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Year 6 Exhibition

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Out of the Blue Launch

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Year 8 Futures Short Film Festival

Year 11 Camp

A Touch of Blue

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Junior School Swimming Carnival

eNews – Week 2, Term 3 2020

Issue no. 22Enews-banner

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From Our Director of Teaching and Learning

On 19 June this year, Bob Dylan released his 39th studio album, entitled Rough and Rowdy Ways. It made it to number one on the album charts in more than 10 countries and peaked at number two here in Australia. Such international success for an established artist is perhaps not all that unusual, but it is worth noting that Bob Dylan’s first album was released in 1962 and that he is now nearly 80 years old. Many people who are only vaguely aware of who he ‘was’ are surprised to discover that he is still alive. Well, not only is he still alive but he is still producing albums of songs with words that make us think and smile.

N Scoggins - webDylan is an inspirational figure. He has remained relevant and interesting throughout his career, and his body of work paints a vivid picture of modern life, complete with all of its complexities and problems. He has been writing ‘Black Lives Matter’ songs since the 1960s. An ‘Ed Sheeran Bob Dylan’ YouTube search will show you how he has inspired the current generation of songwriters. He is truly a ‘living legend’ and arguably our greatest living poet.

The first song on Rough and Rowdy Ways is called ‘I Contain Multitudes’. In it, Dylan sings “I’m a man of contradictions, I’m a man of many moods; I contain multitudes.” The phrase is actually taken from a 19th century poem by Walt Whitman:

Do I contradict myself?
Very well then, I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)

The song and the poem are exploring the same idea – that, in a way, we are all many people inside a single body. That we change throughout our lives. That we often plan one thing but end up doing another. That sometimes we have to adjust our beliefs and values or embrace new ones. That our lives are wonderfully unpredictable and full of twists, turns and opportunities. That ultimately there are different ‘versions’ of us at different times – however consistent, balanced and authentic we try to be.

For all of our students currently making subject choices, it is worthwhile reflecting on this idea. Your school years should provide you with an appetite for life and for the new experiences and opportunities that will come your way or that you will seek out. You may have a clear idea of the version of you that will follow on from school; you may not. Remember that there will be other versions of you later on in life that you probably can’t even imagine yet. If your subject mixture for next year looks a little contradictory, or if you are ‘hedging your bets’, then that is probably just a fair reflection of where and who you are at the moment. It is natural to sometimes feel pulled in different directions and to sometimes struggle when difficult choices have to be made. In the end, you have to make your choices and then back the choices that you have made, whilst acknowledging that things might (and probably will) still change in small or big ways at some point in the future.

Whatever your particular mix of subjects, a Saints Girls education offers you a great start in life and will give you every chance of being the best version of you that you can be.

Nigel Scoggins
Director of Teaching and Learning

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Cross Country Interhouse Results

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This week featured a revised schedule for the Interhouse Cross Country carnival which saw students from Reception to Year 9 completing various distances to claim points for the overall Shield. The event is a part of PE lessons and culminates in the races. While medals are awarded to the top 3 place-getters in each year level, the ultimate reward is challenging each student to complete the course, earning their House points towards the overall tally.

Congratulations to Kennion for claiming the Cross Country Shield!

House Results

1st Kennion (276pts)
2nd Selwyn (253pts)
3rd Kilburn (250pts)
4th Patteson (247pts)

Individual Results

Reception: Gold – Mia O’Brien, Silver – Rena Bradshaw, Bronze – Florence Cleland
Year 1: Gold – Lucy Dougherty and Mikayla Rundle, Silver – Harper Tolfts, Bronze – Jiaen Lu
Year 2: Gold – Milly Richardson, Silver – Olivia Ianniello, Bronze – Phoebe Gilbert
Year 3: Gold – Emily Robinson, Silver – Matilda Purvis, Bronze – Mika Valmorbida
Year 4: Gold – Lauren Disney, Silver – Jess Woods, Bronze – Lois Burton-Howard
Year 5: Gold – Isla Fahey, Silver – Aleesha Gray, Bronze – Izzy Huf
Year 6: Gold – Elodie De Wit, Silver – Chloe Richardson, Bronze – Eliza Brill Reed
Year 7: Gold – Malaika McLeod, Silver – Carys Kinsella-White, Bronze – Charlotte McAuliffe
Year 8: Gold – Daisy Braithwaite, Silver – Alice Braithwaite, Bronze – Dani Cox
Year 9: Gold – Willow Stewart-Rattray, Silver – Poppy Marshall, Bronze – Georgina Wakeham

Well done to all involved!

