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Enews – Week 5, Term 4 2016

Issue no. 34

From the Head of Junior School

Suzanne-Haddy_webI’m not quite sure where the year has gone, but I do know is that it has gone unbelievably quickly! I have almost completed my first school year at Saints Girls, and what a fabulous, if incredibly busy, year it has been. In reflecting on just the last couple of months, the Junior School has been a flurry of activity. The significant amount of work towards our PYP Evaluation self-study process during the past 12 months culminated in a three-day visit by two assessors from the IB in Week 2 of this term. The initial verbal feedback from the assessors was extremely positive. Collaboration between staff, teachers’ dedication to the girls and the School, students’ engagement with the elements of the PYP, and the supportive nature of School leadership were just some aspects that were highlighted as particular strengths within our School. Later this term we will receive a written report that will outline further strengths and recommendations for moving forward, which together with current strategic planning will inform key curriculum initiatives over the next review cycle. Immense thanks go to our PYP Coordinator, Helen Smith, for the significant time and effort spent towards our evaluation in the months leading up to the visit, and all involved with the evaluation.

We acknowledge the success of our girls in the ICAS Mathematics and English competitions, and Australian Mathematics Competition, that were held in Term 3, with the following students receiving Distinctions or higher:

ICAS English:
• Distinctions to Apurva Ichalkaranje, Willow Stewart-Rattray, Marina Viese Vivaldi, Eleanor Humphrey, Charlotte Adams and Georgia Barclay. A High Distinction was awarded to Charli Young.

ICAS Mathematics:
• Distinction to Chanel Palmieri

Australian Mathematics Competition:
• Distinctions to Chanel Palmieri, Shirley Liu, Grace Stewart, Naomi Singh, Stephanie Andrejewskis, Ishita Chellaboina, Apurva Ichalkaranje, Charlotte Farley, Lysiane Franchi, Amy Dillon, Marcella Tolley, Eleanor Humphrey, Bronwyn Gautier, Emily Bryce, Georgia Parsons, Bridgette Leach, Willow Stewart-Rattray, Madeline Symon, Georgia Barclay and Angela Mourtzios. Both a High Distinction and Best in School award were awarded to Charlotte Adams.

Along with these achievements, every year level has been engaged in rich, rigorous learning and multitudes of new experiences. Our new Mid-Year Receptions made an incredibly smooth transition to school and are embracing everything that school has to offer. Our older Reception students have been learning how to write codes to program Tex, our humanoid robot, and the Bee-Bots. They have also proven that they are up to the task of setting their own learning goals as well as engaging in constructive self-assessment to help them meet these goals.

Year 1 students have been busy asking friends, neighbours and relatives to help them source mulberry leaves to feed an enormous number of very hungry silkworms. There was great excitement when the first silkworm began to spin its silken cocoon! Finalising a year-long unit of inquiry about family and identity, the girls hosted an afternoon tea for their grandparents or special family friend last week, to thank them for contributing to their learning in this unit of work. It was a delightful afternoon for both generations.

The Years 2 and 3 camp to Adare at Victor Harbor earlier this term was a fabulous opportunity for the girls to develop confidence, independence and courage, as the students further investigated aspects of their respective inquiry units and showed maturity in managing this away-from-home experience. The Year 2s were also very pleased to hear of their success in being awarded State Winner for their year level entry in the Primary Maths Challenge.

Individual students across the School who also received awards in the Primary Maths Challenge include:

State Winning Entries: Aojin Chen, Evelyn Gautier, Rose Downie and Bronwyn Gautier. A Highly Commended award was won by Emily Bates. We also congratulate teachers, Sallyann Bruun and Kathryn Clark, who were awarded State Winner for their educator entry.

The Year 3 students have undertaken several very rich inquiry journeys this semester, with highlights including a Health and Well-being Day, with Tai Chi sessions, yoga, lessons in mindfulness and relaxation, and learning about the importance of a healthy diet, exercise and good sleep. Their history unit included many discoveries about our School’s history as well as the local area of Burnside. Comparing past, present and future by looking at old pictures of the School, drawing maps of its current design, and looking ahead at the building redevelopment plans for the Middle School gave this unit a very personal and tangible focus.

