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Enews – Week 1, Term 3 2017

Issue no. 21
W1 Middle School

From the Principal

juliashea_web-200x300-200x300As a parent, there is nothing that brings you more joy than seeing your children happy. We’ll all be able to remember a time in our girls’ lives where they saw or experienced something new and their faces lit up with excitement. On Tuesday morning I sat at the top of the stairs in our new Middle School as the girls walked in for the first time. It was a moment in my career that will stay with me forever. The looks of astonishment, the smiles so wide, the squeals of joy when it finally sunk in that this was ‘their space’. I was a proud parent 200 times over! The building is remarkable – I wanted natural light, transparency so that our teaching and learning would be visible, flexibility, a design that would bring the ‘outside in’ so that we embraced the beauty of our natural surroundings – and the final result has delivered all of that and more. Our Middle School has a new home, where the key elements of space and pedagogy will be intertwined, a place in which our girls will be inspired to explore and engage.

I know that many of you will be keen to see the new facility. That opportunity will be available before school on Tuesday and Friday in Week 3. Richard Lisle and myself will meet interested parents at the Saints Girls Café on the steps of the Food Technology Centre at 7.45am. You’ll be able to pick up a cup of coffee and spend some time reviewing the new site. For now, have a look at this video capturing the excitement of day one.

Whilst we have gained access to the Middle School, the external works are still a number of weeks from completion. The lift has been installed but the external staircase and works outside the northern entrance won’t be completed until the end of next month. In the meantime, the western door to the Main Building remains the point of entry.
Work on the new Library has commenced. Demolition of the old Middle School is almost complete and the structural steel for the magnificent balcony over Ferguson Park has been installed. The views from this Library will be both stunning and unique. This is another six-month project with the facility due to open for Term 1 next year. At that point the Chapel will return to being our place of worship.

Tuck Shop

Friday has been ‘lunch order day’ in my house for as long as I can remember. Unfortunately by the end of the week my wallet is usually empty! Problem solved – from today, you can order your child’s lunch online. Further details are provided in the Enews.

And finally, a very warm welcome to our Mid-Year Reception class. The girls have enjoyed a wonderful first week of ‘big school’. Please continue to be mindful of their 3.15pm finish and do not park in the pick-up zone prior to this time.

Best wishes for another great term. No doubt I’ll see many of you at FAME – The Musical next week.

Julia Shea

W1 Middle School Collage

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Welcoming our newest Saints girls!

W1 Reception
It has been a very exciting start for the Mid-Year Reception students. The girls have settled extremely well into school life, and have enjoyed meeting new friends in the classroom and school yard. They have spent time exploring their new classroom, listening to stories, learning about the important rules and procedures of the classroom, and brainstorming ways to be a good friend and learner. I am so proud of the girls’ confidence and sense of agency, and am looking forward to seeing their growth over the coming weeks.

Meg Karvonen
Mid-Year Reception Teacher

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Exciting news from the Tuck Shop!

W1 Tuck Shop

Due to considerable demand, the School is introducing an online ordering system for our Tuck Shop.

The Flexischools cashless program is used by schools around the country. Please note, the Tuck Shop will continue to accept cash and lunch bag orders at this stage.

To access the new service, log in to the myLink Parent Portal and select the “Tuck Shop” tab on the top menu. This will take you to the Flexischools site where you can set up and manage an account via the following steps:

  1. Register your details with Flexischools. Search for the School’s name (remembering to add the apostrophe in St Peter’s), add the student name, year level and class/home group teacher.
  2. Top-Up your account using Visa, Mastercard, PayPal or direct deposit.
  3. Place an order and proceed to payment.
  4. Review Orders by logging back in to your Flexischools account. You can set recurring orders, view transaction history or cancel orders.

What does it cost?
Canteen Online Ordering Fees:
$0.29 per order
Account Top-Up Fees:   
Direct Deposit $0.00
Credit card (Visa/Mastercard) $0.15+1%
PayPal $0.15+1%

For a demonstration of how to use the system, please watch this instructional video:

You can register today and place orders for Monday onwards. Orders can be placed up until 9.30am on the day of the order. The same deadline applies for order cancellations.

If you experience any issues with the ordering system, please contact Flexischools: help@flexischools.com.au or 1300 361 769.
If you have any menu-related queries or are too late to cancel an order online, email the Tuck Shop: tuckshop@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

We hope you enjoy using this new service.

