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Enews – Week 4, Term 1 2016

 Issue no. 4Enews-banner

From the Director of Early Learning

2016: A year of innovation in the ELC

Kate-MountWith one year already successfully accomplished in terms of operation and delivery of excellence in early learning it is essential we embark on the next year with new challenges and invigorated energy. We begin the year with 25 quality staff, expanded operational hours and goals. It is with great pride that I outline our ELC’s focus areas for 2016.

Our authentic delivery of the key principles of the Reggio Emilia inspired practice sees our ongoing commitment to send an educator each year on an intensive study tour to this famous northern Italian city. Mrs Leanne Williams will be going in April as part of an Australian tour, spending ten days engaged in deep learning. Our ELC has been selected as a prototype ELC in our State, leading the way in exemplary practice and prepared to share this on a State and National level.

Our goal is to continue to prepare our students for the future by offering digital technologies that enable them to encounter learning through multiple lenses and also participate in an innovative coding and robotics program. This follows the incredible success of our work with Thomas the Robot in 2015 which attracted much attention from the researchers conducting this project.

Nature Pedagogy is also at our forefront in terms of delivery of an innovative curriculum. Research demonstrates the positive impact of student learning both in and with nature. With Ferguson Park on our doorstep we are committed to establishing rich and meaningful outdoor classrooms. Our students are spending extended learning periods in the outdoor environment and are using these times as an extension of the learning that takes place indoors. We are able to combine this learning with both our digital technologies and our focus on Numeracy across the centre.

Each key teacher is leading one of the focus areas, this being an essential component of building their leadership capacity across the centre. Our investment in developing leadership skills is our key area of professional learning. This ensures that the delivery of this progressive curriculum is being led by excellent educators who utilise reflective practice in their daily life. After all, a vision without excellent practitioners will go nowhere!

We are in a privileged position to share resources and create strong and seamless links from ELC to Junior School. Our ePortfolios provide families with an up-to-date digital online record of their child’s learning and these will be fully implemented from ELC to Reception in Term 2. This gives real visibility to student learning.

I look forward to sharing our journey with our school community during the year and invite you to visit us to view this exciting learning in action.

Kate Mount

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Strategic Planning process

As I announced at P&F Drinks at the start of the year, St Peter’s Girls will this year prepare a new strategic plan that will outline the way forward for the School over the next three years. This document will provide a clear path of improvement across a number of areas to ensure we continue to deliver excellence in education to our students.

Our community is invited to be part of the planning process. From next week, students, staff and parents will be sent details of an electronic survey that will seek your opinion on a range of issues at the School. Your feedback is very important to us and will be used as we move forward with plans for the coming three years.

The survey will be conducted by an external provider and all responses will be kept strictly private and confidential. No member of the leadership team or board will have access to your individual responses. We will be provided with a summary of collated results only. There are no right or wrong answers and we ask that you respond honestly.

Following this survey process, we will also be holding a series of open forums which you may like to attend. Parents will be invited to contribute to areas such as the academics, co-curricular and well-being domains. This is a vital way for us to hear your feedback and discuss ideas in an open and transparent way. Please mark these dates in your diary and attend the session/s that interest you most:

Monday 4 April – Academic
Tuesday 12 April – Wellbeing
Thursday 14 April – Co-curricular

Sessions will be held in the Humzy Theatre from 7pm. More information will be circulated closer to the time.

As always, if you have an idea, issue or topic to raise with me, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly at jshea@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au or make an appointment. Please call 8334 2226 to arrange a convenient time.

I look forward to getting this consultation phase underway and hearing your feedback.

Julia Shea

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Year 9 Aquatics Camp


We headed off to Murraylands. The trailer was packed in record time and the adventure had begun. The noise on my bus was indicative of the excitement of heading off somewhere where mum and dad could not intervene and ask, “Have you done your homework yet?” or “Have you cleaned your room?”

