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Enews – Week 5, Term 3 2018

Issue no. 25Enews-banner

Cyber Safety Push with Sonya Ryan

Cyber safety campaigner Sonya Ryan from The Carly Ryan Foundation visited our Middle and Senior School students this week to talk about the importance of making the right choices online.

Her daughter Carly was killed by an online predator, a tragedy Sonya never wants to see repeated.

She’s giving a presentation to our parents next Thursday 30 August. Don’t miss this vital opportunity to learn how we can all work together to ensure the safety of our girls.

To register, visit www.trybooking.com/XDVT

W4 - Online Safety Presentation

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From the Director of Teaching and Learning

N Scoggins - webEducation issues are in the news even more than usual at the moment. In a rapidly changing world, the picture of what schools, colleges and universities will look like in the future is perhaps less clear than it might have been in the past. There is much attention in the current climate on transferable skills and the wellbeing of students. These areas are important, and this is reflected at St Peters’ Girls in, amongst other things, our robust and comprehensive wellbeing programs and our specific focus on skills within our Middle Years Framework.

Interestingly, words like ‘knowledge’ and ‘content’ are rather unfashionable at present; the phrase “Just Google it” is more and more ubiquitous. I am of the view that a good teacher will always add value to the learning process and should be a major factor in it, whether it be sharing their expertise and enthusiasm or facilitating independent learning through effective guidance and encouragement. We are fortunate here as well in having clear values and beliefs and these will always underpin our learning activities, whatever forms they might take in the future.

Continuous reporting is one way that schools are moving with the times, enhancing the frequency and depth of information that is made available to parents and carers about the progress of their child or children. We are currently working on ways to make teachers’ feedback more easily accessible, so that specific and timely information is always at your fingertips. End of term report comments are by their very nature broad, brief, generalised and sometimes rather out of date by the time they are read. More information will follow in the coming weeks about how our reporting processes will be evolving to make better use of the technology and information that is at our disposal.

Just a reminder that next Tuesday evening (28 August), we are offering a drop-in service (from 6.30 to 7.30pm in the Middle School) for Years 10 and 11 students and parents who need some additional support in finalising subject choices for next year.

Nigel Scoggins
Director of Teaching and Learning

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Church Music Festival High Notes

W5 - Music

Our recent visit to Hobart for the Sisters of the Church Music Festival was a wonderful experience for all staff and students. This event is not just a music tour, it is a rekindling of community and a celebration of who we are as ‘Emily’ schools.

Our girls were able to make deep connections with students from our sister schools through the billeting program and by experiencing rigorous choir, band and orchestral rehearsals that culminated in an outstanding performance on Saturday evening.

The highlight for many this year was witnessing Perth College perform a musical their Music and Drama teacher had written titled ‘Emily’, based on the founding Sister of the Community of the Sisters of the Church. Not only was it wonderfully entertaining, it also underscored the incredible work the Sisters do and reminded us all of the origins of our schools. It was an honor for Perth College to perform their work to Sister Linda-Mary, the current head of the Community who made a special trip to Hobart for the festival.

I would encourage all musicians to consider applying in 2020 when we go to Canberra as it is a truly special experience.

Sally Rounsevell
Director of Music

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CREATION – SACE Dance Performance

W5 - Creation

Basing a dance performance around the Genesis story of Creation has been an idea I’ve grow in my mind for a year now. Throughout that time, it has taken many twists and turns and evolved from not only exploring the concept of God creating the world in seven days, but the impact humans have had on creation ever since.

This performance showcases the superb skills of the Stage 2 dancers, allowing them to connect meaningfully to the concept and develop their own interpretation of each piece. These girls are supported by the Stage 1 dancers, who have grown exponentially in both technical ability and performance quality this year. Exciting collaborations with music students, incorporation of digital technology, drama snippets and impressive production elements all help to enhance the challenging choreography and bring the Creation concept to life. Leaving audiences with lingering thoughts and questions long after the show is finished is always a choreographer’s aim and a dancer’s goal.

The performers will benefit from having a full audience to go on this journey with, so I hope to see many of you in the Arts Centre on 6 September at 7pm. Tickets are $10 Adult and $5 Student/Concession and can be purchased at the door.

