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Enews – Week 8, Term 2 2017

Issue no. 19
W8 Yeah the Girls

‘Yeah the Girls’: a Prefect-led initiative

‘Yeah the Girls’ is an initiative both designed and led by the 2017 Prefect team. It is an opportunity to recognise the successes of girls across all year levels, from Reception to Year 12. The aim is to build a stronger and more united School community by bridging the gaps between the Junior, Middle and Senior Sub-Schools. We would like this community to have an atmosphere of confidence, where girls feel proud to share their successes and are not afraid to try new things.

The ‘Yeah the Girls’ campaign is based on three ‘e’ words: empowerment, encouragement and equality. Each of these words can be linked to specific areas of success and achievement such as: charity, music, sport, the Arts and academia.

To commence the ‘Yeah the Girls’ program, the Prefects are leaving suggestion boxes in each Home Group. We will be inviting girls to anonymously nominate their friends and classmates who they consider worthy of a public mention in assembly or, as it will become known, a ‘Yeah the Girls shout-out’.

The Prefect team would also like to encourage parents to contact the School with information regarding your daughters’ successes and achievements, which will also be celebrated during assembly. Additionally, this will be published in the newsletter on alternate weeks.

This week, we would like to acknowledge Olivia Compare (Year 11), Charlotte White (Year 10), Lucy Kitching (Year 4), and Samantha Li (Year 2).

Olivia Compare recently took part in the ‘Living Below the Line’ campaign which raises awareness for those living in poverty. For the past week, Olivia has been living on $2 worth of food per day. She decided to complete this challenge because she says she did not fully understand or appreciate the privilege that she, her family and her friends have when it comes to food. She is impressed with the contribution the challenge has had to the outlook and perspective that others around her possess about poverty and its effects on daily life.

Charlotte White has been selected in the Under 17 South Australian State Volleyball Team, The Volleyball South Australia (VSA) Development Squad and the Norwood Bears Under 19 State Junior League. Charlotte, who was introduced to volleyball through our School program, found that she was ‘hooked’ from the first training and believes that her selection in these teams comes from her determination to improve and succeed. She believes that setting goals has pushed her to achieve her best and she takes every opportunity that comes her way.

Lucy Kitching, who has been participating in gymnastics since she was eight months old, recently competed in the Victorian State Championships for Gymnastics. She competed in the four events of beam, floor, vault and, her favourite, bars, in the division of International level 8. She was awarded third place. This is an incredible achievement and we would like to congratulate Lucy on her efforts.

In May, Samantha Li achieved her Australian Music Examinations Board (AMEB) Exam Grade 5 pianoforte (classical piano). She achieved a High Distinction (A+) in this exam. This is an amazing achievement for Samantha, who has only been playing for two years. She enjoys playing the songs because of their ‘nice musical sound’. She is currently learning pieces for her grade 7 exam.

Yeah the Girls!

Sophie Freeman
Kilburn House Captain

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From the Director of Early Learning

W8 ELC Ladies' Day Out

Ladies’ Day Out; but it was so much more!

Kate-Mount-ELC-picOnce again, the annual ELC Ladies’ Day Out organised by The Friends of the ELC was a huge success. Held last Sunday, with over 50 participants, we ventured up to the Adelaide Hills winery Barristers Block. There was a lovely combination of ELC families and staff along with some Reception parents with Ms Haddy and Mrs Davies. What were the ingredients that provided such a rich experience for us?

From my perspective it is all about relationship building. As families enter the ELC there are so many unknowns about what lies ahead. Who better to inform them than our current parent group? The round table discussions were a forum for the sharing of stories, a passing on of knowledge and a building of new relationships. We had the right recipe to create this very special foundation.

Significance must be given to the importance of participation. To come along on a day like this when you have not yet formed your friendship group is extremely brave. The staff ensured everyone was introduced and given the opportunity to meet a range of new faces. The unfolding of the history of these celebrated days out is quite astonishing. Mums were telling us that this is where their friendships began, an extension of Playgroup, and now the firm friendships continue with regular catch ups. One group of friends were celebrating four years of friendship through the ELC and there are many more.

The importance of our School’s community groups is also essential in building relationships. Joining the Friends of ELC committee and/or attending their events has provided a pathway for families to meet others. Ladies’ Day Out is one of several events hosted throughout the year.