The girls were singing along with the radio and an hour later were unpacking the trailer like a ‘well oiled’ machine. Everyone chipped in and gave a hand. Rows of bags and sleeping bags were set out on the lawns and the girls had a quick recess and then got ready for their first activity.

The girls enjoyed learning how to handle a boat, sail a catamaran, knee board, kayak and ski on the River Murray. What a beautiful setting for an amazing day of challenges and accomplishments!

The evening was spent playing good old Aussie cricket, tip and go. Much laughter and awesome hits later, we were assembled for dinner. After our bellies were full we got into our home groups and conducted a debrief of the day and participated in getting to know you activities and finished the evening with some relaxation/meditation to wind down. Everyone got ready for bed and were all asleep by 10pm.

107_5144Students arose the next morning to the delight of a homemade alarm clock; Ms Stef said, “Oh, what a beautiful morning.” They quickly ate breakfast and got ready for the day’s activities. It was great to see the girls push themselves in the activities that they were unsure about. After lunch it was pack-up time. I have never seen girls work so cohesively as a unit to accomplish the tasks so quickly. A record was broken: all packed and ready to go in 40 minutes. Considering that bags and tents had to also be packed within a 40 minute time frame, I was very impressed.
The bus ride was so quiet that I had to check continuously that I had students still on the bus; everyone fell asleep on my bus. This is a sign of a great two days of full-on activities. What was even more astonishing was that only two items remained on the Chiverton lawns at the end of the day when all the girls had gone home….. and guess what?….. the items were labelled and returned to their owners the next school day.

DSC02767The girls’ feedback reveals that a great time was had by all:

“I enjoyed trying new things in a fun and accepting environment with supportive teachers and instructors.”

“One of the favourite things I did on camp was skiing. It was really fun and a great experience. I also got to know my tent partner. I never used to speak to her but now I talk to her all the time.”

“The camp was a good chance to know each other more and also to know the teachers a bit more.”

“I felt that on camp I got closer to everyone and the whole year level was supportive of each other.”

“I enjoyed getting to know people in my class and walking around with socks and thongs.”

The Home Group staff were thrilled with the girls’ behaviour and teamwork. We now look forward to our next camping challenge.

Anna Stefopoulos
On behalf of the Home Group teachers

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Another successful Twilight Cinema


Last Saturday, the St Peter’s Girls community groups came together for the annual Parents’ & Friends’ Association Twilight Cinema.

The cooler weather didn’t deter people, who began to arrive and take up their spots well before the official opening time. It was great to see such a fantastic turn out again this year. The pre-film entertainment was supplied by our special guests, the Sparkling Howards, who treated us to an eclectic mix of songs, old and new.

For those with more energy there were activities such as baseball pitching, a water slide, bouncy castle and a soccer skills competition. However, despite all of this organised activity, there was still nothing quite so thrilling as a water spray bottle!

As the sun went down, the audience wrapped up to enjoy the movie, Oddball.

There were food offerings aplenty and the audience munched their way through 130kgs of hot chips, 170 pizzas, 150 sausages and an enormous paella, not to mention ice-cream, popcorn, cupcakes and more.

The Twilight Cinema goes from strength to strength and the P&F thanks those who attended for being mindful of clearing up after themselves, supporting the School and helping to raise funds. The profits from the night will be returned to the respective community groups who participated.

Tangible evidence of previous fundraising in the form of the School’s new NAO humanoid robot was on display on the night and the competition to seek a name for it was launched. We encourage all students to get involved in this competition – details are below.

Just as the Twilight Cinema grows from year to year, so does the complexity of the event. The P&F would like to say a big thank you to all who contributed to the night, especially the staff, volunteers, suppliers, sponsors, community groups and stall holders. A very big thank you goes to the Sparkling Howards and a final appreciative thank you to Adelaide Bite who supplied the screen, without which there would be no movie.

Ed Parker
P&F President


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Give our new robot a name: entries open

NAOMany of you will remember Thomas the robot who was loaned to the School as part of a pilot educational project last year. Thomas captured the imagination of the students and as a result of their fundraising activities, the Parents’ and Friends’ Association were able to purchase a NAO Humanoid Robot for the School.

