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Enews – Term 4, Week 5 2015

Issue no. 35 


From the Acting Head of Junior School

Smith, HelenAustralia-China Bridge Project

At the end of Term 3, I travelled to Chengdu, China, as part of the Australia-China Bridge (Building Relationships through Intercultural Dialogue and Growing Engagement) Project run by the Asia Education Foundation (AEF). The AEF provides school leaders, teachers and schools with curriculum resources, professional learning, innovative programs and networks to develop Asia capabilities for Reception to Year 12 students in Australian schools.

The rationale for this visit was to build capacity in the Junior School to effectively engage with China. The introduction of Chinese into the Junior School Languages Program from 2016 will be enhanced by this collaboration. This program will also assist in achieving the strategic goals outlined in our PYP Action Plan around building intercultural understanding and international-mindedness. In the PYP, an internationally-minded person is someone who demonstrates the attributes of the IB Learner Profile. A project like this assists students to continue to build these attributes – such as being open-minded, principled and knowledgeable. Intercultural understanding stimulates students’ interest in the lives of others and develops the attitudes of care, curiosity, respect and empathy.

hjs-china1This work is also instrumental in developing in students the cross curriculum priority of Asia and Australia’s engagement, as outlined in the Australian Curriculum: “Students learn about and recognise the diversity within and between the countries of the Asia region. They will develop knowledge and understanding of Asian societies, cultures, beliefs and environments, and the connections between the peoples of Asia, Australia, and the rest of the world. Asia literacy provides students with the skills to communicate and engage with the peoples of Asia so they can effectively live, work and learn in the region.” (ACARA, 2015)

I spent three days working with both Australian and Chinese teachers, developing a plan to establish our school partnerships. This was followed by a seven day in-school visit and home-stay program.

hjs-china2Our partner school is Hongzhuanxilu Primary School, established in 1915. While I was in the school I taught lessons to students on Australian geography and school life. The Chinese students were fascinated by our school environment, particularly the open green spaces and surrounding bushland. They asked lots of interesting questions and these questions will provide the basis for our next part of the project. These questions will stimulate the inquiry and build the capacity in the students to begin communicating with each other. Students will prepare digital presentations in both schools to share ‘A week in the life’ in each place. Through sharing a typical week the students will come to see that they have much in common, such as shared interests and routines, but I am sure they will find interesting differences for further exploration.

While in school I presented a lecture to staff about our Junior School and on teacher training in Australia. I also had the opportunity to observe many lessons taught by Chinese teachers across different year levels and curriculum areas. I was able to have discussions with the School Leadership team about curriculum and factors that influence school decision-making.

Through this visit, firm partnerships have been established and other projects have been planned, including video conferencing between classes in Australia and China. The use of ICT tools for communicating and collaborating will be essential in this developing partnership. The invitation for Chinese teachers to visit our school has been extended.

I look forward to sharing more news of this project in future editions of the Enews as we continue to build the ‘BRIDGE’.

Peter Pan Junior

Last week many members of our school community enjoyed the Year 5 production, Peter Pan Junior. The show was the end result of the time, passion and dedication of many people. It was wonderful to see a full Arts Centre on both performance evenings and to welcome local primary schools for a matinee show.

The stars of the show, the Year 5 students, showed amazing commitment and challenged themselves to do things they had not done before. The students also demonstrated the ability to work closely as a team and this was crucial to the success of the performance.

This year the show involved intricate lighting designs and the use of a green screen to add to the overall feel of the show. The technical support came from Peter Howie and his dedicated team of student assistants.

The expertise of our Year 5 teachers, Shelley Hampton and Shane Davidson, was certainly a large part of the success of the show. Neverland was certainly brought to life and I admire the way the teachers build the confidence and skill of the performers while making it a fun and rewarding process.

Helen Smith

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Year 10 Mock Interviews

y10interview_0335As part of their Personal Learning Plan all Year 10 students took part in a practice interview on Friday 6 November in the Resource Centre. This task requires all students to prepare a letter of application and resume and to attend an interview with a potential employer. Although the girls were nervous and some approached their interview with a great deal of trepidation, the experience is certainly one that is very beneficial and is a life skill that has many other applications. All of the employers noted the impressive way that the girls approached the experience .

y10interview_0337Thanks must go to our volunteer employers, all of whom give up their time willingly, some year after year, to provide the girls with this most valuable experience. This year I would like to thank the following people:

Ms Courtney Morcombe (Selwyn ’95), Mrs Di Nicholls, Mrs Jackie Aykroyd, Mrs Anna Dalpra, Ms Annabel Ho, Mrs Caroline O’Keife, Mrs Barbara Hender, Mrs Megan McCormack (nee Walker, Kilburn ’86).

Karen Alderson
Careers Counsellor

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Peter Pan – a technical success!


Last Thursday and Friday the Peter Pan secret the Year 5 girls had been holding onto for months was finally revealed. The famous ‘Flying sequence’ using green screen technology and scene-by-scene rear projection was seen for the first time by audiences. The reactions of the audiences were fabulous – many ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ and even applause for the vision being used!