In Year 4, excursions to Morialta, the South Australian Museum and Be Active Day added to the learning back at School. Science experiments discovering aspects of weathering and erosion, and learning about the earth’s surface, have led to the development of new interests, with crystals growing on windowsills and boxes of rocks being grouped and categorised. Visits to the classroom by Julia Shea and Georgie Sarah to talk with the girls about leadership and decision-making were also highlights.

Who could go past the Year 5 production of The Little Mermaid as a high point of the year in the Junior School? What a fabulous culmination of work by the Year 5 team along with many parents and friends of the School who assisted in numerous ways. We are now all humming tunes such as ‘Under the Sea’ and reminiscing about the talent of our students, who brilliantly sang, danced and acted their way through a thoroughly entertaining, high quality production. While the production is certainly a much-talked-about highlight, the Year 5s have also been studying world religions as well as eco-systems, and have enjoyed a visit from Ms Vaiju Joshi, who spoke with them about Hinduism, and an excursion to the Port Noarlunga Reef.

Finally, we come to Year 6. The Exhibition, which showcased the girls’ ability to undertake a self-directed inquiry, and celebrated the end of their journey with the PYP, was a great success. Every girl engaged with a topic that stretched her thinking, made her see the world through the perspectives of others, and encouraged her to take action through awareness-raising, direct involvement such as volunteering, or fundraising. Their leadership skills were then put to an end-of-year test, as they led the rest of the Junior School girls in their self-devised Health Hustles for PE Week. It has been a delight to see the maturity shown by these girls, and their enjoyment in working with the younger girls.

A snapshot such as this in no way captures the extent or breadth of experiences and learning of the last few months in the Junior School, but certainly gives an indication of the fabulous array of happenings that have filled the daily lives of our incredibly fortunate girls, under the direction of a talented and dedicated group of teachers. Indeed, it has been a busy, enjoyable and productive year.

Suzanne Haddy
Head of Junior School

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ICAS English achievements and Spring Poetry Competition

Once again Saints Girls have achieved outstanding results in the ICAS English Competition. Bethany Cross was the State Medallist for having achieved the highest score for all Year 10 students across South Australia and the Northern Territory and the following students also secured distinction or high distinction awards in the competition:

  • Year 7: Sara Peak; Holly Wallman-Craddock;
  • Year 8: Siena Kulinski; Olufunto Komolafe; Charlotte Bleby; Matilda Braithwaite; Eleanor Anderson;
  • Year 9: Aditi Tamhankar; Amy Li; Sarah Carrodus;
  • Year 10: Felicia Mi; Charlene Lee and Kate Landon.

Last weekend three Year 12 students attended the launch of the Spring Poetry Anthology at Pulteney Grammar, having had their sonnets published in the periodical: Laura Bleby with her poem, ‘Versailles: a work in progress’; Kritika Mishra with her poem, ‘The Collapse’; and of particular note, Mila Loechel was Highly Commended by the Friendly Street Poets for her work entitled ‘Unspoken’ (reprinted below).

Unspoken by Mila Loechel
So I am trapped in this wordless silence
Mute: offensive- “incapable of speech”
Definition that cruelly defines me.
Language is power: I am, powerless.

Oh how I long for delectable Words
For Rhyme Assonance Rhythm. But I am
merely ideas opinions thoughts beliefs
perceptions observations conceptions.

I dream only to be understood and yet
Encaged within silence: the chasm bet-
-ween me and who others think is me grows,
a Crevasse; a Canyon; a Tempestuous Sea

But in this I shall be forever heard:
Eternal power of the written word

Michael Butler-Wills
Head of English/Drama Teacher

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Year 10 Chinese Excursion


The Year 10 Chinese students attended the Tai Chi Workshop at the Confucius Institute, University of Adelaide, on Friday 4 November. The Workshop coordinator, Ms Lu, introduced the development of Tai Chi in China and its philosophy by an oral presentation and a Chinese film episode about it. Then our students were invited to the Barr-Smith Lawn to practise Tai Chi, guided by Ms. Lu who told a vivid and easy-to-remember story about the whole set of it.

After that, our Chinese learners went to the Chinese Restaurant (Bing’s) at the Central Market and practised ‘Ordering Food in the Restaurant’ which the second language learners have learnt earlier this term.