The new robot has remained nameless for long enough and so the time has come to name it. At the recent Twilight Cinema, the P&F launched a naming competition. The competition is open to all students to enter their suggested name for consideration.

Please put your suggestion on one of the available slips, together with a gold coin donation, and return them to the Development Office by 7 March 2016. A shortlist will be presented to Ms Shea who will decide on the final name.

Now is your chance to go down in St Peter’s Girls history, so get thinking and maybe it will be your suggestion that makes it.

Ed Parker
P&F President

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Music Camp raises the roof


The 2016 music camp in Ardrossan was, yet again, a huge success. With ensembles such as Stage Band, Chamber Ensemble, Enchante, Senior Strings, Developmental Band, and for the first time, Chamber Choir and Quartet attending, the camp was bound to be a lot of fun. Within these ensembles, the students were given incredible opportunities to develop their own personal skills, as well as their music skills in each ensemble.

Being so early in the year, music camp is always a fantastic opportunity to build friendships across all year levels, especially for the new girls at Saints. One thing I have always loved about the Saints music program is its emphasis on bonding with girls from different year levels, through which I have made strong friendships that I know will extend even after school. Music camp really allows each girl to do this, through working cohesively and closely with all the girls participating each year. The camp also sets the tone for what will be an amazing year in the Music Department.

With so many upcoming opportunities in 2016, music camp is predominantly for each ensemble or band to learn repertoire for the forthcoming year and, for our senior ensembles, to learn the pieces that we compete with at Generations In Jazz in Mount Gambier. Three days of intensive rehearsal and technique classes give each ensemble a huge head start. Old Scholar, Erin McKellar (Patteson ’13), worked closely with our Chamber Choir, Enchante and Quartet over the three days, providing excellent knowledge about vocal technique and performance skills. I’m sure all the girls will agree that Erin was an excellent asset to the program.

Having provided me with many fantastic memories and skills I know I will take with me in my future studies of music, I was slightly sad when realising this music camp was my last. I hope that, in years to come, this program only grows each year, with more girls fully embracing this amazing opportunity Saints provides each year.

IMG_0846Every year at camp we are lucky enough to have multiple instrumental tutors come along to assist in the program. Our regular music tutors, Warren Heading, Karen Fletcher, Nicole Bates, Fiona Major and Louise Beaton, and teachers, Miss Rounsevell and Ms Noble, were all incredibly helpful, allowing the girls to be split into smaller groups and providing more intensive and personal learning. This year we had the incredible percussionist, Nick Parnell, come and assist the percussion girls, developing their skills and showcasing the versatility of percussion techniques. We also had Paul Jancovich help the rhythm section girls, giving particularly valuable information to our senior Stage Band and preparing them for competition later in the year. Ms McKay’s presence as a mentor was invaluable as she provided not only musical experience and flexibility, but a reliable adult to speak to and a proficient organiser of all the logistical requirements of camp.

The camp was not only jam-packed with rehearsing, but also had scheduled activities to provide fun downtime and a way for the girls to bond. The daily walks to the beach were great fun, with girls finding crabs in the sand and admiring the red cliffs of Ardrossan. The local cafes and supermarket were also big hits, with the Saturday afternoon sugar rush providing much entertainment and excitement. On the Thursday night we had a movie night complete with a big screen and pillows, and this was enjoyed immensely by the younger girls. And on the Friday night the Year 12s led the now traditional student-run activity – Disney Charades. This was great fun, with eight groups performing skits of different Disney favourites and ending in a dance party. Overall, the camp was not only a fabulous way to extend students’ musical abilities, but also to strengthen bonds between year levels and in the Music Department.