Clearly the parents benefit from these relationships but it must not be overlooked that the children are the true beneficiaries. Having their families involved in their School community is critical. As authentic partners in their child’s education, parents are informed about the Early Years of education, they are listened to and have their point of view valued. The children witness the trust and respect that is built between home and School. They can see that it is a place for their family to be welcomed. One event does not create this, there must be many, many steps along the way, but each step builds a part of this very solid foundation. Communication opportunities are key, families need to be informed and have opportunities to ask questions: our staff along with other families, can provide these. If we build and foster community, we are working in a consistent direction to benefit our children and families as they develop their sense of belonging and feeling of value.

Ladies’ Day Out has been and gone, however the traces of this event will stay with us and grow. The Friends of the ELC and staff can feel very proud of themselves for providing ongoing opportunities for families to connect and for relationship building to be at the forefront of our mission.

Kate Mount
Director of Early Learning

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Staff Update

The School’s Chaplain, the Reverend Natasha Darke, has resigned from her role in order to pursue post-graduate study. The position is being advertised and we will advise you when we have selected the successful candidate. Although Natasha is sad to be leaving the School, she is looking forward to the next stage of her career. We wish her all the best for her future endeavours and thank her for the contribution she has made to St Peter’s Girls.

Julia Shea

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Year 7 Visual Arts

W8 Art
The Visual Arts program at St Peter’s Girls’ School promotes a positive learning environment and curriculum that encourages and nurtures creativity, critical thinking skills and artistic expression. Our vision is to provide a structured and creative environment that enables students to develop a life-long commitment and appreciation of the visual arts.

The Year 7 Visual Arts students have been considering the art elements by exploring and experimenting with a variety of media and materials. They have created one-point perspective artworks. When we draw in perspective, the closer an object is to us, the larger it will appear to be; the further away it is, the smaller it looks. These artworks were inspired by photographs the girls took themselves. They created a simplified lead pencil sketch that was then outlined in a fine black pen. Watercolour paints were later added, first as an overall wash of colour before finer details were painted. The completed pieces effectively represent their chosen image in a creative manner.

Kirsten Mansfield
Visual Arts Teacher

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Fore! Year 6 golf takes over the oval

W8 Golf
Old Scholar, former School Sports Captain and former Prefect Susie Mathews (Selwyn ’99) who was at St Peter’s Girls from Reception until Year 12, returned to the School this month to help the Year 6s with their golf skills during PE lessons.

Susie graduated from The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in 2006 with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communication Studies. She was a member of the winning national championship UCLA Women’s Golf Team (2004) earning First-Team All-America honours. Susie has a strong background as a professional golfer having played on the ALPG (Australian Ladies Professional Golf), Japanese LPGA and Chinese LPGA Tours. In 2001, Susie won the Australian Ladies Foursomes Championship and then in 2002 a professional golf tournament in Sweden, the Kalmar Ladies Open.

She now works at Kooyonga Golf Club as the Golf Operations Manager and provides individual and group golf lessons as a part of her role. Earlier this year, she completed a Diploma in Sport Coaching and became a Certified PGA Professional – advanced in coaching, management & small business. Susie taught the girls the importance of a good set up and consistent tempo when swinging the golf club. Numerous competitive games were also played during the sessions.

Check out this video to see the girls and their golf skills.

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Year 7s head to Adelaide Zoo

W8 Year 7 Zoo Excursion
On Friday 9 June, all Year 7 girls took part in an excursion to Adelaide Zoo as part of their studies on Habitats and Classification in Science. As well as seeing all of the animals at the zoo, we were treated to a talk in the Envirodome. We then attended a private presentation in the Education Centre where we were able to get up close with Maizey a Corn Snake from North America, as well as seeing a number of interesting biofacts.

