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Enews – Week 5, Term 3 2017

Issue no. 25

Mid-Year Receptions in class of their own

As Term 3 rounds the half-way mark, we’re pleased to report that our Mid-Year Receptions are well and truly feeling right at home in the “big school”.

Many of them are “Old Scholars” of the ELC, and their ability to settle into school life so quickly is a testament to the comprehensive transition work carried out in both the ELC and the Junior School.

We are in a fortunate and unique position where girls can start in the ELC as two year olds, then progress through schooling all the way to Year 12 on the one campus, surrounded by the same friendly faces.

We caught up with the Mid-Year Receptions and their teachers to see how they’re travelling:

Their incredible progress just goes to show what sets us apart at Saints Girls.

For parents of Receptions starting school in 2018, St Peter’s Girls is holding a special Twilight Tour on Monday 4 September at 5pm. Families from outside of the School are most welcome to attend and can book here.

We look forward to providing more updates on our Mid-Year Receptions as they continue their schooling journey!

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From the Deputy Principal/Head of Senior School

Kate MortimerThe mid-way point of any term is the time for us all; students, staff and parents, to reflect upon the events that have so far occurred, as well as re-focus on those that are yet to come.

Last week, more than 80 Year 11 and 12 students attended the Careers Networking Breakfast and were fortunate to spend the morning gaining valuable insight and advice from a wide variety of Old Scholars. The girls spoke with doctors, solicitors, engineers, event managers, accountants, physiotherapists and business owners. It is vital that we provide the girls with opportunities such as these. Not only to assist with the selection of a university course, but more importantly to listen to women who have achieved success in their chosen fields, after facing numerous setbacks.

It is crucial that the girls understand the path to their chosen profession may not always be one travelled seamlessly upon a straight road. Rather, at times, there will be wrong turns and dead ends. If their goal is to travel from the City to Glenelg – this may in fact be via Darwin. My sincere thanks to Megan McCormack, Fiona McGregor and Karen Alderson for their work in organising this event.

Last week also included the Senior Drama Production. The girls performed Wednesday through to Friday and this included their moderated performance. The acting from the cast was superb and the girls brought the scenes and characters to life with memorable performances.

This week Year 10 have started planning for their Outdoor Education camp to the Flinders Ranges. Any outdoor education experience is one where the intent is not only to challenge the girls, but to provide them with an opportunity to forge stronger relationships within their year group and with their teachers. Map reading and planning tent groups, which we did this week, was definitely a pre-camp challenge. I will be attending camp for the week, and am looking forward to watching the girls engage with the challenge of physical activities, lack of comfort and zero access to their mobile phones.

Finally, some news on the structure of Home Groups within the Senior School for the coming years. It would be of no surprise to many that connections within the school setting are crucial. Considerable research demonstrates that emotions and relationships with teachers can facilitate or impede students’ academic engagement, confidence, work ethic, commitment to learning, happiness and ultimately their school success.

It is our role to ensure that we provide an environment where a member of staff is able to truly connect and get to know each girl. This is possible when the staff member continues with the girls as they progress into the next year. Therefore, staff who are currently Home Group teachers for Year 10 and Year 11 students will remain with these girls for 2018 and 2019. These staff will be delivering weekly wellbeing content and engaging in 1:1 review interviews with the girls each term. This allows us to consistently set individual goals with each girl, then monitor and follow up on these. Simply, we are not at our best if we do not know each girl. This includes her strengths, weaknesses and developing specific long-term plans to assist in these areas.

Kate Mortimer
Deputy Principal/Head of Senior School

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Incredible success at National Plain English Speaking Award

W5 PESA 2On 14 August, I was fortunate enough to represent South Australia at the National Finals of the Plain English Speaking Award, held in Melbourne. The competition included a weekend of exploring Melbourne, seeing plays, and dinners with the Australia Britain Society. We also had the opportunity to attend a workshop with past international winners of the competition, which was incredible.

The actual competition was held in the National Gallery of Victoria, where there were 300 people present! Entrants faced three rounds: a prepared speech of eight minutes, a three minute interview on the speech and a three minute short-notice speech for which we had only four minutes to prepare. The topic of my prepared speech was ‘The Game-changer’ and I spoke about the Mabo Referendum. My short-notice speech was on the topic ‘Ignorance is Bliss’, and I touched upon the issue of racial privilege. There were prizes only for the winner and runner-up, so I was really thrilled to have placed second nationally! Although this competition was extremely challenging, especially since I was the youngest, it was absolutely amazing and definitely a memory I will treasure for years to come!