On the Friday a few girls went to the local hospital and performed for the patients there. The patients look forward to this concert every year, and whilst it is a concert put on purely for their entertainment, it is a great opportunity for the girls to give back to the community and share their skills with members of the public not able or well enough to leave their beds. As well as the hospital concert being held, the main concert was held on Saturday afternoon in the Ardrossan Town Hall. This allowed parents to come down to Ardrossan to watch the girls perform the repertoire they had been consistently working on for the past few days. As well as the parents and members of the Ardrossan community being able to see the various musical performances, the concert is a way to help raise funds for the people of Ardrossan. It was announced that over the past five years, Saints Girls has raised $5500 for the town, a spectacular effort. Once again, music camp was a success for both the school and the Ardrossan community.

Amelia French
Music Captain/Chorister

Chelsea McGuinness
Head Chorister

Laura Bleby

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Friends of the Arts update

Friends of the ArtsAt the end of Week 3, Friends of the Arts was proud to assist our girls in the Ardrossan Music Camp. This camp is an intense few days of musical instruction and rehearsal for our girls from Years 5 to 12, who are involved in the School’s music program.

This year we had more than 100 students and staff come together to combine their musical talents, which resulted in a concert for the Ardrossan community on Saturday afternoon. Money raised from this event was returned to the Ardrossan Community Hospital. A total of $5,500 has been raised over the past 5 years of music camp.

As parent helpers we organised the serving of food, most of which was wonderfully prepared by local suppliers, Ardrossan Foodland, Port Clinton Pizzas and Ardrossan Bakery. Whilst preparing in the kitchen we were serenaded by the wonderful music produced by the girls. A big thank you to the staff and tutors who ran the event and the parent helpers who kept everyone well cared for. Most of all, well done, girls – you shone like the stars you are and represented our School very well.

Friends of the Arts is a group of parents who support our artistic students at different events throughout the year. We meet twice a term and the meetings are held in the Music Office at School.

Our next meeting is Wednesday 16 March at 7.30pm. New members are always very welcome.

Donna Fitzgerald
FOA President

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SPAA workshop: Conducting for Choirs

SPAA workshop Enews

Just in time for Choral Night 2016, our SPAA workshop with Timothy Sexton is here to help!

Are you doing Senior Music?
Do you sing in a choir or a group?
Would you like to sing in a choir or a group?
Are you simply interested in music for voice and want to learn more?

If you have answered yes to even one of the questions above, you need to come along to the Conducting for Choirs Workshop. The workshop will be at the:

St Peter’s Girls’ School Arts Centre
Tuesday 1 March
4.30 – 6.30pm

Tickets $25 each

RSVP online at www.trybooking.com/JRQN.

Timothy Sexton has been the CEO and Artistic Director of the State Opera of South Australia since July 2011, and has been a supporter of the Saints Performing Arts Academy since its inception, officially opening the academy in 2012.

As a freelance composer, conductor, arranger, singer, writer, adjudicator and ABC broadcaster, Timothy Sexton is one of the most prominent musicians in South Australia. Since gaining an Honours degree in Music Composition at the Elder Conservatorium, University of Adelaide, he has created more than 200 works, ranging from opera and music theatre to choral and orchestral works and film scores. Timothy has sung in over 30 productions for the State Opera of South Australia, he was Chorus Master and a Rehearsal Conductor for the 2004 Adelaide Ring Cycle and Chorus Master and Associate Conductor for the 2010 Adelaide Festival of Arts opera, Le Grand Macabre.

In late 2001 Timothy founded the Adelaide Art Orchestra, working with such entertainment luminaries as Kate Ceberano, Hugh Sheridan, Anthony Warlow, David Hobson, Christine Anu, Rachael Beck, Tim Campbell, David Campbell, Natalie Cole, Bernadette Peters, Rhonda Burchmore, Silvie Paladino, Rob Guest, Marina Prior, Doug Parkinson, Glenn Shorrock and Julie Anthony.

Timothy was twice awarded the Henry Krips Memorial Conducting Scholarship and in 2003 received a Centenary of Federation Medal for Services to Music. In 2008, Timothy was awarded a prestigious Ruby Award for Sustained Contribution to the Arts by an Individual and was the 2009 South Australian of the Year (Arts Category).

