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Enews – Week 4, Term 1 2017

Issue no. 4

From the Deputy Principal/Head of Senior School

Kate Mortimer EnewsTerm 1 is always an exciting time in any school. Staff members and students in all year groups are faced with a mix of the familiar and challenging themselves with the new. Whether they are busy getting to know an entirely new system, a new set of teachers, new subjects or increased workloads, there is a level of discomfort, but also excitement, in not knowing everything all at once.

I have been very fortunate to have met many parents at the Year 10 Welcome to Senior School evening, as well as the Years 11 and 12 Meet the Teacher evening. At these events I spoke briefly about the topic of discomfort, and the fact that this year we will be asking our girls to ‘be comfortable with being uncomfortable’.

If you really consider this concept, often our greatest successes come from moments and situations when we feel uncomfortable. We feel nervous before taking a test or sitting an exam, before playing a recital, or a sport final. There is discomfort in meeting new people, talking in public, learning to drive, asking a question in class, or in disclosing and owning a mistake.

But importantly, there are ways we can learn to think and act that will help us to become comfortable with discomfort. This is a skill that is important for all of our girls. It is a skill that, as the girls move closer to university and the workforce, will become more and more important.

The reality is that our students are entering a world where leadership and equity for women is difficult. In Australia today women earn 86 cents for every dollar earned by a man. Women are under-represented in management positions across all business sectors, account for under 35% of Parliament seats and will often attribute their success to luck, rather than being good at what they do.

It is crucial that we give our girls the skills that will allow them to negotiate their transition into the world beyond our gates; that they have the skills to ensure that despite discomfort, and regardless of the barriers they will face, they reach their potential.

As a new member of staff this term, any initial discomfort I felt was greatly reduced by the welcome I received from both the staff and the girls. Each day the girls arrive with a thirst for learning and an enthusiastic approach towards involving themselves in a wide range of activities and events. Their good humour, resolve and dedication are refreshing.

I’ve learnt that St Peter’s Girls is a school of participants and this impression has only been strengthened over the past weeks. This week the House meetings were strongly led by Year 12, and in preparation for the Swimming Carnival, they worked hard to build House spirit in an inclusive environment. It is always special to see older girls assisting those who are just starting their journey with us. The school day starts for many before 8.30am, with the rowers completing stair runs and dry land training on Monday mornings. Whether it is tennis, athletics, choral or instrumental, there is always a group of girls participating.

A valuable education is one that is rich in both academic and co-curricular opportunities. It is one that should celebrate all skills and interests of students. This is very evident at St Peter’s Girls. I feel very privileged to be a part of the St Peter’s staff team and am looking forward to the rest of 2017.

Kate Mortimer
Deputy Principal / Head of Senior School

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Music Camp

Enews Music Camp

On Wednesday night I travelled up to Ardrossan with the Stage Band, Enchante and the Vocal Quintet. Excitement filled the bus as we all sang/screamed tune upon tune in the back of the bus. Every year Music Camp is a success, and this year we were all eager to see how this one turned out, as we had the highest number of girls (88). Over the next couple of days, bands, strings and choirs (including newly developed Junior Jazz aka “JJ”) rehearsed, were mentored and had sectionals with renowned musicians. I enjoyed every moment and was saddened at the thought of never coming back. I had the opportunity to meet many new girls, and was encouraged to see so many young musicians already showing great potential.

The Year 12 activity was a highlight. While it was organised to be a lip-sync battle, the girls unintentionally transformed it into a dance-off and their energy was delightful and entertaining. I enjoyed every moment!

Although everyone was exhausted after such a full-on three days, their energy persevered through to the last afternoon, as each camper played beautifully at Saturday’s performance. Thus, the annual concert was a great success.

Once again, several soloists and small groups performed a short concert for the patients and residents of the hospital on Friday afternoon and for the past five years we have raised money for the local hospital at our Camp concert, raising nearly $5000. This year the Music Department decided to raise money for a young boy, Riley Nixon, a local resident who is a victim of severe Meningococcal. I was encouraged by the fact that our girls’ performance was raising money for such an important cause. This year we raised $1200 at the concert for Riley.

