From the Director of Teaching & Learning
Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all – Aristotle
Perhaps the two most stressful periods for Senior School students are subject selection time and exams. Good advice, support and placing both in the context of learning and possible future selves are strategies that we use to help the girls successfully navigate these milestones.
The inaugural Subject Selection Expo held on Thursday afternoon and evening was a departure from our traditional information nights. The format of the Expo was developed after surveying all of our current Years 11 and 12 students. They told us what they valued in terms of curriculum information. There was clear preference for face to face interaction with teachers and Heads of Department in a combined parent and student format.
In the next few weeks of the subject selection process, we encourage the girls to choose subjects and pathways to reflect their interests, abilities and aspirations, be courageous but realistic, be open to recommendations and “keep their options open”. This means thinking of what their positive futures may be, and the subjects necessary and supportive of this vision.
The first choice that Year 10 students make is whether to follow a South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) or the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP). The IBDP is an excellent option for many of our girls. Not only does it offer an academically rigorous programme of breadth and depth, but also the IB philosophy and core components of Creativity Action and Service (CAS), Theory of Knowledge (TOK) and Extended Essay (EE) work together to provide a highly regarded international education.
The SACE too is an internationally recognised qualification that allows for depth of study and is framed by guidelines to enhance the skills and knowledge for future study and the workplace. We also commend the SACE. It includes the compulsory components of the Personal Learning Plan and Research Project and provides a quality educational programme. With these compelling choices how does one decide?
Some students are very clear about what they wish to do. However, we encourage those who still haven’t made up their minds and who anticipate a tertiary education, to experience the IB Diploma in Year 11 and see what it offers. The strength of the IB pathway is also that there are exit points into SACE at the end of Semesters 1 and 2.
Having decided on a pathway, the excitement continues in terms of choice of subject. For Year 11s in 2016 there are 28 subjects being offered on campus. To build on the refrain of keeping options open, students need to consider their aspirations and prerequisites for tertiary study. We also understand that a high Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) may be a goal. The ATAR is a measurement of outcomes and the conventional passport into university. However, in the quest for a high ATAR we discourage students from placing too much emphasis on the scaling effects of SACE subjects. One year is a long time to spend in a subject chosen just for an anticipated but not guaranteed upward scaling effect. In this age of data and measurement, we are accustomed to seeing the data from NAPLAN, PISA, TIMMS and other areas that inform our knowledge and support decision-making. However, in the midst of choosing subjects and considering possible ATARs, it is important to pause and think of bigger questions such as:
What is the purpose of education?
What do I need to flourish?
Can everything that is worthwhile be measured?
In the Senior Secondary years, when outcomes can overshadow learning, and assessment deadlines undermine curiosity and courageous thinking, the big questions help us keep some perspective. What is important is a full and robust education. Whilst we proudly stand behind our excellent academic record, we know that education is so much more than measurable data. It is holistic, built upon shared values and commitment to learning and to nurturing and developing the individual. Parents who send their daughters to St Peter’s Girls understand this. The real prize, the best outcome, is a great education. This is what provides a strong foundation for the future. And this is how we truly “keep our options open”.
Reminder: Student absences
Under the terms of the Education Act with which the School must comply, we are required to record and maintain leave records for students. As such, we remind you that the School is required to be advised of absence from school.
Absence due to illness or late arrivals due to appointments can be notified via text to 0428 601 957, email or by phoning the School on 8334 2200.
Requests for leave (e.g. family holiday, sporting events) are to be advised in writing prior to the commencement of leave. These requests should be directed to the Heads of Sub-Schools, Anne Mitchell for Junior School, Richard Lisle for Middle School and Kerry Skinner for Senior School. Any long term leave (a term or more), and notification of withdrawal, must be directed to the Principal, Julia Shea, via email or hard copy.
A formal confirmation from the relevant Head of Sub-School will be sent to you upon receipt of a leave request.
On a further matter, students will not be allowed to attend excursions unless a written permission slip is received by the School. We cannot accept verbal permission.
We thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Kerry Skinner
Deputy Principal
Important safety reminder for our car park
The start of a new term provides an ideal opportunity to remind members of the School community about the importance of complying with the guidelines the School has developed for our car park. We want to ensure the safety of all members of our community.
The most important points to remember are:
- keep the car park entrance and exit zones clear
- use the set down and pick up zones appropriately during peak times
- obey speed limits when driving through the car park
To allow traffic flow, the car park entrance and exit zones must be kept clear at all times. Please do not queue across these areas.
In peak times, do not park in the set down and pick up zones for extended periods. When cars overstay in this area, the car park quickly becomes gridlocked, also bringing traffic on Stonyfell Road to a standstill.
Drivers must observe the 10 kilometre per hour speed limit at all times in the car park, whether entering, exiting or travelling through it. Speed limit signs are clearly displayed in prominent locations and, in order to ensure the speed limit is observed, speed humps were installed two years ago.
