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Enews – Week 8, Term 1 2017

Issue no. 8

From the acting Chaplain

David Bassett EnewsA journey of discovery

As someone who has been part of the School community for the past nine years as a parent and then as a staff husband, it was a very easy decision to accept Julia’s invitation to be Acting Chaplain while Rev. Natasha was on leave. The hidden joy was the new journey of discovery for myself as I began my time with the Saints Girls’ community.

I had previously been the Chaplain of Middle School at Melbourne Grammar, an all-boys school. How different St Peter’s Girls is to that! I had also been ‘out of school’ for some 14 years. So, it was going to be a challenge to remember how to ‘ride the bike’, as the saying goes. The first discovery was that the heart for our children and youth was as strong today as it has always been. Our children are such a precious gift to us, not just to individual families, but also to the whole of our community. The life, adventure, energy and passion that they bring is a wonderful, wonderful thing.

The second discovery is a shared discovery with the students. I began my time in the lead-up to Christmas (the season of Advent) and we are now in the lead-up to Easter (the season of Lent). These times mark the two great significant events of the Christian church – the life and death/resurrection of Jesus. The challenge is the question of relevance and meaning for us today. How does our story interact with the story of Jesus? How do the teachings of Jesus speak to us today? As you are no doubt aware, our students are quick to point out if they don’t see relevance or purpose. Our society today moves onto the new at an ever-quickening pace. In our chapel time we deliberately pause and go a bit slower and consider bigger things. This journey of discovery is one done in community together. What, I hope, we have discovered is that there is a richness in the wisdom that can come from a relationship with God. We have looked at a number of people throughout history and the present, whose faith has led them to be extraordinary people in their contribution to society. We have seen how when stories come together they can lead to great things.

A third discovery has been one driven by pragmatics. With the new developments the Chapel has temporarily been transformed into the Resource Centre. So, our chapel services are conducted in the Arts Centre. With use of familiar symbols – a holy table with candles, robes and a picture of the Chapel – and with the familiar aspects of Chapel – singing, Bible readings, prayer and a reflection – we have been able to find ‘sacred space.’ This is a significant discovery because it reminds us that it is not the surrounds or situation we find ourselves in, but our attitude and heart that are important.

The season of Lent is a journey of self-reflection. It follows the example of Jesus’ testing in the wilderness. Thankfully, we are not called to go into the wilderness for 40 days without food. But, there is a significant lesson to us of the need to test our resolve and to explore ourselves. This is an important aspect of the outdoor education program of the School. During Lent, we are encouraged to do this spiritually. It is a journey worth taking. It is a journey that promises great blessings – the blessings of a deeper knowledge not just of ourselves, but also of God’s great love for us, seen in the wonderful events of Easter.

I am loving my journey of discovery here at St Peter’s Girls, and am so thankful that I can take it with the students, staff and wider community.

Rev. David Bassett
Acting Chaplain

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Winter uniform reminder

A reminder that girls will be returning in to Term 2 and will be required to wear their winter uniform. Uniform requirements for winter are outlined below. Please contact the School Shop if you require a new winter skirt that meets the required length.

Winter Uniform

· The winter uniform for students in Years 4 to 12 consists of the winter skirt, shirt, long blue socks or tights, School tie, blazer and black school shoes. Shoes must be black lace-up or buckled school shoes. The jumper may be worn under the blazer.

· The winter uniform for students in Reception to Year 3 consists of the winter tunic, shirt, long blue socks or tights and junior blazer.

· Students in Years 7 – 12 may wear their House coloured tie.

· Students may choose to wear the navy blue School scarf. This can be worn indoors and outdoors. Students in Year 12 may choose to purchase the white Year 12 scarf.

· The winter skirt should be no shorter than mid knee cap and no longer than mid-calf.

· The tie must be done up to the neck and hide the top button, not worn loosely.

· If wearing socks, they must be pulled up to the knee, not worn down around the ankles.

