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Enews – Week 6, Term 2 2017

Issue no. 17
W6 Winter Cabaret

2017 Winter Cabaret

Last night, our music and dance talent put on an incredible show for a packed Arts Centre crowd during the 2017 Winter Cabaret. The atmosphere was electric as our choirs, ensembles, bands, soloists and SACE dancers blitzed the stage. It was a mammoth logistical undertaking with almost 200 girls from Years 3 – 12 taking part. Backstage was abuzz with a vibe of organised chaos as streams of girls donned in black flowed back and forth during frenetic set changes. On the stage, a variety of genres unfolded. A guest appearance by ABC Radio Host Eddie Bannon dressed in Saints Girls’ uniform left the crowd in stitches as he collaborated with our vocal quintet. Later, an air of inspiration swept the Arts Centre as trombone virtuoso Bob Johnson teamed up with our Stage Band to smash out the theme song from the Rocky films. At the end of the evening, our powerful Enchante singers joined acclaimed jazz choir Adelaide Connection for a rousing finale that received rapturous applause. There were so many highlights from each performance and many guests who attended were running out of superlatives to describe what they were witnessing from early on in the night. It is yet another example of the calibre of our Music program and the wider Performing Arts platform. When you add to that the passion and discipline of the students involved, it makes for a formidable and stunning combination. Nights like these don’t happen without a small village working feverishly in the background for many weeks and months. Saints Girls would like to thank the following:

Special guests Eddie Bannon, Bob Johnson and Adelaide Connection directed by Lauren Henderson
Rhythm Section – Robyn Habel, Dave Goodwin and Max Tulysewski
Peter Howie and the Tech Crew
Communications and Community Relations Team
Property Services
Dance Teacher Kate Burnett
Our dedicated instrumental teachers
Strings Coordinator Fiona Patten
Arts Administrator Jeanne Philips
Music Directors Sari Noble and Sally Rounsevell
Middle School Arts and Music leaders
Year 12 Music leadership team led by Music Captain Sarah Brownridge
Friends of the Arts

And, most importantly, our dedicated and talented students

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From the Acting Director of Teaching and Learning

Parsons, BrianQuiz night; a remarkably successful phenomenon. For many, the attraction comes from dressing up; for others it is the entertainment provided by the quiz master and team-mates. Some enjoy the collaboration needed to be part of a winning team, whereas other people enjoy the public acclaim showered on them as a result of their uncanny retention of obscure facts.

When reflecting on the popularity of quiz nights, it is interesting to think about how this phenomenon relates to the learning that is valued at school, during further study and in the workforce.

The first instruction at a quiz night is often to turn off your mobile phone, as it is possible to ‘google’ much of what will be asked. In previous times the equivalent instruction may well have been to ‘leave your encyclopaedia at home’. Quiz nights assess the superficial recall of facts; we celebrate how different people manage to remember facts about quite dissimilar topics.

It can be argued that much of what students and adults learn can also be googled, so what is the point? There is no doubt that factual knowledge is important. For example, I’d like my surgeon to have a detailed knowledge of human anatomy. I want my accountant to know the key differences in the new superannuation legislation. A ground announcer at my favourite sporting event who can recite names and key statistics about the players enhances the experience, as does the actor who has memorised his lines and mannerisms.

However, apart from quiz nights, we need more than just factual knowledge. We need to be able to quickly judge what knowledge is relevant and apply our understanding to the problem at hand. We are required to analyse challenges and create a variety of possible solutions for testing. We have to communicate our thinking and negotiate the desired course of action. Furthermore, we must be open to changing our knowledge and thinking in the face of new experiences and information.

It is how we balance the learning of facts and skills with learning how to think, collaborate and problem-solve that continues to make teaching both challenging and rewarding. There are many initiatives and innovations in education that aim to address these challenges. I look forward to exploring how these can benefit the learning of our students in my role and to presenting and explaining our findings and chosen directions to you.

And, if you do fancy the odd quiz night, as it happens our Parents’ and Friends’ Association is holding one at the School next Friday; details here. Just make sure you switch off your mobile phone and leave your encyclopaedia at home.

Brian Parsons
Acting Director of Teaching and Learning

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Royal Society for the Blind visit


We were extremely fortunate to have guests from the Royal Society for the Blind (RSB) visit us in Reception yesterday morning. This enabled us to dig deeper with our inquiry, ‘We experience and learn about the world through our senses’. Cyndi, who is visually impaired, shared her day-to-day experiences and discussed the various aids she uses.