Aditi Tamhankar
Year 10 student

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Vietnam Veterans share their stories with Year 8CDA

W5 Vietnam Veterans
On Tuesday 22 August, five Vietnam Veterans who participated first-hand in the Vietnam War, came to speak with 8CDA during Home Group. They provided us with an insight of the war through the Army, the Air Force and from a medic’s perspective of the war. We were all able to gain a great understanding of what went on, how they felt, how they helped out and what life was like living in war conditions. These five courageous men who travelled all the way from Australia to Vietnam and served our country from 1955 – 1975, taught us many valuable things about the Vietnam War of which we didn’t know. – Lily-Rose Spartalis

W5 Vietnam Veterans 2Being able to meet and actively interact with five Vietnam Veterans was definitely a worthwhile experience. They were able to tell us very in-depth stories of becoming part of the Australian Army or Air Force, fighting in Vietnam and the aftermath that resulted from such a traumatising experience. Overall, the experience gave 8 CDA the knowledge of the Vietnam War that would be unachievable to learn without the help from people with first-hand experiences. – Ailani Cox

The Vietnam veterans were very interesting as they shared the information of how they fought for our country and risked their lives to help people. The photos and information they showed us were really interesting and it was shocking to find out what they went through and how the memories and routines still affect their lives to this day. The thoughts going through their heads would have been horrific. I definitely think it was worth listening to because in that short 40 minutes I learnt so much about what they have been through and how much training and preparation went into it. It was extremely valuable and I am sure everyone in the class can say the same thing. – Charlotte Stewart

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SACE Dancers to take the stage in a moving performance

W5 RAW Dance
On Thursday 7 September at 7pm, the Dance students will perform ‘RAW – being in a natural state of emotion’, the SACE Dance (Stage 1 and 2) Performance Examination for 2017. The evening will predominantly feature a variety of dance performances; however we have invited some wonderful music students to showcase their talents and Year 9 Drama will perform a play.

This performance, which aims to connect audience members with different emotional states explored and expressed through dance, requires an enthusiastic and engaged audience to help these incredibly talented dancers perform at their best. Tickets are $5 per person and can be purchased upon entry at the door.

Shaelyn Bischoff
SACE Stage 2 Dance student

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Welcome to the new Senior Rowing Coach

W5 Rowing
As pre-season training starts, we welcome Aleco Lanfranco in his new role as the Senior Rowing Coach at St Peter’s Girls’ School.

We asked Aleco to tell us a bit about himself:

“I first signed up for rowing in 2004 when I was at school at Prince Alfred College, and I went on to cox the 2008 PAC 1st VIII. I tried both rowing and coxing, however, due to being vertically challenged, I thought I would stick to coxing and see where it would take me. After graduating PAC, I spent the next seven years coxing at both Adelaide Rowing Club and Adelaide University Boat Club where I coxed various men’s crews in State and National competitions.

In addition to Club rowing, I have been involved with the South Australian Rowing Team for around 10 years as a coxswain and also as a coach. I retired from coxing in 2015 and have spent the past four years coaching at Seymour College as a senior rowing coach.

I look forward to working with everyone at St Peter’s Girls for a fun, competitive season.”

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Year 4s enjoy connecting Book Week with Science Week

W5 Year 4
On Monday 14 August, the Year 4 students attended the Jeannie Baker Science and Literacy Learning experience at the Adelaide Botanic Garden and State Library of South Australia. This excursion linked with both Book Week and Science Week.

The students viewed an exhibition of the original artwork from ‘Circle’ by Jeannie Baker and also investigated life within the Adelaide Botanic Garden wetland habitat. They participated in a sensory walk between the Gardens and the State Library, where they observed the changing environment. At the State Library, the girls explored past, present and future landscapes by focusing on the Jeannie Baker text, ‘Belonging’.

It certainly was a full day and much learning and reflecting took place.

