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Enews – Term 3, Week 5 2015

Issue no. 25 


From the Director of Teaching & Learning

Introducing our new EDGE

MeredithBeck_webSt Peter’s Girls is proud to announce that EDGE, our Gifted and Talented education program, will commence from the start of 2016.

This year a steering committee comprised of Junior, Middle and Senior School teachers has been working to investigate best practice in this area of education and develop a proposal for the School. Recently, the Senior Leadership Team and Board of Governors accepted the recommendations of this steering committee and the School will take immediate action to implement this exciting and innovative program.

I am delighted to share with parents our vision for the EDGE program – Extended Differentiation & Gifted Education.

First, why introduce a Gifted and Talented program into a school that has a proven record of high academic and personal achievement and a focus on the individual growth of the student?

This is a great question and the response aligns with our approach to teaching and learning. We strive to support each girl to realise her potential. However, sometimes potential may be hidden, or within one of the recognised domains of human ability (intellectual, creative, social and physical) and not apparent in the others. It is incumbent on us as educators to discover and nurture the talent as well as provide an excellent and holistic education. In doing so, we also acknowledge that raising outcomes for gifted and talented students is a very effective way of raising outcomes for all students.

In Term 2, all teachers from ELC to Year 12 were involved in after-hours professional learning to enhance our understanding of giftedness, identification and appropriate interventions. Additional workshops are also available this term.

Overseen by a new Gifted and Talented Coordinator, the program will address gifted and talented students’ learning needs in the following ways:

  • Develop and implement the EDGE program
  • Develop in-class documented differentiation for identified students
  • Introduce Mathematics ability groups in Years 5 and 6

EDGE is a semesterised, vertically grouped, withdrawal program that has a Science/Mathematics and English/Humanities focus. Students from Reception to Year 10 who receive an offer to participate in the program may be withdrawn from regular classes for two lessons per week. Each semester, the student group may be different, depending on the nature of the student’s giftedness. Vertical grouping will be in two-year intervals. Participation in the EDGE program will be based on an identification process incorporating formal testing, observation, and teacher and parental recommendations.

The steering committee also documented over 30 programs, competitions and initiatives that are currently available to our girls. These range from the Primary Maths Challenge to the Year 10 elective subject, High Performance PE.

We recognise that early identification and intervention are crucial to the realisation of potential and that a gifted program is a necessary component of meeting the needs of our students. However, sustained development of the talent is also important in order to maintain curiosity, inquiry and the love of learning. We look forward to welcoming students to EDGE and nurturing the many talents of our girls.

NAPLAN results for 2015

Next week, the NAPLAN  National Individual Student Report will be sent to parents/guardians of students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 who undertook the tests this year.

NAPLAN provides information on your child’s literacy and numeracy achievement and summarises information for all children at a School, State and National level.

To discuss your child’s progress or NAPLAN results, pease contact your daughter’s class or Home Group teacher, or the relevant Head of Sub School.

Meredith Beck
Director of Teaching and Learning

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New bench seats thanks to SRC


This term, the Middle and Senior School students involved in the SRC were excited to unveil the installation of five new benches, located alongside the courts on the corner of Hallett and Stonyfell Roads.

As part of a joint venture with the Mothers’ Club, these benches were installed as part of an ongoing renovation to the Hallett Road court area, which has also included the Friendship Seat. The Mothers’ Club hopes to also raise funds for the installation of a permanent barbecue. These renovations are an exciting addition to the grounds, and will improve the sport experience, thus ultimately strengthening our School community.

For those interested in supporting the fundraising initiative to install a permanent barbecue, raffle tickets can be purchased from the Front Office.

Dana Spajić
SRC Chairperson

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Debating report

Week 2 – Round 4 Debates

We started the term off with a bang, where the girls participated in yet another spectacular round of debates, despite the short preparation period. All the teams addressed current issues prevalent in our society such as the shortcomings of the Federal Government, the promotion of alcoholic beverages at sporting events and Australia’s preparation for future natural disasters. In particular, the junior teams discussed more local topics, for instance the issues of school canteens.

All girls were well prepared and presented flawless debates. I am proud of the progress made by our girls this year, which has significantly lifted the profile of debating in our School. As such, many teams will be guaranteed a position in the debating finals. I wish all the debaters good luck for the next few rounds.