Neil Fuller
Director of Sport


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Senior Drama Ready to Charm

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The Year 12 Drama and Year 11 IB Theatre students are now in the final throes of rehearsing for their production of Charm. The set is ready, costumes have been prepared – thanks to the skilful seamstress work of former staff member and Old Scholar Anne Ninnes (Kennion 1966) as shown above – music has been written and the actors are looking forward to wowing their audiences. Comic and yet thought-provoking, the play is a riotous deconstruction of fairytales with wild characters, plot twists, a (subtly serious) message and a few songs thrown in to boot! Come and witness the wonderful creative abilities of our students and staff.

For each of the evening performances on 5, 6 and 7 August at 7pm, we are able to release 200 general admission tickets – so get in fast if you want to secure seats. It will not be a happy ending for you if you miss out!

Go to www.trybooking.com/BJZQC
Adult $10
Student/Concession $5

Due to contact tracing requirements we ask that tickets be purchased online prior to the performance.

Michael Butler-Wills
Head of English / Drama Teacher

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Prefect’s Reflection on Year 12 Retreat

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The 2020 Year 12 Retreat looked a little different to others. Instead of sleeping at the Grand in Glenelg or Mount Lofty House, we camped out in the Saints Girls’ Middle School – where the lights do not turn off. Despite the lack of sleep, Retreat was an event to remember. We began by hiking up Mount Lofty on Thursday morning, wearing our Saints Girls’ beanies and excited for the day ahead. In the afternoon, the Year 12 teachers gave us some advice for the future in areas such as finance, travelling and first impressions, followed by guest speaker, AFLW Crows Captain Chelsea Randall. In the evening, we received our personalised robes, much to the joy of all the Year 12s, and participated in a quiz night, before heading to bed.

After a rough sleep for most, we were up bright and early Friday morning for a BBQ breakfast and several talks from Old Scholars. Listening to the many experiences and pathways that can be pursued after school, all of which were completely different to each other, was extremely helpful as the Old Scholars understood our position and let us know it was okay to change our minds. Then, the event we had all been waiting for: Zumba with Mrs O’Brien. This was hands-down the highlight of retreat; Mrs O’Brien on the stage, dancing like we’d never seen before, and the Year 12s decked in neon leggings and leotards, having the time of our lives. To finish off these amazing two days, professional hypnotist Isaac Lomman visited us in the Arts Centre and hypnotised eight girls into a state of mind that was truly unbelievable. There were girls turned spies, kangaroo riders, made to believe their shoe was a telephone and even made to forget their own names.

Although Retreat wasn’t what we originally envisaged, it was everything we could have hoped for. It was a chance for all of us to get together and appreciate what an amazing group of girls we have here at Saints. This term is busy, with final assessments and exam preparation getting underway, but we all have each other to get us through our last term. With House Dinners, the Senior Drama Production and Sports Day ahead, we say bring on Term 3!

Matilda Braithwaite
Chapel Prefect


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Golden Girls of Ethics Go Global

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The Ethics’ Team recently took to the global stage to compete in the International Ethics Olympiad. The teams they faced came from Canada, China and the top 3 schools from the Australian Olympiad, which St Peter’s Girls won previously.

It was a difficult competition, discussing ethical concepts such as who to prioritise when treating people for coronavirus, and how and when should we consider de-extension. The girls were praised for their thoughtful presentations and use of philosophical theories.

In an amazingly tight result, the team took out the Gold medal once again. Well done girls!

Becca Burton-Howard
EDGE Coordinator

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Branching Out for National Tree Day

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Today is National Tree Day. It is a call to action for people to connect with their physical surroundings and give back to their community. Each year, many thousands of people take part in environmental activities that educate them about the world they live in.

This year, the Environment Club planted three trees donated by Burnside Council to help celebrate the day. We planted Cupaniopsis anarcardioides (Tuckeroo), Banksia integrifolia (Coast Banksia) and Hakea laurina (Pin cushion hakea) in the School grounds. Trees supply the air that we breathe, support a stable climate, and provide habitat, food and shelter for a diverse number of species. Councillors Jennifer Turnbull and Mike Daw helped members of the Environment Club plant the trees. We look forward to watching the trees thrive and hope that our School community can engage in more activities on National Tree Day next year.

While many official gatherings have had to be cancelled this year, Planet Ark is encouraging everyone to get involved by posting a photo of themselves hugging a tree with #HugaTreeforNTD. “Because if you can’t plant ‘em, hug ‘em.”

Sara Peak
Environment Club Captain

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Out of the Blue – An Interview with Our Head of The Arts

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Saints Girls is currently collating artwork from students of all ages and artistic backgrounds to display in our School Arts Journal, Out of the Blue. To gain an insight into the art form of dance, I interviewed our Head of The Arts and Dance teacher, Kate Burnett. In the four years I have been her student, I have always been inspired by her passion and enthusiasm for teaching dance. Here’s what she had to say:

Why is dance so important to you?
Dance is an art form that allows for endless creativity and limitless boundaries. It’s so important because I can explore really relevant and topical issues through movement in order to make an audience feel something and even raise awareness about these issues.