The students appreciated looking at Cyndi’s cane, alarm clock and audible watch. They were able to touch the Braille alphabet, a system of raised dots that can be read using fingers to assist people who are blind or who have low vision.

The highlight of the session was to learn how Kippy and Alan assist people like Cyndi in our local community. Volunteers like Lina and her daughter Amelie (Year 9) who are members of our School community, donate enormous amounts of their time training the guide dogs in their homes.

The girls said:

“If you want to pat a guide dog, you have to be careful because it might be working. You have to make sure you ask the owner first.” – Matilda Purvis

“Guide dogs wear a special purple coat.” – Lola Meo

“Guide dogs help people from bumping into things or getting into trouble.” – Amber Smith

“I liked patting the guide dog because it was cute but I was a little bit scared at first.” – Ellerslie Wong

“People who are blind read Braille – this helps them to read.” – Hannah Ibrahim

“We loved having a class photograph with Alan the guide dog because we can then remember why the special visitors came to our school.” – Georgia Baghurst

“I loved hearing the watch because it told you the time and date.” – Anisha Pahuja

“Simon showed us lots of different things blind people use. If people can’t see, they have to use different senses like their hearing, touch, smelling and taste so that they know what things are.” – Willow Chong

“I didn’t know that the guide dogs could be so quiet.” – Christine Zhang

“I didn’t know that blind people could see better if they have operations.” – Natalia Quinn

The girls experienced first-hand the importance of team work. Thank you to all of the volunteers in the RSB and the guide dogs for the work they do in our community. A special thank you to Simon for organising a worthwhile session. The girls thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

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National Reconciliation Week

W6 National Reconciliation Week
Each year, National Reconciliation Week (NRW) celebrates and builds on the respectful relationships shared by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other Australians. The week started on 26 May with National Sorry Day which recognises the impact of the forced removal of indigenous children from their parents, commonly known as the Stolen Generations. This day is often confused with requiring expressions of guilt, when it is more about acknowledgment and the future.

This year’s National Reconciliation Week represented the 50th anniversary of the referendum on indigenous citizenship and 25 years since the landmark Mabo Native Title court ruling. Recognition as citizens to be counted in the census allowed the Federal Government to make laws to meet the needs of indigenous Australians and to establish the Council for Aboriginal Affairs. It’s remarkable that indigenous Australians had previously been classified as flora and fauna. This recognition came after decades of discriminatory policies, in spite of the fact that Aboriginal Australians fought and died for our country in World Wars One and Two. This year was the first year indigenous veterans led the ANZAC Day March.

Mabo was a 10-year legal case to recognise indigenous Australians’ unique connection to the land and it led to the Native Title Act. This meant that indigenous Australians won the right to live on the land; to access the area for traditional purposes; to visit and protect important places and sites; to hunt, fish or gather traditional food or resources on the land; and to teach Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander laws and customs on the land. This is something we recognise in our acknowledgement of the Kaurna people and hopefully continues to grow in our understanding of the role of indigenous Australians as custodians of this land.

Many indigenous Australians met two weeks ago at Uluru to debate the next step in reconciliation, such as recognition of our first peoples in the constitution and establishing a more representative body to meet the needs of indigenous peoples in areas of health, education and employment. There has been some disagreement on what is the best way forward, some believing recognition is not enough, but this still reflects how actively indigenous Australians are involved in shaping their own future and the progress made since the recognition of the 1967 referendum.

As this year’s theme ‘Let’s take the next steps’ reflects, there is still a long way to go for all Australians to make true reconciliation a reality. If you have a look at the major steps so far, there is great reason for hope. Only discussing reconciliation when it’s part of the curriculum is not enough; using limited indigenous enrolments or connections to the local indigenous community as reasons for not getting involved isn’t acceptable either. Saints Girls has a role, too, as we review our own Reconciliation Action Plan, so we need students to take leadership as we take the next step as a School. Students and staff have been asked to reflect on what reconciliation means to them as we look to the future in a spirit of respect and hope.

National Reconciliation Week events included workshops in the Resource Centre for our Year 7s and 9s to consider literature using a past/present/future model to guide the students through Australia’s history from 1770 onwards, highlighting key dates.

