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Enews – Week 5, Term 1 2016

 Issue no. 5Enews-banner

From the Head of Junior School

Suzanne-Haddy_webIt has been an incredibly busy but happy start to the school year. As I reflect on the first five weeks, and consider what has been achieved and the events that have taken place in a relatively short space of time, I am again grateful for the dedication of our staff, the positive and friendly nature of our girls, and the strong sense of community that exists in the School to which I now belong.

Learning in the Junior School during the first few weeks of term has been rich and thought-provoking, with fascinating units of inquiry providing abundant learning experiences across a variety of disciplines.

The Reception girls are settling so well into school routines. They have made such significant progress during the first few weeks of school and are already celebrating their improvement in so many areas. They have been developing their skills in being a good friend, listening attentively and following instructions, along with learning skills and strategies for reading, writing, sorting, ordering, counting and classifying. I thank our Reception teachers, Michelle and Louise, for running an informative and enjoyable literacy and numeracy information evening this week and the many parents who came along to find out a little more about what we do at School and how the girls’ learning can be supported at home.

Our Year 1 students have been thoroughly enjoying their newly furnished classrooms. Their learning spaces are now more flexible, with a variety of table shapes, chairs and stools, along with moveable digital display screens that are bright and clear. The girls are managing their ‘independence’ days brilliantly and are well and truly big schoolgirls now. One of the highlights of the term so far for our Year 1s happened this week, as they watched a butterfly emerge out of its chrysalis after a long wait while it was a caterpillar, as part of their study about invertebrates and life cycles. It was quite an awe-inspiring moment and it sparked an enormous amount of discussion and led to some very careful and creative recording.

The Year 2 classes have been completely absorbed in their unit of inquiry about Space. The girls’ skills of questioning, then finding, presenting and reporting information, are getting an excellent workout and there is quite a buzz in their classrooms as new information is gathered and explored. The Space Dome visit was certainly a highlight of this unit – when the stars and planets came to the Arts Centre!

Our Year 3 classes have delved into their studies about animals, environments and endangerment with three contrasting excursions to The Urrbrae Wetlands, Monarto Zoo and The Adelaide Zoo. The girls’ creativity has been put to the test as they have created interesting ways to present their learning, using digital technologies, posters, mobiles, and 3D models. They are looking forward to presenting some of this learning at our Junior School Assembly in Week 9, from 8.40am on Friday 1 April. You are warmly invited to attend.

Year 4 girls have been learning a lot about themselves and others, in relation to how teams work, the skills required for a team of people to successfully work together, alternative emotional responses to a variety of situations, and looking at issues from different perspectives. They have enjoyed two Challenge Mornings with Year 4s from PAC who are currently undertaking a similar unit of inquiry. Working in groups to play games, undertake a team quiz, create a protective encasing for an egg to be dropped from the first floor balcony, and building the tallest tower using dry spaghetti and marshmallows all provided girls with an insight into the skills and strategies that are more and less successful when trying to achieve a shared goal.

The current Year 5 unit of inquiry has been leading up to their camp at Sovereign Hill, which they have been enjoying this week. Research into life during the Gold Rush era of the 1800s has been a focus as they learn about our use of natural resources and effects on the environment, society and culture. During their week away, the girls have adopted alternative personas, taking on a character from the mid-1800s and considering what life may have been like for people working in and around the early gold mining towns of Australia. We look forward to having them back in the 21st century next week!

Year 6s are learning about leadership currently, as they take on their responsibilities as leaders in the Junior School and develop the skills they will need to run the Peer Support program with the Years 2 to 5 students. They are discovering some of the traits of successful leaders from our past, and considering ways in which they can be ‘good’ leaders, who lead with creativity, courage, compassion, dedication, humility and integrity.

Attitude of gratitude – watch this space!

Before I sign off from this week’s edition of the Enews, I want to let you know of a challenge that I have set the Junior School girls for this year, and that is to approach every day with an ‘attitude of gratitude’. I spoke briefly about this at our Meet the Teacher evening, where I outlined some of the benefits we experience when we express gratitude. I shall be developing this theme further throughout the year in Chapel, Assemblies and when I’m wandering through corridors and classrooms.

Suzanne Haddy

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Strategic planning process underway: have your say

Parents will have now received a link to an online survey as part of our strategic planning process, seeking your opinion on a range of issues at the School. Your feedback is very important to us and will be used as we move forward.

