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Enews – Term 4, Week 3 2015

Issue no. 33 


From the Chaplain

N-Darke-200x300One of the many things that I enjoy about the worship tradition at our School is the quality of music. Student participation is high and many of our musicians offer their talents at Eucharists and weekly services in order to bring us together and share, reflect, and celebrate. For the most part, student contributions have been through singing (choir or congregational), playing in Chapel band, or offering a solo performance during Communion. I am now excited we have launched a new scholarship at St Peter’s Girls’ School – the Pipe Organ Scholarship!

While embracing a wide range of contemporary music, St Peter’s Girls’ School still maintains the beautiful, traditional pipe organ music in Chapel. In 1987 Old Scholars and members of the community raised funds to purchase our current pipe organ crafted by Adelaide organ builder, Rod Capon. The organ has since continued to be a familiar and powerful presence in our Chapel services, played most frequently by our long serving and devoted organist, Paul Shillabeer.

As one of the few schools to have maintained a pipe organ tradition and to have access to such a wonderful instrument, we would like to offer the opportunity to our best keyboard students to develop their skills on the organ. The Organ Scholar will be awarded a 25% reduction in school fees, weekly organ lessons, access to the Chapel for private practice, and a key role in playing the organ at School Chapel services. Organ lessons will also be an option for other music students through the School’s instrumental music program.

The Organ Scholarship is open to students entering Years 6-11. No previous organ experience is required; however, the recipient must have achieved AMEB Piano Grade 5 or equivalent. The recipient will be a dedicated musician who is keen to develop advanced skills on the organ and play a significant role in the worship of the School.

Rev’d Natasha Darke

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End of year arrangements

As Term 4 progresses, there are a number of special end of year events that we encourage parents to attend. Years 6 and 9 parents should note that graduation ceremonies for your daughters will take place in the afternoon.

Tuesday 1 December
Carols in the Cathedral
St Peter’s Cathedral, North Adelaide

Friday 4 December
R-2 Nativity
Arts Centre, St Peter’s Girls

Monday 7 December
Year 6 Graduation
Arts Centre, St Peter’s Girls

Tuesday 8 December
Year 9 Graduation
Arts Centre, St Peter’s Girls

Wednesday 9 December
Annual Presentation Night
Adelaide Town Hall

I look forward to seeing as many parents as possible at these wonderful events.

In staffing news, our Head of ICT, Barbara Hender, has accepted the role of Head of Information Technology at Huntingtower in Melbourne, to start in Term 1, 2016. She will complete her employment at St Peter’s Girls’ School at the end of this term. On behalf of the School, I would like to wish Barbara the very best for her future; she will be missed by many members of staff as well as students.

Julia Shea

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House Charity Week

This year, as part of our new Service-Learning initiative, our Senior School students have been working on developing a House Charity system. Earlier in the year, the four House charities were announced after a careful selection process.

Since then, Year 10 students have been working on developing their fundraising and service activities.

Next week the School will hold the first House Charity Week, where all Years 7-12 students will be asked to support their House Charity.

The girls have designed some innovative and interesting ways to raise awareness and funds for the four charities. We hope that you can support them next week and we look forward to seeing many positive results, both for the girls and our selected charities.

An outline of each House’s activity for next week is included below.

Kerry Skinner
Deputy Principal/Head of Senior School

Selwyn: Sleep Under

Selwyn_hThroughout the last couple of terms, 10SEL have been working hard to plan an event so that our house can come together to help support our chosen charity, The Smith Family. This charity helps disadvantaged children and families across Australia. The Smith Family works hard every day to help improve these children’s futures. As a result of their dedication, over 134,000 disadvantaged children and their families receive support through The Smith Family’s various programs.

As a year level, with some help from Mr Butler and Emily from High Resolves, Selwyn have come up with the idea of having a Sleep Under to help raise money and awareness for The Smith Family and the services they provide.

Our Sleep Under will take place on Thursday, 3 December, and will involve our 15 Year 10 students, and two very brave and eager teachers, sleeping out in an area of the school for the night. It will involve us sleeping in conditions similar to those of people living in poverty, with less food and less facilities than our usual fortunate circumstances.

