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eNews – Week 6, Term 3 2020

Issue no. 26Enews-banner

W6 - Guest Speaker 2

From Our Deputy Principal / Head of Senior School

Spotlight on Leadership

Kate MortimerThere are a variety of ways in which people view leadership. This is certainly not surprising, considering the breadth of leadership skills and behaviours. One common view is that leadership is the result of gaining a title; for example, Prefect, Middle School Leader or team Captain. There is, of course, justification for this view. Titles provide a heightened profile, the allocation of tasks that require completion and additional levels of responsibility. Furthermore, it can be argued that titles are a necessity. They provide a clear structure within a school and allow for the identification of those who must work positively to serve the interests of others.

However, the truth of the matter is that leadership is not limited to those who hold a title. Nor does holding a title necessarily result in a consistent display of leadership behaviours. This point was reinforced to the girls last week by our guest speaker Chelsea Randall. She made the point that while she may hold a title now, specifically the Co-Captain of the Adelaide Crows AFLW team, her leadership journey started decades earlier. Chelsea’s message was clear: title or not, we can all have leadership moments. This is certainly reflective of the everyday leadership that has been demonstrated by our Year 11 girls in the organisation of their House Dinners. Not a title in sight, but rather multiple girls stepping up to ensure the evenings run smoothly and are enjoyed by all.

#EMPOWHER Evaluation

As many of you are aware, since the start of 2018, the School has been delivering two wellbeing lessons each week to girls in Years 7 – 12. Lesson content was designed around survey results that were collected from the girls in 2017. Various areas were identified for improvement including connections to school, sleep, time management, stress management, confidence, friendships, bullying, body image, social media and learning engagement. Later this term, we will again be surveying the girls to compare current data with that collected in 2017. Results will be communicated to parents in Term 4 and will also be used to adjust content to ensure our lessons are relevant to the needs of the girls.

Kate Mortimer
Deputy Principal / Head of Senior School

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Exciting Chapter for Book Week

W6 - Book Week
It’s been another exciting chapter at Saints Girls as the School embraced Book Week.

This year’s theme of ‘Curious Creatures, Wild Minds’ ignited imagination amongst students and staff alike.

The week culminated in the annual Dress Up Day Parade this morning, where the Junior School girls and their teachers showcased colourful costumes to celebrate the wonders of literacy.

A longer video will be shared via a link on Canvas next week.

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Wild Night at Selwyn House Dinner

W6 - House Dinner

Howdy partners! Last Friday night, the Arts Centre was transformed into the ‘Selwyn Saloon’ from the Wild Wild West. We were visited by Jesse and Woody from Toy Story, a couple of cows, sheriffs, spiky cacti, walking wanted posters, cowboys, cowgirls, and we even had a tumbleweed roll in! For dinner, we enjoyed a fantastic meal with finger food for entree, a sizzling BBQ for main and some delicious brownies with ice-cream for dessert. A big thank you to the Year 11 parents for cooking up a storm!

The girls all competed in ‘Guess the Song’ and ‘Guess the Baby Face’, but the biggest contest by far was the task of turning a hockey stick into a horse, with the teachers creating the most handsome horse the Selwyn Saloon had ever seen. The girls and teachers rode their horses through the Wild Wild West obstacle course, and the Year 8s came out victorious.

We finished off the shindig with all the Selwyn girls up and dancing to the ‘Hoedown Throwdown’ led by Charlotte Cohen and Louisa Reid. Paris Robson had standout dancing skills and was chosen as best dancer. The Year 12s looked great on the night and we hope they all enjoyed their last House Dinner with their Selwyn sisters.

Thanks to all the teachers and parents who helped out and all the Selwyn girls for making the night a roaring success!

Gemma Schaedel
Year 11 student

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Amazing Authors Share World of Words

W6 - Author 2

As part of Children’s Book Week in the Junior School, we have been fortunate to enjoy visits from two South Australian authors.

Charlotte Barkla came to speak to the Year 3 and 4 students. The girls explored the process of writing a book, talking about character, plot and structure, while using real-life examples from Charlotte’s recently-published books. They were able to develop their own character under her guidance and hear excerpts from her Edie’s Experiments series. These books are now ready to be borrowed in the Junior Library.