Our new strategic plan will outline the way forward for the School over the next three years. This document will provide a clear path of improvement across a number of areas to ensure we continue to deliver excellence in education to our students.

The survey is being conducted by an external provider and all responses will be kept strictly private and confidential. No member of the leadership team or Board will have access to your individual responses. We will be provided with a summary of collated results only. There are no right or wrong answers and we ask that you respond honestly.

Following this survey process, we will also be holding a series of open forums which you may like to attend. Parents will be invited to contribute to areas such as the academic, co-curricular and well-being domains. This is a vital way for us to hear your feedback and discuss ideas in an open and transparent way. Please mark these dates in your diary and attend the session/s that interest you most:

Monday 4 April – Academic
Tuesday 12 April – Well-being
Thursday 14 April – Co-curricular

Sessions will be held in the Humzy Theatre from 7pm. More information will be circulated closer to the time.

As always, if you have an idea, issue or topic to raise with me, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly at jshea@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au or make an appointment. Please call 8334 2226 to arrange a convenient time.

I look forward to hearing your feedback.

Julia Shea

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Last chance: Buzz Book data update

Buzz Book 2016 coverHave you provided your consent to be included in this year’s Buzz Book?

All changes and consent must be completed today.


If you do NOT submit your consent, your information will NOT be included in the Buzz Book this year. Both contacts will need to provide their individual consent.

We have moved to an electronic system for this year’s update process. To review your contact information, and provide your consent for your family’s details to be included in the Buzz Book, please complete the following steps:

> Log in to the Link Portal using your individual username and password
> If you can’t remember your password, click on ‘Forgot your password’ so that it can be emailed to you
> Once logged in, click on the Buzz Book tab
> Check your details and tick the items you wish to be included in the Buzz Book
> Your consent will be saved
> Repeat the process for any other daughters/children you have at the School
> If changes are required, email admin@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au and confirm your consent to be included in the Buzz Book.


If you experience difficulties using the Link Portal, please contact link@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au or phone 8155 5791.

Thank you for your assistance in keeping the School’s records accurate. We look forward to distributing the Buzz Book as soon as possible.

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Intensive Languages program update

This year marked the launch of our new Intensive Languages Program at Saints Girls.  Already, after only a few weeks, the Languages staff can see the benefits for our students of the extra time spent on language learning. Here are some snapshots of what is happening in some of the classrooms.

Junior School French

Junior School French students have been moving along at a fantastic pace now that they have an extra lesson a week. While not all students work at the same speed, it has given students who are very eager to learn more the opportunity to move further with their second language choice at such a crucial time when their brains are at the perfect developmental stage. For other students, it has meant that they have that extra lesson to consolidate their learning and help them with recall of new vocabulary.

Excellent school programs are also founded on excellent relationships between students and teachers and the intensive lessons have certainly allowed these relationships to deepen as we are seeing classes more often.

Reception and Year 1 Chinese

Reception Mandarin At the start of Term 1, Reception students in Chinese class are currently working on the Unit, ‘What is in China?’, in which they explore different cultural things in China, such as lanterns, chopsticks, dumplings etc. Students are enthusiastic in finding out things which are different from their home culture.

Year 1 students are focussing on the unit, ‘Animals’. They explore the topic through the Chinese Zodiac story, so they learn the language and the culture at the same time. Students are engaged in a range of classroom activities, such as puppet play, the game Go Around the World, and Simon Says.

With the Intensive Language Program introduced this year, students receive more opportunities to practise the language and explore the culture in more depth. The increased learning time reinforces their learning of the language and it also increases their enthusiasm of the language as well as their understanding of the culture. Now I have more and more students yell out Chinese words when they see me!

Heng Wang (Chinese Teacher, Reception and Year 1)

Year 2 French

In Year 2 French classes, students have almost achieved a term’s work by Week 5. With links to the PYP, students have learnt the names of different planets and have been able to answer questions about them in French. We have also learnt the song, Au clair de la lune,and kept up the practice of essential conversational phrases. The students have enjoyed being able to pursue their language learning in a way that makes this subject a more meaningful part of their educational journey.

