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Year 6 Exhibition

130 Celebration Evening

ELC Portfolio Sharing

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Out of the Blue Launch

ELC New Families Welcome Evening

Year 8 Futures Short Film Festival

Year 11 Camp

A Touch of Blue

School Tour

Junior School Swimming Carnival

Enews – Week 3, Term 3 2018

Issue no. 23Enews-banner

Tech Champions Go Global!

Four of our award-winning technology students are currently in Silicon Valley, USA, enjoying the spoils of their national victory in last year’s Tech Girls are Superheroes app development challenge.

After seeing the sights in San Francisco, including cycling across the Golden Gate Bridge and enjoying a tour on Segways, the team travelled to Silicon Valley to visit global tech giants.

They’ve enjoyed the privilege of inspecting mind-blowing facilities and hearing from industry experts at eBay, Facebook and Google, to name a few. They were also invited to attend a major tech expo and have had opportunities to pitch their app, which aims to connect retirees with volunteer jobs.

The girls have been relishing every moment of this once-in-a-lifetime experience and we congratulate them on their tech journey!

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From the Head of Junior School

Suzanne Haddy

One of the strange things about Mathematics as a subject, that doesn’t seem to occur for, say, English, is how divided people are in their feelings towards it. What is it about Mathematics that makes some of us love it, while it raises feelings of trepidation in others?

It appears that there are quite a lot of misconceptions about Mathematics; one of these being that Mathematics is just about rules, formulas and calculations, that it is ‘hard’ and that it is rarely used in the ‘real world’. Some may say it is simply a student’s duty to memorise all of it until exams are over and it can be conveniently popped in the proverbial bin. Of course, others couldn’t imagine a day without opportunities to contemplate the world with a mathematical headset.

In the Junior School, we are setting out to challenge the image problem that Mathematics suffers and build in our students a love of Mathematics that goes far beyond just enjoying the process of manipulating digits on a page. Mathematics, put very simply, is the science of patterns and relationships. Despite the school experiences of many, it is not just about finding correct answers. It’s more about processes, hypotheses, testing and trialling, and making sense of the world. Our aim is to build powerful mathematical thinkers, who possess and implement a true mathematical understanding, and the ability to think, perceive, and analyse mathematically.

Over the past 12 months, we have engaged the services of education consultant Lisa-Jane O’Connor to challenge our own thinking about Mathematics as well as the way we present our teaching and learning opportunities. From ELC to Year 6, we are building a shared language and approach for talking and thinking about situations involving Mathematics, and the students are reaping the rewards of our work.

Lisa-Jane will be presenting two parent sessions in coming weeks. We would love to share with parents of our younger students some further information about Mathematics and numeracy, and ways you can assist your daughter at home as she becomes a powerful, confident mathematical thinker.

For parents of students in the Hallett Room (ELC), Reception and Year 1, please join us on Tuesday 14 August. For parents of students in Years 2, 3 and 4, please join us on Wednesday 29 August.

Both sessions will include opportunities for interactivity. They will be held in the Middle School, beginning promptly at 6pm and concluding at 7.15pm.

Suzanne Haddy
Head of Junior School

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Saints Girls Hit High Notes

W3 Music Success

Each year, many of our Music students enter the Adelaide Eisteddfod held throughout the month of August. Their hard work has paid off as we have achieved wonderful results from many of our students who have participated in this prestigious event.

Of particular note is Samantha Li (Year 3) who attained some outstanding results in the Eisteddfod, participating in three sections. She won First Prize Piano Solo in the 12 Years and Under section. She also achieved First Prize and one Honorable Mention in two other sections.

Elaine Chen (Year 5, pictured above) also achieved some terrific results, winning First Place in both the 12 Years and Under and 10 Years and Under Cello sections, and Second Place in the 10 Years and Under Flute section.

In addition to participating in the Eisteddfod, many of our talented musicians are performing in recitals and competitions throughout Adelaide.

Samantha Li participated in and won First Prize in the Third Xindi Cup Practical Piano International Competition. This highly-acclaimed international competition was held in the Adelaide Town Hall. Samantha performed Fantasie – Impromptu op 66 by Chopin. Adelaide Lord Mayor Martin Haese presented the trophy and certificate to her and invited her to have a solo piano performance at the upcoming awards ceremony in the Town Hall.

Angel Li (Year 7) was the prize winner for the SA/NT AMEB Certificate of Performance on Violin and has also performed recitals for Australia and Burnside Symphony Orchestra this year.

Cheri Wong (Year 9) recently participated in both the Pierrot Project workshop run by the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra and the Young Symphonists Program run by the Australian Youth Orchestra.

A big congratulations to all our wonderful musicians who are achieving outstanding results in their music making.