In bringing this production to the stage, I pondered about Neverland, a place so richly portrayed in the movie, Hook, with Robin Williams and the recent and beautiful Finding Neverland with Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet. What would MY Neverland be like? I struck upon the idea of it being a place of dreams, an ethereal reality where time has stood still and nature has taken over. I wanted it to be ‘wild’ but dream-like. I decided to embrace technology and create Neverland through vision. I wanted it to ‘not be clear’, be ‘dream-like’, and be ‘soft edged’. I was fortunate to engage the services of a dear friend, Mark Wickett, from Middle and Leg productions, who is an extremely talented film-maker to create the wonderful vision and flying sequences. Much time was spent filming on a green screen and in building the backdrops digitally.

Minimal solid set was used to keep the ‘unreal’ theme. The only flat set was that of the Darling Nursery, in the solid ‘real’ world, which is grey, black and white, symbolising the rigidity of English society at the time. Only the children’s beds and costumes carried the ‘Neverland theme’ of green.

All other costumes in the show were based on green and earth tones to symbolise the wildness of nature in Neverland. I thank my wonderful team of costume-makers and prop-sourcers for helping me bring this vision and my designs to life. A St Peter’s Girls Musical would never be the same without the talented Shane Davidson in charge of the choreography. He created some wonderful dance routines and fight scenes for the show and I thank him for his talent and patience.

This year’s musical took us really outside our comfort zones in using such a large amount of technology and showed us to be true ‘risk-takers’ in the PYP sense of the word. The girls put in a huge amount of effort and parents assisted in many ways with bringing this show to fruition. I also would like to thank the Tech leaders from Year 6 and Middle School who assisted us in bringing the show to the stage, ably led by Peter Howie.

Shane and I were very proud of the girls, and know this trip to Neverland will fly in their hearts for many years to come.

Shelley Hampton
Year 5 Teacher

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Kennion kickstarts

kennionOn Friday 6 November eight girls from the Year 10 Kennion class set out to St Joseph’s School in Ottoway. As part of our service learning component we joined Kennion’s House charity, Kick Start for Kids, serving breakfast to students in underprivileged environments. We decided that not only would a jam and Vegemite drive be extremely beneficial to the charity, but also getting out and joining the breakfast program would make a big difference.

While in the school we had the opportunity to help out in the kitchen amongst other volunteers, making and serving breakfast. It was a wonderful way to interact with the students of the school while giving them the right food to start the day. We helped make Milo, toast, and cereal and cut up fruit for the eager students.

We also initiated a Vegemite and Jam drive throughout our school, asking all R-11 Kennion girls to donate jars of jam and Vegemite to help support the breakfast program. Last term Ian Steel, the founder of Kickstart for Kids, spoke to Kennion House and talked about the expense of foods like Vegemite and jam as they do not get these donated in the program. Our drive gathered over 90kg of Vegemite and jam! It was an amazing effort by all of our Kennion peers. Ian will be coming back to the School to collect our donations and distribute them throughout the breakfast programs.

We all loved the experience and it is a great feeling knowing that we made a positive difference to children in need. We would like to thank everyone for their support and we look forward to a long and strong connection with Kickstart for Kids in the future.

Grace Callen

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A SACE/IB student community service initiative


On 7 December 2015, a group of Year 11 students will embark on the journey of a lifetime to Cambodia, as part of a community service and learning trip. During the two and a half week trip, 12 students will volunteer in an orphanage and build three houses for disadvantaged Cambodian families. Although both IB and SACE students are participating, this project will be a major component of the IB compulsory project, CAS (Community, Action, Service).

However, in order to build these houses, we must fundraise $10,000 to purchase all building materials for the homes. Therefore, the girls have been working hard, within the school and the wider community, to raise this money. On Sunday 8 November, we held a cupcake stall at the Rotary Magill Sunrise Markets and sold various baked goods, all homemade and baked by students and their parents. From 7am to 12pm, the girls worked tirelessly to raise awareness of our trip and encourage the wider community to help those who are disadvantaged. Our total profits were $535.70 and we would like to thank the Rotary Club who kindly waivered our stall fee of $20. A massive thank you must go to the School for supporting the planning of these markets, to all those who donated goods, those who supported us at the markets and all the parents for volunteering to help on the day.

But, the fundraising doesn’t end there! If you would like to support this worthy cause, you can still be involved in one of our various fundraising initiatives, which include:

Film afternoon: Featuring The Hunger Games, Mockingjay Part 2, screening on 22 November at the Trak Cinema
> Click here to book

Sponsor T-shirts: Have your business featured on the T-shirts that we will be wearing at all fundraising functions throughout our trip and on social media.
> Email Megan Jenssen at 5764@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au for more details

Raffle: to be drawn on Sunday 22 November before the movie, with many prizes to be won.
> Tickets are available from the Year 11 students or click here

Flinders St Market: Fresh home-baked goods stall on Sunday 29 November from 10am-3pm at 230 Flinders Street.
> Click here for details

Facebook page: featuring upcoming events and news
> Click here

All the girls are extremely excited about the trip, especially the Habitat for Humanity House project, and we encourage you to support this worthy cause.