Year 3 Chinese

 The girls in Year 3 Chinese class are doing a fantastic job. They love all the learning activities, including working on worksheets, singing songs, doing crafts and playing games. They are very keen to learn and sometimes they even teach themselves. Only within 4 weeks, the Year 3 girls have already been able to use basic greeting words, tell people their names, count from 0 to 100 in Chinese and sing a numbers song as well as a ‘good friend song’. They can also write the numbers in Chinese characters and the handwriting is very beautiful.

Isabel Feng (Chinese Teacher, Year 2&3)

Year 4 Japanese

 4SH JapaneseIn Year 4 Japanese, we have been working on oriental zodiac role play in Japanese. We are looking at the language in the script more closely than in previous years and students are making their own sentences and adding lines in their script, which we have never had time to do before.

The highlights of intensive language classes I have noticed so far, now that they are exposed to the language more regularly, are:

  • the level of engagement is much higher
  • the students are using the language more comfortably and confidently in class
  • they are discussing about language more deeply – reflecting on their own language, developing an understanding of how language forms
  • they are making connections with their prior knowledge more often (e.g. the students remembered the word, ‘atama’ (‘head’), and I told them ‘ii’ means ‘good’; then they figured what ‘atama ga ii’ (‘clever’) meant by themselves)
  • the students are finding their own way of developing their language skills (e.g. some students have come up with interesting mnemonics)

Ayako Uchikawa (Japanese Teacher, Year 4)

Year 5 Japanese

The Year 5 Intensive Japanese program has begun with great enthusiasm. From day one, students have eagerly involved themselves in their language learning through activities such as contributing to the online Wonder Wall and creating Japanese Journals. The Japanese Journals have been especially rewarding as students use iPads to create their own reference materials. In doing so, they have not only been considering language, but also meaning, context and pronunciation.

Overall, it is clear that the increase to four lessons a week has allowed students to learn with both great breadth and great depth, and we are all looking forward to where this learning will take us in the coming year.

Amanda Gunawan (Japanese Teacher, Year 5)

Year 6 French

In my Year 6 French class I think one of the biggest differences is in the general confidence of the class to be able to speak in French. They practise speaking most days, since we have a lesson most days, and many are able to speak with pronunciation that is far more accurate than a normal beginner as they have more regular reinforcement of correct pronunciation.

Alex McKay (French Teacher, Year 6)

Year 6 Japanese

In Year 6 Japanese, we are using the extra time to concentrate on learning the hiragana alphabet. Although the girls learned a number of the characters last year, one lesson a week does not allow frequent enough contact with the script to be able to use it confidently. Our aim is that by the end of Term 1, we will be learning all new words in hiragana, without having to write the English pronunciation. This is very unusual for a primary school language class, and is only possible due to the frequency of our lessons.

The girls also have much more constant interaction with spoken Japanese and, as a result, like to use the phrases they have learned wherever possible. It is wonderful teaching students who are so keen to learn and the success they are experiencing through being able to use the language frequently further feeds their motivation. It will be an exciting year!

Cindy Pitkin (Japanese Teacher, Year 6)

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Gifted education information night

IMG_3118Parents of students in Reception to Year 10 are warmly invited to attend the launch of our Gifted and Talented Program, EDGE. EDGE stands for Extended, Differentiated and Gifted Education. The launch will be held at 6.30pm on Thursday 17 March in the Arts Centre.

The EDGE program is a culmination of staff professional learning, research and consultation on the nature of giftedness. We believe that a differentiated curriculum benefits all of our girls, not just the gifted and talented. Please join us to hear more about how the program will be put into action this year.

This evening will be an opportunity for us to share details of what we will be doing both in and out of the classroom to ensure our gifted students have an enriched and challenging curriculum.

It is our hope that the EDGE program will deepen and extend learning experiences, foster curiosity and creativity, and inspire a love of learning.

We look forward to seeing you on the night and sharing our vision for gifted education at St Peter’s Girls.

For further information, please contact Becca Burton-Howard on bburton-howard@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au or Meredith Beck on mbeck@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

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New piano in residence

IMG_3087It was with great excitement last Friday that I supervised the instalment of our new baby Grand C1X Yamaha Piano into MB 120, the new Music Studio. The piano, affectionately known as ‘Stubby’, was the final piece of the puzzle to be fitted into our new purpose-built second music room.