The Year 9s also completed an activity whereby the burdens of the Aboriginal people became the focus. Here are some of their insights:

“Thank you for teaching our class on Friday about National Reconciliation Week. I especially enjoyed the girls reading from the books and learning about how the children felt.” – Annabelle Black

“I especially enjoyed learning about all of the challenges and burdens that the Aboriginals had to endure because I didn’t know anything about Aboriginal history.” – Ellie Anderson

“…I had no idea British settlement had such an impact on the indigenous people.”
– Maddison Tilley-Brooks

“From this session, I now understand how horrible the ‘white’ people were to the Aboriginals. I knew that they didn’t treat them well but I never realised that they were tried to be killed off and the children were taken away from their parents.” – Amelie Eaton

“I especially enjoyed the game that we played as it provided us with a good understanding about how the Aboriginals have to carry such heavy burdens. It really put it into perspective.” – Hattie Maerschel

The Environment Club also ran a lunchtime workshop for Junior School students to create their own indigenous art forms. Our aim is to make National Reconciliation Week not only a cross-disciplinary curriculum focus, but a more prominent part of our School Calendar into the future.

Gregor Dingwall
Head of Humanities

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Years 2 – 4 Disco

W6 Disco

Oh, what a night!

Thanks to the terrific team of Junior School SRC, Year 6/7 helpers and teachers, the Years 2 – 4 Disco last Friday night was a resounding success. The School Rock Band entertained us with a rocking repertoire to kick it off, led by Robyn Habel.

The girls let loose and carved it up on the dance floor, dancing their way through the Bus Stop and Macarena and seeing how low they could go with the Limbo! The girls took the opportunity to dress up and capture the moment with friends in the fabulous photo booth. Oh, what a great night was had by all!

Deb Cope
Year 3 Teacher

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Saints’ Rock Band

W6 Rock Band

Last Friday’s Junior School Disco was the first-ever gig for the Saints’ Rock Band and The Guitar Ensemble… and what a gig it was! The Guitar Ensemble opened with the Henry Mancini classic, Peter Gunn, creating an atmosphere of anticipation and excitement. The Guitar Ensemble were followed by the new Saints’ Rock Band who performed three songs. They opened with the 1950s Elvis rocker Hound Dog and, as the Junior School Disco goers danced their way through a sea of balloons, the band then ripped into the highly popular Riptide by Vance Joy. They finished their set with the super catchy pop anthem by Echosmith entitled Cool Kids, which saw many cool kids clapping and singing along.

The bands have been rehearsing for only two terms and, as their Director, I was extremely proud of the girls’ efforts, their professionalism and the level of performance that they have achieved in such a short time. Special mention goes to the Georgina Keough, Emily Loh and Amelia Pudney who ripped out some cool improvised blues solos throughout the set. Guitar Ensemble and Rock Band ROCK!

Guitar ensemble
Georgina Keough (lead guitar), Dominique Rigby (bass), Taylah Simpson (rhythm guitar),
Lily-Rose Spartalis (drums), Chi Chi Zhao (rhythm and lead guitar).

Rock Band
Lily Alexander (percussion), Ruby Bouhamdan (drums), Emily Loh (piano), Madison McGregor-Simms (bass), Amelia Pudney (guitar), Chi Chi Zhao (vocals).

Robyn Habel
Music Teacher

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Staff vs Student Debate proves to be another hit!

W6 Staff Student Debate
Last Friday, the second Staff vs Student debate was held and what an exciting event it was. Hattie Maerschel, Holly Wallman-Craddock and Abbie Lisle represented the student affirmative team and Mr Lisle, Ms Davey and Mr Davidson represented the staff negative team on the debate, “The school uniform requirements at Saints should be abolished.”

It was the second of this year’s staff/student debates and it was just as entertaining as the first. From raps to the throwing of cue cards onto the floor, this debate had it all! There wasn’t a single speech that didn’t leave the audience in laughter and, overall, it was quite the heated debate. In the end, the students were crowned the winners of this encounter!

Hattie Maerschel
Year 9 student

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Music Archive Project

W6 Music ArchivesThis year, an opportunity has arisen to finally enter the many thousands of music manuscripts held by our Performing Arts Department into the School’s library database. The project, which is being coordinated by Julia Norman (university student and Music Teacher at Saints Girls), has had a slow but productive being. A small group of volunteers has already processed and catalogued over 500 manuscripts but there are many thousands to go.

Julia is seeking assistance from the broader School community to support this project. Volunteers are needed on Wednesday or Friday afternoons between 2 – 3.30pm to carry out a range of activities from labelling and typing titles to entering data. No experience or skills are required. It is very much a learn-on-the-job experience.