I really enjoyed the zoo excursion and I think that it was a great experience. I really loved how we could go about in the zoo and it felt a bit like a scavenger hunt. There was a bit of chaos and a lot of running around trying to find a particular animal, but it all worked out in the end. Looking at the animals was really fun and we were able to point out the adaptations of them from what we learnt in class. We had to work as a group to find information and that was one of the highlights. My favourite thing was probably the giant pandas and it was really interesting watching them and learning about their adaptations and habitat. Overall, it was an amazing day.
– Chi Chi Zhou

During our time at the zoo we got given a work booklet with places we had to visit throughout the day. At every site we visited, we had to answer the questions given in the booklet. By filling out this booklet, I found that it was much easier to understand and was a really fun way of learning about it.
– Ruby Bruun

The zoo was overall a great learning experience. We went to an education centre which was very exciting. We had lots of opportunities to see all different animal skins and we also got to feel a corn snake, which we found lived out in cornfields.
– Hilary Clark

The excursion to the zoo was a great experience. We were able to learn about all different types of animals and learn about new animals that we didn’t know existed. I learnt that when snakes shed  their skin they go blind for a few days.
– Chase Hocking

I enjoyed our trip to the zoo, being able to see things we’d been learning in class applied in a real-life situation. It was helpful to see the animals in something similar to their natural habitat.
– Adele Russell

The zoo was a fun and challenging experience for me. We had to search around for information, as we had an activity booklet to do while we were there. I truly believe that it was an educational experience that made us use the prior knowledge we had about the topic. Overall, it was a fun experience where I definitely learnt a lot about animal adaptations and the habitat of animals, the topic we are currently learning at School.
– Sivanthi Sivasuthan

Dr Christine Smith
Science and Psychology Teacher

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Junior School Vacation Care

W7 Vacation Care 2
* Please note: Monday 24 July is also a Vacation Care day but is missing from the program flyer. Care will be available on this day with a ‘Back to School’ theme.

Our next instalment of Vacation Care is almost here! We have three weeks of action-packed activities to keep the children busy through the break. With two excursions/incursions in each week, there is plenty of fun to be had. Some of our home-based days will include making lava lamps, foil art and dream catchers.

Our excursions/incursions include the movies, The Beachouse, Menz FruChocs shop, Latitude, ten-pin bowling and a jumping castle.

View the Vacation Care program here

In recent times, Vacation Care has booked out very quickly and places are limited, so please click here to fill out the form and secure your booking now!

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Year 10 High Performance class attend UniSA Connect workshop

W8 High Performance
The Year 10 High Performance class participated in a UniSA Connect workshop at Mawson Lakes campus last Monday. The girls were introduced to smart basketballs that had Bluetooth technology within them, linking dribbling and shooting to an iPad. The girls looked to improve their dribbling speed and shooting release points through seeing the feedback data and adjusting for the next effort. The girls also discussed acute responses in their respiratory system, measuring their respiratory rate before and after exercise. This data can then be used to develop our understanding of changes during exercise.

Dan Searle
Head of PE, Health & Outdoor Education

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Stage 2 Nutrition students testing our tastebuds

W8 Nutrition

W8 Nutrition 2The SACE Stage 2 Nutrition class has studied topics looking at dietary diseases caused by overnutrition or undernutrition, and the factors that affect our food choices. They were tasked with designing a practical investigation exploring the modification of a recipe for a dietary disease and the impact this has on sensory characteristics of the food. On Wednesday of Week 6, they undertook the implementation phase of this task. This involved cooking both the original and modified recipes and surveying participants on the different sensory characteristics of each recipe. These participants included fellow students and staff. This allowed them to collect data that they could then analyse to compare sensory characteristics of both recipes and also evaluate the procedure as a method for recipe modification and sensory evaluation.

Emma Smerdon
Stage 2 Nutrition Teacher

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Master Plan Update: From the construction zone

W8 Building Site 2
The new Middle School is really beginning to come alive as we enter the final stages of construction. The timber decking is continuing and glass has been installed along the eastern side adjacent to the decking. Concrete that leads to the lift shaft has been poured. The aluminium partition frames are being installed. The lovely atrium, which will allow plenty of natural light to enter the Middle School, has had the roof framing installed and this should be opened up in the next couple of weeks.

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Teaching them young: The Receptions tackle football!

W8 Football
This term, the R-2 girls have been developing their kicking skills in both soccer and Australian Rules football. With the wonderful weather, they have enjoyed the opportunity to run about on the top oval learning new skills, practising with their friends and playing modified games. Year 2 students have also been introduced to attacking and defending.