Last year we sadly farewelled Fiona Hale (nee Burton, Patteson ’86), Old Scholar, parent, ex-President of the Friends of Arts and strong advocate of Music at Saints Girls. At Fiona’s funeral an amount of money was collected to go towards the purchase of a piano for the Music Department, and ‘Stubby’ is the eventuality of Fiona’s ongoing ambition to support Music at Saints Girls.

To celebrate our new piano, we will be holding a piano competition. During Week 9, I will be holding an open forum at recess times for all piano players to come along and perform one piece. From this performance, 10 students will be chosen to perform in an evening recital on Wednesday 18 May in our new Music Studio. I can think of no better way to celebrate this wonderful addition to our music resources at Saints Girls.

Sally Rounsevell
Director of Music

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Choral Night 2016: save the date

Choral Night Enews

Choral Night 2016 is just a few weeks away. We hope Years 7–12 families can join us for this annual highlight on the School calendar.

We encourage you to book your tickets early to avoid disappointment, as this is always a sell-out event.

Time: 7pm (doors open 6.30pm)
Date: Wednesday 30 March 2016
Venue: Adelaide Town Hall, 128 King William Street, Adelaide
Tickets: $10 each (a maximum of four tickets per family applies)

Tickets must be pre-purchased online before the event and we will include details in next week’s Enews. As in previous years, our Year 12 parents will have priority access to book tickets before general access is opened. Stay tuned for further details.

We hope you can join us for what is sure to be an amazing evening.

For further information, contact the Development Office on events@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

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Come and support us at Head of the River

The countdown is on for the Head of the River, to be held on Saturday 12 March at West Lakes. Students, parents and families are invited to attend and support our girls from the edge of the rowing course.

This year a bus will be provided from School to West Lakes for students wishing to attend.  45 seats are available and students can book at the School Shop by Thursday next week.  The bus will depart at 7.15am and return to Saints Girls by approximately 12.15pm.

This year’s rowing is expected to be bigger and better than last, with the girls’ lead-up training being exceptional. Please come along to attend this historic regatta and support our rowers.

As with previous years, spectating students are expected to wear full School uniform, including hat. If the weather is cool and an outer garment is required, students must wear their blazer.

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Dads Night Out

Dads Night Out Enews

The inaugural Dads Night Out, ‘A Night on the Green’, will be held on Friday 1 April.

Come along for a great evening, bring a friend and enjoy some barefoot bowling at the Toorak Burnside Bowling Club.

7pm, Friday 1 April 2016
Toorak Burnside Bowling Club

Includes finger food and door prizes. Drinks can be purchased on the evening. Raffle prizes will also be drawn.

Earlybird special: $30 tickets available before 29 March 2016! Ticket sales will open next week. Keep an eye out for your invitation.

It’ll be a fun and social evening. Remember – no bowling experience is necessary! This fundraising event is hosted by the Mothers’ Club.

The Mothers’ Club would love to offer you the opportunity to promote your business at this event. If you have a product or service that can be donated for a raffle or auction prize, please let us know. Contact Emma on emmarob@bigpond.net.au.

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Give our new robot a name: entries open

NAOMany of you will remember Thomas the robot who was loaned to the School as part of a pilot educational project last year. Thomas captured the imagination of the students and as a result of their fundraising activities, the Parents’ and Friends’ Association were able to purchase a NAO Humanoid Robot for the School.

The new robot has remained nameless for long enough and so the time has come to name it. At the recent Twilight Cinema, the P&F launched a naming competition. The competition is open to all students to enter their suggested name for consideration.

Please put your suggestion on one of the available slips, together with a gold coin donation, and return them to the Development Office by 7 March 2016. A shortlist will be presented to Ms Shea who will decide on the final name.

Now is your chance to go down in St Peter’s Girls history, so get thinking and maybe it will be your suggestion that makes it.

Ed Parker
P&F President

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Tutor Program proving popular

OIMG_6291ur new Tutor Program for Years 7-12 students is proving popular with students. It’s already providing excellent support for students as they navigate the complexities of their Middle and Senior School studies.

Our tutors are all recent Old Scholars, who’ve been carefully selected to cover key subject areas such as Maths, Science, English and Humanities. They are employed directly by the School.

Importantly, this is a free service provided to students so you can attend as many sessions as you need.

The tutors have access to course outlines and assessment requirements and provide clear feedback and reinforce understanding of subjects for students. They are also in direct communication with subject teachers if required.

