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eNews – Week 1, Term 1 2020

Issue no. 1Enews-banner

W1 - Banner

From the Principal

juliashea_web-200x300-200x300Welcome to 2020 at Saints Girls.

Schools such as ours are often described as conservative, viewed by many as guardians of great traditions and defenders of more than a century of accumulated wisdom. And, indeed, it would be foolish not to remind ourselves of what preceding generations have managed to learn and implement. Equally important, however, is to look forward and re-evaluate our vision in order to refresh and reaffirm our validity in this new decade. We must be agile, innovative and constantly seeking ways to respond to the challenges resulting from rapid economic, environmental, social and technological change.

That said, the School has been through much transformation in recent years with the now-complete Strategic Plan ‘A New Vision – Towards 125’ providing a framework that has served us well. As such, we believe that the seven clear strategic pillars outlined in that plan remain relevant for the three years ahead. There are three primary ones of most importance to our girls, supported by four secondary areas. In the new 2020 – 2022 Strategic Plan, we have identified two priorities under each of those pillars that are fundamental to Saints Girls remaining a world-class deliverer of girls’ education.

If we were to imagine metaphorically that the School is an island from which Year 12s depart on Celebration Day, we must be sure that, amongst the myriad of knowledge, skills, attributes and values they have learned and acquired, somewhere, we have taught them to swim. So, what do contemporary 21st century swimming lessons look like? It’s a question we must answer because ultimately our success should not be measured by ATAR statistics but rather by where our girls end up after they swim away from the island. What does life look like for them five or ten years after a Saints Girls’ education? Have we genuinely set them up for success? Each of the priorities outlined in the diagram below stem from the recognition of what we need to do for that question to be answered in the affirmative.

Strategic Direction Diagram

Even though we will prioritise work in these areas, there is still much consolidation of previous goals to occur. For example, the #EMPOWHER program isn’t now ‘done’. Rather, content needs to be reviewed, resources need to be updated and the quality of delivery of the program needs to be evaluated. Most importantly, we need to quantitatively assess whether or not it’s made a difference. Continuous improvement of all that is currently in place at the School doesn’t need to be articulated in a Strategic Plan – it’s a given.

So, over the next three years, we will once again embrace change, but do it with compassion. We will support colleagues to become better teachers, coaches and conductors. We will use new technologies and data analysis to uncover new ways of doing what we’ve always done but do it better. We will collaborate with others inside and outside the School. But ultimately everything will be driven by an unwavering focus to do the very best for each and every one of the young people in our care. And when all goes to plan, Saints Girls will not just be the place to learn, but the place to be.

Staffing News

Ruby Kilpatrick, Georgia Lyng, Elina Qian, Bethany Rix, Ellen Rousvanis, Olivia Sam and Ziqi Li (Lily) join our wonderful team of co-educators in the ELC. Courtney Sandford is our new ELC specialist Music teacher. In changes to the teaching staff, Craig Byrne is our new Head of Science, Emily Moxon joins the English Department, Katherine Perkas joins the PE Department and Celia Zamel will teach French.

Goldy Yong joins our team of lab technicians and will assist our teaching staff in giving our girls a great practical experience in the new Science Centre. Lara Strever and Sarah Turnbull will work predominantly in the Junior School as Educational Support Officers, and Tim Wissman has joined our IT team for a short period. Rachel Vanderzon will replace Communications Coordinator Jess Gillard whilst she is on maternity leave.

As always, our members of staff look forward to speaking with you at the P&F Drinks on the Lawns next Friday from 7pm.

Building Works

The western entrance to the car park was widened over the holidays, making it easier for cars to enter and exit the School simultaneously. Please adhere to the ‘no right-hand turn’ signs as this allows traffic to flow more smoothly. When using the drop-off and pick-up zone, move as far down the zone as possible and do not leave your car unattended. If your daughter is not there for collection, simply do another loop of the car park. Staff will be on duty to assist you and it would be appreciated if you would follow their instructions.