Kate Burnett
Head of Arts

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Year 11s Do Business at ThincLab

W5 - ThincLab

On Tuesday, the Year 11 SACE Stage 1 Business and Enterprise class attended the University of Adelaide’s ThincLab. The day involved a tour of the facility, a 3D printing and
augmented reality experience, a LEGO design thinking activity linked directly to strategic management planning, a discussion on the academic pathways Adelaide Uni has to offer in the field of business and an interview with a ‘start up’ engineer undertaking the ThincLab program.

ThincLab, founded by Noel Lindsay, is a program designed to help emerging entrepreneurs to develop and bring their ideas to life. The facility holds various 3D printers of different capabilities to print trials of products before creating a real prototype, and break-out spaces to meet with clients. Working in Thinclab gives students the opportunity to discuss their ideas with specialist business mentors. We interviewed three entrepreneurs currently utilising the Thinclab program: Jordy Kitchske, CEO and Co-Founder of MEQ Probe who has used breast cancer technology to examine the quality of steak; Morgan Hunter who told us about his business which aims to give rural communities access to cost-effective biodiesel produced from unused crops, effectively turning grain into oil and then into fuel; and Katya Komarova, a fashion designer and handbag maker.

This excursion has given us a detailed insight into the field of business and the ThincLab program.

Amy Carrodus and Olivia Zito
Year 11 Business and Enterprise Students

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Science Centre Update

W5 - Construction

This week marked the start of a pre-works package to prepare the footprint of our new Science Centre and associated Visual Arts and pool upgrades.

Major works are set to begin in the October school holidays and a tender for the project has just been released. Given the site is located next to the car park, the School is acutely aware of the need to mitigate traffic impacts. As such, the company awarded the tender will be required to develop and implement a traffic management plan by Week 1, Term 4.

In the meantime, strict safety procedures are in place on and around the building site, and works have been scheduled from 9am to 3pm in order to maintain normal traffic flow.

The extra activity serves as a timely reminder for drivers to abide by the speed limit and refrain from using mobile phones. In addition, the pick up zone must be kept clear for Reception parents until 3.30pm to ensure the safety of our youngest students.

As this exciting project progresses, we look forward to providing you with more updates in the eNews.

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Year 10 Patteson Welcome Packs

W5 - Patteson

From Week 6 until the end of Term 3, the Year 10 Patteson Home Group will be collecting items to create welcome packs for their House charity, the Little Heroes Foundation. Little Heroes aims to fulfill the unmet needs of seriously ill children and their families. Last term, Patteson raised funds through a casual clothes day, sausage sizzle and cupcake stall with Selwyn. This term, they’re planning to organise 50 welcome packs for children admitted to hospital consisting of comfort items, books and toys. When a child goes into hospital, often the family isn’t prepared to stay for any length of time, and two-day stays can often turn into two weeks. Welcome packs are one way to show support to a child and their family who can feel incredibly lonely and isolated in hospital.

Patteson is asking students and families to help by donating items. There will be several boxes to place items in around the School including Student Services, the Front Office, the Year 10 Locker Room, the Arts Centre and in Mr Lisle and Ms Mortimer’s offices. Items required include toys to fight boredom, everyday necessities to help with side-effects such as lip balm or moisturiser, and small gifts like $5 coffee vouchers for parents. The target group is girls and boys aged 6 to 12.

In order to gain a diverse range of goods, the Patteson Year 10s have assigned each Sub-School a selection of items to donate. The categories and suggested products are listed below:

Senior School:
– Comfort items
– Stress balls
– Items to help with side-effects
– Heat packs
– Jelly beans
– Body products and food
– Lip balm
– Hand cream
– Coffee vouchers for parents

Middle School:
– Toys
– Stuffed animals
– Fidget spinners
– Entertainment
– Note books
– Stationery
– Books

Junior School:
– Educational items
– Colouring books
– Pencils
– Books to read
– Paper
– Toys
– More comfort items

The Little Heroes Foundation is a terrific foundation helping many children and families battling serious illnesses and it would be amazing if the whole School could chip in and support such a great cause. For more information on Little Heroes, click here.