If you are keen for your daughter to get involved with the tutoring sessions, which occurs before and after school, please contact me on 8334 2238 or email kskinner@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

Kerry Skinner
Deputy Principal & Head of Senior School

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Get involved in Junior School Banking

You can get involved in the School Banking program by opening a Commonwealth Bank Youthsaver account at any Commonwealth Bank branch, over the phone on 13 2221, or via NetBank if you are an existing customer with NetBank access.

bankingRemember to take in identification for you and your child (driver’s license and birth certificate). You will receive a Dollarmites wallet and deposit book that your child will use to participate in the program.

Our school receives $5 when a student makes their first ever School Banking deposit and 5% on every deposit made through the school (to a maximum of $10 per individual deposit).

Thank you for supporting our school and helping to teach your child the benefits of saving regularly.

Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124. Call 13 2221 at any time. As this advice has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs, you should, before acting on this advice, consider its appropriateness to your circumstances. Full terms and conditions for transaction and savings accounts are available from any branch of the Commonwealth Bank and should be considered in any decision about the product. If you have a complaint in respect of this product, the Commonwealth Bank’s dispute resolution process can be accessed on 13 2221.

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Swimming Carnival


The 2016 Swimming Carnival was once again held at the Adelaide Aquatic Centre and was enjoyed by Years 4 to 12 students and a large number of supportive parents. Selwyn took out the McGill Shield as overall winners for the first time since its inception in 2002 and were the overall winners for the first time since 1997.

McGill Shield
1st Selwyn, 2nd Patteson, 3rd Kilburn, 4th Kennion

Junior School Shield
1st Selwyn, 2nd Patteson, 3rd Kilburn, 4th Kennion

Middle School Shield
1st Kilburn, 2nd Selwyn, 3rd Kennion, 4th Patteson

Senior School Shield
1st Selwyn, 2nd Kennion, 3rd Patteson, 4th Kilburn

Year Level Winners

Year 4 – 1st Charlie Norman PAT and Marcella Tolley SEL, 2nd Claudia Pearce SEL, 3rd Dani Cox KEN
Year 5 – 1st Poppy Marshall SEL, 2nd Emily Bryce SEL, 3rd Sophie Dansie SEL
Year 6 – 1st Emily Baldwinson KEN, 2nd Mia Humphrey SEL, 3rd Sophie Norman PAT
Year 7 – 1st Steph Smalls PAT, 2nd Gemma Schaedel SEL, 3rd Lily Rose Spartalis KIL
Year 8 – 1st Lucy Young KIL, 2nd Annabel Baldwinson KEN, 3rd Hattie Maerschel KEN
Year 9 – 1st Nicolette Miller, 2nd Grace Sampson KIL, 3rd Rose Pittman KIL
Year 10 – 1st Thandi Murada KIL, 2nd Erin Barrera SEL, 3rd Antonia Kirsten Parsch SEL
Year 11 – 1st Shania Morgan PAT, 2nd Rachael Disney KEN, 3rd Mikaela Georgiadis KEN
Year 12 – 1st Krista Ceplite SEL, 2nd Tash Hammond SEL and Elise Schaedel SEL, 3rd Sophie Schultz KIL and Ally Murray KEN

Champion Swimmer – 4 x 25 Individual Medley

Junior School – 1st Emily Baldwinson, 2nd Poppy Marshall, 3rd Sophie Norman
Middle School – 1st Lucy Young, 2nd Annabel Baldwinson, 3rd Grace Sampson
Senior School – 1st Krista Ceplite, 2nd Shania Morgan, 3rd Thandi Murada

Swimmer of the Day

Junior School – Emily Baldwinson
Middle School – Lucy Young
Senior School – Krista Ceplite


An amazing 25 New Records were set in the day, proving Saints has a very strong contingent of swimmers

