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Enews – Week 1, Term 1 2016

Issue no. 1 Enews-banner

From the Principal

JuliaShea_webWelcome to the start of the 2016 school year. It’s been a wonderful first week in what will be an incredibly busy term. Please take time to familiarise yourself with the key dates outlined later in the Enews.

Academic results

I’m delighted to report that 19.6% of our girls received an ATAR of 99 or above. That is, one in every five of our girls finished in the top 1% of the state. Special mention must be made of our overall Dux of the School, Anna Mullin, who achieved the highest possible ATAR of 99.95. Anna completed the IB Diploma Programme and received a total of five merit awards across her six subjects. In the SACE program, Theodora Galanis and Thenu Herath both received five merits and have been awarded Governor of South Australia Commendations. Statewide 2% of English Studies students were awarded an A+. In comparison, an incredible 39% of our girls achieved that level. In Biology the percentage of girls awarded an A+ was seven and a half times the state wide figure. In the Creative Arts, one third of our girls achieved an A+ in Ensemble Performance. These are just a couple of examples to indicate that our outstanding results were recorded across all faculties. In the IB Diploma Programme the average ATAR amongst the cohort was an astonishing 98.25.

Hence, extraordinary results were achieved in both our senior programs and, quite rightly, the girls should be congratulated. We look forward to welcoming many of them back to School for the Academic Excellence Assembly later this month. We are currently drawing together all the information on post-school destinations for the 2015 cohort and will have more detailed information to you in the week ahead.

Staff news

We are delighted to welcome the following people onto our teaching staff and I encourage you to take the opportunity to meet them at the upcoming information evenings.

  • Suzanne Haddy – Head of Junior School
  • Matthew Durant – Head of Mathematics
  • Carolyn Farr – IB Diploma Coordinator
  • Becca Burton-Howard – Enrichment, Differentiation and Gifted Education (EDGE) Coordinator
  • Nell Tierney – ELC Educator
  • Monique Green – Digital Technologies and Coding
  • Gabriele Trobbiani – Economics and Business
  • Amanda Gunawan – Japanese
  • Isabel Feng – Chinese

In addition, we welcome Nicole Letch to the role of School Counsellor. Nicole is with us on a full-time basis and her office is located in Chiverton.

Term dates for 2017

Term dates for 2017 are as follows:

Term 1: Monday 30 January – Thursday 13 April
Term 2: Monday 1 May – Friday 30 June
Term 3: Tuesday 25 July – Friday 29 September
Term 4: Monday 16 October – Monday 11 December

Holiday projects

sisters-garden2As is always the case, the holiday period was an exceptionally busy time at the School. The Sisters’ Garden in the centre of the School has been redeveloped. This space was rarely occupied by the girls. However, the addition of some tables and chairs and a much more open landscaping plan has seen it become the new favourite spot for our girls. I’d like to acknowledge Liam Blanden for his wonderful design and the Property Services Department under the leadership of Paul Ziesing for creating such a lovely space. This project was funded by the P&F and again I thank them for their ongoing support.
There has been some much needed refurbishment of the Drama and Music rooms. As a consequence, a new change room area has been developed near the Gymnasium. Our youngest Junior School students will benefit from some new furniture which allows them some flexibility in the design of their learning space. They have the opportunity to sit, stand, lie on the floor, and work collaboratively or individually. This is just the start. Our classroom spaces will continue to evolve to ensure our girls receive the best possible classroom experience.

sisters-garden1The new AARnet fibre optic connection has been installed in the School and is now live. This was the major component of a significant IT infrastructure upgrade which will ensure our girls ubiquitously utilise the most appropriate device for their learning.

Unfortunately, work on the Bell Yett car park did not commence over the holiday break. We anticipate that this work will commence very shortly and I’ll keep you posted on the progress in that area.

Finally, a reminder to please join me at the P&F Drinks on the Lawns next Friday evening from 6.30pm. This year is going to be an extremely busy one as we commence work on our new Master Plan and begin consultation around our new Strategic Plan. I look forward to updating you on both of those initiatives at this event, as well as introducing you to our key new members of staff.

Julia Shea

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Term 1 Calendar dates

In an effort to provide clearer information to parents about school events and activities, we will circulate a list of calendar events each term.

Our online calendar resource is available on our website and will provide the most up-to-date information available.

> Download the Term 1 calendar flyer

We hope this is a helpful resource for families.

