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Enews – Week 6, Term 4 2016

Issue no. 35

From the Director of Teaching and Learning

MeredithBeck_web As the year draws to an end (at a crescendo!) I think that my mantra for 2017 is going to be balance. Across the sub-schools the students are bringing their 2016 studies to a conclusion. Exams, assignments, folios, tests and various productions abound. Pressure and joy are evident at this summative assessment period as students demonstrate their knowledge and skill development, and show how their thinking and learning have progressed. Hopefully, this culminates in a celebration of growth and success and pride in a job well done.

Teachers are earnestly marking, report writing and completing numerous administrative tasks while keeping the focus on motivating their students to maintain high standards and effort. Superimposed on the curriculum objectives, are preparations for the wonderful end of year and festivities. Perhaps herein lies a balance; putting in the hard work and then reaping the rewards through the celebration. This energetic pace at School is replicated throughout the community. Families manage multiple end of year tasks, expectations and commitments and try to keep everyone happy. So I hear you say, yes, balance is important but it is not a message I need to hear now!

When we are so busy, it can be difficult to think about life’s priorities. What do we value from an education and indeed from life?

Teachers and parents are united in wanting their children to have the skills that equip them for a happy and fulfilling present and future. In a supportive and nurturing environment like ours, when do we intervene, allow the girls to manage situations for themselves, fight their own battles and, dare I say it, fail? As teachers we need to be very aware of the line between support and scaffolding a student’s learning and editing the work to an extent that one asks whose work is it? Parents face the additional challenge of the need to nurture and protect, but resist the unflattering label of helicopter parents who do not allow their children to risk-take (read be courageous) and learn from their mistakes. This is another important balancing act; knowing when to intervene and when to allow the child to take responsibility, to manage the situation themselves.

Well-being is at the very heart of what we want for our children and is the culture in which learning and growth thrive. The growing Nature Schools phenomena arising from the Finnish experience is taking resilience, courage and independence to new levels, with reported benefits to well-being. With no timetables, no tests to pass and student-directed learning, children are free to take risks. Certainly, one can imagine how collaborative learning, connectedness and creativity would thrive.

An article I read recently states that 26 percent of Australian children have suffered anxiety, depression and mental health issues. If correct, there is indeed something out of balance. Furthermore, due to the growth of anxiety, increasing numbers of students are avoiding exams. Professor Jennie Hudson from Macquarie University contends that avoiding means the child misses out on the opportunity to learn accurate information about the situation, like ‘I can handle it’. Knowing that one has faced a challenge and can handle it is empowering and needs to start at an early age.

To return to Saints, balance, and what we prioritise at this busy time: the scales seem tipped towards the doing. However, we will soon celebrate. Together we will celebrate with our courageous selves who may have fallen over but picked ourselves up, and with those who for whom success is the norm. Perhaps, after the doing, the balance will return in finding a time to be with family and friends, reflect, rejuvenate and just be. I think it’s called Christmas.

Meredith Beck
Director of Teaching and Learning

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Saints Girls star at Australian eChallenge!

Beginning in July this year a number of Year 10 students at St Peter’s Girls participated in the Australian eChallenge, run by the Entrepreneurship Commercialisation and Innovation Centre (ECIC) at the University of Adelaide. This is a program that is run in Australia and internationally in countries such as France and Germany. These girls attended lectures with university students and eventually competed against over 20 other secondary school teams from around South Australia. The process involved learning how to create and maintain a business, and required the girls to create their own businesses and begin the steps to launch them. Two teams were formed and the creative process resulted in LéLé (Antonia Kirsten-Parsch, Thandi Murada, Ashleigh Rogers and Sara Possingham) and GottaGo (Lucy Cox, Charlene Lee, Felicia Mi and Khandee Swaeney).

echallenge-picLéLé is a 100% fruit powder with no added sugar or artificial flavouring, preservatives or
colouring. The powdered fruit maintains the vitamins and nutritional content the same as when the fruit is freshly picked. The product can be mixed with water to make a refreshing juice or mixed with milk to make a delicious smoothie. There will be a wide range of flavours to cater for every taste preference. Currently, there is a 5 Fruit Combo powder with strawberry, pear, banana and apple infused with raspberry. This is to be sold with a branded shaker bottle in a large container for regular use and a single serve sachet. It can be used as a nutritious breakfast, a way to easily enhance the flavour of drinks or as a quick energy boost on the go!

GottaGo is a free app allowing you to find any toilet near you. It will be available on the app store for use across the world. Not only can it direct you to the nearest toilet, but also it will give you the facility’s star rating, customer reviews and details on disability access, gender labels, baby change tables and more. It can be used by any person with a phone, but particularly aimed at those for whom it is essential that they can access a certain standard of toilet at any time of the day. This includes those who are transgender, disabled, pregnant or have conditions like irritable bowel syndrome.