Pauline Noblet
Physical Education Teacher

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Year 6 students venture into Parliament House

W8 Year 6
On Tuesday 13 June, the Year 6 girls went on an inspiring trip to our South Australian Parliament House as well as visiting the Governor of South Australia’s residence:

At Parliament House, we learnt about how the State Government works, visiting the House of Assembly and Legislative Council Chambers which are the State Government’s equivalent of the House of Representatives and the Senate in Canberra. Did you know that there is a Blood line in the House of Assembly? In early parliament, this line was put in place to ensure politicians would not cross over it if debates went too far (politicians from opposite sides drew their swords).

When we went inside the House of Assembly, we were guided by Vickie Chapman, who is the Member for the electorate of Bragg in SA. We all sat on the seats and noticed that each of the desks had a specific name on it and that they all had a section of the seat. We learnt that the House of Assembly and the House of Representatives were derived from British Parliament and associated with the House of Commons. On the walls in the House of Assembly were the portraits of some of South Australia’s most recognised and celebrated politicians, who were from years and years ago in early parliament.

Next, we visited the Legislative Council where we found out that no portraits were allowed on the ground floor of the chamber, the reason being because the wood on the walls was a gift from Britain, and if any portraits were to be nailed to the wood, it would be permanently damaged. Once again, we got to sit in the chairs, and the desks had more advanced microphones attached to them. One thing that was different about the Legislative Council was the way that the seats were more spread out, as the chamber only has 22 members. There was no blood line there as the early members thought they were more civilised as, in British Parliament, the red house is called the House of Lords. One difference between the House of Assembly and the Legislative Council is that the House of Assembly doesn’t have a viewing balcony that goes all the way around the chamber, whereas the Legislative Council does. In both houses, there are three seats right in front of the Speaker, which are for the Clerk and Deputy Clerk. Overall, we had an amazing experience at Parliament House.

At the Governor of SA’s residence, Government House on North Terrace, the building was very old with the original part constructed in 1840. After the years went on, extensions were made. Did you know that if it wasn’t for the auctions, Government House would be full of priceless artefacts? We were told that once at an auction, the Governor at the time had security out at the front gate. The policeman was known for not doing his job properly, so without knowing, let a man with a dangerous weapon into the auction. There were many huge portraits of previous rulers of South Australia, including Queen Adelaide, who the city was named after in early settlement, King William, who had a major road named after him, and Queen Victoria, who was a previous Queen of England. There was a big eating room, but we learned that the Governor and his wife mainly ate in the smaller dining room, and only if they had large amounts of guests would they use it for meals. We all learned so much at Government House; it was a great experience.

Our opportunity to go to SA’s Government House and Parliament House was full of enthusiasm and excitement as well as many educational chances. This was an excellent excursion which was thoroughly enjoyed by the Year 6s.

Mikaela Udall and Olivia Downie
Year 6 students

Prior to this excursion, the Year 6 students embarked on an educational tour to Canberra. They participated in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy. The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion, the Australian Government contributes funding of $60 per student via the School under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program.

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Reconciliation Action Plan


As a School, we are committed to a national initiative titled ‘RAP’ (Reconciliation Action Plan). Within our School’s vision, we aim to develop global citizens who will:
· make connections and develop pride
· rejoice in differences
· promote justice and respect
· understand and appreciate their own cultures and personal histories
· embrace the values and traditions of other individuals and communities.

Through our Reconciliation Action Plan, our students will create a better, more peaceful world based on intercultural understanding and shared humanity.
With the introduction of the Australian Curriculum cross-curriculum priority of ‘Histories and Cultures’, a committee of interested teachers, students and members of the broader community was formed. This year we are hoping to expand those involved in this special interest group and invite members of the School community with a special interest in promoting these cultures within our School to join the RAP team. We are particularly interested in having representation from members of the Kaurna community.

The team meets once a term and reviews ways to embed the cross-curriculum priority into everyday experiences for our students by facilitating activities or events that contain an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander focus. Over the past two years, this has already provided opportunities for interaction with members of the indigenous community as well as class-based activities designed around promoting an understanding of our indigenous peoples. The recent School-wide involvement with Reconciliation Week at assembly, though library sessions and within classrooms was driven by team members.

If you are interested in becoming a member of this group or would like further information, please contact Lisa Hollis via lhollis@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au. This offered is extended to all members of our School community, students through to grandparents.