Each year the Music Department receives positive feedback from the audience, and this year was no different. It always amazes me to see how far we come in three days of rehearsals; the quality of the performances is truly amazing. It was also great to see Old Scholars, Chelsea McGuinness and Amelia French, back as mentors.

Like every year, Music Camp 2017 was a great success.

Sarah Brownridge
Music Captain 2017

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Year 4 Excursion to the Adelaide Botanic Gardens

Enews Year 4 Excursion web

It was a glorious day when the Year 4s travelled to the Adelaide Botanic Gardens this week. With their minds on their first Central Idea for the year, ‘Living things depend on each other and the environment to survive’, the girls enthusiastically formed groups ready to investigate the concepts of responsibility, connection and causation. These are linked with their ‘Sharing the planet’ Transdisciplinary Theme following the Lines of Inquiry:

• Connections between plants, animals, humans and environment
• Factors that affect interdependence
• Responsible action

For half of the visit, the girls were guided through trails in groups by teachers and some very helpful parents, working on the topics of Endangered Plants, as well as Desert and Rainforest Plants. We looked at how plant features have adapted to their environment. This included how rainforest plants have green coloured stems, to assist them to absorb more sunlight, and how desert plants have ridges, in order for any rain to flow down directly to their roots.

When looking at ‘Endangered Plants’, the groups learnt that introduced species can be a threat to native plants, and that Australia has laws to prevent seeds and plant products from being brought into the country for this reason. They also discovered that collectors can endanger the sustainability of species with the rare Wollemi Pine and popular Bread Palm being under threat from collectors.

The second half of the visit involved an enthralling ‘Aboriginal Plant Use’ trail guided by Trent Hill. The girls learnt about how Aboriginal people traditionally made the most of every part of every plant, while ensuring the longevity and sustainability of the environment. Rules for living, such as only taking what you need, leaving behind eggs to safeguard another season of bird reproduction and repairing damage to plants with mud to ensure their survival, are just some ways in which the Aboriginal people played a role in the interdependence of nature.

The girls were captivated by their trip. Highlights were seeing the way some seeds are a ‘helicopter’ shape to aid seed dispersal, hearing about Aboriginal children using spider web and feathers to track bees and find honey, and Trent demonstrating how to start a fire with Yucca stems.

Thanks to Trent Hill for his expertise, as well as the parents who were able to accompany us and support the girls with their learning.

Rebecca Dillon and Louisa Mitchell
Year 4 Teachers

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Reminder – Update your details for 2017

With the new academic year well underway, we ask families to please check their contact details are up-to-date and ensure your daughter’s medical records are correct.

You can check these details by logging on to the Link portal.

> Log in to the Link Portal using your individual username and password
> If you can’t remember your password, follow the link to reset it

Medical details

The School is required to have correct medical information on record for all students. Please take a moment to review the information we have on file for your child and complete any updates or changes as required.

Click on the My Details tab of the portal to review and update details such as medical, physical and dietary details, provide legal and other consents, as well as your address, occupation and other family information.

Ensure you click through each section of the My Details page, and complete the updates for each of your children.

Buzz Book – family contact information

While in previous years the printed Buzz Book has provided contact information for School families, you will now be able to access the contact details of parents online. The School appreciates that some families may not wish their contact information to be shared in this way.

To review your contact information, and provide your consent for your family’s details to be included, please complete the following steps:

> Click on the Buzz Book tab
> Check your details and tick the items you wish to be included
> Submit the form
> Repeat the process for any other daughters/children you have at the School
> Changes can be made by providing updates through the My Details section above

You can then access contact information of other School families from the same page of the Link portal. You will automatically be shown details of parents in your daughter’s year level, but can remove that filter from the top of the column to show all families. You can use the filters provided, such as surname, to narrow your search.

If you do NOT submit your consent, your information will NOT be included in the online directory this year. Both contacts will need to provide their individual consent.

An online business directory will also be launched this year, so you can browse for local businesses with a Saints Girls connection.