Katrina Germein visited the Reception to Year 2 students. She has published many picture books and, as an early childhood educator, her sessions were highly interactive. The students created their own stories and performed a noisy rendition of her new book Shoo You Crocodile! Katrina shared her writing process of how ideas in her head become notes jotted down and drawings in a book that she ponders over. Then, once the story is perfected, an illustrator brings the words to life, but the process of publishing a book can take a very long time.

Both authors spoke of their love of reading and writing and how important books were to them as children.

Helen Smith
Deputy Head of Junior School

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Rainbow Rain for Reception Scientists

W6 - Reception science 2

Last week, the students in Reception MKA and Reception ALE were visited by two very special scientists as part of National Science Week. Over two days, the girls participated in a number of different experiments which resulted in high levels of curiosity and excitement.

The students’ favourite experiment was making ‘Rainbow Rain’. This particular experiment taught the girls how rain is formed by investigating what happens when water droplets collect in a cloud. The girls watched excitedly as they added food colouring to their shaving cream clouds and patiently waited for the first drops of coloured rain to appear.

Each Reception thoroughly enjoyed participating in National Science Week and are looking forward to all the wonderful science experiences they will encounter in their future years at Saints Girls.

Alana Lesiw and Meg Karvonen
Reception Teachers

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Clothes Shwop’s Material Impact

W6 - Clothes Shwop

Last week, the Environment Club held our biennial Clothes Shwop. Over the past term, members have been working hard to encourage girls in the Middle and Senior Schools to bring in unwanted clothes and donate them, aiming to prevent the amount of fashion waste produced by our School community. Over the course of the term, around 150 items of clothing were donated.

On the day of the Clothes Shwop, the Environment Club set up all the clothes in the Drama room, as girls lined up outside waiting to be able to come in and browse. More than 50 girls attended, and the vast majority of items were taken! We hope that this has discouraged girls from buying fast fashion, and instead encouraged them to try buy pre-loved clothes where possible, and donate all of their old clothes!

The clothes that were not taken will be donated to the Magdalene Centre, an Anglican charity. We hope that everyone’s kind donations can help not just the environment and the School community, but the wider community as well!

Sara Peak
Environment Club Captain

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At the Heart of Art

W6 - Art 2

This hyper-realistic abstract piece (pictured on the left) was directly inspired by Stephanie Kilgast and her renowned sculptures as she works with concepts of nature and biodiversity.

We began by studying the colour scheme and techniques she had used to create hyper-realistic clay pieces that accompanied her sculptures, and sketching our designs individually, choosing one out of four. We spent most of the time individually crafting the nature-inspired clay pieces that were later baked then glued onto our chosen object.

My decision to use a 3D printed anatomy heart for my final design was directly reflected from Kilgast’s concepts. Her sculptures focus on celebrating the beauty of nature in question of humanity, as well as presenting a cheerful approach towards the current decay of nature’s gifts, hoping to explain that nature has a capacity to regrow. In my sculpture, I wanted to combine a sense of biodiversity with anatomy, hoping to create a reminder of the tightly-knit connection between nature and individual beings.

Helena Li
Year 10 student

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Fundraising Vision for RSB – Next Wednesday

W5 - IB CAS Fundraiser

Next Wednesday, the Year 12 IB CAS class will be holding a stall to raise money for RSB (Royal Society for the Blind). RSB is a not-for-profit organisation established over 130 years ago that assists people in managing their vision impairment and participating independently in the community.

The current global climate has impacted RSB’s ability to raise funds for vital services, such as the $50,000 it costs to train each Guide Dog. To help out, we will be selling merchandise including key rings, pens, stuffed dogs and more, with prices ranging from $2 to $20. All year levels will be able to purchase merchandise on the day using cash, with a separate table for Mid-Year Receptions to Year 3 students. Student cards will not be accepted. The stall will be set up at lunchtime on the Arts Centre steps where there will also be some trainee dogs coming to visit.

We hope that you support this worthy cause!

Year 12 IB CAS Class

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P&F Father’s Day Stall

P&F Virtual Father's Day Stall_2020

The P&F is holding a virtual Father’s Day Stall for those who would like to purchase a lovely gift for their father, grandfather or special someone.

Gifts will be wrapped and delivered to your daughter’s classroom on Friday 4 September

Visit www.trybooking.com/BKZQQ and choose from one of the fantastic gifts.

