attend their daughter’s event on the proviso that social distancing is adhered to.

Students need to wear PE uniform on their scheduled day and bring a personal drink bottle and any required medication to Bell Yett Reserve.

Year Level Program

1km (2 laps)
Reception: 11.30am, Monday 27 July
Year 1: 10.40am, Wednesday 29 July

1.5km (3 laps)
Year 2: 9.30am, Tuesday 28 July
Year 3: 10.40am, Tuesday 28 July

2km (4 laps)
Year 4: 8.40am, Wednesday 29 July
Year 5: 11.30am, Wednesday 29 July
Year 6: 9.30am, Wednesday 29 July

2.5km (5 laps)
Year 7: 10.40am, Monday 27 July
Year 8: 8.40am, Monday 27 July
Year 9: 9.30am, Monday 27 July

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Saints Girls Prep for Princely Production

W1 - Theatre
Two Year 9 students, Astrid Teague and Zara Blight, will be performing next week in The Princes Players Theatre Company’s production of One Man, Two Guvnors. The girls have been working really hard in rehearsals, with some even taking place via Teams!

Show Details
29 – 31 July
ANZAC Hall, Prince Alfred College

Adult – $22
Seniors (65+) – $16
Student (School/Uni) – $10
Family (2 Adults / 2 Children) – $60

Click here to book tickets and support our Saints Girls on stage!

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Car Park Courtesy

The School has again received complaints about traffic blocking Stonyfell Road for lengthy periods during drop-off and pick-up. If the car park is full and you are unable to enter, circle the block until it is clear to enter, find a park elsewhere or, where age-appropriate, meet your daughter in a surrounding street. Unless special circumstances apply, parents of girls in Years 2 to 12 should not enter the car park to collect their daughters prior to 3.30pm. Parents of girls in Reception and Year 1 have exclusive use of the pick-up zone prior to this time for safety and traffic reasons.

Please also refrain from turning right into or out of the car park as this causes further congestion.

As a School, we must set an example for our students in showing courtesy to all; in this case, other road users.

Thank you for your cooperation.

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Notice from CommBank School Banking

Thank you so much for your patience. The CommBank School Banking program will recommence next Wednesday 29 July. Please bring your deposit book with your weekly banking into school each Wednesday.

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Entertainment Membership

W1 - Entertainment Book
The St Peter’s Girls’ Parents’ and Friends’ Association is fundraising via Entertainment Membership.

Order your Entertainment Membership today!

Purchase your membership here

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Out of the Blue Cover Design Competition

W6 - Out of the Blue

The Out of the Blue committee is holding a competition to design the front cover artwork of our School Arts Journal – Out of the Blue. All submissions must adhere to the following requirements: black and white, a simple outline style, and a 20 x 20cm square layout. If your artwork does not fit these requirements, your entries will be considered for the content of the book. Submissions can be supplied in either a digital or physical format.

Please submit your entries to the Learning Strategies room or email to outoftheblue@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

Entries close next Friday. The winner will be announced at the end of Week 4. We are looking forward to seeing everyone’s amazing art!

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CLOTHES SHWOP: We Need Your Help!

W5 - Clothes Shwop

Did you know that Australians are the world’s second largest consumers of fashion? On average, we each consume 27kgs of new clothing and textiles every year. Most of this ends up in the bin after less than a year. Members of the School’s Environment Club would like to change this!

The Environment Club is focusing on sustainable fashion with our ‘Clothes Shwop’, where students can donate old clothes for tokens, and cash-in these tokens to take new clothes in return! If you have old clothes you don’t want anymore and are happy to donate or exchange for other items, then please support this worthy cause. Any remaining items will be donated to a women’s charity.

Collections will take place outside of the Junior School Library at lunch every Tuesday and Thursday leading up to the actual ‘Clothes Shwop’ where you will be able to choose pieces from the donated clothing. The first ‘Clothes Shwop’ will be held on Thursday and Friday in Week 5 of Term 3 in the Drama Room.

Bring in your old clothes, help the environment and make your wardrobe that bit more exciting!

Sara Peak
Environment Club Captain

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Sports News

W1 - Sport

Term 3 welcomes competitive sport back to schools. While these are exciting times, we must remind families to follow health guidelines. Other schools’ policies may be different from our own, such as the number of people allowed in any one area, especially indoor venues. We will try to provide as much information in advance as we can.

We ask that everyone remains patient and understanding while we work through these challenging and changing times and, as always, we encourage participation and support all players to be given equal opportunity. School sport can be a time to develop individual and team skills across a range of levels from beginner to experienced, to try new positions or a completely new sport.