Year 10 Patteson

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Receptions Embrace Ferguson Park

W5 - Reception

As part of the Reception Term 3 inquiry, the girls have been exploring the central idea that ‘Signs and symbols can be used to communicate a message’.

For the past two Thursdays, we have had a visit from our Kaurna friend Tamaru. He has taught the girls about Kaurna culture.

The girls learned how to interpret the symbols the Kaurna people use to communicate a message. We used these symbols to record our journey to and from school. He also taught us the symbolic meaning behind the colours of the Aboriginal flag.

The Receptions visited Ferguson Park and learned about the strong connection the Kaurna people have with their land. Tamaru taught the girls to notice tracks along the ground and up trees, the unique sounds of Ferguson Park and the different types of trees including the Supermarket Tree, the Medicine Tree and the Magic Tree.

“I liked learning about how they cooked bush tukka.” – Christie

“I liked when we drew our journey to St Peter’s Girls’ using the Kaurna symbols.” – Mimi

“I liked when you tapped the sticks and I liked when you called the Yidaki a ‘Didgeri-don’t’.” – Rachel

“I liked when you told us about your Christmas celebrations.” – Charlotte S

“I liked when we had to do the maps. I liked when you played the Yidaki. I liked it when you told the stories” – Faith O

Meg Karvonen and Michelle Liddy
Reception Teachers

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IB Spanish Students Feast on Culture

W5 - Spanish
Our IB Spanish Year 11 and 12 students have celebrated their learning of the language and Hispanic cuisine by cooking typical dishes from some Spanish-speaking countries and sharing them with each other. One of their favorites was “la tortilla de patatas” or the Spanish potato omelet.

W5 - FoodWe also recreated a very fun way of farewelling the year which is very traditional in Spain. It consists of eating 12 grapes during the last 12 seconds of the year, just before midnight. Yes! It is as hard as it sounds, especially if you use big seeded grapes, but if you manage to do so, Spaniards believe that you will be fortunate during the new year, so definitely worth a try! Our girls were lucky enough to experience some technology issues while watching “las campanadas” and, therefore, they ended up having more time than usual to eat their “uvas”. I’m sure that also means that they will be fortunate for the remainder of 2018!

Carolina Barquero Masero
IB Spanish Teacher

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History Students Make Cultural Connections

W5 - Year 10 History

Aunty Rosemary presented to the Year 10 History class to provide the girls with an indigenous perspective on Australian History and the rich culture of Australia’s first peoples. As a victim of the Stolen Generation, Rosemary shared her experience with the students who then had the opportunity to ask her insightful questions about her life. Many thanks to Rosemary for sharing her time and story with us.

“I thought Aunty Rosemary’s talk was very informative and interesting. I learnt a lot about grief and the traumatic effects that the Stolen Generation had on Aboriginal children.” – Stella Clarke

“I found Aunty Rosemary’s talk extremely valuable and personally, very moving.” – Orla Clayton

Siobhan Curran
History Teacher

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The Shape of Mind – That’s a Wrap!

W5 - The Shape of Mind

Last week, over three successful nights, the Years 11 and 12 Drama students performed ‘The Shape of Mind’.

Presenting a range of characters on the first day back at school for a Year 1 class – and moving 24 years into the future to explore what happens to those characters – the play delved into issues of growing up and the way in which the simplest things can have the greatest consequences. Blending pathos and humour, the play had the audience laughing and crying and reflecting on the nature of human life. The exceptional performances from all of the students were enhanced by a spectacular set, clever costuming and adept stage management.

Once again, the Senior Drama group showcased impressive creativity and proved that The Arts are alive and well at St Peter’s Girls.

Michael Butler-Wills
Head of English/Drama Teacher

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Rowing Come and Try Day – THIS SUNDAY

Rowing Come and Try_Enews banner

If you’ve ever wanted to give rowing a go, you’ll be more than welcome at Saints Rowing.

For Years 6 to 10 students
Sunday 26 August
9am – 12 noon
Scotch Boatshed, Victoria Drive (behind the Convention Centre)

Rowers will have access to a modern fleet of boats and excellent coaching staff.

Rowing assists girls to develop lifelong skills including leadership, health, nutrition, fitness and teamwork.

Contact me via bflannagan@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au if you have any queries.