If you have any feedback or questions about the car park guidelines please direct them to Mr Andrew Rosser (Business Director) on 8334 2218.
Thomas joins Saints Girls
This term we are embarking on groundbreaking research and rich learning experiences through our ‘How NAO’ project. We have been selected by AISSA to be one of only two schools to host a NAO Humanoid Robot for the first 9 weeks of Term 3. However, importantly, we are one of the very first schools internationally to investigate the use of NAO Humanoid Robots in the Early Years of schooling.
This exciting project will enable us to engage young girls in computational thinking and meaningful problem-solving, and further build their empathy and interpersonal skills. Through the girls’ interaction with the Humanoid we will introduce them to coding and programming principles in innovative and meaningful ways. The girls will engage in Interdisciplinary Digital Technologies, Mathematics, and Science Inquiry learning experiences. These learning activities will be heavily focussed upon socio-affective development and will be co-constructed with the students to reflect their interests, capacity and skill development.
Our NAO Humanoid Robot’s name is Thomas and he will be in the Hallett Room in the ELC, Michelle Liddy’s Reception class, Mark Routley and Anne Kruger’s Year 3 classes one day per week, throughout the project. We will also run a robotics club during Thursday lunchtimes for two students from each class in Years 3-6, as selected by their teacher. Within this club the girls will learn to program a virtual robot with the brief to enrich the lives of another student.
Watch the below video to meet Thomas. The Year 3 girls programmed this sequence.
Year 3 students programmed Thomas the robot to introduce himself to the Saints Girls community.
Thomas can be programmed or interact with the girls in an automated mode. The girls have been delighted by Thomas’ unscripted interactions with them and have welcomed him with open arms into their learning communities. After only one day with Thomas in their classroom the girls’ level of questioning and depth of inquiry has increased exponentially. We are excited to develop the girls’ conceptual understanding and extend their thinking over the coming term.
It is critical that we equip our girls with the skills necessary to flourish within their future. The App development industry is among the fastest growing employment sector within Australia. It has been widely published to have absorbed the shortfall in the Mining Industry. We certainly hope that this project will spark an ongoing interest in critical and creative thinking, coding and programming within our girls. What an exciting term we have ahead of us as we challenge our thinking and embrace a world of new opportunities.
Ms Melissa Bray
eLearning Integrator
National Tree Planting Day at the ELC
It is our environmental responsibility to ensure we are educating our young generation to replenish their natural environment and develop an awareness of the impact trees have on our planet. Having an ELC situated adjacent to a natural conservation park gives us the unique opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of caring for a sustainable environment. We believe that even our youngest learners can become responsible for their land, taking care of plants and recognising the importance of living plants, including native plants, that belong in our environment. We can all contribute to a more sustainable future.
As a staff we revisited our mission to expose and integrate children’s learning through nature. We acknowledge that in our building works we did need to move some established native plants and we were keen to replace these. We are very fortunate to have a partnership in this learning with our Property Services Department and together we all care for our land. Ned and Angus supported the children on Friday afternoon to plant their trees in small groups. Each room took responsibility for a tree and we carefully selected suitable places to plant these.
Our immediate learning will be related to taking care of our new native trees. Ned carefully wrapped them up after planting in what he described as their special blanket. The children will see this symbol as a reminder to be gentle whilst our trees get established. Each room will care for their tree and take this learning into our bigger picture question about taking care of our world. This learning aligns with both our PYP focus and our project work and has the overarching areas of the Early Years Learning Framework embedded. We are inviting exploration, discovery and connection with nature.
Kate Mount
Director of Early Learning
The importance of being active
Last Friday I spoke to all Year 4-6 students regarding the ‘Premier’s Be Active Challenge’.
These year groups have now begun the challenge and will be continuing for four weeks. The girls need to participate in one hour of physical activity on at least five days, for each week of the challenge.
They will be logging their activity on the challenge website; where they can choose the type of activity they have performed. This can be done on a daily or weekly basis.
I spoke to the girls about how encouraging it has been to see huge games of chasey being played around the School at lunchtimes lately amongst year levels, and we discussed the health benefits.
We also discussed the fact that activities for the challenge do not need to be a structured sport but can be any pursuit where they are using large muscles. It can also be six lots of 10-minute exercises, and does not need to be 1 hour straight. Many girls would already be completing this much activity and more, while some may need to allocate extra time.
At the completion of four weeks, the girls will receive a medallion for their participation.
Daniel Searle
Head of PE, Health & Outdoor Education
Year 11 retreat
On Thursday 26 June, the Year 11s departed Adelaide and headed for the Glenhaven Camp Site at Stockport. The retreat was an excellent opportunity for the students to strengthen bonds with their peers and to demonstrate their leadership skills in preparation for 2016 when they will be leaders of the school.