Updates throughout the year

Should any of these details change throughout the year, please use the ‘Change Details’ tab in the Link Portal.

If you experience difficulties using the Link Portal, please contact link@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au or phone 8155 5791.

Thank you for your assistance in keeping the School’s records accurate.

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Business Directory now online

Enews Online Business Directory

The new St Peter’s Girls’ Online Business Directory has arrived!

We encourage our Community to get on board and check it out.


  • Book your very own personalised advertisement today
  • Three options available $500, $250 OR FREE
  • Promote your special business offer – and change your offer and advertisement as often as you like for no extra cost
  • Simply support businesses connected to our School
  • Refer a business
  • All proceeds go towards our Parents’ and Friends’ Fundraising efforts for 2017

For more information on how to get involved contact Melissa Westgate on 8334 2244
or mwestgate@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

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Reminder – Morning Tea for Old Scholar Mums

Enews OSA Morning Tea

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Master Plan Update: From the construction zone

Enews Building Site

It is pleasing to report that the deconstruction phase of the Master Plan is almost complete. This will lead to a decrease in jack-hammering, saw-cutting and concrete-cutting that was the source of a significant amount of noise. The old staircase was removed (top right photo) to make way for a new lift shaft and stairs. The four large windows were removed (bottom left photo) to make way for new ones.

We look forward to providing regular updates in the Enews as we move into the construction phase.

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Adventures in Cambodia

Enews Cambodia Web

During the Christmas holiday break, IB Diploma student Victoria White travelled to Cambodia. As a part of her IB Diploma French class, she wrote a letter describing her travels in both English and French. Below is an excerpt of her letter in both languages.

“During my holidays, I went to Cambodia for 2 weeks. I spent my 17th Birthday in Phnom Penh. My birthday was the second day (of the trip), a Sunday. We arrived in Cambodia, Saturday night, around 7pm. It was dark but very hot and humid! We left Adelaide at around 10.30am so nine hours of travelling was very tiring.

A wrote a personal diary everyday to record and remember my favourite moments. There were 17 girls, six boys and four teachers (on the trip). I think at the beginning there was a gap between us but after about five days we were friends.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, we built a house for a disadvantaged family. My group, of Year 11s and two teachers, began to build the brick house. We made cement, gathered sand and did some brick-laying. Every afternoon, there was rain.

To end the trip, we went to Siem Reap. We drove six hours from Phnom Penh. Siem Reap is a tourist destination. We went to Angkor Wat – it was big but beautiful. Also, I loved the views! In Siem Reap, I did lots of shopping. I spent lots of money, but I bought lots of things: clothes, a bag, a tablecloth, bracelets, bowls and notebooks. Everything is cheap.

Cambodia is very poor but the people are happy. I appreciate and am grateful for my education, my house and my family. This trip truly changed my life.”

French translation:

“Pendant mes vacances, je suis allée au Cambdoge pour deux semaines. J’ai passé mon dix-sept anniversaire à Phnom Penh. Mon anniversaire était la deuxième jour, le dimanche. Nous sommes arrivés, au Cambodge, le samedi soir…peut être à 7 heures. Il faisait sombre mais très chaud et humide! Nous sommes partis d’Adélaïde à 10.30 du matin, alors 9 heures de voyages…c’est trés fatigant.

J’ai écrit un journal intime tous les jours pour résumer mes moments préférés. Il y avait 17 filles, 6 garçons et 4 profs. Je pense que, au commencement, il y avait un fossé, mais après 5 jours, nous étions amis.

Lundi, mardi, mercredi et jeudi, nous avons construit une maison, pour une famille désavantagée. Mon groupe, de yr 11s + deux profs, avons commence à construire la maison de briques. Nous avons fait le ciment, avons ramassé du sable et avons fait de la maçonnerie. Tous les après-midis, il y avait de la pluie.