Lisa Hollis
Resource Centre Coordinator

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Academic Report Access

With the latest Academic Reports due out next week, a reminder for parents to access them via our new Parent Portal myLink.

Once you’ve logged in and arrive on the Welcome page, click the ‘Community Portal’ tab in the top menu. On the next page, click on ‘Current Report’.

Please note that reports will not be available until the end of next week.

For more details on using myLink, watch this instructional video:
To log in to myLink, your username and password are the same as you would’ve used for the old Link portal. You can contact helpdesk@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au if you need any assistance.

The site will be continually updated and we look forward to cementing it as the key information hub for parents. We hope you enjoy using myLink!

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New to the School Shop

W8 Jacket
Cosy and warm jackets for Junior School students

* Waterproof with hood & fleecy lining
* Sizes 4-12
* Price $45

Clearance Sale – navy tights (x/tall size only – 170-185cm) normally $10 each – now $6 each or 2 for $10


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Entertainment Book

Enews Entertainment Book

The 2016 | 2017 Entertainment Membership expired on 1 June 2017

Order your new 2017 | 2018 Entertainment Membership before 30 June 2017 to go in the draw to win a $50 Archer Hotel dining voucher AND a pass for 2 adults and 2 kids to Adelaide Zoo!

As a Mothers’ Club fundraiser, part-proceeds from every book sold will go to the exciting redevelopment of the outdoor areas surrounding our new Middle School.

If you would like to buy a book, you can fill out the form at the Front Office or simply go online. Order your Entertainment Book here!

The Entertainment Book and new phone app offer our community members a great way to try out restaurants and activities around SA, save money and, at the same time, support our girls.

Thank you in advance for your kind support and consideration.

Your Mothers’ Club Committee

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Learn how to build your own iPhone app!

Code Camp Enews

Are you looking for an indoor school holiday activity?

St Peter’s Girls’ School will be hosting Code Camp Spark for students in Years 2 – 7. Code Camp runs 17 – 19 July from 9am – 3.30pm. Cost for Code Camp Spark is $350 for three days.

Code Camp Information Flyer
Visit the Code Camp website for more information
Visit the St Peter’s Girls’ School booking page

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Sports News

W8 Sport
All students are once again reminded to check notice boards for team selections and other relevant information pertaining to their sport. If you have any news items or sporting success stories, please email them through to me: nfuller@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au


Congratulations to Thandi Murada (Year 11) who has been selected in the SA Schools team to contest the National Schools Cross Country at the School Sport Championships in Tasmania in August.


Wednesday 14 June
Open A – Saints 1 drew with Westminster 1
The girls played a great game and came out with a great result against Westminster’s team which had many State players as well as an NTC player. Olivia Law once again scored a great goal, which was set up by Isabella Villani’s hard work in the midfield. The girls dominated the majority of the game and, unfortunately, they couldn’t manage to score another goal to walk away with a win. Dominique Rigby (Captain)

Open B – Saints 1 defeated by Walford 3
The girls started the game well, dominating the first ten minutes without scoring. Walford then gained control of the match by scoring three quick goals before half-time. In the second half, the girls won the half and Millie Wilkin scored a great goal with her left foot. Overall, a solid performance. Charlie Capogreco (Coach)

Middle A – Saints 0 defeated by Pembroke 1
A really good performance by the team and very unlucky not to have got the win. The girls conceded a goal mid-way through the first half but pushed to get one back. However, they couldn’t convert their chances. Plenty of opportunities to get back into the game were narrowly missed but the girls kept fighting until the end, even after starting the game with just nine players. Vincent Talladira (Coach)

Middle B – Saints 1 defeated by Pembroke 3
The team started well by scoring the first goal after five minutes of play. They created more chances but were unable to score again in the first half. After half-time, Pembroke were able to capitalise on some of our mistakes to score three goals and take the win. Despite the loss, the team is improving every week. Keep trying, girls. Manni Katopolis (Coach)


Wednesday 14 June
Year 5 – Saints 8 drew with Pembroke 8
It was an amazing and exciting game, and all the girl’s improvements really showed. With Pembroke winning in the first half, the girls worked together and ended up in a tie: 8-8. Our shooters Jasmine Segredos, Maddy Penley and Ayla Blaskett scored some fantastic goals from many great distances! And our defence girls did some amazing work stopping Pembroke from getting any goals in the last half. Ally Reade Charlotte Parker (student coaches)