Throughout their stay, the Year 11s worked in their Houses to prepare them for next year when they will work, plan and execute many events both in their Houses and as a year level. The camp demonstrated each student’s leadership skills through the many challenges that were faced, including belaying their peers as they walked across a wire metres above the ground, hauling a classmate 10 metres into the air so that she could experience the thrill of the giant swing, and working as a team to generate the most points as a House from archery.
A strength finder test completed prior to the camp presented the students with information on their individual strengths, which the students then used to delegate roles in group tasks. The students had time to reflect on their strengths and understand how each student was a valuable member in a team while they worked together to create a skit portraying a value that each team pulled out of a hat. Each group was given a theme relating to the qualities of a leader, such as having empathy and respect.
The two day camp proved successful in helping the group make stronger bonds and help each individual student to recognise her importance in her House group and in the year level. We have developed the skills and knowledge needed to take on leadership roles in Year 12.
Elise Schaedel and Alex De Porteous
Year 9 students investigate e-waste: Can you help?

Last Wednesday Mr John Draper, Senior Project Manager, Burnside City Council, came to speak to Ms Stefopoulos’ Year 9 Geography class about e-waste. Students are currently investigating if e-waste is a growing problem and how countries are dealing with the disposal of this waste.
Students were astonished to discover that before 2012-2013 e-waste could be sent to landfill. With the introduction of digital televisions (TV) there was an increase in illegal dumping of analogue TVs, as more people preferred to upgrade their device to LCD or plasma.
In Australia it is illegal to export waste to a second country for processing, or recycling in its whole form. However, there is a grey area; some recyclers will grab the whole TV tube as a product and send this overseas and these are the products going to Africa, India and China. The problem with this is that when the TVs are broken down they release a dangerous gas. Students in class have watched videos identifying how illegal dumping in underdeveloped countries is impacting on the lives of humans, often very young children, and the environment.
The students conducted a class survey to identify how many electronics they possessed in their house; it was narrowed down to specific items. From a class of 22 students, who were present on the day, the results are staggering, further fuelling the desire to find out how e-waste is growing and what can be done about it.
- TV: 37
- Computers: 72
- Mobile phones: 148
We would like your help in providing us with your views about e-waste. We ask that you click on the link provided below and respond to 10 short questions that would take you 5 minutes to complete. This will allow students to assess people’s responses to e-waste and their views about what should be done about the issue. This will support the students in their investigation and we thank you in advance for your help.
Access the survey here:
This survey will be accessible until Monday 3 August.
Anna Stefopoulos
Humanities Teacher
Tertiary Information Morning
Creating an environment where young women can face the future with confidence was the aim of the Tertiary Information Morning held at the School on Friday 24 July.
This was timely as we move into SATAC applications for Year 12s and subject selection and counselling for Years 10 and 11 students.
We also need to thank all of the Adelaide tertiary institutions who sent representatives to our School to talk with students.
Each presented new initiatives at their institutions and gave the girls an insight into life at university and provided the most up-to-date advice and information to our students.
As teachers and parents we do all we can to enable the students to achieve their preferred career choices.
The important point to remember is that with a bit of inspiration and a few signposts, girls will weather the whole situation without too much fuss and find a future that fits the unique person each is.
I sincerely hope the morning was beneficial and if you require further information and support, please do not hesitate to contact me to arrange an appointment.
Karen Alderson
Careers Counsellor
Success at the Nationals
On Saturday 25 July, Aditi Tamhankar (8SRO) represented St Peter’s Girls and South Australia at the National Finals of the Rostrum Voice of Youth competition, held at NSW Parliament House in Sydney. From an original number of more than 1600 students who participated Australia-wide at the State level, Aditi was one of 14 National finalists – quite an achievement in itself.
Aditi delivered the speech she prepared for the State Final – “A Time for Reflection”, highlighting the plight of children worldwide, particularly those who were part of the Stolen Generation in Australia and children who are victims of war and abuse in more recent times. As with the State Final, Aditi’s performance was poised, articulate and very moving – there were many moist eyes in the audience. As well as a prepared speech, finalists were required to deliver a 3-minute speech after 15 minutes of preparation. Aditi chose the topic, ‘Breaking Down Barriers’, and spoke about her grandfather who was stranded in Bombay when a huge dam broke. Aditi used this anecdote to explain how the breaking down of barriers leads to the ultimate choices we all make in our lives.
Of the 14 finalists, Aditi was the youngest participant but acquitted herself exceedingly well, taking out second place nationally. Not only are we at Saints Girls very proud of her, but this is the first time in seven years that South Australia has placed at the Nationals, so the SA Rostrum organisers were understandably very proud and pleased also. As second place winner, Aditi received a trophy, a cash prize and a certificate. She will also be entered in the Rostrum Voice of Youth Honour Roll.
Cindy Pitkin
Debating and Public Speaking Coordinator
Elevate sessions
Elevate Education is an award-winning study skills programme whose quest is to unlock the secrets to the final years at school: Why do the top students get the top marks?