Any time you can offer would be gratefully received.

Please contact Julia via email on jnorman@stpetergirls.sa.edu.au or myself at lhollis@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au if you can assist with this project or would like to find out more.

Miss Lisa Hollis
Resource Centre Coordinator

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Scholarships at St Peter’s Girls’ School for 2018

If you know anyone in your networks who may wish to join our Saints Girls’ community, the School has a range of 2018 Scholarships open to external students. Opportunities include academics, IB, Music and Performing Arts. Some applications close from next week, so interested parents will need to act swiftly.

Please click here for further details.

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Arts Alive 2017

Arts Alive invitation

You are warmly invited to attend the 2017 Junior School Arts Alive Exhibition.

STEAM: A celebration of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics through the ARTS

Friday 23 June
Grandparents and Special Older Friends
R – 2    11am – 12.30pm
Years 3 – 6    1.30 – 3pm
Morning and afternoon tea will be provided.

Parents and friends
Open from 4pm for viewing
R – 2     Opening Ceremony at 5pm
Years 3 – 6    Opening Ceremony at 6pm
Wine for sale by the glass and finger food provided.

Saturday 24 June
Friends, Family and Community
10.30am – 12.30pm

Entry by donation

For catering purposes, please book through trybooking.com/QFZA

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School Shop

New to the School Shop – elastic ties in House colours – $25

W5 House Ties

The School Shop will be open during the last week of the school holidays on Monday 17 and Tuesday 18 July from 10am – 4pm. We will also be open Monday 24 July 10am – 4pm, resuming normal trading hours on Tuesday 25 July.

For any enquiries or uniform appointments please call the School Shop on 8334 2228 or email schoolshop@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

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Quiz Night

W2 Quiz Night 2017

Our Parents’ & Friends’ Association is calling for donations of wine. We are offering a fundraising Wine Wall at our upcoming Quiz Night on Friday 16 June.

Please drop off wine donations to the Community Relations Office across from the School Shop.

To book Quiz Night tickets, please visit www.trybooking.com/278385

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Entertainment Book pre-sales

Enews Entertainment Book

The 2016 | 2017 Entertainment Membership is expired on 1 June 2017

Order your new 2017 | 2018 Entertainment Membership before 30 June 2017 to go in the draw to win a $50 Archer Hotel dining voucher AND a pass for 2 adults and 2 kids to Adelaide Zoo!

As a Mothers’ Club fundraiser, part-proceeds from every book sold will go to the exciting redevelopment of the outdoor areas surrounding our new Middle School.

If you would like to buy a book, you can fill out the form at the Front Office or simply go online. Order your Entertainment Book here!

The Entertainment Book and new phone app offer our community members a great way to try out restaurants and activities around SA, save money and, at the same time, support our girls.

Thank you in advance for your kind support and consideration.

Your Mothers’ Club Committee

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Learn how to build your own iPhone app!

Code Camp Enews

Are you looking for an indoor school holiday activity?

St Peter’s Girls’ School will be hosting Code Camp Spark for students in Years 2 – 7. Code Camp runs 17 – 19 July from 9am – 3.30pm. Cost for Code Camp Spark is $350 for three days.

Code Camp Information Flyer
Visit the Code Camp website for more information
Visit the St Peter’s Girls’ School booking page

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Sports News

W6 Sport
As always, students are reminded to check notice boards for team selections and other information relating to their sport.

If you have any news items or sporting success stories, please email them to nfuller@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.


Congratulations to Olivia Goldsmith (Year 9) who has been selected in the U16 State Hockey Team to compete in the Pacific School Games in December.

Further congratulations to Bridgette Leach (Year 6) and Molly Dwyer (Year 5) who have been selected in the East Adelaide SAPSASA team to compete at the State Primary School Carnival.


Well done to Keeley Fahey (Year 8) who recently competed at the National Trampolining Championships where she won the U17 National Synchro Tramp championship and U15 National Championship for Individual Tramp for the second year in a row.


Over the last week or so, Saints has had a number of teams compete in Knockout Netball, with some resounding results seeing most teams progress into the next round.

