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eNews – Week 7, Term 2 2023

Issue no. 17Enews-banner

From Our Director of Teaching and Learning

Adelaide SchoolsAs part of our commitment to holistic education for Saints Girls, we believe in the importance in exploring new social learning opportunities. As a school we are also committed to our responsibility to contribute in a meaningful way to reconciliation. To enact this, we have taken first steps in establishing and developing a meaningful reciprocal partnership with communities within Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY), to foster connection and catalyse authentic impact. Located in the remote northwest of South Australia approximately 1300km from Adelaide, the APY is home to the Anangu people with a population of 20,000 living in twenty communities.

Cherylyn Skewes, Dan Searle, Kate Burnett and I recently spent four days visiting the communities of Umuwa, Ernabella, Kenmore Park and the country of Amata. We embarked on our trip accompanied by staff from the Adelaide Crows Foundation, and AFLW players Danielle Ponter, Stevie-Lee Thompson, Eloise Jones and Zoe Prowse.

Our time was spent in outdoor classrooms with students, developing relationships with educators and having the privilege to go out on country with elder and Director of the Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Education Committee Rueban Burton. As a group we were in awe of the welcome and kindness of those we visited, as well as the sheer beauty of the untouched landscape surrounding the communities and the stories and traditions it holds.

We also saw first-hand the challenges facing those living in these remote areas. From exorbitantly high prices in the general store, to systemic medical conditions stemming from a lack of accessible medical aid. The sheer distance to city services introduces many complications for those living in these communities. We were reminded of the many graces of simplicity in our lives and how as a community, we want to contribute in a meaningful and sustained way.

Our evolving partnership with schools in the APY will focus on building further connections through our shared passions of Dance and Sport. Through developing a reciprocal and sustained relationship we know we can positively impact perspectives and understanding within both the Anangu community and our own.

Kate Fryer
Director of Teaching and Learning

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Matilda the Musical Reviewed by GLAM Adelaide

We are delighted to share a sensational review of our School Musical, Matilda the Musical, written by GLAM Adelaide after attending our opening performance on Wednesday evening. Some standout highlights include:

‘A cast of thousands, only a mild exaggeration, sees students and teachers work masterfully to pull off every aspect of this technical production, and they do it with joy.’

‘The dance cohort that work throughout the show should be incredibly proud of what they pull off, as should choreographer Kate Burnett and AC Amelie Zacharia Henley. They not only adapt the original work of Ellen Kane… but also work brilliantly with the entire ensemble of varying ages and abilities – something I also praise of the co-directors Joni Combe and and Katherine Kitching.’

‘Madeleine Schroeter is the titular Matilda, and it is as if she’s jumped from the pages of the book herself – precocious to the nth degree, with the voice to match and a mastery over the physicality required of the part. Acting opposite is Zara Blight as demure Miss Honey, with a voice that felt mature beyond her school aged years and a control over dialect that you don’t see in some professional work – to praise these two is to praise the work of musical director Sally Rounsevell.’

Read the full review here.

Thank you to GLAM Adelaide for attending and congratulations to our talented students and staff on their masterful performances!

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STEMLICIOUS: Nourishing your Future – Next Week!

Mark your calendars for our exciting STEM event next Thursday 15 June in the Gym – STEMLicious: Nourishing Your Future, for Year 9 – 12 students

Get inspired by our outstanding line-up of STEM mentors, who will share their ground-breaking work and discuss how they have used their transferable skills in STEM to further their careers and navigate changes in the workforce. Students will hear first-hand how proficiencies like analytical thinking, problem solving, creativity, and technological literacy are all honed through STEM education.

Join us to hear the inspiring journey of Dr Elle Need, a distinguished figure in STEM who has leveraged her skill set to transition from Breast and Prostate Research into the role of Deputy Audit Manager at the Auditor-General’s Department. Having studied and travelled overseas, Elle advocates for a broad perspective on career possibilities and the value of versatile STEM skills.

Also in attendance is Dr Nina Wootton, a devoted marine scientist from the University of Adelaide. Nina is reshaping our understanding of environmental sustainability through her pioneering work on marine plastic pollution and blue carbon restoration, highlighting the profound impact STEM can have on our world.