Where we sleep and the conditions we sleep under are up to our House and the generosity of the Selwyn students’ donations! Our fundraising goal is to raise $500; this will result in us sleeping outside on the tennis courts with limited facilities. If we only reach $400 we will sleep in the gym with a few extra comforts, but anything less than $300 will see us sleeping in a classroom with facilities such as food, bedding and electricity. However, our ultimate aim is to get to the tennis courts and sleep out in rough conditions so we can donate more money to The Smith Family.

So we need support from Selwyn girls and their families and are asking you to get behind this very worthy cause! Early next week we will be sending home a donation envelope to all Selwyn families. We would really appreciate your generous support towards our event so that we, in turn, can help The Smith Family to continue the amazing work they do for disadvantaged Australian families.

Emma Mockridge
Year 10 Selwyn

Patteson: Project EATT

Patteson_hThe Year 10 Patteson girls, who are the drivers of the House Charity project that has been introduced this year, have come up with Project EATT (Everyone at the Table). The project consists of a collection of non-perishable food items. These items will then be assembled into food hampers and donated to the Australian Refugee Association (ARA) to contribute to their annual Christmas Food and Gift Drive.

We would greatly appreciate the generosity of your family in order to achieve our goal and ask you to provide an item of non-perishable food by 5 November 2015 (Thursday, Week 4). There will be boxes in which these donations can be placed in the Patteson Year 10’s Home Group room (MB 314), Mrs Moore’s classroom and in the Front Office.

Please keep in mind that Halal and vegetarian food options will be of most use to the refugees.

Lydia Smalls
Year 10 Patteson

Kilburn: Daffodil Wall

Kilburn_hAs part of the exciting new House Charity project, the Year 10 Kilburn girls have created a fundraiser for girls in Reception to Year 12 in order to raise money and awareness for the Cancer Council by creating a daffodil wall. The daffodil has long been a symbol for the Cancer Council of hope and new beginnings, and the Kilburn girls believe it is important for this to be part of our campaign. In addition to this, the Year 10 girls will be volunteering at the Credit Union Christmas Pageant, handing out sunscreen and raising awareness about sun safety.

Every Kilburn girl has already received an envelope with a small slip inside, allowing them to purchase a daffodil for $4, which will then be placed on the St Michael’s Wing during Week 5. The envelopes will need to be returned to Home Group teachers by Friday Week 4. All proceeds from the purchase of the daffodils will be donated directly to the Cancer Council.

We must also thank our very generous sponsors, Yoga Fusion, which will contribute funds towards material costs for this activity.

We strongly encourage all Kilburn girls to participate and buy a daffodil!

Sophie-Louise Shearwood
Year 10 Kilburn

Kennion: Breakfast Kickstart

Kennion_hThe charity that Kennion has decided to support is called Kickstart for Kids. It is a non-profit organisation that helps disadvantaged school children in South Australia by providing breakfast and mentoring services in their schools.

To support this charity we have decided to have an in house competition to see which year level can bring in the most jars of either vegemite or jam.

Jam and vegemite are a vital part of the Kickstart for Kids breakfast program so when you go through around 700 jars a month the price adds up. Due to this, we decided that would be a great way for Kennion to get involved and support Kickstart for Kids.

Throughout week 4 (next week!) the donations of jam and vegemite jars can be placed in boxes located in each Home Group from Reception to Year 11. The Year 10 Kennion girls will be collecting the donations every day. By the end of the week the year level who has collected the most will win a free hot pizza lunch.

So let’s kickstart a child’s day together by helping to provide them with something as simple as a nice warm piece of vegemite or jam toast.

Olivia Habel
Year 10 Kennion

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Mathematics results

maths-awards1Results from three Mathematics competitions have recently been released. Firstly, congratulations to every student who participated – it is by having a go that we learn more about ourselves.

In the 2015 Australian Mathematics Competition it was very exciting to learn that Tuyet (Tina) Vo (Year 10) was awarded a Prize placing her in the top 0.3% of entrants. The level below the Prize category is the High Distinction award (top 2%). Jian (Skylar) Gao (11), Mikaela Georgiadis (10) and Hannah Brown (8) were awarded High Distinctions. A new award this year is for the best in school for each of the Senior and Primary School. Congratulations to Tina Vo (10) and Devika Mukherjee (4) who won these awards.