As you can see from the photos above, the girls not only learnt a lot but also had an amazing time!


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Languages Week recap


Week 4 this term was Languages Week in the Junior School, a time when we celebrate the different languages the girls study at Saints. We ran activities at lunchtime in the Junior School Library, the playground and the oval, including crafty French escargot, Chinese paper-cutting, Japanese origami and Chinese panda headbands. Most were conducted by the dedicated Languages Staff, but the Year 4 students helped Uchikawa Sensei run an origami session for Reception students, and the Year 5 Japanese students ran two Pokémon activities – one on Thursday for the Year 1s and 2s and one on Friday for the Year 3s and 4s. The activities planned for each session did not necessarily match the languages the students were studying, so they were able to experience different cultures across the course of the week.

A highlight was paper cutting day on Wednesday, where the girls experimented with 3D paper-cutting.

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SUBS in School Technology Challenge

On 6 and 7 December, teams from around the country will come together to participate in the 2016 SUBS in Schools National Final which is being held at Prince Alfred College. This will be the second National Finals event and as the knowledge of the students has increased since last year, so will the level of competition.

Saints Girls will have a team in each of the three categories. This will include the SUB category, which is the same one that Team Athena won earlier this year, the ROV category which is new to Australia and the accommodation space category.

We will provide results from the competition through Facebook and ‘Enews’.

It’s safe to say our girls are leading the country!

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End of year arrangements


As Term 4 progresses, there are a number of special end-of-year events that we encourage parents to attend.

Thursday 24 November
Sports Awards
Arts Centre, St Peter’s Girls

Thursday 1 December
Carols in the Cathedral
St Peter’s Cathedral, North Adelaide

Wednesday 7 December
Year 6 Graduation
Arts Centre, St Peter’s Girls

Thursday 8 December
Year 9 Graduation
Arts Centre, St Peter’s Girls

Monday 12 December
Annual Presentation Night
Adelaide Town Hall

We look forward to seeing as many parents as possible at these wonderful events.

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1:1 ICT Information Evening

Parents are invited to attend the 1:1 ICT Information Evening to be held at 6pm, Wednesday 23 November in the Arts Centre.

This is an excellent opportunity to learn about the 1:1 Program at St Peter’s Girls. The evening will cover our e-learning Philosophy, Safe and Responsible use of Technology, which device to purchase and how to download the required Apps. There will also be opportunities for questions at the conclusion of the night.

We look forward to sharing insights on our 1:1 Program and know that you will find it an informative and worthwhile evening. If you require anything further, please contact Richard Lisle, Head of Middle School, at rlisle@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au or on 8334 2200.

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2017 booklist now open

The 2017 booklist for students is now available online here .

To complete the booklist, please follow the instructions below:

  • Click on the link here
  • Either ‘Create a new account’, ‘Sign in’ or select the appropriate year level
  • If you create a new account or sign in you will need to enter a 4 digit Resource List code, exclusive to the School, which is ‘Q57M’, and then click ‘Next’ and select the appropriate year level
  • Select the items required and check out at the end.

LearningField resources

Year 7 to 10 students in 2017 will continue to use the digital textbook platform LearningField to supplement their curriculum materials. LearningField will provide valuable etexts for English, Mathematics, Science, History and Geography. Your daughter will receive a single sign on to access this digital delivery of textbook content quickly and easily. A subscription fee of $180 will be included on your daughter’s school account.

Read more about LearningField

Orders should be placed by Friday 9 December 2016. Please note: any orders placed after this date may incur a surcharge.

Orders for Reception to Year 2 will be delivered directly to School and distributed by your daughter’s classroom teacher. Orders for Years 3 to 11 will be sent to your delivery address via Australia Post in the fortnight ending 20 January 2017.

Should you wish to sell or purchase second hand books, this is now facilitated online through the Sustainable School Shop via this link.

If you need any assistance in accessing the booklist, please do not hesitate to contact the School Shop on 08 8334 2228 or via email to sburnett@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

Any curriculum enquiries should be directed to the relevant Heads of Department.

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Year 9 Graduation


The annual Year 9 Graduation will be held on Thursday 8 December. Year 9 parents have been sent a formal invitation, and other Middle School families are also welcome to attend.