At the ‘Circle’ exhibition I learned how long it takes to do a collage. I found it fascinating to see all the different materials. If I saw Jeannie Baker, I would ask her how she gets all the minor details. – Anna Venning

Something interesting was that the water at the Botanic Garden wetlands is from Morialta and then the water goes to the Torrens River. – Charlotte Udall

I loved the ‘Circle’ exhibition because I got to understand what happens when you build over large areas. – Arabella Walsh

It is fascinating how many sounds you can hear if you take the time to listen and use your senses. I’m still wondering how a busy road changed to a calm and peaceful area not far away. – Jackie Balasis

We were inspired by the book ‘Belonging’ by Jeannie Baker. In my collage box, I made the beach out of blue wool, yellow paper, sand and rock. – Georgie Williams

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Casual clothes day for Years 7 – 12

W5 Casual Day
Tuesday 29 August will be dedicated to fundraising for Patteson and Kennion’s House Charities.

Patteson’s charity, The Little Heroes Foundation, raises funds towards equipment and services for seriously ill children and their families. Kennion’s charity, KickStart for Kids, is a breakfast, lunch and mentoring program that ensures children have access to food, clothing and healthcare needs.

Next Tuesday, girls in the Middle and Senior Schools are welcome to come dressed in casual clothes and bring a gold coin donation. Please note, this applies to girls in Years 7 – 12 only.

The Year 10 Patteson and Kennion Home Groups have organised a staff talent show and food stall which will be held on Tuesday at lunchtime.

Please bring along some gold coins and support the Year 10 girls and the House Charities.

Sarah Richards
Community Service Captain

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Year 5 Production – Disney The Lion King JR. tickets on sale!

W5 Disney The Lion King JR.
Year 5 students have been extremely busy preparing for our production of Disney The Lion King JR. in Week 10.

There has been much collaboration on this task, with costumes being made by Year 5 parents, amazing headdresses being created by the talented Nerida Bested, vision projection by Mark Wickett of Duck and Goat productions, prop painting and design with Ms Casson in Art classes, and hours of dancing and blocking by Ms Hampton and Mr Davidson.

This production will blow your socks off!

Wonderfully familiar songs and a joyful storyline will burst onto the St Peter’s Girls’ stage in the Arts Centre on 28 and 29 September 2017. Be quick and grab your tickets!

Ticket prices:
Adult $15
Student/concession $10
Family (2 adults/2 children) $35

Visit www.trybooking.com/RGWU to book your tickets!

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Saints Girls star in upcoming production of Peter Pan

W5 Peter Pan Photo Enews
Shane Davidson Presents will stage the classic play Peter Pan this coming weekend during Children’s Book Week. It stars Tia Bailey (left), sharing the role of Wendy with Victoria Thorpe (right), and Lily-Rose Spartalis (centre) as Peter, plus a large cast featuring Lost Boys, pirates and mermaids.

Two performances only this weekend – Saturday 26 August at 7pm and Sunday 27 August at 4pm. Adults $10, Concession $5. Suitable for all children. Tickets can be purchased at the box office in the Arts Centre 30 minutes before each performance.

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Purchase your daughter’s professional photos

Focus School Portraits not only take our School photos, they also visit many of our School events and these photos can be purchased by visiting www.focusschoolportraits.com. Already this year, they have photographed:

Swimming Carnival
Choral Night
Old Scholars’ Reunion Dinner
Progressive Dinner
House Dinners
Sports Day
Year 11/12 Formal and red carpet
FAME – The Musical
Extra-curricular groups

To access the photos available for purchase:

> Visit www.focusschoolportraits.com
> Click on the Events Photography tab
> Click on St Peter’s Girls’ logo
> Click on Open Gallery
> Type in password (SaintsGirls)

Should you have any problems, Mark and his team are more than happy for you to give them a call on 8389 9002 or email orders@focussp.com.au.

Fiona McGregor
Community Relations Office

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Garage Sale Trail at St Peter’s Girls

Are you looking for a FREE, fun and social way to fundraise for your community group, House Charity, sports team or Cambodia Trip, and engage with our School community?

The City of Burnside is making Garage Sale Trail happen and St Peter’s Girls will be hosting stalls in our very own car park on Sunday 22 October 2017.

Our Parents’ and Friends’ Association will hold a BBQ on the day. It’s all part of the biggest reuse and community event in the country. Last year there were 15,000+ garage sales and stalls nationally, and over 320,000 shoppers and sellers. We would like to invite you to be involved – the best part is, it’s FREE! Garage Sale Trail is a national, council-powered program involving sustainability, creativity and fun. By organising communities around Australia to hold garage sales on one big weekend, Garage Sale Trail aims to provide a platform for local fundraising, promote waste education, enable community connections and inspire creativity.