Helen Bui
Debating and Public Speaking Captain


Junior (Year 7)

St Peter’s Girls I – defeated Scotch by 2 points
Debaters: Isabella Bernardi, Paris Robinson, Jessica Stratton-Smith (Chairperson: Charlotte Stratton-Smith)

St Peter’s Girls II – defeated Woodcroft College by forfeit

St Peter’s Girls III – defeated St Dominic’s by 4 points
Debaters: Hannah Keough, Renee Lawrence, Isabelle Norman (Chairperson: Amelie Eaton)

Intermediate B (Year 8)

St Peter’s Girls I – defeated St Peter’s College by 2 points
Debaters: Hannah Brown, Shunem Josiah, Asha Short

St Peter’s Girls II – defeated by Seymour College by 2 points
Debaters: Teegan Lindsay, Ankita Rajbhoj, Isobel Tan

St Peter’s Girls III – defeated St Mary’s by forfeit

Intermediate A (Year 9)

St Peter’s Girls I – defeated St Peter’s College by 3 points
Debaters: Lucy Cox, Ava Loechel, Emma Bleby

St Peter’s Girls II – defeated Mercedes College by 1 point
Debaters: Nicola Jones, Georgia Bowden, Ziyi (Michelle) Yeoh

St Peter’s Girls III – defeated by Concordia College by 2 points
Debaters: Anna Bi, Grace Edwards, Kate Landon (Chairperson: Mila Loechel)

Senior B (Year 10)

St Peter’s Girls I – defeated Walford Girls’ School by 1 point
Debaters: Aanchal Chandiramani, Sophie-Louise Shearwood, Han (Hazel) Huang (Chairperson: Carys Jones)

St Peter’s Girls II – defeated by Concordia College by 3 points
Debaters: Olivia Habel, Alice Petchey, Grace Callen

St Peter’s Girls III – defeated by Immanuel College by 2 points
Debaters: Sarah Richards, Qianna (Nancy) Huang, Sophia Casanova Clarke (Chairperson: Emily Keough)

Senior A (Year 11/12)

St Peter’s Girls I – defeated St Ignatius by 4 points
Debaters: Madeleine Tan, Jaida Bouhamdan and Mila Loechel (Chairperson: Kritika Mishra)

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Parents’ & Friends’ Association update

P&F Logo_BlueWhilst the weather may be wet and cold, it hasn’t stopped the Parents’ and Friends’ Association from planning new fundraising and community building activities.

Hopefully, you will have seen in a previous edition of the Enews that St Peter’s Girls has been playing host to Thomas the robot. Thomas has been working with children from the ELC and Junior School students, helping them to develop computational thinking and problem-solving skills. St Peter’s Girls has been one of only two schools selected to take part in this AISSA initiative this term. Thomas offers a wide range of educational possibilities, from introducing the girls to computer programming to building an awareness of empathy and interpersonal skills. While Thomas is only with us for a term, the P&F have resolved to support the School’s aspiration to buy their own NAO humanoid robot.

Later this term the P&F will launch a golden ticket lottery. The lottery will be limited to just 300 tickets, at $100 each. The main prize will be school fees to the value of $15,000, with two runner-up prizes of $500 vouchers for the School Shop. The remainder of the money raised by the lottery will be directed towards purchasing a NAO humanoid robot just like Thomas for the School. Please show your support for this unique and cutting-edge initiative by buying a ticket when they go on sale. You never know, you might just get lucky!

The Mothers’ Club have done a fantastic job in creating the amphitheatre area beside the tennis courts. Congratulations to all involved with the Mothers’ Club in this initiative. It is great to see the Mothers’ Club helping to enhance the visual aspects of the School as well as provide more usable space for the girls and their parents.

Over the coming months the P&F will be using the funds raised through the Quiz Night, Twilight Cinema and Buzz Book to revitalise the Sisters’ Garden, which lies between the Gym and Chiverton. In consultation with the Old Scholars’ Association and Friends of the Founders, we are looking at redeveloping the garden to be an inviting area for the girls to enjoy. I look forward to sharing further plans with the community once they progress.

On Sunday 20 September the annual City to Bay fun run will be held and the P&F will again be hosting a marquee in the City to Bay Village. Come and meet other participants, swap stories, enjoy a massage and a bite to eat.

New members to the P&F committee are always welcome. Meetings are held from 6.30pm on the first Thursday of the month. The 2015 AGM is scheduled for Thursday 12 November, when the 2016 executive committee will be appointed. If you would like to become more involved with the School and have a skill to offer, particularly in the area of finance, please contact Ed Parker on 0400 236 099 or Director of Marketing, Communications and Development, Tim Wilson, on 8334 2213 or twilson@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

Ed Parker
P&F President

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Relive Choral Night

A number of Choral Night DVDs are still available.

This year the Friends of the Arts community group have copies of the Choral Night spectacular available on DVD. This is your chance to relive the magic, or perhaps catch up if you couldn’t make it on the night.

DVDs cost just $20, and proceeds will go towards supporting the School’s Arts and Music programs.

Copies are available from the School Shop.

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Sport in the teen years leads to a longer life

Sport Group logo_ColourThe Medical Observer recently published the following article, which may be of interest to families.

