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130 Celebration Evening

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Year 1 Stayback

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Out of the Blue Launch

ELC New Families Welcome Evening

Year 8 Futures Short Film Festival

Year 11 Camp

A Touch of Blue

School Tour

Junior School Swimming Carnival

Reception Orientation

eNews – Week 5, Term 2 2022

Issue no. 16Enews-banner

From Our Head of Junior School

Adelaide SchoolsExcellent educators are continually seeking to update and enhance their knowledge, skills and understandings. In fact, I regularly suggest to pre-service teachers that the day they stop wanting to learn is the day they should transition to a new career. For me, learning includes reading widely and researching at length, having a pile of semi-read or half listened-to books on the go, joining webinars, and regularly finding myself in the never-ending rabbit hole of Google.com! Of course, prior to 2020, it also included attendance at good old fashioned face-to-face professional learning events.

As many reading this will understand from your own careers, professional learning opportunities have been somewhat disrupted or reimagined in recent years. While increased access to online learning opportunities has been welcomed, there is something quite special about a group of school leaders coming together in one place, with live keynote speakers, face-to-face collegial and professional conversations, and opportunities to renew acquaintances. For this reason, last weekend, I was very pleased to attend the twice-postponed national IPSHA (Independent Primary School Heads of Australia) conference, convened by the South Australian branch.

With a conference theme of ‘One Child at a Time’, the inclusion of school tours, and a number of excellent and highly regarded local, national and international speakers, these two and a half days gave us all opportunities to stop and reflect, to confirm some thoughts and beliefs, and to challenge others. Covering a broad range of topics within the theme, we were again reminded of the far-reaching breadth of our roles and responsibilities in guiding the educational, wellbeing and co-curricular programs of our schools and the relevance of this for each child.

Presentations encompassed subjects such as a neuroscience perspective of brain development in the early childhood and primary years; children’s mental health and wellbeing; consent education; epigenetics as it relates to personalised health and performance; the importance of fostering creativity and innovation; and, leadership lessons for both students and adults. In this forum of mutual interest and engagement, there was much to take away and ponder over coming weeks and months. Great schools become even greater schools when there is careful and broad consideration of evidenced-based information, and I was glad to add the ideas of some respected thought leaders to my repertoire, without opening an electronic device to do so.

Suzanne Haddy
Head of Junior School

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Director of Teaching and Learning Appointment

Adelaide Schools

I am delighted to announce that Kate Morgante will be joining St Peter’s Girls’ School as our new Director of Teaching and Learning at the start of next term.
Kate is the Assistant Principal (Teaching and Learning) at Gleeson College in Adelaide’s north-east. She is a knowledgeable and enthusiastic leader and STEM educator, having also spent more than a decade as Gleeson’s STEM Coordinator. With earlier tertiary qualifications in Education and Biomedical Science, Kate is currently completing her Doctorate in Education (University of South Australia), and she co-authors the SACE 1 and 2 Essentials Chemistry workbooks.

Kate is dedicated to supporting the holistic development of all students with both an academic and pastoral focus, making her an outstanding fit for Saints Girls and our vision to inspire women of character and influence.

Our current Director of Teaching and Learning Nigel Scoggins is working on an extensive handover with Kate, and we thank Nigel again for his contribution to Saints Girls and wish him all the best as his family prepares to relocate to Mount Gambier.

Warmest congratulations to Kate on her appointment. We look forward to introducing her to families next term and we hope you will join us in welcoming her to our wonderful community.

Julia Shea

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Our 2022 Scientist in Residence

Saints Girls’ Scientist in Residence for 2022 is Sophie Dolling, a PhD student in Marine Biology and Chemistry at the University of Adelaide who is studying the chemistry behind plastic pollution in seafood species across South Australia.

Sophie has been working alongside our girls during Science lessons and running vibrant lunchtime experiments, helping ignite a passion for all things STEM.

Have a listen to Sophie’s fascinating deep dives into Science:


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Ethics Olympians Set for National Stage

Two teams of Year 11 and 12 students recently competed in the South Australian and Northern Territory Senior Ethics Olympiad. Throughout the day, we participated in four rounds where we explored eight cases by presenting different ethical ideas such as Wholesome Discipline and Anti-Natalism.

After working so hard in trainings, it was great to see how well everyone collaborated to present creative and considered ideas. We were also thrilled to find out that our teams placed 1st and 6th, both incredible efforts out of 18 teams from 11 schools. We look forward to continuing our training as we progress to the National Ethics Olympiad early next term.