How important do you believe it is for a teacher to be passionate about their art?
This is vitally important. Passion is something that is very contagious. When students see how much I love teaching and creating dance work, they are naturally more engaged. Passion links very strongly to creativity too. I couldn’t be open to experimenting and exploring movements and concepts without passion and vice versa.

What is your favourite piece of work that you have created?
That’s a tricky one. I feel like many pieces have been created because I have been really affected by the theme or narrative. Addiction to social media is something that really concerns me, so I loved creating a piece about that last year. I also loved Humans which was a powerful contemporary work about the impact we are having on the environment. Sometimes I’ve just loved a piece because it’s been so fun and energetic, like ‘Freedom’ by Beyoncé. But my favourite was the dance film we created for Presentation Night, ‘Run Girl Run’. It was such an amazing experience to see my plan come to fruition, and I loved the incorporation of Visual Arts in the film and music played live. Filming on location was exciting and interesting and I learnt new skills myself, which is always important.

What was the best advice you were given in pursuing your career?
To be honest, I wish I had been given more guidance and advice and support to make better choices about my career in dance. I wanted to be a ballerina, so I studied at the National Theatre Ballet School in Melbourne for two years when I was a teenager. I was never the right body shape or size for ballet, and I suffered a lot of injuries, so I wish someone had suggested I focus on contemporary dance. It’s a style that I’m much better suited to anatomically, creatively and emotionally. I was able to dance for Walt Disney in many countries, which was more musical theatre-style work, and while I enjoyed every minute, it wasn’t my true passion. I’m just so lucky that teaching is my vocation and I still get to do that while creating and dancing myself! The lack of advice I was personally given is what inspires me to provide my students with the best advice I can.

What has been your most memorable experience working as a dance teacher?
I think it was putting on my own SACE Dance show for the first time at school. I’ve developed and refined my ideas and expectations since then, but it’s certainly something I’m proud of. I have also had some really powerful moments when students, who haven’t had much (if any) dance training outside of school, find their passion in dance performance or choreography and achieve amazing things! Those moments make me constantly realise the impact that the Creative Arts can have on students and both their learning and wellbeing.

Should teachers be given more recognition for their contribution to The Arts?
I’m very lucky because St Peter’s Girls values Arts education and acknowledges all the skills (not just the practical ones but confidence, problem-solving, creativity, collaboration and teamwork) that the Arts encourage and develop. I definitely have colleagues in other schools who say the focus on STEM and not STEAM has greatly impacted how they are valued within a school community and negatively affected the number of students taking Arts courses. This is really disappointing because most students really need a creative outlet, and Arts subjects are typically a great way to nurture that.

Do you believe a dance education should be more encouraged in schools?
That’s the easiest question – YES! So often, students are too worried about their final Year 12 result that they forget to also do what they love. If you’re passionate, you’ll succeed and it won’t even feel like a hard slog. Hard work, yes, but work you enjoy learning and doing. The best thing about Arts subjects is that there are endless opportunities to engage in such a diverse range of skills and techniques, and seeing an initial idea through to an end product, like a sketch into a piece of furniture or some research into a choreographic work, gives students a very authentic and powerful sense of achievement. Lastly, the workforce needs communicators, collaborators, creators and problem-solvers, and those are exactly the skills we are building in the Arts.

I would like to thank Mrs Burnett for not only her contribution to Out of the Blue, but her amazing work ethic and dedication towards The Arts at St Peter’s Girls. Hopefully her words have given an insight into the opportunities that The Arts, dance included, can provide for student life.

Out of the Blue will showcase dance at St Peter’s Girls through dance photography and video QR codes. If you want your art to be showcased, be sure to submit an entry to outoftheblue@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au or to the staff in the Learning Strategies Room before Week 5 of this term. Good luck to the girls (and teachers) who have already entered!

Emeshe Robson
Year 11 student

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Round 1 Debating Starts the Conversation

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Last week, we commenced the first round of the 2020 Debating season. Despite the difficult year, Debating SA has been able to host a Term 3 competition allowing our girls to come together to debate other schools. The shortened season will consist of three rounds, followed by semi-finals and the Grand Final again being held at Parliament House. St Peter’s Girls had a very successful start to the season, winning 8 out of 11 debates. While this was the first experience of a competitive debate for some girls, all executed their cases with confidence.

We wish the girls luck in Round 2 which will be held on Tuesday 11 August at Cabra Dominican College for Years 7 – 9, and on Wednesday 12 August at Glenunga International for Year 10s and our Senior debaters.