All gifts $5 each

Parents’ and Friends’ Association

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KALEIDOSCOPE – SACE Dance Performance

W4 - Kaleidoscope

The 2020 Stage 2 Dancers have been working tirelessly all year to present to you KALEIDOSCOPE. This year, audiences are in for a colourful treat as we show off not only the immense talent of our dancers but also the new state-of-the-art lighting equipment in our Arts Centre. I’ve always been very interested in the impact lighting has on dance and how the fusion of the two, when timed perfectly, helps communicate a mood, story or experience. For me, it is certainly an integral part of the creative process. Thankfully, Wesley, our Arts Centre Manager, is a genius at making the wild ideas in my head a visual reality on the stage!

This show includes a variety of dance styles, each linked in some way to a specific hue, exploring the feelings and emotions it evokes. The commitment and support of the remarkable Stage 1 Dancers has helped bring KALEIDOSCOPE to fruition and I’m excited to give our Year 10 Dancers a formal performance experience, which I hope helps to deepen their enjoyment of dancing.

So fortunate to be performed in our Arts Centre to a live audience, let KALEIDOSCOPE be your outing to the theatre. See you there!

When: 2 and 3 September, 7pm
Where: Arts Centre

Adult $10
Student/Concession $5

Tickets can be purchased via www.trybooking.com/BKYRV

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Sports Day 2020 – Important Information

W5 - Sports Day

General Information

On Friday 4 September, St Peter’s Girls will stage the annual Years 4 – 12 Sports Day at the SA Athletics Stadium at Mile End. The day will begin at 8.30am and will conclude by approximately 3.15pm. This event is to be treated like a normal school day, therefore attendance is compulsory. If a student is unable to participate in their events, a note must be provided to PE staff. Girls in Years 4 – 11 are reminded to wear their complete PE uniform with a House top and hat. We encourage the girls to display their House spirit, but please be aware body paint is not permitted in the stadium. Girls are able to wear spikes up to 7mm in length. Students will be fully briefed before the event about special arrangements for the day.

The Saints Sport Support Group will be running a raffle with excellent prizes on offer. They will also be selling House wristbands for $2, water bottles for $10 and caps for $25, which can be purchased at the gate.

Travel Arrangements

Students who travel on school buses will automatically be taken to the stadium in the morning and will depart on buses from there in the afternoon. In addition, we are offering a bus service for up to 100 registered students which will depart school at 7.30am and return by approximately 4.15pm. To book your daughter’s seat, visit https://www.trybooking.com/BKVVB; bookings close at 5pm on Tuesday 1 September, or once the maximum limit is reached. All other students will need to be dropped off and picked up from the stadium, as the girls will be dismissed directly from the venue.

COVID-Safe Measures

Due to the stadium’s COVID-Safe Plan, we must limit the number of spectators. In the interest of fairness, we will be limiting spectator tickets to one per student in the first instance. Tickets are available via https://www.trybooking.com/BLCCY and must be brought to the stadium where spectators will be asked to sign in. ‘Walk-ins’ will not be permitted. Bookings close at 5pm on Tuesday 1 September, or once the maximum limit is reached.

Under-cover seating is far more limited as a result of social distancing requirements, so the majority of parent viewing will be from the tiered sections surrounding the track. As such, please bring protection from the elements.

All ticket holders will be emailed with final details of COVID-Safe measures before the event. Should changes to these arrangements be necessary due to amended requirements, we will update you as soon as possible.

Sports Day Bus

Sports Day Spectator Ticket

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Dust Off Your Hats!

With the return of higher UV levels, Reception to Year 9 students are now required to bring their navy blue broad-brimmed hats to school. Reception and Year 1 students also have the option of the junior bucket hat.

Students in Reception to Year 6 who currently wear their PE uniform to School on PE lesson days should wear their hats to and from School during high UV periods.

Students in Years 10 to 12 are also encouraged to wear a School hat at high UV times.

For more information, please refer to our Sun Protection Policy in the ‘Whole School’ section of the ‘School Documents’ page on myLink.

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Year 5 Production – Tickets on Sale!

W3 - Year 5 Production Banner

Get ready to secure your seats to see this wonderful show: St Peter’s Girls’ School’s production of Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical JR.

Due to current venue capacity and registration requirements, tickets are only available online via TryBooking. There will be four shows: two matinee sessions and two evening performances. We ask that families only purchase tickets to a maximum of two shows.

Should seats still be available closer to opening night, families will be able to purchase additional tickets.