On Tuesday 28 July 2015 all of our Senior girls participated in an Elevate Seminar that was tailored to address specific study challenges pertinent to each year level, as well as building on their pre-existing knowledge of earlier Elevate seminars in Term 2.
Each cohort spent a very entertaining 50 minutes with their presenter, Matt, who successfully managed to hold the girls’ attention and keep the session light-hearted and humorous, despite tackling some very humourless issues and offering some useful advice on study habits and how to improve end of year grades.
The Year 10 girls participated in the ‘Time Management’ course which offered sage advice on how to actually find the time in their busy schedules to get homework done, as well as how to use goal-setting and sub-tasking to manage the damaging effects of procrastination.
The Year 11s found their session very useful on preparation excellence for exams, covering such useful topics as how to give yourself adequate time to prepare for exams; the importance of identifying and correcting past mistakes; the undervalued benefits of using study groups; and lastly, the importance of past exam paper “practice, practice, practice” when leading up to exam week .
The Year 12s participated in a new seminar entitled ‘The Finishing Line’ which aimed to educate the girls on how to get the most out of their final months of bookwork, and ways for better managing stress levels.
For more information, please download a free copy of Elevate’s best-selling study guide, ‘The Science of Student Success’, found at
Chess update
On Friday 24 July, St Peter’s Girls chess team played Round 7 against Walford Blue and won 3.5 – 1.5.
Congratulations to Glenda Hanson, Tam Nguyen, Rachel Banham and Marley Banham.
We also defeated Mercedes Gold in Round 8, 3-2, a great win for Glenda Hanson, Rachel Banham and Marley Banham.
Great match, girls!
Open for comment
Burnside City Council has recently released the proposal for Bell Yett Reserve and this is open for public comment.
To view the proposal, and show your support for the project, please complete the online survey here:
> Read about the proposal
> Feedback survey
Senior Drama: Carmella Finds Out
The Senior Drama students have been working hard on their production, ‘Carmella Finds Out’. As has been the case for the last four years, they are presenting an original work… written, developed, workshopped and constructed in-house.
The play itself is a symbolic exploration of oppression, social structures and faith. Set in a bland world of black and white and brown, the fable-like narrative follows Carmella who dreams of colours, and charts the conflict she experiences as a result. Imagistic and expressionistic, the play uses sound and vision powerfully to complement the unfolding story.
Don’t miss out on a startling piece of theatre!
Time: 7:30pm
Dates: 12, 13 and 14 August 2015
Venue: Arts Centre, St Peter’s Girls School
Tickets: $10 Adults or $5 concession
To book, visit
Please note the play is suitable for children over the age of 12, as it contains some adult themes and frightening scenes.
Michael Butler-Wills
Drama Teacher
Winter Cabaret
Last Tuesday the members of the Concert Band had the opportunity to rehearse with the Australian Army Band Adelaide at Warradale Barracks. This was in preparation for our combined items in the Winter Concert on Saturday 8 August.
The girls had an absolute blast playing alongside the Reservists for an hour and a half of intense rehearsal. One of our parents who came along said, “It was amazing. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.” Our Concert Band girls left on a high and this opportunity has given them a huge motivational boost.
Playing alongside professional musicians is such a wonderful experience and gives our students an insight into future career paths, as well as a much better understanding of the impact Concert Band music, played by top musicians, can have.
We are all looking forward to our next rehearsal with the band next Tuesday evening when they visit our school for the dress rehearsal. Parents are welcome to come along and watch the rehearsal. Performing this music at the Winter Cabaret will definitely be the highlight of the Music calendar this year. Don’t miss out – tickets for the Winter Concert are still available!
As well as the Concert Band, the Winter Cabaret will also feature the Chamber Ensemble, Senior Strings, Junior Choir and Concert Choir, Stage Band, Senior Rock Band, Year 8/9 Percussion Ensemble and Senior Percussion Ensemble, as well as several Year 12 soloists.
Friends of the Arts will have pies and pasties, platters and drinks available for sale on the night.
Proceeds from the concert will be donated to Legacy.
When: 7pm, Saturday 8 August 2015
Venue: Arts Centre, St Peter’s Girls’ School
Tickets: $15 adults or $10 concession
Tables of 10 will be set up in the lower area of the Arts Centre or general admission seats can be booked in the top section.
Bookings are now open: visit
We look forward to seeing you there.
Sally Rounsevell
Director of Music
Year 12 student to receive Queen’s Scout Award
Another exciting achievement for one of our students, with Brianna Neeson receiving a letter of acceptance that her Queen’s Scout Award has been recognised. The Year 12 Community Service Captain received the letter during the school holidays and she will be presented with this award in October at Government House.
The Award has been 3 years in the making and is certainly not for the faint-hearted. It requires Scouts to focus on personal development and achieve challenges from a number of areas, including community involvement, adventurous activities, personal growth and leadership development.