Sally Rounsevell
Director of Music

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Saints Host UK Exchange Students

W3 UK Exchange

This week, it was Saints Girls’ turn to host two exchange students from Sherborne Girls School in the UK. Although the weather wasn’t anything for the girls to write home about, they seemed to thoroughly enjoy their time here with students Matilda and Renee, who detail their experiences below:

“Having Mia in Adelaide has been an amazing three weeks. We have seen all the native wildlife, tried Australian foods, been shopping and visited the much-loved Hahndorf lolly shop. We also travelled interstate to a family farm in NSW to experience the true Aussie outback. This exchange has been one I will never forget, and it has been so much fun revisiting iconic South Australian locations. I have loved having Mia over and I hope I made her time in Australia as memorable as my time was in the UK.” – Matilda Braithwaite

“Hosting an exchange was just as fun as going on the exchange. I loved showing off everything Australia has to offer, and experiencing and learning more myself. We went to Sydney to see sights like the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the Opera House, 360 degree views from the Sydney Tower and some of the famous beaches. While in Adelaide, we went to Cleland Wildlife Park, Glenelg, Middleton and spent the majority of time at school. I really enjoyed having the opportunity and responsibility to host an exchange student.” – Renee Lawrence

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Year 10 Workplace Learning

Year 10 Workplace Learning

Workplace Learning is an integral part of the Year 10 Personal Learning Plan course, providing the girls with an opportunity to explore and investigate a field or career they may be interested in pursuing. This year, the placement was 26 – 29 June and once again proved to be an invaluable experience for our girls. Students ventured into many varied and interesting places such as vet clinics, law firms, kindergartens, hospitals and the University of Adelaide, to name a few. The feedback from employers was overwhelmingly positive and all the girls are to be congratulated for the way in which they represented the School, their family and themselves in the wider community.

Here a few students’ thoughts on their week’s experience:

“I had a split placement between Dressed For Sale, an interior design business, and a medical specialist in endocrinology. It was an extremely beneficial and exciting experience because I gained first-hand knowledge about what people do every day in the workplace. I really enjoyed my time and it has given me a clearer vision of what different jobs require, helping me make decisions about what I want to do in the future.” – Matilda Braithwaite

“My placement was with Carlton Football Club in Melbourne. I learnt about what happens before and during a game, and the value of sponsorship to AFL clubs. I spent time with the coaches and players and helped during training. I was able to watch the players completing various drills and also play a scratch match. After my experience, I realise that I would like to have a career that involves sport in some way.” – Soph Stewart

Thanks needs to go to all the employers who made these experiences possible and to all of the staff who gave willingly of their time to visit students in the workplace.

Karen Alderson
Careers Counsellor

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Spanish Secondary Students’ Conference 2018

W3 Spanish Conference

On Monday 6 August, our Year 11 IB Spanish ab initio students had the opportunity to immerse themselves in Spanish, both linguistically and culturally. The had to pretend they were Spanish-speaking journalists as they worked, interviewed and even danced along with 100 other Spanish students from across the State.

The had the chance to listen to ABC News Court Reporter Rebecca Opie’s talk on how knowing Spanish has impacted her career and life significantly, and how the language has always made her stand out from the crowd and opened her up to opportunities and jobs she would not have otherwise achieved.

Another highlight was when the students interviewed two Spanish exchange students (in Spanish!) who shared different cultural aspects from Australia and Spain which were actually quite surprising.

The girls practised their speaking, writing and listening skills while they learned more about a wide range of Hispanic places, animals, famous artists, customs, accents and, of course, food and dances. We danced to lots of different Latin styles and then happily satisfied our appetite by devouring Spanish churros and Argentinian empanadas!

Carolina Barquero Masero
IB Spanish ab initio Teacher

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Happy Teeth Helping Those Less Fortunate

W3 Our Town

For our Futures project, we created a not-for-profit business called ‘Happy Teeth’ which involved partnering with the Good Samaritan Ministry Organisation, who help under-privileged children in remote Odisha, India.

The people living in Odisha have little access to food, water and clothes, and they lack basic hygiene and many other everyday necessities we take for granted. Through our business Happy Teeth, we wanted to help improve these children’s lives, so we decided to make 50 dental care packages for children aged up to 13. The packs included toothbrushes and toothpaste, alongside photo instructions on how to brush your teeth, as well as soap, notebooks and pencils. Finger puppets and balloons were included too since we were told that they were some of their favourite toys. All of the items were inside hand sewn bags we made for the children.

To produce the packs, we raised money to pay for the fabric, toys, notebooks, pencils and the soap. We raised over $150 and then contacted Bupa Dental and the North Adelaide Medical Centre who kindly donated over 50 toothbrushes and toothpaste.