24 and 25 September at 1.30 and 7pm
St Peter’s Girls’ School Arts Centre

Ticket prices:
Adult $17
Student/Concession $12
Family (2 Adults/2 Children) $42

Visit www.trybooking.com/BKSAB from 9am on 17 August to book your seat.

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Share the Dignity Campaign

W3 - Share the Dignity

We are supporting Share the Dignity again this August to help the many women who cannot afford sanitary items. We are a collection point for this amazing charity. We encourage students to bring along packets of pads and/or tampons and place them in the pink boxes located in the Library, Middle School area, or give them to Mrs Risbey in the PE office. Let’s get behind this charity and fill the boxes over and over.

Thank you in advance on behalf of the many women and young girls who will benefit from your kindness.

Ensuring everyone is afforded the dignity so many of us take for granted.
Our work directly benefits women in crisis.
Every. Single. Day.

Donate to a women’s charity that makes a real, on-the-ground difference to homeless women and victims of domestic violence. Share the Dignity collects thousands of personal hygiene products every year for women experiencing homelessness and poverty. Small dignities make a big difference.

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P&F Family Day

W4 - P&F Family Day

Sunday 18 October from 12 – 4pm

Join the Saints Girls’ community on Chiverton Lawns for our P&F Family Day!

Tickets include pasta, pizza and a glass of wine or soft drink. Additional drinks and gelato will be available for purchase. There will be kids’ activities and roving entertainment to enjoy.

BYO chairs, tables and/or picnic rug.

Ticket Prices
Adult $20
Child $15
Family of Four $50

Book at: www.trybooking.com/BKUAL

We look forward to seeing you there!

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Car Park Courtesy

The School has again received complaints about traffic blocking Stonyfell Road for lengthy periods during drop-off and pick-up. If the car park is full and you are unable to enter, circle the block until it is clear to enter, find a park elsewhere or, where age-appropriate, meet your daughter in a surrounding street. Unless special circumstances apply, parents of girls in Years 2 to 12 should not enter the car park to collect their daughters prior to 3.30pm. Parents of girls in Reception and Year 1 have exclusive use of the pick-up zone prior to this time for safety and traffic reasons.

Please also refrain from turning right into or out of the car park, and please do not queue in the car park’s lanes as this often prevents drivers who are legally parked from exiting.

As a School, we must set an example for our students in showing courtesy to all; in this case, other road users.

Thank you for your cooperation.

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Upcoming House Dinner


During Term 3, all Middle and Senior School girls have the opportunity to enjoy a night away from homework to get creative and colourful at the House Dinners.

The Year 11s have been working hard organising decorations, food and games for each event. Visit the TryBooking links below to purchase your daughter(s) a ticket for the night as this is a compulsory event.

We’re looking forward to seeing everyone’s creative costumes and enjoying a fun night with our Houses.

Kennion House Dinner
Theme: Animal Kingdom
11 September (Week 8)
Book now: https://www.trybooking.com/BKSZC

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SACE Music Concert

W3 - SACE Music Concert

Don’t miss our SACE Music Concert at 7pm on Thursday 10 September featuring performances by Clair Kao, Funto Komolafe, Izzy Norman, Georgie Raftopoulos and Cheri Wong. The Concert Choir, Senior Strings, Extension Strings, Stage Band, Rock Band, Concert Band and our award-winning Jazz Choirs will also be in action.

It’s sure to be a great show!

Book tickets via www.trybooking.com/BKWJQ
Adult $10
Student/Concession $5

There is a limit of two tickets per student.

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The Long Lunch – Seeking Community Volunteers

W4 - The Long Lunch

We are seeking passionate community volunteers to assist the School by undertaking duties and tasks for The Long Lunch.

Dates: Saturday 19 September and/or Sunday 20 September
Time: Various, flexible 3 – 5 hour shifts available both days

Tasks may include:
Setting tables and placing decorations; washing and cleaning utensils and dishes; handling, sorting, and organising food items; washing, peeling, chopping, cutting and cooking ingredients; sorting and disposing of rubbish and recycling; cleaning food preparation equipment, floors and other kitchen tools or areas; plating food trays; transferring, weighing and checking supplies and equipment.

Fun, camaraderie, laughs, lunch and refreshments will be provided. For more information, please contact Foundation Manager, Melissa Westgate via mwestgate@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au or 0407 394 183.