Ellie Humphrey
Year 11 student

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Year 9 Forensics Under the Microscope

On Monday, our Year 9 students took part in ‘A Case of Conspiracy’, a forensic science activity run in our Science Centre. They took on the role of a forensic investigator and had to work through 11 stations of evidence to solve the case.

They discovered how forensic evidence is gathered and analysed, and how the results are compiled to provide a detailed picture of the events leading up to a crime, and of the criminal, even when eyewitness accounts are not available. The activity presented an opportunity for the girls to see how the methods and experiments that they are using each day in our laboratories are developed and applied in the real world.

Craig Byrne
Head of Science

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Year 11 Foodies Dish Up Mexican Delights

As part of the Stage 1 Food and Hospitality course, the Year 11 Food class organised a Mexican Street Food stall for the rest of the Year 11 cohort. Inspired by the cultural traditions of Mexican food, the girls decided to make Mexican bowls which included a home-made flat bread, guacamole, tomato salsa, cheese, sour cream and a choice of beef or cauliflower mince. For dessert, we served handmade churros with a chocolate dipping sauce, topped with fresh strawberries.

Our class was very successful in selling the delicious food to the Year 11 students and received plenty of positive feedback. The money raised from our stall is being donated to the Breast Cancer Foundation as we are all very passionate about this cause. We are also very excited to announce that, in Term 4, we will be hosting another food stall with a different theme.

Olivia Slivak
Year 11 student

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Reconciliation Week in the ELC

As we celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures this week and every week, in the ELC, the children have embraced activities including sharing dreamtime stories and baking lemon myrtle scones which we enjoyed with Kaurna Elder Tamaru.

Unfortunately due to the wet weather, we had to postpone tomorrow’s ELC Community Event of Wodli building until next term, but that didn’t stop the children from constructing the Kaurna shelters together across the week.

To us, this is a week where we can make visible our lifelong journey of reconciliation, to acknowledge our ongoing commitment to this space, and to be humbled by the ripple effect we are having on our wider community.

Henrietta Balnaves
ELC Manager

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Japanese Class Dazzled by Dots

The Year 10, 11 and 12 Japanese students recently enjoyed an excursion to the Art Gallery of South Australia, the Daiso store and the Katsumoto restaurant.

At the Art Gallery, we visited an exhibition featuring the famous Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama, a 93 year old woman from Tokyo who creates vibrant and immersing installations. Her work is very much inspired by the environment and shapes, in particular polka dots, and the installation was spectacular! We also saw another installation by Japanese artist Chiharu Shiota which was amazing too. My favourite was the light box room by Yayoi Kusama which was covered with yellow dots and had a light box in the centre with yellow, spotty, lit-up pumpkins inside.

Next, we headed to Katsumoto where we enjoyed a delicious Japanese meal. Finally, we visited Daiso, a Japanese store in the city which has everything from food to stationery. I really enjoyed the excursion, as did the rest of the girls, because we were able to experience a lot of Japanese culture and enjoy the beautiful work of Yayoi Kusama.

Jenna Maione
Year 10 Japanese student

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FUSION – Performing Arts Collaboration

The hallways at school are buzzing with excitement for the arrival of FUSION! Every second year is the School Musical extravaganza, but this year, after the success of A Chorus Line in 2021, I wanted to offer a small scale but equally as rewarding Performing Arts opportunity to our students, of whom so many are lovers of the stage! In conversation with Sari Noble, we decided to join forces and combine the Stage 1 Music Performance with ensemble dance pieces. Hence the title FUSION was born – a mixture of live music and singing with dance in such a huge variety of styles including ballet, jazz, musical theatre, tap and contemporary.

As Performing Arts teachers, we are so lucky to be able to work with girls who come with different experiences but all love to sing and dance. This is something that truly brings students together, including across the year levels. Being involved in this project has been no easy feat due to the impact of COVID which has made it difficult to rehearse with a full cast. Nevertheless, I am extremely proud of what we have achieved as a team and cannot wait for the girls to perform for a live and enthusiastic audience on Friday 10 June at 7pm in the Arts Centre.

Our wonderful Friends of The Arts will be there serving drinks and snacks, so we would love you to kick off the long weekend by celebrating FUSION. Tickets are available through TryBooking – click here

Kate Burnett
Head of The Arts

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Selwyn House Charity Day – Bake Sale

The Year 10 Selwyn Home Group is running a bake sale next Friday 10 June to raise money for our House Charity, The Smith Family. The organisation creates opportunities for disadvantaged Australian children and their families by supporting education.