Year 4 25m Butterfly – Marcella Tolley SEL 21.03sec
Year 4 25m Freestyle – Marcella Tolley SEL 17.25sec
Year 5 50m Breaststroke – Poppy Marshall SEL 44.94sec
Year 5 25m Backstroke – Annie Bui KEN 21.81sec
Year 6 50m Butterfly – Emily Baldwinson KEN 36.99sec
Year 6 50m Freestyle – Emily Baldwinson KEN 32.50sec
Year 6 50m Breaststroke – Emily Baldwinson KEN 43.73sec
Year 6 – 4 x25m IM – Emily Baldwinson KEN 1:21.88
Year 7 25m Freestyle – Portia Maerschel KEN 14.93sec
Year 8 25m Freestyle – Paris Robinson SEL 16.25sec
Year 8 25m Backstroke – Paris Robinson SEL 18.66sec
Year 8 50m Freestyle – Lucy Young KIL 29.16sec
Year 8 50m Backstroke – Lucy Young KIL 34.52sec
Year 10 25m Freestyle – Emily Webb PAT 16.16sec
Year 10 25m Backstroke – Charlie Kelly SEL 18.89sec
Year 11 50m Breaststroke – Shania Morgan PAT 34.17sec
Year 11 25m Backstroke – Isabelle Norman PAT 19.87sec
Year 12 50m Butterfly – Krista Ceplite SEL 30.93sec
Year 12 50m Freestyle – Krista Ceplite SEL 28.43sec
Year 12 25m Freestyle – Stella Tunno 19.74sec
Year 12 25m Backstroke – Georgia Howe KEN 19.26sec
Years 7, 8, 9 Freestyle Relay – Kilburn 56.29sec
Years 10, 11, 12 Freestyle Relay – Selwyn 57.23
Years 7, 8, 9 Medley Relay 1:05.67
Years 10, 11, 12 Medley Relay 1:05.17

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Sports News

Basketball – Wednesday 24 February

Open A – Saints 11 defeated by Wilderness 21
Despite the loss, the girls managed to carry the ball down the court well. Dropping off in the second half saw Wilderness take the lead and carry on to win the game. A special mention to Isabella who carried the ball with confidence and attacked the basket with aggression. Josephine Dal Pra (Captain)

Triathlon – Wednesday 24 February


Saints sent 6 teams to the Secondary School State Teams Triathlon, which, for the first time, also included a Primary division for Year 7 students. All teams competed exceptionally well, adding to the history of this event.

Saints were also represented individually by Thandi Murada (Intermediate) and Matilda Braithwaite (Junior) who placed 6th overall.

Team Results:

Intermediate Team won the BRONZE medal: Erin Barrera (Swim), Thandi Murada (Cycle), Beth Cross (Run)

Junior Team 1 finished third: Grace Sampson (Swim), Rachel Banham (Cycle), Rose Pittman (Run)

Junior Team 2 finished 4th: Hattie Maerschel (Swim), Matilda Brathwaite (Cycle), Millie Wilkin (Run)

Junior Team 3 finished 5th: Annabel Baldwinson (Swim), Ella Waltham (Cycle), Portia Maerschel (Run)

Primary Team 1 won the GOLD medal: Alyssa Woolley (Swim), Sophie Barr (Cycle), Sophie Kameniar (Run)

Primary Team 2 won the BRONZE medal: Louisa Reid (Swim), Olivia Kelly (Cycle), Violette Maris (Run)

Junior Softball – Wednesday 24 February

Year 6 – Saints had a bye

Teeball – Wednesday 24 February

Year 4/5 – Saints 15 defeated Walford 13
After a defeat last week, Saints came back strongly against Walford. A visible improvement in batting and fielding allowed for the accumulation of runs and holding Walford back. Many outs were made by Saints, and many were also complex ways of getting a runner out. Overall, the team is improving extremely well and is looking forward to a week off this week! Claire Hale (Coach)

Water polo – Thursday 25 February

Open A – Saints had a bye

Open B – Saints 11 defeated Sacred Heart 1
With many new players joining the Open Water Polo, it was a new experience playing in a bigger and deeper pool at Adelaide. All of the girls combined well and demonstrated great skills which provided the team with an excellent first result. Best players: Lucy Cox and Antonia Kirsten-Parsch. Lynne Spry (Supervisor)

Year 7/8 – Saints 14 defeated St Ignatius 3
The girls excelled in their first game, winning against St Ignatius. As the team has four experienced players and four who are new to this sport, this was an outstanding achievement. All girls displayed great teamwork in demolishing their opponents, with Alysa Wooley and Fiona Lethbridge being the standout players for the game. Special mention should be made of the girls who spent time in goals and ensured that only 3 goals were scored against them. Well done, team! Heather Lines (Supervisor)