Our School will play an integral role in the local Garage Sale Trail, which is exciting as these events generally raise $490 – $2,000 for schools. This is an opportunity to boost our fundraising efforts, creatively engage our community, empower our students and put sustainability in to practice.

• Anyone in our community can get involved and it’s FREE to register. Families who would like to come along with their car and sell items out of their boot are welcome, we just ask that you make a $20 donation to our Parents’ and Friends’ Association as it will be leading this event on the day.
• You can invest 100 percent of the profits you make from your garage sale back into your program or charity of choice.
• By participating in Garage Sale Trail, you get a sale page on garagesaletrail.com.au, and benefit from council promotion and media coverage around the event.
• You get access to loads of free materials to download and we will promote our sale locally.
• Registrations are now open, and you can also find tips and guides on having a successful fundraising event on the Garage Sale Trail website.
• St Peter’s Girls is already registered – to put your sale on the Garage Sale Trail, visit the website and register with our St Peter’s Girls’ Group Sale www.garagesaletrail.com.au.

Any questions, please don’t hesitate to visit us in the Community Relations Office or contact Melissa Westgate via mwestgate@stpetergirls.sa.edu.au or 8334 2244.

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Rowing Information Night and Term 4 sport nominations

A Rowing Information Night will be held on Thursday 31 August at 6.30pm in the Library (the Chapel), for interested Years 6 – 11 students and their parents.

The Term 4 sports nomination survey has been emailed to Years 5 – 12 students, and parents of R – 4 students. Please complete the survey by 4pm Sunday 27 August 2017.

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Code Camp at St Peter’s Girls’ School

W4 Code Camp

St Peter’s Girls is now hosting Code Camp Spark AND Code Camp Ignite!

St Peter’s Girls’ School will be hosting Code Camp Spark and Code Camp Ignite for students in Years 2 – 6. Code Camp runs 4 – 6 October from 9am – 3.30pm. Cost for Code Camp Spark or Code Camp Ignite is $350 for three days.

Code Camp Information Flyer
Visit the Code Camp website for more information
Visit the St Peter’s Girls’ School booking page

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Wellbeing in Young Children

W3 Dr Tom Nehmy Workshop

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Support the Year 11 Cambodia Trip

W3 Cambodia Raffle
A group of 18 Year 11s from St Peter’s Girls’ School and 18 Year 11 boys from Prince Alfred College are heading to Cambodia in the December holidays to help disadvantaged children and families. Our girls will be working hard to build a home or two for families in need, as well as spending time in the New Hope Orphanage getting to know the children and assisting them with their English. This trip only occurs once a year and it’s devoted to helping those in need.

This a life-changing trip for the students involved. Their parents pay for the trip itself. But as well as devoting their time to local families in need, students are required to collectively raise additional funds, of approximately $1000 per student, which will be donated to the two charities involved. Students are also asked to collect useful items such as comics to take with them for the children.

Last week our girls joined forces with the PAC boys involved and kicked off their fundraising by holding a sausage sizzle at the Rugby Intercol, which raised their first $500.

There is also a raffle where you have the chance to win four tickets in a private, catered suite at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre to your choice of The Chainsmokers, The Weeknd, Queen + Adam Lambert or GREASE. Raffle tickets for this great prize are available for $50 each.

Raffle Information

As well as these and future fundraisers, there is a Comic Book Drive. This idea was suggested to the girls from the directors at the New Hope Orphanage as the children would love to receive some new books, specifically comics, to help them learn and improve their English. If you or someone you know have any children’s books aimed at both boys and girls from infants through to adolescents, please bring them to the School and place them in the boxes either outside of Ms Mortimer’s office or by Student Services.

We thank you for your support to forever change the lives of these children and families in Cambodia.

Buy a raffle ticket and support a worthy cause

Tickets now on sale! Only 100 raffle tickets available via www.trybooking.com/RKUH. The prize is valued at up to $2500. The raffle will be drawn at lunchtime Thursday 31 August 2017. All money raised will go towards the Year 11 Cambodia Trip.

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The Long Lunch – featuring MC George Kapiniaris!