There were 28 students who were awarded a Distinction certificate. The Distinction winners were

Year 4: Devika Mukherjee, Georgia Parsons and Alicia Toh
Year 5: Annabelle Bradshaw
Year 6: Rose Young and Cheri Wong
Year 7: Olufunto Komolafe and Ella Liddy
Year 8: Sarah Carrodus, Rachel Kameniar, Zhijun (Amy) Li, Charlotte White and Amelia Wood
Year 9: Olivia Compare, Bethany Cross, Ashleigh Rogers, Cheryl Wang, Georgia Wilkinson and Ziyi (Michelle) Yeoh
Year 10: Olivia Habel, Carys Jones, Emily Murdock and Tam Nguyen
Year 11: Samantha Abeygunasekera, Jiale Hu, Mila Loechel and Elise Schaedel
Year 12: Helen Bui

In the ICAS Mathematics competition it was also very exciting to learn that two students were awarded Medals for being the highest scoring student in the State in their year level. Emily Murdock (10) and Jian (Skylar) Gao (11) were the recipients of ICAS medals. Tam Nguyen (10) also achieved a High Distinction.

There were 26 students who were awarded a Distinction certificate. The Distinction winners were

Year 4: Bronwyn Gautier, Madison Liddy, Ruby Croston-Melling, Devika Mukherjee and Georgia Parsons
Year 5: Annabelle Bradshaw and Angela Mourtzios
Year 6: Katija Franchi and Cheri Wong
Year 7: Olufunto Komolafe and Isabelle Norman
Year 8: Hannah Brown, Sarah Carrodus and Amelia Wood
Year 9: Bethany Cross, Ava Loechel, Ashleigh Rogers, Cheryl Wang, Shiyao (Connie) Wang and Charlotte Yandell
Year 10: Aanchal Chandiramani, Mikaela Georgiadis, Han (Hazel) Huang, Carys Jones and Tina Vo
Year 12: Helen Bui

Finally, in the very demanding Australian Intermediate Mathematics Olympiad Emily Murdock achieved a Distinction. Congratulations on this very significant result, given the standard in this competition is very high.

John Leydon
Head of Mathematics

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Primary Maths Challenge success continues


Each and every year I am amazed at the wonderful work created by our students for the Primary Maths Challenge. This year is no exception!

All of the students who entered this year should feel extremely proud of their fabulous investigations, whether they were awarded Certificates of Participation, were Highly Commended or were State Winners.

On Friday 16 October our Highly Commended and State winning students were presented with their awards at the Fogolar Furlan Function Centre.

pmc-educatorsOn Friday 20 November we will be presenting all certificates and trophies at the Junior School Assembly, which will be run by our Year 2 class. I would ask that all certificates and trophies be brought into my room (MB 209) by Wednesday 18 November.

Here is a taste of the work that was entered:

Devika was looking at Maths in Medicine and one area of medicine she investigated was Obstetrics. Devika attended an ultrasound of a baby and looked at the various measurements that were being taken. She then made some calculations about the predicted weight for this baby and compared the predictions with the actual weight at birth.

“The EFW of the baby was 3269g. The birth weight was 3790g. If the baby, by the stage it was at, was expected to grow 200g each week and there were roughly 3 weeks in between the ultrasound and labour then the baby should have grown by an estimate of 600g. That means that there should be an estimate of 600g difference between the two weights. If we look at the weights 3790g and 3269g is there 600g difference? The answer was close – 521g! So the baby grew roughly the estimated amount for its age.”

In a few weeks time, all of the entries from this year’s competition will be returned. I am looking forward to having all of the entries on display in the Learning Strategies room for a few weeks prior to the end of the year.

Please feel free to come and view this amazing work. It may inspire you to enter next year!

Congratulations once again to all of our amazing entrants – I can’t wait to see what you all come up with in 2016!

