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Enews – Week 6, Term 3 2016

Issue no. 25

From the Head of Junior School

Suzanne-Haddy_webBook Week is always a much anticipated week in the School calendar. It is a week that promotes reading, celebrates authors and illustrators, and reminds us to appreciate the written word. This year’s theme, ‘Australia – Story Country’, encouraged students to read, enjoy and think about the wealth of literature written by Australian authors and about how our country and the people of Australia have been represented in words and pictures.
‘If you want to know a person, listen to their stories; if you want to know a nation, listen to its people’s stories’.

The Junior School students began thinking about this year’s theme in the days before Book Week with a visiting performance. The Perform Theatre Troupe brought the short-listed picture books to life with their production, ‘Fair Dinkum’. We then launched Book Week with a cross-age group reading session. Each student in Years 4 – 6 chose one or two favourite picture books to share with some younger students. It was delightful to watch the interactions between the older and younger girls as they read much loved stories together.

During library lessons throughout the week, the short-listed books were enjoyed and discussed. Lunchtime activities relating to the short-listed books, and supervised by the Year 6 Library Leaders, were provided for each year level and enjoyed by many girls.

Of course, the big highlight of Book Week is always the Dress Up Day Parade. The broad array of costumes was testament to the imagination and creativity of our girls and parents. During our special Book Week Assembly, presented by the Junior School Library Leaders and the Student Library Initiatives Club, every year level had an opportunity to parade across the stage and share their costumes. The SLIC girls gave an excellent performance of a play they had adapted from the short-listed book, ‘Suri’s Wall’ by Lucy Estela, which was a moving tale of the power of the human spirit. Thank you to Stephen Orr and Lisa Hollis who facilitated this group. The Assembly also saw the staff of the Junior School bring to life ‘Where is the Green Sheep?’ by Mem Fox, as a way to pay homage to all of our wonderful Australian authors and illustrators. The Assembly concluded with a viewing of our Book Week parody, ‘It’s all About the Books’, performed by staff and directed and produced by Mrs Coulter.

It was a fabulous week and we thank all of the students and staff for their participation and involvement. We particularly thank Mrs Smith for her work in facilitating the Junior School activities.

Suzanne Haddy

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Sports Day: Friday 9 September
Sports Day website header

On Friday 9 September St Peter’s Girls will be holding the annual Years 4 – 12 Sports Day Carnival at SA Athletics Stadium (previously SANTOS Stadium). The day will begin at 8.30am and conclude by 4pm. This day is to be treated like a normal school day; therefore attendance is required for the whole day.

> Download program of events
> Overview of events by year level
> SANTOS Stadium Map

Students who travel to School on School buses will automatically be taken to the Athletics Stadium in the morning and will depart from there in the afternoon. In addition, we will be offering bus services for registered students that will depart from the School at 7.30am and will return by 4.30pm. To book your child’s seat on a bus, please visit trybooking.com/MVQR. Bookings for additional buses will close on Monday 5 September. All other students will need to be dropped off at the Stadium in the morning and picked up in the afternoon, as the girls will be dismissed directly from the venue.

Girls are reminded to wear their complete PE uniform with a House top and hat (Year 12s have separate standards). We encourage the girls to display their House Spirit on the day, but please be aware that body paint is not permitted in the SA Athletics Stadium. Girls are able to wear spikes up to 7mm in length.

The Saints Sport Group will be running a raffle throughout the day with excellent prizes on offer. They will also be selling House wristbands, which students can purchase prior to the day at lunchtimes as well as at the gate on the day ($2 per band).

With the ease of parking and close proximity to the city, we encourage you to come along and support your daughter/s.

1) To start the day we would like to invite parents to join their daughter’s House in the first event of the day at 9am, the House Scramble. The objective is for each House in turn to get as many participants as possible across the line over a distance of 300m in 70 seconds.

2) There is a House Rowing Challenge held from 11am – 2pm. Students are encouraged to keep the ergo moving for the whole hour to reach the furthest distance.

Students can either bring their recess and lunch on the day or the canteen will be open to purchase food and drinks. Water bottles should also be brought. Despite being just out of winter, we encourage people to prepare according to the forecast and that will mean applying sunscreen early in the day. This will be available at the First Aid station.