The Futures program was a great experience and an excellent opportunity to learn about other parts of the world. We were able to see how privileged we are and appreciate everything we have. – Louisa Reid, Gemma Schaedel and Edie McKellar

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Saints Girls’ Journey to Techno Plas

W3 Technology

On Friday 3 August our determined Year 9 students ventured to local plastic consumer packaging company, Techno Plas, the only factory of its kind in the world.
We were on our journey to discover the answers to our unit, ‘The Impacts of Automation toward Manufacturing’. All of our questions and comments were taken into account and answered by our helpful and informative tour guide. We took a thorough tour around the factory, and witnessed hard work by automative inventions in action.
By the end of the excursion, all of our Year 9 Engineering Technology students felt satisfied and content with knowledge about the creation and distribution of manufactured goods via automation, as well as the positive and negative aspects incorporated throughout the Techno Plas business. – Bella Parton

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Careers Networking Breakfast

W2 Careers Networking Breakfast

The Old Scholars’ Association Careers Networking Breakfast is an annual event where Old Scholars volunteer their time to act as mentors to our senior students.

The aim is to help our girls make informed choices about their career paths so that they can select appropriate school subjects and tertiary courses. By partnering students with an Old Scholar who can speak to their areas of interest, we hope to give them access to real-world insights into vocational fields.

For this event, senior students will indicate their interest in the following areas:

Business Management
Communications/Media/Public Relations
Creative Arts
Health Sciences (Physiotherapy/Occupational, Therapy/Speech Pathology)
International Relations

The Careers Networking Breakfast will be held in the Arts Centre on Wednesday 15 August, 7.15am arrival for a 7.30am start. It will conclude at 8.45am.

This is an excellent opportunity, so please encourage your daughter to book via www.trybooking.com/XEGG.

Please direct any enquiries to Karen Alderson via kalderson@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

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Year 7 Transition Information Evening for Current Year 6 Parents

We are repeating the success of last year and holding a Transition Information Evening for parents, providing them with the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the curriculum, philosophy, practices and expectations of the Middle School at St Peter’s Girls.

The evening will also provide an opportunity to meet key members of the Year 7 and Year 8 teaching team, and for parents of new students joining us in 2018 to meet current parents and other new families.

2019 Transition Parent Information Evening
Thursday 23 August, 6.30pm
St Peter’s Girls’ School Arts Centre

Seats for the event can be reserved via www.trybooking.com/XBIG.

If you would like further information, please contact Richard Lisle, Deputy Principal/Head of Middle School.

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Banking on Volunteers’ Help

Our students really enjoy participating in the Commonwealth Bank School Banking program and to keep this program running we need volunteers’ help.

The program requires a volunteer School Banking Coordinator to facilitate the banking and distribution of School Banking rewards. This only takes a small amount of time one day a week and the Commonwealth Bank will provide support in how to run the program. Your help will greatly benefit students as they develop vital saving skills and also help our School with fundraising.

Currently, School Banking day is Wednesday.

If you are interested in volunteering for this great program, please let us know at the Front Office.

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Explore Your Faith at Confirmation Camp

Confirmation, within the Anglican Church, is a time for an individual to take on the promises made on their behalf by their parents at their baptism. Simply put, confirmation is a public declaration of your faith.

This year, we will be having a Confirmation Service in Term 4, and in preparation for that, some Anglican Schools around South Australia are running a Confirmation Camp on Friday 14 and Saturday 15 August.

This camp will become an important aspect to the confirmation preparation process and will explore questions such as, “What does it mean to be a Christian?”, “What is the Bible, and how do I read it?” and “What is the point of confirmation?”

If you or your daughter is interested in being confirmed, please contact me and I will pass on more details shortly about Confirmation Camp and the confirmation process in general.

Thomas Bassett
Lay Chaplain

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An Invitation to Our Town

W3 Our Town

Prince Alfred College’s resident theatre group The Princes Players, featuring students from St Peter’s Girls’ School, will stage the seminal play ‘Our Town’ by Thornton Wilder from 6 to 8 September, nightly from 7pm.

‘Our Town’ was first produced and published in 1938 to wide acclaim. This Pulitzer Prize-winning drama of life in the small village of Grover’s Corners, an allegorical representation of life everywhere, has become a classic and is the most frequently produced high school play in the world.

This production features Saints Girls’ Michelle Rupert and Zara Blight, who are well underway with rehearsals. Click here for more information, or to support our very own Saints Girls, book your ticket. Seating is limited, so get in quick!

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Senior Drama Production – The Shape of Mind

The Shape of Mind_Enews Banner

The Years 11 and 12 Drama girls have been working avidly on their group production ‘The Shape of Mind’, written by Mr Butler-Wills.

