From the Principal
Term 3 is now well under way and it is shaping up to be another fantastic term. It has been wonderful to see Thomas, our robot, interacting with children from the ELC as well as students from the Junior School. Already, this trial has been a very positive experience for all involved.
This term, we have also been enjoying the use of the Bell Yett courts for netball matches. These added playing fields are a great asset to the School. The public consultation period with the City of Burnside will end at 5pm today, so if you haven’t already voiced your support for this proposal, please do so at
> Read about the proposal
> Feedback survey
By now, families would have received a copy of the School’s new Master Plan, The Next Challenge: Building for Tomorrow. I hope you have had a chance to read this important document, which outlines our building projects for the next five years. I am very keen to see these projects come to life and will keep you updated on each project as plans progress.
Perhaps your daughter has brought home stories of her lessons so far this term. I am a firm believer in the power of parent involvement in a child’s education. I would hope that our girls talk regularly with their parents about what goes on at school but as the mum of three teenage daughters, I realise that a full review of the day isn’t always available!
I encourage you all to speak with your daughter regularly about her classes and what has been happening at school.
This week, I took the opportunity to speak with students in Assembly about responsibility and accountability. It is a subject that may spark some meaningful dinnertime conversations in your household, so I would like to share a little of what I said.
First, watch this video.
Broken Escalator from Derek Smethers on Vimeo.
Now, consider how much of your success is up to you – your choices, your actions, your behaviours. How much of your success is determined by outside conditions – if your escalator stopped moving, what would you do?
Responsibility is not something you do – it’s a way of thinking and being. When you’re truly responsible, you believe that success or failure is up to you, even if you work within a team or are blind-sided by unforeseen circumstances. You own your commitment to a result before the fact, before you even take action. It’s easy to claim responsibility when things go well, but it’s hard when they don’t.
One piece of advice. Deal with what is, not what’s been. It doesn’t matter what should have happened or who’s to blame. Ask only this: “How do I want to react to the situation that is?”
Accountability is a willingness to answer for the outcomes of your choices. When you’re accountable, you stop assigning blame and making excuses. Instead, you take the fall and deal with the negative consequences.
The way that you choose to conduct yourself is your choice. Yes, we all deal with different external forces. Some of us always seem to choose the escalator that works and some of us always seem to jump on the one that’s broken. But what we do next, how we react, is our own personal choice. And you will be held accountable for those choices.
Don’t ever get stuck on the escalator. Walk with purpose, walk responsibly and remember: you are not a product of your circumstances; you are a product of your decisions.
ICAS – Digital Technologies Assessment
Earlier this year, students from Year 5 to Year 9 participated in the Digital Technologies International Competitions Assessment for Schools. This Assessment provides an opportunity for students to be assessed in an external testing situation and gain an independent evaluation of their skills and knowledge in general IT skills, internet and email, work processing, graphics and multimedia; spreadsheets and databases, and programming.
This year our students have achieved 64 awards – including 21 merits, 38 Credits and 5 Distinctions.
Congratulations to the following students who achieved a Distinction:
Year 5: Angela Mourtzios
Year 7: Aleisha Elliott
Year 8: Rachel Banham
Year 9: Bethany Cross, Michelle (Ziyi) Yeoh
Congratulations to all the award recipients on their results, which demonstrates depth and application of their computer knowledge and skills in an independent, external test.
All participants receive a Certificate and a detailed Results Letter highlighting strengths and weaknesses. Assessment questions and the student report can also be accessed online using a TAP-ID and PIN (details are provided on the results letter).
Barbara Hender
Head of Technology
Transition Parent Information Evening for Year 7 2016
Year 6 parents are warmly invited to attend the Transition Parent Information Evening for Year 7 2016. Making the transition from Junior or Primary School to Middle School effects students in many different ways.
This event will provide parents with the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the curriculum, philosophy, practices and expectations of the Middle School at St Peter’s Girls.
The evening will also provide an opportunity to meet key members of the Year 7 teaching team, as well as for parents of new students joining us in 2016 to meet current parents and other new families.