7 Blue – Win
Januri Wagaarachchi , Olivia Park, Jackie Balasis

8 Blue – Win
Naomi Singh, Jessica Zhang (Speaker of the Night), Zoe Pool

8 White – Loss
Daisy Braithwaite, Alice Braithwaite, Alvie Iley

8 Black – Win
Alysa Trinh (Speaker of the Night), Ruby Powell, Jenna Maione

9 Blue – Win
Grace Beaumont, Zara Blight (Speaker of the Night), Angel Li

9 White – Win
Saffron Chen (Speaker of the Night), Ariel Spartalis, Lucy Schirripa

10 Blue – Win
Shreya Jayaprakash, Evie Archer, Azaan Singh

10 White – Loss
Indya Dodd, Charlotte Adams, Chi Chi Zhao

10 Black – Win
Imogen Nienaber, Toni Christiansen, Sivanthi Sivasuthan

Senior Green – Loss
Hattie Maerschel, Emily Downie, Abbie Lisle

Senior Blue – Win
Sara Peak, Sara Alkhazrajy, Victoria Thorp

Hattie Maerschel
Debating and Public Speaking Prefect

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Hockey Hotshots on the Ball

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Congratulations to Hockey players Winnie Vartuli (U13) and Amelia Lucas (U15) who have been selected in the South Australian Fire Academy squad. They will train once a week for a competition over the October long weekend. They then have the opportunity to be selected for a team in their age groups to represent SA in Bendigo.

“Winnie and I have been playing hockey together since we were in Year 2. To us Hockey is so exciting, and we love meeting new friends through different trials and teams. The Adelaide Fire is a program run in South Australia that has two teams, a women’s and men’s. They compete in a league called the Hockey One and play against teams from all over Australia. This year, the program decided to introduce some younger teams. Winnie and I were fortunate to be picked in the team for our age groups. We get to experience amazing training from some of the best hockey players in the Adelaide Fire, and this will definitely be an experience we will never forget.” – Amelia Lucas and Winnie Vartuli

The Fire Academy is Hockey South Australia’s leading Development and High-Performance Program. Congratulations, Winnie and Amelia!

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Upcoming House Dinners

During Term 3, all Middle and Senior School girls have the opportunity to enjoy a night away from homework to get creative and colourful at the House Dinners.

The Year 11s have been working hard organising decorations, food and games for each event. Visit the Trybooking links below to purchase your daughter(s) a ticket for the night as this is a compulsory event.

We’re looking forward to seeing everyone’s creative costumes and enjoying a fun night with our Houses.

Patteson House Dinner
Theme: Classic Movies
14 August (Week 4)
Book now: https://www.trybooking.com/BKSHT

Selwyn House Dinner
Theme: Western
21 August (Week 5)
Book now: https://www.trybooking.com/BKSZA

Kilburn House Dinner
Theme: Heroes and Villains of Hollywood
28 August (Week 6)
Book now: https://www.trybooking.com/BKSXX

Kennion House Dinner
Theme: Animal Kingdom
11 September (Week 8)
Book now: https://www.trybooking.com/BKSZC

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The Long Lunch – 75% of Tickets Sold!

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Experience Sensational South Australia

The St Peter’s Girls’ Foundation’s major fundraising event for 2020, The Long Lunch, will take place on Sunday 20 September.

There are now only 50 tickets available! To secure your seats or organise a year level group/table, visit www.trybooking.com/BHMCX

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Stage 2 PE Overcome their Obstacles

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This week, the Stage 2 PE girls attended SA Base Camp to take part in some group dynamics activities as a lead in to their next task. One example was running with a battle rope held high above their heads. The person at the back must then run through the group to the front and take the lead whilst everyone slides the rope back. The rope cannot touch the ground otherwise 20 burpees must be done. The task has a large component dedicated to communication and collaboration within the group. The girls also had the opportunity to attempt obstacles as seen on the Ninja Warrior TV program.

Dan Searle
Head of PE, Health and Outdoor Education

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Year 6 Historians Explore Migration of the Nation

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The Year 6 cohort had the opportunity to visit the Migration Museum as a part of their new Unit of Inquiry, ‘Human migration is the response to challenges, risks and opportunities.’ They participated in an investigative multimedia-assisted workshop that demonstrated how the stories of individual lives fit into the local, national and global mosaic of South Australia’s history. Working like historians and curators, students wore gloves as they explored primary sources to research and record the lives of different South Australians and their migration stories.

Sarah Braithwaite, Kim Butler-Nixon and Monique McLeay
Year 6 Teachers

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Music Chapter for Page at Stonyfell

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Talented multi-instrumentalist, composer, music educator and record producer Adam Page will be visiting Saints Girls on 13 August.

At 9am, he will be performing a concert to Years 4 – 6 students in the Arts Centre. Following that, he will host a workshop for Years 9 – 12 Music students. At lunchtime, he will then perform on the Arts Centre steps for the whole School community to enjoy.

Known widely for his critically-acclaimed solo multi-instrumental looping performances, Adam has carved his path internationally as a composer. He has written major works for the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra, the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, Orchestra Wellington, Zephyr Quartet, and co-composed on numerous occasions with celebrated Kiwi composer John Psathas.