· An undergarment that is not visible may be worn for additional warmth.

If you require a winter uniform fitting, please contact the School Shop on 8334 2228 for an appointment before the end of term.

The School Shop will only be open for limited hours during the first week of the school holidays – Thursday 20 April and Friday 21 April, 9am – 4pm.

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School photos

School and ELC photos will be taken on Monday 3 to Wednesday 5 April. This includes class photos and individual portraits for students in Reception to Year 12, as well as ELC groups.

Photo order envelopes have been distributed to students and these will need to be completed and returned on the day to the photographer. If you have not received a personalised envelope for your daughter, please notify the Development Office.

Students are also reminded to wear their full summer uniform, including the blazer.

Sibling photos will also be taken on Tuesday 4 April at lunchtime. Separate order envelopes for sibling photos are available from the Development Office.

Fiona McGregor
Events Coordinator

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Dance workshop

Enews Week 8 Dance

Last Thursday, the Stage 1 and Stage 2 dancers had the privilege of participating in an in-house workshop with the highly experienced freelance choreographer and contemporary dancer, Jack Ziesing. Jack has been training and performing both interstate and internationally continuously over the past eight years, so we were extremely appreciative to fit into his busy schedule after his performances at WOMAD. As the Stage 2 dancers are in the early processes of choreographing their individual end of year compositions, the workshop was focussed largely on choreography and the ‘light and shade’ in movements. Jack began by writing down and informing us of the ways in which he typically builds his choreography. Rather than combining ‘trick’ after ‘trick’, his approach explores the manipulation of certain body parts and the dynamics that movements can be performed.

One of the components of the workshop was working with a partner to create eight counts of movement. To build this, one partner stood with her eyes shut while the other partner would push a body part, which was then the main origin of movement. The challenge was to manipulate only the selected body part, with any additional movement being a result of, as Jack called it, the ‘engine’ or centre of movement. Once everyone had eight counts of choreography, we explored dynamics, altering the movements to fit certain words such as thrashing, throwing and protecting.

This workshop gave an amazing insight into how to create inventive choreography. I know that I can say, on behalf of all the dancers, that Jack was incredibly instructive and gave us more of an understanding of the depths of contemporary dance. Jack’s advice and instruction on how he develops movement is going to be an amazing help in the upcoming term.

Shaelyn Bischoff
Stage 2 Dance Student

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Junior School Vacation Care program now available

Enews Week 8 Vacation Care

Our next instalment of Vacation Care is just around the corner. We only have eight days these holidays, and have jam packed them with loads of fun and adventure! Our Vacation Care program is held during each school holiday period and we’d like to extend a warm welcome to primary school aged children from the wider community to attend. Students are welcome to invite friends or siblings to share in the range of enriching activities for both girls and boys.

Children can bring along their wheels and scoot through our obstacle course, cruise the Port River on our dolphin watch excursion or join us on an amazing adventure as we embark on our first ever overnight camp at the Adelaide Zoo doing their exciting ‘Zoosnooze’ program.

This will be an amazing opportunity for children to join our staff for special access animal feeding, dinner under the stars, night walks through the zoo and much more.

> Download the program here

Vacation Care has become very popular and sessions can book out very quick. Places are limited, so please click here to secure your booking today!

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CSIRO Science Bootcamp

CSIRO Education and Outreach have an exciting opportunity during the April school holidays for students in Years 8 – 10. Students can spend two days exploring acoustics, sound, and personal electronics with CSIRO. They’ll see CSIRO labs and testing facilities, meet and chat with research scientists, explore sound studies and take home an audio amplifier.

This is a unique chance to go behind the scenes of Australia’s premier research agency, CSIRO. There is a cost to participate in the two-day program and bookings are essential.

CSIRO Science Bootcamp Information

More information can be found by visiting their website at www.csiro.au/Bootcamp

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Learn how to build your own iPhone app!