Brianna is the only venturer from the Mount Lofty District, who will receive this award this year.
Head of Senior School, Kerry Skinner, said, “The Award is highly recognised with the employment sector for showing strong leadership and problem-solving skills. The award is only granted to a few that have strong determination and set goals and follow through.”
Brianna has been involved with Scouts for 5 years, and in 2012 she spoke with a number of adults who recommended the Queen’s Scout Award. She then met with her Scout Leader and they outlined each component that she was required to complete.
“I thought of all the extra curriculum activities I was involved with at the time, and most of it was already covered. I decided to undertake school soccer, school tennis, and middle school choir as well as the Environment Club. I was strongly determined to successfully complete the award and to do it to the best of my ability in my spare time.”
Brianna said the award will be a big honour, “When I received the letter of acceptance, I felt relieved and proud of myself for working hard and finally having it all being approved.
“The most challenging part of the award was the constant juggle of school sports, prefect position, Stage 1 and 2 Spanish classes outside school and the constant pressure from myself to achieve high results in my school work.”
Brianna said she drew on many attributes to complete the award, “Through determination, patience, time management skills, dedication and a lot of commitment, I was able to see the light at the end of the tunnel as I drew closer to finishing and as I completed each 20, 25 hour component, I felt a sense of relief and it motivated me to just keep going until everything was done.”
Brianna recommends other Scouts consider doing the Queen’s Scout Award, with this advice, “You have to be determined, committed and have excellent time management skills. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity and there is no hurt in giving it a good go. It’s a great way to develop many communication skills, personal skills, and get to know your strengths and weaknesses, as well as build on organisational skills.”
Class of Cabaret reflection
Over the past six months I have be luckily enough to participate in a program called the ‘Class of Cabaret’. The program, run through the Adelaide Festival Centre’s Education Department in conjunction with the Adelaide Cabaret Festival, provides SACE students in Years 10-12 the opportunity to participate in six months of development and workshops leading up to a show of their own in the internationally recognised Adelaide Cabaret Festival.
After an audition and long waiting process I was notified that I had been one of the 25 students across the State selected to participate in the 2015 Class of Cabaret, representing St Peter’s Girls. The intense program promised to help aspiring performers develop the skills needed to take on the entertainment and cabaret industry. The program run by musical director, Matthew Carey, and education manager, Robyn Callan, introduced the 25 participants to cabaret professionals, including Michael Griffiths, Amelia Ryan, Stacy McCandless and Kim Spargo who took on mentoring roles. Over the development stage we attended a five-day cabaret boot camp in the Adelaide Hills and around 20 workshops and rehearsals, where we worked hard in developing skills in the key elements of cabaret.
The Adelaide Cabaret Festival occurs every year for three weeks throughout June. The 2015 Class of Cabaret were given multiple opportunities to perform and participate in the Cabaret Festival’s events. Performing twice at the sold out Opening Gala for the Cabaret Festival with Daniel Koek, we were given the opportunity to meet and talk to well-known performers, including festival artistic director, Barry Humphries, Adam Hills and Hugh Sheridan. We also performed a solo cabaret act of our own as a part of the Class of Cabaret show.
The Class of Cabaret was a highly enjoyable and rewarding experience and has provided me with the skills and contacts to pursue cabaret performing in the future. It was a pleasure being given the opportunity to participate in the Adelaide Cabaret Festival and represent St Peter’s Girls.
Alex De Porteous
Would you like to try rowing?
If you’ve ever wanted to give rowing a go or think this could be your sport, you’ll be more than welcome at Saints Rowing.
Join us for an information evening to learn more about the Saints Girls rowing program, how you can be involved, and why rowing is such a great sport. The evening will be held at 6pm, Tuesday 25 August in the Humzy Theatre.
There will be a free Come and Try day from 11am – 1pm on Sunday 30 August for students in Years 6 – 10 at the Scotch Boatshed, Victoria Drive, Adelaide (behind the Convention Centre). Rowers will have access to a modern fleet of boats and excellent coaching staff.
Girls may also be interested in taking on the role of coxswain (cox). The cox plays an important leadership role by taking charge of the crew and supporting the rowers through their training program as ‘the coach on the water’.
The sport of rowing assists girls to develop lifelong skills including leadership, health, nutrition, fitness and how to work as an effective member of a team.
Info night: 6pm, Tuesday 25 August in the Humzy Theatre
Come and Try: 11am, Sunday 30 August at Scotch Boatshed, Torrens River
Official training commences for Years 7-11 students in Week 8 this term. The Learn to Row program for Year 6 students commences in Term 4.
Ben Flannagan
Director of Rowing
Winter Interhouse
Winter Interhouse will be held on Saturday 8 August for all students in Years 7-12.
Netball – 8-9:30am
Hockey – 8-9:30am
Badminton – 8-10am
Soccer – 10-11:30am
Barbecue breakfast, coffee and drinks will be also be available.