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Making a difference in the community

W1 Eve Kickstart for KidsYear 10 student, Eve Habel, spent a week volunteering at Camp KickStart, an initiative of KickStart for Kids, the Kennion House charity. We asked Eve to tell us a little more about her experience over the holidays.

“I spent a week of the school holidays working as a volunteer at Camp KickStart. It’s a charity started by foster parent Ian Steel to help disadvantaged kids have a full week of fun in the holidays. I came across the idea when I volunteered at Kennion House’s charity KickStart for Kids breakfasts. I’m interested in becoming a teacher or social worker with at-risk kids and so I thought this was a great way to find out if this career suited me. The days started at 6.30am when we headed out to the homes to pick the kids up. We were based at a school in Semaphore and it was my job to help with meal preparation, supervise time on the play equipment, help with artwork and put on dance classes. Each day we took small groups on various excursions including a visit to St Kilda playground and the movies. The kids were really bright and eager to have some fun and I could tell that many were pleased to get into a new environment for the day. At the end of the day, we’d pile the kids back onto the buses and drop them home. They were long days but I got a real insight into what’s needed in the community and how I can be a small part of the solution.”

Eve Habel
Year 10 student

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FAME – The Musical opening night is less than a week away!

FAME - The Musical BANNER - St Peter's Girls' School

Do you want to live forever? Do you want to learn how to fly?

Here’s your chance! Tickets for FAME – The Musical are on sale! Come share in this 80s-inspired, pop musical extravaganza!

Performance dates:  3 – 5 August 2017 at 7pm
Place: St Peter’s Girls’ School, Arts Centre
Ticket prices: Adult $15
Student/Concession $10
Family (2 Adults/2 Children) $35

Visit www.trybooking.com/QDGU to book your seats for this great show!

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Our future Middle Schoolers explore the new facilities

W1 Year 1 Middle School
On Tuesday 25 July, it wasn’t just the Years 7 – 9 students who were excited to discover the new learning environment. Year 1 students, who have ‘lived’ next door to the building site all year, finally got the chance to wander around and look at where they will be moving to in six years! Here are some reflections from the students, who were particularly interested in the decorative ceiling holes:

“I like the carpet and I can smell the carpet. The Humzy is Mrs Risbey’s classroom.” – Grace

“I took a photo of the ceiling. It had holes in it. There were little ones and big ones. I think the big girls really like their new Middle School. It looks awesome! If I was in Middle School I would be very very lucky and I would not go to the next year because it would be too good to leave.” – Sylvie

“I felt happy for all the big people but a tiny bit jealous. Then I took a photo of the ceiling. It was very interesting for me because ceilings don’t normally have holes in them. Mrs Sandercock showed us that below the Middle School was the corridor. I was so surprised!” – Aarcha

“I am jealous of the new Middle School, but happy that it’s built. The toilets were amazing. The whole Middle School is! It was lovely.” – Matilda

Before we know it, the Year 1s will be in Middle School enjoying the incredible facilities.

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Between These Lines – the 2017 Senior Drama Production

W1 Between These Lines
The Year 11 and 12 Drama students are currently working hard on their major group production which will be staged in Week 4 of this term. Another original play, Between These Lines explores the interconnections between people and the way in which our stories are interwoven and overlap. Following a range of characters through the course of one day, the play is funny, poignant and thought-provoking. For an entertaining night out – and the opportunity to see our senior drama students strut their impressive skills – plan on being in the audience on either Wednesday 16, Thursday 17 or Friday 18 August at 7pm. Bookings via www.trybooking.com/RFYX.

Michael Butler-Wills
Head of English/Drama Teacher

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Technology partnership making news

Students opting to study Year 10 Digital Technologies in 2018 will have an exciting opportunity to experience the world of business intelligence and data analytics. In the first year this subject is being offered, students will work in project teams with the mentorship of some of South Australia’s top business intelligence and data analytic consultants.

Through the School’s association with “Her Tech Path South Australia”, a voluntary community of women working in the IT industry, St Peter’s Girls has partnered with Exposé to deliver a real-world experience aimed at encouraging more girls to further their studies in Digital Technologies.

The project will enable girls to work in a number of different roles to solve problems with the use of business intelligence. Students will be exposed to the growing world of data, one of the most valuable assets for a business. Each project group will have weekly access to an industry mentor who will work with them to refine their ideas and challenge their thinking. 