Neil Fuller

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2016 Parents in Education Week

Parents in Education Week 2016

Only two weeks to go – Book your place now!

Parents are invited to attend a series of free evening information sessions delivered by renowned international and national child development and learning experts, including Dr Margy Whalley and Andrew Fuller.

Information sessions will run from Monday 12 September to Thursday 15 September across four key locations within the State that can be viewed online or attended in person.

Parents will be provided with practical tips and easy ways to support their children’s learning at every age and stage.

To find out more and to register for a session, visit decd.sa.gov.au/2016PIEWeek.

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Mothers unite for a shopping trip to Melbourne

Melbourne Shopping Trip

We met bright and early at Adelaide Airport on Saturday with our empty suitcases and arrived in Melbourne at around 8.30am.

Aware of our later meeting point and time (being in the private room at Myer’s Bourke Street store at 4pm), we split up to enjoy the day! Some of us went to the museum and the art gallery, some to a nice restaurant for brunch, whilst others attended day spas or caught a flick in a Gold Class cinema. The remaining shopping tragics spent their time taking advantage of Melbourne’s amazing shopping areas.

At 4pm we all gathered at our meeting point for our private after-hours shopping experience. There was much mingling as we got to sit and rest our weary feet from all the walking and everyone was very curious as to what the others had got up to in their free time. It was apparent by the looks on everyone’s faces that the day so far had been a huge success!

We then went off to Myer to await our private shopping experience. They provided us with canapés and lovely refreshments whilst their private stylists gave us some handy tips and a fun update of the trends for the up and coming season. They also organised lucky door prizes and 10 lucky winners won Myer shopping vouchers for the night. Once Myer closed its doors to the public, the store was all ours! We were all like kids in a candy store and most of us didn’t know what to buy first! Again, we all split into groups, with some of us heading to ladies’ shoes, some to perfume and make-up, whilst a few of us took advantage of the services offered by the private stylists. Meanwhile, the ladies who were a little tired got to spend the night enjoying the food and drinks Myer had provided at the champagne lounge. At the conclusion of the evening, Myer was kind enough to provide us all with a gift to take home.

The next morning at breakfast our conversations were buzzing with tales of the wonderful bargains that we had managed to nab.

Following breakfast, those who had still not obtained their full shopping-fix headed for another few hours of ‘essential bargain hunting’ at the Wharf Street DFO. Many of the others chose to go for a nice lunch, with some even deciding to chase Pokémon while sightseeing.

Sadly, we all had to gather back at the hotel at 2.30pm to board the bus to go back to Adelaide. The helpful bus driver found that he really needed our help to lift our ‘no longer so empty’ suitcases onto the bus.

The entire trip back to the Adelaide was filled with chatter concerning the trip and about when next year we shall return to do it all again!

It was a fabulous weekend of the St Peter’s Girls’ community getting together. Many new friendships were made between mothers of all year levels and school staff.

I extend a big thank you to everyone who was a part of this inaugural event and I am happy to announce that, as a result, the event raised in excess of $6000 which will be going towards the redevelopment of our Middle School.

Blaga Dimauro

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IPSHA Poetry Recital Competition

This year all students in Years 4 to 6 had the opportunity to participate in the Independent Primary Schools Heads Association (IPSHA) Poetry Recital Competition. This requires them to learn and recite, from memory, a set poem and a poem of their choice. The set poems generally contain some complexity and provide a challenge for the students to contemplate and interpret. This year the set poems were ‘My Cousin Fred’ by Gareth Lancaster for Year 4, ‘Disgusting’ by Colin Thiele for Year 5, and ‘Spiritual Song of the Aborigine’ by Hyllus Maris for Year 6. During the period of competition preparation, the students learned about the nuances of the English language, interesting turns of phrase and the ways in which poets use words to create images in their readers’ minds. Girls discussed the set poems, among others, and decided how to deliver their poems to greatest effect. After deconstructing, reconstructing, learning and practising their poems, the students presented them to their class. Students were then chosen to represent each class at the year level competition to ascertain our representatives for the inter-school event. Jenna Maione (Year 4), Isabel Burmester (Year 5) and Sophie Norman (Year 6), will represent their respective year levels at PAC for the grand final of the competition next Tuesday. We are very proud of all students who participated in this event and congratulate our School representatives for gaining places at the inter-school level. We thank Mrs Coulter for organising the year level finals and attending the grand final with the girls next week.