In a study with apparent lessons for female adolescents worldwide, researchers in China have shown an association between regular exercise in the teen years and reduced risk of mortality from all causes later in life.

The US National Institutes of Health funded study crunched data on 75,000 women aged 40-70 from Shanghai, reviewing their self-reported exercise participation when aged 13-19 and their later socioeconomic and health status.

They found those participating in more than 1.33 hours a week of exercise as adolescents had a 38% reduced risk of cardiovascular death and a 29% reduced risk from all causes. Participation in sport in the teen years was inversely associated with cancer mortality among the women.

– Medical Observer, 7 August 2015

Jacquie Simpson
Saints Sport Group

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Transition Parent Information Evening for Year 7 2016

Year 6 parents are warmly invited to attend the Transition Parent Information Evening for Year 7 2016. Making the transition from Junior or Primary School to Middle School effects students in many different ways.

This event will provide parents with the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the curriculum, philosophy, practices and expectations of the Middle School at St Peter’s Girls.

The evening will also provide an opportunity to meet key members of the Year 7 teaching team, as well as for parents of new students joining us in 2016 to meet current parents and other new families.

2016 Transition Parent Information Evening
Wednesday 26 August, 7-8pm
Arts Centre, St Peter’s Girls’ School

Please RSVP at www.trybooking.com/ITAZ

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Props wanted for Year 5 production

PeterPanJR_4CThe Year 5 production this year will be Peter Pan Junior. The girls are already busy planning and preparing for this special event in the Junior School calendar.

As part of our set, we would love to hear from anyone who has a tallboy chest of drawers, at least 1m high. We would preferably like one that is light and is no longer wanted. Our aim is to paint it and put wheels on it.

We are also on the hunt for an Indian chief headdress.

If you think you may be able to donate an item, please let me know at shampton@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

Shelley Hampton
Year 5 Teacher

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ELC Fathers’ Day Breakfast

ELC Fathers Day invitation Enews

In celebration of Fathers’ Day, all dads and special friends are warmly invited to attend an exciting breakfast with their child at the ELC.

When: 7.45am, Wednesday 2 September 2015
Venue: ELC

To assist with catering, please RSVP online at www.trybooking.com/IVIX

We wish all our dads a very happy Fathers’ Day.

Kate Mount
Director of Early Learning

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Year 12 Dance Production: Moved 3 – Pulse

Yr 12 dance production Enews


On Tuesday 1 September, the Year 12 dancers will present Moved 3 – Pulse, the SACE 2 Performance Exam for 2015. The evening will feature a variety of dances, predominantly in the contemporary genre, but also including a number of jazz works.

Choreography by myself, a number of students and guest artist Alison Wilton will feature in the performance, the works linked by the inevitable and pulsating rhythms of movement, music and life, be they confronting or beautiful.

For the first time, we have invited the Years 9-10 dancers to also participate in the program, along with two of our more accomplished pianists, from Year 11. The evening promises to be an intense and exciting showcase of performing arts.

The performance is worth 30% for the SACE 2 Dance students, so a lively, enthusiastic and engaged audience will really assist the students to perform at their best.

I hope to see you there!

When: 7.30pm, Tuesday 1 September 2015
Venue: Arts Centre, St Peter’s Girls’ School
Tickets: Adults $10, Concession $5

Book tickets online at www.trybooking.com/IUCV

Amanda Kimber
Dance Teacher/Head of Arts

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Ladies’ Golf Day

OSA Golf Day invite

The annual St Peter’s Girls’ School Ladies’ Golf Day and Lunch is on Friday 11 September at Kooyonga Golf Club.

It’s a stableford competition with a one tee start commencing at 8.30am. The day promises to be great fun with prizes on offer, including ‘Nearest the Pin’ as well as the Perpetual Trophy for the 18 hole golf champion.

Play 18 holes or just join us for lunch at 1pm.

Tickets for Golf and Lunch: $80
Tickets for Kooyonga Golf Club members and those attending for lunch only: $25

All are welcome so bring a friend!

Contact the Development Office on 8334 2239 for more details.

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Mothers’ Club raffle: Build a barbecue

MC raffle Enews

Have you got your sausages sizzling on the Mothers’ Club barbecue?

Get them in to win!

Can we build it? Yes we can! We just need some cash to buy a few bricks and pieces.

We’ve lined up some stellar prizes for our Fathers’ Day Raffle – so here’s your chance to win dad an awesome present and help us throw a snag on the new barbie!

Return the tickets with your payment to the Front Office and we’ll pop the sausages on to cook on our display near the School Shop.

The more tickets you buy, the more chance you have of winning!

The raffle will be drawn on 3 September. Good luck and thank you for your continued support of the Mothers’ Club.