W9 The Long Lunch

Join us on a Greek Odyssey at the St Peter’s Girls’ Foundation Long Lunch

W2 The Long Lunch George
Sunday 24 September 12 noon – 5pm
Held at a secret location on the St Peter’s Girls’ School grounds

Tickets $120
Book at trybooking.com/PMZS

Volunteers needed

The St Peter’s Girls’ Foundation is seeking volunteers to help out with various jobs in the lead up to and at The Long Lunch. If you or a family would like to help out with set-up and food preparations on Saturday 23 September, serving at the bar during the lunch, or helping out in the Food Tech Centre on the day between 8am and 6pm, we would be very grateful. Every volunteer hour counts and we will need lots of help in the lead up, at the event and to help clean up after the event. Without the generosity of our community and our amazing volunteers, these events would not be possible. Thank you in advance for your kind and generous consideration.

If you can help, please contact Melissa Westgate via mwestgate@stpetergirls.sa.edu.au or 8334 2244.

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Golden Ticket Lottery – would you like to win $15,000 off your School fees?


Golden Ticket Enews Image

Visit www.trybooking.com/PMZS to purchase your ticket in the Golden Ticket Lottery!

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Does your family have a connection to Woodlands Girls’ Grammar School?

Year 11 Scholarship information

The Elaine Balfour Ogilvy Scholarship is for girls who are planning to enter Year 12 next year, who attend an Anglican School and whose mother or grandmother attended Woodlands Girls’ Grammar School. It was created by the Woodlands Old Scholars in honour of a graduate, an Australian Army nurse who died in a massacre in World War Two after the fall of Singapore. The Scholarship is paid to the school to assist with the recipient’s Year 12 school fees.

Applications should include an introductory letter plus three copies of a CV, mailed to:

The President,
St Peter’s Woodlands Old Scholars’ Association
39 Partridge Street

Closing Date for applications is 30 August 2017.

Interviews will be conducted at St Peter’s Woodlands during October/November as an informal chat. The panel will be assessing attributes such as presentation, enthusiasm and personal initiatives, and we will take this opportunity to view certificates and awards which substantiate the applicant’s CV.

Louise Sorrell

For inquiries, please contact Louise Sorrell via sorrell.lou@gmail.com

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Sports News

W5 Sport

Lacrosse team scores prestigious trophy

Thursday 17 August
Under 15 Saints 14 defeated Wilderness 7
Saints U15 lacrosse team played a catch-up game against Wilderness as part of an IGSSA competition, with the chance to win the prestigious Judy Thurgood Trophy. The game was filled with a fun, friendly but competitive atmosphere, with plenty of cheering from parents, supporters and also the U11 Saints team. In the first half, the Saints girls were down 3-6; however, our flawless attackers scored the much-needed goals to place Saints well ahead in the second half. This win would not have been possible without the work of our amazing defenders such as Abbie Lisle (Year 9), Ellie Anderson (Year 9) and Kate Reade (Year 9), and the incredible work of goalie Isabelle Norman (Year 9). It was also pleasing to see our youngest team member, Willow Stewart-Rattray (Year 6), score a fantastic goal in the second half. I congratulate all of the girls as this is a result they should be very proud of, and I am looking forward to watching their skills develop further as the season comes closer to a conclusion. – Sophie Auricht (Captain)


Congratulations to Nicolette Miller (Year 10) who has been selected in the State 16 and under Water Polo team which will complete in the National Championships in Hobart from 27 September to 2 October 2017.


Wednesday 16 August
Year 6 Blue – Saints 23 defeated Pembroke Blue 4
This week the team showed good passing in attack, finding a free player. Helen showed strength this week, driving to the basket and taking on defenders. Zoe Pool, Mathilda Thomas and Emma Pool worked hard in defence, managing to intercept well and move the ball forward. Georgia Parsons moved well in offence and defence, showing up in the right space at the right time. Willow Stewart-Rattray rebounded very well and scored the maximum 12 points. Bridgette Leach and Sophie Dansie chased well and made good position under the basket, and the girls were happy to play a team of similar height! – Sharon Leach (Coach)

Year 5 – Saints 36 defeated Wilderness 12
The girls played a great game this week using team work to achieve a high score. Their well thought out and strategic passing helped them get the ball under the ring for a quick score. A special mention to Charlie Piper who scored 10 points and Jasmine Segredos who scored 12. – Josephine Dal Pra (Coach)