We are selling delicious baked goods such as cupcakes, brownies and doughnuts. Prices range from 50c to $3.

Parents of girls from Reception to Year 2 can pre-order vanilla cupcakes (only bake option online) via the TryBooking link. Students from Years 3 to 12 will be able to buy items directly from the stall next to the Arts Centre. Please bring cash only.

Thank you, we hope to see you at our bake sale!

Naomi Singh
Year 10 student

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Kilburn House Charity Day – Sausage Sizzle

Next Friday, the Year 10 Kilburn girls will be running a sausage sizzle to raise money for our House Charity, Treasure Boxes. This organisation helps people from all walks of life who are experiencing poverty, domestic violence or homelessness.

Sausages with bread and soft drinks will be sold for $2 each and juice boxes for $1. Soft drinks are only available for Years 3 – 12. We will also be offering a vegetarian option, gluten-free bread will be available (at no additional cost), and we’ll have a meal deal consisting of one sausage with bread and a drink for $3.

Parents of girls from Reception to Year 2 can pre-order via the TryBooking link. Students from Years 3 to 12 will be able to buy items directly from the stall on Chiverton Lawns. Please bring cash only.

Thank you and we hope to see you supporting our House Charity on the day!

Alysa Trinh
Year 10 student

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Nude Food Tuesdays

The Environment Club is encouraging all Saints Girls to minimise their plastic usage, especially in the packaging of their recess and lunch. Many of us pack our recess and lunch in zip lock bags and cling wrap. But the issue with this is that we use these once and then toss them into the bin. These plastics are not biodegradable, and over many years will simply break down into microplastics contaminating our water sources and even our food.

So, to decrease this impact, the Environment Club is inviting everyone to participate in Nude Food Tuesdays. On this day, we ask that students’ lunch and recess are not packaged in single use plastic and are instead packed in other items such as containers, beeswax wraps or even multi-use silicon bags.

If everyone participates, the amount of plastic which the School contributes to landfill will decrease greatly, thus benefitting our environment. You can even do this every day if you are extra keen to help our environment!

Nathara Perera
Environment Club

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Piano Eisteddfod – Coming Soon!

On Thursday 16 June in Week 7 of Term 2, the Arts Department will hold St Peter’s Girls’ Piano Eisteddfod. It is open to all Junior and Middle School students who play piano. Parents are welcome to attend, and the time of each student’s performance will be communicated to families.

Girls will have the opportunity to perform a piece to a panel of judges, who will critique their performance based on accuracy, technique and musicality for their specific music level. This is a great opportunity for girls to perform in a supportive environment and receive some valuable feedback.

Girls are asked to play one piece that best displays their musicality and technical ability at their own musical level. There will be no minimum or maximum time limit. While the Eisteddfod provides our top piano players with a platform to perform, the aim is to give performers of all levels the opportunity to participate.

A Piano Recital will be held at 6pm on Thursday 23 June. Students will be chosen from the Eisteddfod performers who show confidence and a high level of musicianship. Selected recital students will be notified by the beginning of Week 8.

Sari Noble
Acting Director of Music

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Native Tree Giveaway

Burnside Council invites locals to help grow its Urban Forest. It’s giving away free advanced native trees for City of Burnside residents to plant in their garden.

To get your free native tree:

      • Visit the Customer Service Desk at the Civic Centre on Greenhill Road to collect your voucher (voucher must be collected by the property owner only), or email with your name, the address of the property and mailing address (if different from the property address), and a voucher will be posted to you.
      • Take your unique voucher to one of the participating nurseries to get your native tree.

Valid from 15 April to 30 September 2022, voucher limits apply per rateable property. For more details – click here

Nathara Perera
Environment Club Captain

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Starry Night Gala Ball – Two Weeks to Go!

Saturday 18 June

Saints Girls is over the moon about our Starry Night Gala Ball to celebrate and support our fundraising efforts for a new Gym, including our ‘Saints Girls All-Stars’.

Don’t miss out on this amazing evening with our Saints Girls’ community.

7pm, Saturday 18 June
Adelaide Convention Centre

Tickets: $200 per person
Includes three-course meal, beverages and live entertainment

To book your tickets, CLICK HERE

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Star Struck Major Lottery – Closing Soon

As momentum builds for our Gym fundraising campaign featuring our ‘Saints Girls All-Stars’, we are thrilled to share our Star Struck Major Lottery.