Year 6 Blue – Saints 28 defeated Seymour Blue 14
The girls played a much harder game this week but still managed to win. They played strongly in attack with good passes and accurate shooting. The defenders had a tough game but played extremely well, creating lots of turnovers and attacking opportunities. Sarah Matheson (Student Coach)

Year 6 Silver – Saints 8 defeated by Wilderness Gold 29
Each girl played a great game intercepting, getting rebounds and leading towards the ball throughout the match. Charlie Piper and Olivia Downie both played an amazing game. Charlie listened very well in quarter-time breaks, doing exactly what was told and bringing that onto the court. Olivia also had a successful game in defence, stopping the other team from getting the ball into the ring, getting rebounds and putting pressure onto the opposition. Well done to all the girls and good luck for next week! Brooke Elliott and Tahlia Towers (Student Coaches)

Year 6 White – Saints 14 defeated by Seymour Green 15
The girls had a narrow loss this week, however, they demonstrated good effort throughout the game. They worked well and performed the centre plays with accuracy. The attack girls played well but we need to focus on running towards the ball and making space. Maddie Harrex as goal defence was a standout player as she had a very tall, tough opponent but was able to get some turn overs. Georgina Bafile (Student Coach)


Friday 16 June
Year 5/6 – Saints 6 defeated Pembroke 0
Another strong team performance from all players. It has been amazing to see a team of different ages band together so well against often older opponents. The support and encouragement amongst the team has been rewarded with some outstanding results. Sophie Fry (Coach)


Friday 16 June
Saints 8.5 = 53 defeated Trinity College 3.4 = 22
W8 Football TeamSaints travelled to Gawler to face Trinity College and the girls were keen yet again to get into the game. The intensity started high and the pressure resulted in Saints getting away to an early lead of 2 goals by quarter-time, both being scored by new recruit, Isabella Bernardi (Year 9). Trinity fought back before Thandi Murada added another 2 goals in the second quarter. Jasmine Ledgard was again ferocious with her tackling as was Talah Gobell who was sidelined with a clash of heads leaving her with a bloody nose and a headache. Saints dominated the third quarter with some solid defence and some accurate passing and marking. Holly Cunningham added another 2 goals and Ally Reade snuck a great goal from a tight angle, sending Saints to a 5-goal lead. Trinity scored before Saints steadied in the last quarter and Thandi added another goal to give Saints their historic first win, with all players singing loudly and proudly after the game.

Neil Fuller (Director of Sport)


Saturday 17 June
Congratulations to the Open B, C and D1 teams who played excellent matches on Saturday. The Open A and D2 teams fought hard in some very close matches, but ultimately lost on points. The Open B team is so far undefeated and we hope to see their success continue throughout the season. Emily Murdock (Captain)

Open A – Saints 3 defeated by Westminster 3
Best player: Nancy Huang

Open B – Saints 6 defeated Westminster 0
Best player: Laura Sivewright

Open C – Saints 6 defeated Westminster 0
Best player: Mahala Truscott

Open D1 – Saints 6 defeated Westminster 0
Best player: Tiffany Zhou

Open D2 – Saints 3 defeated by Seymour 3
Best player: Nicola Jones

Open E1 – Saints 3 defeated by Woodcroft 6
Best player: Yujia Sun

Open E2 – Saints 1 defeated by Seymour 8
Best player: Alice Liang

Open E3 – Saints 3 defeated by Wilderness 6
Best player: Zaina Khan


Saturday 17 May
Open A – Saints 0 defeated by Scotch 6
This was a hard-fought match, with our girls constantly encouraging one another both on the pitch and from the bench. There was a lot of play in the midfield as the ball was turned over from team to team, with our halfback players playing strongly. A special mention goes to Jade Leyden, Olivia Goldsmith, Carla Lawrence and Grace Edwards, our goalie, who all played amazing defence and managed to prevent Scotch scoring on more occasions. All the Saints girls did step up this week against a very strong team and all played exceptionally well. Lara Khoury (Captain)