We are indeed incredibly fortunate to have Timothy running this workshop.

Contact me on akimber@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au for further details.

Amanda Kimber
Director of SPAA

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Ride2SchoolNational Ride to School Day

On Friday 4 March, it is National Ride to School Day. We are encouraging you to get out your bikes, strap on a helmet and take a ride to school. If you don’t have a bike, that’s okay, just take a walk to school with your family. So come on, be active and start your day the healthier way.

Environment Club





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Tutor Program proving popular

OIMG_6291ur new Tutor Program for Years 7-12 students is proving popular with students. It’s already providing excellent support for students as they navigate the complexities of their Middle and Senior School studies.

Our tutors are all recent Old Scholars, who’ve been carefully selected to cover key subject areas such as Maths, Science, English and Humanities. They are employed directly by the School.

Importantly, this is a free service provided to students so you can attend as many sessions as you need.

The tutors have access to course outlines and assessment requirements and provide clear feedback and reinforce understanding of subjects for students. They are also in direct communication with subject teachers if required.

If you are keen for your daughter to get involved with the tutoring sessions, which occurs before and after school, please contact me on 8334 2238 or email kskinner@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

Kerry Skinner
Deputy Principal & Head of Senior School

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Save the date, dads

Dads Night Out Enews

A reminder to save the date for the upcoming Dads Night Out.

A Night on the Green will be held at the Toorak Burnside Bowling Club at 7pm, Friday 1 April.

Dads are invited to bring a mate and get involved with Barefoot Bowling. It’ll be a fun and social evening. Remember – no bowling experience is necessary! This fundraising event is hosted by the Mothers’ Club.

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Last chance: Buzz Book data update

Buzz Book 2016 coverThere are just a few days left to check your details and provide your consent for inclusion in this year’s Buzz Book.

All changes and consent must be completed by Monday 29 February 2016 for inclusion in the Buzz Book.

The Buzz Book is an integral part of each St Peter’s Girls’ School family home. It’s the go-to resource for all our families – filled with lots of helpful information, including family contact details and class lists, from ELC to Year 12. The Buzz Book will be distributed to all students in Term 1.

The School appreciates that some families may not wish their contact information to be included in the Buzz Book.

We have moved to an electronic system for this year’s update process. To review your contact information, and provide your consent for your family’s details to be included in the Buzz Book, please complete the following steps:

> Log in to the Link Portal using your individual username and password
> If you can’t remember your password, click on ‘Forgot your password’ so that it can be emailed to you
> Once logged in, click on the Buzz Book tab
> Check your details and tick the items you wish to be included in the Buzz Book
> Your consent will be saved
> Repeat the process for any other daughters/children you have at the School
> If changes are required, email admin@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au and confirm your consent to be included in the Buzz Book.

If you do NOT submit your consent, your information will NOT be included in the Buzz Book this year. Both contacts will need to provide their individual consent.

Should your family’s contact information change through the year, please use the ‘Change Details’ tab in the Link Portal.

If you experience difficulties using the Link Portal, please contact link@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au or phone 8155 5791.

Thank you for your assistance in keeping the School’s records accurate. We look forward to distributing the Buzz Book as soon as possible.

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Junior School banking reminderbanking

Don’t forget that Wednesday is School Banking day and students should bring in their weekly deposit.

For every deposit made at school, no matter how big or small, students will receive a cool Dollarmites token. Once students have individually collected 10 tokens they can redeem them for an exclusive School Banking reward item in recognition of their continued savings behaviour.

Thank you for supporting the School Banking program at St Peter’s Girls’ School.

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Focus Photography package deal

Focus-PhotosFocus School Photography is offering St Peter’s Girls families a chance to purchase unlimited event photos throughout the year for one low price.

Select as many images of your child or family as you like, from many events that will be photographed this year. Focus will attend events such as Swimming Carnival, Choral Night, House Dinners, Sports Day, Celebration Day, Carols in the Cathedral and our end of year graduations. (Please note that this package deal excludes the Years 11-12 Formal, Valedictory Dinner and Year 5 production, which will be sold separately.)