Alexandra Murray
Year 11

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Spotlight on the Humanities faculty

The last term has been a busy time for the Humanities Faculty, with plenty of activities and assessment pathways for the students to pursue. The second semester has seen the shift to Years 7 and 8 Geography, so investigations into whether water, in the form of rainfall, can be friend or foe, and landscape hazards and disasters, from mudslides to earthquakes, have allowed students to evaluate the human impact of geomorphological processes.

Years 7-8 Geography

Hum-river1Here is an extract of what a Year 7 student developed as an imaginative, sensory response to the Brisbane 2011 floods:

“I saw council workers desperately trying to move City Cats (passenger ferries) off the river. I also saw people trying to move their yachts and boats off Brisbane River. In the river I saw a large amount of debris, City Cat terminals rushing past, snakes, rats, chairs and bar fridges. I also saw lots of crops and plants being destroyed. Due to the inundation of water I smelt a musty, wet, rotting smell of water tearing away at people’s lives. That is a smell that I will never forget. I could also smell rotten food coming from our fridge as there was no power. I heard the creaking building as the foundations were slowly getting lifted off by the flowing water. The sound of gushing water was very prominent. I could hear screams of terror as people’s cars, houses and possessions got swept away.” – Madison McGregor-Simms, 7RMI

The Year 8 Geography classes have started investigating the topic, Changing Nations, which looks at investigating population and urbanisation. Preliminary class discussion centred on predicting what the world would be like if population continued to escalate beyond the current 7 billion people. Students were given a creative thinking task, outlined below:

Population growth: Twisters

hum-twister1Write three twisters of 140 characters or less to explain your thoughts on the areas listed below. Try to think of three people who would have a view on world population growth (famous or even you!).

Tweet 1 – Population trend in 100 years’ time.
Tweet 2 – What languages will we speak?
Tweet 3 – How life will be different at home.

Students responded with some amazing foresight. These are currently displayed in the Middle School corridor.

Our Year 8 Geographers have previously been investigating Landscape Hazards and Disasters, but rather than merely focus on the social, economic, environmental and short and long-term impacts, they have also been asked to evaluate the steps governments take to plan for, and mitigate, the damage, as indicated below:





Figure 1: diagram of ‘earthquake proof’ building.      Figure 2: ‘earthquake proof’ building in Japan.






Earthquake impacts cannot be completely avoided. People who live in places where earthquakes often occur need to prepare for the effects they have. Apart from basic preparation, the government should ensure strict building regulations for safe constructions. Governments have recently decided to build new buildings which are said to be ‘earthquake proof’. Based on the photographic evidence of Figure 2, steel is a very important part of the buildings. Without it the buildings are prone to crumble. Figure 2 is an example and was taken in Japan. It is a six-sided building built with a similar structure to Figure 1. – Annabelle Langley, 8SRO

Year 9 Simpson Prize

Three students from the Year 9 cohort (Dominique Rigby, Ava Loechel and Erica Reid) have entered this highly regarded competition. Their research essays investigated whether there is too much attention given to the April 25 landings at Gallipoli and whether more attention should be given to other aspects of the campaign. We wish the girls every success as they compete against both state and national entrants.

From the Business Corner

Whilst I’d love my students to share my love of ABC TV’s The Business with Ticky Fullerton, I must confess they just don’t seem to be interested! However, I am a persistent kind of person and take great delight in making it my almost daily practice to bring the world of business, economics and, of course, politics into my classroom. A thorough grasp of the current business environment is a vital skill to enable students studying Business, Economics and Legal Studies to apply the theory covered in class to the reality of what goes on out there in the real world!

So what has been happening lately?

hum-UniSA CompIsabella Bails and Georgia Pearson recently took the initiative to enter the Marketing Competition run by UniSA. They had to create a 30 second radio advertisement utilising the client brief from a hypothetical company. The product was called ‘Chewet’ and the objectives were to build a strong awareness of Chewet as a new product on the market and to position Chewet as a combined confectionery and oral health product. Whilst the girls did not win the competition, they produced a top class audio file that addressed the client objectives. Congratulations to both Georgia and Isabella for taking on this challenge and broadening their marketing knowledge and understanding.

The Smoothie Business finally came to an end, with a presentation in assembly last week to the 2016 House Leaders of $185 each to pass onto the House Charities. The girls worked incredibly hard over the 4 House Spirit Weeks to plan, make and sell the 3 flavours. Well done to the school community for supporting our little enterprise. Watch out for another flurry of entrepreneurial activity in 2016!

Year 11 Business & Enterprise students are currently undertaking Issue Studies on the impact of ‘Digital Disruption’ on the business environment. Students are exploring 3D printing, the rise and rise of Uber and Airbnb and the continued importance of Social Media for those in the B2C sector. I look forward to seeing the end result. It is imperative that our students are equipped with an ability to see the opportunities that technology will provide through a combination of expertise, technology and entrepreneurial skills. The modern workforce is undergoing so much change that our girls are faced with an exciting array of career options. They are keen observers and users already of much of this new technology – many of them are already trying to convince their families to use Airbnb for holiday accommodation!

As you can see, there is always a hive of activity happening in the school and I strongly encourage parents and families to engage in discussions about the changes going on around us.