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Writing tips from visiting author

Visiting Author

During Book Week our Middle School students were fortunate to hear an address by Gabrielle Wang (pronounced ‘wong’), an award winning author and illustrator of novels and picture books, whose work appeals to beginner readers through to young adults. She was born in Melbourne and is a 4th generation Chinese Australian who draws from her own heritage as well as her personal life journey as a graphic artist and global citizen to create original books and dynamic artworks.

Our students discovered that Gabrielle’s books are a blend of Australian and Chinese cultures, often offering a touch of fantasy. From her Animal race, retelling the classic Chinese legend of the Chinese Zodiac, to the Chinese ghost living in grandmother’s village, to the story of Mirabel who falls in love with a Chinese solder who is posted back to China where a civil war is raging (which was based on her mother’s actual experiences), this talented writer kept the audience engaged.

Gabrielle shared with us her novels which reflect her rich cultural background, the way her Chinese heritage has influenced her writing and how all of us can explore our own cultural identity and personal experiences to create wonderful stories.

Our Year 9 students also participated in Writer’s Workshops, gaining insights into how to employ new literary strategies to enhance their own creative writing.

Lisa Hollis
Resource Centre Coordinator

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2016 School Immunisation Program Reminder

Eastern Health Authority (EHA) will be visiting St Peter’s Girls next week to complete the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) immunisations for Year 8 students where consent has been provided.

If any information you gave on the original consent form has changed, please inform EHA’s immunisation staff before the date of vaccination on 8132 3600.

Please notify the EHA if:

  • Your child has already completed the HPV program with another provider.
  • You wish to withdraw your consent.
  • Your child’s medical condition has changed.

Please notify EHA on the day of immunisation of any change in the information on the consent form; in particular, your child’s medical condition. A signed and dated note from a parent or guardian in your child’s diary presented to the Registered Nurse on the day of immunisation is acceptable.

For more information please visit eha.sa.gov.au.

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Continued success for the Debating and Public Speaking teams!

Our final minor round of debating has ended with very successful results. Congratulations to our Year 7 White and Blue, Year 8 White, Yellow and Blue, and Year 9 Yellow and Red who won their debates last Tuesday. Congratulations to Victoria Thorp from Year 7, Abigail Lisle and Emily Downie from Year 8, Isobel Tan and Hannah Brown from Year 9 and Lucy Cox from Year 10, who were awarded Speaker of the Night Awards.

The Debating SA finals are held for teams in Year 8 to Year 12. We are so proud to announce that the following teams have progressed through to the quarter-final rounds: Year 8 White, Yellow and Blue, Year 9 Red and Yellow and the Senior White team. Congratulations also to our two Year 7 teams who finished the season ranked second and third consecutively. These results are exceptional and a huge thank you must go to our student coaches, Brooke Oliver, Chanel Stefani, Nicola Jones, Ella Robinson, Sophie-Louise Shearwood, Grace Callen, Nicola Jones, Sarah Richards, Georgia Bateman, Mila Loechel and Jaida Bouhamdan, who have volunteered so much of their time to coach their respective teams, and the supervising teachers, Madame Ferraro-Martin, Mrs Davies, Madame Merckel, Mr Trobbiani, Sensei Pitkin and Ms Cohen who have offered the girls feedback and support.

We congratulate all our amazing debaters and thank them for their hard work throughout the season. The quarter-finals will be held next Tuesday for our Middle School teams and next Wednesday for the Senior White team. We wish all the girls the best of luck and hope to see teams progressing through to the semi-finals as we maintain our tremendous winning streak.