All at the special price of $95. To order your photographs, visit the Focus website and login with the password SaintsGirls

For further details, please contact Focus School Portraits on 8389 9002 or orders@focussp.com.au.

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Come and support us at Head of the River

The countdown is on for the Head of the River, to be held on Saturday 12 March at West Lakes. Students, parents and families are invited to attend and support our girls from the edge of the rowing course. It is always inspiring to see a large and enthusiastic support team cheering on the students at the School’s marquee.

This year’s rowing is expected to be bigger and better than last, with the girls’ lead-up training being exceptional. Please come along to attend this historic regatta and support our rowers.

As with previous years, students are expected to wear full School uniform, including hat. If the weather is cool and an outer garment is required, students must wear their blazer.

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Head of the River dinner

Rowing HOR dinner Enews

Rowers and their families are warmly invited to attend the Head of the River dinner to celebrate the end of the rowing season.

This special event will be held at 6.30pm on Saturday 12 March in the Arts Centre.

The dress code is smart casual, and students will be required to wear their full summer uniform.

Tickets $45 per person, $22.50 for children 11 and under
To book, visit www.trybooking.com/GWGJ by Thursday 3 March

Soft drinks will be provided and parents can BYO wine.

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Sport News

Rowing selection

Congratulations to Old Scholar, Olympia Alderney (Kennion ’11), who has been selected to represent Australia at the Rio Olympics in the women’s VIII squad for rowing.

Basketball – Wednesday 17 February

Open A – Saints 17 defeated by Seymour 48

Teeball – Wednesday 17 February

Year 4/5 – Saints 8 defeated by Seymour 16
Starting off as a young team with many new players, Saints had a rough start against Seymour. However, with the combination of confidence and teamwork in the second innings, Saints was able to secure 7 runs. While unfortunately this was not enough to secure a win, the team is well on their way to doing very well. Claire Hale (Coach)

Junior Tennis – Friday 19 February

Year 5/6 Blue –Saints 6-28 defeated Scotch 0-6
Singles: Maiya Jakupec 4- 0, Tahlia Louca 4-2, Georgia Langley 4-1, Chloe Venning 4-1

Year 5/6 Silver – Saints 5-27 defeated Wilderness Green 1-7
Singles: Fleur Maris 4-0, Emily Baldwinson 4-0, Marina Viese Vivaldi 4-2, Lara Slape 3-4

Year 5/6 White – Saints 6-28 defeated Wilderness White 0-6
Singles: Siena Glazbrook 4-0, Mia Dodd 4-0, Willow Stewart-Rattray 4-3, Olivia Slivak 4-3

Year 6 Blue – Saints 5-24 defeated Seymour Green 1-5
Singles: Adele Eaton 4-0, Chase Hocking 4-0, Sivanthi Sivasuthan 4-0

Year 6 White – Saints 3-15 defeated Seymour Blue 2-9
Singles: Gracie Ganzis 4-0, Azaan Singh 0-2, Charlotte Parker 1-1, Anushka Rajbhoj 2:1

Year 5 Blue – Saints 2-11 defeated by Seymour Green 4-20
Singles: Ellie Anderson 0-4, Georgie Owler 0-4, Bridgette Leach 4-0, Ruby Kirwan 0-4

Year 5 White – Saints v Seymour Blue
The girls played two very close doubles matches which hindered the time to play singles. The girls have already shown some great improvement and should be congratulated.