Ben Flanagan
Director of Rowing

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Year 5 Production Tickets on Sale!

Enews Banner

Book your tickets to see this wonderful show – St Peter’s Girls’ School’s Production of Disney and Cameron Mackintosh’s ‘Mary Poppins JR’.

Mind you, there’s nothing ‘junior’ in terms of the talent and staging!

Grandparents who would prefer to attend a matinee performance will be invited to buy tickets to the School session on Friday 28 September at 1.15pm, which our Junior School students will be attending.

27 – 28 September 2018 at 7pm
St Peter’s Girls’ School Arts Centre

Ticket prices:
Adult $15
Student/Concession $10
Family (2 Adults/2 Children) $35


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Banking on Volunteers’ Help

Our students really enjoy participating in the Commonwealth Bank School Banking program and to keep this program running we need volunteers’ help.

The program requires a volunteer School Banking Coordinator to facilitate the banking and distribution of School Banking rewards. This only takes a small amount of time one day a week and the Commonwealth Bank will provide support in how to run the program. Your help will greatly benefit students as they develop vital saving skills and also help our School with fundraising.

Currently, School Banking day is Wednesday.

If you are interested in volunteering for this great program, please let us know at the Front Office.

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Upcoming House Dinners

Annual House Dinners

During Term 3, all Middle and Senior School girls have the opportunity to enjoy a night away from homework to get creative and colourful at the Annual House Dinners.

The Year 11s have been working hard organising decorations, food and games for each event. Visit the Trybooking links below to purchase your daughter(s) a ticket for the night as this is a compulsory event.

We’re looking forward to seeing everyone’s creative costumes and enjoying a fun night with our Houses.

Patteson House Dinner
Theme: What I wanted to be when I was three
31 August (Week 6)
Book now: www.trybooking.com/WPPR

Year 12 House Captains

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UN Women Fundraiser Concert

W2 Fundraiser Poster_Enews bannerJoin us for a night of song as we support UN Women in their work contributing to the safety, education and livelihood of women around the world.

The evening will showcase a dynamic array of performers of all ages, with a diverse sound of genres including music from St Peter’s Girls’ top ensembles (Enchantè, In-Ta Jazz and Extension Strings), Old Scholar Erin McKellar (Patteson ’13), Girl Nation, internationally-renowned jazz vocalist Anita Wardell and guest speaker Olivia Rogers.

The concert will encapsulate women working together to create beautiful music despite age, race and level of ability as we join together to create change.

Tickets available via www.trybooking.com/XCZA.

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The Long Lunch – Donation Appeal

The Long Lunch

Seeking Donations for our Auctions

If you are a business owner or know someone who is, we are seeking donations for our Silent and Major Auctions, raising money for our new Science Centre.

All contributions will be acknowledged in the lead up to the event and on the day. Excellent donation ideas include:

  • Hampers
  • Money-can’t-buy experiences
  • Artwork including glass, ceramics and sculptures
  • Educational toys, games and computers
  • Small electrical appliances
  • Vouchers for services
  • Sporting equipment and memorabilia
  • Jewellery and handbags
  • Contemporary furniture, fixtures, fittings and lighting
  • Fine wine and dining vouchers, winery tours, behind-the-scenes tours and exclusive tastings

If you are able to donate an item, or have a suggestion for one, please contact:
Melissa Westgate, Foundation Manager
8334 2244 or mwestgate@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

All items can be delivered to our Community Relations Office.

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Order Your 2018 | 2019 Entertainment Membership – LAST ORDERS – closing 31 August 2018

W5 Entertainment Book

Support St Peter’s Girls’ Parents & Friends and you’ll be rewarded!

For a limited time, when you purchase an Entertainment Membership from us, you’ll receive a BONUS $10 Woolworths WISH eGift Card! What a win!

PLUS, if you’re looking for the perfect gift for Dad this Father’s Day, FREE DELIVERY is still available, but only for a limited time!
If you haven’t already, please continue supporting our School by purchasing the 2018 | 2019 membership from us today. Hurry, they’re selling fast!

As a St Peter’s Girls’ School Parents’ and Friends’ Association fundraiser, part-proceeds from every book sold will go to a special element of our Master Plan which will be announced soon.