Kritika Mishra
Debating and Public Speaking Prefect

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Results of the Sports Survey 2016

Earlier this year the Saints Sports Support Group [SSSG] surveyed the school community about opinions on sport and the role that the SSSG should take in promoting sport within the school. The Survey results were very useful in focussing efforts for the future and we thank those who took the trouble to not only complete the Survey, but also to offer considered feedback. A summary of the results is provided below:

There were 122 parent responses representing 163 students at the School across all years. Not enough student responses were received to analyse. 85% of the respondents ‘Agree’ or ‘Strongly Agree’ that sport is an integral part of school life, and 59% supported the idea of the SSSG funding students for coaching and umpiring courses. More than a third of the respondents offered comments and suggestions, the main themes of which were:

1. The level of equipment and quality of venues is mentioned as requiring an upgrade (particularly gym and athletics facilities).
2. In general, there is support for giving students coaching opportunities and training as long as the environment is supportive and overseen by qualified personnel, as parents feel that a private school should provide excellence in coaching.
3. Some thoughts that SSSG might help fund interstate or other out-of-pocket expenses for students competing at the highest level, or specialist equipment for high cost sports.
4. SSSG could fund bringing in high level coaches for clinics, or clinics for non-standard sports (e.g. martial arts).


The survey provides a snapshot of views, mainly skewed to those who believe in sporting values. Many of the suggestions were outside the remit of the SSSG but point to the survey having been used as a means to voice opinions about the School’s conduct in this area. There is general support for SSSG continuing to raise funds to support equipment purchases, develop coaching amongst the girls, and fund the reward system that encourages sport in the School. We did not really manage to get much feedback or direction on how to maintain enthusiasm for sport and physical fitness amongst students as they grow older.

Nigel Smalls
On behalf of the Saints Sports Support Group

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Support Patteson at City to Bay 2016

The city to bay is an annual event, which this year will take place on 18 September. The race starts in the Adelaide CBD and finishes in Glenelg, with the option to walk or run 3, 6 or 12 km. It is a great opportunity to get out in the sunshine with friends and family, whilst also fundraising for very worthwhile causes.

Already, there is a team of Patteson girls registered with the Australian Refugee Association and we encourage all of the Saints community to get involved. It would be great to see the colours of Kilburn, Kennion, Selwyn and Patteson all very prominent on the day – fundraising for the Cancer Council, Kickstart for Kids, the Smith Family or the ARA. Alternatively, there is a St Peter’s Girls team!

The Saints Girls P&F will be hosting a marquee at the end of the race, with delicious bacon and egg sandwiches. However, for this to be possible we need some parents to help out on the day.

If anyone is interested in helping out, please contact Ed Parker (President of the P&F): edontheroadagain@hotmail.com.


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Crows recruit to run Girls only Come & Try Clinic

As many of you may know, female football is the fastest growing sport in Australia. An all-girls come and try session will be taking place this September and the Hector­ville Football Club are searching for girls who are interested in playing footy in 2017 or might just have a passion for kicking the footy around the park.

We encourage girls of all ages to come down and have some fun!

You will be joined by special guest, Kellie Gibson, from the Adelaide Crows Women’s team. Kellie is very excited to be coordinating the first session.

For more information or to register, please contact Christian McCormack, Hectorville FC Junior coordinator via sanfljuniors.wufoo.com.

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Important dates for the calendar Year 9 Graduation b

Term 3

    • Friday 9 September – Sports Day
    • Monday 19 — Friday 23 September – Year 10 camp
    • Monday 19 — Thursday 22 September –  Year 12 IB trial exams
    • Tuesday 20 September – Healthy Relationships Day
    • Tuesday 27 September – Years 11 & 12 Academic Conferences