Emily Monaghan
Business and Economics Teacher


Clearly, the second semester is a vibrant one for the Humanities Faculty, with learning in the Middle and Senior Schools providing plenty of opportunities for creative and critical learning.

Gregor Dingwall
Head of Humanities

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Languages Week: 16-20 November

Next week at Saints Girls we will be celebrating languages, both those studied by the girls and those spoken in our School community.

There will be lunchtime activities in the Junior School Library for the younger girls and also activities based on popular culture for the older girls.

We will also be conducting a quiz competition over the course of the week so that the girls have the chance to demonstrate the knowledge they have and perhaps learn something new as well.

The Tuckshop has jumped on board and will be holding ‘International Flavour Days’ when girls will be able to pre-order an international lunch for $7:

  • Wednesday – Japan (sushi, teriyaki chicken with noodles and iced tea)
  • Thursday – China (spring roll, chicken stir fry with fried rice, fortune cookie and dragon pendant)
  • Friday – France (croissant with ham and cheese or cheese and tomato, macaroon and slushie)

On Friday the Junior School students will have the opportunity to come to school dressed in costume or the traditional dress of their heritage. If they do not have a particular heritage (or do not have the outfit), but consider themselves to be Australian, then they may come dressed in clothes they associate with Australia. This may be as simple as a T-shirt and shorts or wearing green and/or yellow. We would like to encourage all Junior School students to take part.

So we are looking forward to an international week of fun and learning! Watch this space for photos and reports in two weeks’ time.

Cindy Pitkin
Head of Languages

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Encyclopaedias and the New Age of Libraries

When visiting libraries, have you noticed that collections of Reference books seem to be reducing, integrating or simply disappearing? Gone are the days when money is spent in schools every five years to purchase a new set of encyclopaedias. Information is changing so rapidly that keeping print editions current, relevant and up-to-date is impossible. Likewise, the demands for access to sources beyond a flat textbook are ever growing as digital, multimedia possibilities expand. Finally, the need for multiple students to use the same book at the same time as their peers is also an emerging demand.

At Saints, our School offers a balance of book and digital texts to support student curriculum investigations or personal pursuits by investing in the latest digital versions of reputable educational encyclopaedias. Students can access World Book Online, World eBook and Britannica School at school or home through our school portal.

World Book Online

lib-WB-OnlineStudents can search by time period, nationality, gender and more to narrow their selections.

Articles are supported by a built-in Dictionary and easy-to-navigate Atlas, which are all current and updated.

Key Features:

  • 40,000 encyclopaedia articles and similar resources featuring clear, high-interest content
  • Age appropriate content for the most popular articles
  • 24/7 unlimited simultaneous access
  • ‘My research’ enables students to compile content in individualised accounts
  • ‘How To Do Research’ feature helps users develop critical information literacy skills


World e-Books

lib-ebooksgroup-lgThis is an exciting, innovative initiative providing students with access to World Book’s many multi-volumed book collections. There are no restrictions on the number of simultaneous users, meaning the whole school could be using the same book at the same time on any device at school or home.

Key features:

  • 24/7 unlimited simultaneous access
  • Easy to use ‘Search’ functions
  • Bookmarking, highlighting and personal notes
  • Interactivity
  • Audio, Visual and Video Content


Britannica School

lib-Britannica_School_landing_page-7-13hqwrwBritannica School is ideal for supporting our inquiry learning model of research and offers thousands of up-to-date and curriculum relevant articles, images, videos, audio clips, primary sources, maps, research tools and recommended websites.

Students choose from three user-friendly learning entry points, Junior, Middle and High (click on the image link to find out more), to explore age-appropriate materials ideal for personal investigations and self-directed learning.

Key features:

  • Age appropriate from Preschool to Year 12
  • Up-to-date non-fiction, cross curricular content
  • Reading Levels and Differentiated Learning
  • 24/7 unlimited simultaneous access
  • Interactivity
  • Multimedia Content

Visit the Library link on SharePoint or Canvas today to access these and many others of our school databases.

This article was brought to you by St Peter’s Girls’ Library and Information Services… bringing books, technology and our community together… any time, anywhere.

Lisa Hollis
Resource Centre Coordinator

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Friends of Arts AGM

School community members are warmly invited to attend the AGM for the Friends of Arts.

Anyone interested in joining the Friends of Arts in 2016 should come along.

7.30pm, Wednesday 25 November 2015
Arts Office
Followed by drinks and canapes in the lower Arts Centre foyer.

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Alice in Wonderland this weekend

Alice in Wonderland will be staged in the St Peter’s Girls’ School Arts Centre on Saturday 21 November with two performances at 2pm and 7pm. The lead role of Alice is shared by Tia Bailey and Caitlin Scane (Year 5) and Isabel Burmester (Year 4), with a cast of 22 children. The play follows Alice’s adventures through Wonderland and the Looking Glass as she meets the White Rabbit, King and Queen of Hearts, White Knight and the Caterpiller.

Tickets are available at the door. Adults $10 and Children $5. Directed by Shane Davidson.

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SPAA presents: Conducting for Choirs with Timothy Sexton

Are you preparing to lead your peers in Choral Night 2016 but don’t know where to start?
Are you doing Senior Music next year?
Do you sing in a choir or a group?
Would you like to sing in a choir or a group?
Are you simply interested in music for voice and want to learn more?