Melissa Westgate
Foundation Manager

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School Shop Merchandise – Great Father’s Day Gifts!

W6 - School Shop
The School Shop sells a variety of branded merchandise and memorabilia perfect for a Father’s Day gift or as a souvenir.

Items include coffee mugs, china, mobile phone power banks, umbrellas, signet rings, key rings, pens, notebooks, wine and champagne glasses, candles, scarves and more.

Visit us to see what we have in store!

School Shop

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Entertainment Membership

W1 - Entertainment Book
Have you experienced an Entertainment Membership? For a limited time, our School community is invited to trial the Entertainment Membership for six weeks!

Entertainment Memberships are packed with thousands of incredible savings across local dining, activities, travel and shopping experiences. Start your trial and start saving today:

• No payment details required
• It’s easy to register, simply go to www.entertainmentbook.com.au/orderbooks/161p201
• Download the Entertainment App from the App Store or Google Play and start using
• Six week trial only available to activate from 24 August – 6 September 2020

After you have discovered the value of an Entertainment Membership, you can support our School by purchasing a Membership to receive 12 months of incredible savings.

Already love the Entertainment Membership? Purchase your Membership today and support us to reach our fundraising goal for 2020. Simply order online via our School’s page: www.entertainmentbook.com.au/orderbooks/161p201

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Bronwyn Bartter on 0402 392 609.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Parents’ and Friends’ Association

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Sports News


Open – Saints had a bye

Middle – Saints 0.1 – 1 defeated by Walford Open B 2.5 – 17
The girls had a difficult match against the senior Walford team. It was a scrappy affair with some strong tackling throughout, preventing the ball from clearing the congested area. We looked likely when the ball came out to space, but could not finish or hold the ball in our forward line long enough to place the opposition under enough pressure. A great tackle by Grace Richards late in the game typified the girls’ efforts, though more work needs to be done on bringing the ball to space. – Dan Searle (Coordinator)


Well done to all the girls for putting in a tremendous effort and recording some more great results. Our Bs, Cs, D1s, E1s and E2s all won their games. The A grade girls had a bye which I hope they enjoyed. Keep up the good work girls!  Amelie Dunda (Captain)

Open A: Bye

Open B: 5 – 1 defeated Immanuel
Best Players: Candy Feng, Charlotte Stewart and Angela Feng

Open C: 5 – 1 defeated Immanuel
Best Players: Natacha Zisogiannopoulos and Holly Wallman-Craddock

Open D1: 4 – 2 defeated Wilderness
Best Player: Helen Zhang, Tara Nedumaran

Open D2: 3 – 3 defeated by Wilderness
Best Player: Mabel Cook

Open E1: 8 – 1 defeated Wilderness
Best Players: Sowmya Biradar, Lilly Michelon, Francine Stavrou, Hattie Xu and Rebecca Holloway.

Open E2: 6 – 3 defeated Wilderness
Best Players: Jennifer Hu, Abigail Papps, Grace Ran, Anna Wan, Rita Ling

Open E3: 7 – 2 defeated by Pembroke
Best Players: Ella Hung, Alyssa Bo and Claudia Henschke


Year 6 Blue – Saints 13 defeated by Seymour White 39
The girls fought hard and it’s good to see them getting tougher in defence and rebounding competitions. Keep working on having more confidence to take shots girls. – Sarah Turnbull (Coach)

Year 6 White – Saints 4 defeated by Pembroke 36
The girls had another tough game but played well together. They have shown significant improvement since the first game and work hard to get in front of their players. Their defence was very good in the second half, stopping Pembroke from scoring in the third quarter and only allowing 3 goals in the fourth. – Sarah Matheson (Coach)

Year 5 – Saints 46 defeated Pembroke Green 8
Another dominating performance where our skills and defensive pressure were too strong for Pembroke to match. It was a team effort with great ball movement which resulted in multiple players scoring points.  Katherine Perkas (Coach)


Open – Saints 8 defeated Pembroke 0
Saints started strongly with an attacking penalty corner in the first minute and numerous shots on target in the remainder of the quarter. Our strikers played very well and constant pressure was placed on the opposition defenders. It was great to have so many different goal scorers! Congratulations to Bridgette, Poppie and Amelia for scoring, and special mention to Chloe who scored her first goal in the senior team and followed it up with a second shortly after. A great game from the girls and awesome to see all the skills we practise at training being implemented into our game play. – Olivia Goldsmith (Captain)