Term 4

    • Monday 10 — Friday 14 October – Year 12 SACE trial exams
    • Tuesday 18 October & Thursday 20 October –  Years 7 — 10 Parent Teacher Interviews
    • Saturday 22 October – Summer Sport resumes
    • Wednesday 26 October – Leaders’ and Prefects’ Induction
    • Friday 28 October – Celebration Day and Valedictory Dinner
    • Wednesday 2 — Tuesday 22 November – Year 12 IB exams
    • Monday 7 —  Monday 21 November  –  Year 12 SACE exams
    • Thursday 10 November, 5.30 — 7.30pm –  Community/Family Drinks on the Chiverton Lawns
    • Monday 14 —  Tuesday 22 November –  Year 11 SACE exams
    • Friday 18 November –  Reception to Year 4 Sports Day
    • Wednesday 23 November – Year 10 Swotvac Day
    • Thursday 24 — Tuesday 29 November –  Year 10 exams
    • Thursday 24 November, 3.30pm – Middle and Senior School Sports Awards (all Middle School girls must attend)
    • Friday 25 November –  ELC Twilight Christmas Event
    • Monday 28 November — Friday 9 December –  Year 12 2017 Headstart Programme
    • Thursday 1 December, 7pm – Carols in the Cathedral (all girls from Years 4 – 12 must attend)
    • Thursday 1 December — Wednesday 7 December –  Middle School Exams
    • Friday 2 December – R 2 Nativity
    • Monday 5 December — Friday 9 December –  Year 11 2017 Headstart Programme
    • Wednesday 7 December, 2 — 3.30pm – Year 6 Celebration event
    • Thursday 8 December, 2pm – Year 9 Celebration (All Year 9 parents, and students Yrs 6-9).
    • Friday 9 December, 3.30pm – Classes conclude for all girls in ELC – Year 6
    • Monday 12 December, 7pm – Presentation Night at the Adelaide Town Hall (compulsory for all girls in Years 7 — 12 and Year 6 House Captains). There will be no classes on this day but the girls will be involved in rehearsals at the Town Hall.

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2016 Spring Cabaret


Tickets are now on sale for the 2016 Spring Cabaret! Featuring solo and ensemble performances from our fabulous Junior, Middle and Senior School musicians plus Enchante and Stage Band Old Scholars from the past 10 years.

The evening will also feature solo performances from Saints Girls who have been part of past Adelaide Cabaret Festivals.

When: 7pm, Friday 16 September
Venue: Arts Centre
Tickets: $10 Adults, $5 Concession

A fantastic night of music not to be missed! Book your tickets today at: trybooking.com.

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2016 SACE Dance Night: Vivacity

Vivacity_ email

On Wednesday 7 September, the Year 12 dancers will present Vivacity, the SACE Dance Performance Exam for 2016. The evening will feature a variety of dances of many techniques by our Stage 1 girls: Amy Steele, Charlotte Kelly, Sophie Girdler, Shaelyn Bischoff and Charlotte Yandell, and the very talented Stage 2 performer Sascha Czuchwicki.

Also showcasing pieces will be our Year 9 Dance and Senior School Music.

The evening promises to be an exciting showcase of performing arts and the amazing skills of our talented dancers.

 When: 7pm on Wednesday 7 September
Where: Arts Centre
Tickets: Adults $10, gold coin donation for children under 12.

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Sports News
Sport Week 6b

If you have any news items or sporting success stories, please email them through to me on: nfuller@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au


Congratulations to Harriet Maerschel, Millisent Wilkin, Isabelle Norman, Kate Reade and Chelsea Walls for all being named in an IGSSA representative team to play in the Under 15 National Lacrosse Tournament here in Adelaide from 2 – 8 October.

Knockout Open Volleyball

Saints volleyball girls competed in a round of the state knockout competition at Mary Mackillop. In the first game of the day, against Marryatville, the girls started strongly. Serving was particularly good, and it was great to see so much team spirit on the court. Great use was made of the back court setter and passing was done well. Despite a bit of a lag in the second set, the girls were able to come out victorious. The next game was against Mary Mackillop. Unfortunately, enthusiasm and energy were low during the first set. This, coupled with many unforced errors, meant that the opposition were able to get the better of us. However, in the second set there was vast improvement as the girls regained their confidence. This was reflected in the score. Special mention to Abbey Goodwin who had a terrific run of serves. The girls were also able to defeat the opposition in the third set, with strong skills seen on the court. In the final game of the day, against Oakbank, we were able to win all three sets. Some very good serving was seen from many of the girls throughout this game. We now look forward to the state knockout finals. Georgia Howe and Mila Loechel  (Captains)

Junior Soccer

Year 6 – Saints 4 defeated by Pembroke 6

An unfortunate loss for the girls this week in a high scoring and entertaining match. As always, the team worked hard throughout the game and continued to try and overcome their opponents. We were down by three goals at half-time but managed to close the gap to two by the end of the game and could have scored even more. We had plenty of chances to score but the opposition goalkeeper was not making it easy for us. An unlucky loss but plenty of positives to come out of it and we will continue to improve in the weeks to come. Vincent Talladira (Coach)