Work continued on the refurbishment of the Sarah Wing and the replacement of the Chiverton balcony during the summer holidays. Both projects are scheduled to be completed in coming months and we will keep you updated via the eNews and our social media accounts. Once these works have finished, the upgrade to the classrooms on the Junior School corridor will commence. Much thought has gone into the timing and delivery of this project, given the proximity to working classrooms. More detailed information will be made available in the weeks ahead.

So, let the fun begin! With the Swimming Carnival, Choral Night, Head of the River and camps not far away, there is no such thing as a ‘quiet start’ to the year. Hold onto your hats and enjoy all that 2020 has to offer.

Julia Shea

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The Saints Girls’ Journey…

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To celebrate the new school year, four new Receptions were joined by some Year 12s for a photo. What made this photo extra special was that all eight Year 12s began their Saints Girls’ journey in Reception. So, while the Receptions were enjoying their very first ‘first day of school’, the Year 12s pictured were enjoying their last ‘first day of school’. This photo was incredibly popular on our Facebook page, and we invite families to ‘Like’ us on Facebook, or follow us on Instagram.


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Welcome Drinks on the Lawns

W1 - Welcome Drinks on the Lawns
The Parents’ and Friends’ Association invites all parents to welcome in the new school year at the traditional Welcome Drinks on the Lawns next Friday 7 February from 7 – 9pm on Chiverton Lawns.

This annual, parents-only event is a great opportunity for new parents to meet and connect with other parents, teachers and school staff in a relaxed atmosphere.

Food and drinks will be provided courtesy of the Parents’ and Friends’ Association, as well as a DJ spinning some groovy tunes throughout the evening.

Please feel free to seek out our P&F Committee Members on the night to learn about the volunteering opportunities here at Saints Girls.

Friday 7 February
7 – 9pm
Chiverton Lawns, St Peter’s Girls’ School

Bronwyn Bartter
Parents’ and Friends’ Association President

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Compassion in Cambodia

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Holidays were put on pause for 20 students who had the incredible opportunity to participate in the annual Service Learning Trip to Cambodia. The girls experienced many aspects of Cambodian life as they lived at New Hope for Cambodian Children’s Village, then travelled to Siem Reap where they spent a week building four houses for a rural community with Volunteer Building Cambodia. This was an eye-opening experience for the girls who saw first-hand the type of housing many families are living in.

Each student who went on the trip was impacted in different ways. Here are some of their reflections:

“During our stay in Siem Reap, we participated in Volunteer Building Cambodia’s building program to construct houses for families living in poverty. Every morning, Saints and PAC took an hour bus ride to countryside Cambodia to build four traditional Khmer-style wooden houses. We hand-sawed planks of wood for walls, floorboards and a staircase, and were taught how to create the smaller details of the house such as the windows, railing and ladder. Local builders assisted us in building the frame of the house and supported us throughout the week. We were a part of a traditional Khmer handover ceremony where four families were presented with their houses which were blessed by local monks. It was amazing to see the contrast from their previous houses, a small palm leaf structure on dirt, to their new houses: strong wooden houses on stilts with a tin roof. To see the happiness and joy in the families’ faces when they received their houses was extremely rewarding and will be a moment I will always remember.”

Olivia Goldsmith
Year 12 student

“Culture is prominent in Cambodian society as much of their life is based around the Buddhist faith. We experienced this by the blessing of the houses that we built, walking through the temples and the water blessing. These events allowed us to develop an understanding of how valued people’s beliefs are in their community. Not only did we experience the religious aspect of it, but walking around the night markets, learning how to bargain and trying different foods were also life-changing experiences.”