If you have answered yes to even one of the questions above, you need to come along to the Conducting for Choirs Workshop. The workshop will be at the:

St Peters Girls’ School Arts Centre
on Wednesday 2 December
from 4.30pm – 6.30pm

Timothy Sexton has been the CEO and Artistic Director of the State Opera of South Australia since July 2011, and has been a supporter of the Saints Performing Arts Academy since its inception, officially opening the academy in 2012.

As a freelance composer, conductor, arranger, singer, writer, adjudicator and ABC broadcaster, Timothy Sexton is one of the most prominent musicians in South Australia. Since gaining an Honours degree in Music Composition at the Elder Conservatorium, University of Adelaide, he has created more than 200 works, ranging from opera and music theatre to choral and orchestral works and film scores. Timothy has sung in over 30 productions for the State Opera of South Australia, he was Chorus Master and a Rehearsal Conductor for the 2004 Adelaide Ring Cycle and Chorus Master and Associate Conductor for the 2010 Adelaide Festival of Arts opera, Le Grand Macabre.

In late 2001 Timothy founded the Adelaide Art Orchestra, working with such entertainment luminaries as Kate Ceberano, Hugh Sheridan, Anthony Warlow, David Hobson, Christine Anu, Rachael Beck, Tim Campbell, David Campbell, Natalie Cole, Bernadette Peters, Rhonda Burchmore, Silvie Paladino, Rob Guest, Marina Prior, Doug Parkinson, Glenn Shorrock and Julie Anthony.

Timothy was twice awarded the Henry Krips Memorial Conducting Scholarship and in 2003 received a Centenary of Federation Medal for Services to Music. In 2008, Timothy was awarded a prestigious Ruby Award for Sustained Contribution to the Arts by an Individual and was the 2009 South Australian of the Year (Arts Category).

We are indeed incredibly fortunate to have Timothy running this workshop.

The Conducting for Choirs Workshop is open to all 2016 senior secondary students, tertiary students and musicians.

Numbers are strictly limited, with bookings opening soon. Please save the date in your diary now!

Contact me on akimber@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au for further details.

Amanda Kimber
Director of SPAA

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Last day arrangements for students

Please note the following dismissal times during the final week of School.

Junior School students will be dismissed from School at 12.30pm on Wednesday 9 December. If you are unable to collect your daughter at this time, she can attend OSHC.

Middle School students will be dismissed at 3.30pm on Tuesday 8 December. Only musicians and prize winners involved in Presentation Night rehearsals will be required at School on Wednesday.

Senior School students: Year 11 students conclude the Headstart program on Tuesday 8 December at 3.30pm. Year 10 students will conclude their Headstart program on Monday 7 December at 3.30pm. Only musicians and prize winners involved in Presentation Night rehearsals will be required at School on Wednesday.

Further details, including rehearsal schedules and Headstart program information will be circulated to parents next week.

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OSA Movie Afternoon

OSA Movie night Enews

The St Peter’s Girls’ School community is invited to an exclusive movie experience.

The highly anticipated movie release, Spectre, sees 007 at his best when a cryptic message from his past sends James Bond (Daniel Craig) on a quest to uncover a sinister organisation while M (Ralph Fiennes) battles political forces that want to shut down the British Secret Service.

Saturday 14 November 2015
Drinks from 3pm
Movie from 3.30pm
The Regal Theatre, 275 Kensington Road, Kensington Park SA
Tickets $25 per person – Includes champagne on arrival and chocolates

Tickets available at http://www.trybooking.com/IUOW

For enquiries please contact me on 8334 2239 or mmccormack@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

Megan McCormack (nee Walker, Kilburn ’86)
Old Scholar Liaison Officer

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Buzz Book advertising now open

Buzz Book 2016 Enews

Next year’s Buzz Book is just around the corner. The Buzz Book is an integral part of each St Peter’s Girls’ School family home. It’s the go-to resource for all our families – and this is your opportunity to be included in the Buzz.

Advertising is available in the 2016 edition and prices start from just $20 for a text listing and from $120 for display spaces.

This year we are offering advertisers who purchase a full page colour ad the option of a complimentary promotion on the big screen at the 2016 Twilight Cinema!

This is an annual fundraising initiative of the Parents’ and Friends’ Association where all funds raised go towards resources for the girls. The fundraising efforts of the P&F have been integral in such initiatives as the purchase of a NAO Humanoid Robot worth over $20,000. The P&F’s contributions to the School are all the more possible thanks to the support and generosity of local businesses and school families who contribute to the Buzz Book each year.

To book your spot, visit www.trybooking.com/JGEN.

But hurry – bookings must close on Monday 7 December!

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Mothers’ Club: Win tickets to see Taylor Swift

MC Taylor Swift raffle Enews

The Mothers’ Club is pleased to announce a very exciting raffle for the School community. One lucky winner from the School will receive four tickets to see Taylor Swift live in concert at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre from the comfort of the BankSA corporate box.

Don’t miss out!

Tickets are now on sale at www.trybooking.com/JKHF
Buy 1 for $20 or 3 for $50

You’ll have to get in quick – limited tickets available, on sale for four weeks only.