You can order via the form at the Front Office or pre-purchase online: Order your Entertainment Book here!

The Entertainment Book and new phone app offer our community members a great way to try out restaurants and activities around SA, save money and, at the same time, support our girls.

Thank you in advance for your kind support and consideration.

The Parents’ and Friends’ Association

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Code Camp at St Peter’s Girls’ School

W4 - Code Camp

St Peter’s Girls’ School will be hosting Code Camp Spark, Ignite and Blast AR (a new offering at Saints Girls!) for students aged 7 – 13. The camps are held from 2 – 4 October from 9am – 3.30pm. The cost is $349 for three days.

Visit the Code Camp website for more information
Visit the St Peter’s Girls’ School booking page

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Sports News

AFL – (Aussie Rules)

Open – Saints 8.1 (49) defeated Westminster 0.6 (6)
The girls played their best football Friday night, and walked away convincing winners. Saints controlled play the entire game, starting with excellent clearance work in the middle and at stoppages, which lead to ample scoring opportunities for our forwards who converted extremely efficiently. Defence held up strongly again and were able to restrict Westminster’s scoring and apply great pressure to impact their accuracy on goal. An all-round terrific game with standout performances from Lulu T and Thandi M. Goals: Bella B, Holly C – 2; Paris R, Molly L, Talah G, Ellie A – 1. One more game for the season, and hopefully the girls can finish with another strong performance. – Holly Cunningham (Captain)

Middle – Saints 8.9 (57) defeated Pembroke B 0.0 (0)
The Middle School girls extended their winning streak to four matches with their victory against Pembroke B. On a windy day on Pulteney’s Atkinson Oval in the South Parklands, our players positioned themselves well to repel all the Pembroke attacks and lock the ball in our forward line for large portions of each quarter. It was pleasing to see the variety of goal-kickers, many of them scoring their first ever goal, to much excitement.

Best players were Anda Ceplite, Olivia Kelly, Saskia Jonats, Lily-Rose Spartalis and Mia Humphrey. Goals were scored by Saskia Jonats (2), Lily-Rose Spartalis, Olivia Kelly, Ellie Humphrey, Eva Young, Dayna Petruzzella and Rose Young.

This week we take on Walford for Intercol and hope to see many supporters there for our last match. – Brian Parsons (Coach)


Well done to all players this week for winning 4 out of 6 matches! A special mention to the A1 and B1 teams for winning their matches by one set against strong opposition. Congratulations to all players for the tremendous determination, effort and sportsmanship seen on court and good luck to all the badminton girls in the following weeks as finals commence.

A1 defeated Westminster 3-3 games, 7-6 sets. Best player – Laura Sivewright
A2 defeated by Pembroke 2-4. Best player – Erica Reid
B1 defeated Westminster 3-3 games, 7-6 sets. Best players – Tiffany Zhou and Amanda Fang
B2 defeated by Woodcroft 2-4. Best players – Aleisha Elliott and Ruby Richards
C defeated Immanuel 4-2. Best players – Angela Feng, Charlotte Stewart and Christina Song
D defeated Wilderness 3-3. Best players – Heidi Chow and Holly Wallman-Craddock


Year 5 – Saints 16 defeated by Seymour 32
The team had a tough game against Seymour. Despite the loss, the girls were very impressive against a much taller side and kept fighting until the end.

Year 6 White – Saints 10 defeated by Walford 44
This was a very difficult game although the scoreline does not really reflect the effort of the girls. We had a lot of opportunities to score but our shooting let us down. However, it was pleasing to see some layups finally start to drop. It’s great to witness the effort no matter what the score or how good the opposition is. Well done team.

Year 6 Blue – Saints 44 defeated Wilderness Blue 13
The girls played a wonderful team game on Wednesday afternoon. We passed the ball around so well and defense was amazing! It was a great team game to watch.