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Would you like to try rowing?

If you’ve ever wanted to give rowing a go or think this could be your sport, you’ll be more than welcome at Saints Rowing.

Join us for an information evening to learn more about the Saints Girls rowing program, how you can be involved, and why rowing is such a great sport. The evening will be held at 6pm, Tuesday 25 August in the Humzy Theatre.

There will be a free Come and Try day from 11am – 1pm on Sunday 30 August for students in Years 6 – 10 at the Scotch Boatshed, Victoria Drive, Adelaide (behind the Convention Centre). Rowers will have access to a modern fleet of boats and excellent coaching staff.

Girls may also be interested in taking on the role of coxswain (cox). The cox plays an important leadership role by taking charge of the crew and supporting the rowers through their training program as ‘the coach on the water’.

The sport of rowing assists girls to develop lifelong skills including leadership, health, nutrition, fitness and how to work as an effective member of a team.

Info night: 6pm, Tuesday 25 August in the Humzy Theatre

Come and Try: 11am, Sunday 30 August at Scotch Boatshed, Torrens River

Official training commences for Years 7-11 students in Week 8 this term. The Learn to Row program for Year 6 students commences in Term 4.

Ben Flannagan
Director of Rowing

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Hairspray coming soon to Saints Girls

Hairspray-Jr-(web)Good morning, Baltimore and St Peter’s Girls! It’s 1962, and spunky plus-size teen, Tracy Turnblad (Charlie Miller), has one big dream — to dance on the popular Corny Collins Show (Harry Fielder). Her best friend, Penny Pingleton (Isabelle Norman), is thrilled for Tracy but not Penny’s mother, Prudy Pingleton (Georgia Nairn). When she finally gets her shot, she’s transformed from social outcast to sudden star. In balancing her new-found power with her desire for justice, Tracy fights to dethrone the reigning Miss Teen Hairspray, Amber von Tussle (Charlotte Evins), and integrate a TV network in the process. Owner of the TV station is Velma Von Tussle (Chyna Hazel-Polkinghorne) who is determined to see Amber win and will rig the votes at any cost. With the help of Tracy’s outsized mother, Edna Turnblad (Walter Buckley), and guest DJ, Motormouth Maybelle (Alex De Porteous), the rhythm of Tracy’s new beat just might prove unstoppable. Tracy also wins over heart-throb, Link Larkin (Ned Baulderstone), and everyone dances down the aisles to the show’s finale. The vibrant ensemble made up of the Nicest Kids in Town and Baltimore chorus features 30 Saints Girls from Years 4 – 8.

Featuring a dynamic cast of 70 and featuring toe-tapping tunes such as Good Morning Baltimore, Mama I’m a Big Girl Now, Welcome to the 60s and You Can’t Stop the Beat, this show has more colour, vamp and vitality than a barrel of monkeys.

Season – 18 – 20 September (Friday 18 @ 7.30pm, Saturday 19 @ 2pm and 7.30pm, Sunday 20 @ 4pm). St Peter’s Girls Arts Centre – Tickets through Mr Davidson adults $20 or concession $15. Hurry and get your tickets, as opening night and the Sunday are already 60% sold out.

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Holiday Sports Camps

Australian Sports Camps are hosting a series of camps in the October holidays for interested students.

Try basketball, cricket, soccer, football or netball.

Learn and develop your skills with a terrific three day coaching experience for players of all standards, aged 6 to 17. The programs utilise fantastic facilities in each state with our structured skill development programs delivered by experienced and talented panels of coaches in each sport.

These coaches are supported by guest appearances from top level players from state and national teams. The senior program is specifically designed for 13 – 17 year old players to run in conjunction with the stars program for 6 -12 year olds.

For more details regarding the camps, visit australiansportscamps.com.au.

> Download the flyer

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Earn and Learn at Saints Girls

We are excited to be taking part in the Woolworths Earn & Learn program. Just collect Woolworths Earn & Learn Points when you shop at Woolworths and we will redeem the points for educational resources.

For every $10 spent at Woolworths you will receive a Woolworths Earn & Learn Point. Pop them onto a Woolworths Earn & Learn Points Sheet and once it’s completed, just bring it back to school and drop it into the Collection Box at Student Services. The more we collect, the more we can redeem. There are thousands of products available through the Woolworths Earn & Learn program. We are grateful for your support and look forward to a successful program.

Barbara Hender
Head of ICT

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Staff v Student Netball

staff-v-student-netballLast week saw the annual Staff v Student netball match, with a highlights reel as long as Mr Mills’s reach. The students came out firing and were keen to avenge last year’s loss but with some new pick-ups that just scraped under the salary cap, the staff played a high intensity game. This meant that there were to be casualties; fortunately a large number of substitutes were available. The students complained of missing key players and by the last quarter the staff opened up a commanding lead to claim victory 17-9. It was difficult to name best players in an even team performance for the staff with all playing their part. Thanks to both students and staff for taking part.