Year 5 – Saints did not play 

Year 4 – Saints 0 defeated by Pembroke 6

Grace Richardson-Stevens was amazing in goals as the ball consistently came in quickly and hard. Grace saved many shots from the Pembroke forwards. In the second half the girls settled into their game plan and the game really opened up. The girls’ passing was excellent and we had many more opportunities for our forwards to have shots at goal. Elizabeth McKernan, the super boot, cleared the defensive half with the majority of her goal kicks, setting up Sophia Langley up forward. Sophia was on the end of a number of forward bursts and narrowly missed her attempts on goal. The girls proved yet again that when they are focussed they can execute the team plan. Mark Routley (Coach)


The A and B teams needed to play additional matches to ensure they were able to qualify for finals. A good win to the Bs who now need to just defeat Wilderness on Saturday to get into the play-off final.

Open A – Saints defeated by Wilderness 1-5. BP Amy Li

Open B – Saints defeated Pembroke 4-2. BP Laura Sivewright   

This was the last week of matches for our C, D and E teams. We congratulate them on a fantastic season and are extremely proud of how much they have improved and progressed. Good luck to our A and B teams who will be playing their final matches at the play-offs on 10 September. Kritika Mishra and Alice Powell (Captains)

Open A – Saints defeated by Walford 1-5

Best player: Emily Murdock

Open B – Saints defeated Wilderness 4-2

Best player: Catherine Neale

Open C2 – Saints defeated Walford 6-0

Best player: Amelie Dunda

Open D1 – Saints defeated Walford 5-1

Best player: Sophia Casanova Clarke

Open E – Saints defeated Walford F 8-1

Best player: Candy Feng


Open A – Saints 2 drew with Pembroke 2

This was the girls’ last game of the season and was a well fought game by both teams. Grace Edwards made some incredible saves in goals, whilst Grace Packer scored 2 brilliant goals. Pembroke were a strong opposition and despite Saints having most of the attack were unable to score a deciding goal. This was the last game, ending on a good note, and finishing in the top 4. Congratulations to the Year 12s, Natasha Hammond, Olivia Teh, Anna Cross and Georgina Sarah on representing the School in Hockey. Tash Hammond (Captain)

Open C – Saints 6 defeated Trinity 0

The girls controlled the game well through the midfield, allowing our strikers to have many breakthroughs resulting in goals. With a final score going our way, the team went the season undefeated and all of the girls should be proud of their efforts not only in this game, but also throughout the season. It’s been a pleasure watching everyone grow and develop during the season and I look forward to working with them next year. Sophie Fry (Coach)


Under 18 – Saints did not play 

Under 15 – Saints did not play

Under 13 – Saints did not play

NETBALL – Saturday 26 August

Open A – Saints 57 defeated Walford 32

A win for the Open A side against Walford was an ideal end to a successful season. By working the ball all the way down the court, the connection between attack and defence ensured all turnovers were capitalised. Finishing in a remarkably higher spot on the table compared to last year, we would like to commend the hard work of the girls and the efforts of all players. We would like to thank the girls for a memorable season and a perfect way for us to end five years of netball at Saints. Josephine Dal Pra and Madison Bateman (Co-Captains)

Open B – Saints 25 defeated by Walford 50

What a game to end the season! Though we may not have won, this result shows the massive improvement this team has made through the 2016 winter season since last time we played this team. The first quarter was rough; however, the girls improved every quarter until the final quarter which we won! Sarah Richards, Lydia Smalls and Charlotte Parker did an excellent job in the defensive third. Georgia Bateman, Alexandra Murray and Chelsea Jones were amazing in progressing the ball from the defensive to the attacking third. Nicolette Miller and Chelsea Marchetti had a successful game shooting many goals and Jessie Rundle did an outstanding job, transitioning from shooting to defending throughout the game. Huge congratulations to all the girls in this team; it has been a great final season for the Year 12s, Chelsea Jones and Alexandra Murray, to finish their school netball career. Thank you to our coach, Esther, who has enhanced our netball skills and Sue for her mentoring throughout the games and training. I wish the girls luck for the next netball season. Alexandra Murray (Open B Captain)