2016 Transition Parent Information Evening
Wednesday 26 August, 7-8pm
Arts Centre, St Peter’s Girls’ School
Please RSVP at
Patteson Spirit Week
As always, Patteson spirit shone in Week 3, with red ribbons in every Patteson girl’s hair! On Wednesday our Chapel service was filled with enthusiasm and dedication to the House as the girls were inspired to maintain the teamwork and cooperation that has been evident in Patteson since the formation of the House System in 1927. To celebrate our last Spirit Week, the Year 12s dressed in full red on Friday. Years 7-12 girls were also able to enjoy a smoothie provided by the Year 11 Business & Enterprise students, with all money raised going to our House Charity, the Australian Refugee Association.
On Friday night the much anticipated House Dinner went off with a bang. Themed “Down Under”, the night featured Vegemite jars, The Wiggles, sportsmen, the Qantas crew and many more Australian icons as we gathered together to finish the week with an overwhelming amount of spirit. The girls were entertained with games, quizzes, photos and food throughout the night, but the highlight was definitely the crocodile race, where the girls raced against the other year levels by army crawling across the floor in sleeping bags. Luckily, no injuries occurred and we were all prepared for Winter Interhouse the next morning!
Despite showing outstanding netball, hockey, badminton and soccer skills, Patteson left the event coming second in hockey and soccer, and fourth in netball and badminton. I’d like to congratulate all the girls involved for your efforts – and also the winning Houses!
I’d like to thank the Year 11 and 12 helpers, the fantastic parents, the Property Services team and, of course, Mr Stuart and Mrs Hender for all your work towards the House Dinner. We all had a fabulous and very memorable night and it definitely could not have gone ahead without everyone’s input!
To view the photos, visit the Focus School Portraits website and enter the password: SaintsGirls (this is case sensitive). Select the Patteson House Dinner gallery.
Amelia Long
Patteson House Captain
The Sydney Dance Company and the dancers of Saints Girls

On Friday 7 August the Years 9-12 Dance students all attended the De Novo performance of contemporary dance, performed at Her Majesty’s Theatre by the world famous Sydney Dance Company (SDC). The Years 9 and 10 dancers had begun their term learning about the company and its history, each year level also creating composition tasks using the same ‘tasking’ methods used by the SDC to choreograph the work, Emergence, one of two works the students saw last Friday, and one of three that make up the SDC’s Adelaide season.

As an added bonus, our four Year 10 dance students participated in a two hour contemporary dance workshop with dancers from the company. The three company members took our dancers, along with about 20 others from a variety of schools around the State, through a warm-up and a number of technique sequences. The students then learnt a section from the work, Emergence, and later created their own short dance sequences with guidance from the dancers. They worked physically hard and quickly…. a great insight into the life of a dancer. Our girls were both challenged and inspired by everything they did. I only wish I could have taken all the dancers!
The students have been asked to critically analyse what they saw during Friday’s performance:
Rafael Bonachela, the artistic director of the Sydney Dance Company choreographed the piece, Emergence. The inspiration for Emergence was when two products are mixed and produce an unexpected outcome. An example for this is when Hydrogen and Oxygen are mixed to produce water, a completely different substance.
Emergence was divided into 3 main sections, with 3 costume changes. When the costume changed, the music and tone of the dance did as well. It is very hard to explain, but the costumes matched the movement. It seemed as if the darker the costume colour, the stronger the movement; and the lighter the costume colour, the more fluid the movement.

In the sharper movements, actions such as kicks and leaps and arm movements were performed with snap and precision. In softer movements, the actions were performed with fluidity but with precision at the same time. The shapes were all different. It was created using some improvisation, so movement was not strict. When they were in a big group, not a lot of travelling was done; however, when performing in smaller groups, which happened most of the time, they travelled very freely.
Emma Herselman, Year 9
The dance was structured very particularly. There were solos, duos, trios and group work incorporating every part of their body possible. The dynamic of set changes and lighting was very polished and clean. Also, I took note of how the costumes were very simple but effective and gave the dancers great lines.
The dancers created many shapes from high level ones, to low, and incorporated many jumps. I also noticed that all the dancers were very comfortable with each other as some movements may have been out of their comfort zone. However, this just proves how professionally trained they are.