Both teams pitched their business and asked for investment from a panel of judges. As a result of their extraordinary performance, they were part of the top 6 school finalists in the State, who were invited to a black-tie awards dinner held at the Adelaide Oval. Ms Shea also attended, as well as Mr Trobbiani who was a valuable mentor throughout the course. The teams had phenomenal results, with LéLé finishing in 1st place, winning $5000, and GottaGo finishing in 2nd place, winning $2500 and a tour of Microsoft worth $10,000. We are excited to see these upcoming businesses which will soon become a reality!

Antonia Kirsten-Parsch
Year 10 Student

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Student Voice: Care Packs for the Australian Refugee Association

regugee-use-this-oneOver the past two years, Patteson House, with the Year 10 class at the forefront, has begun to develop a connection with the Australian Refugee Association (ARA). This term, 10 Patteson has asked the school to donate books, toys, toiletries, baskets, Christmas decorations, and a multitude of other items to create Christmas Care Packs for the ARA’s annual Christmas Food and Gift Drive. We received overwhelming support, with incredibly generous donations from all year groups.

On Monday, Rachel Nyiramugisha, a Youth Ambassador for the ARA, accepted our gifts on behalf of the organisation in front of the senior Patteson students. She spoke to us about the programs the ARA offers and about her time as a refugee, entering a new country and receiving gifts from the very program we were donating to. Her account of being a young refugee and receiving the support from the ARA years ago allowed the students to reflect on the impact our donations might have.

Year 10 Patteson would like to thank each of the students, teachers and parents who donated items towards these care packs. This program would not have been such a success without the school community’s generous response.

Bethany Cross
Year 10 Student

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Support the 2017 Cambodia Trip

A group of 17 girls from Years 11 and 10 from are heading off to Cambodia on December 10 and staying until 23 December to help out the disadvantaged. While there, these girls will be dedicating their time to help build a home for a family in need. They’ll also be teaching at New Hope for Cambodian Children orphanage. This trip occurs once a year and is solely devoted to assist the people of Cambodia in need of help.

So far the ‘Cambodia Group’ have managed to raise $9,000 with the goal of $19,000. Although this goal seems far off, it can be achieved with the help of the school and outside community. One of the main events being held is a movie night at the Capri Theatre on November 25, where Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is being shown. Come and show your support for this event and donate so these girls can improve the lives of people less fortunate.

Thousands of families and individuals in Cambodia do not have a safe and secure place to call home. With the money donated, their lives will be changed just by placing a roof over their heads. Become part of the solution to this poverty problem and help them to reach this goal. The money raised will be donated to Habitat for Humanity to buy the building supplies for the houses; even a small donation will have an amazing impact.

Paris Dudley
Year 11 Student

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Rowing Update: Historic moment for Saints Rowing!

What a regatta we had at the Port! For those of you who haven’t been to the Port, you get the occasional dolphin, big boat and a course with no lanes. Despite this, all of our girls performed brilliantly and should be extremely proud of their efforts!

The Juniors rowed their hearts out, with many of our crews getting placings whilst rowing against girls/women much older than them. For the Juniors this term it has been about trying different girls in different seats. This will give us strong combinations in Term 1, 2017, when all of the important races take place. We have never had this many junior crews before and it makes for a really strong future for Saints Rowing.

Our Inters had to make a change due to one of the girls being sick so that meant the remaining girls had to step up. And step up they did, winning both of their races in each  of the grades. Overcoming this adversity shows that we have good depth and also determination, which are two of the most important qualities of a strong school rowing program. The willingness these girls have to work hard and never give up is something that I admire about them all.

The Seniors created a slice of history on Saturday, by winning more Senior races in one day than we have in our 5 year rowing history! Our 1st IV did an amazing job winning both of their races by a big margin, which follows on from their fantastic performance in Round the Island. The most pleasing aspect about the IV is that they have been getting better with every training, which makes it even more pleasing to see them do well. With the 1st VIII this regatta was something that Simon and I targeted; we knew that there was a shield on offer so we went for it and the girls delivered big time! We knew Pembroke who were our main competition after beating Loreto in the previous regatta were confident about defeating us. We knew our girls had been training well; they just needed to believe and they did, leaving Pembroke in their wake in both races. All the Seniors have bonded well, making them a strong unit, which is important as they know they have each other’s back when the pressure is on.

I went away on Saturday really proud of what all the girls achieved and it shows that we as a school are moving in the right direction. GO, SAINTS!