Year 10 Knockout
On Wednesday 31 May the Year 10 Knockout Team headed to Blackwood to face Unley HS in the first match and came out firing! We led 20-1 at quarter-time and continued our dominance throughout the match, finishing up winning 64-15. It really was a complete performance, with our defenders (Charlotte White, Milly Wood and Rachel Kameniar) all outstanding, picking off many intercepts. Our mid-court (Eve Habel, Anna Pryor and Tahlia Towers) worked hard and drove strongly through the middle of the court, hitting the circle edge repeatedly and feeding our goalies very skilfully. Our goalies (Sivi Sivasuthan, Brooke Elliott and Nikki Miller) finished off the team’s work with very accurate shooting. Their movement was excellent and they presented very strong targets in the circle. In the second game against netball specialist school Blackwood High, both teams started nervously with errors on both sides and the goalies were finding it difficult to score. However, Saints settled first and led 12-5 at the first break. Our defenders continued their solid effort in the second quarter; however, we struggled to get the ball down court through Blackwood’s mid-court press and couldn’t convert this good work. Our goalies and mid-court were working overtime but things just weren’t falling our way. At the half-time break we were 20-13 up. The girls were determined to put in their best effort in the last quarter, and that’s exactly what they did, winning the last quarter 14-5 to run out eventual winners 42-25.

Year 6/7 Knockout
Our Year 6/7 team took on Marryatville PS in Round 2 of the Knockout competition on Thursday 1 June. We were very evenly matched, with defenders from both teams turning the ball over and the attackers moving the ball well and scoring consistently. We were 9-8 up at the first break and then 14-13 at half-time. Our defenders, Charlotte White, Adele Eaton, Charlie Fishlock and Chloe Porter, were fantastic, picking off intercepts and pouncing on loose balls. Mia Humphrey, Ellie Humphrey and Sivanthi Sivasuthan worked hard through the mid-court to get the ball on the circle edge and get off some excellent feeds. Toni Christiansen and Willow Stewart-Rattray shot well all game and presented strongly in the circle, making it easy for our mid-courters to feed them. The girls didn’t let up in the last quarter and fought hard all the way to the final whistle, notching up a 29-18 victory.

Year 8/9 Knockout
In their first round of matches on Friday 2 June, our Year 8/9 Knockout netballers had to take on two schools that run special interest netball programs. Firstly, we played Adelaide HS and dominated from start to finish, winning 42-17, with all girls contributing well throughout the game. Our second match was against Gleeson College and we knew when we watched them warm up that this would be a much tougher game. They had height down both ends and a quick mid-court, so the girls would have to be at their best to beat them. We started well, with our defenders turning over a lot of balls and our goalies converting, but some unforced errors meant we went into the break 8-12 down. Unfortunately, our second quarter wasn’t our best. While our effort was there throughout the quarter, some silly errors, tight defence from Gleeson and excellent shooting saw us lose this quarter 4-14. The girls were disappointed with this quarter and knew they could play better. In the second half, they showed just how well they could play, winning the half 17-16, but unfortunately this wasn’t enough to secure the win, as they eventually went down 29-42. Hannah Freeman, Sarah Wishart and Gemma Schaedel were fantastic in defence all day. They gave away a fair bit of height, but what they lacked in height they made up for in relentless effort, never letting Gleeson get an easy ball and taking some amazing intercepts. Ruby Bouhamdan, Ella Liddy and Bella Bernardi gave everything they had in the mid-court, consistently re-offering and showing great patience when feeding into the goalies. Captain Anna White led from the front in goals all game, scoring 26 of our 29 goals, and was very well supported by Jess Wishart, Imogen Parker and Bella Bernardi. While they were all disappointed at being knocked out, the girls showed fantastic team spirit and never gave up and should be very proud of the way they conducted themselves. Alice Johnswood (Director of Netball)


Wednesday 31 May
Open A – Saints 1 defeated by Pembroke 2
Facing one of the top teams in the competition, the girls did an amazing job to keep the score at 1-1 for most of the game. Unfortunately, a last minute goal by Pembroke led them to victory; however, the girls’ performance is one to be commended. Funto Komolafe worked hard as our centre forward for the entire game and was rewarded with a goal. Bethany Cross kept the midfield under control, and was vital to the team’s defensive work. Hopefully, the girls will have their first win of the season next week. Dom Rigby (Captain)

Open B – Saints 0 drew with Pembroke 0
The team had many chances in front of goal but could not convert their chances. They put in a better performance from the week before. The girls never stopped trying and nearly scored in the last minute. Keep working, girls. Charlie Capogreco (Coach)