Amy Steele (Year 9)
During the dance [Emergence], there was a great deal of partner work and it was also very close up. One group portrayed someone trapped and trying to emerge and break free. They used three people; two for the walls to trap the girl in. As the girl was trying to break free, they used different levels, jumps and raises. The shapes made by these were either very straight or very curved; it depended on the movement that was used. All dancers used the space to its capacity, when travelling from one side to another; it was very complex as they would either use jumps, leaps or a range of different shapes to move across the stage.
Emily Webb (Year 9)
Chelsea Marchetti, Isabella Di Matteo, Sascha Czuchwicki and Victoria Gilroy were the lucky four who participated in the SDC workshop.
Amanda Kimber
Dance Teacher and Head of Arts
Successful Winter Cabaret
On Saturday 8 August the Stage Band, Concert Band, Concert Choir, Junior Choir, Chamber Ensemble, Senior Strings, Senior and Middle Percussion Ensembles, Flute Ensemble, Senior Rock Band and Year 12 Soloists took part in the Winter Cabaret Concert, featuring the Australian Army Band Adelaide. The Army Band is a 30 piece musical ensemble that performs everything from jazz, classical, musicals to rock music. The Army featured in the second half of the show and captivated the audience with their incredible music, including the entertaining piece, Kitchen Sink, which was performed by percussionists on a kitchen sink.
The concert band was fortunate enough to combine with the Army Band and perform four pieces with them. This was a wonderful opportunity for the girls to challenge themselves with difficult repertoire and experience playing with professional musicians. The closing piece for the night was My Country which was performed by the combined Army and Concert Band and the Concert Choir, and was an incredible finale for the evening.
All of the performances by the ensembles and students were outstanding, and the girls should be very proud of themselves. After all of the practice and organizing for the evening, it is safe to say that it was an unforgettable concert!
Many thanks go out to Miss Sally Rounsevell and the instrumental teachers for their hard work that went into this event, and for the endless passion and inspiration in the way they teach and nurture the young and talented musicians. Another big thanks to Mr. Lisle for his compering on the evening, Ms Phillips for her administrative support and to the FOA for all of their support on the night. We raised $300 for Legacy on the night.
The Winter Cabaret was a brilliant evening. Thank you to everyone who came to support the musicians in the audience, and for making the evening so wonderful.
Friends of the ELC Morning Tea
Last Thursday we hosted a beautiful morning tea in the Arts Centre foyer. The morning tea is yet another way in which we try to bring our community together. We are very fortunate to have such beautiful facilities in our school to host these occasions. We were particularly thrilled to see so many dads attend. It is so valuable to meet others in our community. Thank you to the Friends of the ELC for hosting the event and for the Development Office for assisting us in organising a barista to make such wonderful coffee! It was indeed a treat!
Kate Mount
Director of Early Learning
Props wanted for Year 5 production
The Year 5 production this year will be Peter Pan Junior. The girls are already busy planning and preparing for this special event in the Junior School calendar.
As part of our set, we would love to hear from anyone who has a tallboy chest of drawers, at least 1m high. We would preferably like one that is light and is no longer wanted. Our aim is to paint it and put wheels on it.
We are also on the hunt for an Indian chief headdress.
If you think you may be able to donate an item, please let me know at
Shelley Hampton
Year 5 Teacher
Ladies’ Golf Day
The annual St Peter’s Girls’ School Ladies’ Golf Day and Lunch is on Friday 11 September at Kooyonga Golf Club.
It’s a stableford competition with a one tee start commencing at 8.30am. The day promises to be great fun with prizes on offer, including ‘Nearest the Pin’ as well as the Perpetual Trophy for the 18 hole golf champion.
Play 18 holes or just join us for lunch at 1pm.
Tickets for Golf and Lunch: $80
Tickets for Kooyonga Golf Club members and those attending for lunch only: $25
All are welcome so bring a friend!
Contact the Development Office on 8334 2239 for more details.
Mothers’ Club raffle: Build a barbecue
So we’ve finished the amphitheatre, but it needs one more thing… a barbecue!
So come on everyone, can we build it? Yes we can!
We just need some cash to buy a few bricks and pieces.