Sport News
Athletics and cross country
Congratulations to Anna Cross (Year 11) and Beth Cross (Year 9) who have both been selected in the State Secondary Schools Cross Country team to compete in Melbourne at the end of August.
Tash Hammond (Year 11) has been selected in the SA Country Women’s Hockey team and will be travelling to play in Wollongong.
Further good news from swimmers who participated at the State Short Course Championships. Congratulations to Stephanie Smalls (Year 6) who won Silver in the U/12 50m Butterfly and Gold swimming for Norwood U/13 in the 4 x 50m Freestyle and Medley relay.
Krista Ceplite (Year 11) won Gold medals in the 400m, 800m, 1500m freestyle, 200m and 400m Individual Medley, Silver in the 100m, 200m freestyle, 100m backstroke and 100m butterfly and claimed gold medals in the open age 400 Individual Medley and 1500m freestyle.
Krista also managed to break 3 Latvian Women’s National records in the 400m, 800m and 1500m freestyle.
Krista currently holds the Latvian National Women’s records for the 400m, 800m and 1500m freestyle Long Course and she will also claim the Short Course records.
Congratulations also go to Ruth Oliver (Year 6) and Emily Baldwinson (Year 5) who have been selected to represent South Australia at the Pacific School Games being held in Adelaide in November. Ruth has been nominated for 6 individual races and additional relays and Emily has been nominated for 5 individual and relay races.
Open Knockout Volleyball – Wednesday 22 July
The Year 10 knockout team has progressed to the State finals after playing in a round robin tournament to qualify. Saints played Mercedes in the first round, and after dropping the first set 23-25 rebounded to win the next 2 sets 25-19 and 17-9. In the second match Saints easily accounted for William Light 25-18, 25-14 and 18-13. In the third round Saints lost 2 sets to 1 against Glenunga, meaning that heading into the final match against Blackwood, any of 3 Schools still had the chance to win the day. Saints won the first set 25-22, and then in a tense second set came from behind to win 27-25, which changed the momentum of the game, and Saints went on to win a third set 19-12, which was enough to edge Glenunga out and allow Saints to qualify for the State Finals. Neil Fuller (Supervisor)
Open Knockout Soccer – Thursday 23 July
Last week Saints participated in a school knockout tournament against Mary Mackillop. In order to continue to the next round we had to defeat Mary Mackillop, which we knew would be challenging. After a long game we came away with a 3-1 win progressing us to the next round. Well done to the whole team for excellent teamwork and having our best game of the season so far. Congrats to Jordan, Jasmine and Layne for scoring our 3 great goals. Olivia May (Captain)
Sport Results
Badminton – Saturday 25 July
Open A – Saints defeated Seymour 3-3
Best players: Josephine Liu, Emily Murdock and Sabrina Chou
Open B – Saints defeated Seymour 5-1
Best players: Nancy Huang, Alice Powell and Laura Sivewright
Open C – Saints defeated Seymour 3-3
Best players: Erica Reid and Felicia Mi
Open D – Saints defeated Pembroke 3-3
Best players: Lola Dimond and Kate Landon
Open E – Saints defeated Seymour 6-3
Best players: Amy Li, Jiali Hu, Nicole Ma and Michelle Yeoh
Open F – Saints defeated by Pembroke E 3-6
Best players: Anna Bi and Charlotte Sapio
Open G – Saints had a bye
Sonya Risbey (Coordinator)
Hockey – Saturday 25 July
Open A – Saints 1 drew with Pembroke 1
It was a close game that Saints almost won. The highlight of the game was Olivia May scoring our goal, by staying low on the pads with the strikers. The team is showing improvement each week and it is really evident in our strong team play and sharing of the ball. We look forward to playing this week against Immanuel and playing in knockout this Tuesday. Sophie Fry (Captain)
Open B – Saints 4 defeated St Dominic’s 3
The Bs had a fantastic victory over St Dominic’s, after losing to them earlier in the season. The girls had a well-constructed plan to put pressure on the opposition’s dominant player and we were able to make the most of some excellent moves forward, where goals came from Grace Russell-Jarvie (2), Rachael Disney and Kate McKellar-Stewart. Olivia Goldsmith, Jemimah Simpson and Grace Packer all had very good games. Dan Searle (Supervisor)
Open C – Saints 1 defeated by St Dominic’s 8
The Cs played a difficult match against a strengthened opponent. The girls were not able to quell the influence of a very good opposition player and the final result ensued. The girls should take heart from producing a number of forward line opportunities and controlled the play for parts of the game but could not capitalise from this. The girls will focus on a few areas in particular this week at training where they can improve, and look to bring this to next week’s game. A strong performance came from Eliza Hannon who was outstanding. Carys Jones and Renee Lawrence.