2.15pm, Thursday 8 December
Arts Centre, St Peter’s Girls’ School

Please RSVP at trybooking.com/NOIF.

We hope to see as many parents as possible join us for this special celebration.

Richard Lisle
Head of Middle School

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ELC Christmas Picnic


Join us in the ELC grounds to celebrate the end of a fantastic year as we wish all our families a wonderful Christmas.

5pm, Friday 25 November 2016

The Friends of ELC will have some food and drinks on sale, as well as a Christmas raffle. Bring your own picnic basket, rug, nibbles and drinks.

Lock this date into your diary so you don’t miss your children participating in this special concert. Extended families are very welcome!

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Uniform Update: Year 3 Students

As your daughter nears the end of Year 3, we thought it timely to remind you that she will need a few different uniform items for Year 4.

The junior blazer (cardigan) is no longer worn and is replaced by a navy blue jumper and a wool blazer. These items are compulsory and form part of the summer uniform.

The girls also move to a one piece swimming costume and a sports cap replaces the ‘bucket’ hat.

Please contact the School Shop on 8334 2228 to arrange an appointment or email sburnett@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

Susan Burnett
School Shop Manager

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Parents and Friends invite you to attend our AGM!

Everyone is welcome as we will be taking nominations and voting to fill the following 2017 positions for the Parents’ and Friends’ Association:

• President
• Vice President
• Treasurer
• Secretary

Date: Monday 21 November
Time: 6pm Drinks and Thank you function 7.30pm AGM
Venue: Resource Centre, Second Floor, Main Building,
St Peter’s Girls’ School.

Please RSVP to events@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au or 8334 2225.

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Middle School Exams

Middle School Exams for Years 8 and 9 are calendared to run between Friday 2 December and Wednesday 7 December. Students have been discussing study techniques during Home Group time, whilst subject teachers will also be giving detailed advice about each exam, and how to prepare for them. A full timetable and outline revision guides are available below. Students have access to these through the Middle School Notifications Canvas page.

Exam timetables

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Sports News

Sports Nominations 2017

Nominations for sport in Term 1, 2017, are now available to be submitted. Please ensure that you select the year that the students will be in next year! While training days have been provided, these are subject to change based on availability of coaches. This quick and easy process can be done by clicking on the link below.



Congratulations again to Imogen Elliott (Year 6) who came second in the 12 year girls category at the Rip Curl GromSearch. This was a National-based competition series, with Imogen competing against girls from Interstate. In very difficult conditions with a 2-3 ft swell and with 30 knot onshore winds, Imogen did amazingly well, only missing out on first place by a point. She was the highest placed SA competitor in the competition and also won the Judges Prize for being one of the stand-out competitors in the competition. Imogen will be competing at the National titles in a couple of weeks and we wish her well.

Junior Teeball

Saints 19 defeated St Ignatius 4
A fantastic game that allowed the team to further develop their skills. The girls started the game with a determination to win but also to keep a fun attitude whilst doing so. There were noticeable improvements in all areas from our previous game, with everyone functioning a lot better as a team. The girls’ hard work paid off and we managed to keep the other team from getting any runs home in two of the three innings. Some highlights of the game were Willow Stewart-Rattray’s amazing catch to get an out and Chloe Porter’s strong batting that moved everyone around the field. Thank you to Lara Maione from Year 3 for making up our numbers and also taking a fantastic catch. Jasmine Ledgard and Lydia Smalls (Coaches)

Water Polo

Open A – Saints 4 defeated by St Ignatius 5
Open A played against St Ignatius for a second time this term and were determined to fight back harder right from the opening whistle. All girls did an amazing job playing their best game for the season. Unfortunately, the score once again did not reflect this, with Saints losing by 1. Special mention to Antonia Kirsten-Parsch for playing a whole game as goalie and doing an amazing job! Hopefully, next week we can get a win. This week’s best player was Nicolette Miller. Sarah Richards (Captain)

Open B – Saints 11 defeated Wilderness 2
The team worked well together and are continuously building their skills, especially with strong offence and defence. The players were able to set up plays, which led to many opportunities to score and led Saints to victory. We put on constant pressure and tight defence throughout the match. Well done and good luck for next week. This week’s best player was Ebony-Jade Nash-Smith. Sarah Richards (Captain)