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Meet Suzanne Haddy – the new Head of Junior School

What’s your background in education?

ms-haddyBorn and bred in Adelaide and with a strong desire to be a teacher from an early age, I began teaching in the late 1980s. Having taught for 25 years in independent schools, the last 18 of which were at St Peter’s College, first as teacher and subsequently as Head of Junior Years – Teaching and Learning, the opportunity to become Head of Junior School at St Peter’s Girls was a natural progression.

Why did you want to be the Head of Junior School at St Peter’s Girls?

St Peter’s Girls has a reputation throughout Adelaide as being an inclusive school which provides an excellent academic education, while embracing a strong sense of community. Numerous graduates and Old Scholars have impressed me with their sense of purpose, compassionate nature and ability to positively impact the world outside themselves. These qualities tend to be coupled with great fondness for their school and it’s for all of these reasons that I applied for the position. I feel incredibly privileged to be leading the Junior School and I look forward to working with the staff, girls and parents to lead it into its next phase of development and improvement.

What have you noticed during your first couple of weeks at the School?

First and foremost, I’ve noticed the dedication and professionalism of the staff. From all members of the School services staff to the teachers and leadership team, there is no doubt that everyone is passionate about their work and they are driven to provide the best outcomes for the girls. My first impression of the girls is that they are eager to learn, they are having a fabulous time re-acquainting with friends and they value and respect their school and their teachers.

What’s important to you as Head of Junior School?

As Head of Junior School it is my job to facilitate improvement in teaching and learning. I believe in setting the bar high and supporting staff and students to reach it. Academic education and well-being are equally important and ways to enhance well-being should be incorporated into all aspects of our programs. Literacy and Numeracy are foundations for all future learning and must be a priority for Junior students. Alongside these, we need to ensure that students develop the skills and dispositions required to be successful learners as well as responsible citizens. It is important that there is a culture of mutual respect and care for one another throughout the School, and that there is an understanding that education is a shared responsibility and is most successful when teachers, students and parents work respectfully together to meet common goals.

What do you do when you’re not at School?

When I’m not working, I enjoy getting into the fresh air, walking or bike-riding. Good food (both cooking and eating), good wine and good company are always pleasurable, and spending time with family and friends is a priority. I love to travel, music nourishes me, the creative arts inspire me, and I like to read when I get the time. I enjoy learning and truly believe that all of us should strive to be ‘life-long learners’. One of my more recent explorations into adult learning outside the field of education was studying French, in France, intensively for 8 weeks, having hardly read or spoken the language for well over 30 years. With no English allowed, each day was incredibly challenging and felt like an exhilarating, though somewhat exhausting, mental gymnastics workout! It was a wonderful reminder of what it is to be a student, the importance of developing students’ confidence in themselves, the value of encouraging risk-taking in learning, and acknowledging that real learning can and should feel a little uncomfortable.

What advice do you have for students starting at Saints Girls this week?

Starting at a new school can be very exciting but also a little nerve-wracking! There is an enormous amount to learn and it’s important to remember that you can’t learn it all in a day or two! There is an endless supply of willing and able staff and students who are more than happy to answer your questions or point you in the right direction. Everyone is very friendly and helpful. I encourage you to have an open mind, stay positive and understand that it gets a little bit easier each day.

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General reminders and housekeeping

The annual data update will soon be released to parents. This will involve each family checking that your contact details are up-to-date. Parents will also be able to update your daughter’s medical information.

Of course, if there are any updates we need to be aware of throughout the year, please contact the School directly on 8334 2200.


Please notify the Front Office by 9.30am via either of the following methods if your daughter(s) will be absent due to illness, or arrive at School late. If your daughter will arrive after 8.30am (due to an appointment etc.) please advise an approximate time of arrival and ask that she reports to the Front Office upon arrival.

Phone: 8334 2200
Text: 0428 601 957
Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au 

Lost property

Unnamed lost property items are held at the Front Office. Please clearly label all items of clothing and personal effects.

Lost property from each term will be displayed outside Student Services during the last week of term. Please ask your daughter to check the table for any items she may have misplaced.

Car park and traffic management

The start of a new term provides an ideal opportunity to remind members of the School community about the importance of complying with the guidelines the School has developed for our car park. We want to ensure the safety of all members of our community.

The most important points to remember are:

  • keep the car park entrance and exit zones clear
  • use the set down and pick up zones appropriately during peak times
  • obey speed limits when driving through the car park
  • to allow traffic flow, the car park entrance and exit zones must be kept clear at all times. Please do not queue across these areas.