Gender imbalance in the Technology field has featured prevalently in the news with concerns for the future of Australia’s economy and lack of diversity in STEM disciplines. Her Tech Path South Australia aims to educate school girls, parents and teachers about what a career in technology looks like, challenging the stereotypes of what a technologist is (many different things). Through industry partnerships we are able to educate students, teachers and careers counsellors about professional pathways that are exploding with opportunities.

Read more about our latest partnership in the article below which featured in The Advertiser’s Business Journal this week.

Monique Green
Digital Technologies and Coding Teacher

ADELAIDE business intelligence and data analytics firm Exposé has expanded into Melbourne and has ambitions to more than double its Australian workforce within the next 12 months.

But the King William St firm has another goal: to improve its gender balance.

The company, which has recorded revenue in excess of $2.5 million in its first year, has two women among its 15-strong workforce.

Head of technology and solutions Etienne Oosthuysen (pictured above with Expose colleagues Rajesh Kotian and Kelly Drewett) said it was “tricky” finding the necessary talent to meet the company’s rapid growth but that hiring more women was a priority.

“In this industry that is a big thing for us, to try and not be male heavy and make it as equal as possible,” the father of a one-year-old girl said.

To that end, the company has partnered with St Peter’s Girls School to introduce students to the world of big data.

Kelly Drewett, Expose head of marketing and sales, said Year 10 students from next year will gain experience as “consultants” for Expose, which will contribute to the students’ special projects component of their IT studies.

The students will work for four “mock” clients and have to come up with a business solution under the guidance of Expose mentors.

“I’ve been on boards in the past where we’ve talked about getting university students and mentoring them and showing them what it’s like to work in the real world, but in some ways that’s too late,” she said.

“Nowadays, we are looking at primary schools, because there are a lot of kids out there who can operate an iPad or computer better than parents.”

She said about 24 St Peter’s students will work on the Expose project for up to two hours a week for a semester.

It comes as Expose has this month employed its first Melbourne-based consultant Rajesh Kotian, who has moved from Bupa where he was an information and business consultant. The expansion into Melbourne had been assisted by Adelaide City Council, which had referred Expose to two Melbourne councils.

Ms Drewett said the company cannot hire business intelligence and data analytics consultants “fast enough” to meet demand.

“It’s hard, we’ve managed to secure 15 best-of-breed consultants in South Australia and we’re probably going to look for another five over the next six months in Adelaide alone,” she said. “We’ve started with one in Melbourne this month, then we’re predicting we’ll bring on another two in the next two to three months, and hopefully the next six to 12 we’ll be at 15 in Melbourne.

“Our customers here passed work to their peers interstate, so we were getting more and more work in the eastern states, we were sending our team from Adelaide either over there to work and working remotely, so it just made sense to look at bringing more staff on, certainly in Melbourne.”

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The Long Lunch

W9 The Long Lunch

Join us on a Greek Odyssey at the St Peter’s Girls’ Foundation Long Lunch

Sunday 24 September 12 noon – 5pm
Held at a secret location on the St Peter’s Girls’ School grounds

Tickets $120
Book at trybooking.com/PMZS

Auction Items needed

The St Peter’s Girls’ Foundation is also seeking donations for our silent auction to be held at The Long Lunch. If you or a family member have any products or services you are able to donate, we are happy to promote your business. Every item counts and any donations will be greatly appreciated. Without the generosity of our community and our amazing volunteers, these events would not be possible. Thank you in advance for your kind and generous consideration.

Please contact Melissa Westgate on 8334 2244 or mwestgate@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au if you have any queries. Items can be dropped off to Melissa in the Community Relations Office.

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Golden Ticket Lottery – would you like to win $15,000 off your School fees?

Golden Ticket Enews Image
Visit www.trybooking.com/PMZS to purchase your ticket in the Golden Ticket Lottery!

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Does your family have a connection to Woodlands Girls’ Grammar School?

Year 11 Scholarship information

The Elaine Balfour Ogilvy Scholarship is for girls who are planning to enter Year 12 next year, who attend an Anglican School and whose mother or grandmother attended Woodlands Girls’ Grammar School. It was created by the Woodlands Old Scholars in honour of a graduate, an Australian Army nurse who died in a massacre in World War Two after the fall of Singapore. The Scholarship is paid to the school to assist with the recipient’s Year 12 school fees.