We’ll are also pleased to host representatives from BAE Systems’ Hunter Class Frigate Program. They will delve into the complex marvels of submarine engineering, future career prospects, and the extensive opportunities presented in this multi-billion dollar industry.

Additionally, expect enlightening insights from the Waite Institute’s agricultural researchers, digital education experts from the University of Adelaide, and engineers at SA Water. They will illuminate the diverse applications of STEM skills across different sectors and their indispensable role in today’s world.

Take advantage of this opportunity to engage directly with these mentors, ask questions, and get a taste of what a future in STEM could look like. Get ready to nourish your future at STEMLicious!

Thursday 15 June (Week 8)
Gym, St Peter’s Girls’ School
Year 9 – 12 students

Melissa O’Loughlin (STEM Innovation Leader), Sophie Dolling (Scientist in Residence) and Carolyn Farr (IB Diploma Coordinator/Careers Coordinator/Mathematics Teacher)

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Year 3s Explore Local History

Earlier this Term the Year 3 girls turned back time and ventured to Michael Perry Reserve in Stonyfell to investigate its rich natural and social history.

The girls considered old newspaper articles, photographs and letters and learned about how the park was once a private garden, complete with animal enclosures and exotic plants. The girls spent the morning exploring, walking, writing, painting and having a picnic.

It was a perfect way to wrap up an intriguing unit of inquiry about our school and local history.

Monique McLeay and Sarah Mulraney
Year 3 Teachers

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National Simultaneous Storytime

Each year in Australia a ‘National Simultaneous Storytime’ event is held. The aim is to have approximately 2 million children all read the same picture book, at roughly the same time. This year’s book was ‘The Speedy Sloth’ written by Rebecca Young and illustrated by Heath McKenzie.

In Week 5, during the Junior School Chapel service, the book was capably read and explained by our JS Chapel Leaders to the assembled students. The Junior School Library leaders, assisted enthusiastically by the students from 1LSA, role-played the actions in the story.

The story of ‘The Speedy Sloth’ has a terrific, inclusive message about ‘running your own race’. It reminds us that winning doesn’t always mean beating everyone else. Sometimes, it’s just the great feeling you get from setting yourself a challenge, conquering your fears, or simply trying something new – and loving it!

Louisa Mitchell
Junior School Library Teacher

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Saints Girls Set Sail Across the Sea

Last month, Daisy Braithwaite and I were fortunate enough to take part in a 7-day youth adventure sailing voyage from Adelaide to Melbourne on the ‘One and All Tall’ ship.

The program was run by the Rotary Youth Sailing Club which is designed to teach participants transferable skills that can be applied into every day scenarios such as resilience, perseverance, team work and risk-taking.

The journey began in Port Adelaide from where we sailed down the Port River towards the outlet and into open water. On the first night, the ship stopped at Rapid Bay before heading to Kangaroo Island. Then, on the third day, we continued sailing into the deep blue towards Port Phillip Bay. After three days we could see land again and headed into the bay before coming to the final stop – Port Melbourne.

We both had an amazing time aboard the ship and got to experience a new environment with 24 other students aged 15 – 19 from across Australia. While sailing, we learnt about the challenges one must overcome at sea and how to quickly adapt to new environments. We also got to handle sails, have a go at the helm (steering the ship) and took part in watches over 24-hour periods. Over our voyage all the trainees were able to climb the masts of the ship and assist in putting up and down sails at night and during the day.

Both Daisy and I made long-lasting friendships with others abroad the ship and would recommend the trip to anyone who wants a new adventure or loves being out at sea.

Alice Braithwaite
Year 11 student

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Kilburn Charity Day Bake Sale

On Friday of Week 6 the Year 10 Kilburn Home Group held a Bake Sale to raise money for ‘Treasure Boxes’ – an Adelaide based non-profit children’s charity who help families with basic essentials for life such as clothing, toys, bedding and regular meals. As a House, we believe this is a great charity to support as they re-home your quality items to disadvantaged children.

Throughout this term we worked hard to organise and plan this Bake Sale to ensure it would be successful. We worked through PowerPoints and task sheets to help prepare us for the day.