They’ve have had the unique opportunity to workshop and develop the play and will be presenting the world premiere on 15 August. Structured in three acts, the play starts by exploring the first day back at the start of a new year for a Year 1 class, examining the way in which thoughts and words have a significant influence on the children, parents and time-weary teacher. The second act takes place 24 years later and, in a series of monologues and duologues, it explores the way in which a handful of the characters in the first act have grown and been shaped. In the final act, the play returns to a day near the end of Year 1, folding back on itself and immersing the audience – once again – in the pathos, humour and chaos of the world of a group of seven year olds with the added benefit of a retrospective understanding of what becomes of those characters.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to see this original work and experience the exceptional creative capacity of our students. Performances will be at 7pm on August 15, 16 and 17.

Book tickets via www.trybooking.com/WPBZ

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Year 5 Production Tickets on Sale!

Enews Banner

Book your tickets to see this wonderful show – St Peter’s Girls’ School’s Production of Disney and Cameron Mackintosh’s ‘Mary Poppins JR’.

Mind you, there’s nothing ‘junior’ in terms of the talent and staging!

Tickets will sell fast, so book early to snap up great seats.

There is a limit of 10 tickets per family. Should tickets still be available closer to opening night, families can purchase additional tickets. Grandparents who would prefer to attend a matinee performance will be invited to buy tickets to the School session on Friday 28 September at 1.15pm, which our Junior School students will be attending.

27 – 28 September 2018 at 7pm
St Peter’s Girls’ School Arts Centre

Ticket prices:
Adult $15
Student/Concession $10
Family (2 Adults/2 Children) $35

Visit www.trybooking.com/WNBL to secure your seats for this great show!

The production team is also seeking the following items:

Old briefcase
2-3 feather dusters
Tea trolley
Doll’s pram (old fashioned)
Large old fashioned handbag/carrybag
Walking frame
Police truncheon
Old-style dustpan and broom (not plastic)
Floral foam

We will return any items that need returning. If you can help, please contact Shelley Hampton or Sarah Mulraney via
shampton@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au or smulraney@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

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UN Women Fundraiser Concert

W2 Fundraiser Poster_Enews bannerJoin us for a night of song as we support UN Women in their work contributing to the safety, education and livelihood of women around the world.

The evening will showcase a dynamic array of performers of all ages, with a diverse sound of genres including music from St Peter’s Girls’ top ensembles (Enchantè, In-Ta Jazz and Extension Strings), Old Scholar Erin McKellar (Patteson ’13), Girl Nation, internationally-renowned jazz vocalist Anita Wardell and guest speaker Olivia Rogers.

The concert will encapsulate women working together to create beautiful music despite age, race and level of ability as we join together to create change.

Tickets available via www.trybooking.com/XCZA.

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Rowing Come and Try Day

Rowing Come and Try_Enews banner

If you’ve ever wanted to give rowing a go, you’ll be more than welcome at Saints Rowing.

For Years 6 to 10 students
Sunday 26 August
9am – 12 noon
Scotch Boatshed, Victoria Drive (behind the Convention Centre)

Rowers will have access to a modern fleet of boats and excellent coaching staff.

Rowing assists girls to develop lifelong skills including leadership, health, nutrition, fitness and teamwork.

Contact me via bflannagan@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au if you have any queries.

Ben Flanagan
Director of Rowing

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Rowing Information Session


The St Peter’s Girls’ School Rowing program commenced in 2009 and has significantly grown to become a vibrant sports offering.

St Peter’s Girls is holding an Information Session for all rowing families, current and new.

Tuesday 21 August
Middle School (CW304)

For more details about Saints Rowing, contact me via bflannagan@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au.

Ben Flanagan
Director of Rowing

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Countdown to Book Week!

Enews Book Week Banner

Dress-up Day will be held on Friday 17 August

Come dressed as your favourite book character!

There will be class parades during a special Junior School Assembly at 8.40am in the Arts Centre.

Parents are most welcome to attend!

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Upcoming House Dinners

Annual House Dinners

During Term 3, all Middle and Senior School girls have the opportunity to enjoy a night away from homework to get creative and colourful at the Annual House Dinners.

The Year 11s have been working hard organising decorations, food and games for each event. Visit the Trybooking links below to purchase your daughter(s) a ticket for the night as this is a compulsory event.

We’re looking forward to seeing everyone’s creative costumes and enjoying a fun night with our Houses.

Selwyn House Dinner
Theme: Hollywood – A Night at the Oscars
24 August (Week 5)
Book now: www.trybooking.com/WPPN

Patteson House Dinner
Theme: What I wanted to be when I was three
31 August (Week 6)
Book now: www.trybooking.com/WPPR

Year 12 House Captains

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The Long Lunch is Sold Out!