Applications should include an introductory letter plus three copies of a CV, mailed to:

The President,
St Peter’s Woodlands Old Scholars’ Association
39 Partridge Street

Closing Date for applications is 30 August 2017.

Interviews will be conducted at St Peter’s Woodlands during October/November as an informal chat. The panel will be assessing attributes such as presentation, enthusiasm and personal initiatives, and we will take this opportunity to view certificates and awards which substantiate the applicant’s CV.

Louise Sorrell

For inquiries, please contact Louise Sorrell via sorrell.lou@gmail.com

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Saints girls performing in Seussical JR.

W1 Seussical JR

Join all your favourite Dr Seuss characters in musical magic with Pelican Productions

It will be starring some of our students – Emma Pool (Yr 6) as a Bird Girl, Zoe Pool (Yr 5) as the Young Kangaroo and Daisy Kennett (Yr 5) as a Wickersham Brother, all in HAM cast who would love to see some familiar faces in the audience!

Enter the magical world of Dr Seuss in this fantastical musical extravaganza. Narrated by The Cat in the Hat, follow the story of Horton the Elephant who discovers a speck of dust containing tiny people the ‘Whos’, whom he must protect, facing ridicule from a number of naysayers and various dangers along the way. Ultimately a story of the triumph of friendship, loyalty, family and community, Seussical Jr. will leave your imagination buzzing as only Seuss can.

Don’t miss Seussical JR. as it hits the Adelaide stage 15 – 17 September, playing at Norwood Concert Hall, 175 The Parade, Norwood.

Tickets are on sale now through www.pelicanproductions.com.au. Adults $35, Concession $32 and Children $25. Group bookings also available. Suitable for all ages.

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World-renowned choral arranger Kirby Shaw is coming to Saints Girls

Kirby Shaw Banner
The Concert Choir is currently refining their pieces for the upcoming Kirby Shaw Concert on Sunday August 13 to be held in our Arts Centre at 7pm. The American choral expert, a renowned arranger for over 50 years, flies into Australia at the beginning of Week 3 and is touring several SA schools including ours. He will be here on Friday afternoon 11 August to workshop our performance pieces. The girls are particularly looking forward to combining with other schools in the big finale numbers including the boys from Prince Alfred College on Sunday. The concert looks to be a really enjoyable and an eclectic mix of School and Community Choir performances from all over Adelaide. Tickets can be purchased via www.trybooking.com/QESP.

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2018 HASSE Space School International Study Program

W9 HASSE Space School
I am pleased to announce that St Peter’s Girls will be involved in the 2018 HASSE Space School International Study Program. Through our partnership with the Alliance of Girls Schools of Australasia (AGSA), our students have the unique opportunity to join other girls from participating Alliance schools on this once-in-a-lifetime, Science and Technology-based experience at NASA in the USA.

The program is tailored to expose the girls to women who are leaders in Science and Technology. It will give them access to NASA facilities and training programs, while learning foundation personal and leadership skills to apply through their school years and beyond.

For more information, visit www.ivicon.com.au/alliance.

Please keep 15 August free as there is a one-hour information session about this international study program to be held at Seymour College’s Centre of Performing Arts.

Brian Parsons
Acting Director of Teaching and Learning

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Winter Interhouse Meal Deal

Winter Interhouse Meal Deal
The Winter Interhouse will be held on Saturday 12 August, and to feed the hungry players and supporters, the Saints Sport Support Group is providing breakfast!

Parents, give yourselves the morning off from making breakfast and let us do it for you.

Orders can be collected from the BBQ area, just follow the delicious smells from 8 – 10.30am.

This year we’re offering sausages in bread, egg and bacon sandwiches, and a variety of beverages. Food options start at $2.

To purchase your Winter Interhouse Meal Deal please visit www.trybooking.com/QOQF.