Once again, we ask players to be respectful of their teammates, opposition, coaches and officials at all times, and while handshakes at the end of games are currently not allowed, this will not hinder every player from demonstrating good sportsmanship in addressing their opponents and thanking them for the game. I’m hoping that we can continue the good work and enjoy an uninterrupted sporting term. – Neil Fuller (Director of Sport)

LACROSSE – Round 2

Under 13 – Saints 13 defeated North Adelaide 10
The first game of the season saw the girls show amazing defence skills and attacking play. They used all the skills they had been taught over the many weeks leading up to the season. Trailing 10-8 going into the final quarter, all girls worked super hard and took the win. Cleo Hart scored her first-ever goal, leading to a hat-trick, and Claris Stolcman also scored 3 great goals. Emily Bates was the superstar goalie, blocking many shots. Goal scorers: Cleo Hart (3), Claris Stolcman (3), Savannah Walls (3), Alannah Godfrey (2), Jaime Gower (1), Zoe Pool (1). Well done girls. – Dani Cox (Student Coach)

Under 11 – Saints Blue 9 defeated East Torrens/Payneham 3
This game showcased the team’s wonderful cohesion and sportsmanship. Our opposition faced an injury and two of our girls joined ETP. Well done Hayley Lucas and Valencia Capobianco for being such supportive team players. Sophia Curry did a fantastic job in goals and Chelsea Francis was an outstanding attacker, scoring 5 goals! All team members are gaining confidence and passion for the sport which is excellent to see! As I had to umpire for part of the game, I was thankful that the Lively family were able to assist. – Sophie Auricht (Coach)

Under 11 – Saints White 3 defeated by North Adelaide 7
All of the girls were eager to replicate their previous win. In attack, Ruby Kelly (Year 4) worked hard with the ball and did well at looking for free players. Lola Meo was also impressive with her big long throws to help transition the ball down the field. All of the girls were more confident to run with the ball in their stick, especially Scarlett Schinella (Year 3). Lilly Silvani (playing as a guest) was goalie for the first half and Neela (Year 4) was goalie in the second half. The team did a great job running up and down the field with fewer subs this match. Goal scorers were Ruby Kelly (1), Lilly Silvani (1) and Lola Silvani (1). – Lucy Martin (Coach)

LACROSSE – Round 3

Under 13 – Saints 17 defeated Glenelg 4
Every member of the 12 person team managed to score with excellent attacking skills. Grace Jones was in goals, saving so many shots from the other team. Serae Stolcman, Matilda Wilkin, Alannah Godfrey and Cleo Hart were amazing in the attacking positions. Lara Maione and Jaime Gower (playing as a guest) were very strong in defence. It was an excellent game because everyone was playing as a team and passing the ball around, so everyone had a chance. Very proud of all of the girls. – Dani Cox (Student Coach)

SOCCER – Round 1

Open A – Saints 1 defeated by Pembroke 4
After coming off a three-week holiday break and no training on Monday, I was very pleased with the effort put in by all of the girls. We started strongly and scored a goal early on. The combination of passes between Lucy Benn, Lysiane Franchi and Annie Bradshaw set up a great cross for Chi Chi Zhao to run onto and score. The first half finished 1-1 and the competition was tight. Unfortunately, the fatigue started to set in during the second half, resulting in Pembroke scoring a few goals. However, the girls never dropped their heads and continued persisting to win the ball. I would like to give a special shout out to our goalkeeper Kendra Ware, who played brilliantly and stopped some very powerful shots! – Ellie Anderson (Captain)

Open B – Saints 0 defeated by St Michael’s 3
For the first game of the season away at St Michael’s, it was a good performance with plenty of positives and improvements that can be taken away both individually and as a team. It was an evenly-balanced game across the field for both teams, regardless of the goals we conceded. We played a style of soccer that was based upon playing out from the back, accurate passing and maintaining formation. I congratulate the girls for maintaining a positive mindset throughout, so keep it up and hopefully we’ll get a win next game playing our style of soccer. – TJ Scarsgill (Coach)

Middle A – Saints 5 defeated Pembroke 0
Given the long break, the girls showed great determination. We improved our performance as the match went on and had a terrific second half. There are areas we will continue to work on over the coming weeks including passing and finishing. Goal scorers: Januri Wagaarachchi (2), Lilly Maerschel (2) and Chloe Richardson (1). – Ange Gouvielos

Middle B – Saints 1 drew with Pembroke 1
Promising start to the season from the girls! Lucy Mitchell did extremely well to control the backline and sweep up loose balls whilst Alicia and Monica were everywhere in the midfield, putting in great tackles and covering a lot of ground to help out the defence. Up front, Alix Douglas supported Stella Rasheed and Sophia Langley really well as we tried to get up the pitch, resulting in a great team goal finished by Sophia! Ended in a draw but we showed great signs moving forward, go blues! – Nathan Reade (Coach)

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