Open B – Saints 5 defeated Trinity Blue 3
Saints played well in the first half but found themselves caught out ball-watching which allowed Trinity to have a 2-goal lead at half-time. In the second half, Saints pressured the ball carrier and won many more tackles, creating multiple opportunities as Georgia Keough (2 goals), Alyssa Woolley (2 goals) and Annabelle Black were linking well in the forward line. In the midfield, Aroha Munroe, Renee Lawrence and Olivia Tenten all defended and pressured well with Charlotte Creek, Aroha Munroe and Alice Girdler playing well defensively. In goal, Alice Reid had an outstanding second half, making a number of important saves and clearances. Neil Fuller (Supervisor)


Saturday 17 June
Under 15 – Saints 11 defeated Glenelg 7
Saints held on to their winning streak this season and played incredibly well against Glenelg who put up a strong fight. At one point the scores were tied, but the girls persisted and the outcome was a good one. Portia and Hattie Maerschel were both outstanding in their roles in attack and midfield, scoring 9 goals between them. A special mention goes to Millie Wilkin for overcoming some very aggressive play from Glenelg and showing impressive speed and agility, especially in attack. Ellie Anderson played very well in defence, moving quickly and recovering the ball from several tricky situations. Congratulations to every single player this week; a great team effort led to a fantastic win! Izzy Norman (Year 9)

Under 11 – Saints Blue 5 defeated by Burnside 17
The girls started the match really well as they all ran forward into attack and marked up with the Burnside players in defence. Jenna Maione (Year 5) did a great job at running out to the side of the field to get the ball from our goalie and transition it into attack. Once again, Sophie Lively (Year 3) showed persistence with ground balls and her ability to run with the ball. During the second half of the match the girls worked on running into space to get the ball in attack; Serae Stolcman (Year 3) and Matilda Wilkin did this well. Lara Maione (Year 4) used her speed to run onto the ball on the ground and did a great job at keeping her stick up in defence. Madison Dornbusch (Year 3) was our goalie and showed her skills by running out of the goal circle to pass the ball. Goal scorers were Jenna Maione, Sophie Lively and Serae Stolcman. The girls played a great team game and should be very proud of their efforts. Lucy Martin (Coach)

Under 11 – Saints White
This week’s game saw the girls implement many of the things we have been working on at training. They marked their opponents, didn’t panic too much when they had possession of the ball and looked for team-mates. When this was successful they transitioned the play down the field and they also fought hard to win the ground balls and were able to complete more accurate passes. Special mention goes to Alannah Godfrey (Year 4) and Mabel Cook (Year 4) for their skilled passing, and to the goalkeepers, Grace Jones (Year 4) in the first half and Lauren Pearce (Year 4) in the second. Well done to Ella Pearce (Year 2) for getting a couple of intercepts in defence. Courtney Tasker (Coach)


Saturday 17 June
Open A – Saints 44 defeated Pembroke 34
This week, the girls were a force to be reckoned with. The entire team came out firing to defeat Pembroke in a hard-fought match. Abbey Goodwin worked hard to bring the ball down the court, her excellent transitional movement creating many scoring opportunities for Fiona Dawson and Sivanthi Sivasuthan. Sophie Freeman stood out this week, with her excellent pressure in defence ensuring the other team’s goals were minimised and providing plenty of turnovers for the girls to capitalise on. Overall, a solid performance was executed by all players on court; keep up the good work, girls! Sue Sumsion (Coach)

Open B – Saints 44 defeated Pembroke 42

Open E (Year 11) – Saints 27 defeated by Westminster 56
The girls had a close game in the first half; we were down by 2 at half-time. Westminster were all bigger bodies and a little rough at times. The 3rd quarter was bad; we lost the quarter 19 to 1. The last quarter was more respectable 17/7 but still a half of netball the girls would like to forget. However, they all tried hard and listened to my feedback. Joanne Knapp (Coach)

Open E (Year 11) – Saints 27 defeated by Westminster 56
The girls had a close game in the first half, we were down by two at half time.  Westminster were all bigger bodies and a little rough at times. The third quarter was terrible, we lost the quarter 19 to 1.  The last quarter was more respectable 17 to 7 but still a half of netball the girls would like to forget. They all tried hard and listened to my feedback. Joanne Knapp (coach)