Each student was assigned a certain role to ensure everyone was included and contributed to the process. Additionally, we all agreed on what we would bake to ensure that we had a wide range and variety of treats to suit everyone. I think the most challenging part of the experience for us was organising the event as we did not realise the amount of time and effort it would take to put everything together. Additionally, this was mostly student led which encouraged us to step up and be more independent as we couldn’t rely on the teachers.

We all worked well together and ended up making a generous profit which will be donated to our charity! Overall, it was a great experience and has helped us to improve the lives of others.

Lara Maione
Year 10 student

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Selwyn Charity Day Sausage Sizzle

Every School year, each Year 10 Home Group is responsible for supporting and fundraising a particular charity. In Selwyn, our House charity is The Smith Family which is a non-profit organisation that supports disadvantaged Australian Children by providing them with education opportunities.

In order to raise funds, a Charity Day was held last Friday and we chose to have a sausage sizzle for the School. This required a great deal of planning as we organised a range of people to take on a variety of responsibilities such as setting up on the day, cooking the food, and distributing and selling it to students.

We all found this experience extremely rewarding as we got to involve ourselves in the Service Learning program and support our charity.

Asha Eaton and Alex Nguyen
Year 10 students

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Australian String Quartet Visits Saints Girls

On Monday, Saints Girls had a very special visit from the Australian String Quartet (ASQ). The ASQ comprises of four professional musicians, Dale Barltrop (violin), Francesca Hiew (violin), Christopher Cartlidge (viola) and Michael Dahlenburg (cello), who create unforgettable string quartet performances for audiences around the world. Our string ensembles – Junior Strings, Intermediate Strings and Senior Strings – were captivated in an afternoon of workshops and inspiring performances from the ASQ.

The Senior Strings girls had the opportunity to participate in a workshop with the quartet. Each member of Senior Strings was accompanied by a member of the ASQ playing the corresponding instrument, and as such, each student gained amazing guidance and mentorship from these professional musicians.

‘The workshop was a great learning experience for everyone. It was wonderful to be able to learn from top musicians in the industry, to hear their experiences and to get a few pointers on how we could further improve our skills on our instrument.’
– Linna Song, Year 10 student (Viola)

I found the experience very enriching as we were able to ask lots of questions about life as a professional musician. The specialist workshops for each instrument allowed us to really get the advice we needed to further our skills and become better musicians.

Siobhan Tsang
Year 10 student

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Teddy Bears Unite Senior and Junior Girls

This week the Year 12 girls joined with the Reception and Year 1 students to share a Teddy Bears’ Picnic together! Whilst enjoying a teddy bear themed cupcake, the girls formed small groups where they could get to know each other through sharing stories about their teddy bears and playing some games. Although it was only a short time we spent together, it was great to see the younger girls become more confident talking to the Year 12s, as they were eager to find out that they shared many common interests, such as their favourite animal, sport, and hobby.

One aim of our Prefect Team this year is to ensure we continue to strengthen relationships across sub-schools to build a supportive community around each girl. The focus of our initiative this term is ‘STRENGTH’ and we have explored different types of strength during our assemblies with the Middle and Senior School girls, specifically focusing on community strength.

By participating in events such as the Teddy Bears’ Picnic, we hope to build the strength of our Saints community, so that every girl feels welcomed and known as she enters the School each day. We look forward to continuing to plan events with other year levels, and we hope that this will encourage girls to stop and say a quick hello when they meet in the School yard.

Ellie Humphrey
Head Prefect

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Reconciliation Week Reflections

Throughout last week’s National Reconciliation Week many special activities were offered that drew our school community into knowing more about this year’s theme that asks us all to ‘Be a Voice for Generations.’ The week required significant contributions from our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Ambassadors who spent time in the lead up preparing for their involvement.

On National Sorry Day, May 26, Januri Wagaarachchi (Year 10 student), Laura Akeel (Year 6 student), Mrs Sandercock and I were lucky enough to attend the South Australian Reconciliation Week Breakfast. This event was packed out with almost 2000 people attending and a 1000 person waiting list, showing the support for reconciliation in South Australia. The theme of the event was ‘Be a voice for Generations,’ encouraging all Australians to be a voice for reconciliation in everyday life. The event started with a didgeridoo procession which everyone at all 162 tables stood up for, as a sign of respect. We heard from many speakers such as Karen Mundine, Reconciliation Australia CEO and the honourable Kyam Maher, South Australia’s Attorney General. We were able to hear their opinions on the Voice to Parliament referendum happening later this year and how different communities are working towards reconciliation.