The Long Lunch

Seeking Donations for our Auctions

If you are a business owner or know someone who is, we are seeking donations for our Silent and Major Auctions, raising money for our new Science Centre.

All contributions will be acknowledged in the lead up to the event and on the day. Excellent donation ideas include:

  • Hampers
  • Money-can’t-buy experiences
  • Artwork including glass, ceramics and sculptures
  • Educational toys, games and computers
  • Small electrical appliances
  • Vouchers for services
  • Sporting equipment and memorabilia
  • Jewellery and handbags
  • Contemporary furniture, fixtures, fittings and lighting
  • Fine wine and dining vouchers, winery tours, behind-the-scenes tours and exclusive tastings

If you are able to donate an item, or have a suggestion for one, please contact:
Melissa Westgate, Foundation Manager
8334 2244 or mwestgate@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au

All items can be delivered to our Community Relations Office.

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P&F Association Meeting

W2 P&F

Monday 13 August at 6.30pm in the Food Tech Centre

On behalf of the Parents’ and Friends’ Association, I would like to extend an invitation to all parents to join us for our meeting on Monday 13 August at 6.30pm in the Food Tech Centre.

This meeting is a very important one on our calendar as we will be discussing ideas for next year’s Garden of Saintly Delights school fair. So, if you have some amazing ideas or want to see what the P&F is all about, we would love for you to come along.

Bronwyn Bartter
Parents’ and Friends’ Association

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Bottle-Brush with Fame!

W3 Weather Photo

Thank you to Jenny Cooper who has sent in an incredible photograph of the lovely pink bottlebrush next to our fence on the corner of Hallett and Stonyfell Roads.

After rain the night before, the bottlebrush was glistening in the sun when Jenny snapped it on her morning walk. The photo is set to appear on ABC’s weather segment next month.

Thanks Jenny, top notch photography!

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Order Your 2018 | 2019 Entertainment Membership

W5 Entertainment Book

If you haven’t already, please continue supporting our School by purchasing the 2018 | 2019 membership from us today. Hurry, they’re selling fast!

As a St Peter’s Girls’ School Parents’ and Friends’ Association fundraiser, part-proceeds from every book sold will go to a special element of our Master Plan which will be announced soon.

You can order via the form at the Front Office or pre-purchase online: Order your Entertainment Book here!

The Entertainment Book and new phone app offer our community members a great way to try out restaurants and activities around SA, save money and, at the same time, support our girls.

Thank you in advance for your kind support and consideration.

The Parents’ and Friends’ Association

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Winter Interhouse Meal Deal

W9 Winter Interhouse Meal Deal

The Winter Interhouse will be held on Saturday 11 August, and to feed the hungry players and supporters, the Saints Sport Support Group is providing breakfast. Parents, give yourselves the morning off from cooking and let us do it for you! Meals can be purchased from the BBQ area; just follow the yummy smells from 8 – 10.30am.

This year, we’re offering delicious egg and bacon sandwiches, sausages in bread and a variety of beverages. Food options start at $2.

Cash and EFTPOS facilities can be used to purchase your Winter Interhouse Meal Deal.

A coffee van will also be here on the day.

We hope to see you there!

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Sports News

AFL – (Aussie Rules)

Open – Saints 2.2 = 14 defeated Wilderness 2.1 = 13
It was a wet and muddy oval, and the girls adjusted well to the conditions. In a very low scoring affair, players across the board were able to apply excellent pressure to their direct opponents and use free space to their advantage when it opened up. With the narrowest of margins, the girls held on to keep Wilderness scoreless in the final quarter, delivering their first loss of the season. The midfield played an exceptional game, consistently holding their ground against their opponents. Talah Gobell had great communication throughout, having a strong input to the win. Thandi Murada was a strong player across the field, always contesting the ball. The whole team worked well together to get ourselves over the line. An excellent all-round effort. Goals: Talah Gobell and Bella Bernardi – Holly Cunningham (Captain)

Middle – Saints 11.11 = 77 defeated Wilderness 0.0 = 0
It was fantastic to see the Middle School girls continue their solid run. The winning streak now extends to three games. After narrowly defeating Scotch by one point in the previous game, St Peter’s Girls controlled the match against Wilderness comprehensively. Everyone played their role, competing hard for the ball when it was in their area and showing discipline to stay with their opponent when the ball was out of the area.

Ella Waltham and Olivia Kelly controlled the ruck, allowing Anda Ceplitis, Kellie Bested, Lily-Rose Spartalis and Bella Parton to win control of the ball around stoppages. They continually moved the ball into our forward line, providing many opportunities for our forwards. Ella and Bella followed up their good work in the midfield to each score two goals. Many of our forwards scored their first goal for the season. Stars of the forward line were Saskia Jonats with five goals from centre half forward and Olivia Kelly with two goals at full forward.