Under 13 – Saints 10 defeated St Aloysius 1
The girls played another great game against Eagles, winning by 9 goals. They dominated the first half, creating a 7-goal lead. With the constant procession the girls gained from the centre, the mercy rule was introduced to level out the scores. This did not stop the girls from hustling hard all over the field for ground balls. The midfield and attack were very strong, while the defence stuck to their players and barely let the ball get into the defensive third. Lara Maione did a great job in defence, making many intercepts and getting the loose ground balls. Congratulations to Grace Jones for her saves in goal, only letting one through! Our goal scorers were Savannah Walls (3), Emily Bates (2), Alannah Godfrey, Jaime Gower, Cleo Hart, Claris Stolcman and Zoe Pool (1). – Millie Wilkin (Lacrosse Captain)

Under 11 – Saints Blue 8 defeated St Aloysius 3
This game was a wonderful example of the results the team can achieve from working hard. Saints Blue played a determined and tactical match, utilising their speed against their taller opponents. All team members demonstrated confidence with intercepting passes, transitioning from defence to attack and shooting hard. Special mention to Sophia Curry and Matilda Birmingham who played tough in the goals and stopped many shots! Notable mention to Matilda Purvis whose determination with goal shooting was admirable! Every player was supportive of each other, eagerly awaiting their time on the field. I was very impressed with the team’s cohesiveness and ability to think fast with effective passing. We will practise collecting ground balls on the run and moving our positioning in attack when approaching the goal. All Saints Blue members should be so pleased with their hard work, and I will look forward to continuing to work with this wonderful, enthusiastic team. – Sophie Auricht (Coach)

Under 11 – Saints White 10 drew with North Adelaide 10
The girls played a great game, trying hard to have their sticks up high to make intercepts in defence, which worked for Lois Burton-Howard (Year 4). In attack, the girls focused on spreading out and running fast to get free. This was done well by Ruby Kelly (Year 4). It was great to see the girls pick up many ground balls successfully, especially by Mathilda Begg (Year 3) and Grace Marshall (Year 3). Transitioning the ball down to attack by running hard was demonstrated by Willow Chong (Year 3), Neela (Year 4) and Scarlett Schinella (Year 3). At half-time, the girls were down by 1 goal but were determined to win. Lola Silvani moved around the goal to try get a better angle when shooting. Our fantastic goalies for the match were Lily Silvani and Anvika Singh (Year 4). Our goal scorers were Lois (3), Ruby (1), Neela (2), Grace (1) and Lily (2). The girls did very well against a tough opposition.  Lucy Martin (Coach)


Open A – Saints 37 defeated by Pembroke 48
An unfortunate loss for the girls; however, the end result is not a true reflection of the game. The score was within 2-4 goals throughout the first three quarters, which created a competitive atmosphere amongst the crowd in the Gym. Saints won the first half by 2 goals due to their commitment to the ball and ability to defeat Pembroke’s defenders. Best players were Sarah Wishart and Ruby Deakin for driving the ball down in attack and communicating with their teammates, in and out of the ring. Special mentions also go to Olivia Kelly and Sadie Vikor-Lam for their encouragement of the team and high intensity. – Hannah Freeman (Captain)

Open B – Saints 26 defeated by Pembroke 30
The Open Bs kept up with Pembroke in the first quarter but began to slip behind in the second due to pressure across the whole court. There were moments of good play down the court with Milly constantly being an option in attack and feeding the ball well into our shooters. Anda and Lucy had a great game with consistency across all four quarters and many interceptions. A close game but a few errors made it difficult to get there in the end. – Gemma Schaedel

Open E1 – Saints 42 defeated Westminster 21
Another win for the girls! A very strong first quarter meant they kept Westminster down to only 2 goals and created a comfortable lead to enjoy the rest of the game and play out of their regular positions. Best players were Imogen Parkinson and Chelsea Walls. Good job girls! – Emma Mockridge (Coach)

Open E2 – Saints 19 defeated by Westminster 30
A top game by the girls with major improvements from previous weeks. They worked hard to fight against Westminster’s strong defensive line. This was most successful in the last quarter, which they won by 5 goals! A big thank you to Jessica Wishart and Clair Kao for playing both games and helping the girls out in the goal ring. Well done girls! – Emma Mockridge (Coach)