The prize, donated by BankSA, also includes dinner, drinks and a car park at the concert, which will be held on 7 December at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre.

Emma Robinson
Mothers’ Club President

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Scholarship information and registration details are now available at www.stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au/scholarships.

Year 8 Academic Scholarship for Entry 2017
Students who will be in Year 7 in 2016 are eligible to apply for an academic entrance scholarship commencing from Year 8 in 2017. Registration for these scholarships must be completed online through the School website which provides a direct link through to the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). A series of academic tests will be undertaken at our School on Saturday 6 February 2016 and further information regarding these scholarships can be downloaded from the website. Registrations will close on Thursday 21 January 2016.

Music Scholarships for 2017
Current and external students from Year 6 to Year 10 in 2016 are welcome to apply for a Music Scholarship, for commencement from 2017. The scholarship criteria and application details are available on the School website and applications will be accepted until Friday 12 February 2016. Successful applicants will be invited to attend an audition in late February.

Pipe Organ Scholarship for 2016
Girls entering Years 6-11 are invited to apply for the Pipe Organ Scholarship. No previous organ experience is required: however, the recipient must have achieved AMEB Piano Grade 5 or equivalent. The recipient will be a dedicated musician who is keen to develop advanced skills on the organ and play a significant role in the worship activities of the School, including weekly Chapel services and Eucharists.

Further details about all of the scholarships on offer are available at www.stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au/scholarships

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Sport News

Basketball – Wednesday 4 November

Middle A – Saints 23 defeated by Westminster 94
Another tough game out on the court this week. The Westminster girls were simply a much taller and more experienced team than us. Although the score line doesn’t reflect it, the Saints girls played the second half with aggression for the ball and weren’t afraid to have a go. Once again, our one-on-one defence caused many turnovers but unfortunately we weren’t able to follow these up on the scoreboard due to the very tight opposition defence. Our top scorer this week was Sarah Matheson, who provided some much needed fight and drive on the court. One of the best moments of the match was when Emily Downie got her own rebound and then backed it up with a goal, something we had been practising at training. Vanessa Brooks (Coach)

Middle B – Saints 10 defeated by Westminster 54
Another disappointing loss for Saints B against Westminster, but there were many positives to the game. The girls have been practising their rebounds, shooting and one-on-one defence during the week, and it showed during the game. Maddison Tilley-Brooks used her height and fought for many rebounds in both attack and defence. Many thanks to Siena Kulinski and Isabelle Norman for filling in for our team, giving lots of energy and a few goals. After half-time, the girls came out with more energy and plenty of communication, moving into space and passing the ball around. Overall, the girls should be proud of the improvement in our game play this week, even if the score line didn’t show it. Annika Winter (Coach)

Junior Softball – Wednesday 4 November

Year 6 Blue – Saints 5 defeated Pembroke White 0
Rain prevented more than 1 innings being completed by both teams, which was unfortunate because the girls displayed their most disciplined effort in the field for the season so far and were showing good form. Sophie Kameniar pitched a very solid game and was well supported by Kendra Ware as catcher. Hits were cleanly retrieved by fielders, with Pembroke runners being caught short from their bases. Jodi Papendorf, Ella Waltham, Sophie Kameniar, Siena Zito and Portia Maerschel all scored runs. Well done to all on a good team effort. Nick Maerschel and Ben Goldsmith (Coaches)

Year 6 White – Saints 5 defeated Pembroke 4
The girls started the game with high spirits and a motivation to win. Their batting and fielding was equally great and the improvement from last week was again very noticeable. Unfortunately, the game was cancelled after only one innings due to bad weather. Congratulations for our first win this term; it was well earned! Best player this week goes to Angela Mourtzios for her excellent pitching. Lydia Smalls (Coach)

Year 4/5 Teeball – Saints did not play

Water Polo – Thursday 5 November

Open – Saints 11 defeated St Aloysius 3
A fantastic game coming back from such a tight loss last game, with everyone playing their best game so far this season. Some tight defence work and pressure allowed the ball to be stolen and Saints scored on multiple counter-attacks. Congratulations to best players, Rachael Disney and Emily Keough. Mirella Di Cesare (Captain]

Middle – Saints 4 lost to St Ignatius 10
Another good game last week from the team. Everyone is still playing really well and cohesively together, but the lack of substitutes meant the team got tired toward the end of the match. The newer players are developing their skills very quickly, especially after playing against some of the better teams in the competition. Good luck to the team this week for their final match. Hannah Andrews (Coach)

Junior Tennis – Friday 6 November

Year 6 Blue – Saints did not play

Year 5 – Saints did not play

Junior Volleyball – Friday 6 November

Saints 0 defeated by Seymour Green 4
The girls, although they had a tough game this week, all played really well. All of the sets were really close, with the girls only losing by a few points each time. They have improved their movement and technique greatly. In particular, Edie and Evie’s serving is much improved. It was great to see the girls using their three hits and getting some rallies in. A lot of the girls have been asking questions, which is great to see, and this has improved their knowledge of the game. Megan Jenssen and Alice Powell (Coaches)

Rowing – Saturday 7 November

We had the first of four School Super Series Regattas on the weekend and did absolutely fantastically. All the girls in all the crews did such a good job, from our Year 7s right through to our 1st VIII.