Daniel Searle
Head of PE, Health & Outdoor Education

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Sports Day: Friday 4 September

A reminder that the Years 4 to 12 Sports Day will be held on Friday 4 September. The 1500m finals will be held at School on Wednesday 26 August during lunchtime.

The carnival will be held at SA Athletics Stadium (previously SANTOS Stadium). The day will begin at 8.30am and conclude by 4pm. This day is to be treated like a normal school day; therefore, attendance is required for the whole day.

Students who travel to school on school buses will automatically be taken to the Athletics Stadium in the morning and will depart from there in the afternoon. All other students will need to be dropped off at the Stadium in the morning and picked up in the afternoon, as the girls will be dismissed directly from the venue.

Girls are reminded to wear their complete PE uniform with a House top and hat (Year 12s have separate standards). We encourage the girls to display their House Spirit on the day, but please be aware body paint is not permitted in the SA Athletics Stadium. Girls are able to wear spikes up to 7mm in length.

The Saints Sport Group will be running a raffle throughout the day, with excellent prizes on offer. They will also be selling House tattoos, which students can purchase at the gate on the day (1 for $1 or 3 for $2). (Please note that these can be removed with tea-tree oil or acetone free nail polish remover. It is not permitted that the tattoos are visible outside the winter school uniform the following week.)

With the ease of parking and close proximity to the city, we encourage you to come along and support your daughter/s and be involved in events that can assist your daughter’s House, have fun and win some prizes.

  • To start the day we would like to invite parents to join their daughter’s House in the first event of the day at 9am, the House Scramble. The objective is for each House in turn to get as many participants as possible across the line over a distance of 300m in 75 seconds.
  • The Parent Rowing Challenge will be held from 12.30-1.30pm. This competition involves a gold coin donation, with prizes donated from Ben Flannagan and EFM for the furthest distance rowed in 2 minutes (male and female).

Students can either bring their recess and lunch on the day or the canteen will be open to purchase food and drinks. Water bottles should also be brought. Despite being just out of winter, we encourage people to prepare according to the forecast and that will mean applying sunscreen early in the day. This will be available at the First Aid station.

Daniel Searle
Head of PE, Health & Outdoor Education

Neil Fuller
Director of Sport

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Sports News

Sports Hoodies

Sports Hoodie order forms are now available from the PE department. Students must be representing the School in a sport to be eligible. All forms are required to be endorsed by Dan Searle or Neil Fuller and then orders are required to be placed at the School Shop by Friday 28 August (Week 6).

Swimming – Thursday 13 August

Saints were invited to compete at a recent Independent Primary Schools Swimming Carnival, partnering Prince Alfred College. The team then took on a multitude of opposing co-ed schools including Immanuel, Trinity, Pulteney, Sacred Heart and Westminster. All girls performed exceptionally well to combine with PAC to finish second in Division one and third overall in Division 2. This was an exciting opportunity and we look forward to being involved in similar carnivals in the future. Neil Fuller

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Sports Results

Junior Basketball – Wednesday 12 August

Year 6 Blue – Saints 17 defeated by Seymour 22
The girls have shown enormous improvement in just three weeks together. We are gaining a better understanding of the game and confidence is growing, given that we have minimal basketball experience amongst our team. We pushed Seymour in a closely contested game this week and were leading during the third quarter. Our girls showed a lot more tenacity this week and I was pleased with all of their efforts. This really was a full team effort, with better players this week being Kellie Bested and Simran Rai. Darren Berry (Coach)

Year 6 White 14 defeated by Pembroke Green 28
It was a very tough game outdoors in cold, wet and slippery conditions, but the girls worked hard. There were many highlights, including Emanuelle Russell shooting an amazing (almost 3 point) long shot. Every single player had improved from the previous week, which is the most pleasing sign. This week’s best player goes to Georgia Davidson for her tenacity at the ball and her great defensive rebounds. Tammy Flannagan (Coach)

Year 5 – Saints 7 defeated by Wilderness 8
The girls got off to a slow start but eventually got into the game. With this being many girls’ first game it was great to see how excited they were to give the game a go and were unlucky to only lose by one in the last minute. A special mention to Annie Bradshaw who constantly worked hard to try and score as many points as she could. Jo Dalpra and Ella Robinson (Coaches)

Junior Netball – Wednesday 12 August

Year 4 Blue – Saints 26 defeated St Andrews 0
The girls worked together as a team to play a great game of netball. All of them have developed their skills and they are working the ball smoothly down the court as a team. The girls were tight in defence, causing multiple turnovers for us, and also worked hard to get in front of their players in the attacking end. Best player: Chloe Porter for her outstanding shooting and turnovers. It’s great to see the girls improving and enjoying their netball. Georgia Naughton (Assistant Coach)