We’ve lined up some stellar prizes for our Fathers’ Day Raffle – so here’s your chance to win dad an awesome present and help us throw a snag on the new barbie!
By now you should have received a special envelope, with your sausage tickets included. Just return the tickets with your payment to the Development Office and we’ll pop the sausages on to cook on our display near the School Shop.
The more tickets you buy, the more chance you have of winning!
The raffle will be drawn on 3 September. Good luck and thank you for your continued support of the Mothers’ Club.
Senior Drama: Carmella Finds Out
The Senior Drama students have been working hard on their production, ‘Carmella Finds Out’. As has been the case for the last four years, they are presenting an original work… written, developed, workshopped and constructed in-house.
The play itself is a symbolic exploration of oppression, social structures and faith. Set in a bland world of black and white and brown, the fable-like narrative follows Carmella who dreams of colours, and charts the conflict she experiences as a result. Imagistic and expressionistic, the play uses sound and vision powerfully to complement the unfolding story.
Don’t miss out on a startling piece of theatre!
Time: 7:30pm
Dates: 14 August 2015
Venue: Arts Centre, St Peter’s Girls School
Tickets: $10 Adults or $5 concession
To book, visit
Please note the play is suitable for children over the age of 12, as it contains some adult themes and frightening scenes.
Michael Butler-Wills
Drama Teacher
Careers Information
Open Days 2015
The University of Adelaide – North Terrace Campus
Sunday 16 August 9:00am – 4.30pm
UniSA Open Day
City West Campus – Education, Art, Architecture, Design, Social Science, Communication, Business, Law, IT, Science, Maths, Engineering, Aviation, and Environmental Programs
City East Campus – Health and Medical Sciences-Human Movement, Physiotherapy, Nursing, Midwifery, Pharmacy, Medical Sciences and Medical Radiation Science.
Sunday 16 August 9:00am – 4.30pm
Flinders University
Friday 14 August 9.30am – 4:00pm
Saturday 15 August 9.30am-4pm
Suzanne Sealey, Melbourne Representative for EducationUSA, will be visiting Adelaide this term, and we will be hosting a couple of sessions that might appeal to you and your students.
Education USA Information Session
For Years 10, 11, 12 students and their parents
Monday, 10 August, 6.00pm
Potts Lecture Theatre
Pembroke Senior School
18 Holden St.
Kensington Park
At this session Suzanne will discuss the process of applying for undergraduate study in the US with reference to testing required, the application process, timeline, and costs.
It is expected that the information session will run for approximately 1 hour. Suzanne will also be able to speak to students who are specifically interested in finding out more about sports scholarships.
Students/parents should register online
University of Warwick Visit
Jeremy Burgess, Head of International Student Recruitment from the University of Warwick, will be visiting our school on Wednesday 26 August between 13:00 – 13:45 and speaking to Senior Students on the topic of studying at university in the UK.
Karen Alderson
Careers Counsellor
Would you like to try rowing?
If you’ve ever wanted to give rowing a go or think this could be your sport, you’ll be more than welcome at Saints Rowing.
Join us for an information evening to learn more about the Saints Girls rowing program, how you can be involved, and why rowing is such a great sport. The evening will be held at 6pm, Tuesday 25 August in the Humzy Theatre.
There will be a free Come and Try day from 11am – 1pm on Sunday 30 August for students in Years 6 – 10 at the Scotch Boatshed, Victoria Drive, Adelaide (behind the Convention Centre). Rowers will have access to a modern fleet of boats and excellent coaching staff.
Girls may also be interested in taking on the role of coxswain (cox). The cox plays an important leadership role by taking charge of the crew and supporting the rowers through their training program as ‘the coach on the water’.
The sport of rowing assists girls to develop lifelong skills including leadership, health, nutrition, fitness and how to work as an effective member of a team.
Info night: 6pm, Tuesday 25 August in the Humzy Theatre
Come and Try: 11am, Sunday 30 August at Scotch Boatshed, Torrens River
Official training commences for Years 7-11 students in Week 8 this term. The Learn to Row program for Year 6 students commences in Term 4.