Year 2/3 – Saints 0 defeated by Seymour Blue 35
The Year 2/3 team played their second game of the season against Seymour. The Seymour side was a lot more experienced than Saints. However, our team improved each quarter and even managed to keep the opposition down to one goal in the third quarter. The girls’ defensive skills and leading are improving tremendously. – Emily Braggs (Coach)


Wednesday 16 August
Open A – Saints 1 drew with St Michael’s 1
The girls went into this game missing one of their key players, Talah Gobell; however, they did an outstanding job and worked hard to come out with a draw. Olivia Law’s hard work rewarded her with a great goal, which allowed Saints to equalise with St Michael’s. Unfortunately, the girls couldn’t walk away with a win, but they should be very proud of their efforts. – Dominique Rigby (Captain)

Year 7 – Saints 2 drew with Pembroke 2
The girls played extremely well. I was very proud of their performance. The opposition players were a lot bigger than our girls, but we matched them physically all game. While the game ended in a draw, we did deserve to win. – Kosta Bakopanos (Coach)


Friday 18 August
Year 6 – Saints 1 defeated by Pembroke Blue 3
A difficult game for the girls, as the other team was a strong opponent and had some good players. We had plenty of opportunities to level the scoring in the second half but couldn’t finish our chances. Everyone worked hard for the whole game and didn’t give up. Plenty of positives came out of the game and also parts of our game we need to work on for next week. – Vincent Talladira (Coach)

Year 5 – Saints 7 defeated Pembroke White 2
Saints started slowly but were able to apply lots of pressure in attack only to be denied by the Pembroke goalie. Saints finally scored and continued the pressure to lead 4-1 at half-time. Pembroke responded shortly after the break but Saints finished the game with a resounding win. – Charlie Caprogreco (Coach)

Year 3/4  – Saints 7 defeated Wilderness 0
The buzz from Book Week created a vibrant level of excitement prior to the game against Wilderness on Friday. Most players had changed out of costumes, however, Anna Venning’s mime face paint left over from her costume really complimented her soccer uniform. The girls took their positions on the field and were focussed and ready to play. Captain Shirley Liu, along with Levanya De Silva and Nicole Wang, spread out across the pitch and held their positions in a rock-solid defence. Each defender along with Elizabeth McKernan who joined the tight structure later in the game contributed level heads and huge clearing kicks. This defence was instrumental in setting up the play and the forwards made the most of their opportunities. Then there was a whispering in the air, disrupting what had previously been a beautiful day. Only after my glasses were covered in droplets making it impossible to watch the game, did I noticed the rain sprinkling on to the grass like a watering can from above. As the rain ran down the girls’ faces, the paint started to drop down Anna’s, leaving her resembling Heath Ledger’s Joker. This had no negative effect on her game as she channelled her previous success in the rain and scored a first half hat trick. None of the girls was perturbed by the rain, especially Emily Bates and Aurelia Pyne – two of the squads’ youngest members – who each scored in the second half. Sophia Langley threw two hands in the air to celebrate her goal and Anna Venning slotted another to round out the game with four goals. Special mention to Sienna Dellapace who continues to improve and played her best game for the season. This match was easily the best I have been involved in since beginning my time coaching at St Peter’s Girls’ School. – Mark Routley (Coach)


Saturday 19 August
This week the Open A team had a difficult task against Immanuel, but congratulations to Erica Reid who won her singles match against a tough opponent. The Open Bs have continued their winning streak, defeating Pembroke 5-1. The Open C team also played fantastically, and didn’t lose a match. All girls are training hard as the Open C – E3 teams prepare for their final match next week.

Open A defeated by Immanuel 1-5
Best player: Erica Reid

Open B defeated Pembroke 5-1
Best player: Laura Sivewright

Open C defeated Pembroke 6-0
Best player: Amelie Dunda

Open D1 defeated Pembroke 5-1
Best player: Tiffany Zhou

Open D2 defeated Walford 3-3
Best player: Meredith Li

Open E1 defeated Walford 8-1
Best player: Natacha Zizos Troupakis

Open E2 defeated by Woodcroft 0-9
Best player: Christina Song

Open E3 defeated by Pembroke 3-6
Best player: Hattie Xu


Saturday 19 August
Open A – Saints 0 defeated by Trinity 4
This was one of Saints’ best matches and the improvement of all the girls on the team was very visible, especially in the first half. Despite Trinity having a very strong team overall, Saints managed to have a strong defence and attacking line with a number of opportunities to score and were unlucky to be behind 0-1 at half-time. Unfortunately, we were unsuccessful in translating these opportunities onto the scoreboard. A few stand out players include Charlotte Creek, Olivia Goldsmith and Carla Lawrence. Coming into the final week of the season and our Intercol match against Walford, Saints are looking strong and hopefully we can land ourselves a win to end the season on a high. – Lara Khoury (Captain)