Lacrosse – Saturday 25 July
Under 15 – Saints 10 defeated Seymour 9
This was another close match that the girls managed to win. Emma Auricht (Year 8) used her speed in mid-field to keep possession of the ball and transition it into attack. Sophie-Louise Shearwood (Year 10) and Millisent Wilkin (Year 7) did well carrying the ball under pressure. In the second half the girls worked on sticking tightly to the opposition until the last second and then moved to the girl running at the goal. Sophie Auricht (Year 8) dodged around players well, trying to score a goal, and Harriett Maerschel (Year 7) was great in attack, scoring five goals. The rest of the goal scorers were Emma Auricht, Sophie Auricht, Millisent Wilkin and Hannah Stroeher (Year 8). Best players were Sophie Auricht and Harriett Maerschel. Lucy Martin (Captain)
Under 13 Division 1 – Saints 12 drew with Woodville 12
It was a fantastic and exciting start to the second half of the season. The girls played exceptionally well in the first half, with Abigail Lisle (Year 7) and Kate Reade (Year 7) working well in defence to cause many turnovers. In attack, Chelsea Walls (Year 7) and Millisent Wilkin (Year 7) ran hard and scored many powerful goals. At half-time it was emphasised that the girls needed to work on throwing the ball into space and not towards the opposition. In the second half Isabelle Norman (Year 7) made a number of great saves and Millisent Wilkin (Year 7) gained possession of the ball most of the time from centre. The final minutes of the match were nail biting and it came down to the final seconds. All the girls played a fantastic game. Goal scorers were Kate Reade, Chelsea Walls and Millisent Wilkin. Lucy Martin (Captain)
Under 13 Division 2 – Saints 12 defeated Wilderness 8
The girls played in an excellent game and recorded a strong win. Good job to all the girls on working hard and keeping everyone involved. Portia Maerschel showed great skills and high intensity, along with Steph Smalls scoring a great 6 goals, showing confidence throughout the halves. At half-time it was determined that the girls needed to keep the ball possession safe and use it wisely, and to keep the ball movement continuous. Brilliant play by all the girls and a well-deserved win! Goal scorers: Portia Maerschel, Steph Smalls and Ruth Oliver. Portia Reppucci
Netball – Saturday 25 July
Open A – Saints 38 defeated by Immanuel 64
Coming up against Immanuel this week, we knew that it was going to be one of the hardest games of the season. However, we went in positively, ready to give them some good competition. The first half of the game was challenging for us. Despite the fact that we were playing well together as a team, Immanuel’s strength got the better of us and we were down on the score board. We went into the second half determined to keep up our efforts and decided to go into the third and fourth quarter as though the score board was reset. In the second half, we kept our heads up and managed to work through Immanuel’s tough zones and other tactics, allowing us to get 12 goals against their 13 in the final quarter. It was a great game for us and the score definitely does not depict what we put out onto the court. Well done to everyone, it was definitely a whole team effort! Amy Wishart (Captain)
Open B – Saints 14 defeated by Immanuel 73
This week the girls faced a tough game against Immanuel and despite the score, they kept their heads up the whole game and should be proud of their efforts. The entire team did not let the score get to them, and focussed on working as a team and improving on last week by executing the skills learnt at training. Each week the movement down the court improves and this was evident in this week’s games. Unfortunately the girls could not secure a win; however, their perseverance and determination was fantastic! Amy Wishart (Captain)
Open C – Saints 5 defeated by Immanuel 45
A tough return to Term 3 with a very up and down game. Despite being short of players the girls demonstrated a good work rate and everyone tried to match Immanuel who were just too strong. Best players: Mimi Long and Lucy Brown. Hayley Edge (Coach)
Year 10A – Saints 27 defeated by Immanuel 49
The game started out slow, with the girls struggling to find space to attack. Unfortunately Immanuel continued to stay in front of the girls. The girls put in a great effort to improve their game each quarter. Best player: Grace Dawson. Alana Coppock (Coach)
Year 10B – Saints 17 defeated by Immanuel 36
We started the first half of the game strong but struggled to keep close to Immanuel in the second half. However, girls had great movement down the court from defence to attack, which was great to see. Best player: Ebony Jack. Alana Coppock (Coach)
Year 9A – Saints 22 defeated by Immanuel 55
The level of energy, as always, was impressive to see. There were an outstanding number of turnovers throughout the game and improvements are still needed in retaining possession and using these opportunities to score goals. During a streak in the third quarter, the turnovers were utilised and the girls were able to score four shots in a row with great movement down the court by the midcourt players. Charlotte Kelly timed her leads perfectly and held many centre passes, as well as stellar intercepting by Jessie Rundle in the defensive end. Despite the loss to the incredibly strong opposition, the girls should be pleased with their efforts. Eliza Falconer and Ellana Welsby (Coaches)
Year 9B – Saints 1 defeated by Immanuel 62
This week the girls had a tough match. Despite the end result, the girls never gave up. The girls displayed some very good play moving down the court and out of centre and worked well as a team throughout the game. Our defence, Olivia Compare, Lucy Cox and Amira Shahin, worked very hard against very accurate shooters and helped move the ball down the court. Freya Ware, Holly Steer and Willow Fowler in our mid court also worked very well to make strong leads. Eliza Falconer and Ellana Welsby (Coaches)
Year 8A – Saints 11 defeated by Immanuel 32
Our aim this week was for the girls to play their own style of game, but this proved challenging with Immanuel’s fast-paced style and constant pressure. It wasn’t until the fourth quarter that the girls pulled it together, slowed down and worked as a team. Despite the loss, there were some positives with Anna Pryor demonstrating strong defensive pressure throughout the match, and with the back-up of Charlotte White and Sarah Matheson, achieved many turnovers. Eve Habel and Brooke Elliott consistently worked hard both offensively and defensively, but unfortunately Immanuel’s strong defence didn’t allow us to consolidate our scoring opportunities. Well done to the girls for coming out in the final quarter with some fight; it was unfortunate that it was too late to change the outcome. Vanessa Brooks (Coach).