Middle A – Saints 0 defeated by Pembroke 2
Another week where the team has improved upon last week’s efforts but still couldn’t get the victory. We are continuing to improve so as long as we keep up with the way we are training and playing, we will start to win games. As always, plenty of positives have come from the game, which have highlighted more areas we can work on in the coming weeks.
Vincent Talladira (Coach)

Middle B – Saints 1 defeated by Immanuel 5
With only 10 players in the first half, the girls put in a determined effort but could not contain the pressure applied by Immanuel. Amelie Eaton had an outstanding game with lots of chasing and strong tackling. Emily Downie and Imogen Parkinson also had good games. In the second half Sara Peak helped the team despite having a sore neck and this helped the team show good improvement and dominate the half. Keep trying, girls.
Manni Katopolis (Coach)

Year 7 – Saints 2 defeated by Seymour 3
Seymour scored the first three goals, but the team never gave up and scored two goals to narrow the lead. Seymour’s keeper pulled off some good saves in the last minutes to enable them to deny Saints a share of the points. Keep working hard, girls.
Kosta Bakopanos (Coach)


Wednesday 31 May
Year 6 Blue – Saints 34 defeated Walford Gold 3
Year 6 Blue had another successful game and played very strongly in both defence and offence, turning the ball over quickly and converting it to scores. The ball rarely got down to the defensive end due to the girls’ abilities to switch from attack to defence quickly. Each girl tried to implement the shooting technique that was practised at training.
Sarah Matheson (Student Coach)

Year 6 Silver
Saints 29 defeated Wilderness Purple 9
The silver team had another successful game and applied their learnt skills magnificently! Congrats especially to Maddie Harrex and Marcella Tolley; Maddie, after coming from a recent injury, played a great game with many turn overs and great energy. Marcella was very accurate with her shooting, missing rarely. Overall, the girls incorporated excellent defence skills and pressure on the court. We are looking forward to a great term.
Brooke Elliott and Tahlia Towers (Student Coaches)

Year 6 White
Saints 6 defeated by Seymour Blue 20
The team worked well in both attack and defence; however, we need to focus on leading towards the ball instead of away from it and making strong, obvious leads. The girls had a good first quarter, scoring the most goals. Overall, the girls had a good game but we have some things to improve on for next week. Georgina Bafile (Student Coach)

Year 5
Saints 6 defeated by Walford 31
The Year 5 girls were given the opportunity to play in positions they’d never played in before and all did exceptionally well. The girls showed big improvements as the game went on and by the end, both coaches were very pleased with their efforts. Both Zara Chessell and Jasmine Segredos scored some fantastic goals from great distances! Unfortunately, we were defeated by Walford in the end; however, still a wonderful effort. A massive thank you to Charlie Edwards and Scarlett Dillon for filling in for us. Great game, girls! Charlotte Parker (Student Coach)


Thursday 1 June
Saints had a small representation at the State Cross Country Championships but recorded some fantastic results yet again. This year, despite it being cold, the championships were held in sunny conditions and with 12 students split between representing East Adelaide (Years 4 to 7) and Secondary (Years 8 to 12) Saints had 12 runners, with four finishing in the top 10 and seven in the top 20 in the State. Top placegetters:

11 year girls: Willow Stewart-Rattray 5th, Molly Dwyer 7th. Team Gold for East Adelaide
13 Year girls: Imogen Elliott 6th. Team Bronze for East Adelaide
14 year girls: Matilda Braithwaite 10th
16 year girls: Eve Habel 16th
Open girls: Thandi Murada 8th, Bethany Cross 19th


Friday 2 June
Year 5/6 – Saints 6 defeated Loreto 0
The girls were lucky enough to be given the experience of playing with an 11-a-side team as they played on a larger field. This allowed all of them to showcase the skills they have learnt, as the larger field gave them more time and space. The team played a very strong, cohesive game, sharing the ball around, linking up strong passes and having a run in a variety of positions. The girls finished the game with a strong win. Well done to everyone who played. Sophie Fry (Coach)

Australian rules football

Friday 2 June
Saints 1.1 = 7 defeated by Immanuel 9.9 = 63
Saints faced a tough encounter against Immanuel but showed determination and fierce tackling yet again, which enabled many free kicks to be won. Despite the overall score, Saints had many forward entries but were unable to get past a tough Immanuel defence. Each week, Saints improve and some of the passing and link play through the middle created many highlights. Even a bloody nose to Grace Dawson could not deter the intensity of Saints. It was hard to name best players, as all girls are developing and improving not only individually, but also as a team. Ella Robinson, Thandi Murada, Jasmine Ledgard, Bethany Cross and goal scorer, Holly Cunningham, all made significant contributions, but all players are commended on their efforts which received great feedback from Immanuel who said we have been their toughest opponent so far.
Neil Fuller