Mrs Catherine Kelly
R-6 Learning Strategies

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Mid-Year Reception class investigates recycling


To support our unit of inquiry, ‘Our personal choices have an impact on our environment’, the RSF Receptions participated in an session run by Kerrie from KESAB. The ‘Recycling Relay’ proved to be a fun and practical way to test the girls’ waste and recycling knowledge.

The girls were given a brief introduction on waste and recycling before working in relay teams to sort real items into ‘landfill’, ‘recycling’ and ‘organics’ bins. The bin colours used were a replication of the kerbside system of the School’s council area, assisting students to become great recyclers at home too!

After the relay, the contents of the bins were examined, with ‘tricky’ items discussed by the group.

All girls had a great time combining fitness with learning! Here’s what they had to say:

  • Beatrice: “Where did you take all the photos from?”
  • Georgina: “(Will it) be made into new paper?”
  • Tabitha: “We don’t want to cut down the trees because the animals won’t have a home.”
  • Annabelle: “Wow, look, that book has been recycled; it had the recycled sign.”
  • Ayrlie: “I learnt about doing recycling and I had fun playing the game.”
  • Ruby: “Some other things I didn’t know can go in the recycling bin.”
  • Eleanor: “I like rubbish and learning about it.”
  • Stella: “I learnt that hard plastics go in the recycling bin.”
  • Aoife: “I learnt to put the right things in the right bins.”
  • Lilly: “The fish went in the green bin” – Ruby: “Because it grows.”
  • Chelsea: “I learnt that soft plastics go to the dump – the ones you can scrunch up.”
  • Madison: “Tins go in the recycling.”

Sarah Fenwick
Reception Teacher

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Buzz Book advertising now open

Buzz Book 2016 Enews

Next year’s Buzz Book is just around the corner. The Buzz Book is an integral part of each St Peter’s Girls’ School family home. It’s the go-to resource for all our families – and this is your opportunity to be included in the Buzz.

Advertising is available in the 2016 edition and prices start from just $20 for a text listing and from $120 for display spaces.

This year we are offering advertisers who purchase a full page colour ad the option of a complimentary promotion on the big screen at the 2016 Twilight Cinema!

This is an annual fundraising initiative of the Parents’ and Friends’ Association where all funds raised go towards resources for the girls. The fundraising efforts of the P&F have been integral in such initiatives as the purchase of a NAO Humanoid Robot worth over $20,000. The P&F’s contributions to the School are all the more possible thanks to the support and generosity of local businesses and school families who contribute to the Buzz Book each year.

To book your spot, visit www.trybooking.com/JGEN.

But hurry – bookings must close on Monday 7 December!

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Mothers’ Club: Win tickets to see Taylor Swift

MC Taylor Swift raffle Enews

The Mothers’ Club is pleased to announce a very exciting raffle for the School community. One lucky winner from the School will receive four tickets to see Taylor Swift live in concert at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre from the comfort of the BankSA corporate box.

Don’t miss out!

Tickets are now on sale at www.trybooking.com/JKHF
Buy 1 for $20 or 3 for $50

You’ll have to get in quick – limited tickets available, on sale for four weeks only.

The prize, donated by BankSA, also includes dinner, drinks and a car park at the concert, which will be held on 7 December at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre.

Emma Robinson
Mothers’ Club President

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Scholarship information and registration details are now available at www.stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au/scholarships.

Year 8 Academic Scholarship for Entry 2017
Students who will be in Year 7 in 2016 are eligible to apply for an academic entrance scholarship commencing from Year 8 in 2017. Registration for these scholarships must be completed online through the School website which provides a direct link through to the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). A series of academic tests will be undertaken at our School on Saturday 6 February 2016 and further information regarding these scholarships can be downloaded from the website. Registrations will close on Thursday 21 January 2016.

Music Scholarships for 2017
Current and external students from Year 6 to Year 10 in 2016 are welcome to apply for a Music Scholarship, for commencement from 2017. The scholarship criteria and application details are available on the School website and applications will be accepted until Friday 12 February 2016. Successful applicants will be invited to attend an audition in late February.