Code Camp Enews

St Peter’s Girls’ School will be hosting Code Camp Spark for students in Years 2 – 7. Code Camp runs 26 – 28 April from 9am – 3.30pm. Cost for Code Camp Spark is $350 for three days.

Code Camp Information Flyer

Visit the Code Camp website for more information and to book

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Dads Night Out – A night on the green

Enews Dads Night Out invitation 2017
Enews Week 8 Night on the green

Don’t miss this year’s Dads Night Out for some barefoot bowling fun.
Come on dads – bring a mate, meet the other fathers at St Peter’s Girls and have a blast!

“The Dads’ Night Out in 2016 was a fantastic event and was greatly enjoyed by all involved. I’ve been a father at the School for a number of years and my wife is an Old Scholar as well, so I’ve attended a few events in that time. This particular night was a great way for me to catch up with other fathers I know well and also meet the new fathers who have only recently become parents at the School. The bowling aspect was fun; we all had a bit of a laugh and obviously the games resulted in a cheeky competitiveness amongst the dads. I highly recommend that all fathers attend this year to support the School and continue to foster these community connections that are so unique to Saints Girls.”

A testimonial from Darren McCormack, dad of Matilda, Year 9

Date: Friday 7 April 2017

Time: 6.30pm onwards

Venue: Trinity Gardens Bowling Club, 30 Canterbury Ave, Trinity Gardens

Tickets: $40 via www.trybooking.com/PEWZ
Includes entry, bowling fees and lots of finger food
Bookings close Wednesday 5 April

Enquiries: Emma Robinson on 0412 002 123 or emmarob@bigpond.net.au

Drinks, silent auction items and raffle tickets can be purchased on the evening – cash only.

A fundraising event hosted by the Mothers’ Club

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Entertainment Book pre-sales

Enews Entertainment Book

The St Peter’s Girls’ School Mothers’ Club is delighted to present our 2017 Entertainment Book fundraiser. For every book that is sold, part proceeds will go to the exciting redevelopment of the outdoor areas surrounding our new Middle School.

Support St Peter’s Girls Mothers’ Club and buy your new Entertainment Book before 3 April 2017 to go into the draw to win a Family Pass to Cleland Wildlife Park. Books will not be sent home this year; therefore, if people want to buy them they can pre-purchase them online or via the form and then pick them up from the Front Office when they arrive. If you would like to see the actual book before you purchase, there will be a display copy in the Front Office, Staff Room and ELC.

Order your Entertainment Book here!

The Entertainment Book and/or new phone app offers our community members a great way to try out new restaurants and activities around SA, save money and at the same time support our girls.

Those who purchase before 3 April 2017 will go into the draw to win an Annual Family Pass to Cleland Wildlife Park.

Thank you in advance for your kind support and consideration.

Your Mothers’ Club Committee

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Order your Summer Interhouse Meal Deal

Enews Summer Interhouse 2

The Summer Interhouse competition will be held on Thursday 13 April 2017, the last day of Term 1.

The Saints Sport Support Group (SSSG) will once again be cooking up lunch for all of our hungry Reception – Year 12 students on the day. Volunteers will hand-deliver the Reception – Year 2 lunches to the classroom for lunchtime and Years 3 – 12 can pick up their lunches from the barbecue area. This year we’re offering delicious Hamburger Meal Deals (vegetarian option available). Parents, give yourself a day off from making the school lunches and let us do it for you.

Please pre-order your daughter’s Meal Deal via www.trybooking.com/PAIJ, as there will be no cash sales on the day. Orders can be placed from Friday 3 March and will close Friday 7 April. House water bottles and wrist bands are also available to be pre-ordered.

All proceeds raised by the Saints Sport Support Group directly support and benefit our Saints girls and their sporting endeavours. Some of our recent purchases include new athletic crop tops, a high jump mat, and GPS units to be used during PE as well as rowing. We funded an entire year group of girls to complete their Bronze Medallion.