Year 3 – Saints defeated Pembroke
All the girls are beginning to convert their training into practice on game day, which is terrific. Florence Russell and Scarlett Dillon showed great attacking and defending skills, along with Claudia Pearce who took many intercepts as goal keeper. At defensive throw-ins or turnovers, all the players in mid court learned to drop back, which made good space. Naadiya Ishaq did some great shadow defence work. Even though the rain made things a little more difficult, everyone played their best and contributed to a good win. Sue Jones (Coach)

Soccer – Wednesday 12 August

Open A – Saints 1 defeated by Westminster 4
sprt-O-MayThe score was level at 1-all at half-time and Saints persisted to play hard but were unable to hold them off in defence in the second half. Best player goes to Isabella Villani (Year 8) for strong work down the line. Olivia May (Captain)

Open B – Saints 3 defeated Westminster 1
Last week the girls played against Westminster. The girls played the first half very strongly by moving the ball down the attacking end and keeping possession of the ball for the majority of the game. In the second half of the game, the girls continued to have control of the ball and we had many shots at goal and scored three. Best player goes to Ella Connaghan for her strong defence and the two goals she scored. Sophia West (B Captain)

Middle A – Saints 5 defeated Westminster 2
The game started slowly and with a long shot from Westminster we went 1-0 down. This goal woke the girls up and we quickly equalised through a great shot from Olivia Law. Just before the end of the half Westminster took the lead with another long shot. The girls came out positively in the second half, with Olivia Law equalizing again with a great solo goal; from then on Saints dominated the game. The second half ended with Sara Possingham scoring one, then Olivia adding another two goals. Best players: Olivia Law, Taylah Simpson, Charlotte Kelly. Tom Maricic (Coach)

Middle B – Saints 2 drew with Seymour 2
Given the wet and muddy conditions, all girls did an extraordinary job in controlling the ball and staying on their feet! After an amazing goal from Amy Carrodus, Seymour got on the scoreboard and eventually draw the game! Thanks to all the Year 7 girls who filled in this week. Alisha Dhillon (Coach)

Junior Soccer – Friday 14 August

Year 6 Blue – Saints 3 defeated Pembroke 0
sprt-I-VillaniThe girls had another fantastic win. Cheri was fantastic in defence, providing many options for scoring up the ground. Our forwards this week were particularly strong in making their shots count. Sophie scored two goals and Harriett one. A great win through applying game tactics. Mark Routley (Coach)

Year 6 White – Saints 3 defeated Pembroke 2
The girls continued their winning form, with Ashley Piper scoring two and Kellie Bested one. It was a tough game that the opposition dominated in the first half, going up 2-0. The girls came out attacking in the second half, showing good passages of play, and a few goal line clearances came from Kendra Ware in the second half. Overall, it was a good team win. Charlie Capogreco (Coach)

Year 6 Silver – Saints 4 defeated Pulteney 3
The girls started well, passing the ball around and creating some good goal scoring opportunities, only to go 1-0 down with a powerful long shot from Pulteney. This was soon equalized through a great goal from Evangeline Peek-Basso, only to go down again with a long shot from Pulteney. Just before the end of the first half we equalized again with a great solo goal from Evangeline. The girls started the second half well by creating some good opportunities but once again unluckily conceding a goal. This was soon equalized through a great team attack and Ebony Morelli finishing with a great shot. At the end of the second half St Peter’s broke forward with a great kick from Molly Bond in goals and this was taken on and finished by Rose Young. Best players: Evie Peek-Basso, Amelia Provan, Asha Krywanio. Thomas Maricic (Coach)

Lacrosse – Thursday 14 August

Under 15 – Saints 15 defeated Seymour 7
The game quickly turned in the second half led by our older girls, Isabella Di Matteo and Sophie-Louise Shearwood (Year 10). The younger girls who deserve a mention for their hard work were again Millisent Wilkin taking many of the centre draws and Harriet Maerschel (Year 7) who used her speed to get the ball down the field, and played very well under pressure, despite the fact that Seymour was called for a yellow card! Sophie Auricht (Year 9) did an excellent job in attack, opening up the fan and passing, allowing Saints to push through Seymour’s defence and shoot well placed goals. Goal scorers were Harriet Maerschel (Year 7), Chelsea Walls (Year 7), Isabella Di Matteo (Year 10), Millisent Wilkin (Year 7) and Sophie-Louise Shearwood (Year 10). Sophie-Louise Shearwood