Rowing – Saturday 20 February

1st VIII – Last Saturday the Saints first eight had their most successful row of the season. The girls raced the 2nd grade women’s eight race and placed in second, behind Seymour. Walford placed in third, pushing the Saints girls to row their fastest time ever of 7:05. The girls are looking forward to racing this weekend and are hoping to improve on their time in the coming weeks. Belle Hannon (cox)

Year 9A – The crew, consisting of Amy Rice, Rachel Kameniar, Zoe Vine Hall and Brooke Weymouth, did exceptionally well on the weekend. Despite a few of the girls being tired from music camp, they were still able to row with power and determination. Although we did not get the results we hoped for, the girls were still happy with their times. With Head of the River approaching quickly the girls are training harder than ever and are ready to smash the next regatta. Amy Carrodus

Year 9B – The 9Bs rowed two good, solid races at Saturday’s regatta to gain first place in their first race and second to Seymour in the second race. A big thank you to Olivia Zito and Shunem Josiah for joining the 9Bs this week. This week’s regatta followed a sensational Murray Bridge regatta last week when the crew hit their personal best time and had two first places in the Saturday races. The crew then fired up on the Sunday to win their first race and then set another personal best time that also placed them second to a highly skilled and experienced Torrens Club crew in the final Sunday race. The 9Bs continue to push themselves above and beyond –perseverance pays! Zoë Scobie (cox)

This week I coxed the B crew’s second race. It was an extremely tight race but I feel that the girls pushed so hard. Their race start commenced a little roughly but their finish is always their highlight. Seymour swiftly moved ahead and won about four boat lengths ahead of us. We raced very well, coming in a close second. It was a very tough race but our girls conquered gracefully and although now winning they were immensely proud of their amazing effort. I loved this opportunity to cox using another view and to learn some strategies to take back to my crew. Shunem Josiah

On Saturday my crew (Kate Reade, Hannah Freeman, Hannah Keough and Scarlett Hocking) raced in 2 races and came 4th in both. The girls need to focus on keeping their heads in the boat and their catches. The girls really need to continue to push hard in training so that they can improve under pressure when we race. Charlotte Creek (cox)

Softball – Saturday 20 February

Open A – Saints 19 defeated Pulteney 1
This week was another great outcome, with an exceptional win. Each girl should be proud of her efforts in both batting and fielding innings. Everyone gave their all in the batting box which resulted in some awesome hits and getting onto bases. All girls also got around all bases and home at least once, scoring us the runs to win the match. Aroha Munroe’s pitching was exceptional, making our fielding innings short as a result of her consistent strikes; she is a great addition to this year’s team. Thank you to Jasmine Ledgard who stepped up to catch as both our catchers were absent; she did a great job. Another win has us all eager for this season to improve our skills and work together. Georgia Naughton (Captain)

Open B – Saints 9 defeated Pulteney 4
This week the B’s played an excellent game against Pulteney Grammar. The girls were extremely energetic and enthusiastic and some great plays were made. They were confident and disciplined in the batting box and alert on the field. Overall a very positive game and a well-deserved win.  Ruby Oliver (Open A)

Open C1 – Saints 12 defeated by Pulteney (C1) 13
Disregarding the score, this week the C1 team played well again, both in batting and fielding. Holly Cardone continued to pitch well and Portia Maerschel followed this with an outstanding number of strikes being thrown. Still trying new positions, the girls moved well in the field and a special mention goes to Amelia Pudney for an excellent catch at second. Ella Waltham also batted with great strength and determination. Congratulations to all girls. Mimi Long (Coach)

Open C2 – Saints 11 defeated by Pulteney (C2) 12
After a tough game the week before, the C2 team showed clear improvement in various aspects of the game. Securing runs was a top priority for the team, and several innings a strong sense of team batting in several innings allowed for many runs. Unfortunately, Pulteney was quite strong in the batter’s box and was just a little too strong for Saints. Congratulations to Lauren Porter, Jenna Bowden and Grace Dodson for pitching quite successfully each innings. Claire Hale (Coach)

Tennis – Saturday 20 February

Division 1 – Saints 6-36 defeated Pembroke Division 2 0-6
Singles: Neve McCormack 6-0, Chelsea Staples 6-2, Violette Maris 6-2, Olivia Wilkinson 6-1

Division 2 Blue – Saints 4-39 defeated Pulteney 2-22
Singles: Lola Dimond 5-6, Mahala Truscott 6-1, Lilly Rose Spartalis 3-6, Shamilla Dhillon 6-3