Open C – Saints 36 defeated by Walford 44

The Open C team faced off against two Walford teams, with both their Open C and Open D teams ready to face our team of seven players. Although the girls were apprehensive about playing a fresh team each quarter, Saints remained focussed and competitive. It was amazing to see the season come together in our last game, and the entire team played brilliantly and came off court feeling like winners. Well done, Cs; it has been an absolute pleasure to coach you this season. Grace Russo (Coach) 

Year 10 – Saints

By Alana Coppock (Coach)

Year 9A – Saints 78 defeated Walford 9

The girls played another fantastic game of netball this week, recording another great win. A convincing start in the first quarter put the girls in front, leading 21 to 4. The girls played consistent netball over all four quarters, displaying tight defence throughout the court and fantastic feeding into the goalies who shot very accurately. With a lead of 53 goals at three-quarter-time the girls were able to mix up positions and have a fun final quarter. Overall, it was an excellent game of netball, with the team securing their second win over Walford this season. Well done to all of the girls for such a great season and on a fantastic final match. Amelia Wood (Year 9)

Year 9B – Saints 51 defeated Walford 19

Our last game against Walford was a great success. The girls came out strongly and were ahead in the first quarter. We upheld our lead for the rest of the game and were able to finish off the season with a win. In the last quarter the girls showed a huge amount of improvement and played a strong attack and defence. The girls improved so much throughout the season and it was great to finish on a win. The girls have had a great season and a huge thank you to our coach for all her hard work and support. Georgina Bafile (Year 9) 

Year 9C1 – Saints 39 defeated Walford 6

Massive congratulations to all the girls for the very impressive undefeated season this year. All of the girls played extremely well this week and showed off their incredible talents for their last game. The girls’ efforts this year have been very enjoyable and we have had the pleasure of coaching this beautiful bunch of girls. Couldn’t be more proud of you all; congratulations, girls!  Ellana Welsby (Coach)

Year 9C2 – Saints had a bye

Year 8A – Saints 29 defeated by Walford 39

The last game of the season did not provide the result we were after. We came into the first quarter not ready to play and this really let us down. Walford capitalised on this slow start and came out with an eight goal lead at quarter-time. Thankfully, the next three quarters were much more competitive and played with higher intensity. Thank you once again to Paris Robinson for filling in this week. Best players this week go to Sarah Wishart and Chelsea Walls for consistent defensive efforts and continuously providing reliable passing options down the court. Thank you to all team members, parents and supporters for a good season. Vanessa Brooks (Coach).

Year 8B – Saints 30 defeated by Walford 32

The girls played a tough game against Walford but improvements by all players were extremely noticeable and it was great to see the girls form such a strong team, with all players holding their own. Shooting was superb all game, and the patience throughout the mid-court was commendable. The defensive pressure was brilliant, and all defensive players should be proud of themselves for holding such strong attackers out of the game. Best players were Lauren Porter and Charlotte Sellars for being amazing in defence and applying pressure the entire way down the court! It was a great season by all the girls and I thank them for their dedication and great weekly efforts! It’s been a pleasure coaching such hardworking girls. Emily Wishart (Coach).

Year 8C – Saints 22 defeated by Walford 23

The team had an incredible game and should be proud of not only their achievement, but also their huge improvement over the season. The first quarter started out strongly with Stella Clark and Emily Dobson-May working well in the mid-court to bring the ball down. The team cooperated and executed their centre passes, enabling us to stay strong, with Faye Ma and Emma Matheson creating great movement in the goal circle. Elise Cornfield, Charlotte Bleby and Paris Greene all did a great job in defence, working hard to get intercepts. The whole team applied a huge amount of pressure, which made it hard for Walford to get the ball to the goals. Ellen Zhang was best player, playing both attack and defence, and particularly for consistently being an option. As coaches, we are so proud of the girls – congratulations on a great season! Amy Wishart and Sophia West (Coaches)