Open A – Saints 0 Defeated by Pembroke 7
Although not our strongest game, the girls showed determination and teamwork on the pitch. Those in defence worked incredibly hard, always making good connections with the ball and strong tackling. Despite being unable to get any outcomes in the circle, the strikers and midfield worked very well together. The game was cut nine minutes short due to a hail storm. Good work girls, unfortunate for the weather that we couldn’t finish the game! – Carla Lawrence (Captain)

Year 5/6 – Saints 4 defeated Seymour 2.
In their second game, the girls began to work more cohesively as a team by actively sharing the play. Goals were scored by Marcella, Winnie and Mathilda. The defence worked tirelessly at keeping the ball out of the goals. Excellent effort all round. – Sophia Langley


Under 18 – Saints 10 defeated by Woodville Lacrosse Club 18
Fighting against Woodville, the under 18s played a highly competitive game. Our opposition was highly aggressive, so we needed to match their determination in both attack and defence. Early in the game, the teams were 2 points apart, however our fatigue proved overwhelming and we allowed Woodville to gain many opportunities with the goal. Saints did, however, demonstrate great checking skills and strong defence. A particular well done to replacement goalie Saskia Jonats who managed to stop many goals and did an excellent job. Looking forward to potentially the last game of the season this weekend; it has been a pleasure captaining lacrosse this year and I am so grateful for being a part of Saints lacrosse for seven years. Good luck for next year! – Sophie Auricht (Captain)

Under 13 – Saints 14 defeated East Torrens Payneham 10
It was a very cold morning but the girls managed to play well and win. In centre, Ashlyn May (Year 6) flicked the ball to herself and did well with getting the ball on the ground. Jenna Maione (Year 6) and Alannah Godfrey (Year 5) did well at leading to the ball to be the next pass in midfield. In attack, Dani Cox (Year 6) focused on moving around the goal to increase her angles to get many successful shots. Our defence, Lucy Schirripa (Year 7), Lauren Pearce (Year 5), Elysia Scarr (Year 5) and Emma Pool (Year 7) worked well together to slide to the girl with the ball going to goal. At half-time, it was 6-all and the girls needed to continue to work hard. Lara Maione (Year 5) and Zoe Pool (Year 6) constantly moved in attack to keep their defenders occupied. Mathilda Thomas (Year 6) did well at running onto the ball and shooting goals. Our goalies for the game were Phoebe Black (Year 7) and Maddy Lisle (Year 7). Goal scorers were Dani (6), Ashlyn (1) and Mathilda (7). Best players were Dani, Jenna, Ashlyn and Mathilda. – Lucy Martin (Coach)

Under 11 – Saints 10 defeated St Aloysius College (SAC) Gold 4
Another cold, wet and windy Saturday saw the girls claim their best win so far this season. Excellent work! It was thrilling to see the girls catch the ball in their crosses several times, which is a fundamental eye/hand coordination skill of the game. Our score would have been higher if it weren’t for SAC’s talented goalkeeper. Our speed running down the field made a huge difference in transitioning to offense. Goal scorers were Savannah Walls and Madi Dornbusch (both Year 4) with 3 goals each, and Ella Pearce (Year 3) and Grace Jones (Year 4) with 2 each. Special mention goes to our goalkeepers this week, Savannah Walls and Sophie Lively (both Year 4). Also, thanks to Captain of Lacrosse Sophie Auricht for umpiring the match. – Courtney Tasker (Coach)


Open A – Saints 35 defeated by Westminster 75
Every player knew this game was going to be tough, but Saints performed all strategies learnt in training to work the centre corridor and did their best to stick to structure. The hands over pressure from Westminster forced Saints to make many errors across the court. Each quarter, Saints proceeded to place pressure on Westminster as best they could and played the game until the end regardless of the score. Saturday’s best players were Sarah Wishart and Charlotte White as they constantly applied pressure to Westminster’s attack and transitioned the ball down the court effectively. – Ebony-Jade Nash-Smith

Open B – Saints 26 defeated by Westminster 57
Saints put pressure on Westminster as best they could and played the game until the end regardless of the score. Girls will continue to work on executing strategies learnt at training. Jessie Rundle and Tesse Parker shot consistently and applied strong defensive pressure at every opportunity. As the game progressed, Lulu Tierney increased intensity in defence and worked extremely well with Sarah Matheson who is new to the team this season. Ella Robinson, Ella Liddy and Anna Pryor held their own even with their illnesses. Charlotte Parker played various positions and held her own across the court. Charlotte always steps up to play whatever position is needed and is a true team player. Saturday’s best player was Ehi Oyugbo who contested every ball in Westminster’s attack and gave 100% the entire game. – Ebony-Jade Nash-Smith