Emily Wildman
RAP Ambassador

On Sunday 28 May, Grace Richardson-Stevens, Emily Wildman, Charlotte Lorenzen and I had the privilege of attending the National Reconciliation Week Walk. We started at Blackwood, and ended up at Colebrook Reserve. At Colebrook, we were able to listen to and participate in traditional Kaurna song and dance. One of the highlights of this event was the stomping. We gathered as a group and stomped on the ground, gradually increasing in pace as time went on. After the stomping, we all felt very connected, both to each other and to the land. A key point of this walk was the upcoming Referendum where there will be vote for a Voice in Parliament. The leaders at this event stressed the importance of voting yes, and how this enables white Australians to help bridge the inequality gap of Aboriginal people. Despite the constant downpour of rain, we really enjoyed the walk.

Jackie Balasis
RAP Ambassador

During our Week 6 Assembly, RAP Ambassadors including myself, Charlotte Lorenzen, Grace Richardson-Stevens, Jackie Balasis, Emily Wildman and Misha Yagnik along with Mr Dingwall, informed the school about the voices Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people lacked throughout Australia’s history. This assembly linked to the theme ‘Be a Voice for Generations’ and shared the relevance of our presentation to the referendum that asks whether the Aboriginal peoples will have a voice in parliament. This was followed by Ms Fryer sharing about her recent trip to the APY Lands where she and other teachers established a connection with this community. The last to present were our dance students who used movement to tell the story of Eileen Mosley, who was part of the Stolen Generations. We commenced the assembly using clapping sticks intended to maintain a vocal chant and encouraged the audience to engage in our presentation on hearing this sound. The audience joined in by reciting the words such as ‘they had no voice’ or ‘they used their voices’ to vocally recognise and show support for Aboriginal peoples. It was empowering to hear and see everyone participate and use their voices. Overall, the assembly was an immensely positive experience for everyone as we learned, reflected, and contributed to reconciliation.

Iszabella Lochowiak
RAP Leader and Ambassador

During lunchtimes last week, the RAP Ambassadors had the amazing opportunity to head down to the ELC to make friendship bracelets using the colours of the Aboriginal flag. The bracelets were a fun yet simple activity to teach the younger students about the Aboriginal flag and the importance of the colours of the flag. The top half of the Aboriginal flag, which is black, represents the sky, while the bottom half, which is red, represents the earth and the colour of ochre. The yellow circle in the middle of the flag represents the sun. We also shared the Kaurna names for each of the colours with the ELC children. Working with the younger children was a fun way to bring Aboriginal culture into our School community.

Maria Parkash
RAP Ambassador

Throughout last week, classes from Years 7 – 9 participated in a session in the Library that focussed on Aboriginal voice over the last 250 years. Students were challenged to reflect on their knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and how the landing of white settlers impacted their culture, language, religion and freedoms.

National Reconciliation Week provided a powerful link to the upcoming referendum and enabled students to understand the importance of giving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people a voice.

Lisa Hollis
RAP Coordinator

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Junior School Vacation Care – Book Now

Our next exciting instalment of Junior School Vacation Care is almost here! We have some great activities guaranteed to keep the children entertained through the July break. With an array of excursions and on-site adventures, there is plenty of fun to be had.

July 2023 Vacation Care Program

Places are limited, so secure your booking now – click here

Please make your booking requests via the link above by 2pm Friday 23 June, as each booking made after this time will incur an additional $5 fee.

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Spread Drive Supporting KickStart for Kids

This term, Junior School students are invited to participate in the KickStart for Kids Breakfast Spread Drive. This drive is an initiative organised as a collaborative project between a group of Year 12 students and the Year 6 Student Ambassadors. It is aimed at raising awareness about other children in our community and the work of KickStart for Kids.