Clair Kao
Year 12 student

“A highlight of our trip was learning about life in Cambodia and how much it differs from Australia. Fortunately for the students on the trip, the food was delicious and well-liked by all! The cuisine consists mainly of rice dishes, noodle soup, curries and stir fries, with Thai and Vietnamese influences. Students even had the opportunity to try a Cambodian delicacy, fried tarantula. It was fascinating to learn about the official religion of Cambodia, Buddhism, and how it has Hindu influences because of past kings. During our many bus trips, everyone enjoyed waving to all of the kids riding to school on their scooters. It was amazing, and a little frightening, to see how many kids could fit on one scooter! It was a truly eye-opening trip that gave everyone a greater appreciation for the fortunate lives we live in Australia.”

Ellie Anderson
Year 12 student

“Visiting New Hope For Cambodian Children was an amazing experience. The children came to class so happy and ready to learn every day, and their enthusiasm was contagious. Their smiling faces met us straight after breakfast and didn’t leave until well after the sun set. We spent time playing on the playground, being challenged to and promptly losing soccer matches, singing songs and participating in clapping games. Getting to know these children, their backgrounds and personalities taught us kindness and gratitude, allowing us to see how much we really have. The trip came to an end all too soon, but I think I can say on behalf of the girls, these children will never be forgotten.”

Matilda Braithwaite
Year 12 student

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Acknowledgement Moves in New Direction

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As a part of recognising reconciliation within our School, your RAP Ambassadors have re-designed the traditional Acknowledgement that is usually said at the beginning of Assemblies in hope that this new version will spark a more meaningful approach to acknowledging aboriginal culture and traditions within our country.

This version will now appear instead of the old Acknowledgement and will be updated regularly with content that reflects reconciliation. Let your RAP Ambassadors Lucy Young, Hattie Maerschel, Letitia Page-Thomson or Tara Young know what you have been doing with a reconciliation focus, and you will become part of our ever-changing Acknowledgement.

While it may take a while to get used to, we hope that you can give this version a go as this is more reflective of our journey and acknowledges reconciliation specifically within our School community.

Lucy Young and Hattie Maerschel
RAP Ambassadors


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New Ball Game for Indoor Netballers

W1 - Indoor Netball

On 29 November, Gemma Schaedel, Olivia Kelly and I travelled to Toowoomba, Queensland for the 2019 Junior Indoor Netball National Championships. We had the privilege of being chosen to represent Indoor Netball South Australia as a part of the SA Crowns’ 16 and under Ladies’ team, and I was honoured to have been able to captain such an amazing group of girls.

The trip consisted of two parts; the first portion of the week was 6 a side with a break day in between before the 7 a side component of the tournament. Although both types were still indoor netball, they had large distinctions in their rules and were played with very diverse and advanced tactics. Six a side had different positions to the normal game and enabled the two ‘links’ and ‘attackers’ to shoot two-pointers from outside the goal circle, and players were able to utilise the nets surrounding the court to fall into. In comparison, 7 a side was much more similar to normal netball, with the same positions and the rules closely resembling outdoor netball as well as any player contact with the nets not allowed.

Our side placed 7th in 6 a side and 5th in 7 a side, with NSW taking out both shields. While away, we were able to gain a great understanding of how this game is played at an elite level, had the opportunity to learn and improve our netball and also were lucky enough to make some amazing friends from other states. This competition was such an invaluable experience which we greatly enjoyed and we hope to have the opportunity to partake in it again in the future.

Alexia Politis
Year 10 student

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Swimming Carnival 2020

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Friday 21 February

A reminder that the Year 4 to 12 Swimming Carnival will be held on Friday of Week 4 at the Adelaide Aquatic Centre. House-coloured items and ribbons are encouraged, but coloured zinc and body paint is not permitted in the pool. Details regarding bus transportation will be released soon.

More details and a program should be out by the end of Week 3.

School teams for SAPSASA (Years 4 to 7), SSSSA (Years 8 to 12) and IGSSA (Years 7 to 12) will be selected from the Swimming Carnival results.

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Tuck and School Shop Tap Payments

St Peter’s Girls has introduced tap payment technology for purchases at the Tuck Shop and School Shop.

Students from Years 3 to 12 will be able to use their student ID cards for point-of-sale transactions. This forms part of a drive towards cashless systems, which has been supported by the Student Representative Council.