Year 7A – Saints 25 defeated Walford 24

Saints took on some fierce competition from Walford on the weekend, with both teams facing finals elimination. They were a much improved side from when we played them at the start of the season and it was clear from the first quarter that we needed to dig deep and maintain our focus to secure the game. Strong defence from the whole team allowed us to keep in contact throughout the game and our attack worked hard to convert every goal opportunity. Saints managed the tightest of victories. Michelle Blackburn (Coach)

Year 7B – Saints 19 defeated Walford 7

The girls finished the year with their best performance as a team. All players worked hard and attacked the ball, and our shooters made the most of their opportunities, shooting at a very high percentage. Great effort from all involved! Roger Mills (Coach)

Junior Basketball 

Year 6 Blue – Saints 15 defeated Walford 11

The girls have been improving every week with strong accurate passing out in front and should be proud of the win this week. The use of clearing into space was good as it gave the girls time to shoot points, and putting pressure on the Walford players resulted in Saints getting the ball down their end. Best players go to Mia Dodd and Charlotte Adams for their strong defence. Amy Wishart and Sophia West (Coaches)

Year 6 White – Saints 22 defeated by Seymour Purple 36

Coming from a 12-point deficit at quarter-time, the girls fought hard and were within 6 points at three-quarter-time! Unfortunately, they were unable to get up this time, but will be prepared to meet this team again when we play in a few weeks’ time! Special mentions this week go to Sophie and Isabelle who played tough games in defence and offence! Abby Davey (Coach) 

Year 5 – Saints Blue 32 defeated Walford 11

Saints continued their winning streak and every team member played their best game this season. The girls’ ball skills, fitness and tactics worked brilliantly against Walford, who had 5 substitutions, rotating two complete teams throughout the game. Eleanor Humphrey was the best player and scored the maximum number of points (12) by three-quarter-time and continued to work hard as playmaker, creating scoring opportunities for the team. A special mention goes to Georgie Owler (Captain) who played brilliantly. Georgie positioned well to score 10 points and Phoebe Black rebounded well and scored 6 points. Annie Bui fought hard the whole game and scored 2 points and Charlotte McKee scored a free throw shot on the siren. Samantha McKee (Coach)

Year 5 – Saints White 41 defeated Pembroke Yellow 9

Congratulations to the team for playing an excellent zone defence just as they had practised. The team got off to a flying start and were up by 29-2 at half-time. Excellent shooting by Monika Ceplitis (10pts), Sophie Dansie (7pts), Grace Richards (8pts) and Emily Bryce (8pts). Special mention to Emily Bryce for an excellent long shot. Grace Richards and Pearl Richards (4pts) combined well, with good passing in the key. Noa Goddard (2pts) again made good position, intercepting well in defence. Pembroke had a definite height advantage which they used well in the second half. Well done to Grace Richards and Bridgette Leach (2pts) for their aggressive work under the basket to counter the Pembroke height. Sharon Tocher-Leach (Blue Coach) 

Junior Netball

Year 4 Blue – Saints 9 drew with Seymour 9

The girls are really starting to use some learned skills on court and showed some terrific passages of play. After some mishaps it all turned around for us and we ended up being strong in both attack and defence. The goals eventually started popping in, and the team finished strongly with a great comeback! Amy Dillon topped our intercept stats this week, winning the ball time and time again in WD/GD, after some very good ’shadowing’ work and great determination. Well done to Saints Blue – overall, a terrific team effort! Sue Jones (Coach)

Year 4 White – Saints 1 defeated by Seymour 12

Our defensive side showed an incredible improvement as they held Seymour to only 12 goals, unlike last time we played them when the score was 22-1. Madeleine Penley was lucky enough to score her first goal with help from our fantastic attacking half. At training we worked on passing accuracy and dodging behind both our attacking and defending opposition player. The girls were able to take what they had learned at training and put this into play very well. Every week we are seeing the girls grow more and more confident; they are listening to their coaches and this is becoming visible in matches as we are seeing an extreme improvement. As coaches, we are incredibly proud of the way the girls are performing on the court. Congratulations, girls, on a fabulous effort! Charlotte Parker (Assistant Coach)

If you have any news items or sporting success stories, please email them through to me on: nfuller@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.