In peak times, do not park in the set down and pick up zones for extended periods. When cars overstay in this area, the car park quickly becomes gridlocked, also bringing traffic on Stonyfell Road to a standstill.

Drivers must observe the 10 kilometre per hour speed limit at all times in the car park, whether entering, exiting or travelling through it. Speed limit signs are clearly displayed in prominent locations and, in order to ensure the speed limit is observed, speed humps were installed two years ago.

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Tutor Program coming soon

This year St Peter’s Girls’ School is offering a new Tutor Program for Years 7-12 students.

The initiative aims to support our students as they navigate the complexities of their Middle and Senior School studies.

Our team of tutors are all recent Old Scholars, who know the demands of being a student.  These Old Scholars are some of our best and brightest minds, who excelled in their studies and have gone on to great academic success in their life after school.

Our tutors have been carefully selected to cover key subject areas such as Maths, Science, English and Humanities and will be employed directly by the School. The Tutoring sessions will occur before and after school.

The Tutors will have access to course outlines and assessment requirements and be able to provide clear feedback and reinforce understanding of subjects for students. They will also be communicating directly with subject teachers if required.

Sessions will commence in Week 3, and students will be able to sign up to the sessions they wish to attend from next week.

Students will be given more information next week about the program and the sign up process.

For further information about how your daughter can benefit from this initiative, please contact me on 8334 2238 or email kskinner@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Kerry Skinner
Deputy Principal and Head of Senior School

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Out of School Hours Care

St Peter’s Girls’ School provides an Out of School Hours Care program which includes Before School Care and After School Care for Primary school age students. The program enriches the children’s well-being and development as they engage in a range of planned play and leisure experiences.

The quality care and supervision is conducted by trained/accredited staff. The students have access to indoor and outdoor play experiences with the opportunity for quiet time, as well as a healthy variety of snacks, including fruit and vegetables.

Bookings must be made on a permanent basis per term, with casual bookings only considered if places are available and bookings are made at least 24 hours prior to the day the care is required. In addition, students who catch the bus on Tuesdays and Thursdays are welcome to attend the OSHC before they leave the School grounds.

Before attending OSHC, a Student Registration Form and Booking Form must be completed. Enquiries can be made via the Student Services Desk on 8334 2261.

> Download the registration form
> Download the Term 1 booking form
> OSHC Policy Procedure booklet

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Music Camp

For any students in Years 5 – 12 involved in a school musical ensemble, our annual Music Camp will be held in Week 3 this term, from Wednesday 17 to Saturday 20 February.

Music Camp is a wonderful opportunity to make friends with girls from across year levels in a relaxed environment, receive fantastic tuition from our instrumental tutors and enjoy playing fun music in large ensembles. Different ensembles will depart for Ardrossan on different days.

The camp will culminate in a special concert at the Ardrossan Town Hall to help fundraise for their local hospital. We encourage parents and family members to join us in Ardrossan for the concert. Tickets are available for $10 at the door. The concert should finish at 5.30pm. The town hall is located on the corner of First and Fourth Street.

If you have any questions regarding Music Camp or the ensembles offered at School, please contact Jeanne Phillips or me in the Arts Office.

A draft rehearsal schedule for our different music groups is also now available:

> Download the ensemble rehearsal schedule

Sally Rounsevell
Director of Music

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Support Abseil for Anglicare SA

abseil-for-AnglicareFormer Chairman of the Board and past parent, Bruce Linn, has been appointed Chairman of the Anglicare SA Board. With a little trepidation, he has also signed up for what may be his most exciting challenge yet: Abseil for Anglicare SA. Anglicare SA serves 55,000 South Australians in need every year.

Bruce will step off the top of the Intercontinental Hotel in Adelaide, with the aim of showing leadership in fundraising for Anglicare’s important mission.

If you would like to show your support for Bruce, please sponsor him here: https://abseilforanglicaresa2016.everydayhero.com/au/bruce

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Welcome to 2016 from the P&F

P&F Drinks on the Lawns Enews

Drinks on the Lawns

The St Peter’s Girls Parents’ and Friends’ Association would like to extend a warm invitation to all parents to welcome in the new school year at the traditional Drinks on the Lawns from 6.30pm on Friday 12 February. This annual event is a great way for new parents to meet and socialise with existing parents in an informal atmosphere.