You couldn’t have asked for better conditions and the day started off brilliantly with our Year 7s in the 8D race getting 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

8C – had their first race and finished 5th, which they were pretty disappointed with, but to their credit they came out in their second race, got a second place and were 21 seconds faster. Fantastic work, girls!
1st race – Zara Stefani, Caitlin Fidler, Hanna Keough and Funto Komolafe
2nd race – Zara Stefani, Caitlin Fidler, Hanna Keough and Elise Cornfield

Year 8B – qualified second fastest so they were up against it in the final but they rowed brilliantly to get their first ever win.

Year 8A – the crew had a hard week leading into the regatta, with 3 of their crew sick, which wasn’t the ideal preparation. They came out and won their heat and had to make a bit of a crew swap but it worked out as they just beat the Scotch crew by 2 seconds. We have a really talented group in Year 8 and it is exciting to see just how well they are going.

Year 9C – had their first big regatta together as a crew. Two of the girls have only just started rowing and one of the other girls was sick so it was bit of a baptism of fire. I said to the girls after their race that it will get better as they row more together as a crew.
1st race – Ella Robinson, Brooke Oliver, Hannah Stroeher and Sarah Carrodus
2nd race – Ella Robinson, Brooke Oliver, Marley Banham and Sarah Matheson

Year 9B – The crew came 2nd in their heat, which meant that they qualified for the A final and rowed 15 seconds quicker to be only 5 seconds off second place.

Year 9A – This crew had had a solid preparation but it is a tough division so anything can happen. In their heat they probably didn’t have their best race but managed to get second. In the final Walford got the jump and our girls found it hard to come back to them but to their credit they ground it out and got second place, holding off Loreto; this showed great strength of character.

Congratulations to Dimity Pittman and Molly Ellis who raced in the Single Skull. Molly had only been in a Single two times before her race on Saturday and Dimity only once so for them to finish their race was absolutely brilliant. Singles are very hard to row, and without a coxswain you row by pressure. WELL DONE and you will only get better.

First VIII – The 1st VIII had 2 races on Saturday and with a number of factors before and during the race the girls were a little disappointed. Simon (coach) asked them for a response and they gave it to him in the second race. Walford got the jump and held on for first but to our girls’ credit they rowed through Scotch to pip them on the line for second and they rowed a 7:15, which was the time that Simon asked for. It has been a really steep learning process for the girls but it is going to be exciting just to see how far they can go.

Ben Flannagan (Director of Rowing)

Softball – Saturday 7 November

Open A – Saints 6 defeated by Immanuel 10
Backing up after a mid-week fixture where the team defeated Westminster 8-5, the girls knew Immanuel would be a tough opponent. Saints got off to an excellent start, leading 4-0, with runs by Olivia May, Emily Schultz, Amelia Long and Anna Cross. Unfortunately, Immanuel managed to respond with some good hitting and despite Saints’ best efforts we couldn’t manage to make up the deficit. Congratulations to my fellow Year 12 players, Amelia Long and Gemma Yeilds, for being a part of the Softball program. Olivia May (Captain)

Open B – Saints 11 defeated by Scotch A 15
This week’s game of softball was an incredible game for most of the team against the top B Grade team of Scotch. In training the girls have been working on their batting and hitting where there are only strikes, and this week the girls showed that they had learned how and when to hit the right ball to score runs. Overall, Saturday’s match proved that the girls have definitely been working hard this season. Lucinda Tierney

Open C – Saints 11 defeated by Immanuel 14
With a massive improvement from the previous two games, Saints used teamwork to have a close defeat to the more experienced team of Immanuel. Facing a fast pitcher for the first one and a half innings, the girls confidently went up each time to the batting box. The first batting innings was called after the seven run mercy rule was reached. Unfortunately, in the next innings the girls could only secure 4 runs, and Immanuel was able to get 7. Lauren Porter was the pitcher for the majority of the game, with Alice Girdler coming in half-way through the second innings, unfortunately then taking a massive hit to her side. Anna Pryor and Georgina Bafile also had commendable games, where Anna had a minor injury, but continued to play; and Georgina successfully got an out at second base. It will be exciting to see what the remainder of the games bring for the young team. Claire Hale (Coach)

Tennis – Saturday 7 November

With teams split across 3 venues and playing a range of opposing schools, teams were graded on providing the best match-ups.