Division 2 White – Saints did not play

Division 3 Blue – Saints did not play

Division 3 White – Saints 4-33 defeated Pembroke 2-20
Singles: Lilly Alexander 6-4, Taj Shahin 6-1, Sivani Sivasuthan 6-1, Emily Downie 6-4

Division 4 Blue – Saints v Concordia

Division 4 White – Saints 3-23 defeated by Pulteney 3-28
Singles: Amelie Eaton 6-3, Aleisha Elliott 4-6, Charlotte Stewart 1-6, Natasha Lau 6-2

Volleyball – Saturday 20 February

Open A – Saints 3 defeated Seymour 0 (25-8, 25-7 and 25-17)
The Open As had a terrific win this week against Pulteney. All players worked extremely well together, winning in straight sets. Our backcourt setters, Emily and Abbey, played extremely well, moving around the court smoothly and passing the ball well. A special mention to Megan for serving out the second set with 10 in row. Georgia Howe and Mila Loechel (Captains)

Open B – Saints defeated Seymour 0
The Open Bs played their most impressive game for some time, not allowing Pulteney any chance to use their skills to put pressure on the girls and winning in convincing fashion. Ally Murray served and defended with great consistency while Madison Bateman did not let the ball hit the ground when it was in her vicinity. Sophie Schultz and Emma Fogarty worked well in tandem at the net while Georgia Bateman and Charlotte Carney continued to pass the ball to setter on many occasions. We hope to keep this momentum going next week. Georgia Howe and Mila Loechel (Captains)

Open C – Saints 2 defeated Pulteney 1
The Open Cs had a victory over Pulteney, with the girls displaying great improvement by the end of the match. This was especially the case in relation to calling for the ball and pressure on the net. When the girls got this correct, they looked much more likely to win the game. Maddy Glynn placed the ball into gaps over the net and Carla Lawrence, in her first game, was able to set balls into difficult positions for the opponents. The girls should gain some confidence from this victory for the rest of the season. Dan Searle (Supervisor)

Middle A – Saints 3 defeated Pulteney 0 (25-14, 25-9, 25-19)
What a game the Middle As played this week! The game began with point for point serving, but improved as the sets continued. Isobel Tan’s serving and moving for backup was fantastic, as well as all girls on court playing with lots of energy and calling. Our focus for the remaining sets was to strategically play with 3 hits, rather than digging the ball straight back to the opposition. By the third set we had already won the game; therefore, we used this set to refine utilising 3 hits. Ellana and I are extremely proud of how far the girls have come, and congratulate the girls on another win! Ellana Welsby and Eliza Falconer

Middle B – Saints 3 defeated Pulteney 0 (25-11, 25-14, 25-16)
Congratulations to the girls on a fantastic win this week in winning three straight sets. Although the game was slow moving we would like to commend the girls on how they played the game. It was great to see that the girls were thinking about their passes and were controlling the play of the ball the way we have been practising in training. Amelie Dunda put 100% effort in throughout the game and provided some core passes and backup for the team along with Sophie Lemire and Jiayi Wang. Everyone should be proud of their efforts this week; well done! Ellana Welsby and Eliza Falconer

Volleyball Middle Cs – Saints (3) vs. Pulteney (0) (25-21, 25-23, 25-20)
After a few close scores the girls came out on top this week by winning three straight sets. Throughout the game serving was consistent, with Katelin Calandro taking the lead with the highest rally and Millie Han closely behind. Sara Peak moved very well on court, following through with some excellent passes. Helen Han and Poppy Kirwan also provided some great pressure and backed up their teammates well. Overall, the girls played a great game and should be proud of themselves this week! Ellana Welsby and Eliza Falconer

Basketball – Monday 22 February

Middle C1 – cancelled due to hot weather

Middle C2 – cancelled due to hot weather

Tennis – Monday 22 February

Open A – cancelled due to hot weather

Open B – cancelled due to hot weather