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Sports News

W1 Sport


Wednesday 2 August – IGSSA AFL Carnival (Years 8/9)
Saturday 12 August – Winter Interhouse (Years 7 – 12)
Thursday 29 August – Rowing information night (6pm for current and new rowers)
Tuesday 5 September – SAPSASA District Athletics (Years 4 – 7 selected students) at Athletics SA Stadium, Mile End
Friday 8 September– Sports Day (Years 4 – 12) at Athletics SA Stadium, Mile End
Sunday 10 September – Come and Try Rowing, Scotch boat shed on River Torrens (Years 6 – 12)
Monday 11 September – Rowing training commences (Years 10 – 12)
Tuesday 13 September – Summer Sport commences (Years 7 – 12) including Rowing training (Year 7-9) at Scotch boat shed on River Torrens
Friday 22 September – Gymnastic Gym For All Challenge at Gym SA, Marion (Years 3 – 6)
Tuesday 26 September – State SAPSASA Athletics (Years 4 – 7) at Athletics SA Stadium, Mile End
Wednesday 27 September – IGSSA Athletics (Years 7 -12 for selected students) at Athletics SA Stadium, Mile End


A reminder that we would love to hear of any exciting news or notable sporting achievements. Simply email Neil Fuller – nfuller@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au


In preparation for Sports Day in Week 7, we are providing athletic training for students in Years 4 to 12 each Wednesday and Friday morning from 7.10am – 8.10am. There will be options for students to work on sprints, middle and long distance running, as well as throws and jumps (except high jump). Interested students should advise Mr Fuller if they wish to attend.


Congratulations to the East Adelaide SAPSASA girls’ hockey team who won Division 1 gold medals at the State Hockey Carnival late last term. It’s a great achievement and Saints was represented by Bridgette Leach (Year 6) and Molly Dwyer (Year 5) who has also been named to represent South Australia at the 12 and under National Championships in December.


Both East Adelaide netball teams recently blitzed a SAPSASA netball competition (A team 1st in Division 3, and B team 1st in Division 7). Congratulations to Lucy White (Year 7) and Willow Stewart-Rattray (Year 6) who both participated and helped the teams move into higher divisions next year.

SWIMMING – State Short Course Championships

Congratulations to a number of Saints Girls who competed at the State Short Course Championships with some outstanding performances.

Matilda Braithwaite – 1st in 200m breaststroke, 2nd in 100m breaststroke and 3rd in 50m breaststroke.
Georgina Wakeham – bronze in the girls’ 12 and under 200m backstroke
Lara Wakeham – contested 12 events and won gold in the girls’ 13 year old 800m freestyle and bronze in the girls’ 13 year old 200m backstroke
Stephanie Smalls – got to the podium four times in the 13 girls, finishing 2nd 50m butterfly, 3rd 100m butterfly, 100m freestyle and 100 IM
Emily Baldwinson – won silver in the 200m butterfly, gold in the 4x50m medley relay and gold in the 4x50m freestyle relay
Poppy Marshall – won gold in the 50m breaststroke and bronze in the 100m and 200m breast stroke with personal best times in all races
Grace Sampson – personal best times in 50m, 100m and 200m freestyle, 50m and 100m backstroke, 400 IM, and competed in the 100m and 200m open backstroke finals


Saskia Jonats (Year 8) and Alyssa Woolley (Year 8) represented SA in the under 14 water polo team that competed in Sydney at the Youth Festival in the first week of the holidays and learnt a great deal over the five-day championship.

AEROBICS – State Finals

Saturday 24 June
Over the past semester, girls from Years 5 to 9 have been training and rehearsing for the School Aerobics Preliminary and State finals. For many of the girls, this was their first time on the stage in front of a panel of judges. The girls have continued to display great improvement in every training session and we look forward to further developing their skill and understanding of the sport, in preparation for the 2018 season.

The final results were as follows:

Electroblitz – 3rd
Mystic Pearls – 3rd
Purple Reflection – 4th
Who’s Bad – 2nd

Aerobics will recommence in the later stages of Term 3 with trials and team selections and we look forward to working with the girls again later in the year.

Kira Trevarrow
Head Coach


Wednesday 28 June
To finish the term, the Open Saints AFL team participated in an AFL carnival that involved 7 of the 10 IGSSA schools. Despite Saints being confident, they were taken by surprise in the first game against Pulteney, who they had beaten a week earlier. In the shortened round-robin format of 2 x 10-minute halves, Saints started slowly and could not recover, losing 8-13 with Grace Packer having a fantastic defensive game taking a number of marks. Next Saints faced Wilderness and despite being even at half-time, Saints lost momentum losing 7-21 making a finals run difficult.