Due to the pressure applied by our forwards and midfielders, the defence was rarely involved in the game. However, when they were, they defended strongly and returned the play to our forward line. Goals: Saskia Jonats 5, Olivia Kelly 2, Bella Parton 2, Ella Waltham 2, Charlie Fishlock 1. Best players: Saskia Jonats, Anda Ceplitis, Kellie Bested, Olivia Kelly, Bella Parton


A1 – Saints 5 (7) defeated Pembroke A2 2 (3)
Best players – Laura Sivewright, Amy Li

 A2 – Saints 1 (2) defeated by Immanuel 5 (7)
Best player – Mahala Truscott

B1 – Saints 3 (4) defeated by Wilderness 1 3 (5)
Best players – Tiffany Zhou, Amanda Fang

B2 – Saints 3 (4) defeated by Immanuel 3 (4)
Best players – Cheri Wong, Ruby Richards

C – Saints 3 drew with Westminster 3
Best players – Ruby Richards, Millie Han

D – Saints 4 defeated Wilderness 1 2
Best players – Christina Song, Vanessa Pols, Holly Wallman-Craddock

E – Saints BYE


Year 5 – Saints 32 defeated Walford 28
All the girls played well, a very good team game with lots of passing ahead and sharing the ball around. Almost every player managed to score as well!



Open A – Saints 2 defeated Trinity 1
The entire team played an incredible game with every skill learnt at training coming together perfectly. Everyone was strong over the ball and used simple passing and trapping skills to beat Trinity’s defence. We managed to cover every space and mark our players tightly, resulting in the majority of the game played in our circle. The first goal was scored by Carla Lawrence off a direct hit during a short corner, with Jemima Simpson scoring our second; an amazing field goal scored off a one-on-one with the goalie. Despite missing several players, every girl really stepped up and definitely played the best game of the season. So proud girls, this win was more than deserved!  – Carla Lawrence (Captain)

Open B – Saints 5 defeated Trinity 0
The team had a convincing victory over Trinity. The girls worked together beautifully, often showing strong overlap running and passing in front, allowing teammates to run into the ball at speed and pierce through the defence. Georgina Keough won every contest she was involved in while Molly Dwyer, Aroha Munroe and Emily Whittaker worked well across the pitch. Goal scorers were Georgia Langley 2, Emily Whittaker, Poppie Goldsmith and Ruby Thorp. – Tash Hammond (Coach)

Year 5/6 – Saints 3 defeated Wilderness White 0
In cold, wet and slippery conditions, the team won their first game. Led by the Year 6 girls, they demonstrated excellent sportsmanship, which was praised by the opposing team. The Year 5 girls played confidently; for many of them it was their first game. All players should be commended for a great start to the season.


Under 18 – Saints 20 defeated Sturt 4
From the first whistle, the team came out with determination, which showed in the final score. Abbie Lisle excelled in defence and mid, winning many ground balls and moving them into the attacking half. Steph Smalls did a great job in attack, feeding balls to the other attackers. Our goal scorers were Millie Wilkin, Chelsea Walls, Portia Maerschel, Hattie Maerschel, Steph Smalls and Saskia Jonats. It was a terrific effort and it is exciting to see what we can bring to future games. Well done girls. – Millie Wilkin

Under 13 – Saints 14 defeated Brighton 6
All of the girls played a great game against Brighton. Jenna Maione (Year 6) did an excellent job at getting the ball from centre, whilst Elysia Scarr (Year 5) and Lucy Schirripa (Year 7) stuck to their players in defence. Also in defence, Phoebe Black (Year 7) listened well to feedback and kept her stick up to intercept the ball. Ground balls in defence were also great, especially by Maddy Lisle (Year 7). Mathilda Thomas (Year 6) caught almost all the balls in attack and ran hard to shoot goals. Lara Maione (Year 5) and Lauren Pearce (Year 5) were also good at attacking the goal. In the midfield, Alannah Godfrey (Year 5) ran well to be the next pass. Dani Cox (Year 6) and Ashlyn May (Year 6) were both our terrific goalies. Goal scorers were Dani (3), Jenna (1), Ashlyn (3), Lara (1) and Mathilda (6). Best players were Phoebe, Mathilda, Ashlyn and Maddy.  – Lucy Martin (Coach)