Thank you so much for your kind support.

Saints Sport Support Group

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Business Directory now online

Enews Online Business Directory

The new St Peter’s Girls’ Online Business Directory has arrived!

We encourage our community to get on board and check it out.


  • Book your very own personalised advertisement today
  • Three options available $500, $250 OR FREE
  • Promote your special business offer – and change your offer and advertisement as often as you like for no extra cost
  • Simply support businesses connected to our School
  • Refer a business
  • All proceeds go towards our Parents’ and Friends’ Fundraising efforts for 2017

For more information on how to get involved contact Melissa Westgate on 8334 2244
or mwestgate@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

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Master Plan Update: From the construction zone

Enews Week 8 Master Plan
Work on the eastern decking continued this week. The external stormwater works are almost completed, with the remainder to be finished over the school holidays. Next week the installation of the air-conditioning will begin, as well as the measuring and fabrication of aluminium windows.

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EpiPen 300 Recall Alert

All 300 mcg EpiPens (not EpiPen Jr) with an April 2017 expiry date are being recalled because of a possible defect that may result in difficulty activating the device in an emergency.

Affected batches are:

Batch Number Expiry
5FA665 April 2017
5FA6651 April 2017
5FA6652 April 2017
5FA6653 April 2017

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Sports News

Enews Week 8 Sport


State Little Athletics Championships
Congratulations to the following students who competed for a range of clubs at the State Little Athletic Championships.

Katherine Woolley – Gold in 300 hurdles and State record, 4th Javelin, 5th 100m
Bethany Cross – Gold in the 1500m walk and 1500m run and Silver in 800m, 4th Javelin
Nicolette Miller – Bronze in discus, 4th Javelin, 7th Discus
Molly Lucas – Gold in 300 hurdles and State record
Sophie Barr – Silver in discus and BRONZE in shot put
Matilda Braithwaite – 5th in 800m
Portia Maerschel – Silver in 200m and long jump and BRONZE in 100m
Amelia Lucas – Silver in 60m hurdles, 200m and 100m, 4th 70m
Molly Dwyer – Gold in the 400, 800 and 1500
Olivia Kelly – 200m

We extend best wishes to Tiana and Yasmin Glazbrook (Year 11) who have both been selected into the SA Secondary School Sport Tennis team. They will represent SA at the National Schools Championships in Shepparton, Victoria, from 29 April to 7 May.

Imogen Elliott (Year 7) has been in Queensland for training and before she left she competed in the Coopers Classic, the SA Open Women’s championship. In 2-3ft waves at Parsons Imogen finished second, which was an outstanding performance.

State SAPSASA Swimming Carnival

Well done to the five students who represented East Adelaide at the State Primary School Swimming Carnival, helping East Adelaide to win the overall District trophy.

• Georgina Wakeham won a gold medal in the 11 years 50m Backstroke in a personal best time of 37.75 and was fifth in the final of the Girls 11 years 50m Breaststroke
• Poppy Marshall won gold in the 12 years 50m breaststroke and silver in the Open Girls 4 x 50m Medley relay and 4 x 50m Freestyle relay
• Willow Stewart-Rattray and Georgina Wakeham won gold as part of the 11 year old Girls 4 x 50m Freestyle relay. The girls also broke the record which had stood since 1994!
• Other competitors were Emily Baldwinson and Rune Chi Zhao


Wednesday 15 March
Open A – Saints 20 defeated by Wilderness 38
Another great effort played by the Open A basketball team this week! The girls were focussed against Wilderness and were able to shoot more accurately under pressure, as well as box out and play strongly defensively. Special mention to Sindhu Nedumaran for boxing out in defence well and getting rebounds off the other team, allowing the girls to take the ball back down to the other end of the court and shoot. Chelsea Marchetti (Captain)