Adam has recently composed and performed with The Grigoryan Brothers, established the boutique record label Wizard Tone Records, assembled and performed with his new 12-piece ensemble The Adam Page Ensemble (TAPE), written and performed with the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra and also conducted the ASO in a concert featuring the music of Ross McHenry and Matthew Sheens.

We look forward to welcoming Adam to Saints Girls.

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Saints Girls on Social Media

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Celebrate Saints Girls by staying connected with us on social media.

Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/stpetersgirls

Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/stpetersgirlsschool

Enjoy fun and uplifting news and content, like this snapshot of our girls in action:

*Facebook and Instagram require account holders to be at least 13 years of age.

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Car Park Courtesy

The School has again received complaints about traffic blocking Stonyfell Road for lengthy periods during drop-off and pick-up. If the car park is full and you are unable to enter, circle the block until it is clear to enter, find a park elsewhere or, where age-appropriate, meet your daughter in a surrounding street. Unless special circumstances apply, parents of girls in Years 2 to 12 should not enter the car park to collect their daughters prior to 3.30pm. Parents of girls in Reception and Year 1 have exclusive use of the pick-up zone prior to this time for safety and traffic reasons.

Please also refrain from turning right into or out of the car park as this causes further congestion.

As a School, we must set an example for our students in showing courtesy to all; in this case, other road users.

Thank you for your cooperation.

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Notice from CommBank School Banking

Thank you so much for your patience. The CommBank School Banking program will recommence next Wednesday 29 July. Please bring your deposit book with your weekly banking into school each Wednesday.

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Entertainment Membership

W1 - Entertainment Book
The St Peter’s Girls’ Parents’ and Friends’ Association is fundraising via Entertainment Membership.

Order your Entertainment Membership today!

Purchase your membership here

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CLOTHES SHWOP: We Need Your Help!

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Did you know that Australians are the world’s second largest consumers of fashion? On average, we each consume 27kgs of new clothing and textiles every year. Most of this ends up in the bin after less than a year. Members of the School’s Environment Club would like to change this!

The Environment Club is focusing on sustainable fashion with our ‘Clothes Shwop’, where students can donate old clothes for tokens, and cash-in these tokens to take new clothes in return! If you have old clothes you don’t want anymore and are happy to donate or exchange for other items, then please support this worthy cause. Any remaining items will be donated to a women’s charity.

Collections will take place outside of the Junior School Library at lunch every Tuesday and Thursday leading up to the actual ‘Clothes Shwop’ where you will be able to choose pieces from the donated clothing. The first ‘Clothes Shwop’ will be held on Thursday and Friday in Week 5 of Term 3 in the Drama Room.

Bring in your old clothes, help the environment and make your wardrobe that bit more exciting!

Sara Peak
Environment Club Captain

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Sports News

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On Wednesday, ten girls from Saints competed in a School Cross Country race, held at St Peter’s College. The race was 4km long and was a challenging course, with multiple schools competing with students from Years 5 – 12. The course was challenging for every runner but there was lots of enthusiasm and team support during the race. The event will be held for the next five weeks at different schools, challenging every athlete each time. Well done to all the girls who competed, amazing efforts all round! – Daisy Braithwaite


Open – Saints 1.2 – 8 defeated by St Ignatius 2.4 – 16
For the first game of the season, the girls did extremely well. They read the play, tackled hard and never stopped competing for the ball. Special mention must go to Anda Ceplite who was outstanding, taking great marks and strong kicks throughout the game. We all worked hard and our communication skills were strong. The back lines demonstrated some great defence and knew where to move around the ground when necessary. Similarly, midfielders were fantastic at moving the ball down, and the forward lines scored a great goal near the beginning. I can’t wait for the rest of the season with these girls, and despite some girls having never played before, their improvement from the first training is truly commendable. – Bella Bernardi (Captain)

Middle – Saints 8.2 – 50 defeated Woodcroft 3.1 – 19
A successful start to the season. Our goal scorers were Pearl Richards with 4, Chloe Porter with 2, and Charlie Piper and Grace Richards with 1 goal each. Special mentions to Sophie Ricciuto, Charlotte McAuliffe, Ellie Humphrey, Jasmine Segredos and Lilly Maerschel for being consistent with strong leads and tackles, and their constant strive for the ball. The whole team stepped up and improved their communication skills to work effectively throughout the night. I am really proud of our result; there was a noticeable improvement from training. Good luck for the next game. – Chloe Porter


It was a delight to return to the court again after a long time away. Congratulations to all the girls who played on Saturday morning, it was a great start to the season. Our As, Bs and Ds all secured wins against our opponents. A special shout out to our E2 team players who competed against players from a higher division. What a tremendous effort!