Year 10A – Saints 19 defeated by Pembroke 42

Year 10C – Saints 9 defeated by Scotch 51
Despite what the score line shows, the girls played a fantastic game. It was great to see everyone working well as a team in attack to get the ball down to the shooting circle, but also in defence, creating many turnovers. Great game girls! – Elena Vaananen (Coach)

Year 9A – Saints 26 defeated by Pembroke 36
The girls were competitive but the score blew out in the last quarter. We managed lots of defensive ball but had trouble converting, so we will work on our second phase from the centre pass and goalie movement in the circle. – Della Griffith (Coach)

Year 9B – Saints 22 defeated by Pembroke 24
The girls had a slow first half, however, I was really impressed with their effort in the second, winning both the third and fourth quarters to only go down by 2. Samantha had an awesome game in defence, and Georgie and Grace worked really well together in the circle which was great to see. – Natasha Dinan (Coach)

Year 9C – Saints 28 defeated Pembroke 14
All players encouraged each other and worked well as a team. Best players were Phoebe Black and Issy Lowry. Well done to all the girls. – Lulu Tierney (Coach)

Year 8A – Saints 29 defeated Pembroke 28
This was a really good game and we came off with a 1-point win. Special mentions to Charlie Piper, Sophie Ricciuto and Claudia Pearce for working well on the court and calling out for the ball. We could try to be more accurate in our passing, but we worked super well as a team; good job girls! – Airlie McCabe

Year 8B – Saints 28 defeated Pembroke 6
The girls faced Pembroke in a rough game of netball. They played their hardest in all quarters, scoring goal after goal to take the win. They intercepted the ball and defended well, but their voices weren’t used as much as they should have been. Well done to Ruby Adams and Ayla Blaskett for being the players of the match. Both girls stood out and helped the team play a great game. Good job girls! – Poppy Oswald

Year 8C – Saints 12 defeated by Concordia 13
It was a very close competition against Concordia, with the score tied at 2-2 at the end of the first quarter. Saints broke away in the second and third quarters, outplaying Concordia by moving the ball down the court more easily and making less mistakes. However, in the final quarter, Concordia fought their way back and took the win by 1 goal. Congratulations to Hope, our best player this match, who played a great game in defence by making many intercepts and demonstrating a consistent high level of effort throughout. A big thanks to Naadiya and Isabelle Loh for playing up with us this game. – Nikki Miller (Coach)

Year 8D – Saints 8 defeated by Pulteney 27
The team played what was probably their best game so far. Although we had another loss, the improvement in passing, leading and passages of play down the court was encouraging. The team showed more positive transitions from defence to attack and an increased ability to convert this into goals. In comparison to our opponents, we have a way to go performance-wise, however, it was a much better display from the team, and again, their positive attitude despite being down was a credit to them. – Gina Barker (Coach)

Year 7A – Saints 32 defeated Pembroke 15

Year 7B – Saints 18 defeated Pembroke 4
The girls played an awesome game against Pembroke. Each quarter, they improved their shooting, defending and passing. In the first, we started with some really strong and accurate passes. In the second, our defenders were pumped up, intercepting the ball and passing it down to our attackers to shoot. In the third quarter, our attacking was on-point and all of the players were taking long shots into the goal and making them in. In the last quarter, everyone was excited because we knew we were going to win but that didn’t stop us from playing our hardest. Good game girls. – Lucy Mitchell

Year 4 Blue – Saints 3 defeated by Wilderness White 6
Saints girls tried really hard, playing a solid team game. Our defenders Abbie Tulloch and Victoria Zou were great in defence, but unfortunately, Wilderness played a strong last quarter, scoring 5 of their 6 goals. Well done Saints Girls on never giving up.  Karen Braund (Proud Coach)

Year 4 White – Saints 4 defeated by Pembroke 10
The girls tried extremely hard, but unfortunately, Pembroke was too strong. Defence worked well in creating a lot of pressure and turnovers, however, we weren’t able to capitalise on this. There were definitely some great passages of play which allowed us to score. We maintained a positive attitude and will take this into training where we will work on our leading, passing and communication  Sivani Sivasuthan (Coach)

Year 3 – Saints 12 defeated Walford 1
In contrast to being rained out the previous game, our girls enjoyed a win in the sunshine! The entire team really responded to training, where we talked about making space on the court. The ease at which our girls were able to get the ball into the goal ring is a testament to this. Special mention to Bonnie Qu this week, whose defensive work was unstoppable, with countless intercepts and pressure in both positions she played. Can’t wait for the next game! – Rebecca Scott-Toms (Coach)