Open C – Saints 12 defeated by Westminster 55
The Open Cs played well in a tough game. The girls played strong defensively the whole way up the court and were effective in attack, particularly with their shooting. – Sarah Matheson

Open D – Saints 3 defeated by Westminster 72
This was a tough game for us, as we didn’t have any subs and were opposed by a very tall, strong team. Despite this, we all played really well. We kept up high energy throughout the whole game and didn’t give up. Movement of the ball down the court improved throughout the match, becoming faster and smoother, as did our defence. It was an enjoyable game and, although it was a test of our perseverance, it was fantastic to see the positive attitude displayed by the girls. – Hannah Brown

Open E – Saints 29 defeated by Westminster 46
The Year 12 social netball team played a solid game against Westminster. The girls worked very well as a team, gave their all and managed with just seven players. But unfortunately Westminster ended the game on top. A big thank you to Charlotte Kelly for filling in for us. – Willo Fowler

Year 10C – Saints 16 defeated Immanuel 14
Even though the weather conditions were not looking too great, luckily it cleared up for the match. We were all enjoying ourselves throughout the whole game and kept the team spirit up. Not to say we did badly in any quarters, but the last quarter was by far the best for us. We were working as a team really well on both the defence and attack and were able to get ahead in the goal numbers. Congratulations to all the girls on their amazing efforts. – Paris Greene

Year 9A – Saints 35 defeated Westminster 33
All of the girls played really well and everyone tried there very hardest throughout the game. The defenders stayed tight on their players and the shooters worked well together and shot well. We had a good start, winning the first quarter but lost the second quarter. We finished strongly, winning both third and fourth quarters. – Keeley Fahey

Year 9B – Saints 28 defeated Westminster 15
The 9Bs played an exceptional game against Westminster. It was a close match throughout the first half, with only 1 point difference at half-time. In the third quarter, Saints secured a 10 point lead from being quick and efficient in getting goals. It was a high intensity match and the girls really kept their heads up and remained positive, resulting in a great win to end our season. A big thank you to Toni Christiansen who gave up her time to be our seventh player. Great work girls. – Jodi Papendorf

Year 8A – Saints 33 defeated Westminster 19
Saturday’s game was an energetic and persistent one in which everyone on our team pushed through until the end. Despite the wet weather, we adapted to the conditions and made sure our passes were accurate. Our defence was especially good, and our shooters shot with confidence and accuracy. A thing we could improve on is our leads, working the way up to the attacking end. – Lucy White

Year 8B – Saints 21 defeated by Westminster 27
Our team played well given that everyone needed to play the whole game. We could have done a better job in staying on our players and not obstructing. We will work on this during training to be ready for Intercol against Walford on Saturday. – Sarah Gulliver

Year 8C – Saints 20 defeated Pembroke C 13

Year 8D – Saints 19 defeated by Pembroke D 8
In cold and windy conditions on a slippery court, the team was able to stand their ground against Pembroke. Everyone played well and put into practice the technique and skills we learnt in training. It was a tough match but with strong passes from the attack, defence almost always managing to send the ball back down our end and with great cooperation in goals between Lucy Moten and Caitie Walker, the team was able to secure a good win. All girls played remarkably well and should be proud of the end result. Great work girls! – Sophie Abbott

Year 7A– Saints 53 defeated Westminster 8C 9
This was an amazing win. We played very well together and we are growing as a team every week. Our attacking was very good because we moved around quickly and we used our feeders a lot so we didn’t force it in and lose the ball to the other team. – Pearl Richards

Year 7B – Saints 12 defeated by Westminster 26
Although we went down, I thought our team worked really well together. The third quarter was definitely our best. Our defence needed to stick tighter to their player and there was still some stepping and obstruction that we could work on but, apart from that, everyone put in a great effort. A solid second to last game. Well done girls! – Kimmy Psaromatis

Year 4 Blue – Saints Blue 7 defeated by Walford 11
The team had a competitive match against Walford. Their effort and constant drive for the ball was incredible. Although they lost, we had the opportunity to find the things that we need to improve on. The defence and shadowing of players was excellent, too. Awesome work girls! – Mia Humphrey