Ticket sales are now open, so get in quick!

First Prize: Toyota Yaris Ascent Sport from Northpoint Toyota (valued at $27,811)
+ a personalised car park at St Peter’s Girls’ School from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023.

This stunning new car could belong to you or someone in your family! Spread the word and feel free to share this opportunity with your friends and relatives.

To buy your tickets: CLICK HERE

Lottery Licence No: M14175

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Car Park Courtesy

The School has again received complaints about traffic blocking Stonyfell Road for lengthy periods during drop-off and pick-up. If the car park is full and you are unable to enter, circle the block until it is clear to enter, find a park elsewhere or, where age-appropriate, meet your daughter in a surrounding street. Unless special circumstances apply, parents of girls in Years 2 to 12 should not enter the car park to collect their daughters prior to 3.30pm. Parents of girls in Reception and Year 1 have exclusive use of the pick-up zone prior to this time for safety and traffic reasons.

Please also refrain from turning right into or out of the car park at peak times, and please do not queue in the car park’s lanes as this often prevents drivers who are legally parked from exiting.

We have also received complaints about cars being parked too close to or in front of driveways, or across from other vehicles in surrounding streets, making it extremely difficult for residents and other road users to navigate.

We ask all community members to please show consideration for others; thank you for your cooperation.

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COVID-19 Information

SA Health has advised that asymptomatic COVID-19 close contacts no longer need to quarantine. Therefore, asymptomatic children and students can attend school or ELC despite being a close contact, provided they undertake 5 RATs over the subsequent 7 days and receive negative results.

Please also be reminded of these vital requirements:

Should your child develop any symptoms, even mild ones, they must not attend school or ELC and should be tested for COVID-19. They require a PCR test with receipt of a negative result and resolution of symptoms before return to school/ELC can be considered. Students who have previously tested positive and have completed isolation in the past 12 weeks do not need to undertake testing.

If your child tests positive to COVID-19, notify us immediately. Please also advise the type of test (RAT/PCR), the date your child’s test was taken and the date symptoms started (if no symptoms, note ‘asymptomatic’).

Please notify us via email or text:

Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au
Text: 0428 601 957 (save to phone contacts as SPGS)

If you need to notify us over the phone, please call the Front Office on 8334 2200.

Please note that if your child is too sick to attend school, they are therefore also too sick to be working remotely from home.

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School Medical Information Reminder

It is imperative that all medical information, including immunisations, is up to date on the School’s myLink parent portal.

Please follow this pathway to check and/or update details: myLink > Community Portal > My Details > select child name

If you have any questions, please email healthcentre@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

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School Immunisation Program

2nd Visit Reminder for Parents of Year 10 Students – Tuesday 14 June

The information below is provided by Eastern Health Authority

Year 10
• 2nd dose of the Meningococcal B vaccine (Men B), BEXSERO

A reminder to parents: Students in Year 10 are offered two free vaccines 2 months apart to be fully vaccinated against Meningococcal B. It is important that your child is present at school on the day when EHA will be providing second doses.

Please notify EHA if:
• Your child has already started the above program with another provider
• You wish to withdraw your consent
• Your child’s medical condition has changed

Tips for the day of immunisation:
• Encourage your child to have a good breakfast and recess on the morning of immunisations
• Wear sports uniforms to aid easy access to the upper arm and avoid unnecessarily exposing yourself if clothing needs to be removed/undone
• Encourage your child to keep their arms moving and drink plenty of water throughout the day.

If you did not receive an immunisation consent form from your child at the beginning of the school year, please ask at the school’s Front Office or if unavailable contact EHA.

If you have any further questions about the program, please directly contact Eastern Health Authority on 8132 3600 or via email eha@eha.sa.gov.au

Further information and videos for high school students are available at: www.health.gov.au/news/school-based-vaccinations-for-teens

Remember: it is your responsibility to notify EHA on 8132 3600 of any changes or information, particularly in relation to your child’s medical condition, on the day of immunisation or prior. A signed and dated note in your child’s diary from a parent or guardian presented on the day is acceptable.

School Immunisation Program records may be required for future employment or travel.

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Warm Up with Saints’ Scarves and Beanies

With the cooler weather, the School Shop has some branded winter warmers:

Saints Girls’ Supporter Scarf – perfect for staff, coaches and parents

Saints Girls’ Beanies
– can be worn by students during their sport training sessions and warm ups, and also available for staff coaches and parents

To get your hands on these fabulous new items, please visit the School Shop.