In match 3 against Walford, Thandi Murada (3 goals) and Holly Cunningham (2 goals) were again stand-outs helping Saints to a comfortable 32-0 victory.
Game 4 against Pembroke was a very close one, with Saints defending gallantly late in the piece with some strong defence by Ebony Nash-Smith and Talah Gobell to see Saints win 7-2.

Next Saints faced rival Seymour and as girls tired it meant more players had to stand up. Eleanor Pyne and Ella Robinson did this, scoring Saints goals. With the game tied, Saints had a couple of chances to secure a win but just couldn’t quite manage to post the winning score.

Unfortunately, Saints faced the best team in the competition in the final game, Immanuel. With players weary and sore, Saints were unable to match the strength and skills of Immanuel going down 0-46.

The inclusion of AFL has been very positive and will certainly feature in the sporting choices for the future. All girls who have been involved have been passionate, committed and shown great improvement in individual and teams skills. For this they should be congratulated, along with Roger Mills who has taken on the coaching and management of the team.

Neil Fuller
Director of Sport


Wednesday 28 June
Middle A – Saints 0 defeated by Wilderness 1
A dominant performance from the team but unfortunately no result to show that. After countless opportunities missed, one counter-attack was all it took to go a goal down. Even after conceding, the girls fought until the end but couldn’t convert any of the chances to bring back a goal. – Vincent Talladira (Coach)

Middle B – Saints 1 defeated by Wilderness 4
The Girls kept trying for the entire game and have shown improvement from the start of the season. Our two goalkeepers performed exceptionally and kept us in the game. We were unlucky to concede the goals. As a team, we created a few chances which enabled us to score a goal. Keep working hard girls. – Manni Kostoplous (Coach)

Year 7 – Saints 1 drew with Seymour 1
Each week, the team has improved and this game showed it. The girls dominated from the beginning, but could not convert their chances in the first half. Seymour scored just after half time, but the girls kept trying, eventually scoring late in the second half. Overall a good team performance. Special mention to Mia Dodd who was goal keeper for the whole game and did a great job. Well done girls. – Peter Krantis (Coach)


Saturday 30 June
Under 15 – Saints 14 defeated Sturt 5
Saints continued their great season with Chelsea Walls scoring an amazing 6 goals and Willow Stewart-Rattray, who was outstanding in attack, scoring her first two goals of the season. Hattie Maerschel, Millie Wilkin and Portia Maerschel all played brilliantly, so well in fact that when it came to the mercy rule, the three were not allowed on the field. There was great improvement and a lot more talking and communicating going on with the defence until about the third quarter where penalties were being given out left, right and centre; at the end of the game it came to a total of 11 penalties. All in all, we played well and the girls put in their best efforts so congratulations girls, for another fantastic win.

Under 11 – Saints Blue 6 defeated by Wilderness White 9
All of the girls began the match very well as everyone ran forward into space whilst in attack, especially Madison Dornbusch (Year 3) and Serae Stolcman (Year 3). Many of the girls showed their improving lacrosse skills by successfully getting ground balls against the opposition; Sophie Lively (Year 3) did this particularly well. At half time the girls were still in with a chance to win the match as they were only down by two goals. Savannah Walls (Year 3) and Jenna Maione (Year 5) did a great job at shooting in the corners of the goal. Some of the girls, especially Lara Maione (Year 4), improved their shooting skills by throwing over-arm to get more power. Elysia Scarr (Year 4) was our goalie who did an excellent job, particularly at clearing the ball to her teammates. Goal scorers were Madison, Jenna, Lara and Savannah. – Lucy Martin (Coach)

Under 11 – Saints White 2 defeated by North Adelaide 3
The game was a close one, and the girls played very well by running the ball down the field and passing it to a free player. I was very pleased that even though it was a tight game that everyone had a chance to play, were diligent in their defending and never gave up fighting for the ground balls. The girls used the space well, including passing to a player behind the goal to spread out the opposition’s defence. There were some perfect passes and a lot of shots on goal. We welcome back Emily Bates (Year 3) from having a broken arm, and thank her for volunteering to do goalkeeping for the game. Special mentions go to Lauren Pearce (Year 4) for scoring our two goals, and Coco Dimond (Year 4) and Ella Pearce (Year 2) for their diligence. – Courtney Tasker (Coach)

NETBALL – Year 6/7 Knockout

Wednesday 26 July
Saints 8 defeated by Linden Park 26

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