Open B – Saints 4-27 defeated Walford 2-21
Singles: Zarnia Engel-Lewis 6-4, Olivia Harby 6-0, Sophie Fry 1-6, Emily Loh 6-1

Open C – Saints 1-15 defeated by Walford 4-24
Singles: Laura Falconer 3-6, Sarah Richards 6-0, Annabel Baldwinson 2-6

Open D – Saints 5-32 defeated Walford 1-17
Singles: Laura Sivewright 6-1, Georgina Thrower 6-0, Daveena Dhillon 2-6, Charlotte Gilroy 6-5

Open E1 – Saints 4-27 defeated Walford 2-17
Singles: Olivia Wilkinson 6-0 (forfeit), Emma Auricht 6-0 (forfeit), Annabelle Langley 1-6, Sophie Shearwood 2-6

Open E2 – Saints 3-22 defeated by Walford 3-26
Singles: Krystina Dianos 6-2, Aya Shahin 1-6, Lillian Rice 0-6, Jemimah Simpson 3-6

Open E3 – Saints 1-13 defeated by Walford 5-34
Singles: Sophie Auricht 0-6, Cheryl Wang 5-6, Emily Downie 1-6, Felicia Mi 1-6

Open E4 – Saints 3-29 defeated Scotch 3-28
Singles: Charlene Lee 6-2, Carla Lawrence 2-6, Rose Pittman 5-6, Erica Reid 6-4

Open E5 – Saints 5-32 defeated Concordia 1-14
Singles: Lola Dimond 2-6, Mahala Truscott 6-1, Lilly Alexander 6-2, Renee Lawrence 6-0

Open F3 – Saints 0-18 defeated by Walford 6-36
Singles: Shiyao (Connie) Wang 2-6, Yanran (Nicole) Ma 4-6

Intro B – Saints 3-20 defeated by St Ignatius 3-26
Singles: Natasha Lau 0-6, Jiayi (Chris) Jiang 6-3, Felicia Mi 6-0, Amelie Eaton 6-1

Volleyball – Saturday 7 November

Open A – Saints 2 defeated Walford 1
For the final round this week, the A volleyball team played Walford. As always, it was a great team effort with everyone playing well and it resulted in a win – 2 sets to 1. This meant that we finished the season tied as IGSSA Shield winners. Congratulations to Abbey Goodwin for her serving and Emily Murdock’s fight around the court. We now travel to Melbourne in December to play in the Australian Volleyball Schools Cup so exciting times for volleyball at Saints! Victoria Neale (Captain)

Open B – Saints 3 defeated Walford 0
The Open B girls finished off a good season with another strong win against Walford (winning 25-16, 25-10, 25-22). The girls played really well and kept their focus against a not so strong opponent. They played really well all season and should be very proud of their efforts, finishing second overall! Cambell Baker (Coach)

Open C
The Open C girls also played Walford who unfortunately had to forfeit as they only had 4 players. However, the game still went on as we lent them 2 players each set. All the girls played really well and had fun! Thank you to the girls who filled in for Walford – much appreciated. Hopefully everyone comes out next year because I think this team of Year 9s can be the next Open A shield winners in a few years! Cambell Baker (Coach)

Middle A – Saints 1 defeated by Walford 2 (18-25, 22-25, 25-22)
This week the middle As took some warming up to get into the game, the first set involving little moving to get the ball. Charlotte White and Tahlia Towers’ serving and effort throughout the game was admirable. The girls learnt from their ‘ping pong’ play in the first set, and began the second set with many attempts at three hits over the net, many of which succeeded and resulted in an almost win – only 3 points down! The game was finished off in the final set by combining all that was learnt throughout the game. Ruby’s back-ups were fantastic to see, utilising her back court position to save many balls that were just over the front court players’ heads. The girls should be happy with their efforts and a great win in the final set; well done! Ellana Welsby and Eliza Falconer (Coaches)

Middle B – Saints 0 defeated by Walford 3
This week we played against a tough opponent; yet despite the score the girls played a good game. We had a bit of a shaky start but the girls continued to improve throughout the game. We had some great serving from Sophie and some excellent digs from Sophia. Amy, Taylor and Ashleigh also displayed some great passes and fantastic backing up of their teammates. Overall, the girls worked hard and should not be disappointed with their performance. Well done, girls! Ellana Welsby and Eliza Falconer (Coaches)

Middle C – Saints 0 defeated by Walford 3
In this week’s game the girls started off to a bit of a slow start in the first set; however, in the remaining two sets the girls picked up the pressure. Amalie had a fantastic game, executing some great digs and sets and was backing up every ball. Charlotte B played a great game, backed up her teammates and played very well at net. Overall, we were very proud of the way the girls picked themselves up, and we believe that the score does not reflect how the girls played, as they all won as a team through their continued efforts and determination. Congratulations, girls! Ellana Welsby and Eliza Falconer (Coaches)

Tennis – Year 8/9 Knockout Monday 9 November

On a hot day Tiana and Yasmin Glazbrook, Olivia Harby and Chelsea Staples represented Saints at the State knockout finals. After defeating Henley HS 4 sets to 2, Saints went into the game against Marryatville with some confidence. Marryatville are a specialist Tennis School and are always the toughest school to beat. Saints put up a gallant effort, only losing 2 sets to 4, and on another day the results may have gone our way. In the final round Saints defeated Trinity College 5 sets to 1 to finish as runners–up. Neil Fuller (Director of Sport)

Tennis – Year 6/7 Knockout Tuesday 10 November

Saints unfortunately lost to Walford in the quarter final of the Year 6/7 knockout. Emily Loh, Clair Kao and Annabel Baldwinson had all represented East Adelaide in the State Primary School Carnival the week before as well as School on Saturday, and they were joined by Lola Dimond. The girls have all shown great improvement this year and will hopefully contest the competition with further success in the years to come. Neil Fuller (Director of Sport)