Pipe Organ Scholarship for 2016
Girls entering Years 6-11 are invited to apply for the Pipe Organ Scholarship. No previous organ experience is required: however, the recipient must have achieved AMEB Piano Grade 5 or equivalent. The recipient will be a dedicated musician who is keen to develop advanced skills on the organ and play a significant role in the worship activities of the School, including weekly Chapel services and Eucharists.

Further details about all of the scholarships on offer are available at www.stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au/scholarships

Virginia Miller
Director of Admissions & International Student Welfare

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Join us for Christmas Drinks on the Lawns

Christmas drinks on the lawns Enews

All ELC to Year 12 parents are warmly invited to attend the inaugural Christmas Drinks on the Lawns event. Please join us to celebrate all the successes of 2015 and learn more about our exciting initiatives under way for 2016.

Christmas Drinks on the Lawns
5.30 – 7.30pm
Thursday 12 November 2015
Chiverton Lawns

Drinks and nibbles will be provided. Children are also welcome to attend.

To assist with catering, please RSVP at www.trybooking.com/JKJH by Friday 6 November.

Enquiries can be directed to events@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

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Peter Pan tickets now available

JS Production Enews

Next week, the Peter Pan Junior production will come to life!

This is a beautiful version of the story with familiar songs. Prepare to be dazzled this year by something ‘just a little bit different’. Parent costume makers and prop sourcers have been hard at work, the music staff have been revising the songs with the girls, Mr D has been creating wonderful choreography and I have been busy blocking scenes and designing the vision.

The girls have really taken this show on with great vigour and have been able to bring to life many funny and many poignant moments. Mums, bring tissues – the ‘Your Mother and Mine’ scene will make you sniffle!

Thank you to all who have contributed to the show so far and to our parent community for their ongoing support.

7pm, 5 and 6 November 2015
Arts Centre, St Peter’s Girls’ School
Adults $15, Concession $8, Family $35

Tickets are now available at www.trybooking.com/IYQI

Shelley Hampton
Year 5 Teacher

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OSA Movie Afternoon

OSA Movie night Enews

The St Peter’s Girls’ School community is invited to an exclusive movie experience.

The highly anticipated movie release, Spectre, sees 007 at his best when a cryptic message from his past sends James Bond (Daniel Craig) on a quest to uncover a sinister organisation while M (Ralph Fiennes) battles political forces that want to shut down the British Secret Service.

Saturday 14 November 2015
Drinks from 3pm
Movie from 3.30pm
The Regal Theatre, 275 Kensington Road, Kensington Park SA
Tickets $25 per person – Includes champagne on arrival and chocolates

Tickets available at http://www.trybooking.com/IUOW

For enquiries please contact me on 8334 2239 or mmccormack@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

Megan McCormack (nee Walker, Kilburn ’86)
Old Scholar Liaison Officer

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Cabaret Concert at St Peter’s College

St Peter’s College will hold the 2015 Cabaret Concert at Memorial Hall on Friday 13 November 2015. Entry from 6.30pm for a 7pm start.

Adults: $25 per person
Concession: $20 per person

To book, visit trybooking.com/158582

For further details, contact Jill Page on 8404 0683 or email jpage@stpeters.sa.edu.au

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Sports results


tennisRecently, Sienna Glazbrook (Year 5) and Maiya Jakupec (Year 4) competed in an event run by Tennis SA involving 83 players who were competing for a chance to be involved in the Super 10s team’s event. This event involves 16 boys and 16 girls being selected to compete against each other over several weeks under the guidance of Tennis SA coaches. Sienna and Maiya have both been selected in Team Stosur, with Sienna as the number 1 player.