Middle A – Saints 16 defeated by Wilderness 34
One of the most consistent matches for the Middle As this season, with two solid halves of basketball. Stand outs in defence were Rachel Banham and Zara Sadri who were able to cause many turnovers. Top scorers this week were Ella Liddy and Sophie Norman. Thank you to Sophie for playing both As and Bs this week. Vanessa Brooks (Supervisor)

Middle B – Saints 18 defeated by Wilderness 23
A very even match this week, which the girls could have won if they were able to convert more of their many scoring opportunities. Fantastic ball movement into attack from Kellie Bested, Ashley Piper and Indya Dodd. Saints girls demonstrated fantastic team pressure in defence, as well as good communication throughout the match. Vanessa Brooks (Supervisor)


Wednesday 15 March
Year 6 – Saints 9 defeated Pembroke Blue 1
The girls battled with determination through the heat to get a win this week, and it was much deserved. All girls have been improving their skills on field, particularly their ‘stealing’ while base running. Highlights were the strong batting of Emma Pool and Willow Stewart-Rattray, as well as the amazing teamwork of Emily Bryce and Grace Richards as first base and pitcher respectively. We wish the girls trialling for the SAPSASA team all the best. Lydia Smalls and Jasmine Ledgard (Coaches)

Teeball Blue – Saints 17 defeated Walford 8
The Year 4/5 blue teeball team had an incredible game against Walford. The girls played a great game, with Dani Cox and Scarlett Dillon making great hits and getting girls home. A special mention to Stephanie Andrejewskis who played a great first innings, even with sore legs, and continued to support the team throughout the rest of the game. Kate McKellar-Stewart (Coach)

Teeball White – Saints 13 defeated by St Andrew’s 14
A great effort by the girls to only go down by one run in a close game. It is great that they are adapting to play and improving on their running and fielding. Keep up the fantastic work! Lucinda Tierney (Coach)


Thursday 16 March
Open A – Saints 7 defeated Wilderness 3
This was a fast-paced game right from the start, and the girls worked hard to score whilst ensuring they applied pressure on their opponents when defending. There were many steals from the applied pressure, which allowed Saints to attack regularly. Special mentions go to Mikaela Georgiadis and Katherine Woolley on outstanding games. Sarah Richards (Captain)

Open B – Saints 9 defeated St Ignatius 3
The girls demonstrated great teamwork and strong persistence in defence. Once again, the pressure from the defence provided numerous turnovers and allowed Saints multiple opportunities for shots in attack. Well done to Rose Pittman, Sarah Richards and Olivia Goldsmith who all had strong performances. Lynne Spry (Supervisor)

Open C – Saints 8 defeated Wilderness 1
The girls had another great game, with strong pressure applied to gain possession and turn defence into attack. Overall, this was another great performance heading into the finals in two weeks’ time. Best players this week were Sophie LeMire and Ebony-Jade Nash-Smith. Sarah Richards (Captain)

Middle A – Saints 3 defeated by Loreto 11

Middle B – Saints 1 lost to Seymour 16

The Middle A and B water polo teams played their last game until Term 4. The girls, who are in Years 7 and 8, have had some difficult games this term as they were playing in the 9/10 competition but to their credit, the girls have played with great spirit and have always tried to do their best. This week all girls played well and have improved greatly since their first game on 16 February. Heather Lines (Supervisor)


Friday 17 March
Division 1 – Saints 6-28 defeated Seymour 0-13
Singles: Maiya Jakupec 4-2, Bridgette Leach 4-0, Willow Stewart-Rattray 4-2, Olivia Slivak 4-2

Division 2 Blue – Saints 4-21 defeated Scotch 2-12
Singles: Marcella Tolley 4-2, Mathilda Thomas 4-0, Alicia Toh 1-4, Lucy Schirripa 4-1