Ben Flannagan
Director of Rowing

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10 Selwyn Smith Family fundraiser


On Friday 18 November the Year 10 Selwyn girls – assisted by a few intrepid teachers – rode stationary bikes on the Arts Centre steps to raise money for the Smith Family Bike project. The girls set themselves the challenge of riding one kilometre for every dollar raised and started riding at 7.30am. Over the course of the day, with each sharing the load, the total distance covered was 496km, earning every dollar donated ($495.70). In addition, the girls baked cupcakes and sold them at a recess stall, raising an additional $231.30. The total of $727 is being added to that raised during other events through the year and will be used to purchase good quality bikes that will be donated to the Smith Family. Those bikes will then be provided to children whose educational opportunities will be enhanced by access to their own method of transport.

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Year 6 Graduation


The annual Year 6 Graduation will be held on Wednesday 7 December.
Years 3-6 students will attend the ceremony, and all families are welcome to attend.

2pm, Wednesday 7 December
 Arts Centre, St Peter’s Girls’ School

To book, visit trybooking.com/NOIN.

Cassandra Moore and Vicki Hudson
Year 6 Teachers


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Carols in the Cathedral


All parents are warmly invited to attend the annual Carols in the Cathedral service.

This is a special celebration – a true highlight of the School year.

Thursday 1 December
Guests must arrive at 6.45pm, for a 7pm start
St Peter’s Cathedral
King William Street, North Adelaide

All students from Years 3 to 12 are expected to attend and sit with their class groups and teachers in the Cathedral. Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 students may attend and sit with their family members.

We hope to see you there.

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Year 9 Graduation


The annual Year 9 Graduation will be held on Thursday 8 December. Year 9 parents have been sent a formal invitation, and other Middle School families are also welcome to attend.

2.15pm, Thursday 8 December
Arts Centre, St Peter’s Girls’ School

Please RSVP at trybooking.com/NOIF.

We hope to see as many parents as possible join us for this special celebration.

Richard Lisle
Head of Middle School

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School Holiday Athletics Clinic

Dream. Believe. Achieve. Athletics Holiday Development Clinic conducted in the January school holidays is open to all age groups from Under 6 through to Under 18.

The clinic is designed to provide opportunities for skill/technique development in the participants’ desired athletic track and field events through coaching from some of South Australia’s best young coaches.

Our aim is for you to dream…believe…and achieve… personal best results!

Click here to download the flyer!

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Sports News


Sports Nominations 2017

Nominations for sport Term 1, 2017, are now available to be submitted. Please ensure that you make sure you select the year that the students will be in next year! While training days have been provided, these are subject to change based on availability of coaches. This quick and easy process can be done by clicking on this link.

Water Polo

Open A – Saints 4 defeated by Pembroke 9
Playing Pembroke was a tough game but the players were able to work cohesively together constructing set plays and putting our training plans into action. It was good to see the progression and the use of a new set-up. This helped us to play more defensively to ensure we limited their goal opportunities. Pembroke was an aggressive team that always puts up a strong fight. Saints rose to the challenge in playing strong defensively and scored when opportunities were given. Thank you to Matt Martin for coaching and supporting us this term. We always take on board the helpful feedback and have been able to improve as a team. Sarah Richards (Captain)

Open B – Saints 1 defeated Mercedes 9
Despite the score, it was a very impressive and exciting game of water polo to watch. Again, the girls were very strong in their defence, with all players contributing to the attacking efforts, scoring of goals and defensive turnovers. The girls’ continuous determination and skills in defence were fantastic to watch and it was also very exciting to see the level of improvement the team has made. Seeing this development shows the level of commitment that all the girls are putting into their training, and this week’s game truly highlighted their developed techniques and game knowledge evident through the standard of play displayed. Thank you to the Bs’ coach, Lucy, for all the support and consistent feedback and encouragement to all the girls. We look forward to next year. Sarah Richards (Captain)

Year 7/8 – Saints 6 drew with Pembroke 6
This was a close game throughout for the girls. Pembroke fought hard and defended well. Saints stretched their lead when they scored 3 goals in the third quarter through some good teamwork and excellent shooting from Olivia Goldsmith, Matilda Braithwaite and Alyssa Woolley. Unfortunately, Saints allowed Pembroke back into the game in the last quarter and they levelled the score just before the end of the game. Despite this, Saints managed to end the season undefeated. Congratulations to Saskia Jonats, Lucy Young and Harriet Maerschel who also had good games. Harriet Maerschel (Year 8)

Junior Tennis

Division 1 Blue – Saints 6-28 defeated Seymour 0-4
Singles: Maiya Jakupec 4-0, Fleur Maris 4-0, Willow Stewart-Rattray 4-1, Sophie Dansie 4-2

Division 1 White – Saints 6- 28 defeated Wilderness 0-2
Singles: Mia Dodd 4-0, Emily Baldwinson 4-0, Tahlia Louca 4-0, Georgia Langley 4-0

Division 2 Blue – Saints 1-17 defeated by Pembroke 2-18
Singles: Adele Eaton 4-0, Charlotte Parker 0-4, Letitia Page-Thomson 2-3, Sophie Abbott 2-2