Ben Flannagan
Director of Rowing
Hairspray coming soon to Saints Girls
Good morning, Baltimore and St Peter’s Girls! It’s 1962, and spunky plus-size teen, Tracy Turnblad (Charlie Miller), has one big dream — to dance on the popular Corny Collins Show (Harry Fielder). Her best friend, Penny Pingleton (Isabelle Norman), is thrilled for Tracy but not Penny’s mother, Prudy Pingleton (Georgia Nairn). When she finally gets her shot, she’s transformed from social outcast to sudden star. In balancing her new-found power with her desire for justice, Tracy fights to dethrone the reigning Miss Teen Hairspray, Amber von Tussle (Charlotte Evins), and integrate a TV network in the process. Owner of the TV station is Velma Von Tussle (Chyna Hazel-Polkinghorne) who is determined to see Amber win and will rig the votes at any cost. With the help of Tracy’s outsized mother, Edna Turnblad (Walter Buckley), and guest DJ, Motormouth Maybelle (Alex De Porteous), the rhythm of Tracy’s new beat just might prove unstoppable. Tracy also wins over heart-throb, Link Larkin (Ned Baulderstone), and everyone dances down the aisles to the show’s finale. The vibrant ensemble made up of the Nicest Kids in Town and Baltimore chorus features 30 Saints Girls from Years 4 – 8.
Featuring a dynamic cast of 70 and featuring toe-tapping tunes such as Good Morning Baltimore, Mama I’m a Big Girl Now, Welcome to the 60s and You Can’t Stop the Beat, this show has more colour, vamp and vitality than a barrel of monkeys.
Season – 18 – 20 September (Friday 18 @ 7.30pm, Saturday 19 @ 2pm and 7.30pm, Sunday 20 @ 4pm). St Peter’s Girls Arts Centre – Tickets through Mr Davidson adults $20 or concession $15. Hurry and get your tickets, as opening night and the Sunday are already 60% sold out.
Holiday Sports Camps
Australian Sports Camps are hosting a series of camps in the October holidays for interested students.
Try basketball, cricket, soccer, football or netball.
Learn and develop your skills with a terrific three day coaching experience for players of all standards, aged 6 to 17. The programs utilise fantastic facilities in each state with our structured skill development programs delivered by experienced and talented panels of coaches in each sport.
These coaches are supported by guest appearances from top level players from state and national teams. The senior program is specifically designed for 13 – 17 year old players to run in conjunction with the stars program for 6 -12 year olds.
For more details regarding the camps, visit
Sports News
Summer Sport
Nominations for Summer Sport in Term 4 are now available through an online survey. Parents of students in Reception to Year 4 will receive the link to nominate, while students in Years 5 to 12 will receive the same link to the School emails. Parents should discuss with their daughter about selections and the expectations of meeting training and matches. Nominations close on Friday 21 August (Week 6).
Sports Hoodies
Sports Hoodie order forms are now available from the PE department. Students must be representing the School in a sport to be eligible. All forms are required to be endorsed by Dan Searle or Neil Fuller and then orders are required to be placed at the School Shop by Friday 21 August (Week 6).