Basketball – Wednesday 21 October

Open A 
Saints got off to a good start. However, the opposition were strong, causing Saints to rush the ball down the court and make poor passing decisions. Our defensive game was strong, with a special mention to Grace Callen, Chelsea Stamato and Emily Dansie who got some good touches. Unfortunately, Saints lost the experience of Jo Dalpra early in the game and, despite this, the girls worked well as a team and should be commended for their efforts. Emily Dansie (Captain)

Middle A – Saints 8 defeated by Wilderness 69
Although we had another loss this week, there were some positives to take away from the game. At training the girls worked on cutting across the key to provide options in attack, going for goal and one on one defence. Both Chelsea Walls and Emily Downie worked well to ensure we had players moving into space and leading for the ball. Our defence in the first half of the game was consistent, with all players numbering up and applying pressure on the ball. Well done to Ebony Lohe for sticking to her player like glue and causing a number of intercepts. We had four different goal scorers this week, which is evidence of the girls having the confidence to go for goal and have a shot. Vanessa Brooks (Coach).

Middle B – Saints 2 defeated by Wilderness 64
The second match of the season was played against Wilderness girls. It was another tough game, with the score stretching apart early in the game, resulting in a large loss. Special mentions to Ziyi (Michelle) Yeoh, who was excellent at putting defensive pressure on the Wilderness girls, and chasing them down the court to defend goals, Jennifer Tran who did a fantastic job at moving the ball around the top of the key and Maddison Tilley-Brooks for some excellent rebounds in both attack and defence. In the second half of the game, Saints moved the ball much more in attack, creating some fantastic opportunities which where unlucky not to go in. Zara Sadri was our only goal scorer again, with a great goal from outside the key. Annika Winter (coach)

Junior Softball – Wednesday 21 October

Year 6 Blue – Saints 9 defeated by Walford 13
Saints came up against an extremely well drilled and skilled Walford in our first hit out. Solid hits were made in the first two innings but with only small returns. Things clicked in the third innings, with all batters securing bases and 7 getting home. The endeavour by the girls at bat was matched only by the wonderful chants on the sidelines. Well done on an encouraging start to the season! Nick Maerschel and Ben Goldsmith (Coaches)

Year 4/5 Teeball – Saints 23 defeated St Ignatius 13
This was the first teeball game for many of the girls, which provided an outstanding result. The girls were on the ball, collecting a lot of outs through several double plays. It looks very promising for the rest of this term from the youngest players in the sport at this school. Claire Hale (Coach)

Water Polo – Thursday 22 October

Open – Saints had a bye

Middle – Saints 11 defeated Pembroke 3
It was a great first match for the girls this term. The team was very cohesive, worked together and displayed skills that have been introduced during training sessions for the term as well as at the beginning of the year. It was also great to see some of the new players for this term getting into it and starting to grasp some of the fundamentals of the game. Hannah Andrews (Coach)

Junior Tennis – Friday 23 October

Year 6 Blue – Saints 4-20 defeated Scotch 1-5
Singles: Sienna Glazbrook 4-0, Emily Baldwinson 4-0. No singles: Maiya Jakupec and Shamilla Dhillon

Year 6 White – Saints 0-10 defeated by Seymour 6-28
Singles: Taj Shahin 2-4, Ruth Oliver 0-4, Georgia Langley 1-4, Isabelle Gilroy 3-4

Year 5 – Saints 2-15 defeated by Scotch 4-18
Singles: Chloe Venning 4-2, Anushka Rajbhoj 1-4, Primrose Robinson 1-4, Annabel Ryan 4-0

Junior Volleyball – Friday 23 October

Saints 2 defeated Wilderness Blue 1
The girls had a great first game. Everyone’s serving and setting improved greatly throughout the game. As the game progressed it was great to see the girls became more confident and enthusiastic. The girls had a well deserved win and we are excited about the games ahead. Megan Jenssen and Alice Powell (Coaches)

Athletics – State All Schools Championships

Saints had a very good representation at the SA Schools Athletic Championships. Saints won an incredible 7 Gold, 8 Silver and 3 Bronze. Individual results were:

Sophie Barr – U14 Shot – 4th 8.62m, Discus – Gold 28.34m, Hammer – Gold 21.58m

Amelia Wood – U14 80m Hurdles – Silver 14.97, High Jump – Bronze 1.45m, Pole Vault – Gold 2.00m

Jemimah Simpson – U16 Para Athlete 100m – Gold 14.31, 200m – Gold 29.32

Rose Pittman – U16 400m – Gold 58.92,

Hannah Brown – U16 200m 15th 28.52, Long Jump – Bronze 4.97m, Triple Jump Silver 10.44m