Year 4 White – Saints 12 defeated Seymour 10
Once again, we were short of players but we were lucky enough to have Pollyanna fill in. The girls started slow, but as the game continued, passing improved. Defenders did an excellent job in the second half with multiple intercepts and rebounds. Our shooters did a great job getting in front and had lots of shots on goal, however we weren’t always able to finish off our good work. We were 1 down going into the last quarter and our shooters steadied and we were able to outscore Seymour 3-0, giving us a 2 goal win! Our defenders did a great job to keep Seymour scoreless. The girls should be proud of their teamwork resulting in another win which leaves the team undefeated. – Chelsea Walls

Year 3 White – Saints 3 defeated by Pembroke 8


Open A – Saints 1 defeated Walford 0
This game was perhaps the toughest for the girls this season. Yet again missing some key players, girls played out of position in order to put the strongest team forward. Taylah Simpson and Jemimah Simpson worked hard in the first half to block many of Walford’s advances and thanks must go to Talah Gobell who game after game performs vital saves for our team. The girls stepped up to another level during the second half and, through hard work Millie Wilkin, was able to score a goal for us. The team made every effort to hold out to the end of the game and secure the win, a well-deserved result for the end of the season. As my last game of school soccer and last opportunity to share my appreciation of everyone who supports the team, I would like to express how grateful I am for our Coach Sergio, Peter Krantis, Mr Fuller and, of course, the girls who turn up week after week to put 100% into the game. Myself, along with the other Year 12s, are incredibly grateful for the opportunities we’ve had with soccer, and can’t wait to hear about the teams’ future successes. – Dominique Rigby

Open B – Saints 1 defeated by Seymour 5
The girls came up against a very strong Seymour side. They never gave up and tried their best for the whole game. Special mention to Emma Matheson and Stella Clark who went on goals and made some good saves. – Peter Krantis

Middle A – Saints 0 drew with Walford 0
The girls started with 10 players and played their hearts out. It was a very tough team to come up against but each girl knew their roles and responsibilities and executed very well. We managed to get a draw but played the best game of the season, having many opportunities to score. I could not fault anyone as each and every individual played so well, especially considering we were one person down. Best player was Tahlia and most improved was Ashleigh. A special thanks to all the girls of Middle A; your listening skills made every training that bit easier. I can see everyone in this team has improved one way or another. Very proud of you all. – Dion Bonifazio (Coach)

Middle B – Saints 4 defeated Wilderness 1
The girls took to the pitch for the last time this season. Our previous results with this side were both wins. For us, it was important to finish on a high. Within the first five minutes of the game, Katie hit one in the back of the net. There were some great passes going forward, creating lots of chances in front of goal. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to put these chances away as much as we wanted to. It wasn’t long after these chances that Wilderness applied pressure to our defence and scored a goal against us. With some fabulous dribbling skills and hunger to score, Caitlin put yet another one in the back of the net. Chi Chi did really well to place Wilderness under pressure. She managed to dribble through the defence with speed, slotting the ball top right corner – it couldn’t have been any more in the corner! It was 3-1 at half-time. The goal in the second half was to score more goals, mixing some players around, giving more players an opportunity to score. After half-time, it was very evenly matched, with chances at both ends of the field. To end the game, through team effort and great passing, Jocelyn scored the last goal to make the game a solid 4-1 win.

Year 7 – Saints 1 defeated by Walford 2
Saints Girls played an extremely good game against Walford keeping the score 0-0 in the first half. However, unfortunately Walford got the best of Saints today defeating them 2-1. All season the girls played exceptionally well, improving their skills and techniques every game. However during this match the girls lacked communication and reading of the ball. Nonetheless the girls’ efforts over this have been nothing but exceptional. Thank you goes to Emily for filling in for the match and for scoring our only goal. As per usual every player did an outstanding job however, special mentions go to Chloe for her persistence and amazing efforts in defence, as well as Apurva who played out of her comfort zone in defence and did nothing but impress us. Thank you to all players and staff members this season it has been an honour to watch the skills improve and gain more knowledge for the game.

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