Knockout Volleyball – Wednesday 5 August
The Open Knockout Volleyball team travelled to Marion after qualifying for the State Finals. Our first opponent was Victor Harbor High School who finished top of the pool matches. In a tight game, we lost 0-3 but it was 28-30 in the first set and could have gone either way. With a win in our next match (2-1), we finished second in our pool and were still in the running for a spot in the final. Facing Specialist Volleyball School, Paralowie, in the semi-finals, the girls tried valiantly but we were defeated. In the end, we came fourth overall out of the 26 Schools that competed. It was an amazing day and our volleyball in Term 4 will definitely benefit from this experience. Thanks to Abbey Goodwin, Emily Murdock, Georgia Howe, Megan Jenssen, Mikaela Georgiadis, Mila Loechel, Uthpala De Silva and Ava Loechel for a great team effort and also to our coach, Cambell Baker. Victoria Neale (Captain)
Sports Results
Junior Basketball – Wednesday 5 August
Year 6 Blue – Saints 14 defeated by Walford 36
Although the scoreboard didn’t reflect it, our girls were much improved this week against a tall and strong Walford team. Our movement of the ball and understanding of positional play was far better than in the previous match. We still have plenty of work to do with an inexperienced team but we will have plenty of fun doing it in the coming weeks. I was very proud of the girls’ efforts. Better players this week were Harriet Gilroy and Stephanie Smalls. Darren Berry (Coach)
Year 6 White 24 defeated Wilderness Green 18
The game was very tight, but the Saints girls hung in there and defended well to remain on top at the end of the game. Every single girl improved from last week and it was exciting for everyone to get the win. Evelina Gafarova was best on ground this week, scoring a total of 10 points. Tammy Flannagan (Coach)
Junior Netball – Wednesday 29 July
Year 4 Blue – Saints 10 defeated Pembroke 3
A great defensive game played by Saints. They stuck tightly on their players and had great eye for the ball and court awareness. Their attacking efforts were sound and the girls demonstrated great shooting accuracy. Best player: Ellie Humphrey. Georgia Naughton (Assistant coach)
Year 4 White – Saints 12 defeated Seymour 4
The team had a great win, showing a huge improvement from last week. All girls listened from training to move and call for the ball and to spread out. Cartia Lanzoni made strong leads and got clear from her opponent. Molly Dwyer always reached high for the intercepts and was speedy around the court. Keep up the good work. Eve Habel (Assistant Coach)
Year 3 – Saints 10 defeated Pembroke 7
The girls had another successful win on Wednesday and improved from the last game. Their ability to get into clear space was definitely a highlight. The defence was strong as well and we saw some great intercepts. Best players were Charlie Edwards, who did another amazing job in defence, and Florence Russell. Rachel Kameniar (Assistant Coach)
Soccer – Wednesday
Open A – Saints 0 defeated by Scotch 1
The girls travelled to Scotch, hoping to continue their good form from last week. Unfortunately, they were no match for a more skilled Scotch team. The girls did their very best, but were unable to move the ball as well as they did against Immanuel the week before. They never gave up and kept working hard to the end of the game. Olivia May (Captain)
Open B – Saints 0 defeated by Scotch 3
The girls played the first half very strongly by moving the ball down the attacking end and keeping possession of the ball for the majority of the game. In the second half of the game I saw the girls continue to have control of the ball and we had many shots at goal but failed to convert. Best player goes to Isabella Fricke for her strong defence and Isobel Tan who came up from Middle B and was the goalkeeper. Sophia West (B Captain)
Middle A and B
This week Saints A and B had to combine after Scotch made an error in ground locations. All girls took part and played a half each against a very competitive St Michael’s team who had already faced our B team a few times over the season. The girls are slowly developing a better understanding of the game and improving their skills and knowledge of the rules. Tom Maracic (Coach)
Year 7 – Saints 2 defeated Wilderness 0
The team continue to play a good style of soccer each week and play extremely well as a team. The last time they played Wilderness they suffered a heavy loss, but this time they were able to turn that into a 2 nil win. Goal scorers were Rachel Banham and Millie Wilkin. Overall, a great team performance. Well done! Reeve Wijayasekara (Coach)
Year 8/9 Knockout Hockey – Friday 7 August