Junior Tennis – Friday 26 February

No games due to Swimming Carnival

Rowing – Saturday 26 February

Year 9A – The crew, consisting of Zoe Vine Hall, Rachel Kameniar, Amy Rice and Brooke Weymouth, had some successful races. We won our heat with a time of under four minutes and then placed fourth in the A final. Although we didn’t place, or get a time we were aiming for, a lot was learned in this one race. All of the girls are training harder and preparing for a hopeful win at Head of the River. Amy Carrodus (Coxswain)

Year 9B – The 9Bs placed first in both their heat and final on a beautiful Saturday at West Lakes. Their fierce Saints Girls determination and focus pushed the crew past some tight competition to stay true and follow through to the end. Our crew of Emily Brophy, Sarah Carrodus, Olivia Law, Eve Habel and Zoë Scobie, and coach, Carri Welsby, continue to work together to give it all we have each race. Zoë Scobie (Coxswain)

On Saturday my crew (Kate Reade, Emma Carrodus, Hannah Freeman and Scarlett Hocking) had two races which were back-to-back. We came 4th in the first race and a very close 2nd in the second. The girls need to work on not talking in the boat and keeping their heads in the boat. Charlotte Creek (Coxswain)

On Saturday I coxed 2 different crews. My first crew of Imogen Parkinson, Hannah Keough, Paris Robinson and Sophie Johnson won, with all of the girls working so hard throughout the race. The second race was immediately afterwards and was a Year 9 Division. The crew worked hard but unfortunately came fifth; however, the girls still tried their hardest.

The final race, with Scarlett Hocking, Emma Carrodus, Paris Robinson and Kate Reade, was in a Year 9 Division again and they tried really hard to finish third. Overall, the day was great and everybody achieved something. Abbie Lisle (Coxswain)

Softball – Saturday 26 February

Open A – Saints 7 defeated Concordia 0
This week there was yet another fantastic game played by the whole team. Ruby Oliver and Tori Gilroy performed an amazing double play from an outfield catch by Ruby, with the second out being a tag at second base. Once again, both pitching and catching was a key part of our game, helping us gain another win. Imogen Parker always does a great job behind the home plate, receiving Aroha’s constant strikes. Our last fielding innings was amazing, with Ruby Oliver in the middle of the diamond pitching. Only 3 batters came to the plate that innings as we were able to work together to get each batter out before they reached first base. Well done to Ruby for a great game! Batting also had good results, with Jasmine Ledgard hitting an outstanding home run. I am extremely proud of all the girls for their efforts on both Tuesdays and Saturdays and it is obvious that we are continuing to improve, forming good friendships and working our way to winning the Shield. Georgia Naughton (Captain)

Open B – Saints 15 defeated Concordia 2

Open C1 – Saints 18 defeated St Michael’s 15
Although up against an older, more experienced team, the girls were not afraid to face a faster pitch and there was strong batting with exceptional work in the field and at the plate. With obvious improvement in their fielding, it was clear that the girls were thinking about each play and the actions to be taken. A special mention must go to Steph Smalls who caught a difficult ball at right field and Louisa Reid for her reliable fielding in the outfield. Best player goes to Portia Maerschel for her pitching, stops and strong batting. Well done to everyone for an exciting win! Mimi Long (Coach)

Open C2 – Saints had a Bye

Tennis – Saturday 26 February

Division 1 – Saints 2-24 defeated by Wilderness 28
Singles: Neve McCormack 6–2, Chelsea Staples 1–6, Georgina Thrower 2–6, Violette Maris 6-2

Division 2 Blue – Saints Blue 3-18 defeated Saints White 0-7
Singles: Shamilla Dhillon defeated Mahala Truscott 6-2. Rose Pittman defeated Annabelle Langley 6-1

Division 3 Blue – Saints 4-27 defeated St Ignatius 2-23
Singles: Sophie Shearwood 6 – 4, Sivasuthan 6 – 1, Cheri Wong 3 – 6

Division 3 White – Saints 5-33 defeated Seymour 1-9
Singles: Lilly Alexander 3-6, Taj Shahin 6-0, Emily Downie 6-0, Amelie Eaton 6-0