Twilight Cinema

We would also like to draw attention to the annual Twilight Cinema Carnival, which takes place on Saturday 20 February from 5pm. We will be screening the movie, Oddball, and there will be plenty going on to keep everyone happy – including some sporting challenges, a waterslide, bouncy castle, live music and much more. There will be a licensed bar and a range of food options from pizza and paella to ice cream and popcorn. Tickets are available in advance through Trybooking or at the gate on the day. Parking will be available on the school oval.

Tickets $40 per family or $15 per adult and $10 per child/student

Tickets are available from www.trybooking.com/GVFE

As always, we would love to have a few parents to help set up and pack down this event. Helpers are required throughout the day and event on Saturday, as well as Sunday morning. You only need to assist for a couple of hours. If you are interested in lending a hand, please complete the registration form and return to the Development Office.


Making a difference

As a result of its previous fundraising efforts, at the end of 2015 the P&F were proud to present a cheque for $50,000 to the School, which was used to purchase a NAO Humanoid Robot as well as pay for the redevelopment of the Sisters’ Memorial Garden. The garden is now a feature spot on the campus, which the girls have enjoyed this week – and this is proof that the fundraising efforts of the many community groups does have a real impact on the school environment. Many thanks to all of you who have supported the P&F over the past year.

Later this year the P&F will host its main fundraising event of the year, so please keep Saturday 20 August free for what promises to be a fun night!

Ed Parker
P&F President

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Get involved in Junior School Banking

You can get involved in the School Banking program by opening a Commonwealth Bank Youthsaver account at any Commonwealth Bank branch, over the phone on 13 2221, or via NetBank if you are an existing customer with NetBank access.

bankingRemember to take in identification for you and your child (driver’s license and birth certificate). You will receive a Dollarmites wallet and deposit book that your child will use to participate in the program.

Our school receives $5 when a student makes their first ever School Banking deposit and 5% on every deposit made through the school (to a maximum of $10 per individual deposit).

Thank you for supporting our school and helping to teach your child the benefits of saving regularly.

Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124. Call 13 2221 at any time. As this advice has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs, you should, before acting on this advice, consider its appropriateness to your circumstances. Full terms and conditions for transaction and savings accounts are available from any branch of the Commonwealth Bank and should be considered in any decision about the product. If you have a complaint in respect of this product, the Commonwealth Bank’s dispute resolution process can be accessed on 13 2221.

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Wanted: swimming instructors

The school is looking for qualified swimming instructors to be part of the Junior Swimming program. If you are interested in being a part of this program and can teach on a Tuesday between 11.15am and 3.30pm or a Wednesday between 9am and 1pm, I would love to hear from you on 8334 2242 or dsearle@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

Daniel Searle
Head of PE, Health & Outdoor Education

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Sports News

With the start of the New Year, here is a reminder of the School’s hot weather policy pertaining to co-curricular sporting activities.

It will be a busy year, with many sporting opportunities for girls to be involved in. It will be important that they are attentive with communications as many team nominations have due by dates.

The School Swimming Carnival will be on Friday 26 February and more details will be sent out in Week 2.

Please also note the temperatures and the arrangements for hot and inclement weather:

Reception to Year 6 (training and matches)

  • If the forecast temperature on the Bureau of Meteorology website (http://www.bom.gov.au/sa/forecasts/adelaide.shtml) is 35 degrees or higher, checked anytime before 9am on the day of training or match, sport is automatically cancelled.
  • Morning sessions, Rowing and Water Polo are usually not affected.
  • In the event that matches are cancelled due to inclement weather or any unforeseen reason, such as the playing surface is deemed unsafe, the decision to cancel will be made by the Sports Coordinator at the host school no later than 2pm. (refer to cancellation procedures)

 Year 7 to Year 12 (training and matches)

  • Mid-week: (Training and Matches): If the forecast temperature on the Bureau of Meteorology website (http://www.bom.gov.au/sa/forecasts/adelaide.shtml) at 9am predicts the day’s maximum to be 36 degrees or higher, sport is automatically cancelled.
  • Weekends: If the forecast temperature for Saturday on the Bureau of Meteorology website is predicted to be 38 degrees or higher at 12pm on the Friday, ALL Saturday morning sport will be cancelled. (See below for Rowing).
  • Inclement Weather: Matches will only be cancelled due to rain or inclement weather if it is considered that the conditions determine that the playing surface is unsafe or player safety is compromised. (refer to cancellation procedures)
  • Morning trainings, Rowing and Water Polo are usually not affected and WILL NOT be cancelled.