Open B – Saints 0 defeated by Trinity 2
The girls started with strong form, linking together well to create great play up the field resulting in many scoring opportunities. Trinity’s solid defence made it difficult for the girls to put the ball in the back of the net. Unfortunately, Trinity were lucky enough to score 2 goals, resulting in a 0-2 loss for the girls. All the girls played well and were looking forward to finishing the season with a win next week. – Sophie Fry (coach)


Saturday 19 August
Under 15 – Saints 5 defeated by Brighton 11
After coming off a strong win against Wilderness, St Peter’s took on the undefeated Brighton. Looking to bridge the gap from the earlier game in the season when Brighton dominated, we started strongly, creating many scoring opportunities without capitalising. Our defence led by Kate Reade and Abbie Lisle stood solidly and repelled attacks on goal, with Isabelle Norman making many saves.

We struggled to find the net in the first half and trailed 1-5 at the break, but with an increased commitment for the loose ball after half-time, we gained plenty of possession out of the centre through Hattie Maerschel and Millie Wilkin, while Portia Maerschel, with 5 goals, made scoring look easy and we narrowed the margin to 5-7 late in the game. Brighton were feeling the pressure and called a time out before settling and pulling away to win, but Saints gained plenty of confidence and know that we can match it with them in the finals. – Tim Dickson (Coach)

Under 11 – Saints Blue 6 defeated Wilderness Blue 3
In the first half, our goalie, Madison Dornbusch (Year 3), did a great job at stopping the ball with her body. In attack, Lara Maione (Year 4), Hayley Webb (Year 3) and Elysia Scarr (Year 4) ran into space. There were many turnovers throughout the game but Madison Dornbusch and Serae Stolcman (Year 3) kept running up and down the field quickly. In the second half, Lara Maione went in goal and showed great skill when running to the halfway line and throwing the ball. In defence Jenna Maione (Year 5) made some great intercepts and threw the ball hard into the goals whilst in attack. Sophie Lively (Year 3) once again showed her determination, as she never gave up on getting ground balls. Goal scorers were Lara, Jenna and Madison. – Lucy Martin (Coach)

Under 11 – Saints White 1 defeated by Wilderness Gold 10
With some late illnesses, the team had a tough task but the girls never gave up. Everyone played to the best of their ability, and the team held Wildy to only two goals in the first and fourth quarters. Some other highlights were several completed passes, a few long reaching interceptions, and when the girls marked their opponents, Wildy’s attack usually came to a standstill. Despite the score line, Elizabeth McKernan (Year 4) did an amazing job in goals, blocking several attempts. Special mention also goes to Alannah Godfrey (Year 4) for scoring our goal. Keep up the effort Saints White – you ARE improving! – Courtney Tasker (Coach)


Saturday 19 August
Open A – Saints 36 defeated by Westminster 54
The girls played a tough game against second-placed Westminster and unfortunately suffered a disappointing loss. The girls came out determined, especially from Lily Habel’s intense pressure and help down the court. Ebony-Jade Nash-Smith also did really well with her attacking efforts and feeds down the court. However, with Westminster’s persistent efforts, Saints were defeated. The entire team showed great effort and skill in attempting to beat this well-rounded team, but still have areas to improve upon. The girls now look forward to Intercol and hope to finish the season on a high.
– Abbey Goodwin (Co-Captain)

Open B – Saints 28 defeated by Westminster 68

Open E (Year 12) – Saints 29 defeated Seymour 16
This week we came up against another Seymour team and, despite playing with only six players for half of the game, we started off strongly with amazing work in the ring from India Deere and Chelsea Marchetti. Alice Petchey and Georgia Bateman worked well together throughout the game in centre court, getting the ball down to our end and making a number of turnovers. A huge thank you to India Deere and Ava Loechel for filling in for us last minute! We are looking forward to our last game and Intercol match against Walford next week. – Emma Mockridge (Year 12)