To register for the service and ensure funds are available on the cards, parents will need to use the Flexischools program, which already facilitates the School’s online Tuck Shop. For instructions on how to set up an account and add funds, watch the first 30 seconds of this video. To access Flexischools, log in to the myLink Parent Portal and select the ‘Tuck Shop’ tab on the top menu. When registering, search for the School’s name, remembering to add the apostrophe in St Peter’s. Whether new to Flexischools or already registered, you will need to add each child’s ID number (found on their student ID card) under the Student Card Number ‘Setup Card’.

Parents can set a daily spending limit. For information on transaction fees and other costs, click here.

The tap technology is also being used by our regular school bus students to track trips.

If you have any queries regarding this new system, please contact our System Business Analyst Bronwyn Ledgard via bledgard@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au or 8334 2264.

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Riverland Regatta for Saints Girls

W1 - Rowing
On Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 December 2019, the St Peter’s Girls’ Rowing Program attended the 2019 Riverland Regatta & 2nd Grade State Championships, hosted in Renmark by the Renmark Rowing Club. The Riverland Regatta is a unique event. The venue and regatta course pose a number of challenges, and the schedule offers the opportunity to race in events and combinations to which our students might not normally be exposed.

Our rowers produced a number of strong performances across the weekend, taking away multiple wins in the Schoolgirl Coxed Four, 3rd Grade Women’s Double Scull and 3rd Grade Women’s Coxed Quad divisions. The regatta also serves as the 2nd Grade State Championships, and our Senior Rowers contested the 2nd Grade Double Scull, Coxed Four, and Coxed Quad divisions. In all three events St Peter’s Girls’ crews progressed to the Final, with an especially strong showing in the Double Scull, where the crew of Sophie Barr and Hattie Maerschel were contesting the win, before an unfortunate racing incident ended their race. These results were especially strong given they were achieved against club crews, keen to clinch a championship title.

The Riverland Regatta was also an opportunity for our rowing community to socialise and celebrate the end of the calendar year. The Friends of Rowing organised a dinner at the picturesque Renmark Club, overlooking the Murray River. The success of the evening and the weekend owes much to the support of our parent community.

Thank you to Rowing SA and the Renmark Rowing Club for hosting the event, and I look forward to returning to the Riverland in December for the 2020 Riverland Regatta, hosted in Berri by the Berri Rowing Club.

Brynley Millward
Director of Rowing

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Virtual School Tour

Following the completion of several state-of-the-art building works, St Peter’s Girls will be launching a public, online Virtual School Tour to celebrate and showcase life at our wonderful School.

Aerial and land drones with advanced 360 cameras will be used to create dynamic aerials and building fly-throughs that capture our facilities as they’re being used by staff and students.

Filming is scheduled to take place on 17 and 18 February (Monday and Tuesday of Week 4). As always, we ask that all students are neatly dressed in uniform.

An example of the technology can be found here.

If you have any queries or concerns, please contact Communications Director Caroline Kelly via cakelly@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

We look forward to sharing the website with you once it’s completed later in the year.

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Bushfire Action Plan

In light of recent fire crises, it is timely to remind families about the School’s Bushfire Action Plan.

The policy was developed in consultation with the CFS, MFS, Education Department and other stakeholders to ensure staff and students are prepared in the event of an emergency.

For more information, you can access our Bushfire Action Plan on the myLink parent portal by clicking the ‘School Documents’ menu item, followed by the ‘Whole School’ tab.

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Friends of The Arts Meeting

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All parents who have a daughter involved in The Arts at St Peter’s Girls’ School are invited to attend a Friends of The Arts meeting next Wednesday 5 February at 7pm in the Arts Office behind the Arts Centre.

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Saints Girls on Stage

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Four Saints Girls will be performing in March Productions’ performances of How To Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. Daisy Kennett (Year 8), Zara Blight (Year 9), Samantha Keough (Year 9) and Georgie Raftopoulos (Year 11) are performing in this 1960s musical theatre comedy with big dance numbers. It would be great to see some familiar Saints Girls’ faces in the audience!