Year 7/8 – Saints 16 defeated St Ignatius 6
Saints continued their winning streak, keeping their undefeated streak alive. After a slow start to the match the girls persisted to achieve a great outcome. Goal scorers were Matilda Braithwaite 1, Olivia Goldsmith 3, Fiona Lethbridge 4, Lucy Young 2, Poppie Goldsmith 2, Saskia Jonats 1, Alyssa Woolley 3. Olivia Goldsmith (Year 8)

Junior Tennis

All games cancelled due to weather

Junior Volleyball

All games cancelled due to weather


Round The Island is always a much anticipated event for the senior crews as it is our first race when we are able to see competition for the upcoming season; and with the not-so-perfect conditions it would reveal the stronger crews capable of dealing with such weather. The first IV did surprising well and came home with the first win ever for an SPGS IV! We persevered through the winds and rain and kept our eyes on the prize, making us realise the importance of our eight trainings a week! We are even more excited about the upcoming season and expect great results to come. Khandee Swaeney

The Intermediate A crew, consisting of Eve Habel (stroke), Olivia Law, Zoe Vine Hall and Sarah Carrodus, performed very well on the weekend, considering the horrendous conditions. The girls did especially well during the middle section of the race where they closed the gap between them and Scotch. In the end, through their endurance, quick catches and desire to win, the girls came out on top, beating Scotch College by 20 seconds. Amy Carrodus

The race on Saturday morning, Round The Island, was extremely tough. The B crew of Emily Brophy, Brooke Weymouth, Neve McCormack and Amy Rice rowed very well, considering the poor conditions. Unfortunately, there were some malfunctions at the beginning of the race, with one of the riggers coming unclipped and breaking at the 1500m mark. Brooke, Neve and Amy were very determined and strong to keep pushing and I am very proud of their efforts as they kept giving 100% pressure while Emily tried to fix her rigger. Even though there was a very strong headwind at the beginning and end of the race, the girls managed very well, especially as there were only 3 girls rowing. I am sure that this race was a learning experience for the crew and hopefully the next Round The Island race will be more successful. Annabelle Langley


Open A – Saints 4 defeated by Immanuel 8
The team was faced with a tough game this week as it was the shield game, but each girl was strong against the opponents. Aroha Munroe performed a well-placed hit that scored a home run, giving Saints a lead in the first innings. As outfield, Anna Cross took a great catch that looked very impressive and helped the team get another out. Overall, we have had a great season, only just falling short of winning the shield. I would like to thank Michelle and all of the girls for making my last season of softball my best one yet. Georgia Naughton (Captain)

Open B – Saints 18 defeated Walford 6
The Open B team fought through the cold, wet and windy weather to defeat Walford. Saturday’s game showed that the girls can use their skills from training and use them in a game. Overall, the girls played a very entertaining game and our best players were India Deere for catching two incredible fly balls and Olivia Goldsmith for also showing some great plays in the field. Lucinda Tierney (Year 10)

Open C – Saints 14 defeated St John’s 7
It was clear throughout the game that all the girls’ batting and fielding skills have improved immensely over the season. Well done to Amelia Pudney and Lauren Porter for outstanding pitching under the pressure of St John’s great batting skills and to Kellie Bested and Poppie Goldsmith for their fielding skills and working together to get many of the opponent runners out. Olivia May and Mimi Long (Coaches)


All games cancelled due to weather


Open A – Saints 0 defeated by Concordia 3
Unfortunately, the Open A girls couldn’t get the job done against a strong Concordia team. The girls played extremely well and were very unlucky not to win, as in the first 2 sets each set was only determined by a few points. Although we finished the season off with a loss, I’m still extremely proud of where this team has come over the past 4 years. The girls have accomplished so much and have gone well above my initial expectations. The girls have been an absolute pleasure to coach. I’ve coached a lot of teams before but none that have been this supportive and appreciative of each other. I wish them all the best for the future and hope they all continue playing! Cambell Baker (Coach)

Open B – Saints 3 defeated Concordia 0
Yet again, the Open B girls did an excellent job and it’s a shame that the season has come to an end, as the girls are really starting to play some consistent volleyball, which is highlighted by them remaining undefeated throughout Term 4. All the girls have been an absolute pleasure to coach and I hope they all continue playing next year! Cambell Baker (Coach)