Saturday 3 June
This week the Open A team had an extremely close match, with two of the singles matches going to three sets. The Open B, D1 and D2 teams played excellently, winning their matches 6-0. Congratulations to Amelie Dunda on her incredible 21-0 win in her singles match. Overall, Saints had a successful week, with four of our seven teams defeating their opponents. Emily Murdock (Captain)

Open A – Saints defeated by Pembroke 2-4
Best player: Erica Reid

Open B – Saints defeated Seymour 6-0
Best player: Lola Dimond

Open C – Saints defeated Seymour 4-2
Best player: Gloria Gao

Open D1 – Saints defeated Seymour 6-0
Best player: Amelie Dunda

Open D2 – Saints defeated Pulteney 6-0
Best player: Meredith Li

Open E2 – Saints defeated by Seymour 3-6
Best player: Lauren Hernan

Open E3 – Saints defeated by Pembroke 3-6
Best player: Alice Liang


Saturday 27 May
Open A – Saints 1 defeated by Wilderness 4
The opening minutes of the game were very strong, with Grace Packer scoring a goal from a short corner. The whole team performed at a much higher standard this week, setting up a strong press every time the opposition had the ball. The communication on the field was great and it was wonderful to see all the girls working together to move the ball into our attacking side. There were many opportunities for a goal but we were unable to convert our great work onto the score board. Lara Khoury (Captain)

Open B – Saints 5 defeated Wilderness 1


Saturday 3 June
Under 11 – Saints Blue 2 defeated by Eagles 6
Despite the cold and frosty morning, the girls were eager to play. They fought hard for ground balls, particularly Savannah Walls (Year 3) and Sophie Lively (Year 3). Many of the players showed their increasing confidence by running with the ball; Madison Dornbusch (Year 3) did a great job doing this. At half-time the girls were down by two goals and went back out ready to try to even the score by making sure they were in front of their player in attack. Lara Maione (Year 4) and Jenna Maione (Year 5) did well at running into attack and throwing the ball into space. Serae Stolcman (Year 3) was our goalie for the match; she saved a number of shots and showed great courage when hit with the ball but still wanted to be goalie for the rest of the match. Goal scorers were Jenna Maione and Savannah Walls. All the team showed great determination and should be very proud of the effort they put in. Lucy Martin (Coach)

Under 11
The girls arrived to a very cold morning with our field covered in frost! Despite the cold, they warmed up very quickly during the game against ETP. The girls played exceptionally well, with excellent running, passing and goal shooting. It was so pleasing to see them begin to understand the importance of “finding a player” and defending them! Even though we lost the game, great teamwork skills were displayed too, with encouragement, cheers and lots of communication on-field. I have thoroughly enjoyed coaching this team for the last two weeks and am looking forward to watching their confidence grow this year. Sophie Auricht (Lacrosse Captain)


Saturday 3 June
Open A – Saints 30 defeated by Immanuel 59
This week, the girls played against Immanuel but unfortunately had their first loss. They put up a great fight. Charlotte White’s amazing defensive work maintained the defensive end, giving the girls many opportunities to turn the game around. Fiona Dawson maintained a strong forward line that helped keep the goal margin to a minimum. The girls hope to regain their winning streak in the following weeks. Abbey Goodwin (Co-Captain)

Open B – Saints 16 defeated by Immanuel 74

Open E (Year 12) – Saints 47 defeated Wilderness 16
Another great game for the Open Es this week, with the whole team working really well together to get the ball to easily flow down the court. Dimity Pittman and Chelsea Marchetti did an amazing job as our shooters and Alice Petchey made a number of excellent intercepts in mid-court to turn the ball over into our possession. Looking forward to another game and hopefully another win next round! Emma Mockridge (Year 12)

Open E (Year 11) – Saints 27 defeated Seymour 20
The Year 11C team had a fantastic win against Seymour. The focus was on our passing and leading in front and it showed in every quarter. As we were short of defenders, Charlotte Sapio and Ava Loechel agreed to give defence a go and did a fabulous job. The defensive pressure from the entire team was what set up the win. Joanne Knapp (Coach)