For some of the girls, it was their very first game and it was great seeing them work hard on the court. They used their newfound skills effectively and efficiently. We look forward to seeing you progress throughout the season.

Many thanks to the coaches for coming out to support the players and helping us through these challenging times. It’s going to be great season! – Amelie Dunda (Captain)

Open A – Saints 6 defeated Walford 0
Best Players: Yang Yang Gu, Gloria Gao, Mahala Truscott, Amelie Dunda

Open B – Saints 6 defeated Walford 0
Best Players: Candy Feng, Cherie Wong, Charlotte Stewart, Angela Feng

Open C – Saints 2 defeated by Walford 4
Best Player: Vanessa Pols

Open D1 – Saints defeated Walford
Best Players: Drishti Nair, Helen Zhang, Tara Nedumaran, Yvanda Qu

Open E1 – Saints 4 defeated by Walford 5
Best Players: Saffron Chen, Olivia Tenten

Open E2 – Saints 6 defeated Walford 2
Best Players: Rebecca Holloway, Jennifer Hu, Abigail Papps

Open E3 – Saints vs Saints
Best Players: Anna Wan, Bella Guan, Alyssa Bo


Year 6 Blue – Saints 16 defeated Walford Blue 14
A great team effort from the girls; it was nice to watch them all have a go at dribbling and shooting. Can’t wait to see them improve after some more training sessions as they are all very eager to do well this term! – Sarah Turnbull (Coach)

Year 6 White – Saints 0 defeated by Walford Gold 48
The girls had a tough first game against a strong Walford team. They played well as a team and showed lots of improvement throughout the game. – Sarah Matheson (Coach)

Year 5 – Saints had a bye


Open – Saints 2 defeated Trinity 1
We played against Trinity College at their new pitch for the annual 1st round trophy match. The girls played incredibly well to create many attacking opportunities. Constant pressure was placed on the opposition’s forwards by our defence, resulting in numerous turnovers and strong connections up the field between the midfielders and strikers. Poppie Goldsmith received best on ground which was awarded by Trinity’s Captain. She played a pivotal role as centre midfield who distributed the ball into advantage for our attacking midfielders, Holly Cardone and Amelie Eaton, who drove up the field with intent. Well done to Amelia Lucas for scoring both goals and contributing to the final score of a 2-1 win! Also, congratulations to Chloe Cardone, Winnie Vartuli and Georgie Williams for playing their first senior game! – Olivia Goldsmith (Captain)


Under 13 – Saints 13 defeated East Torrens 6
The girls played a great game and came away with a win. From the first whistle, they hustled hard for ground balls, making contests all over the field. Our attack was very strong with many opportunities arising to shoot from fast breaks and also set plays. Defence did a great job applying pressure on the ball and creating many turnovers. Special mention to our goalie Emily Bates for her amazing efforts and saves. The midfield also did very well, gaining procession of the ball in the centre and running it into our attacking half. It was a great effort and it is exciting to see what we can bring to future games. Well done girls. – Millie Wilkin (Lacrosse Captain)

Under 11 – Saints Blue 5 defeated East Torrens / Payneham 3
The team played a solid and determined game. Well done to Chelsea Francis who scored all 5 goals and also worked hard in defence. Special mention to Hayley Lucas who kindly offered to assist ETP with their numbers. It is also wonderful to see Sophia and Eliza Curry gain incredible confidence as the weeks progress – this game was a great display of how well they are doing. Amazing to watch Sophia attempt goals and for Eliza to give the goalie position a go! All team members worked cohesively and with enthusiasm, supporting each other and displaying great speed through the midfield. Juliette Tang and Matilda Purvis showed great skill with ground balls and assisting with passes. Matilda Birmingham, as every week, showed great team spirit and confidence as a goalie for the first half. Looking forward to practising goal shooting positioning, purposeful passes and moving our feet in attack to gain space. A very well-deserved win; can’t wait for what the next few weeks will bring for Saints Blue! – Sophie Auricht (Coach)

Under 11 – Saints White 7 defeated St Aloysius 5
All of the girls played very well. Our defence improved with the girls sticking to their players. It was great to see Lois Burton-Howard (Year 4) keep her stick up to get many intercepts and cause turnovers. It was also pleasing to see many girls being confident to run with the ball, especially Scarlett Schinella (Year 3). The girls moved around the circle to get a better angle to shoot goals; Lilly Silvani did this particularly well. At half-time, the girls were up by one goal and continued to work hard in the second half. They never gave up on ground balls and the movement in attack to get free was great. Our goalies were Grace Marshall (Year 3) and Lola Silvani. Goal scorers were Lily (4), Lois (1), Anvika (1) and Grace (1). Well done to all the girls for another great game and win. – Lucy Martin (Coach)


Open A – Saints 30 defeated by Immanuel 48
Despite the scoreboard, the girls played an amazing game against one of the most well-respected teams in the competition. The girls held a consistent momentum throughout, particularly in the second half where we maintained a steady goal difference of 1-2 points. Special mentions go to Amelia Pudney, Alexia Politis and Olivia Kelly due to their multiple touches and assistance in bringing the ball down the court. Additionally, Maggie Bailey played her first school game in goals alongside Anna White, with both working well together and enabling good movement of the ball in the goal circle. Furthermore, Ehi Oyugbo and Sarah Wishart did an outstanding job in defence, deflecting balls and blocking their player out of the game. I was really impressed with our first game and the team’s constant encouragement.