Promo Poster

March 5 – 8
Goodwood Institute

“We have been rehearsing since December and working really hard to bring the show together. It’s a full-length musical with lots of catchy songs and dance numbers including tap! I’m really excited to be playing the role of Miss Jones, a tough secretary with a soft side, and I love the 1960s costumes we will be wearing.

Georgie will be playing the female lead role of Rosemary and Zara is playing her best friend in the comical role of Smitty. Sammi will be playing a secretary who sings and dances, as well as types!”

Daisy Kennett
Year 8 student

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School Banking Information Session

Our School is excited to offer the Commonwealth Bank School Banking program to all students:

BankingSchool Banking is a fun, interactive and engaging way for young Australians to learn about money and develop good savings habits. Children who deposit money into their Youthsaver account through School Banking earn Dollarmites tokens, which they can save up and redeem for exciting rewards.

The rewards available during 2020 are:
o Terry Denton’s Activity Book
o Mini Soccer Ball (size 2)
o Treetop Stationery Set
o Treetop Handball
o Tomato Seed Kit
o Magic Mist Drink Bottle
o Emoji Wallet
o Snakes & Ladders Game

School Banking is also a great fundraiser for the School, which receives a Regular Savers Contribution of $5 for every 10 deposits processed per student as well as an Annual Contribution which is based on the number of students who made at least one School Banking deposit in the prior year.

School Banking day is Wednesday. Each week, you need to hand your book to your classroom teacher.

We will be holding a School Banking Information Session at the School:

Wednesday 19 February
8.30 – 9.30am
Meet beside the Food Tech Deck

Please join us and find out more about the School Banking program and how your child can get involved.

If you are interested in opening a Commonwealth Bank Youthsaver account for your child, you can visit www.commbank.com.au/schoolbanking and click on the link to open a Youthsaver account. A School Banking representative will be available at the Information Session to explain how you can do this. In order to verify yourself and your child, you will need your driver’s licence and your child’s birth certificate, but if you don’t have these with you on the day, you can complete verification online at home.

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Would You Like to Join Our Amazing Team of Volunteers?

W1 - STAR Program

Our Learning Strategies volunteers are all enormously valued within the department and the broader School community. Our girls LOVE working with them, and the teachers are so appreciative of their generous donation of energy, expertise and enthusiasm. We have some exciting developments within our department in 2020 and we’d love you to join us.

Our volunteers work with our girls on areas such as literacy anywhere between a couple of lessons a week through to a couple of days per week. They include parents, grandparents, Old Scholars, retired staff and university students who are keen to gain further experience and enjoyment working with children.

To register your interest, please contact Aleasha Francis as soon as possible via afrancis@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

We will send you a volunteer information sheet to fill out and then invite you in for a chat. We will also provide training for some of our Junior School programs.

Learning Strategies Team

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OSHC Temporary Relocation

Parents of R – 6 students are advised that the OSHC program, which was based in the Food Tech building, has been temporarily relocated to the transportable on the Oval.

To access the transportable, please use the main staircase outside the Stott Wing (with the St Peter’s Girls’ sign). Children will need to be dropped off and collected from the transportable.

Beck Kranz
OSHC Supervisor

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Saints Girls’ Rowing Bingo Night

W8 - Bingo Night

Join us for a fun night of bingo to support the Rowing Program at St Peter’s Girls!

Harry’s Bar
12 Grenfell St, Adelaide
Saturday 29 February 2020 at 7pm

$45 per person or $450 per table of 10 via www.trybooking.com/BHGZV.

Tickets include pre-game drinks for the first hour, a bingo card in each of the three rounds (more cards can be purchased), and platters on tables. Amazing prizes will be up for grabs in each round, with a grand prize for the final round. Fantastic auction items will also be on offer. Additional drinks can be purchased from the bar.