Year 10A – Saints 19 defeated by Pembroke 40
The girls played a strong game and although the score seems that the team was out of reach of the win, the game did not seem as far of a stretch and the girls held their own against a team of bigger, taller girls. Movement in the attacking end will be a main focus of the game and the girls will only continue to improve throughout the season. Emily Wishart (Coach)

Year 10B – Saints 18 defeated by Pembroke 23
The team played their strongest game yet with much of the game being even. The strength and teamwork as well as the drills focussed on at training, indicate how much the team has improved, specifically bringing the ball out of defence and into our goal shooters. Although they couldn’t hold a lead in the final quarter, the girls showed great improvement this week and will definitely succeed in coming weeks. Emily Wishart (Coach)

Year 9/10C – Saints 11 defeated by Pembroke 46
It was a good learning experience for the girls as the Pembroke team was very tall, meaning the girls had to come in front of their player as lobs were easily picked off. Zara Sadri played an awesome game in goal defence getting lots of intercepts to give her attacking line another opportunity for scoring a goal. Emily Braggs (Coach)

Year 9A – Saints 45 defeated Pembroke 36
The girls showed great enthusiasm and skill in the first half, giving us a 12-point lead, with Tilly McCormack and Sarah Wishart consistently turning the ball around and tapping it out of play. We were able to drive the ball down through centre court quickly with the help of Tesse Parker in wing attack and Bella Bernardi in centre. Then it was passed off to Ella Liddy or Jess Wishart in the goal ring. In the second half, Pembroke came out strongly and scored many goals but Saints kept their cool and stayed consistent under pressure. Also, well done to Tesse Parker with her successful debut of playing wing defence. Overall, a big well done to the girls; you all did an amazing job and can’t wait for our next game. Hannah Freeman (Year 9)

Year 9B – Saints 28 defeated Pembroke 24
The girls had a strong defence and our shooting was good, except for the last quarter when Pembroke mounted a challenge. Most passes were strong, especially through the centre third, with the mid-court and defenders working the ball in to the goal circle. Overall, the game was played really well, the whole team worked together and it was a great 4-goal win. Sophie Stewart (Year 9)

Year 8A – Saints 23 defeated by Pembroke 33
The girls put up a good fight this week, but couldn’t quite secure a win. We didn’t get off to a solid start and so, despite their efforts, they were unable to get back the goals and trailed the rest of the game. However, they remained in high spirits and positive which should be commended. Steph made a difference in the mid-court, managing a few turn overs, but mainly keeping her player out of the game as much as possible through tight one-on-one defence. The girls should not be disappointed; despite the loss they kept persisting and tried their best. Amy Wishart (Coach)

Year 8B – Saints 5 defeated by Pembroke 43
The girls played a strong game against Pembroke with the use of leading in front and passing; however, Pembroke came back. The girls kept up their determination, despite the score. Overall, they should be proud of their improvements each week as team. Best players go to Jenna Bowden and Harriet Gilroy, despite suffering an injury. Sophia West (Coach)

Year 7A – Saints 26 defeated by Pembroke 40
The team experienced their first loss on Saturday. Saints struggled to find their rhythm from the first quarter and allowed Pembroke to stretch their lead with each quarter. Not our best game and our trademark teamwork and determination seemed to be MIA. However, we have learnt some valuable lessons and now know that we need to work harder to make it to the finals. Michelle Blackburn (Coach)

Year 7B – Saints 27 defeated Pembroke 5
The girls played an amazing game together this week. Everyone has improved their skills in different areas on the court and specifically on what we have focussed on in training such as getting in front of players, stepping and defensive throw-ins. Defenders put in hard work, causing multiple turn overs which resulted in many goals scored by the shooters who were very consistent throughout the game. Well done to all the girls for the work they have been putting in for both trainings and games. Georgia Naughton (Coach)

Year 7C – Saints 17 defeated Immanuel 14
Another amazing match from the 7C team on Saturday. The girls started strong, with the defenders turning over a lot of balls and the goalies converting. There were a few unforced errors throughout the match but consistency was key, with all players giving 100% until the very end. Special mention to Gracie Ganzis who excelled in GK during the final quarter, shutting down on of the oppositions best players. All the girls should be proud of their effort, team spirit and commitment- I am looking forward to our next match. Sarah Miller (coach)

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