Year 8B – Saints 26 defeated Immanuel 8
What a return after the holiday break! The girls worked as a team from the first whistle to the end and really proved how much they have improved over the season. The focus for the girls this week was using one handed passes and moving the ball down the centre corridor of the court. The girls listened intently to their fill-in coach, Hayley Edge, and worked hard throughout the match to incorporate these things. Rachel Kameniar and Sarah Carrodus were a strong combination in defence, working well together to achieve many turnovers. Zoe Vine Hall demonstrated strong movement around the goal ring and proved to be a reliable team member in attack. The girls should be proud of their efforts this week; it was a fantastic team effort and a well-deserved win! Vanessa Brooks (Staff Supervisor).
Year 8C – Saints 9 defeated by Pembroke 33
The girls were energised and eager to play after their 3 week break but Pembroke’s fast play meant the girls took time to adjust and make them play our style of netball. Hannah Lunn worked hard to make repeated second efforts all game. Brooke Weymouth played excellently in goals, hardly missing a shot and ensuring the ball moved into the ring effortlessly from the mid-court. Best player was Anneliese Thomas who continues to amaze me each week with her consistency in GD. Well done, girls. Emily Smith (Coach)
Year 7A – Saints 16 defeated by Immanuel 19
The girls applied forceful pressure all the way down the court and allowed for many turnovers in the opposition’s attack end. However, this unfortunately did not translate into shooting opportunities and successes due to difficulty in passing and receiving. Regardless, the team played well together and we know what to work on this week at training. Best players go to Hannah Freeman and Ruby Bouhamadan for their consistency and leadership on the court. Roger Mills, Corinne Dyer and Emily Wishart (Coaches)
Year 7B – Saints 21 defeated Immanuel 18
The Bs played exceptionally well in the first half of the game which was definitely the best half of netball they have played all season and commendable efforts by all. The attacking line got the ball into the goal circle easily and our shooters were extremely consistent. Defensive pressure was applied down the court by all players and on many occasions resulted in a goal. Best players go to Imogen Parkinson for playing so well after recovering from injury and Stella Clark for playing such a strong first game back. Roger Mills, Corinne Dyer and Emily Wishart (Coaches)
Year 10 Knockout Netball – Tuesday 28 July
Saints 28 defeated Golden Grove High 27
The Year 10 Knockout Netball team headed to Golden Grove Rec Centre on Tuesday to take on Golden Grove High School in Round 2 of the Knockout Netball Competition. The girls took a little while to settle, letting GGHS get out to a 4-1 lead early in the first quarter. We steadied but were trailing 5-9 at quarter time.
Georgia Bateman came on in WA in the second quarter and had an impact straight away, getting out for centre passes and driving strongly onto the circle. Lily Habel and Fiona Dawson worked hard in goals, Abbey Goodwin was strong through Centre and our defence (Grace Dawson, Sophie Freeman and Lydia Smalls) worked tirelessly to keep turning the ball over.
Lots of positional changes at half-time saw Fiona Dawson and Abbey Weymouth in goals together, Mirella Di Cesare come on into Centre, Chelsea Marchetti into Wing Defence and Grace Dawson go back to Goalkeeper. We started strongly and caught up the three goal deficit in no time to draw even but Golden Grove responded and Saints were still trailing 20-22 going into the last quarter.
We needed to stay calm and the girls knew that if they did this they could win the game. We started with a bang and caught up the two goal deficit almost immediately. The quarter then went goal for goal; however, Saints held their nerve and used the ball well in the final few minutes. With one minute to go Grace took an important rebound and the team very patiently worked the ball down the court to our feeders. Georgia and Mirella hit the circle and worked the ball to each other, giving Abbey and Fiona a chance to make a good lead in the circle. Fiona took the shot with 20 seconds to go and she scored, giving us the lead, and with a Saints centre pass the girls were able to keep possession of the ball until the final whistle! Alice Johnswood (Director of Netball)