Pour terminer, nous sommes allés à ‘Siem Reap’. Nous avons conduit 6 hours de ‘Phnom Penh’. ‘Siem Reap’ est une destination touristique. Nous sommes allées à ‘Angkor Wat’ – c’était très grand mais beau! Aussi, j’aime les vues! À ‘Siem Reap’, j’ai fait beaucoup de courses. J’ai dépensé beaucoup d’argent mais j’achéte beaucoup des choses: des vêtements, de sac à main, une nappe, des bracelets, des bols et des cahiers. Tout les choses sout bon marché!

Le Cambodge est très pouvre mais les gens sont heureux. J’ai appris à reconnaissante pour mon education, ma maison et ma famille. Ce voyage a vraiment changé ma vie.”

Victoria White

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South Australian Sports Museum

In 2017, Sport SA is bringing to life its mission to provide all South Australians with a special cultural museum centred on educating and inspiring future generations through sport and we are seeking your support of this exciting project. The Museum will provide a showcase of our South Australian sporting heroes in the South Australian Sport Hall of Fame and will also include rotating exhibitions for sports.

Director of Sport, Neil Fuller, is an inductee into this prestigious list of South Australian sportspeople, and Sport SA are asking all sports fans to help bring this project to life by generously supporting the new South Australian Sports Museum by making a financial contribution. If everyone who played sport in South Australia donated $1, we’d raise enough money to open in a day! Please visit the Australian Sports Foundation page.

Check out a preview of the Museum here.
If you would like to donate, please click here.

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Sports News

Enews sports


Wednesday 15 February
Open A – Saints 20 defeated by Immanuel 111
On Wednesday afternoon the girls faced the reigning champions, Immanuel. Although the girls lost by a large sum, they played excellently and have improved from the last time they played such a tough side. Holly Cunningham was our main basket shooter, scoring a total of three consecutive three pointer shots! Not only was she able to shoot well, a great improvement from last season, but also with the help of Sivani Sivasuthan and Isabella Bernardi the girls were able to bring the ball down the court well against a side that was playing man to man. The score does not reflect the way the girls played and although it will yet again be a tough season, I look forward to the Open A team taking on a challenge and improving their overall basketball game. Chelsea Marchetti (Captain)

Middle A – Saints 4 defeated by Immanuel 93
Immanuel were simply too strong for our girls this week. Our two point scorers were Siena Kulinski and Emily Downie. Well done to Saints girls for their persistence and effort throughout the entire game, despite the score. Vanessa Brooks (Supervisor)

Middle B – Saints 6 defeated by Immanuel 61
Saints girls had many scoring opportunities but unfortunately were unable to convert. Immanuel were very strong with rebounds and didn’t miss down their end. Well done to Indya Dodd and Sophie Norman, our point scorers this week. Vanessa Brooks (Supervisor)


Wednesday 15 February
Year 6 – Saints 8 defeated Pembroke 3
All players played extremely well, especially those who have not played previously. Emily Bryce and Grace Richards did an outstanding job pitching to Eleanor Humphrey and Emma Pool who caught extremely well. Madeleine Lisle and Willow Stewart-Rattray stood out with their batting, Willow hitting a home run and Madeleine hitting every ball that came her way. Everyone worked well together and everyone has great potential for the future. I look forward to what looks to be a successful season. Jasmine Ledgard (Coach)

Teeball Blue – Saints 8 defeated by St Andrews 14
The blue team played an amazing game against St Andrew’s. Unfortunately, the girls came out with a loss but played a great game, putting up a fight. Best players this week go to Charlotte Norman who played a great game as pitcher and Milana Troon who played a great game in different positions. Kate McKellar-Stewart (Coach)

Teeball White – Saints 8 defeated St Ignatius 7
In the first tee ball game of the season, the Year 4s and 5s displayed their incredible skills on the field against St Ignatius. With all of the girls determined for a win, the enthusiasm on the field was amazing! As their coach, I am very proud to call my Teeball White team winners for the first game of the season. Our best players for the week were: Naomi with an all-around great game, and Mabelle with some awesome batting! Great win girls, I am very proud of you all! Lucinda Tierney (Coach)