KickStart for Kids is a South Australian organisation that aims to create an equal chance for all children to succeed in life. They run breakfast and lunch programs to provide meals for children who go to school hungry. Students are better able to focus, interact with others, and perform well in class when they have eaten nutritious meals.

KickStart for Kids relies on contributions from the community. So, we invite Junior School students to bring in breakfast spreads, such as jams, Vegemite and honey to support this organisation and support the children who benefit from their programs. Please don’t bring products that contain nuts. There will be a collection box located near the Junior School Library until the end of the Term.

Suzanne Haddy
Head of Junior School

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Piano Eisteddfod – Entries Close Next Week

On Thursday 22 June in Week 9 of Term 2, the Arts Department will hold St Peter’s Girls’ Piano Eisteddfod. It is open to all Junior and Middle School students who play piano. Parents are welcome to attend, and the time of each student’s performance will be communicated to families.

Girls will have the opportunity to perform a piece to a panel of judges, who will critique their performance based on accuracy, technique and musicality for their specific music level. This is a great opportunity for girls to perform in a supportive environment and receive some valuable feedback.

Girls are asked to play one piece that best displays their musicality and technical ability at their own musical level. There will be no minimum or maximum time limit. While the Eisteddfod provides our top piano players with a platform to perform, the aim is to give performers of all levels the opportunity to participate.

A Piano Recital will be held on Thursday 29 June at 6pm. Students will be chosen from the Eisteddfod performers who show confidence and a high level of musicianship. Selected recital students will be notified by email.

If your daughter would like to be involved, please complete and return the Piano Eisteddfod Consent Form by Tuesday 13 June. Girls can collect the form from the Arts Office or you can download it via the link below. Students will later receive their time slot to perform in the Eisteddfod.

Download the Piano Eisteddfod Consent Form

Sally Rounsevell
Director of Music

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Confirmation Eucharist – Term 3

Within the Anglican Church, Confirmation is a time for an individual to take on the promises made on their behalf by their parents at their baptism. Simply put, Confirmation is a public declaration of your faith.

This year we will be holding a Confirmation Eucharist in Term 3, where Bishop Denise will be confirming students who wish to be involved. Preparation classes will be held in Terms 2 and 3 in the lead up to this service. These classes will cover the basics of Christianity and explore the promises the students will be making.

Confirmation is available for students in Year 7 and above.

If your daughter is interested in being Confirmed, or you have any questions, please contact me via tbassett@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au. Further details about the Confirmation process and the service are to come.

Thomas Bassett
School Chaplain

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COVID-19 Information

Please find the latest guidance from SA Health:

  • It is strongly recommended that students stay home if they have cold or flu-like
    symptoms, and test for COVID-19.
  • Whether they receive a positive or negative result, they should stay home until symptoms subside (usually five to seven days).
  • It is strongly recommended that parents/guardians inform the School if a student is a
    close contact. For further advice regarding close contacts, click here
  • While face masks are no longer mandated, they are an important physical barrier to help stop the spread of COVID, particularly when indoors.

If your child tests positive to COVID-19, please inform the School. Please also notify the School each day of absence, or provide the expected period of absence.

You can notify us via one of the following methods. Please include the name of the ELC Room, Class or Home Group. If emailing, feel free to ‘CC’ the teacher of the Room/Class/Home Group as well.

Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Text: 0428 601 957 (save to phone contacts as SPGS)

Phone: 8334 2200

For more SA Health information, click here

Please note that if your child is unwell, they should remain home until they have recovered, irrespective of the illness.

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School Medical Information Reminder

It is imperative that all medical information, including immunisations, is up to date on the School’s myLink parent portal.

Please follow this pathway to check and/or update details: myLink > Community Portal > My Details > select child name

If you have any questions, please email healthcentre@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

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School Shop Notice

School Shop Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 8am – 4pm (closed for lunch 12 – 12.30pm)

Parents can also order items via our Online School Shop. This is now accessible via the Flexischools platform which also administers our Online Tuck Shop. To sign in or sign up to Flexischools, click here

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Absences from School

If your child will not be attending school/ELC due to illness or otherwise, please notify the School via one of the methods below.

Please include the name of the ELC Room, Class or Home Group, along with the reason for the absence as the School requires this for government reporting purposes.