Division 2 White – Saints 5-24 defeated Seymour 1-17
Singles: Pearl Richards 4-3, Grace Richards 4-2, Georgie Owler 4-2, Sophie Dansie 0-4 (injured)

Division 3 – Saints 0-8 defeated by St Ignatius 5-22
Singles: Monika Ceplitis 1-3, Summer Ward 3-3, Georgia Parsons 1-4, Dani Cox 0-2


Saturday 18 March

Year 8A – The crew of Sophie Kameniar, Ella Waltham, Olivia Kelly and Keely Flannagan competed in two races. In the heat we came in third, meaning we qualified for the B final. We took the lead early in the final but in the last 100m Walford managed to catch us. We are all looking forward to the Head of the River this week. It has been a great season. Jodi Papendorf (Cox)

The Year 8B coxed crew did a great job last Saturday. Molly Bond, Gemma Schaedel, Sara Peak and Rose Young put in an amazing amount of effort. We aimed to come at least third and we achieved that goal in the first race. Unfortunately, we didn’t start well in the final race; however, the girls pushed hard to get to the finish line and felt they rowed better than they ever had before. We are all looking forward to the Head of the River on Saturday. Trinity Nelson (Cox)


Saturday 18 March
Open A – Saints 9 defeated Pulteney 2
Saints Open As had an outstanding game against Pulteney. After a close first innings of 3-1, Saints began to break away with many hits and these resulting in runs. As always, Aroha Munroe and Imogen Parker did an outstanding job pitching and catching. Everyone had an excellent turn at bat, in particular Molly Ellis who consistently hits at a high standard. Each player had an exceptional game, working together as a team. This win brings us another step closer to winning the Shield. Jasmine Ledgard (Captain)

Open B – Saints 17 defeated Pulteney 13
Saints Open Bs had an extremely close game. Going into the third innings with a score of 5-13, Saints collected seven runs, closing the score to 12-13. In the final innings Saints restricted Pulteney from scoring and then Saints added five runs to record a memorable win. Highlights of the game were Olivia Goldsmith’s great take at left field and the outstanding batting by all players. Jasmine Ledgard (Captain)


Saturday 18 March
Division 1 – Saints 3-26 drew with Pembroke 3-26
Singles: Mia Dodd 6-4, Shamilla Dhillon 3-6, Tahlia Louca 1-6, Mahala Truscott 6-3

Division 2 Blue – Saints 4-29 defeated Scotch 2-23
Singles: Renee Lawrence 4-6, Stella Clark 6-3, Amelie Eaton 6-2, Emily Downie 1-6

Division 2 White – Saints defeated by Scotch
1st doubles 1-6
Taj Shahin 5-6, Georgia Langley, Amelia Wood 6-2, Anneliese Thomas 0-6

Division 3 Blue – Saints 0-6 defeated by Scotch 6-36
Singles: Yunfei Ma 1-6, Annabelle Langley 1-6, Olivia Zito 0-6, Charlotte Stewart 1-6

Division 3 White – Saints 0-11 defeated by Scotch 6-36
Singles: Orla Clayton 1-6, Mia Taliangis 0-6, Adele Eaton 5-6, Aleisha Elliott 1-6

Division 4 Blue – Saints 0-3 defeated by Scotch 6-36
Singles: Siena Zito 1-6, Hilary Clark 1-6, Efua Yawson 0-6, Qingxin Feng 0-6

Division 4 White – Saints 0-7 defeated by Scotch 6-36
Singles: Letitia Page-Thomson 0-6, Eva Young 2-6, Sophie Abbott 4-6, Charlotte Adams 1-6


Saturday 18 March
Open A – Saints 3 defeated Wilderness 0 (25-14, 25-11, 25-8)
The girls this week were a force to be reckoned with. The entire team came out firing to defeat Wilderness convincingly in all three sets. Emily Murdock stood out this week with her excellent sets setting up the team for a great attack. Brooke Elliott’s wonderful blocking also maintained the upper hand for the girls. This great team is enjoying their successes and looking forward to more challenges to prove how much they have all improved. Abbey Goodwin (Captain)