Rowing – SA Regatta Cancellation/postponement

  • Where possible, regattas will not be cancelled due to hot weather forecast. However, regatta programs will be amended and high risk groups removed from the program particularly early in the season where acclimatisation to heat is minimal and rowing fitness is low.
  • On regatta days, climatic conditions will be continually monitored and all factors taken into consideration by the Regatta Referee who will decide on the continuation of regatta participation.
  • The logistics associated with regattas and movement of boats and rowers to various venues require that Rowing SA have procedures in place to assist all clubs/schools with their planning and organisation.

Sport Captains             

Congratulations to the following students who have been selected to captain their sport throughout the year. We look forward to these girls having a positive influence on all students they represent.

Sport Captain:  Anna Cross

Captains of Sport

  • Athletics: Anna Cross (Yr 12)
  • Badminton: Kritika Mishra (Yr 12), Alice Powell (Yr 12) (Co-Captains)
  • Basketball: Jo Dal Pra (Yr 12)
  • Cross country: Anna Cross (Yr 12)
  • Gymnastics: Molly Ellis (Yr 11), Alice Petchey (Yr 11) (Co-Captains)
  • Hockey: Tash Hammond (Yr 12),
  • Lacrosse: Portia Reppucci (Yr 11),
  • Netball: Jo Dal Pra (Yr 12), Madison Bateman (Yr 12) (Co-Captains)
  • Rowing: Jo Dal Pra (Yr 12)
  • VC Rowing: Lara Khoury (Yr 11),
  • Soccer: Krystina Dianos (Yr 12)
  • Softball: Georgia Naughton (Yr 12),
  • Swimming: Elise Schaedel (Yr 12), Krista Ceplite (Yr 12) (Co-Captains)
  • Tennis: Olivia Teh (Yr 12)
  • Volleyball: Mila Loechel (Yr 12), Georgia Howe (Yr 12) (Co-Captains)
  • Waterpolo: Carys Jones (Yr 11)

Saints Sport Group

The Saints Sport Group meet once a term and are looking for interested parents and friends of the school community to assist in fundraising activities that will go to assist the PE and sporting programs further their endeavours of excellence. The first meeting for the year is scheduled for Tuesday 10 February starting at 6.00pm in the meeting room of the Main Building. Any questions can be directed to Neil Fuller in the PE Department on 8334 2242.

Sports uniforms

With a start to 2016, we remind parents to clearly label all clothing items, as we often accumulate a large amount of unnamed items in lost property. Please note that for all interschool competitions students should only wear the designated playing attire and not the coloured house tops.


Expressions of interest are invited from students in Years 7 to 12 who would like to either compete as an individual or in a team in the State Secondary Schools Triathlon Championships being held at West Lakes on Wednesday 24 February. If you are interested please see Mr Fuller in the PE office.


jakupecCongratulations to Yasmin and Tiana Glazbrook for their success in the recent AMT tournament in Gawler last week. The Year 10 girls, who represent Saints in the Open A, won the women’s doubles. Yasmin was also runner-up in the singles, with Tiana finishing fourth. It was a great effort against some quality opposition.

Younger sister Sienna Glazbrook and her doubles partner, Maiya Jakupec, won the 12 and under girls doubles at the same tournament. Both girls play tennis for Saints at the top of the junior team. Well done to all girls!

Maiya Jakupec also won the under 10s tournament at Littlehampton in December.

Mrs Chris Flynn (Tennis Coordinator)


On the 6 December the Saints Girls Open A volleyball team flew to Melbourne for the Australian Volleyball Schools Cup. Although they had an early wake-up, everyone was incredibly excited that the day that we had counted down to for hundreds of days had finally arrived. Once we arrived at our home for the next six days, St Hilda’s College, our excitement only grew, as everything became reality. That night we played our first match against Academy.

volleyball It was a very tight game but unfortunately we did not win. We were overwhelmed by the enormous stadiums and the large number of teams in the tournament. Although we struggled against some quality opponents, our spirits remained high, our team grew closer and we were playing volleyball at a standard that we had never played at before. It was excellent to secure a win against Kelvin Grove when we worked so cohesively as a team and kept our team spirits at a very high level, and in turn were rewarded. The tournament brought our team extremely close, taught us so much about volleyball and inspired us to work even harder when we get back to school. We would all like to say a huge thank you to Mr Searle and Mr Fuller for organising the tournament and for their ongoing encouragement. We would also like to thank Ms Brooks for coming along and motivating us through every up and down. And lastly the biggest thank you to our coach, Cambell, who believed in us the entire time and who has helped us to grow as players.

Georgia Howe and Mila Loechel