If emailing, feel free to ‘CC’ the teacher of the Room/Class/Home Group as well.

Text: 0428 601 957

Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Phone: 8334 2200

It would be appreciated if notifications could be made prior to 9am.

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Sports News


Open A: Saints (6) v Immanuel (27)
Year 7-10: Saints (2) v Immanuel (48)


Open A: Saints (6) v Immanuel (0)
Open B Blue: Saints (6) v Immanuel (0)
Open B White: Saints (0) v Pembroke (6)
Open C Blue: Saints (5) v Westminster (1)
Open C White: Saints (2) v Wilderness C1 (4)
Open D Blue: BYE
Open D White: Saints (2) v Seymour (4)


Junior School
Year 3/4 Blue: Saints (2) v Pembroke Green (32)
Year 3/4 White: Saints (12) Seymour White (32)


Open: Saints (2) v Pembroke (2)

Junior School
Year 4-6: Saints (0) v Walford 5/6 (3)


Senior School
Premier League: Saints (30) v Immanuel Open A (53)
Premier League Reserves: Saints (40) v Immanuel Open B (54)
Open A: Saints (18) v Immanuel Open C (65)
Open B: Saints (9) v Immanuel Open D (63)
Open E: Saints (19) v Scotch 10C Navy (38)

Middle School
Year 9A: Saints (32) v Immanuel Y9 A (38)
Year 9B: Saints (47) v Immanuel Y9 B (23)
Year 8A: Saints (3) v Immanuel Y8 A (72)
Best Player: Phoebe Lucas
Super Woman: Lauren Fuller
Year 8B: Saints (5) v Immanuel Y8 B (49)
Best Player: Kay Jang
Super Woman: Grace Mayen
Year 8C: Saints (11) v Concordia Y8 C (48)
Year 7A: Saints (31) v Immanuel Y7 A (31)
Year 7B: Saints (15) v Immanuel Y7 B (21)
Year 7C: Saints 7C (29) v Immanuel Y7C1 (15)
Year 7D: Saints 7D (8) v Concordia Y7C1 (40)

Junior School
Year 6 Blue: Saints v Westminster Green – match abandoned
Year 6 White: Saints (6) v Immanuel (24)
Year 5/6 Silver: Saints v Westminster White – match abandoned
Super Woman: Alexandra Teh for her willingness to volunteer and help fill other teams
Year 5 Blue: Saints v Walford Blue – match abandoned
Year 5 White: Saints v Walford White – match abandoned
Year 4: Saints Blue v Saints White – match abandoned


Senior School
Premier League: Saints (0) v Scotch PL (0) – match abandoned

Middle School
Middle A: Saints (4) v Seymour (0) – match abandoned
Best Player: Aleesha Gray
Super Woman: Natalia DiMauro
Middle B: Saints (0) v Wilderness B Blue (1) – match abandoned

Junior School
Year 5/6: Saints Blue (9) v Saints White (2)
Best Players: Constance Morel and Anisha Pahuja
Super Women: Chloe Li and Ivy Du
Year 3/4: Saints (2) v Loreto (3)


On May 21, Phoebe Fan competed in the Australia Taekwondo Victoria Black Belt Selections and Winter Open competition held in Parkville, Victoria.

Phoebe only received her black belt at the end of 2022, so this was her first interstate competition competing as a black belt. She competed in her age and weight division in Sparring and won the gold medal!

Phoebe has also been selected in in the South Australian Performance Pathway Program for taekwondo. As part of this program, she has been on special camps and receives training in fitness, sparring and match scenarios from Olympic level coaches.

Phoebe will also be competing in Adelaide on June 17, where she is hoping to be selected for the National team. Congratulations Phoebe! Keep up the good work.


Pink Round: Monday 19 June – Saturday 24 June (Week 9)

This year all of our sporting teams are supporting the IGSSA PINK Round in Week 9. We would love to see players, officials, supervisors, and spectators wearing some pink to raise awareness for breast cancer, generate discussion encouraging breast screening as well as show support for the 20,000+ women and men diagnosed with breast cancer in Australia every year.

We will be supporting the following charities throughout the event:
Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA), Pink Ribbon (Cancer Council) and Jane McGrath Foundation

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