Open B – Saints 1 defeated by Wilderness 2
The Open Bs played a tense, tight match against Wilderness before going down 2 – 1 (25-23 in the third). In the first set the girls were quiet and Wilderness were able to get on top, with our lack of communication an issue. There was a fantastic turnaround in the second set where our girls’ enthusiasm was ignited and we were able to win the set. A great finish ensued but we unfortunately ended on the wrong side of the ledger. There were great spikes by Grace Dawson, consistent passes from Ava Loechel and strong serving from Qianna Huang and Charlotte Carney. Dan Searle (Supervisor)

Open C – Saints 3 defeated Wilderness 0
The Open Cs had an excellent win on Saturday against Wilderness. Everyone played well, the spirits were kept high and the result was extremely pleasing. Best players were Lauren Hernan, Isabella Villani, Catherine Neale and Mary Brownridge. Georgia Howe (Coach)

Open D – Saints 3 defeated Wilderness 0
The Open Ds had a great win against Wilderness on the weekend. After a slow first set, the girls lifted their energy and played incredibly. The amount of three-hits increased significantly and therefore more points were won. Best players were Jiayi Wang, Eleanor Pyne, Georgina Bafile and Molly Lucas. Georgia Howe (Coach)

Middle A – Saints 1 defeated by Wilderness 2
The Middle As had a hard game this week, unfortunately losing in a close three-set match. For the first time, the girls were put under game pressure but, despite this, managed to keep up the enthusiasm and motivation, which was great to see. Siena Kulinski and Sarah Wishart, in particular, had great games, with great serving from Siena to secure us the first set and good presence at the net from Sarah who finished numerous points by either blocking or spiking the ball back at our opponents. Victoria Neale (Coach)

Middle B – Saints 3 defeated Wilderness 0
Our Middle B team had another comfortable win this week, remaining undefeated so far this year. The girls played well as a team and, in particular, Paris Greene served well and Emily Dobson-May was very enthusiastic and moved brilliantly around the court. Victoria Neale (Coach)

Middle C – Saints 3 defeated Woodcroft 0
Saints started very well, with some excellent serving from Sarah Gulliver and Zhangyu Han. There were many contributions and girls moving into position to support players to create second and third shot efforts. Jia Wen Feng, Jenna Bowden and Jiayi Wang also had solid games with some consistent serving. Neil Fuller (Supervisor)


Monday 20 March
Middle C1 – Saints 14 defeated by Seymour 52
Up against a strong team, the girls proved how much they have developed over the season. The whole team worked well together to gain scores off fast transitions. A special mention to Sabrina Passelli for her shot accuracy. Peter and Jo (Coaches)

Middle C2 – Saints 10 defeated by Seymour 36
A great effort from the team up against a tall and experienced side. The girls rebounded well. A special mention to Rune Chi Zhao who was a clear stand out with her accurate shooting. Peter and Jo (Coaches)


Monday 20 March
Open A – Saints 6-36 defeated Wilderness 0-3
Singles: Tiana Glazbrook 6-0, Yasmin Glazbrook 6-1, Jade Leyden 6-1, Olivia Harby 6-1

Open B – Saints 5-34 defeated Wilderness 1-19
Singles: Sienna Glazbrook 4-6, Violette Maris 6-4, Clair Kao 6-3, Annabel Baldwinson 6-1

Open Knockout – Tuesday 21 March
The team of Tiana Glazbrook, Yasmin Glazbrook, Jade Leyden and Olivia Harby competed in the qualifying rounds of the Secondary Schools Knockout Championships and progressed to the State finals with easy wins against Immanuel College and Nuriootpa High School.
Saints 6-36 defeated Immanuel College 0-15
Saints 4-24 defeated Nuriootpa High School 2-17

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