Open C – Saints 0 defeated by Concordia 3
The Open C girls had a tough game, with a number of regular players unavailable, which made things difficult from the start. However, the girls played really well and gave it their all in every set. Special thanks to the Middle School girls who filled in. We have one more game this weekend; let’s finish the year off with a win! Cambell Baker (Coach)

Open D – Saints 0 defeated by Concordia 3 (16-25, 12-25, 19-25)
In a tough game, much of the scoring was due to errors from both teams, making it hard for our girls to get into any sort of rhythm for the game. Asha Short and Nicola Jones’ serving was excellent in all three sets, and Charlene Lee did an excellent job to regularly get under the ball to return it to the other side. Saints’ energy and talking was lacking in the first and second set, which resulted in some simple errors, but once they started talking and moving in the third set, their play improved. If the girls start with energy and lots of communication next week, they should play well for their final game of the season. Annika Winter (Teacher)

Middle A – Saints 2 defeated Concordia 1 (16-25, 15-21, 25-23)
A fantastic game by all of the girls this week and huge congratulations to everyone for the fantastic win! This game certainly tested the girls but they were able to step up to the challenge and come out on top! Every girl displayed great skills and worked very well as a team, keeping up the encouragement. Well done, girls, on a fantastic game! Ellana Welsby and Eliza Falconer (Coaches)

Middle B – Saints 1 defeated by Concordia 2 (25-22, 22-25, 16-25)
The Middle B team started off their game this week at a very high standard and energy level, utilising many 3 hit opportunities as practised on Thursday! Some great sets up by Matilda McCormack, Jessica and Sarah Wishart, as well as fantastic spikes by Chloe Deieso. Poppy Kirwan also did some great backing up and digging in the first set. The serving was consistent throughout; however, the girls were frazzled when their opponents gained points and they unfortunately lost their momentum and lead ahead. Looking forward to another game next week where the energy can continue! Ellana Welsby and Eliza Falconer (Coaches)

Middle C – Saints 2 defeated Concordia 1 (25-16, 27-29, 25-22)
What a game for the Middle Cs this week! The energy level was higher than usual, which is amazing to see, and assisted in our win against Concordia. Lola Dimond played her best game to date, doing some great backing up of the other players, and strong serves. After winning the first set, the second set had some great set ups for 3 hits, and worked up to an intense and pointy end, where the girls unfortunately lost 27-29. But all hope was not lost – the girls came back in the last set to win the game! Great improvements from everyone; well done to all. Ellana Welsby and Eliza Falconer (Coaches)


Middle C1 – Saints 34 defeated Pembroke 12
Great win for the girls this week. They started the match with great intensity and pressure down the court, and this continued until the final whistle. This was the final match for this team for the term and once again it was a real team effort with five individual point scorers. Well done to all girls; we hope to see you all out at basketball again next year. Vanessa Brooks (Coach)

Middle C2 – Saints 24 defeated by Concordia 40
The team showed tremendous improvement in the loss to Concordia. The ball movement and team defence enabled them to remain very competitive for the entire game. All seven players played really well. Hopefully, they can finish the season next week with a win. Keep up the good work. Peter Krantis (Coach)

Beach Volleyball

As a reward for an outstanding year, the Middle A Volleyball team (with some additional players) travelled to Glenelg to participate in a Volleyball SA, Beach Volleyball Carnival. It was a windy day, making play difficult, with strong hitting required into the wind and then adjusting with a strong breeze behind. Matches were 14 minutes in duration, with both teams progressing the quarter final stage with 4 wins each.

Both teams won their 1/4 match and were drawn opposite each other in the semis, meaning that if both won they would face each other in the final, and that is exactly what happened.

Congratulations to all players who had a fun and successful day, finishing with the Gold and Silver Medals.

Softball – Year 6/7 Knockout

Saints proceeded to the State semi-finals with a convincing 17-5 win against Concordia. Some strong hitting and base running in the first innings saw Saints record 7 runs and then be backed up with some good pitching from Amelia Pudney and good fielding, restricting Concordia to 1 run. Angela Mourtzios, Harriett Gilroy, Stephanie Smalls and Kellie Bested all batted very well and, along with Amelia and Holly Cardone, also pitched very well.