Open A – Saints 0 defeated by Pembroke 3
The Open As played well against a particularly strong side, but unfortunately, it resulted in a loss. Having faced Pembroke earlier in the season, it was great to see the immense progress the girls have made, despite the score. Lucy Benn and Lysiane Franchi did extremely well in the midfield, relentlessly applying some great tackles and winning the ball as a result. We worked well as a team to move the ball out of our defence, to the midfield, which delivered through-balls for our attackers to run onto. Kendra Ware played a great game in goals, saving many strong shots on goal and punting the ball well. I would like to thank Georgia Evans and Mary Stavrou, who joined the As this game with both performing exceptionally well. – Ellie Anderson (Captain)

Open B – Saints 0 drew with Immanuel 0
The girls were fired up and raring to go with a positive spirit in the air. The theme of the game from start to finish was absolute domination. We won every challenge, were first to the ball, kept our structure, and showed aggression and hunger for the ball. They linked many passes together, working it up to the attackers, and created chance after chance to score and win the game. Unfortunately, we went the whole game scoreless even though we had shots on goal left, right and centre. Everything about our game was strong, from our defenders who let nothing through, our midfield who ran non-stop, and our strikers who created all the chances in the world. I cannot fault anyone on the field as we were strong and solid. It was a nail-biter in terms of getting just one goal, which was all we needed, but we just didn’t put the icing on the cake. This game showed what the girls are capable of and have been capable of all season, so keep it up as you made me very proud. The support the girls showed and attitude throughout was evident as they played with high spirits and backed each other. Let’s hit the scoreboard next match, get our first win of the season and finish these last two games strongly. – TJ Scarsgill (Coach)

Middle A/B – Saints 0 defeated by Wilderness 4
The Middle A and B teams combined for a tough game against Wilderness. Although the girls hadn’t played as a group before, we never stopped trying and there was plenty of encouragement from the bench. Lydia Burrough, Lucy Mitchell and Asha Eaton put in a great defensive effort, tackling hard and blocking shots. Jessica Zhang, Tamsin Freeman and Levanya De Silva also worked hard in midfield. Unfortunately, the difference was Wilderness taking their chances, while our shots were off-target. Well done to Jackie Balasis and Annabel Keough for volunteering to play in goal; both stepped up and made some great saves! We will work to improve our attacking play at training. – Ange Gouvielos (Coach)

Year 6 – Saints 5 defeated Walford 0
The girls played an excellent match, resulting in a deserving win against Walford. They had possession of the ball for the majority of the game, with our strong line of defence stopping the opposition from taking many attempts to score goals. Eliza Brill Reed, Alison Francis and Grace Brockhouse played well in attack, with Grace constantly running around the field to keep the ball in our possession. In defence, Meghana Chettimada made some strong passes to her teammates, hindering the opposition. Lucy Shigeno also unleashed some brilliant kicks across the field. Even with the wet weather and light hail, the girls continued to give their all and their performance was one of the best this season. Goals were scored by Alyssa Piantedosi (3), Alison Francis and Lucy Lowry (1). Well done girls! – Ellie Anderson and Mary Stavrou (Coaches)

Year 5 – Saints 7 defeated Seymour 0
An energetic and rewarding game from the team. Efforts across the pitch paid off, leading the girls to maintain control in an amazing first win! The midfielders increased their work-rate, playing a crucial role in connecting a strong defence with a persistent forward line. Thanks to goalkeepers Aleesha Gray and Romana Walsh, who kept a clean sheet. Well done as well to goal scorers Grace Mayen, Izzy Huf and Aleesha Gray. – Beth Cross (Coach)

Year 3 – St Peter’s Girls’ 6 defeated Pulteney 4
Rain, rain, go away, come again another day. Rain, rain, go away, we’re here again with our skills on display! Focused and ready for a contest, the girls eagerly awaited the start of what we had anticipated as a challenging match. We were correct; Pulteney were good, and really made us think. The buzz was exciting, and the game started at a frantic pace but we were ready. Lauren Disney kicked 6 goals for the match. Lois Burton-Howard and Ruby Pahuja both enjoyed being kept on their toes as our goalkeepers. – Mark Routley (Coach)

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