Lacrosse – Saturday 14 August

Under 13 Division 1 – Saints 12 defeated Wilderness 11
It was a very close and nail biting match towards the end of the game but the girls pushed through. Scarlett Hocking (Year 7) did a great job in defence, fighting hard for ground balls and having her stick up to block the opposition’s attackers. When Isabelle Norman (Year 7) saved a goal, Abigail Lisle (Year 7) grabbed the ball out of the goal circle and did well in looking for open players. Millisent Wilkin (Year 7) did a fantastic job in centre, fighting hard when the ball was in the air. Harriet Maerschel (Year 7) and Portia Maerschel (Year 6) were around the circle, trying hard to gain possession of the ball every time. Goal scorers for this match were Harriet Maerschel, Portia Maerschel and Chelsea Walls (Year 7). Best players were Millisent Wilkin for her great work in mid-field and Chelsea Walls, who scored 9 terrific goals. Lucy Martin (Captain)

Under 13 Division 2 – Saints 17 defeated Wilderness 9
The Under 13 Girls Division 2 lacrosse team showed amazing persistence throughout the game and pushed hard until the final buzzer. They had brilliant work in attack and pushed hard to defend the goals. Best player went to Fiona Lethbridge for her incredible work on ground balls and also in moving the ball around the field. Alice Petchey

Badminton – Saturday 15 August

Open A – Saints 5 defeated Immanuel 1
Well done to the A team for a great win this week against Immanuel. Great win by Sabrina Chou in her singles, with a well fought match by Emily Murdock.

Open B – Saints 6 defeated Pembroke B1 0
A strong win from the Bs, with a very close game by Laura Sivewright in her singles! Great win by Charlene Lee and Cheryl Wang in their doubles match!

Open C – Saints 4 defeated Pembroke 2
A well contested game with great wins from the girls.

Open D – Saints 4 defeated Walford 2
A fantastic win from the girls against Walford.

Open E – Saints had a bye this week.

Open F – Saints 9 defeated Immanuel 0
The girls had a fantastic win. Keep up the great effort!

Open G – Saints 0 defeated by Pembroke E 9
A good effort by the girls facing older and more experienced opponents.

Hockey – Saturday 15 August

Open A – Saints 2 defeated by Walford 3
sprt-OpenA-hockeyBoth teams came out really strongly and luckily Olivia May was able to get a quick goal onto the scoreboard. Walford then had a fast breakaway, scoring to level the game. Then, with minutes to go in the first half, Zoe Steinhardt scored a fantastic deflection to put us ahead 2-1 at half time. In the second half Walford came out harder and stronger and were able to score 2 goals, and Saints had a number of close chances at the end with Georgina Sarah narrowly missing and Saints taking 2 short corners after the final buzzer but we just couldn’t score. Everyone played well and worked strongly together as a team, stringing together some firm passes to get us many fast breakaways. Special mention to Olivia Teh who played an outstanding game and was really solid clearing out the defence. Sophie Fry (Captain)

Open B – Saints 0 defeated by Loreto 4
Saints played what was Loreto’s A grade and put in a commendable performance, and despite not scoring were unlucky on many occasions, with Kate McKellar-Stewart and Lara Khoury both going close. Katherine Woolley had an excellent game and was well supported by Jemimah Simpson and Olivia Goldsmith who seemed to be everywhere. Grace Edwards made a number of saves in goal, and Jade Leyden and Emily Keough were solid defenders. Neil Fuller (Supervisor)

Open C – Saints 2 drew with Loreto 2
sprt-E-CarrodusK-McKellarStewartSaints led twice in this game and were unlucky not to record a win. Thanks go to those girls who played a second match. Alice Girdler played well in goal, with Emma Carrodus and Charlotte Creek also having great contributions in the match. Neil Fuller (Supervisor)

Netball – Saturday 15 August

Open A – Saints 46 defeated by Westminster 57
This week the Open A team faced a challenging match against Westminster. The first quarter was of high intensity, with the girls all putting in 100%, leaving us only 2 down at first quarter time. The second quarter we allowed a few issues with execution to get the better of us and, unfortunately, we ended up down substantially at half time. The last half of the game was of a much higher standard, and the score was much more consistent. We put up a good fight and each one of us kept our heads up until the very end. We managed to win the last quarter and turn the score around, losing by 11 goals in the end. Good effort, girls. Amy Wishart (Captain)

Open B – Saints 21 defeated by Westminster 62
The Open B team also had a difficult game this week and were unable to secure a win. However, the girls focussed on their own improvement, executing the crucial skills learnt at training. Despite the score, the team remained determined and applied good defensive pressure all the way down the court. Overall, the girls have continued to improve throughout the entire season and this week’s game proved how far they have come. Amy Wishart (Captain)