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General Absences from School

If your child is going to be absent, late to school or leave early, please use one of the following methods to notify the School, providing the student name, Class/Home Group and reason:

Text: 0428 601 957

Email: attendance@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

Phone: 8334 2200

Feel free to include the Class/Home Group Teacher when emailing. It would be appreciated if notifications could be made prior to 9am.

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Sports News


Open A: Saints (2) v Immanuel (30)
Middle A: Saints (lost) v Immanuel (won)


Congratulations to Lucille Trengove who has been selected for SAPSASA Aussie Rules.


Open A: Saints 6 (162) v Seymour 0 (69)
Open B1: Bye
Open B2: Saints 2 (164) v Seymour 4 (188)
Open C1: Saints 5 (119) v Woodcroft 1 (54)
Open C2: Saints 5 (124) v Wilderness 1 (55)
Open D1: Saints 2 (110) v Seymour 4 (85)
Open D2: Saints 6 (126) v Woodcroft 0 (59)
Middle E: Saints 4 (128) v Seymour 4 (124)

It is a delight to return to the courts again since the end of last season. Saturday was the first game of this season, and for some girls, it was their very first match in Badminton. It was great to see them applying new skills from training into competitive games. We look forward to watching you progress throughout the season. A big congratulation to all girls who played on Saturday. Out of the 5 teams, 4 secured wins. A special shoutout to the Open A and D2 teams who each won 6-0. Amazing start to the season girls! – Yang Yang (Captain)


Division B: Saints (5) v Pembroke B (0)
Our Hockey season started off with a win against Pembroke Bs. Unfortunately, following a winless year in 2021, we have moved into the B Division. However, we will be sufficiently challenged over the course of the season due to a smaller squad and are looking forward to the matches ahead.


U11: Saints (4) vs North Adelaide (4)
The girls had a great game against North Adelaide. Even though it was a tough match, they were able to fight and keep the score even. Everyone played well, and the girls are improving each game! Our goal scorers were Mimi Birmingham (1), Maddie Romeo (2) and Violet Tulloch (1). Well played girls! – Dani (Captain)


Open A: Saints (44) v Immanuel (56)
Open B: Saints (35) v  Immanuel (56)
Open C: Saints (41) v  Immanuel (51)
Open D: Saints (17) v Immanuel (47)
Year 9A: Saints (34) v Immanuel (27)
Year 9B: Saints (won) v Immanuel (forfeit)
Year 8A: Saints (23) v Immanuel (28)
Year 8B: Saints (6) v Immanuel (18)
Year 7A: Saints (16) v Immanuel (51)
Year 7B: Saints (12) v Immanuel (22)
Year 6: Saints Blue (27) v Seymour Green (25)

Year 6: Saints Blue (27) v Seymour Green (25)
Saints 6 Blue battled it out in a tense game that highlighted the many strengths of the team. Going into the final quarter, we were down by 3 goals and fought back to win the game. All the girls played their hardest against a strong Seymour team. When players were off, it was lovely to hear them supporting their teammates from the sidelines. Stand out players were Jemima Vikor-Lam and Sophie Loan who really worked hard through the mid-court into the goal circle with the support of the other mid-courters. Special mention goes to Maisy Ion who shot some amazing goals from all around the goal circle. Our defenders really took on board instruction and shut down the Seymour attack. All girls contributed to the win and should be very proud of themselves. – Cimone (Coach)


After weeks of challenging tryouts, the following students have been successful in making it through to the final two squads for East Adelaide SAPSASA Netball. With 25% of the squad being made up of Saints Girls, the future of Netball is certainly in safe hands! Congratulations to:

• Jemima Vikor-Lam
• Lucille Trengove
• Sophie Loan
• Victoria Zou
• Caitlyn Sam-Ling


Premier League: Saints A (0) v Scotch (3)
Division 1: Saints B (0) v Mercedes A (6)
Division 3: Saints C (1) v  Scotch (7)


Following four wins in a row for Saints, Wilderness came back strongly to take home the 2022 IGSSA Swimming Shield. Throughout the day, our girls showed exceptional school spirit, filling every race and giving their all. Unfortunately in the end, a strong Wilderness squad who took out all the Freestyle relays was too much to overcome, with our girls finishing in a respectable 3rd place overall. Well done girls.