Thursday 16 February
Open A – Saints 7 defeated Nazareth 4
The Open As played a great first game for the season. It was an intense first game, being extremely fast paced. The team worked well together and focussed on strong defence and pressuring the opposition to minimise their scoring opportunities. The girls took advantage of the quick turnovers which turned into goals. Katherine Woolley and Fiona Lethbridge did amazing jobs alternating as goalies. Well done, team. Sarah Richards (Captain)

Open C – Saints 11 defeated St Michael’s 1
The Open Cs played an impressive game, making it a great start for the season. The girls worked hard from the start to secure possession of the ball and worked strongly in defence. It was a good first game for all players and many had opportunities to score goals. It was good to see the teamwork and sharing the ball around to each to have shots at goal. Overall, it was well played by all, with strong attack and defence. Good luck for next week. Sarah Richards (Captain)

Middle A – Saints 4 defeated by Wilderness 10
The goal scorers were Lara Wakeham scoring 2 goals, and Poppie Goldsmith and Holly Cardone scoring one goal each. I think that we needed to be more aggressive towards the ball so we can get more goals. Overall, we played a good game, even though we lost. I believe that Holly Cardone was the best player because she kept going at the ball and never gave up. Heather Lines (Supervisor)

Middle B – Saints 4 defeated by St Ignatius 15
Despite being tired, we still pushed and tried our hardest. Lara Wakeham again showed some great play, getting most of the goals and showing her strong swimming ability.


Friday 17 February
Division 1 – Saints 6-28 defeated St Ignatius 0-3
Singles: Maiya Jakupec 4-0, Fleur Maris 4-0, Willow Stewart-Rattray 4-0, Bridget Healey 4-2

Division 2 Blue – Saints 1-13 defeated by Wilderness 5-21
Singles: Sophie Dansie 1-4, Grace Richards 4-1, Georgie Owler 1-4, Monika Ceplitis 1-4

Division 3 – Saints 5-24 defeated Seymour 1-8
Singles: Marcella Tolley 4-0, Adelaide Murphy 4-1, Summer Ward 4-1, Gloria Zou 1-2


Saturday 18 February
All crews this week spent time training ahead of the upcoming School Super Series and fine-tuning for the Head of the River on 25 March.


Monday 20 February
Middle C1 – Saints 6 defeated by Concordia 28
The girls worked hard in the heat against an experienced side to get some points on the board. The girls were able to get the ball down the court with confidence, which was great to see. A special mention to Annabelle Bradshaw and Emanuelle Russell who both scored on the day. Josephine Dal Pra (Coach)

Middle C2 – Saints 9 defeated by Concordia 10
The C2 team were able to use teamwork to keep up with Concordia and lead at half-time. The girls were able to pass the ball around quickly in attack to find a perfect position to shoot. A special mention to Chi Chi Zhao for her excellent shooting on the day. Josephine Dal Pra (Coach)


Monday 20 February
Saints won for the second week in a row in both the A and B grade Tennis, defeating Pembroke.

Open A – Saints 6-36 defeated Pembroke 0-7
Singles: Tiana Glazbrook 6-0, Yasmin Glazbrook 6-1, Jade Leyden 6-0, Olivia Harby 6-2

Open B – Saints 5-35 defeated Pembroke 1-23
Singles: Sienna Glazbrook 6-2, Violette Maris 6-2, Clair Kao 6-5, Sarah Richards 5-7


Saints once again participated in the State Secondary Schools Triathlon Championships. The day started off remarkably well with Thandi Murada (Year 11) and Matilda Braithwaite (Year 9) both winning their individual events and gaining selection into the SA Schools team.

After this they were joined by fellow students to form two Senior and two Junior teams who competed against a range of other schools from around the state. In the Junior division the team of Alyssa Woolley (swim), Sophie Barr (cycle) and Matilda Braithwaite (run) claimed a silver medal and the team of Ella Waltham (swim), Saskia Jonats (cycle) and Lucy Steele-Scott (run) placed a very creditable fifth.

In the senior teams Erin Barrera (swim), Rachel Banham (cycle) and Thandi Murada (run) finished fifth and close behind in sixth was Katherine Woolley (swim), Rachel Woodhouse (cycle) and Bethany Cross (run).

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