Open E (Year 11) – Saints 48 defeated Wilderness 4
What an amazing game! The girls combined well to record their biggest win of the season. So much improvement from every member of the team and the defensive pressure was outstanding from everyone. – Jo Knapp (Coach)

Year 10A – Saints 11 defeated by Westminster 91
The 10As played another tough match on Saturday, facing off against Westminster. A lot of hard work was done in the defensive half of the court, with our offence not managing to score at every opportunity. With only seven players, each team member pushed herself as hard as she could to keep up the pressure throughout the game. A massive well done for seeing through a game that was very tough for the team. – Grace Russo (Coach)

Year 10B – Saints 14 defeated by Westminster 88
The Year 10B team did their best against our toughest opposition who were extremely strong, and unfortunately our continual defensive pressure was not enough to affect them. Irrespective of the score, the girls showed improvement in their defence and attacking skills. Best players to Olivia Law and Sarah Carrodus for their efforts in defending. – Emily Wishart (Coach)

Year 9A – Saints 39 defeated Westminster 36
We got off to a slow start, with the score being 9-all at the end of the first quarter. Tesse Parker and Ella Liddy shot well in the first half, not missing many shots, while Sarah Wishart and Hannah Freeman did their best effort to stop as many goals as they could. Our passing wasn’t at our best but, at the end of the third quarter, we were up by eight goals. Westminster played a very strong last quarter, with time being in our favour as we came up in the end by three goals. Good job to all the girls for putting up a fight in a game that was very aggressive at times. – Chelsea Walls (Year 9)

Year 9B – Saints 22 defeated by Westminster 42
First quarter was strong, the score only differing by 1 goal – Westminster’s way. The second quarter was also fairly strong, but it was from here when the goals and our score began to deteriorate. Westminster were a tall, strong team who communicated beautifully and played like a well-oiled machine, deserving the 20-point win against our team. To improve the final score for our last game, a key area to focus on at training is our centre passes, as these were insufficient, especially in the first quarter. Our attack should also practise movement around the goal circle and our defence should practise the ‘turn and block’ when defending goal shooters. An area we could all improve on would be building strength in our arms and hands, allowing us to gauge a strong grip on the ball for unexpected or challenging passes. A big well done for Lucy Young and Ellen Zhang who excellently contributed to our game with their brilliant intercepts – good job girls! – Lucy White (Year 9)

Year 9/10C – Saints 10 defeated by Pembroke 58
The girls improved a lot throughout the game and had a great second quarter, only losing 7-13, but could not sustain the pressure against Pembroke. Thanks to the two girls who filled in and helped the team out. – Emily Braggs (Coach)

Year 8A – Saints 26 defeated Westminster 23
It was a very rough game this week and all the girls should be commended for their determination and persistence. It was great to see strong defensive pressure the whole way down the court and this gave us an edge to secure the win. Well done to Sophie Barr who had an outstanding game, getting many intercepts, which then gave us a lot more shooting opportunities. Great effort girls. – Amy Wishart (Coach)

Year 8B – Saints 11 defeated by Westminster 26
The girls played a good game against Westminster and again showed their improvement by bringing the ball down the court in defence and by the girls’ strong passing feeding it into the circle at the attacking end. Their strong determination kept going throughout the game and the girls never gave up. Overall, they should be proud of their achievements. Best players go to Sara Peak and Jenna Bowden for working together in the ring and getting the majority of the shots in. – Sophia West (Coach)

Year 7A – Saints 52 defeated Westminster 9
The Year 7A netball team took a little while to get going; at the first quarter break we were level with Westminster 7 to 7. A few positional changes and a change in attitude saw Saints take the game away in the next three quarters with a final score reflecting this. Fantastic teamwork girls, and great work in the goal circle from Toni Christiansen and Adele Eaton. – Michelle Blackburn (Coach)

Year 7B – Saints 46 defeated Immanuel C 6
The girls played an extremely strong game today and they should all be proud of the effort they each put in. They all worked together as a team and showed their improvement from earlier in the season, utilising the skills we have been working on. Defence played a great part in the win as they caused multiple turnovers. Well done to Adele Russell who constantly worked hard to gain many intercepts and did this through the entire game. Shooters did very well and focussed on their technique, which helped us score more. Mid-court players were excellent in working the ball down the court. Well done to all girls and their improvement both individually and as a team. – Georgia Naughton (Coach)

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