We encourage you to invite your friends and book a table of 10!

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Sports News

At Saints Girls, we love hearing about and sharing results and news, whether it be achievements at school or externally. Please email information to nfuller@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.


2020 South Australian Long Course Swimming Championships 18 – 23 January 2020

Qualifying for these championships is an achievement in itself, which saw almost 1000 swimmers, including Olympians, interstate and international swimmers, converge on Oaklands Park for six days in January. All those who competed should be immensely proud of their efforts! – Lara Wakeham (Swimming Captain)

Alice Braithwaite – competed in five individual events, swimming PB times in four events and making the Girls’ 13 Years 200 Backstroke Final where she placed 7th overall.

Sophie Dansie – competed in five individual events, swimming PB times in all and qualifying for the 200 Backstroke Final and finishing 10th.

Emma Everitt – competed in two relays and eight individual events. She swam PBs in five and qualified for six finals, winning Gold in the Girls’ 11 Years 200IM and 200m Freestyle,  a Silver in the Girls’ 11 Years 50m and 100m Fly, and 100m Freestyle.

Poppy Marshall – competed in two relays and seven individual events, swimming PB times in all and making five finals. Poppy won Gold in the Girls’ 14 Years 50m, 100m and 200m Breaststroke as well as Open medals in all three events.

Ella Pearce – competed in one relay event and two individual events, swimming a PB time in her 100 m Breaststroke.

Lauren Pearce – competed in two relays and seven individual events, and swam PB times in all of her heats. Lauren also qualified for three finals,  finishing 6th in the Girls’ 11 Years 100m Backstroke Final,  7th in her 50m Fly Final and 10th in the 200m Freestyle Final.

Lily-Rose Spartalis – Lily-Rose competed in two relays for her club.

Emily Tolladay – Emily swam in two relays and two individual events, swimming a PB time in her 50m Freestyle heat.

Alyssa Tran – competed in two club relays and eight individual events and swam PB times in most of her individual swims. She also qualified for the Girls’ 11 years 100m Breaststroke Final, finishing 10th.

Isabelle Tran – competed in five club relays and 10 individual swims, with PB times in nine events. Isabelle qualified for six finals, winning Bronze in the Girls’ 13 Years 50m and 100m Fly events.

Georgina Wakeham – competed in two club relays and nine individual events, swimming PB times all her events. She qualified for two finals, finishing 4th in the Girls’ 13 Years 200m Backstroke and 9th in the 100m Backstroke.

Lara Wakeham – competed in two club relays and six individual events. Lara swam two PBs and won Bronze in the Girls’ 15 Years 400IM, and finished 4th in the Open 1500m event.

Emily Whittaker – competed in two club relays.

Tara Young – competed in three club relays.

Proclamation Day Classic 28 December 2019

Lara Wakeham contested the 5km event, finishing as the 2nd placed female in this open event.

Pub to Pub Open Water Swim (Seacliff Beach) 5 January 2020

Lara Wakeham contested the 1.6km event, finishing as the 2nd placed female, and 2nd swimmer overall.

2020 Australian Age Open Water Championships 25 – 27 January 2020

Georgina Wakeham – Georgina was one of only two South Australian swimmers who qualified for the Girls’ 14 Years 5km event. She placed 20th overall.

Lara Wakeham – Lara was the only South Australian swimmer to qualify for the Girls’ 16 Years 7.5km event, placing 10th nationally and swimming a PB time.


We have an exciting year to look forward to with amazing numbers of girls nominating to play. Congratulations to Saskia Jonats (Year 11) and Stephanie Smalls (Year 11) who recently returned from the National competition in Brisbane with the SA U18 Water Polo team and has now been selected to play for the SA Women’s Water Polo team in the National League Series which will see her travel regularly interstate to compete.

Emily Baldwinson (Year 10) represented SA in the 16&U Girls for South Australia and Sophie Dansie (Year 9) represented SA in the 14&U team. – Fiona Lethbridge (Water Polo Captain)

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