Division 4 Blue – Saints 5-33 defeated Seymour 1-12
Singles: Aleisha Elliott 6-0 (forfeit), Faye Ma 6-2, Orla Clayton 6-1, Mia Rose Taliangis 6-0

Division 4 White – Saints 2-21 defeated Seymour 2-20
Singles: Charlotte Stewart 6-5, Natasha Lau 6-2

Volleyball – Saturday 26 February

Open A – Saints 3 defeated Immanuel 0
The Open A girls played a terrific game against Immanuel. After a strong start, they continued to work together as a team, and played effectively both defensively and offensively. Passing was done particularly well, and it was great to see so much movement on the court. The girls should be commended for fantastic covering. Additionally, the way in which the backcourt setter is used is continually improving. Mikaela Georgiadis must be applauded on a fantastic block, winning us the last set of the game. Georgia Howe and Mila Loechel (Captains)

Open B – Saints 2 defeated Immanuel 1
The Open Bs defeated Immanuel, finishing the game strongly with a dominant display in the last set (25-7). The girls took some time to warm up in the first set, with their calling and passing costing too many points. Fortunately, this was only a malaise as Maddy Bateman had a break-out game, the ‘jumping bean’ blocking and hitting anything in her area. All girls served strongly and there was some great passing from Ava Loechel and Charlotte Carney. Dan Searle (Supervisor)

Middle A – Saints 2 defeated Immanuel 1 (25-22, 21-25, 25-15)
The Middle A team are looking really strong with 3 wins to date – this week to opposition, Immanuel! The match went to a flying start, our serving and three hits helping us to get ahead by 10 points and win the set. The lower energy and confidence in the second set improved by the end of this set but not enough for a win; unfortunately, it was the lack of calling that lost us the set. Finally, the third set was the most intense set to date. Brooke Elliott’s blocking at net and backup on the court was fantastic, as well as Ruby Bouhamdan’s spectacular serving this set. The girls worked as a cohesive team and incorporated everything talked about in training to demonstrate textbook play and win the game by a convincing 10 points! Absolutely amazing job with the three wins so far; well done, team! Ellana Welsby and Eliza Falconer

Middle B – Saints 2 defeated Immanuel 1 (25-19, 25-18, 17-25)
The girls had another great win this week against Immanuel. Some excellent serving from Katelin Calandro and Georgie Bafile allowed us to gain a good lead early in the first two sets. Amelie Dunda and Asha Short provided some fantastic movement and backup on court that presented the team with some great hitting opportunities. Sophie Lemire also showed some excellent pressure up at the net. The girls played a great game and should be very proud of their efforts this week! Ellana Welsby and Eliza Falconer

Middle C – Saints 0 defeated by Immanuel 3 (21-25, 21-25, 9-25)
The Middle Cs had really good three hits to start the game, with great energy and backup; however, it was the failure to call for the ball that cost us the few points in this first set. The second set continued in a similar fashion, with a strong comeback in the end of the set but not enough to win. Millie Han’s consistent deep in the court serving proved a challenge for the opposition to return over the net, and she must be commended on a great game this week. Unfortunately, the girls had lost a lot of confidence and energy by the third set, failing to get to the ball in time for a return. Hopefully, we can begin next week like we started in this game. Ellana Welsby and Eliza Falconer

Basketball – Monday 29 February

Middle C1 – Saints 26 defeated Immanuel 12
The girls had their first win as a team in two years. From the start the girls played extremely well as a team, with their team defence allowing them to keep Immanuel to a low score. All nine players put in 100 percent for the full 40 minutes. Well done, girls; keep working hard! Peter Krantis (Coach)

Middle C2 – Saints 6 defeated by Walford 14
It was the first match for the C2 team this week. The girls did well in the first half, causing many turnovers which led to Kellie Bested scoring our first two goals. During half-time, we spoke about numbering up in defence and ensuring everyone has an opponent. Natacha Zisos Troupakis and Mahala Truscott did particularly well in this area, always getting in front of their player in defence and applying constant pressure. Well done to Alice Liang who was our only scorer for the second half, as well as Maddy Tilley for using her height to provide a target in attack. Vanessa Brooks (Coach).

Tennis – Monday 29 February

Open A – Saints had a bye

Open B – Saints 6-38 defeated Scotch 0-12
Singles: Olivia Harby 7-5, Emily Loh 6-1, Clair Kao 6-0, Sarah Richards 6-1