Open B – Saints 29 defeated by Immanuel 44
The Open B had a shaky start but got back into the game in the second half. Anda added good drive down the court when she came on and was always an option in attack. Our shooters Joss Forster and Toni Christiansen stood their ground against strong players and shot well, especially in the second half. The girls drove the ball out of defence and increased pressure on Immanuel. – Steph Lee (Coach)

Open E1 – Saints 23 defeated by Immanuel 28
A great first game for the girls with a tight result in the end! Best players were Jess Wishart for her amazing performance in the goal ring and Tilly McCormack for her top defensive work and positive attitude the whole game. Very proud of the fun the girls had during the game! – Emma Mockridge (Coach)

Open E2 – Saints 15 defeated by Immanuel 68
The girls started off really strong against Immanuel, with an even score at the end of the first quarter. Ellie Anderson took on the position of GS having never done so before, and she shot incredibly well! Chelsea Walls worked well in the mid-court, getting the ball to the ring and working hard to make a few turnovers. Well done girls! – Emma Mockridge (Coach)

Year 10A – Saints 31 defeated by Immanuel 40
Really good start for the girls, getting an early lead and applying good defensive pressure. Defence was consistent across the game and all the way down the court, with hands over the ball. The only thing that affected the game was transition down the court from defence, with poor choices leading to turnovers; however, we improved as the game went on. In attack, the girls excelled once they hit the circle edge, and the shooters did really well over some tall defenders. Very impressed with the girls’ work ethic throughout and can’t wait to see them striving for improvement as the weeks progress. – Milli Gentle (Coach)

Year 10B – Saints 13 defeated by Immanuel 45
The Bs adapted very well to only having 7 players, and I am impressed with their ability to be versatile and have a go in any position. Regardless of the score, the girls applied good defensive pressure and started to understand movement within the shooting circle and the roles they must take. The team also started to understand the importance of preliminary movement and spatial awareness across the court. They were very vocal and adapted well to having two younger girls come into the side (Grace and Pearl Richards), and took on the role of leadership and inclusiveness nicely. – Katie Dancer (Coach)

Year 10C – Saints 15 defeated by Seymour 20
The girls played a great game to start the season, but unfortunately went down to Seymour. Fantastic teamwork and pressure by everyone, and it was great to see the amount of turnovers. Shout out to Ruby Thorp for her first game of netball ever  she absolutely smashed it, especially during her quarter in centre! – Elena Vaananen (Coach)

Year 9A – Saints 54 defeated Immanuel 29
It was a positive first match with the girls implementing the set the plays which we had practiced at training. They gave a solid 4-quarter performance despite new combinations being tried in the last quarter. – Della Griffith (Coach)

Year 9B – Saints 60 defeated Immanuel 10
The girls played very well and always acted on what was said to them during the breaks. They were all very supportive and encouraging of each other. We plan to focus on different set plays at training. – Natasha Dinan (Coach)

Year 9C – Saints 28 defeated Pembroke 22
Despite the final score, the girls played very well. Emma Pool was consistent throughout the game, and Nathara Perera’s bravery after she hurt her ankle in the final quarter is to be commended. Great work girls. – Lulu Tierney (Coach)

Year 8A – Saints 25 defeated by Immanuel 42
The girls were very excited to finally begin the 2020 season. They had a strong warm up led by Captain Mathilda Thomas. It was Immanuel who got off to a better start. Our second half was a lot stronger with Sophie Ricciuto and Charlie Piper working together beautifully in goals. After having such a long break during terms and being the first time playing as a team, they showed some excellent positives and can see they will work well as a team. Very excited for the season. – Gemma Rowe (Coach)

Year 8B – Saints 22 defeated by Immanuel 23
It was a great first game from the girls, who were all excited to be back on the court again! The goalies shot well, the defenders were clean and the mid-court was strong. It was disappointing to not come away with the win but I am looking forward to the rest of the season! – Zoe Duncan (Coach)

Year 8C – Saints 16 defeated Immanuel 7
All girls played a great game. They strongly defended goals and moved the ball quickly through the mid-court, creating space and making strong leads. Our passes into the goal ring were accurate, and our goalies scored goals on a good percentage of their shots. The best players were Daniela Vari and Stephanie Andrejewskis. Daniela played a consistent defensive game and should be congratulated on her multiple intercepts. Steph moved effectively and held her space very well in the goal circle, allowing the ball to be passed in close to the ring. It was a successful outing for the girls and I look forward to the coming games. – Nikki Miller (Coach)