Open C – Saints did not play

Year 10A – Saints 21 defeated by Westminster 33
While it started out as a close game, Saints couldn’t narrow the margin as the game progressed. Our defenders, Grace Dawson and Lydia Smalls, both played brilliant games with multiple intercepts that continuously stopped Westminster’s flow down the court. Alana Coppock (Coach)

Year 10B – Saints 31 defeated Westminster 30
For the first half, the girls trailed Westminster and were nine goals at half time. During the third quarter, the girls turned the ball over many times and reduced the margin. In a thrilling and exciting finish, the girls pushed through the last quarter to win by one goal in the last minute of the game. All played well, with special mentions to Uthpala De Silva and Dimity Pittman. Alana Coppock (Coach)

Year 9A – Saints 20 defeated by Westminster 74
Despite the wet conditions, the game against Westminster showed some fantastic passages of play and clever set-ups by the girls. Olivia Harby and Emily Webb utilised and perfected the centre pass strategies practised in training, with Charlotte Kelly backing these up and often turning the play over to Saints’ advantage. Both the highlight and hindrance of our game was all girls on court almost gaining possession of the ball with our intercepting. Nonetheless, the girls played their own game and finished with smiles and a sense of achievement, which is equal to a win in our eyes. Eliza Falconer and Ellana Welsby (Coaches)

Year 9B – Saints defeated by Westminster
This week the girls played another tough opponent. Westminster had a strong side but we were able to play our best game and improve on specific skills. At half-time we gave the girls a focus of getting in front and leading to the ball. Focussing on these things, the girls improved greatly and we were very impressed by their efforts. Overall, well done on working hard and as a team. Eliza Falconer and Ellana Welsby (Coaches)

Year 8A – Saints 16 defeated by Westminster 22
The girls played some fantastic netball in the first and fourth quarters this week. Unfortunately, the drop in intensity and high number of errors during the rest of the game allowed Westminster to come out on top. During the first quarter, Sophie LeMire and Brooke Elliott worked well together in goals to convert the majority of scoring opportunities created across the court. Sarah Matheson listened to feedback and slowed the play down the court in what were wet and slippery conditions. During the second and third quarters, Westminster upped their defence and the Saints girls made too many errors, throwing the ball away. The girls did compose themselves to come out with an equal scoring final quarter; however, it was too late to change the final outcome. Vanessa Brooks (Coach)

Year 8B – Saints 22 defeated by Westminster 27
It took us a while to adjust and settle into our style of play. The first half of the game was challenging for the girls and despite the fact that they were playing well together as a team, Westminster were able to capitalise on their turnovers. Sarah Carrodus and Hannah Brown worked tirelessly in defence during the second quarter, limiting the movement within Westminster’s attack. The shooters were also consistent throughout the match but didn’t have as many scoring opportunities, as our opposition made it difficult to get ahead. Overall, a strong effort from the girls and I look forward to improvements in areas during training. Sarah Miller (Coach)

Year 8C – Saints 33 defeated Walford 1
Saturday’s game proved just how much the girls have improved since the start of the season. It was as if everything covered at training had finally come together to help solidify the game play and, more importantly, highlight how well the girls work together as a team. The flawless movement down the court and strong passes into the ring threw Walford off from the first centre pass. I am so excited to see the girls noting areas in which the team could improve at each break, instead of a huge reliance on me as coach. The energy the girls bring to the court each game is amazing and it is this that allows them to gain such spectacular wins. Best player this week was Annabelle Langley, whose energy on court is contagious. She is continually making second efforts and her tight defence allowed for some intercepts in the mid-court. Keep up the good work, girls! Emily Smith (Coach)

Year 7A – Saints 26 defeated Westminster 24
The girls played well in an extremely tight contest. They settled quickly into their positions, very rarely getting beaten by their direct opponents. All the team showed great improvements in their ball movement, being very clean despite the odd error. Goal shooting was extremely efficient, and the defence held strong for the full 4 quarters. Well done, girls! Best players: Funto Komolafe played an amazing game, shooting well and rebounding strongly, and Siena Kulinski held the opposition GS effectively scoreless. Roger Mills (Coach)

Year 7B – Saints 16 drew with Scotch 16
In a highly entertaining match to watch, the girls took to the court with only 5 players and fought relentlessly to draw with a full Scotch team. In defence, Emily and Imogen played exceptionally well, defending and rebounding well, whilst Imogen provided exceptional run out of the defensive third. Stella ran extremely hard in Centre for the 4 quarters, winning the ball often against 3 opponents. Emma and Clair worked exceptionally well together, making the most of their opportunities down forward. Emma set up goals and rebounded outstandingly, and Clair often received off-centre passes against 3 opponents. The team played extraordinarily well, and I could not have been prouder of the way the girls went about the game! Amazing work, girls! Best players: All 5 were exceptional! Roger Mills (Coach)