Zoe Wilmshurst – U16 90m Hurdles – 6th, Triple Jump 8th 9.30m, Shot Put 5th 9.99m, Discus Silver 27.11m, Javelin 4th 27.15m

Nicolette Miller – U16 Shot Put 6th 8.05m, Discus 5th 25.37m, Javelin 10th 15.35m

Rachael Disney – U16 200m – 7th 27.12, 400m – Silver 59.03,

Jasmine Ledgard – U18 Hammer – Silver 41.73m, U16 Shot Put Silver 10.89m, U16 Discus 10th 17.59m, U16 Hammer Gold 41.99m, U16 Javelin Bronze 28.94m

Anna Cross – U181500m – Silver 5:15.07, 5000m Walk – Silver 27:59.02

Lucy Brown – U18 800m – Bronze 2:24.71

Rowing – Saturday 24 October

Well done to all the girls for their efforts at training on Saturday. The Junior crews went well, with them showing improvement with every row. The Senior squad and Inter A and B travelled up to Murray Bridge and had a big row. It was a great chance for crews to get in some extra kilometres before they tackle Round the Island in a few weeks.

With the year going so quickly, we are looking to hold the Interhouse Rowing on Saturday 12 December. This will be for all year levels and it will be held at the Torrens and raced over 300m. All crews will be mixed up, with Year 7s to Seniors all racing in their houses in quads. It will be a lot of fun and the combination works really well. Friends of Rowing will be planning a BBQ as an end of year celebration so everyone is invited to come along. Further details will come out over the coming weeks.

This week’s regatta is the Henley On Torrens for Juniors (Years 7 and 8) and 9C crews. Ben Flannagan (Director of Rowing)

Softball – Saturday 24 October

Open A – Saints 9 defeated Pulteney 5
DSCN5293Open As played Pulteney at home on the weekend and came away with a great win against a tough opponent. The whole team batted strongly from the very beginning and fielded quickly with confidence. Well done to Ruby Oliver for her wonderful pitching that won us the game and for Georgia Naughton’s great catch in the outfield. Olivia May (Captain)

Open B – Saints 4 defeated by Pulteney 16
Despite knowing that they were up against an experienced team, the Open Bs went into the game with energy and determination. Although it’s not reflected in the score, all girls batted very well, with many hits getting into the outfield. It was a long game and the girls should be commended for keeping their spirits up until the very end. Well done to Millisent Wilkin and Olivia Goldsmith who played an exceptional game as pitcher and catcher. Best player goes to Millicent Wilkin for her consistent pitching, batting and fielding efforts. Lydia Smalls

Open C1 – Saints 4 defeated by Scotch 22
DSCN5292Unfortunately, the C Grade once again came up against a strong side. Chelsea Walls and Lauren Porter were our pitchers and were extremely successful, having a high strike average. Unfortunately, this meant that a lot of the strikes were being hit and being hit very far. Claire Hale (Coach)

Open C2 – Saints did not play.

Tennis – Saturday 24 October

Open B – Saints 4-29 defeated Wilderness 2-28
Singles: Olivia Harby 6-3, Emily Loh 4-6, Sophie Fry 6-3, Sarah Richards 1-6

Open C – Saints 3-28 defeated by Wilderness 5-6
Singles: Clair Kao 6-5, Laura Falconer 4-6, Chelsea Staples 6-3, Neve McCormack 1-6

Open D – Saints 4-33 defeated Wilderness 2-23
Singles: Annabel Baldwinson 5-6, Laura Sivewright 4-6, Georgina Thrower 6-4, Daveena Dhillon 6-2

Open E1 – Saints 4-25 defeated Wilderness 2-19
Singles: Annabelle Langley 1-6, Olivia Wilkinson 6-2, Emma Auricht 6-5, Charlotte Gilroy did not play

Open E2 – Saints 1-15 defeated by Wilderness 5-35
Singles: Carla Lawrence 2-6, Charlene Lee 2-6, Mahala Truscott 2-6, Lola Dimond 6-5