Year 8D – Saints 5 defeated by Westminster 29
It took the girls a little bit to settle in against a strong Westminster team; however, by the second and third quarters, they continued to show improvements. Despite the final score, they did a great job, and Captain for the day Alysa stated that they were able to have some fun and improve as the match went on. Girls who had quarters off have been recorded and will rotate through rounds. – Gina Barker (Coach)

Year 7A – Saints 6 defeated by Immanuel 27
We were all really excited to be back playing netball again after such a long delay. Immanuel was a tough opposition with accurate shooters, but all the Saints’ players showed great determination, and definitely showed improvement throughout. We maintained a positive attitude and will take this into training where we will work on our leading, passing and communication. Hopefully, this will lead to wins on the scoreboard. Special thanks to Assistant Coach Penny Coulter! – Annabel Keough (Player)

Year 7B – Saints 9 defeated by Immanuel 29
In the first match of the season, we played against Immanuel. This was the first match we had played together and so we were still figuring out who worked best in certain positions. By the end, we were already a lot stronger than we were at the start; our best quarter was the third, in which we shot the most goals. The match was played very well by both teams and the 7Bs can’t wait to grow as a team throughout the season! – Nikola Carr (Coach)

Year 4 Blue – Saints 10 defeated Wilderness 3
The girls played a great team game. Applying their attacking and defending skills, they worked the ball down the court, using space and strong passing, resulting in goals with the accurate shooting of Abbie Tulloch and Meg Paul. Well done team. – Karen Braund (Proud Coach)

Year 4 White – Saints 6 defeated by Pembroke 14
I was very impressed by the game the girls played as they successfully executed the skills which were taught during training sessions. Pembroke came out very strongly in the first quarter, but with determination, the girls settled and started putting pressure on their opponents in both attack and defence. Despite the loss, the girls should be happy extremely with their performance.

Year 3 – Saints 1 defeated by Wilderness 6
Saints Girls played with enthusiasm and endless energy. Congratulations to this game’s Captain, Lola Begley, who scored our only goal. I think they could hear the cheering from miles away! Special thanks also to Sasha Connor, Anisha Pahuja, Lydia Zhao and Lola who all volunteered to help the opposition fill a team. This can be an intimidating task and I think they may have played a little too well! I’m very proud of you girls and I look forward to our future matches. – Rebecca Scott-Toms (Coach)


Open A – Saints 0 defeated by Wilderness 3
The Open A team played Wilderness in a hard-fought game that unfortunately resulted in a loss. Despite the score, I was very pleased with how the girls played. We did a great job implementing the skills we’ve been working on in training, such as our positioning, taking a touch and looking up before passing the ball. Lucy Benn in midfield played some very skilful through balls for our attackers to run onto, which resulted in a few goal attempts from Chi Chi Zhao, Emily McCorley and Ashley Piper. Wilderness were a very well structured and physical team, so I was proud to see all the girls putting in their best effort. Thank you to Emily Downie and Sophie Barr who both played in goals this week! – Ellie Anderson (Captain)

Open B – Saints 0 defeated by Walford 5
For the second game of the season which was at home, it was slow start, enabling Walford to get a couple of goals in the first half early and scoring a lucky one from outside the box. Our girls were running and defending hard as they were under a lot of pressure. The second half was much better, and we nearly scored a couple of goals. It was more of an evenly-balanced game across the field for both teams, regardless of the 2 goals we conceded, ending the game 5-0. Our possession style of soccer that focuses on playing out from the back and accurate passing to then work it up to the attack is getting there. A few positives to take away and improvements also. Well fought in the end and next match, let’s hit the score board and keep up the positive mindset – TJ Scarsgill (Coach)

Middle A – Saints 2 defeated by Immanuel 3
Unfortunately, we conceded goals from a free kick (which went into top corner) and a penalty. The girls put in a great effort to come back with a goal at the end, but we ran out of time to even it up. We need to work on our passes and communication. Goal scorers: Lilly Maerschel (1), Januri Wagaarachchi (1). – Ange Gouvielos (Coach)

Middle B – Saints 2 defeated Wilderness 1
Awesome effort from every single player! With only 10 girls, Asha Eaton made a handful of excellent saves with Lidia Burrough, Matilda Chu, Jackie Balassis and Lucy Mitchell holding down the backline, clearing everything that came through. Alicia Toh, Monika Ceplitis and Genevieve Leong were tenacious in the middle, which led to us getting the ball up front for both Sophia Langley and Alix Douglas to score a goal each! The girls are coming a long way and I look forward to training.  Nathan Reade (Coach)

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