Division 2 White – Saints 5-25 defeated Pembroke 1-6
Singles: Olivia Slivak 4-0, Bridgette Leach 4-1, Alicia Toh 1-4, Pearl Richards 4-0

Division 3 – Saints 0-3 defeated by Cabra 6-28

Junior Volleyball

Year 6 – Saints 1 defeated by Wilderness 3

Year 5 – Saints 1 defeated by Wilderness 2


Open A – Saints did not play

Open B – Saints

Open C – Saints 20 defeated Concordia 4
The girls ended the season this week with their best game of the year. Smart batting and fast fielding were shown by all and it is clear that all the girls have developed so many new skills throughout the season, which is exciting to see! Special mention goes to Harriet Maerschel and Kellie Bested for their home runs, Jenna Bowden for a strong hit into the outfield and Poppie Goldsmith for excellent fielding on first base. We would like to congratulate all of you and thank you for a fun season! Olivia May and Mimi Long (Coaches)


Division 1 Blue – Saints 0-13 defeated by Wilderness 6-37
Singles: Chelsea Staples 4-6, Daveena Dhillon 4-6

Division 1 White – Saints 5-32 defeated Wilderness 1-20
Singles: Violette Maris 6-2, Mahala Truscott 6-4, Shamilla Dhillon 6-1, Taj Shahin 2-6

Division 2 – Saints 4-29 defeated Pulteney 2-23
Singles: Lilly Alexander 4-6, Amelie Eaton 6-5, Renee Lawrence 6-0, Emily Downie 1-6

Division 3 Blue – Saints 0-9 defeated by Walford 6-36
Singles: Stella Clark 3-6, Aleisha Elliott 0-6, Mia Rose-Taliangis 4-6, Orla Clayton 1-6

Division 3 White – Saints 0-15 defeated by Pulteney 6-36
Singles: Faye Ma 4-6, Charlotte Stewart 0-6, Thuhansa Hattotuwa 2-6, Louisa Reid 4-6

Division 4 – Saints 0-6 defeated by Pulteney 6-36
Singles: Olivia Zito 2-6, Anneliese Thomas 0-6, Sienna Zito 2-6


Open A – Saints did not play 

Open B – Saints did not play 

Open C – Saints 1 defeated by Westminster 2
The Open C girls played well but unfortunately just lost to Westminster. The girls played as a team which was great to see. Congratulations go to all the girls on a great season and I hope they all continue to play in the future. By Cambell Baker (Coach)

Open D – Saints 0 defeated by Westminster 3
The Open D girls were also beaten by a strong Westminster team. Although Westminster were very good our girls put up a very good fight which was good to see. Again, congratulations to all the girls on a great season and I hope they all continue to play in the future. By Cambell Baker (Coach)

Middle A – Saints 3 defeated Pulteney 0 (25-14, 25-8, 25-9)
A great finish to the season by the girls this week. Throughout this term the girls have come a long way with their abilities and it has definitely shown out on the volleyball court, as they are undefeated for the season and in the running to win the premiership. Big congratulations to the girls for their efforts and great sportsmanship. It has been a pleasure coaching you, girls. Ellana Welsby and Eliza Falconer (Coaches)

Middle B – Saints 3 defeated Pulteney 0
It was another great win for the girls this week! We are very proud of this team this term and the improvements all the girls have made. This team’s confidence has growth throughout the term and it definitely shows out on the court! Thank you for a great season, girls; we are very proud of your achievements this term! Best of luck for next term! Ellana Welsby and Eliza Falconer (Coaches)

Middle C – Saints 3 defeated Concordia 0
Huge congratulations to all the girls in the Middle C team. With a few new girls, the team has come together very well and the girls have greatly improved in the few short weeks we have had. We are very proud of all the girls and their efforts and enthusiasm throughout the term. It has been an absolute pleasure to work with the girls this term. We wish them all the best for the next term of volleyball! Ellana Welsby and Eliza Falconer (Coaches)


Middle C1 – Saints 14 defeated by Pembroke 27
The girls played well for the final match of the year, despite the final score. It was fantastic to see each player execute skills and plays that we had been working on at training throughout the term. Well done to Ebony Lohe, Zara Sadri and Mahala Truscott for their strong drive down the court in attack and pressure in defence. Ebony Lohe was the team’s top scorer and Mahala Truscott caused the most turnovers throughout the match. Vanessa Brooks (Coach)

Middle C2 – Saints 22 defeated by Pembroke 26
The girls finished the season off well with a narrow loss to Pembroke. The game was fairly even, the difference being Pembroke rebounding the ball better in offence. Emmanuelle Russell and Grace Dodson had really solid games. Overall the season was a success as each week the girls improved. Well done. By Peter Krantis (Coach).