Under 11 – Saints 10 defeated Eagles 7
With the Term 3 competition underway and the girls having had a four-week break from the game, the team was raring to get out on the field.  We welcomed back Sophie Lively (Year 4) from a minor injury.  Although the score line doesn’t reflect it, Saints dominated the play by having several completed passes and transitioning well down the field.  Way to go team! We just need to remember to always mark an opponent in defence. Claris Stolcman (Year 2) played well in both defence and offense by moving to the free space to receive passes. With 10 players on the team now (Wow!), hopefully everyone had a go. Goal scorers were: Emily Bates (Year 4) with four goals, Savannah Walls (Year 4) three goals, and Madi Dornbusch (Year 4), Ella Pearce (Year 3), and Millie Lively (Year 2) with one goal each. Special mention goes to our goalkeepers: Millie Lively and Madi Dornbusch. I was very proud of how supportive the team was of their keepers.  – Sophie Auricht (Coach)


Year 6/7 SAPSASA Knockout Netball

Our Year 6/7 Knockout Netball team had another nail-biting win against Concordia College. 3 down at quarter-time, we played a very strong second quarter to be 4 up at the half-time break. As expected, Concordia came our fighting in the third quarter and we went goal for goal, remaining 3 up at the break.

The final quarter was an epic struggle, with neither side able to find their shooters easily as both defence ends stood strong. The lead changed several times but Concordia held their nerve and put on a run of 3 in a row to draw level late in the quarter. Their goal shooter had a shot as the whistle blew for full-time; it went in but wasn’t counted as it went through the ring after time was called! A tie…and into extra time we went!

Our girls showed amazing spirit and composure in the time-on period, we were steady with the ball and worked hard defensively as a team to create turnover opportunities. Our attack end were calm and deliberate with their ball movement and easily found our shooters, who finished off the good work with excellent goals. Our defence was almost unstoppable, holding them to 0 goals in the first time-on period and 2 goals in the second. We came out eventual winners 35-29. A fantastic team effort from start to finish. Well done girls!  – Alice Johnswood

Open A – Saints 39 drew with Wilderness 39
This was a highly defensive game and one-on-one from the beginning. Whoever could read the play and ball could make a fast turnover, resulting in a goal. Saints started strongly by moving swiftly, transitioning the ball mid-court to the goal third, allowing goalies to score quickly. However, Saints lost their way in the second quarter where they found themselves scoring 4 goals to 9, giving the opposition the lead. Wilderness’ mid-court structure and effort prevented Saints scoring easily and made us work hard in transitioning the ball mid-court to the goals. Despite the setback, each player dug deep in the second half to be down by 2 at three-quarter time. In the final quarter, Saints brought it back goal for goal including intercepts until the final siren went, resulting in a less-common draw. Best players were Anna White, Brooke Elliott and Charlotte White whose consistent hands up defensive pressure in Wilderness’ attack saw many turnovers forced by errors and second efforts for the entire game. Great job girls. – Ebony-Jade Nash-Smith

Open B – Saints 38 defeated by Wilderness 46
The team kept up the intensity throughout their game against Wilderness, however they were defeated. Best players of the match were Charlotte Parker and Sarah Wishart. – Ella Robinson 

Open C – Saints 23 defeated by Wilderness 37
Our game proved to be a tough one. Although we lost, we were enthusiastic and incorporated skills which we have been practising at training. We had some great set plays and were able to quickly and efficiently score a goal off an intercept down from defence. Everyone played well and tried their hardest. Great game girls, excited for the next one. – Jess Wishart

Open D – Saints 13 defeated by Wilderness 49
The Open Ds played a tough game, although we kept enthusiastic and energetic throughout, not giving up hope. We practised the technique of cutting in front of our players, which we had learnt in training. This was effective as we had a few turnovers. We had some great goals scored by Ebony Lohe and Asha Short as they worked well within the goal ring, utilising the centre and wing attack around them. The game showed we’ve all improved since the week before.  – Amy Rice

Open E – Saints 10 defeated by Immanuel 45
The Year 12 social team played Immanuel in a rough game that resulted in a loss. However, the girls gave it their all and maintained Saints’ reputation of playing fairly and at their best. Everyone worked well as a cohesive team.  – Sara Possingham

Year 10C – Saints 29 defeated Seymour 20
Our team worked especially well together this game and it resulted in being very successful. We won three of the quarters and the overall score was 29-20 our way.  – Charlotte Sellars

 Year 9A – Saints 44 defeated Wilderness 20
After a slow start in the first quarter, we managed to speed up our pace for a great last three quarters. Kellie Bested and Anda Ceplite put great pressure on their players, making many interceptions. Our shooters Ella Waltham, Amelia Pudney and Steph Smalls worked well together in the ring and were very accurate with their goals. Unlike some of our previous games, we were fast down the court and worked well together as a team.  – Gemma Schaedel