Year 10A – Saints 27 defeated by Immanuel 88
The team faced a tough opponent and Immanuel controlled their passing to great effect. Despite being outmatched, Saints stayed committed, focussing on specific goals set out for the game. The girls tried for the entire game and remained positive. Grace Russo (Coach)

Year 10B – Saints 9 defeated by Immanuel 36
The girls played their strongest game and showed improvement as a team, despite the loss. The movement of the ball throughout the mid-court indicated that several new drills at training are paying off and allowing the ball to smoothly move from our defensive end to our goal end. This week we will continue to focus on ball movement at both ends of the court to assist our goalies, and handy tips to ensure that space is made and utilised in attack. Emily Wishart (Coach)

Year 9/10C – Saints 28 defeated by Pembroke 48
The team had a great start and three strong quarters where they were almost even with their opposition; however, they let the opposition get ahead of them in the third quarter. The goalies worked very well together in the circle and scored off almost every ball that came down there. Emily Braggs (Coach)

Year 9A – Saints 74 defeated Wilderness 29
The 9As all played an amazing game this week, defeating Immanuel. We played a strong game in both attack and defence, while the mid-courters worked together to bring the ball down the court, feeding into the circle with well-timed passes. The goalies played a fantastic game, using the circle well and jumping for rebounds, giving us many opportunities to have a second chance at a goal. In defence, a number of great turn overs and intercepts were made, resulting in a lot of goals being scored off the opposition’s centre passes. Well done to all the girls, especially those who played out of position! Ella Liddy (Year 9)

Year 9B – Saints 16 defeated by Immanuel 34
This week we had a tough away game against Immanuel college. All odds were against us, with only 7 players and missing Lucy White and Clair Kao and Immanuel needing players from their As to fill their team. It was a long game, with everyone playing all four quarters, and by the end we had given it our all. Despite a loss, we still had some highlights and tried some centre pass set-ups that worked extremely well. Next week, we will all be determined for a win and will try even harder. Charlotte Sellars (Year 9)

Year 8A – Saints 33 defeated Immanuel 10
The first half of this week’s game was outstanding. The pressure applied the whole way down the court resulted in many turn overs and we were able to get a strong lead going into the second half. In the last two quarters, the girls set individual goals and it was great to see each of them determined to achieve what they set out to in the third quarter. Mentions must go to Sophie, Gemma and Steph who worked extremely well together in defence, managing to really cut Immanuel out of most of the game! Well done to all girls – a fantastic effort and win! Amy Wishart (Coach)

Year 8B – Saints 2 defeated by Immanuel 44
The Year 8Bs had a tough game this week; however, the emphasis was working on skills learnt at training including two specific centre pass set plays. Seeing them incorporate and successfully execute these at the game was great. The girls individually showed improvement, which was great to see. Sophia West and Amy Wishart (Coaches) 

Year 7A – Saints 30 defeated Immanuel 28
Saints had a great start in the first quarter, leading 5 to nil, but a lapse in concentration (and confidence) allowed Immanuel back into the game and by half-time Immanuel led 16 to Saints 14. Some changes to our defensive line-up and fresh legs in attack at half-time allowed us to turn the game around in our favour and we won the 3rd and 4th quarters each by 2 goals. A fantastic game which allowed the team to see what they were really capable of when put under pressure. Great work, team! Michelle Blackburn (Coach)

Year 7B – Saints 16 defeated by Immanuel 23
Although the girls didn’t go home with a win this week, they still played a great game and worked well as a team to play a constant game against a tough opponent. Both defence and attack were strong and all girls have done well to focus on particular skills we have been improving at training. I am very impressed with how each girl is putting in effort and working hard in both games and training. Georgia Naughton (Coach)

Year 7C – Saints 15 defeated Seymour 7
Saints def Seymour 15-7
The girls played an absolutely amazing game when they came up against rivals Seymour. The girls were focused during all four quarters and each player gave 100% the entire match. Defence down the entire court was strong, in particular the combination of Primrose in goal keeper and Sophie in the mid-court working together to produce many turnovers, with the attacking line working hard to get the ball into the goal circle. Shooting from all girls was extremely consistent, capitalising on many turn overs. Special mention to Katie who excelled in her first game as goal shooter, rarely missing a shot. I believe this is just the beginning of what a fantastic season the girls have to come. Sarah Miller (coach)