Saints took on Portside in the Year 8/9 knockout. The teams were evenly matched throughout the game, but it was Portside who took the lead mid-way through the first half. Carla Lawrence, Grace Packer and Jemimah Simpson provided running and attacking options but couldn’t break through the Portside defence. Despite being down 0-2 at half-time, Saints lifted in the second period and when Carla Lawrence scored with 15 minutes to go, Saints attacked and were unlucky on a few occasions as Grace Edwards, Charlotte Carney and Kate McKellar-Stewart all saw shots narrowly miss or saved. Hannah Stroeher again proved resilient in goal, often kicking the ball to safety. Portside managed to score on the buzzer to end 3-1 victors, but Saints certainly came away positively. Neil Fuller
Junior Soccer – Friday 31 July
Year 6 Blue – Saints 0 drew with Wilderness 0
The girls continued this week from where they left off the week before. By passing the ball around and controlling the game. Cheri has now cemented herself as another promising defensive option, along with Georgina O’Halloran and Harriett Gilroy. The forwards had many opportunities to score but need to capitalise in the future, looking to set up chances closer to goal. The scoreboard at the end did not reflect the way the game was played. The girls are now used to each other’s playing styles and this coming week shall continue to improve. Thank you to Gigi and Lucy who volunteered to play for Wilderness at half-time; your enthusiasm and commitment was excellent. Well done again, girls. Mark Routley (Coach)
Year 6 White – Saints 2 defeated Walford 0
The team dominated the game from start to finish, coming away with a 2-nil win. They continued their great team play from last week’s win. Keeley Fahey and Kellie Bested scored the goals. The team attacked for most of the game, creating numerous opportunities to score. The team also defended well for the whole game. Overall, a great team performance and still more room for improvement to come. Well done, girls! Charlie Capogreco (Coach)
Year 6 Silver 1 defeated by Seymour 3
Even though the girls lost the game, they showed real improvement from the first game the week before. The team were able to have some good passages of play which enabled them to score a great team goal. They controlled the second half but were unlucky not to score any more goals. Overall, the girls never gave up and kept trying to the end. Keep working hard, girls. Thomas Maricic (Coach)
Year 4/5 – Saints 4 defeated Wilderness 1
An astounding result and fantastic work from all the girls, and a great improvement from last week with the girls scoring four goals and only conceding one. Even starting a player down could not prevent the dominant performance that was to come. Thanks to Maddie Harrex and Molly Johnson for going in goals, providing a great last defensive line. Vincent Talladira (Coach)
Lacrosse – Saturday 8 August
Under 15 – Saints 4 defeated by Eagles 13
Olivia Compare (Year 9) never gave up and fought hard at ground balls. Isabella Di Matteo (Year 10) and Alice Petchey (Year 10) rotated in centres and were gaining possession of the ball multiple times. Using her speed, Millisent Wilkin (Year 7) ran down the field with more than one player on her several times and did not drop the ball. Scarlett Hocking (Year 7) did a great job in defence and was aggressive, causing turnovers. Best players for the match were Alice Petchey and Millisent Wilkin. Goal scorers were Isabella Di Matteo, Harriet Maerschel (Year 7), Alice Petchey and Millie Wilkin. Lucy Martin (Captain)
Under 13 Division 1 – Saints 12 defeated Glenelg 7
Abigail Lisle (Year 7) did a terrific job in defence, making sure the opposition did not get past her. In centres, Harriet Maerschel (Year 7) and Millisent Wilkin (Year 7) were gaining possession of the ball most of the time, which led to many scoring opportunities. In goals, Isabelle Norman (Year 7) took the initiative to run out of the goal circle to get the ball and stop Glenelg scoring. Stephanie Smalls (Year 6) showed great determination in attack trying to get around defenders and shot goals. At half-time the scores were level. All the girls played very well to win the match. Goal scorers were Harriet Maerschel, Portia Maerschel (Year 6), Chelsea Walls (Year 7) and Millisent Wilkin. Lucy Martin (Captain)
Under 13 Division 2 – Saints 14 defeated Glenelg Blackhawks 9
The girls showed great teamwork throughout the game and demonstrated many of the skills we have been working on at trainings. They had brilliant work in attack and pushed hard to defend the goals. Best player went to Isabelle Norman for her amazing work in goals. Alice Petchey
Winter Interhouse – Saturday 8 August
The weather was very kind for the hosting of the annual Winter Interhouse featuring students in Years 7-12 representing their Houses in badminton, netball, hockey and soccer.
Thanks to all the students who made the morning competitive, yet enjoyable, and to the many parents and staff who also attended. Special thanks to the parents of the Sport Support Group who generously spent the morning cooking breakfast.
Winners on the day were:
Badminton: 1st Kilburn, 2nd Kennion, 3rd Patteson, 4th Selwyn
Hockey: 1st Kennion, 2nd Patteson, 3rd Selwyn, 4th Kilburn
Netball: 1st Selwyn, 2nd Kennion, 3rd Kilburn, 4th Patteson
Soccer: 1st Kennion, 2nd Patteson, 3rd Kilburn, 4th Selwyn