Year 9B – Saints 4 defeated by Wilderness 28
Although we were a little disappointed with the result of this game, as a team, we have been improving over the season. Our defence was quite strong, especially in the first two quarters. Georgina Devine and Keely Flannagan were good at keeping the other team’s shooters out of the circle and putting pressure on them. We played better in the centre third during the third and fourth quarters because we kept up with our players and fought for the ball. This gave the shooters more opportunities to get the ball into the circle, so our scoring improved by the end of the game. Our defence was good throughout, but we need to work on getting the ball to the shooters so that we have more opportunities to score.  – Victoria Thorp

Year 8A – Saints 35 defeated Wilderness 19
We had another fantastic win with the girls playing amazingly and pushing themselves hard. The defence added plenty of pressure in the ring and forced a lot of turnovers. The mid-courters helped bring the ball down well and held their ground throughout. The shooters battled hard in the circle and shot some great goals despite the windy conditions. It was a good game and the team should be very proud of their effort and the end result.  – Dayna Petruzzella

Year 8B – Saints 21 defeated by Wilderness 25
The 8Bs played really well against Wilderness. Our defence was great as well as our shooting. The score was really close through the whole game and we won a couple of the quarters. However Wilderness squeezed in a few more goals in the last quarter and took out the win.  – Matilda Bruun

Year 8C – Saints 14 defeated by Concordia C 25
I can proudly say that we did our best. Playing Concordia was a challenge as their defence was strong, they had efficient ball movement and whilst both sides made it into a scoring position as often as each other, Concordia’s conversion rate was higher. Although we had a few great intercepts, used plenty of communication and ran as fast as we could, it wasn’t quite enough to take home another win. The game was very competitive and evenly matched but unfortunately Concordia ran away from us in the last quarter. We know what to work on and what worked very well. – Eva Young

Year 8D – Saints 22 defeated by Concordia D 24
The match got off to a great start with Saints getting plenty of turnovers and leading at quarter-time.  We managed to maintain this lead by a narrow margin and led at half-time due to excellent working in the mid-court. It was a tight second half, with every girl giving their all and working hard to turn the ball over, but unfortunately Concordia led by two at the final whistle.  – Lucy Moten 

Year 7A – Saints 29 defeated Wilderness 13
Our defence was excellent, resulting in many of Wilderness’ passes being intercepted. Shooters did very well, working on their form and technique throughout the match. Mid court did a fantastic job bringing the ball down, which led shooters to have more opportunities to go for goal. Our teamwork has improved, which all of us should be proud of. Well done girls on a great win! Bring on the next match. – Georgia Mallick

Year 7B – Saints 25 defeated Wilderness 24
This was a great game against Wilderness. All players worked really well passing through the court, we all listened to the Coach and took it on when we were playing. The girls off-court were very supportive and made sure everyone was positive. All this hard work payed off and we won a great game.  – Annie Bui

Year 4 Blue – Saints 28 defeated Wilderness 4
The game against Wilderness was an incredible win for Saints. The girls played with so much effort and drive that they ended up winning by over 20 goals. The defence was strong and the leads for the ball are continuing to improve every game. Well done to all. – Mia Humphrey

Year 4 White – Saints 1 defeated by Seymour 14
The girls played really well but unfortunately they were defeated. All of them tried their best and kept their heads held high. The stand outs were Chyndelle Capobianco, Grace Mayen and Charlotte Hocking but all girls did very well. Despite not having training in the lead up, they played a very tough and competitive match. Well done girls!  – Anda Ceplite 

Year 4 – Saints 16 defeated Wilderness 1
Due to low numbers, the girls had to play multiple positions. Despite this, everyone put in an amazing effort with some great teamwork being displayed on the court, resulting in a high score. Emily Bates was excellent in defence, making many intercepts. Lucy Tulloch and Savannah Walls worked well together in attack, having multiple shots on goal. Thank you to Pollyanna Townsend for filling in this week with the shortage of numbers. Well done girls! – Chelsea Walls


Open A – Saints 1 defeated by Mercedes 2
The girls faced a tough game but despite the defeat, they displayed promising signs of development, as they have all season. Olivia Law scored our goal through determination in chasing down the Mercedes defence line and keeper. Lucy Benn was once again outstanding in defence and, along with Talah Gobell, stopped many of Mercedes’ opportunities. It was an unfortunate scoreline, but I’m confident heading into the next game that the team will be able to secure a win. – Dom Rigby (Captain)

Open B – Saints 0 defeated by Pulteney 6
The girls came up against a very strong Pulteney team. They tried for the whole game and never gave up. Special mention to Becky Ratnayake and Matilda Braithwaite. – Peter Krantis (Coach)

Middle A – Saints 0 defeated by Woodcroft 5
A very hard game against Woodcroft. In saying that, I believe tactically we played the best game of this season. The player development of this team has shot up and I’m very proud of the girls.