Open E3 – Saints 2-20 defeated by Wilderness 4-28
Singles: Lilly Alexander 2-6, Sophie Auricht 1-6, Rose Pittman 6-4, Sophie Shearwood 6-0

Open E4 – Saints 3-24 defeated by Wilderness 3-30
Singles: Krystina Dianos 6-3, Jiaman (Jemma) Wang 6-4, Aya Shahin 6-5, Lilly Rice 3-6

Intro A – Saints 1-13 defeated by Wilderness 5-22
Singles: Renee Lawrence 6-2, Stella Clark 1-6, Amelie Eaton 3-6, Aleisha Elliott 0-6

Intro B – Saints 2-14 defeated by Wilderness 4-23
Singles: Cheryl Wang 6-0, Yanran (Nicole) Ma 2-6, Chris Jiang 0-6, Natasha Lau 6-5

Volleyball – Saturday 24 October

Open A – Saints 3 defeated Wilderness 0
DSCN5278This week the Open A volleyball team played Wilderness at Saints. We all came ready to play and from the first serve played strongly and as a team. Although Wilderness put up a fight, we managed to win all three sets. Everyone played really well this week; however, Mikaela Georgiadis and Megan Jenssen played excellent games. Mikaela covered well and had some great digs and spikes into the back of the court, and Megan Jenssen used her strong spike to win many points. Victoria Neale (Captain)

Open B – Saints 2 defeated Wilderness 1 (24-26, 25-14, 25-16)
The team started a bit slowly against Wilderness but were able to keep their composure and secure a win. After narrowly losing the first set, the girls really bounced back strongly, easily winning the last 2 sets. Credit goes to Qianna (Nancy) Huang for her consistent serving that built momentum and put plenty of points on the board. Cambell Baker (Coach)

Open C – Saints 3 defeated Wilderness 0 (25-19, 25-21, 25-15)
The team played Wilderness and were able to win all three sets quite comfortably. All the girls played really well and are improving enormously each week. Our consistent serving and accurate passing were the two keys to victory. Cambell Baker (Coach)

Middle A – Saints 2 defeated Walford 1 (22-25, 25-16, 25-22)
DSCN5296The Middle As should be extremely proud of their efforts this week, managing to win the game in a heated last set. Ruby Bouhamden and Isabella Villani had some fantastic deep and flat serves over the net, which their opponents struggled to return. The girls started off with good set ups for 3 hits but couldn’t finish off the third hit, resulting in our loss for the first set. As the game progressed, there was much more calling and enthusiasm on court, as well as numerous 3 hits and fantastic blocking at net. The final set was a nail biter, with the teams matched evenly; however, the girls pulled through and won the game overall. Ellana Welsby and Eliza Falconer (Coaches)

Middle B – Saints 2 defeated Wilderness 1
This week the girls came out with a very well deserved win! In the first set Sara began with a 13 point serving streak to give the girls a great head start. Unfortunately, the girls lost the set 20-25. In the following two sets the girls worked hard as a team to win the sets and, in the end, the game. Everybody was serving fantastically and the movement and encouragement on court from all players improved out of sight. We were very proud of the enthusiasm and team work the girls showed and their determination to win. It was a great game and the girls should be very proud of the efforts they made. Ellana Welsby and Eliza Falconer (Coaches)

Middle C – Saints 2 defeated Wilderness 1 (15-25, 25-20, 25-15)
Despite the girls still getting used to playing as a team and backing each other up, there were some good rallies which involved quick reflexes and backing up team members. Katelin Calandro and Amelie Dunda had some strong digs, whilst Mengyuan (Meredith) Li and Mary Brownridge served consistently well throughout the game. After losing the first set, the girls came back with much more calling and enthusiasm, scoring a win in both the second and third set, and winning the overall game. Ellana Welsby and Eliza Falconer (Coaches)

Tennis – Monday 26 October

Open A – Saints 6-36 defeated Wilderness 0-4
Doubles: Yasmin and Tiana 6-0 and Olivia and Jade 6-1
Singles: Yasmin Glazbrook 6-0, Tiana Glazbrook 6-1, Jade Leyden 6-0, Olivia Teh 6-2